ReFUEL: Monthly Alternative Fuel News from Wisconsin Clean Cities

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ReFUEL February 2013 | Wisconsin Clean Cities - Southeast Area | Monthly Newsletter

In This Issue:

ANGI Energy Systems provides CNG Fueling Equipment Charter Fuels Helps Coffee Roaster Convert to Propane Wisconsin’s 4th Natural Gas Roundtable a Huge Success SAVE THE DATE: WCTP Partner Showcase Challenge Launched to Support and Expand Workplace Charging Events, News, and More...

“Driving Wisconsin Forward”

St ay C o nn e cte d!

ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities Southeast Area’s (WCC-SEA) Februaryly coalition newsletter. WCC-SEA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC-SEA works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry.

1 | February ReFUEL

In This Issue: Question of the Month

Page 4

What provisions in the enacted “fiscal cliff” legislation relate to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles?

Page 5

Welcome New and Returning Members Features: ANGI Energy Systems provides CNG Fueling Equipment for Swift Transportation and Central Freight Lines

Pages 7-11

Charter Fuels Helps Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters Convert to Propane Wisconsin’s 4th Natural Gas for Transportation Roundtable is a Huge Success SAVE THE DATE: Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program Partner Showcase Challenge Launched to Support and Expand Workplace Charging Availability for U.S. Employees

Page 13

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Fleets Across The U.S.

CNG Powers Law Enforcement in North Little Rock, Arkansas

Eye On Clean Cities

February ReFUEL | 2

Are you a member yet? Sta r t mak in g a n i m pa c t by j oi n i n g Wi s con s i n Cle a n Cities to day ! W CC - S E A re l ie s o n su ppo r t f ro m o u r mem b er s. D ues and cor p orate me m be rs h ip s e n abl e WCC- SEA to h o l d meet ings, sp onsor ed uc at ional wor k sh o p s, an d prov i de v i ta l o u trea ch mater ials.

Wh at c an WCC- S E A do for you ?

• Net wo r k i n g o ppo r tu nities w it h fl eets & in dus tr y pa r tn er s • Te ch n i cal t ra ining, wo r k sho p s, a n d webin a r s • I nfo r mat i on reso u rces o n a l ter n ative fuel s, a dva n ced veh ic l es, idl e redu c t i o n , an d o t her tec hno l o gies th at reduce petro l eum us e • I ndi v i d u al co nsu l t at io n a nd tec h n ic a l a s s is ta n ce • Fun d i n g o p p o r tu nities f ro m th e U.S . D epa r tm ent o f E n ergy, s tate and loc al g ove r n m ent a g enc ies, non pro fits, a n d fo un datio n s • Pub l i c re cognitio n fo r pro gress in reduc in g petro l eum co n s um ption • As s i s t an ce w ith m edia o u trea ch

J oin to d ay!

Vis i t w w w. wi cl ea nc ities. o rg / j o in. ph p, em a il in fo @ w ic l ea n c ities.o rg, o r c all 4 14- 221- 4 9 5 8 .

Join the ranks with these notable supporters:

? A

Question of the Month “What provisions in the enacted “fiscal cliff” legislation relate to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles?” On January 2, 2013, President Obama signed Public Law 112-240, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. In addition to averting tax rate increases and postponing government spending reductions, this legislation extends several tax credits and other incentive programs related to Clean Cities portfolio items. Updated information on these incentives is available on the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Federal Laws and Incentives page. The changes are also summarized below.

The American Taxpayer Relief Act retroactively extends several tax credits that had expired on December 31, 2011. The following incentives are now effective through December 31, 2013: • Alternative Fuel Excise Tax Credit: (Public Law 112-240, Section 412) • Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit: (Public Law 112-240, Section 402) • Alternative Fuel Mixture Excise Tax Credit: (Public Law 112-240, Section 412) • Biodiesel Income Tax Credit: (Public Law 112-240, Section 405) • Biodiesel Mixture Excise Tax Credit: (Public Law 112-240, Section 405) The legislation expands the tax definition of second generation biofuel (previously referred to as cellulosic biofuel) to include biofuel from cultivated algae, cyanobacteria, or lemna, and extends two incentives related to these fuels through December 31, 2013: • Second Generation Biofuel Plant Depreciation Deduction Allowance: (Public Law 112-240, Section 410) • Second Generation Biofuel Producer Tax Credit: (Public Law 112-240, Section 404) Section 403 of the Act expands the Qualified Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Tax Credit ( gov/laws/law/US/409) to include a credit for eligible two- and three-wheeled plug-in electric drive vehicles, valid through December 31, 2013. In addition, Section 701 extends discretionary funding for the following U.S. Department of Agriculture programs through September 2013: • Advanced Biofuel Production Grants and Loan Guarantees: • Advanced Biofuel Production Payments: • Biodiesel Education Grants: • Biomass Research and Development Initiative: • Ethanol Infrastructure Grants and Loan Guarantees: To view the full text of the American Taxpayer Relief Act, select the Enrolled Bill version from the following website: The changes outlined above became effective immediately, but may take time for the relevant agencies to update documentation to reflect the extensions and changes. For further information, refer to: • U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Forms & Publications: • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Energy Programs: February ReFUEL | 4

