ReFUEL November 2013
Wisconsin Clean Cities
Monthly Newsletter
In This Issue: You’re Invited to Lambeau Field! Wisconsin Clean Cities Members In the News Mark Your Calendars! Events, News, and More...
“Driving Wisconsin Forward”
St ay C o nn e cte d!
ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities’ (WCC) monthly coalition newsletter. WCC is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry.
1 | November ReFUEL
In This Issue: Page 5
You’re Invited: Annual Stakeholder Meeting and WCTP Recognition Banquet Features:
Pages 9-10
Question of the Month: alternative fuels in emergency situations Wisconsin Clean Cities Members In the News Kwik Trip Seminars
Page 11
Mark Your Calendars!
A full listing of upcoming events
Fleets Across The U.S.
Page 12
Smith Dairy Deploys Natural Gas Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure in the Midwest
Page 13
Eye On Clean Cities
November ReFUEL | 2
Become a Member! What can WCC do for you? • • • • • • •
N e t wo r k in g o p po r tu n i ti es w i th f l eet s & ind ust r y p ar t ner s I nfo r m at i o n re so u rces o n a l ter n ati ve fuels, ad vanced vehic les, id le re d u c t i o n , an d o th er tech n o l o gi es t hat red uce p et roleum use Co n s u l t at i o n an d tech n i ca l a ssi sta nce Fun d in g o p p o r tu n i ti es f ro m th e U.S. D ep ar t ment of Energy, st ate and loc a l g ove r n m ent a gen ci es, n o n pro fit s, and found at ions Publ ic re co gn iti o n fo r pro gress i n red uc ing p et roleum consum p t ion Assis t an ce wi t h medi a o u trea ch Va l u ab l e p ro fessi o n a l devel o pment op p or t unit ies like tec hnic al t raining, wor ks h o p s, a n d web in ars
J oin to d ay!
Vi si t w w w. w icl e anci ti es.o rg/jo i n .ph p, e m ail info@wic leanc it ies. org, or c all 414-22 1 - 4 9 5 8 .
Now offering student and individual levels! Wi sco n s in C l e an Ci ti es i s n ow mo re a ccessib le t han ever to st ud ent s and ind ividu a l s. Th e re duced d u e s s t il l co me w i th a l l th e m emb er ship b enefit s of t he “sup p or ter ” leve l.
Join the ranks with these notable supporters:
Welcome New & Returning Members AmeriGas Barnes, Inc. Dane County Dept. of Public Works, HWY, & Transportation Paper Transport Transit Express, Inc. Contract Transport Services LLC
November ReFUEL | 4
Wisconsin Clean Cities Proudly Announces the:
Annual Stakeholder Meeting & WCTP Recognition Banquet
Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Lambeau Field Atrium | Legends Club Room | Green Bay, WI
WI Clean Cities 2013 Year in Review
Tours of Lambeau Field
Cocktails & Networking
WCTP Recognition Dinner
Wisconsin Clean Cities Event at a Glance Schedule (Central Time): 12:30 - 2:00 PM..........Sponsor Set-Up 4:00 - 5:00 PM...........Lambeau Tour (Optional) 2:00 - 3:00 PM ...........Networking 5:00 - 6:00 PM...........Cocktails & Networking 3:00 - 4:00 PM............WCC Annual Meeting 6:00 - 8:00 PM...........WCTP Recognition Banquet
Event Ticket Prices: WCC & WCTP Member Ticket Price $20 before November 29 ($25 after)
Lambeau Field Stadium Tour: $10 per person Tours are approximately one hour. *Space is Limited
Don Touchdown Hutson Sponsor $1,500 ~ Four waived admission fees to event ~ Two waived Lambeau tour ticket fees ~ Logo featured on signage and stadium TV’s ~ Whole table display ~ Receive attendee list ~ Company logo listed on agenda & website
Bart Starr Sponsor $500 Green Sponsor $500 ~ One waived admission fee to event ~ Company name listed in agenda ~ Half table display
Non-Member Ticket Price $30 before November 29 ($35 after)
To register or become a sponsor visit & click the events tab.
Sponsor $1,000 TonyGold Canadeo Sponsor $1,000 ~ Two waived admission fees to event ~ One waived Lambeau tour ticket fee ~ Name featured on signage & stadium TV’s ~ Whole table display ~ Receive attendee list ~ Company logo listed in agenda
Reggie White Sponsor White Sponsor $150$150 ~ One waived admission fee to event ~ Company name listed in agenda
Event Contact: Erika Noble (414) 221- 4487 / Parking Information: Park in the North Lot off of Lombardi Avenue. Enter through the Miller Lite Gate and take escalators to the fourth floor. Lodging Information: We have a block of rooms reserved at the Tundra Lodge for $70/night 2 blocks from Lambeau Field. 865 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI 54305. Call (920) 405-8700 and tell them you are with Wisconsin Clean Cities.
