Established in 2018, Primary and Community Health Aotearoa (formally the Federation of Primary Health Aotearoa New Zealand) is the unified voice of Aotearoa’s leading primary and community health providers. We advocate for and promote the importance of access to primary and community health for all New Zealanders. Primary and Community Health Aotearoa includes all providers, clinicians and consumers of primary and community health care, and through partnership, together we put the care of the patient at the centre of what we do – always.
The only constant is change. This is what we are currently experiencing in our health system.
The role of Primary and Community Health Aotearoa must include support of our Minister, and Government, to be successful.
We have seen this week the concerns expressed regarding our GP practices with the unintended impacts on our whanau and loved ones.
This is our time to show leadership for the primary and community health sector. Within this void is opportunity.
The community sector isunder enormous pressure and requires leadership and clear messaging.
Our Action Plan after the strategic planning session will deliver this.
We only need to be heard.
Ngā mihi
Steve Chadwick Chair PCHAThank you to all of those who were able to attend and contribute to our Feb workshop.
There was much discussion and lively debate. However, now our emphasis must be on implementation!
A Draft 12-month Action Plan has been developed. Once this has been reviewed by our members, the revised version will be attached to every member’s pack moving forward. This is to ensure momentum and accountability.
Please do provide comment on this as we value your feedback!
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our April Zoom hui.
In the meantime, stay well
Kia kaha Angela Francis Executive Director PCHA16 February 2024 Members Workshop:
A planning workshop was held in Wellington on 16 February 2024. This was held to reconfirm the purpose of the Federation and identify key priorities for action in 2024.
This workshop was facilitated by Simon Everett and Sarah Stevenson from Staywell Ltd and was attendedby ourboardand also 20ofour members.
The elements of an action plan were discussed with the agreed outcome from the day being the identification of four Workstreams that ‘Primary and Community Health Aotearoa’ members could undertake, which would potentially add value tothe current minister’s priorities, and also align with our identified opportunities.
We look forward to working together with you on this.
Welcome to Our New Members:
Graeme Jarvis, Chief Executive Officer, Medicines NZ
Graeme Jarvis is the CEO of Medicines NZ, a notfor-profit industry association representing both domestic and international organisations involved in the research, development, manufacture and delivery of prescription medicines into the primary and secondary health systems of Aotearoa. The association and its members advocate for equitable medicines access, particulary for those with high unmet needs such as Pacific peoples, Māori, and persons living with disabilities, and are collaboratively engaged with a range of stakeholders to achieve this goal.
Graeme has over 30 years experience across not only the biopharamaceutical sector but also the biotechnology, agricultural, food & beverage and government sectors. This has included a wide array of different domestic and international jobs ranging from research and development through to senior management positions.
Laurie Hilsgen, Chief Executive, Carers NZ
Laurie Hilsgen is the Chief Executive of Carers NZ which has grown from small beginnings in 1994 to a nationwide network of more than 80,000 family carers and supporting organisations.
Laurie is New Zealand’s representative on the
International Association of Carer Organizations and has contributed to global leadership programmes for family carers with APEC and the United Nations. The Carers Alliance is a coalition of 60 national not for profits working collectively to recognise, value, and support New Zealand’s family, whanau, and age carers. It has been the Government’s partner for successive Carers Strategy Action Plans since 2008.
Laurie also acts as secretariat for the emerging Coalition to End Loneliness, also a national NGOled coalition established more than five years ago by Age Concern and others to reduce the health and wellbeing impacts of social isolation and loneliness. Since 1997 Laurie has published Family Care magazine for New Zealanders who have health and disability support needs, their families, and allied health workers. She believes primary health is a vital interface for family carers of loved ones who are unwell, frail, or have health or disability support needs.
Welcome to new representatives of existing Member Organisations:
Lisa Foster, Home and Community Health Association
Lisa Foster is the new Chief Executive of the Home and Community Health Association, taking over from Carmela Petagna in January 2024.
Lisa is both an inclusive and authentic leader with a breadth of experience across Health, Disability, Mental Health, and Community Support Sectors. Lisa was the Chief Executive for Rare Disorders New Zealand and has a background in bio-medical science. Lisa has acted as a Board director of Asia Pacific Alliance of Patient Organisations (APARDO) for three years.
With experience of representing a national voice and building co-operative relationships, Lisa is focused on achieving sustainability and partnership for the home and community support sector.
Jess Morgan-French, Interim Chief Executive, Collaborative Aotearoa
Jess Morgan-French is the new Interim Chief Executive of Collaborative Aotearoa. With a profound focus on Te Tiriti principles, Jess is dedicated to supporting and facilitating the delivery of timely and equitable care to whānau within primary care. Her background encompasses practical implementation of the healthcare home model, coupled with extensive expertise in PHO management and operations. Based in Tai Tokerau, Jess is enthusiastic about infusing her infectious energy into the mahi at Collaborative Aotearoa. Her invaluable knowledge, rich experience, and networks within the sector will undoubtedly be instrumental in advancing the organisational objectives.
Lianne Pepperell, Clinical Improvement Lead, Hato Hone St John
Lianne Pepperell is a Clinical Improvement Lead, with a focus on community pathways and reduction in hospital admissions, for Hato Hone St John. She holds a Master of Nursing and has experience in Frontline Ambulance, Emergency Medicine, Practice Nursing, Occupational Health Nursing and Student Nurse Education.
With a passion for Primary Health Care, Lianne is thrilled to become a member of Primary and Community Health Aotearoa, where she can
continue to work collaboratively to support Hato Hone St John to achieve strategic aims of achieving health equity for all, being committed to equityforMāorianddeliveringinnovativesolutions by way of integrating care and developing relationships with other providers in the sector.
