ReFUEL September 2013
Wisconsin Clean Cities
Monthly Newsletter
In This Issue: Eco-Driving Training to be Offered at WCTC Advanced Vehicle Tech Gets Research and Development Boost Mark Your Calendars! Events, News, and More... “Driving Wisconsin Forward”
St ay C o nn e cte d!
ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities’ (WCC) monthly coalition newsletter. WCC is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry.
1 | September ReFUEL
In This Issue: Page 5
Page 6
New Alternative Fuel Station Opening
Question of the Month:
Where can I find case studies and other information about fleets that have successfully adopted alternative fuels and advanced vehicles?
Features: Pages 7-11
Eco-Driving Training to be Offered at WCTC Advanced Vehicle Technologies Gets Research & Development Boost Odyne Systems Expands Team After D.O.E. Funding Award
Page 12
Mark Your Calendars!
A full listing of upcoming events
Fleets Across The U.S.
Page 13
Energy Department and National Park Service Announce Clean Cities Partnership
Page 14
Eye On Clean Cities
September ReFUEL | 2
New Membership We’ve up date d o u r m e m b er s h i p s t ru c t u re! Wi sco n s in C l e an Ci ti es rel i es o n su ppor t from our memb er s to hold me e ti n g s, s p o n s or edu cati o n a l wo r kshop s, and p rovid e vit al out reac h mate r i al s. Al o n g w i th o u r n ew statew i de d esignat ion, we are ex p and ing our m e m b e rs h ip level s to ma ke WCC more accessib le to ind ivid uals and s t ud e nt s.
What can WCC do for you? • • • • • • •
N e t wo r k in g o p po r tu n i ti es w i th f l eet s & ind ust r y p ar t ner s Va l u ab l e p ro fessi o n a l devel o pment op p or t unit ies like tec hnic al t raining, wor ks h o p s, a n d web in ars I nfo r m at i o n re so u rces o n a l ter n ati ve fuels, ad vanced vehic les, id le re d u c t i o n , an d o th er tech n o l o gi es t hat red uce p et roleum use Co n s u l t at i o n an d tech n i ca l a ssi sta nce Fun d in g o p p o r tu n i ti es f ro m th e U.S. D ep ar t ment of Energy, st ate and loc a l g ove r n m ent a gen ci es, n o n pro fit s, and found at ions Publ ic re co gn iti o n fo r pro gress i n red uc ing p et roleum consum p t ion Assis t an ce wi t h medi a o u trea ch
J oin to d ay!
Vi si t w w w. w icl e anci ti es.o rg/jo i n .ph p, e m ail info@wic leanc it ies. org, or c all 414-22 1 - 4 9 5 8 .
Join the ranks with these notable supporters:
Welcome New & Returning Members
Wisconsin Bus Sales, LLC Dane County Department of Public Works, Highway and Transportation
September ReFUEL | 4
Kwik Trip continued its expansion of its Compressed Natural Gas refueling network by opening its 15th station in Janesville on August 28th. They displayed vehicles, toured equipment and gave fueling demonstrations. Location: Kwik Trip Store #326 3123 South HWY 51 Janesville, WI For more information:
Join Trillium CNG as they celebrate the grand opening of their 3rd CNG station in Brown County. Location: 1121 Radisson Street Green Bay, WI Reserve your spot: 800-920-1166 5 | September ReFUEL
? A
Question of the Month Where can I find case studies and other information about fleets that have successfully adopted alternative fuels and advanced vehicles?
As with all alternative fuels, it is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to natural gas. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand NGVs and the associated fueling infrastructure, so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions:
Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Resources The AFDC Case Studies search ( is a great resource for examples of what real fleets are doing related to alternative fuels. This page allows the user to search by category or keyword. Categories include fuels and technologies, such as biodiesel and idle reduction, as well as applications such as law enforcement and public transit. The Case Study search functionality was recently updated to provide a better search experience, so be sure to check it out. Another useful tool is the AFDC Publications database ( The publications database includes more detailed reports and case studies written by the national laboratories and other organizations regarding the implementation of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles in fleets. This page is also searchable by category or keyword
Clean Cities Resources The Clean Cities YouTube Channel ( is one of the newest Clean Cities tools. The channel features more than 200 case study videos, including MotorWeek Clean Cities Success Story segments, and other educational media for fleets. In addition, Clean Cities Now ( gov/cleancities/newsletter.html) includes a “Fleet Experiences” section in each biannual publication. Each “Fleet Experiences” article contains information about a fleet that has successfully transitioned their fleet to alternative fuels. Clean Cities coalitions are also great resources for information about the “real world” use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles at the local and regional level. The Clean Cities Coalition Contacts page (http://www.afdc. provides a list of coalitions and their websites. Some coalitions post stakeholder fleet case studies on their websites or feature success stories in their newsletters.
