June 2018
Pathlab Baycare (Promed House) Trial Closure This update is to advise you of the trial closure of our patient collection facility Baycare, at Promed House, suite 11, 10th Ave, Tauranga from Monday 16th July to Friday 31st August inclusive. The reason for this decision to due to several key Health & Safety concerns that have arisen, specifically the small size of the facility, the isolation of staff and the inadequate heating/cooling of the space. This decision is in concordance with the BOPDHB. We believe the small number of patients who visit Promed House will easily disperse to our other Pathlab facilities close by. Additionally, we are actively looking for possible alternative premises in the central city which would be more suitable. Please don’t hesitate to contact Nick Page, Operations Manager nick.page@pathlab.co.nz with any queries you have in this regard.
Please ensure all members of your institution receive a copy of this clinical update. All Clinical Updates are now on the Clinician page on our website. www.pathlab.co.nz