Primary and Community Health Aotearoa Member News:
Whānau Āwhina Plunket
Refer link here for Whānau Āwhina Plunket’s latest quarterly Pānui.
Also, ngā mihi to Fiona for offering to provide complimentary ongoing IT support to Angela and Laura for the foreseeable future. This is very much appreciated.
Aged Care Commissioner’s Report
Amplifying the Voices of Older People across Aotearoa NZ This report was released by the Aged Care Commissioner on 7 March 2024. This provides a snapshot intothe issues and challenges faced by older people using health and disability services across Aotearoa NZ. It’s informed by the voices of older people, their whānau and communities, as well as insights from service providers and agencies that work with older people.
The report focuses on the need for an integrated continuum of care that concentrates on prevention and support to help older people navigate health and disability services.
The report contains twenty recommendations that reflect these insights.
Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora News:
First Stakeholder Virtual Hui for 2024
The first stakeholder virtual hui for 2024 was held on 6 March If you missed the hui, the recording is available online here It was interesting to note the speed at which the disestablishment of Te Aka Whai Ora is occurring, however pleasing that the Minister is placing high regard and trust in the Iwi Māori Partnership boards moving forward.
If you would like to register or receive an invitation for future events, click here
2024 Influenza season
This year, the flu vaccine is available from 2 April at local pharmacies, doctor, nurse, or healthcare providers.
Attracting midwives back to the workforce
As part of the Health Workforce Plan 2023/24, Health NZ is providing funding to former midwives returning to midwifery practice. The funding is intended to encourage the 600 midwives in Aotearoa New Zealand who are no longer practicing back into the workforce. To find out more about the funding and how to apply, check out the website
Ministerial Advisory Committee report on health reform progress published
The Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) report has been recently released. The high-level assessment to support future focused health reform implementation was produced for the Minister of Health by the Ministerial Advisory Committee for Health Reform Implementation.
The report was informed by interviews conducted in September – October 2023 with 47 tier one, two and three leadership as well as clinical leaders and some external stakeholders. The report recognised the significant legacy challenges that exist for community and primary care (amongst other matters). The report identified key areas where progress has been made as well as areas requiring immediate attention.
A full copy of the MAC report can be found here
Expressions of Interest: Clinical Network CoLeads
The National Clinical Networks programme is tasked with reducing variation in health outcomes for New Zealanders. The programme continues to make progress with confirmation of the next Networks to be established. The following Networks will be introduced in phases: Mental Health, Diabetes, Maternity, Cancer, Oral Health, Rural Health, Urology, Vascular Surgery, Pathology, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT), Respiratory and Child Health
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for co-leads for all these Networks will go out shortly following some important discussions with partners and stakeholders.
More information is available on Te Haerenga and on the National Clinical Networks page
Coming Up
Upcoming meetings for Primary and Community Health Aotearoa will be as follows:
❖ Tuesday 2nd April 2024, 7.30-8.30pm – our next Members Zoom hui is scheduled for this date/time. Martin Hefford, Director Living Well, Te Whatu Ora and Emma Prestidge, GM Family and Community Policy, Te Whatu Ora, will present an update on the primary and community care policy work programme.
❖ Please start thinking about prospective Primary and Community Health Aotearoa members you may like to invite to our Friday 31st May 2024 face-face meeting Hato Hone St John is hosting this meeting at their offices located at 600 Great South Road, Ellerslie, Auckland. This would be an exciting opportunity to promote what we do to the key primary and community health sector groups who may be interested in joining Primary and Community Health Aotearoa. Please advise Angela Francis or Laura Grevatt, via email of any potential members you would like to invite.
And remember to check out our Facebook page and invite friends and colleagues to like it
Board members:
Hon Steve Chadwick
QSO, Chair, Primary and Community Health Aotearoa
Andrew Gaudin Chief Executive, Pharmacy Guild New Zealand
Dr Jenny Carryer CNZM, Professor, School of Nursing, Massey University
Teresa Wall Consultant
Cara Thomas
Lindsey Webber
Mark Liddle
Philip Kearney
Primary and Community Health Aotearoa
member organisations:
Allied Health Aotearoa NZ
Alzheimers New Zealand
Arthritis NZ
Carers New Zealand
Collaborative Aotearoa
College of Nurses
Diabetes NZ
Family Planning NZ
Hato Hone St John
Home & Community Health Association
Medicines New Zealand Inc.
NZ College of Midwives
NZ Association of Optometrists
Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand
Rotorua Area Primary Health Services
Stroke Foundation
Waitaha Primary Health
Western Bay of Plenty PHO
Whānau Āwhina Plunket
Wise Group
Head of Community Services, Diabetes NZ
Chief Executive, Western Bay of Plenty PHO
Chief Executive, General Practice Owners Association
Chief Executive, Arthritis NZ
Representatives of the member organisations:
Orquidea Tamayo Mortera & Sandra Kirby
Catherine Hall
Philip Kearney
Laurie Hilsgen
Jess Morgan-French
Kate Weston
Heather Verry & Cara Thomas
Jackie Edmond
Mark Liddle
Dr Damian Tomic & Lianne Pepperell
Lisa Foster
Graeme Jarvis
Alison Eddy & Violet Clapham
Rochelle Van Eysden
Andrew Gaudin
Kirsten Stone
Jo Lambert
Bill Eschenbach & Dr Lorna Martin
Lindsey Webber
Fiona Kingsford & Kristina Marckean
Shelley Campbell & Jeremy Mihaka-dyer