? A
Question of the Month How have fleets benefited from alternative fuel use during emergency situations?
Another storm season is upon us. As such, we are reminded of the lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy, which made landfall near Atlantic City, New Jersey last October. Specifically, alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles were able to provide critical services and assist in recovery efforts when conventional vehicles were taken out of service due to fuel shortages and power outages at fueling stations.
It has been reported that more than 20% of conventional fueling stations had no fuel as many as 11 days after the storm. Meanwhile, alternative fuel fleets were still operating. For example, the compressed natural gas (CNG) Atlantic City Jitney minibuses were assisting with evacuation and the Oyster Bay CNG refuse and dump trucks were helping with clean-up efforts. Because CNG infrastructure is typically fueled by an underground pipeline, these stations are not as dependent on fuel delivery trucks for their supply. Therefore, these fleets were able to jump into action and provide support during a difficult time. CNG was not the only alternative fuel used during the Superstorm Sandy aftermath. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey continued their use of biodiesel blends without fuel supply interruptions. For a video summarizing the use of alternative fuel vehicles after Superstorm Sandy, see the following MotorWeek story:
Emergency situations can include natural disasters, such as hurricanes, flooding, tornados, earthquakes, and wildfires. However, they also include systems and infrastructure failures, pandemics, and physical or cyber attacks. To that end, the Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition in Phoenix, Arizona is working with the Arizona Department of Emergency Management to encourage fuel diversity in an area of the country that is vulnerable to fuel shortages due to pipeline ruptures. How can we learn from these experiences? • Incorporate alternative fuels into emergency planning efforts. Energy Assurance Plans. Through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) State Energy Assurance Program provided grants to 48 states to develop or update their Energy Assurance Plans. The goal of these plans is to ensure secure and reliable energy infrastructure that will allow for rapid restoration and recovery in the case of an emergency. As such, many state plans champion fuel diversity and include a shift to alternative transportation fuels to reduce petroleum demand, manage fuel supply, and maintain essential public needs during emergency situations. State energy offices are encouraged to revisit and update their plans frequently. As alternative fuel infrastructure expands in your area, Clean Cities coalitions are encouraged to get in touch with their state energy office to incorporate alternative fuels into their Energy Assurance Plan. For more information, see the DOE State Energy Assurance Program website: http:// The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) Energy Assurance Planning website ( is also a useful resource.
7 | November ReFUEL
Disaster Preparedness Plans. In addition to energy planning, state offices and agencies of emergency management have overarching plans to manage emergency situations. Alternative fuel and advanced vehicles can also play an important role in these strategies. To find your state emergency management office, visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website: http://www. • Work with stakeholders to educate them on the benefits of alternative fuels in emergency situations. Tell them the stories about alternative fuel use during Superstorm Sandy. Utilities, municipal governments, and refuse companies may be particularly interested in these lessons learned. • Know where the available fueling infrastructure is. Using the Alternative Fueling Station Locator (, you can identify stations in your area and work with those station operators to determine whether they will be available during an emergency situation. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is collecting information from natural gas stations about generator availability, specifically those that could power compressors and other infrastructure during an outage. Initial results indicate that over 50% of planned and existing CNG and liquefied natural gas stations have access to a generator that can operate the station. Please note that information about generator availability at individual stations will not be available through the Fueling Station Locator. However, it will be used to assist DOE and others in developing federal, state, and local energy assurance and emergency preparedness plans that incorporate alternative fuels. For additional information about the response to Superstorm Sandy and alternative fuel use in emergency situations, please refer to the Webinar on the Role of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Emergency Preparedness ( emergency_preparedness.html).
Got a CNG vehicle in your fleet? Send MGE a photo for Facebook
Do you have a CNG vehicle in your fleet? MGE wants to see how companies that do business in the Madison area are using CNG vehicles at work. Visit MGE’s Facebook page: and send us a message with photos of your CNG vehicle on the job. We’ll send you a Buck® Nobleman Linerlock Knife just for submitting your photos. You can also email them to To view MGE’s photo site rules, visit mge. com/cngatwork.
November ReFUEL | 8
Wisconsin Clean Cities Members In the News
isconsin Clean Cities Gold member and major regional truckload carrier Paper Transport, Inc. recently deployed 20 new CNG-powered Kenworth T660s with Cummins Westport ISX12 G engines. This is in line with their ambitious plans to replace 25% of their 400-truck fleet, currently run on diesel, by the end of the year. Congratulations to Wisconsin Clean Cities member Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation for their recent attaining of Gold Excellence in Economic Development. They won the award for their 2012 Annual Report from the International Economic Development Corporation. The honor was presented at an awards ceremony on Tuesday, October 8, during the IEDC Annual Conference, which was held October 6-9, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
“While other larger trucking companies are just now starting tests of natural gas-powered trucks in response to requests from shippers, we’ve already gotten a major education in making natural gas work in our operation,” said Jeff Shefchik, president of Paper Transport. “It’s been a learning curve, but we’re no longer testing. We’re well on our way to adopting natural gas, which we think will provide us a significant competitive advantage.”
