25th May 2018
Midland PHO CEs Sent via email
Subscription for DynaMed Plus Recently MURIAL (Midland United Regional Integrated Alliance Leadership) agreed for HealthShare to subscribe to DynaMed Plus and enable access across the Midland region. The subscription is for three years. DynaMed Plus is a clinical decision making reference resource, providing in-depth topic reviews developed using strict evidence based mythology. Updates to topics are made daily by qualified editors. It provides access to clinical images, calculators and decision trees. DynaMed Plus is also available on mobile devices and can be used while not connected to the internet (offline). As from 1 June 2018 this access is available to all clinicians across the Midland region. How to access DynaMed Plus has been outlined in a user guide, which is attached for reference. There is also a very good help option available within DynaMed Plus. Yours faithfully
Jim Green Chair – MURIAL
cc: Midland DHB Librarians
Subscription for DynaMed Plus | 1 Unclassified