Industry Associations and Publications Some industry association websites also contain useful case studies that focus on the use of specific fuel and technology types. For example, the National Biodiesel Board “Market Segments” page (http://www.biodiesel. org/using-biodiesel/market-segments) provides examples of fleets using biodiesel in different applications, as well as stories on several “feature fleets.” Additionally, fleet publications such as Automotive Fleet (http://www. and Green Fleet ( publish articles about fleets that are adopting alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.
September ReFUEL | 6
Eco-Driving Training to be Offered at Waukesha County Technical College
his October, thanks to a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Clean Cities and Waukesha County Technical College will be offering a new training course in Eco-Driving for Class 8 over-the-road trucks. This is an invaluable opportunity for fleets to reduce their fuel costs. The course is intended to teach drivers ecologically and financially sound techniques like efficient route planning, vehicle maintenance checks, efficient refueling, and ecodriving skills. The course consists of two hours of classroom learning, one hour simulator training, and two hours of on-the-road driving. Drivers that complete the course are also required to attend a two hour follow-up session. The training is free, but attendees must be located in Southeastern Wisconsin. There are six spots open per class, and it is first come, first serve. So sign your fleet up today!
Schedule of Classes October 5 Class 1: 7 AM - 1 PM Class 2: 11 AM - 5 PM October 12 Class 3: 7 AM - 1 PM Class 4: 11 AM - 5 PM October 19 Class 5: 7 AM - 1 PM Class 6: 11 AM - 5 PM October 26 Class 7: 7 AM - 1 PM
Location: Waukesha County Technical College Transportation (T) Building 800 Main St., Pewaukee, WI Instructors: Mark Huss and Matt Eisert
To Register: (414) 221-4958 or
7 | September ReFUEL
Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program Banquet December 10, 2013 5:00 - 7:30 PM Free to attend. Registration required. Legends Club Room, Lambeau Field 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI
Join Us at Lambeau as we celebrate the conclusion of the four-year initiative that put more than 300 alternative fuel vehicles on the road and installed 18 infrastructure sites.
Be part of the event! Become a sponsor! sponsor Call (414) 221-4958 or email
Registration coming soon!
HTUF has evolved to be the gathering place for fleets, trucks and bus OEMs, suppliers, and industry stakeholders dedicated to accelerating development and commercialization of high efficiency buses and trucks. FOCUS: All “high-efficiency” technologies for buses and trucks – electric, hybrid, natural gas, propane, telematics, idle reduction, and more! TOP KEYNOTER: Chris Grundler, Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) US EPA, the office which implements national emissions standards for vehicles, including buses. TIMELY CONTENT: Informative sessions on topics of importance to the bus industry BUS AND TRUCK Ride & Drive: The latest buses and trucks on the market today showcased at Chicago’s famed Soldier Field Want to augment your presence at HTUF? Sponsorship opportunities are available. View the sponsorship prospectus, visit: HTUF is operated by CALSTART in partnership with and under contract to the US Army TARDEC National Automotive Center.
September is the Month to Learn About Alternative Fuel Vehicles
his month offers two opportunities for consumers and interested parties to learn more about alternative fuel vehicles. On September 26th, Green Oconomowoc will be hosting a vehicle showcase and panel in downtown Oconomowoc. Participants will learn about the costbenefit analyses and experiences of owners of the various vehicles. Speakers will include Lisa Geason-Bauer, owner of an all-electric car and local “green” businesswoman, Ben Nelson, a local environmentalist and builder of electric vehicles, and Wisconsin Clean Cities. The event is free and open to the public. It will be located at Whelan’s Coffee and Cream Shop on East Wisconsin Avenue in Oconomowoc and starts at 6:30 PM. You can contact Howard Bowman ( of (262) 844-6620 for more information.