Welcome and




American Lung Association in Wisconsin Boehlke Bottled Gas Corporation Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation Charter Fuels

Don’t miss the Clean Cities Winter Webinar Series! Click here or visit to view the schedule, topics, and regiatration links.

5 | February ReFUEL

Kwik Trip, Inc. SunPower Biodiesel Wisconsin Propane Gas Association Wisconsin Biodiesel Association

• 500,000 square feet of vocational trucks and equipment • Newest products and technical support from more than 550 exhibitors • More than 60 intensive programs on upfitting, regulatory compliance and business management

Learn more at Free Pass for Wisconsin Clean Cities Members! Contact us at (414) 221-4958 or to get the registration form.

Wisconsin Clean Cities’ Annual Stakeholder Report Due February 22 by 4:30 PM Visit survey.php for more details.

February ReFUEL | 6

ANGI Energy Systems provides CNG Fueling Equipment for Swift Transportation and Central Freight Lines


uestar Fueling, a subsidiary of Questar Corporation, will rely on ANGI Energy Systems to provide equipment for their new compressed natural gas fueling facility in Houston, Texas. This high flow and high capacity station will have a complete ANGI system including three NG300E compressor skids, five transit dispensers and 120 heavy duty time-fill locations. The facility will serve as many as 200 natural gas-powered trucks operated by Swift Transportation and Central Freight Lines. The fleets are projected to use about 5 million gallons of natural gas per year. There will be a five-lane, high-speed public access fueling area along with the 120 private time-fill dispensing points for re-fueling the trucks overnight. “ANGI is excited to participate in the largest Class 8 CNG station, with one of the largest time fill systems in North America,” says Jared Hightower, Vice President of Domestic CNG Sales. “We’ve been using ANGI Energy Systems for 25 years,” said Craig Wagstaff, executive vice president and COO, Questar Fueling. “We’re pleased with the quality components ANGI uses in building natural gas compressors. The overall design and testing of their products help ensure the kind of reliability we expect when building NGV fueling stations for our customers.”

This Peterbilt, one of 15 compressed natural gas trucks in the present-day Central Freight fleet, will be joined by as many as 150 CNG-fueled Freightliner M2s.

“Our vendors expect us to consistently find ways to improve our transportation efficiencies,” said Jerry Moyes in a Questar release, chairman, founder and CEO of Swift Transportation. “CNG helps us meet that objective, and our partnership with Questar Fueling will help facilitate our transition to CNG.” ANGI Energy Systems LLC, headquartered in Janesville, WI, is a second-generation family-owned company with over 40 years of compression system design, engineering, and manufacturing experience. The company’s global reach spans over 22 countries, including a branch sales office in Shanghai, China. ANGI has grown to be one of the world’s leading suppliers of CNG refueling equipment and one of very few American manufacturers principally dedicated to providing complete and fully integrated CNG stations. ANGI is also a proud member of Wisconsin Clean Cities.

For more information:

The site will include three NG300E compressors to ensure high flow, reliable fill times.

Contact Katrina Bell, Marketing Coordinator at 608-563-2800 or 7 | February ReFUEL

Charter Fuels Helps Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters Convert to Propane


harter Fuels, a partner in the Alliance AutoGas network, is helping Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters switch two Ford E-250 vans to propane autogas to reduce their fleet’s environmental impact. Running the delivery vehicles on autogas will displace approximately 6667 gallons of gasoline annually, while saving over $5,000 in fuel costs for each vehicle. “Berres Brothers is committed to leading the coffee roasting industry in Wisconsin and the Midwest in environmental responsibility,” says Greg Beranek of Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters. “We’re converting fleet vehicles to propane autogas because it’s significantly cleaner than gasoline, while also being cost-effective to implement. We plan to switch additional vehicles to autogas as older ones retire to continue improving the air quality in our local communities.”

