Provider Forum

May 1, 2024

Whakataka te Hau Karakia Tīmatanga (opening)
Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta
Kia mātaratara ki tai
E hī ake ana te atakura
He tio, he huka, he hau hū
Tīhei mauri ora!
Cease the winds from the west
Cease the winds from the south
Let the breeze blow over the land
Let the breeze blow over the ocean
Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air
A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day

Speaker Session
Lindsey Webber, CEO, WBOP PHO
Symon Roberton, Body in Motion
Scott Crawford, Nephrologist & General Physician, Renal Department, BOPDHB, Te Whatu Ora
Helen Eddington, Renal Consultant, Renal Department, BOPDHB, Te Whatu Ora
Luke Bradford, Medical Director, The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP)
CEO & Board Update
ACC Integrated Care Pathway
Renal Team Innovations & Programmes
RNZCGP Updates
Dr. Joe Bourne, Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health MoH Update & Q&A Session
Clinical Advisory Team, WBOP PHO
PHO Clinical Updates
Closing & Karakia Whakamutunga

PHO Update

Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation

ACC Integrated Care Pathway for Musculoskeletal Conditions
Contract live since 4th March 2024

Who is ICP MSK for?
● ACC covered MSK Injury
● Moderate to high injury and noninjury complexity
● Clients requiring more integrated, specialised and coordinated treatment
● Bundle based funding aiming at delivery of value-based healthcare

What is ICP MSK?
Key Features
1. Fully funded pre and post operative physiotherapy management
2. Orthopaedic assessments pre and post operatively to guide the rehabilitation pathway.
3. Vocational Support for those who require support to return to work.
4. Other rehabilitation services: Psychology, Pain management assessment, Dietary support and Cultural supports.
ICP Goal
● Safe and sustainable Return to Work or
● Return to Independence.
Clients will also be supported to progress towards meaningful goals for them.
Accepted ICP
MSK Diagnosis
Knee –Ligament/ Tendon
Reconstruction , ORIF, Joint Replacement
Accepted ICP MSK Diagnosis List
Fracture involving the tibial condyle (or tibial end of the knee)
Fracture involving the femoral condyle (or femoral end of the knee)
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture with/ without meniscal tear
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture
Medial and/ or Lateral Ligament Rupture
Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis
Patellar Tendon rupture
Traumatic Patellar dislocation
Knee -
Arthroscopy and Debridement
Fracture of the patella
Medial and/ or Lateral Meniscal tear or other internal derangement
Osteochondral fracture
Fracture clavicle
Fracture humerus (or humeral end of shoulder)
AC Joint dislocation
Fracture glenoid (or scapular end of shoulder)

Glenohumeral joint dislocation
Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis
Rotator cuff full thickness tear (rupture)
+/- Biceps tendon high grade tear
+/- traumatic Labral tear
Lumbar disc prolapse, or extrusion, with radiculopathy
Lower back
Lumbar fracture
Other Previous fracture mentioned above managed with ACC funded surgery, and now requires removal of metalware

Eligibility Criteria
● MSK Injury at approved body site
● <12 months since DOI
● Client must reside in NZ
● Client must reside or work where supplier provides services
● Not with Accredited Employer – unless has opted out for nonwork related injury.

How to Refer
ICP Supplier Directory
● Send client for initial Physiotherapy assessment to BIM clinic
● BIM Physio will assess suitability for ICP and complete referral to ICP if appropriate
● GP to identify on referral clearly ‘for consideration for ICP’
● GP will receive notification of ICP Triage Acceptance or Decline

GP Forum
Renal Service Innovations and Programmes

Te Whatu Ora Hauroa o Toi - Bay of Plenty
Dr. Helen Eddington
Dr. Scott Crawford

Update on Service
One Day Renal Transplant Workup (ODRTW)
Advanced Kidney Care
Renal Targets
National & Regional Clinical Networks

Update on Service
Rapid Growth
Focus on increasing allied health
Nursing - Increasing leadership roles
Equity across WBOP & EBOP

Renal Service - Innovations
Update on Service
One Day Renal Transplant Workup (ODRTW)

44 yr old Maori Female
Type 1 Diabetic
Pre-Dialysis - CKD 4
Legally Blind, reliant on Mother, lives 1 hour away
New baby, Breastfeeding

Key Problem - Inequity
Current Renal transplant workup Process
Significant time (months/years)
Multiple visits in multiple sites
Financial cost to patient and Whanau
Prioritization in a busy hospital with competing demands

Baseline Data / Current Situation

Aim of this Innovation - Patient Centred - Equity Focused
A Pathway

A majority of investigations required
A single day
A central point of scheduling/coordination

Improve access - Reduce Inequity
Reducing time to transplant listing.
Reducing hidden 'costs' + Burdens
Improving access / Reduce inequity.