The second event is the National Plug in Day, which will be celebrated in downtown Madison on Saturday, September 28th from 10 AM to 2 PM. There will be speeches, displays from businesses, organizations, and individuals, games, as well as a showcase of electric vehicles. Test drives/rides TBD. The City of Madison will be issuing a Proclamation which will be read at the event.
Forwarding Wisconsin’s Fuel Choice presents the
FREE FOOD! Courtesy of:
CLEAN FUELS, CLEAN AIR. IT’S NOT AN ALTERNATIVE, IT’S A CHOICE. LEARN WHAT YOUR CHOICES ARE. September 18th - UW Green Bay October 4th - UW Milwaukee October 12th - UW Oshkosh Featured Vehicles: Chevrolet Volt, Toyota Prius, Honda Civic, Chevrolet Tundra Flex Fuel, Ford C-Max Hybrid
Advanced Vehicle Technologies Gets Research & Development Boost
he Energy Department announced on September 4th more than $45 million for thirty-eight new projects that accelerate the research and development of vehicle technologies to improve fuel efficiency, lower transportation costs, and protect the environment in communities nationwide. “By partnering with universities, private industry, and our national labs, the Energy Department is helping to build a strong 21st century transportation sector that cuts harmful pollution, creates jobs, and leads to a more sustainable energy future,” said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. “By improving the fuel economy of our cars and trucks, we can save families and businesses money at the pump and better protect our air and water.” The Obama Administration has taken unprecedented steps to improve the fuel efficiency of American vehicles, establishing the toughest fuel economy standards for passenger vehicles in U.S. history. These standards are expected to save consumers $1.7 trillion at the pump—or more than $8,000 in costs over the lifetime of each vehicle—and eliminate six billion metric tons of carbon pollution. Innovative technologies and manufacturing are helping U.S. automakers achieve the goals of this historic agreement, and the investment announced today will help provide new technologies and innovations to enable automakers to continue to improve vehicle fuel efficiency.
“Working with the Energy Department, we are accelerating the development and deployment of cutting-edge technologies to strengthen our military, economy, and energy security.” - Dr. Paul Rogers, director the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research,
Through the Advanced Vehicle Power Technology Alliance between the Energy Department and the Department of the Army, the Army is contributing an additional $3 million in co-funding to support projects focused on lightweighting and propulsion materials, batteries, fuels and lubricants. The 38 projects announced today span five major areas critical to advanced transportation technologies, such as lightweighting and propulsion materials as well as affordable, efficient batteries, power electronics, fuels and lubricants, and efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. For a full list of the 38 projects click here: September ReFUEL | 10
Odyne Systems Expands Team After D.O.E. Funding Award Odyne Systems, LLC is gearing up to deliver over 120 medium and heavy-duty trucks featuring the Odyne plug-in hybrid system under a Department of Energy $45 million award, and as part of this big push it has expanded its staff. Michelle Ballard - Senior Systems Engineer, focusing on Telematics and designing application to use with statistical data gathered from the hybrid system. Larry Bartling - Manufacturing Manager, in charge of manufacturing strategy to install plug-in hybrid systems on medium and heavy-duty vehicles. Robert Dowd - Service Manager, with responsibility to assure quality and prompt service of vehicles through the Odyne distributor organization. Leonard Lincoln - Inside Sales Leader, where he is the liaison between customers, engineering, marketing, production, and service. Peter Thao - Electrical Engineer, concentrating on the design and test of the Odyne hybrid electrical system. Peter Vehmas - Supply Chain Manager, where he controls manages and purchases all parts and supplies for the installation of Odyne hybrid systems. Learn more at
Wisconsin Clean Cities’ 2013 Annual Stakeholder Meeting December 10, 2013 2:00 - 4:00 PM Legends Club Room, Lambeau Field 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI Join Us at Lambeau as we celebrate our 2013 accomplishments, present stakeholder awards, network with industry partners, and celebrate 20 years of Clean Cities. Be part of the event! Become a sponsor! Download the sponsorship package: file/1103817697706-656/Annual+Meeting+Sponsorship+Opportunities.pdf For more information, call (414) 221-4958
11 | September ReFUEL
Registration coming soon!
Mark Your Calendars!