“The Excellence in Economic Development Awards recognize Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation as being one of the leading organizations in the industry for innovation, creativity and successful strategies,” said IEDC chair, Paul Krutko. “These awards are meant to honor the organizations and individuals who are dedicated to making a positive change in their communities. This organization uses creative solutions and inventive ideas, and offers other regions a wonderful example to learn and benefit from. The award represents an acknowledgment and appreciation for Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation’s dedication to continuous growth within itself, as well as improving the industry overall.” Charter Fuels, Inc., based out of Lancaster, WI recently adopted its first autogas-powered delivery truck. They plan to use the new bobtail truck to deliver propane fuel to Madison area customers of all types: traditional residential, commercial and agricultural customers, and also Charter Fuels’ peer fleets in the Alliance AutoGas program. (Source: Next-Gen Transportation News, 09-30)
9 | November ReFUEL
November 12, 2013 8:30 am - 11:00 am
Radisson Hotel and Conference Center 2040 Airport Drive Green Bay, WI
Event Agenda 8:30 am - 9:00 am
9:40 am - 10:00 am Break
Registration and Light Breakfast
9:00 am - 9:35 am Presentations
10:00 am - 10:45 am Natural Gas Vehicles
CNG Vehicle Display and Networking
12, Wisconsin Clean Cities Light & Heavy Duty Overview 12, 2013 November 2013 November 12, 2013 November November 12, 2013 November 12, 2013 November 12, 2013 Kwik Trip Natural Gas Featuring JX Peterbilt November 12, 2013 8:30 am8:30 - 11:00 am 8:30 am 11:00 am 8:30 am 11:00 am 8:30 am - 11:00 am am - 11:00 am
10:45 - 11:00 Q & A
Radisson Hotel Hotel and and Radisson Hotel and Radisson Conference CenterCenter Conference Center Conference 2040 Airport Drive Drive 2040 Airport Drive 2040 Airport Green Bay, WIBay, WI Green
a Event Agenda
Green Bay, WI
8:30 am - 11:00 am
8:30 and am -Radisson 11:00 am Hotel and Radisson Hotel Radisson Hotel Conference Center Conference Center Radisson Hotel and and Conference Center Conference Center 2040 Airport Drive 2040 Airport Drive 2040 Airport Drive Green Bay,2040 WI Airport Drive Green Bay, WI Green Bay, WI Green Bay, WI
Event Agenda Event Agenda Event Agenda Event November 12, 2013 Agenda
am 0-am - 9:00 Break am 9:40 am 8:30- am 10:00 - 9:00 am am am Break 9:40am am - 10:00 am Break 9:40 am - 10:00 am Break 10:00 am Break 8:30 11:00 8:30 am - 9:00 am 9:40 am - 10:00 am Break 8:30 am - 9:00 am Display 9:40 am and - 10:00 am Break Display ration and and Light Networking Breakfast CNG Registration Vehicle and Light and Networking Breakfast CNG Vehicle Display Networking CNG Vehicle Display and Networking
Vehicle Display and Networking Hotel and Registration andRadisson Light Breakfast CNG Vehicle Display and Networking Registration and Light Breakfast CNG Vehicle Display and Networking ns am 45 am - 9:35 Natural am10:00 Presentations Gas 9:00 am Vehicles -am 10:45 - 9:35 amam Natural Presentations 10:00 Gasam Vehicles - 10:45 am Natural 10:00 am Gas- Vehicles 10:45 am Natural Gas Vehicles
Conference Center m - 10:45 am Natural Gas Vehicles 9:00 am - 9:35 am Presentations 10:00 am - 10:45 am Natural Gas Vehicles 9:00 am - 9:35 am Presentations 10:00 amOverview - 10:45 am Natural Gas Vehicles sconsin Duty Overview Clean Cities Light & Wisconsin Heavy Duty Clean Overview Cities Light & Heavy Duty Light & Heavy Duty Overview 2040 Airport Drive & Heavy Duty Overview Please RSVP by November 8th to Wisconsin Clean Cities Light & Heavy Duty Overview Wisconsin Clean Cities Peterbilt Light & Heavy Duty Overview Green Bay, WI Peterbilt ik Trip Natural Gas Featuring Kwik JX Trip Peterbilt Natural Gas Featuring JX Featuring JX Peterbilt ring JX Peterbilt For Questions please call 1-855-710-3800 Kwik Trip Natural Gas Featuring JX Peterbilt Kwik Trip Natural Gas JX Peterbilt &A Q 10:45 - 11:00 QFeaturing & A 10:45 - 11:00 Q & A vent Agenda 11:00 & A 10:45 - 11:00 Q & A 10:45 - 11:00 Q & A 10:45 - 11:00 Q & A 9:40 am - 10:00 am Break
CNG Vehicle Display and Networking
10:00 am - 10:45 am Natural Gas Vehicles
Light & Heavy Duty Overview
Featuring JX Peterbilt
10:45 - 11:00 Q & A November ReFUEL | 10
Mark Your Calendars!