Fueling up one of the first propane autogas delivery vehicles for Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters.

Berres Brothers is the first coffee company in the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Green Tier Program, which recognizes and rewards organizations dedicated to superior environmental performance. Lancaster-based propane retailer Charter Fuels is coordinating vehicle conversions, fueling, staff training and support for the Berres Brothers fleet as part of the Alliance AutoGas network. “Not only will Berres Brothers save around $10,000 in fuel costs with these two autogas vans over the next year, their savings will be even greater with the newly re-instated 50-cents-per-gallon federal alternative fuel tax credit,” says Josh Budworth of Charter Fuels. “We already have autogas fueling infrastructure in place for Berres Brothers, and will continue working with them to convert the rest of their 10-vehicle fleet.” Propane autogas is the most widely used alternative fuel in the world, and 98 percent of the U.S. supply is domestically produced. Autogas is cleaner fuel than gasoline, reducing harmful emissions by 30 percent. U.S. autogas fleets are currently saving around $1.50 per gallon on fuel costs versus gasoline. Alliance AutoGas is a network of clean fuel providers and certified conversion centers that delivers a complete program to switch fleets to propane autogas, including vehicle conversions, fuel supply and fuel station installation, data integration for fuel management systems, operational and safety training, and ongoing technical support. Charter Fuels works with public and private fleets across the state of Wisconsin to achieve immediate fuel cost savings with autogas. Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters offers over 100 types of specialty coffees, including more than 40 flavored varieties, as well as single origins, blends and Fair Trade certified organics from around the world - all roasted fresh daily. Berres Brothers coffee is distributed throughout the Midwest in various grocery and convenience stores as well as through corporate gift, custom labeled coffee packages, fundraising, mail order and wholesale programs.

Learn more at:

February ReFUEL | 8

Wisconsin’s 4th Natural Gas for Transportation Roundtable is a Huge Success


n Tuesday, January 29, 2013 125 attendees listened to an array of presentations on various topics related to natural gas at Kalahari Resorts in the Wisconsin Dells. The event was the 4th Roundtable and the last in the series of events that was promoted by Governor Scott Walker. The Wisconsin Natural Gas for Transportation Fuel Roundtable, which began in the winter of 2012, is a stakeholder forum created to provide information to businesses and citizens about natural gas as a transportation fuel. Coordinated by the Wisconsin State Energy Office, Wisconsin Clean Cities, and an advisory group of businesses from across the state, the goal of the forum is to expand 125 stakeholders attended the 4th Wisconsin Natural Gas for the use of compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas Transportation Roundtable. and biogas as vehicle fuels in Wisconsin. Maria Redmond, Wisconsin State Energy Office and Lorrie Lisek, Wisconsin Clean Cities announced at the event that there would be future Roundtables that will most likely take place twice a year. The January 29th event, which was sponsored by Trillium, Inland Power Group, Kwik Trip, GAIN Clean Fuel, and International Motorwerks, featured an indoor and outdoor vehicle display showcasing six different natural gas vehicles. The event also featured two panels: one on Vehicle Availability & Conversions and the second on Natural Gas use in Light/Heavy-Duty Applications. Speakers included the following: • Frank Acevedo, Environmental Protection Agency

• Michael Birk, Frito-Lay

• Richard Gunther, General Motors

• Adam Hanson, Wipfli, LLP

• Eric Kruse, Kwik Trip, Inc.

• Lorrie Lisek, Wisconsin Clean Cities

• Steve Majkowski, American Power Group, Inc.

• Patrick McCarthy & Bryan Roy, Energetics, Inc.

• Tom Harris, McNeilus Truck & Manufacturing

• Lynn Morgan, Waste Management

• Naeem Morris, Chrysler

• Maria Redmond, WI State Energy Office

• Carl Suhr, Convenience Transportation

• John Welch, Dane County

Regretfully due to illness and weather, Cassie Anthony, Altech-Eco Corporation, and Michael Moeller, Remy Battery Company, were not able to present at the event

Learn more about the Wisconsin Natural Gas for Transporation Roundtable:

9 | February ReFUEL

SAVE THE DATE: Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program Partner Showcase


he Wisconsin State Energy Office (SEO) and Wisconsin Clean Cities (WCC) is pleased to host the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program (WCTP) Partner Showcase to highlight the success of partners using alternative fuels and advanced technology vehicles. The event will feature panels on compressed natural gas (CNG), propane, hybrids, electric vehicles, and biofuels. Panelists will be speaking on their first-hand experiences of using an alternative fuel and/or advanced technology vehicles and will come from all facets of the transportation industry. The event is free and open to the public. When: May 7, 2013 - 8:30 am - 3:00 pm (Registration begins at 8:00am) Where: Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall (1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, WI 53713)

Dane County produces renewable natural gas at their biogas facility and uses the gas in their fleet vehicles.