Promote Toi Ora, optimum health + wellbeing for Māori

Recognise strength and expertise of mātauranga Māori

Increased early manaaki (support) wrapped around patients and whānau

Key Changes Implemented


On the Day
Assistance With
Transport - Taxi/Shuttle

Clinic Appointment
Transplant Education
Suitability for workup
Transplant survival score
Testing required
Referrals to Scheduler
Checklist complete
Referrals submitted (sticker applied)
Target existing appointment
Target Stress ECHO

With Patient (Email, Post Text + Phone call)
With Referrer (Email)

Key Changes Implemented

47 F, Māori

Education Transplant Tauwhero Social Worker Contact


Place to Rest

2.5 Months

within 180 days of starting dialysis
within 6 months from listing

Outcomes so far

Nationally endorsed as the standard model of care in other centres

Western Bay of Plenty
Quickest referral to listing: 86 days (Māori, 20-year-old male)

Eastern Bay of Plenty
Quickest referral to listing: 132 days (diabetic patient needing more workup)

Recently transplanted patient:
369 days from referral to listing

Patient Feedback
Collected by Marie Tata, Health Navigator Te Pare o Toi

Great and easy to navigate (Māori, 20-year-old male)

Transplanted within 180 days of starting dialysis - important KPI
Appointments well planned
One day makes it so much better
No hanging around waiting
Can only every attend appointments if mums available - much easier Good communication from the hospital

Lessons Learnt

Importance of ...
Project endorsement

Translating care model
Create Equity Statement

Shared goals + values focused on patient, whānau and equity

...'try something once, prove it’s possible’

...'shop floor desire to innovate’

Early Tauwhiro / Social Worker support

Auditable Data

Renal Service - Innovations and Programs
Advanced Kidney Care (AKC)
• Nurse practitioner – Terry Jennings
• Database of information to allow for easy review
• Track our performance over time.
• Improve access to modality of choice
• Improve access to transplantation
• Improve numbers of patients starting dialysis with definitive access
• Improve anaemia management
Who ?
Focus on education & planning eGFR < 20 Rapidly Progressive Failing transplant

Renal Service - Innovations and Programs
Renal Targets

Renal Service - Innovations and Programs
Renal Targets

Renal Service - Innovations and Programs
Regional Clinical Network
• Renal clinical and capital services plan:
Put patient and whanau at the centre of healthcare
Hospitals and districts working together to provide seamless care for every patient
Bring treatment closer to home
Remove barriers to accessing healthcare
Data and digital solutions to support innovation, development and clinical decision making
• Renal Regional leadership Group:
Vascular access
BOP infrastructure

Renal Service - Innovations and Programs
National Clinical Network
- Members on main group: 2 co-chairs, MDT represented in group.
- Working groups feed into the main group: currently identifying work plan
Data, Quality and Performance
Digital infrastructure
Consumer and Whānau voice
Models of care Dialysis
- Transplantation will have its own national group
RNZCGP Update May 2024

Your Work Counts
417 diary studies
Over 230 practices
56% Time is clinical contact ie 22.5hrs per wk per FTE
31% non contact clinical
Remainder teaching, training, CME, governance and management (likely insufficient)
Remarkable consistency across, gender, experience, rural/urban, 10thsetc
What Next?
1 week repeat study from 5th June
Validated data on what a FTE GP role involves
Cross check work data with practice demographics
Practice based audits into patient utilization data
Using the data with TWO In the TAG regarding capitation review
Present findings to Health Minister
Present recommendations for GP:patient ratios
Recommendations for number of GPs needed in NZ
17 BOP GPEP1s as part of largest national
Approx 300 applications for next year (drop)
Increased focus on GPEP 2 /3 following feedback re structure, support etc
Proposal being formulated on 3 year contract and program
25th-28th July
50th Anniversary of the College
Gala Dinner
Broadening of content following feedback
More clinical and practical- abstracts sought
Highest ever number of abstracts
Chance to socialize, network, be enthused

