School health services going out to the community Western Bay of Plenty school students will have access to free health advice over the school holidays with an extension of the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation’s school health services. GPs and nurses will be on hand to offer free advice at the PHO’s Health and Wellness Services centre in First Avenue, the Arataki Community Centre opposite Bayfair and the Merivale Community Centre from December 17 until the end of January. The WBOP PHO offers one of the most extensive free school health services in the country for 13 to 18 year olds. Students can use the health service for a range of health issues, including wound care, asthma management, chest and throat infections, earache, sexual health and contraception. The school health services team will be available in the community, with a nurse from 1-4pm and a GP from 2-3pm, on the following dates: • Health and Wellness Services, First Avenue, Tauranga: Monday December 17 and January 7, 14, 21 and 28 • Arataki Community Centre (opposite Bayfair): Tuesday December 18, January 8, 15, 22 and 29. • Merivale Community Centre, 10 Kesteven Avenue, Parkvale: Wednesday December 19, January 9, 16, 23 and 30. For more information, please call the Health & Wellness Service, 5712100. We thank you for your support in promoting this service.