This is the first National Data Platform (NDP) monthly reporting email, it will provide you with an at-a-glance overview of what has been happening over the last month and what is planned for October.
• Workshops have been undertaken to assess and rank the datasets for the initial dataset migrations, subject to ratification and detailed assessment, migration of the initial agreed datasets will start in Q4 (Apr-Jun 2024).
• Confirmed our tooling ecosystem, existing tools will be leveraged with the addition of two new tools for Metadata Management and Security; Alation and Immuta (see attached for the full tooling set).
• Started preparation work to establish the Medicines Data Repository (MDR) as the first candidate for onboarding.
• Signed the commercial Statement of Work (SoW) to commence Stage 2 detailed design engagement with Accenture.
• High level target operating model and fit gap analysis have been signed off.
• Accelerated the partnership with our tripartite partners.
• Presented NDP at Digi-Talks, sent the first Data Pulse Survey, completed discovery workshops, and undertook validation engagement with stakeholders.

• Refreshed and established the project delivery governance model for stage 2.
• Start the detailed design for onboarding MDR and priority data sets.
• Understand privacy requirements.
• Start development of the NDP Benefits Realisation Plan.
• Resourcing for project roles continues.
• Develop the data set onboarding process with key stakeholders.
• We’ll leverage existing processes and skills in the new data and digital organisation structure to develop the target operating model processes.
• Continue to strengthen the partnership with our tripartite partners.
• Present an NDP update to the Te Whatu Ora Executive Leadership Team, and support distribution of the update to the Te Aka Whai Ora and Manatū Hauora leadership teams.
• Present NDP to the Whānau, Consumer and Clinician Digital Council.
• Provide an NDP briefing for the TAS team.
• Share questions and answers from Digi-Talks and the Data Pulse Survey results.
• Develop a one-page summary document for the Primary Care Data Project.
• Develop persona to understand required functions and change impacts.
• Understanding of privacy status and requirements for datasets.
• Multiple stakeholders expecting NDP to solve systemic enterprise issues –balancing NDP scope with Te Whatu Ora expectation and need.
• Te Whatu Ora is under consultation for change and people have limited capacity and capability for NDP engagement.
• Dataset discovery is breaking new ground. We don’t currently have a full list of existing datasets, or information about how the data is sourced, conformed, used, and integrated.
• Ngāmihinuitothekaimahiwhocontinuetosupport,engage,andplaya pivotalroleinhelpingustoprogressourmahi.
• Moving into a more detailed level of thinking, we will continue to work with you and look forward to your feedback and questions that will help us to develop a better solution.

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