Keynotes are exciting and varied
Data clearly showing gap between expected prevalence and diagnosis and prescription rate
Clear social impacts re education, employment, relationships, corrections
Massive inequity in access
Adult ADHD a particular concern
Parliamentary hui 2nd May
College advocating that 1. The SA renewal criteria be removed 2. The diagnosis and management of ADHD gazette be broadened to include Specialist GPs
This would be a Specific Interest model eg skin cancer, travel, menopause, not a 15 minute capitated model
Specific Interest Groups
Imminently looking for our first 5 pilots
A Chapter like model allowing CME sharing, peer support and ultimately recognition of Specific Interest
Does not risk Generalism, nil micro credentialling
Examples ADHD, dive medicine, menopause medicine, aged residential care medicine
Opportunity to create and deliver CME, become an advisory source for policy etc
Current Advocacy/Work Streams
TWO Capitation Advisory TAG clinical representative
Working with Pharmac/TWO/Goodfellow re CGMs and insulin pump introductions
National MSK pathway primary care lead
ACC re recognition of Specialism/potential GP contract/guidelines
National Workforce Survey development
Transfer of care policy development with TWO/MH should see less “GP to chase” and inbox cc’ing
Guideline input to POCT, Gestational Diabetes, Melanoma, LARCs, Kahu Taurima, Oranga Tamariki, Work placed disease, rare disorders, infectious diseases etc…….

Updates from MoH & Q&A with Dr. Joe Bourne
Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health

No Ingarangi ahau, ara, no London
Ko Lansdale Pikes taku maunga
Ko Thames taku awa

Na Tapuika ahau i pōwhiri mai ki konei

Kai te mahi ahau ki Te Puke

Tauranga e noho ana ahau
He rata-ā-whānau ahau
Ko Joe Bourne taku ingoa

Regular Meetings
Minister and associate ministers of health – weekly
Te Whatu Ora CMOs – weekly
Cross agency clinical chiefs
Primary care clinical leaders
Primary and community care policy steering group
Health and Disability Commissioner
National Quality Forum (NQF)
Optimisation of medicines steering group
Key Relationships
Primary care sector – RNZCGP, GPNZ, GenPro
Te Whatu Ora – Clinical, commissioning, HSS, P&C
Responsible authorities – MCNZ
Crown entities – Te Aka Whai Ora, Pharmac, Te Tāhū Hauora, HDC
Joe Bourne Chief Medical Officer
This Month
• Te Whatu Ora Plan
• Physician associate regulation
• HNZ workforce plan
• Ministry restructure
Coming up
• Puberty blocker EB and next steps paper
• Healthpathways conference
• Third medical school
• First clinical leadership meeting
• Engaging R&M SLT
• Longer term funding for mesh credentialling
• Round 2 Tier 1&2 credentialing interviews May
Primary care policy work programme
Health workforce
Surgical mesh
Puberty blockers
Optimisation of medication
Clinical leadership
Primary care/general practice
Digital enablement
Social prescribing
Improvement methodology
Evidence based medicine
Football includes commentating on matches

PHO Clinical Updates
PHO Clinical Advisory Team
Funding/Programme Updates

• Immunisation Funding
• Childhood immunisation
• Inflenza vaccination for Māori/Pacific 55-64yrs
• Immunisations Updates:
• Gen2040 Best Start Kōwae & Second Trimester Funded Programme can be used for the third trimester as well
• Update on Skin Lesion Service
• Sometimes a biopsy will be requested
Secondary Care Updates

• IUD Insertions at Clinic 2
• Age and Criteria limitations on referrals
• Change in Process for Giant Cell Arteritis
• A new process is in place for patients with suspected Giant Cell Arteritis in the BOP.
• The Fast Track Giant Cell Arteritis eReferral form has been discontinued. Please use the generic rheumatology form instead.
Diabetes Updates
• New BPAC Diabetic Referral Forms have gone live as of April

• Dates for Diabetes CNE/CME Zoom are:
• Diabetes Part 1: Fundamentals: Thursday May 23rd, 6pm –8pm
• Diabetes Part 2: Medication Management: Thursday May 30th, 6pm – 8pm
• Prescribing for T2DM: Thursday June 13th, 6pm – 8pm
• Insulin Initiation for T2DM: Thursday June 20th, 6pm – 8pm
• Register by contacting Niki Pucci, Diabetes Nurse Educator, at niki.pucci@wboppho.org.nz
General PHO Updates

• Please send Clinical Leads contact details to clairei@wboppho.org.nz
• We are working with the Consult 365 team to feedback queries to their team from the network.
• If you have anything you wish to share please email NSAdmin@wboppho.org.nz with the NHI and a brief summary of your feedback
• National Bowel Screening Programme- May is National Bowel Screening Primary Care Promotion month

• Whānau Voice survey continues through month of May
• Link to complete: buff.ly/49gSurb

Kia tau
Karakia Whakamutunga (closing)
Kia tau
Kia tātou katoa
Te āio, te aroha me te marutau
Tīhei Mauri

May peace, love and safety
Be upon us all
Let there be life