Monday 29th October 2018
Updated 2017 Census projections and the updated hysterectomy adjuster The National Cervical Screening Programme adjusts data annually following provision of updated population projections from Statistics New Zealand. In addition, this year the denominator was also updated with the recently reviewed hysterectomy adjustor. It is usual to see small changes in previously reported screening coverage based on these population projection adjustments, and coverage for the most recent period will be slightly different than expected had the projections remained unchanged. However, some DHBs with smaller populations of priority group women (MÄ ori, Pacific and Asian) will see larger differences in coverage than if the projections had not been applied, in particular coverage in Pacific and Asian women. Applying the 2017 update means that the most recent national coverage is approximately 1.5 percent lower than if the projections had not been applied. The decrease in the projected MÄ ori population means that MÄ ori cervical screening coverage is 0.7 percent higher than if the new projections had not been applied, while increases in the projected Asian and Pacific populations means that Asian coverage is 2.2 percent lower and Pacific 2.1 percent lower than if the new projected populations had not been applied. The Ministry has recently undertaken a review of the hysterectomy adjustor which is applied to calculating coverage. The new adjuster is based on more recent information on actual total hysterectomies to 2016, supplemented with data from the National Health Survey. It is important to note that the more significant changes seen in some DHBs in certain priority groups is primarily related to DHBs with small numbers of women with these (prioritised) ethnicities, and not to the updated hysterectomy adjuster. Information on the changes is attached. Nicki Martin Manager, National Cervical Screening Programme