Covid-19 Results calling process (as at 23 April 2020): The service only notifies patients with negative results that were tested in BOP, Toi Te Ora manages positive results. To track results for testing outside the BOP, contact that region’s DHB. • • • • •
The swab is tested in either Wellington, Auckland, or Hamilton; with some limited priority testing taking place in Tauranga. Results then come back to Pathlab for verification before being released to the calling centre for notification. GP's are copied in as a courtesy if the practice details were provided. The results are reviewed and allocated to the callers. Calls are made to the patients usually within 24-48 hrs after allocation using a set script (see below). Swabs processed locally as fast as possible will usually result in the calling team ringing them about 48 hours later. Swabs processed out of region can take up to 5 days before they are ready for notification. With the massive increase in volumes over the last 48 hours there may be further delays as the Pathlabs have seen a 50% increase in workload. The service attempts to contact the patient 3 times over 3 days, the name then goes on list to contact practices for details confirmation (this is being managed by the PHO GPL team). The list comes back and a further attempt to call is made. If there is no response to the 4th call with new details, the name goes back to practice notifying them that the service was unable to make contact. This would normally happen within 10 days.
Further notes for practices: •
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If a patient calls the practice seeking results, please inform them that the calling centre will be in direct contact once the results are available. If the results are available to your practice via CHIP, you are welcome to let your patients know their result, but you don’t have to routinely do that. The patient will also get a call from the calling team. If it has been longer than 10 days since testing, and the results are not on CHIP, then please contact your GPL who will follow up to track this patient’s result. A reminder that even with negative results those who have been unwell should be at home for 48 hours after resolution of their symptoms and if people are feeling more unwell, they are encouraged to ring their GP or Healthline. To assist with tracking, practices are provided with a daily spreadsheet (uploaded to the PHO portal) listing all patients from their practice who have been swabbed, and if the results have been delivered.
Some common issues that can delay the process: • • •
Incorrect patient details - so unable to contact. Patients not answering their phone (high occurrence rate even with lockdown). The results for groups tested at the same time don’t all come back together, so for people that have been tested in the same car they may not get their results altogether.
The Callers Script Hi, I’m…YOUR NAME……………………. from the Covid19 testing centre, just ringing to let you know your results are negative. • • • •
If you are still unwell you will need to stay in isolation until you have been symptom free for 48 hours. If you feel you are getting worse please call your GP or Healthline. Once you have been symptom free for 48 hours, you can return to normal daily activity within the current government regulations. If you are an essential worker, you can return to work when you have been symptom free for 48 hours. If you have an essential worker living with you, they are able to return to work now, as long as they remain well with no symptoms.