Join Wisconsin Clean Cities at these great events! September 9 - October 4
Online Fleet Management Course Requires 3-4 hours login time per week Clean Cities members: $250 Non-members: $500
September 11
Natural Gas for Transportation Roundtable 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Alliant Energy Center - Mendota Room 8 Madison, WI
September 18
UW Green Bay Green Vehicle Tour If you want the tour to come to your campus or have other questions, contact our office (414) 2214958 or
September 26
Greener Oconomowoc 6:00 PM 163 East Wisconsin Avenue
September 28
National Plug In Day Madison, WI
October 7-9
HTUF 2013 National Meeting Hyatt Regency McCormick Place 2233 S. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Chicago, IL
December 10
2013 WCC Annual Stakeholder Meeting 2:00 - 4:00 PM Legends Club Room, Lambeau Field 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI Sponsorship opportunities available!
December 10
Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program Banquet 5:00 - 7:30 PM Legends Room, Lambeau Field 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI Sponsorship opportunities available!
For more event information, visit our events page at For sponsorship opportunities, email or call (414) 221-4958. September ReFUEL | 12
FLEETS ACROSS THE U.S.: How Other Fleets Are Using Alternative Fuels And Vehicles
Energy Department and National Park Service Announce Clean Cities Partnership
he U.S. Energy Department and the National Park Service today announced that five national parks around the country will deploy fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles as part of an expanded partnership, helping to protect some of America’s most prized natural environments. Through these efforts, the Energy Department is expanding its partnership with the National Park Service to increase the efficiency and alternative fuel use of vehicle fleets at these national parks, impacting over 32 million visitors annually while saving $250,000, fuel equivalent to nearly 16,000 gallons of gasoline, and about 83 tons of greenhouse gases each year. In addition to improving the parks’ fleets, the planned projects will showcase alternative fuels, advanced technology vehicles, ways to reduce vehicle idling, and other actions drivers can take to save fuel and money. Each of these national parks is collaborating with at least one of the Energy Department’s Clean Cities coalitions to choose the best clean energy options for its fleet. These newly participating parks include: Shenandoah National Park, Virginia: Shenandoah National Park plans to partner with Virginia Clean Cities to deploy an all-electric vehicle (EV), a plug-in hybrid EV, and 12 propane lawn mowers. The park also plans to install three EV chargers, two of which will be accessible to park visitors. Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia: Blue Ridge Parkway plans to partner with Virginia Clean Cities to improve its fleet’s efficiency by replacing vehicles dating back to 1989 with eight new hybrid vehicles. San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, Texas: San Antonio Missions National Historical Park plans to partner with Alamo Area Clean Cities to deploy a propane-powered truck and an electric utility truck, and to install two EV chargers that will be available to the public. Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California: Golden Gate National Recreation Area plans to partner with San Francisco Clean Cities to install five EV chargers, which will serve both the public and the park’s five new electric vehicles. The park also plans to upgrade its heavy-duty maintenance equipment to run on a biodiesel blend. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado: Mesa Verde National Park plans to partner with both the Southern Colorado and Philadelphia Clean Cities coalitions to deploy a new propane bus, shuttle van, truck, and lawnmower, along with two propane fueling stations. Mesa Verde is also launching a park-wide initiative to educate the public about the benefits of idle reduction.
“Changing to alternative fuel vehicles and technologies aligns with our commitment to demonstrate that resource stewardship and sustainability are connected.... Some of these alternative fuel vehicles are multi-passenger rides devoted to park visitors and that means even greater reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. When visitors park their vehicles to enjoy the park by shuttle or bicycle, they can experience even more of the scenery, history and wildlife.” - Jonathan B. Jarvis, NPS Director
More information on this work is available on the Clean Cities website ( ) and on the National Park Service website ( . 13 | September ReFUEL
Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities View pictures, videos, presentations, and join the online conversation! Search Wisconsin Clean Cities on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and SlideShare.
MGE and a Nissan Leaf owner demonstrate how to use the brand new DC Fast Charger at Kelley’s Market on East Washington in Madison.
Stoughton Coffee Break Festival, August 17th
WCC hanging out on the green roof of Rockwell Automation’s clocktower in Milwaukee after a Wisconsin Partners for Clean Air presentation
Kwik Trip’s Compressed Natural Gas Station Opening on August 28th in Janesville
A Chevy Volt on display in Neenah
Propane in the Park, August 8th in Monona
September ReFUEL | 14