Quality update - September 2023

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Quality update – September 2023

Welcome to the September Quality newsletter!

This month we would like to highlight:

• August statistics

• Fifth Avenue Family Practice – their journey to Equity module accreditation

• New Equity resource

• Facilitator training for practices

• Health literacy vs interpreters – what’s the difference?

• PMAANZ 2023 conference

• Social media platforms

Please email us at quality@rnzcgp.org.nz with anything you would like us to cover in this newsletter. If there is anything we can assist you with, please let us know.  We enjoy receiving your feedback.

- The Quality Programmes Team

August statistics

We would like to say thank you for all the hard mahi you do around the country. To demonstrate the impact you have on general practice, here are the latest statistics:

• A record number of practices (55) were awarded certification in Foundation Standard. We now have 80% of our practices certified in Foundation Standard.

• Completion of Cornerstone modules is steadily increasing with 29 practices (up 20%) awarded accreditation in CQI and 14 practices (up 10%) in Equity (as of August).

Fifth Avenue Family Practice – Equity module

Quality update – September 2023

The new GP Voice monthly newsletter was launched recently, and the August issue includes an article about the inspiring equity journey of Fifth Avenue Family Practice in Tauranga.

The practice’s journey began four years ago. Not only did they identify inequities which exist for their patients, they held a Christmas lunch hui inviting their Māori patients aged 65+ (their kaumātua) to listen to their experiences and concerns.

This allowed them to move forwards with confidence, and embrace equity within the practice with respect and aroha.

Please download the August issue and read about their equity journey, and the ways in which they have grown and developed their capability to identify and address health inequities for their enrolled population. It is exceptionally empowering. You can also subscribe to receive the College’s GP Voice

Facilitator training for practices

The Quality Programmes Team are excited to announce the new Foundation Standard Facilitator Training course for general practices!

A registration link was sent to the two primary contacts at each practice last week. If your practice has not received the link or nominated an individual to attend, please email quality@rnzcgp.org.nz and we will get in touch.

This free course will empower and inform those wishing to lead their team through Foundation Standard preparation and towards certification. This is a flexible learning course; the content is emailed out to each participant and then 3-4 weeks later, the group will meet for an online discussion and Q & A with Quality Programmes team members.

We look forward to sharing a course for PHOs at a later date.

Health literacy vs interpreters – what’s the difference?

Feedback tells us that a large number of practices are struggling to differentiate health literacy with the use of interpreters for Foundation Standard indicators 1.1 and 1.2. We have created a helpful resource to clarify the difference.

There are additional links at the end of the resource that will help practices to establish a health literacy process.

Please click here to view the resource.

New Equity resource

Heidi Bubendorfer, our Principal Quality Programmes Advisor, has created a resource that spotlights criteria 3.1 and 3.3 in the Equity module.

These are the ‘sticky criteria’ for practices completing the module and both require staff training records or equivalent, as evidence.

The new resource includes a multitude of examples of training techniques, links to webinars, and reflective questions for staff submitted as evidence by practices.

It will be uploaded to the guidance shortly, but you can view the full copy here now.

PMAANZ 2023 conference

The Quality Programmes team travelled to Ōtautahi Christchurch this month to present and exhibit at the PMAANZ (Practice Managers and Administrators Association of New Zealand) Conference.

The theme of this year’s conference was 'Operation Transition –from Reactive to Proactive'.

Topical presentations included discussions on innovative approaches to Māori and Pacific health engagement, debt collection for medical centres in a cost of living crisis, and cyber security in the health industry.

A highlight for the team was the workshop they held on the final day. They led a group of almost 50 participants through an activity on ‘creating your persona.’ This discussed how the Quality team could further serve their customers, and current pain points within practices’ quality journeys.

The team also presented the College’s current quality framework. Many changes were introduced in 2020 and they communicated the changed requirements for Cornerstone accreditation – now simpler and not so onerous compared to previous requirements. Participants were also happy to have a chance to win a Kathmandu voucher and be the first to hear about the upcoming Foundation Standard Facilitator training (now accepting registrations).

The team also interacted with the 370 attendees, many of whom visited the College stand over the three days.

They noticed that there were more practices enquiring about moving towards Cornerstone accreditation and expressing positivity in the programmes than in previous years. They also took note of improvements in the website, and sought feedback on the experiences of practices who had recently completed the Cornerstone Equity and CQI modules.

Feedback on the modules was largely positive and the team is excited to help guide more practices through the process in the months ahead.

The conference came to a close with Heidi Bubendorfer, the team’s Principal Advisor receiving recognition from her PMAANZ colleagues for the conclusion of her role as secretary. Heidi received well deserved praise for her 5 years of service.

If you would like to view our presentation, ‘The Quality Programmes 101’, it will be available to watch on the PMAANZ website next week.

Social media platforms

Many of you may be unaware that the College has official social media accounts on various social media platforms.

The Communications Team share research articles, health sector news, helpful links to resources, and much, much more!

Make sure you keep up to date by following us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners Level 4, 50 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011 PO Box 10440, 7 Waterloo Quay, Wellington 6140 Tel: +64 4 496 5999 | Fax: +64 4 496 5997 www.rnzcgp.org.nz

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