Te Rerenga December 2021
News from the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation
Meri Kirihimete!
The start of the festive period is when we reflect on the year and begin to look forward to spending more time with friends and whānau over the Christmas and New Year holidays. It is fair to say the past year has been
pandemic is relentless and it requires
one of enormous change, some of it
resilience and fortitude. When I look
planned and some of it an extension of
back on the collective achievements of
the unpredicatability we all face working in
our PHO, Iwi partner organisations and
health during a global pandemic.
General Practice teams in 2021, I feel proud
COVID-19 and the arrival of the Delta
to be part of a health network that is so
variant in our Bay of Plenty community
committed to keeping our community safe.
continues to impact the way we deliver
The way everyone comes together for this
services. With an expectation that more
common cause is a credit to our network’s
people with the virus will require care
spirit and whanaungatanga. Thank you for
and monitoring at home as they recover,
your tireless efforts.
we have established our COVID Primary
On behalf of the executive team,
Response Team. Their work is already
I wish our staff General Practices, and
underway and it is valuable mahi to
Iwi partners a very Merry Christmas and
support General Practice teams caring for
a prosperous and Happy New Year. Take
patients self-isolating. We expect this work
time when you can to relax and enjoy the
will become part of our PHO’s ‘business
company of your loved ones over summer.
as usual’ activity as COVID-19 becomes endemic in New Zealand. It’s clear that managing a global
Nāku, noa nā Lindsey Webber