Join Wisconsin Clean Cities at these great events! November 12
Kwik Trip Seminar 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM DePere, WI Contact to RSVP
November 13
Sustainability Fair 11:00 am to 2:20 pm UW - Fond Du Lac UC -Commons
November 14
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM Kwik Trip Seminar 1200 S Moorland Rd Brookfield, WI 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM CNG Kwik Trip Grand Opening 15700 West Small Road New Berlin, WI
November 19
Webinar: Greening Your School Bus Service for Administrators 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
December 10
2013 WCC Annual Stakeholder Meeting 2:00 - 4:00 PM Legends Club Room, Lambeau Field 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI Sponsorship opportunities available!
December 10
Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program Banquet 5:00 - 7:30 PM Legends Room, Lambeau Field 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI Sponsorship opportunities available!
For more event information, visit our events page at For sponsorship opportunities, email or call (414) 221-4958. 11 | November ReFUEL
FLEETS ACROSS THE U.S.: How Other Fleets Are Using Alternative Fuels And Vehicles
Smith Dairy Deploys Natural Gas Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure in the Midwest
transition to alternative fuels requires careful consideration of many factors and options. Ohiobased Smith Dairy Trucking recently undertook just such a switch, motivated primarily by concern for the environment, but also by rising diesel prices and tightening emissions regulations. Fleet Maintenance Manager Chuck Diehl began the process by working with others both inside and outside the company to explore the many options available. Ultimately, the fleet settled on natural gas, opting to deploy natural gas vehicles (NGVs) and to build and operate a publicly accessible compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station to support its own vehicles and the greater community. Smith Dairy Trucking’s fleet is made up of over 400 vehicles—primarily Class 8 refrigerated trucks and trailers, which are responsible for local and national product distribution for Smith Dairy in Orrville, Ohio; Wayne Dairy in Richmond, Indiana; and Pacific Valley Dairy in Pacific, Missouri. With a focus on economics, energy security, and emissions reductions, the company has a goal to fully transition away from conventional diesel fuel by 2030. In the summer of 2012, Smith Dairy Trucking took its first major step toward that goal, unveiling a publicly accessible CNG fueling facility in Orrville and deploying six CNG tractors out of its Orrville Distribution Center. After realizing significant success in the project’s first year, Smith Dairy Trucking plans to continue to invest in CNG vehicles and infrastructure. Smith Dairy Trucking has become acquainted with the challenges and benefits of maintaining a public fueling station. Specifically, public station operators must address questions and concerns from the public. In addition, other fleets rely on the station, so Smith Dairy Trucking must take their needs and operations into account when scheduling routine maintenance and repairs. Diehl said that “being open to the public raises the bar several notches.” Ultimately, however, the benefits of industry engagement and higher throughput have outweighed any growing pains. “To Smith Dairy, CNG is an advanced fuel—it is moving us away from petroleum. We are planning to be diesel-independent by 2030, and CNG is only one part of that.” - Chuck Diehl, Fleet Maintenance Manager, Smith Dairy Trucking
“I have never been involved in something in the dairy or trucking business that has created so much excitement and energy. It is a game changer for us,” Diehl said. Smith Dairy Trucking plans to continue to expand its CNG fleet in the future by adding several more dedicated and dual-fuel CNG trucks to reach its goal of diesel fuel independence. This expansion may also include another public CNG station at the company’s Richmond, Indiana, trucking distribution center. The fleet has been working closely with Greater Indiana Clean Cities, the City of Richmond, and other local fleets on this effort. And the company isn’t stopping with CNG when it comes to alternative fuels deployment. Smith Dairy Trucking is also considering other fuels, such as propane and electricity. November ReFUEL | 12
Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities View pictures, videos, presentations, and join the online conversation! Search Wisconsin Clean Cities on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and SlideShare.
The Green Vehicle Tour visits UW-Milwaukee on October 4th.
HTUF Matt Jarmuz from Odyne
Apple Fest up in Bayfield, October 4-6
Simulator from eco driving course
The Green Vehicle Tour hits up UW-Oshkosh on October 12th
Go Riteway Open House
13 | November ReFUEL