Register: Contact Emily DeVillers at or (414) 221-2509 Hotel Accommodations: Special Event Price of $70 - Clarion Suites Central - On-site Hotel (2110 Rimrock Rd., Madison, WI 52713) - Call 608-284-1234 and mention the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program. Confirmed speakers include: • Ron Ruppel, SunPower Biodiesel • Jason Ebert, Go Riteway Transportation Group • Dr. George Corliss, Marquette University • Sheriff Paul Milbrath, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office • Pete Coffaro, Milwaukee Metro Sewerage District • Mary Smarelli, Transit Express • Jeff Shefchik, Paper Transport

Learn more about WCTP:

Event Contact:

For questions or comments about the WCTP Partner Showcase, contact Emily DeVillers at (414) 221-2509 or by email at

February ReFUEL | 10

Challenge Launched to Support and Expand Workplace Charging Availability for U.S. Employees


nergy Secretary Steven Chu announced that 13 major U.S. employers and eight stakeholder groups have joined the new Workplace Charging Challenge to help expand access to workplace charging stations for American workers across the country. In a speech at the Washington Auto Show, Secretary Chu outlined the new initiative, which aims to expand the availability of workplace charging, increasing the convenience of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and providing drivers with more options. “The market for electric vehicles is expanding dramatically, giving drivers more options to save money on gasoline while reducing carbon pollution,” said Secretary Chu. “These 13 companies are taking strong steps to make charging infrastructure more broadly available to their workforce—setting an example for others to follow and helping America lead the global race for a growing industry.”

New plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) sales compared to hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) sales over their respective 24 month introductory periods. PEV sales 12/2010 through 11/2012; HEV sales 12/1999 through 11/2001.

The Workplace Charging Challenge is a collaborative effort to increase the number of U.S. employers offering workplace charging by tenfold in the next five years. The Challenge also supports the broader efforts of the Department’s EV Everywhere Grand Challenge, announced by President Obama in March 2012, to make PEVs as affordable and convenient for the American family as gasoline-powered vehicles within the next 10 years. Joined by representatives from several of the founding partner employers, Secretary Chu also announced the first 13 employers that have signed the Workplace Charging Pledge as Partners, including: 3M, Chrysler Group, Duke Energy, Eli Lilly and Company, Ford, GE, GM, Google, Nissan, San Diego Gas & Electric, Siemens, Tesla, and Verizon. The pledge commits each partner organization to assess workforce PEV charging demands, and then develop and implement a plan to install workplace charging infrastructure for at least one major worksite location. Eight stakeholder organizations also have signed the Ambassador Pledge to develop and execute plans to support and promote the workplace charging initiative, including: California PEV Collaborative, CALSTART, Electric Drive Transportation Association, Electrification Coalition, International Parking Institute, NextEnergy, Plug In America, and Rocky Mountain Institute. To support the Partners and Ambassadors who sign the pledge, DOE will provide technical assistance and establish a forum for Partners and Ambassadors to share information. The Energy Department also released the EV Everywhere Grand Challenge Blueprint, which describes PEV technology and deployment barriers, as well as steps to move forward in achieving the EV Everywhere goal. Read the full Blueprint at pdf. For more information about the Challenge or EV Everywhere, visit

11 | February ReFUEL

Saturday, February 23 through Sunday, March 3, 2013 400 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203

Reflects Well.

(And helps keep the air clean, too.) Let’s face it, anytime your fleet can boost fuel efficiency by 10% to 20%, it reflects well on you and your bottom line. U.S. EPA certified SmartWay® Tractors and Trailers allow you to do just that. You can also display the SmartWay certification mark, a symbol of environmental distinction, which also reflects well on you. The SmartWay leaf indicates to both industry and the public that you operate the cleanest and most efficient trucks and equipment available today. To learn more, visit

Stop by the alternative fuels display on the 2nd floor! Wisconsin Clean Cities is partnering with the American Lung Association in Wisconsin to display several types of vehicles and an electric charging station, as well as informational materials and give-aways. Visit the official website for hours and ticket information:

Energy Independence Summit 2013 The Nation’s Premier Alternative Fuels & Vehicles Policy Summit

April 7 - 10, 2013 Washington, D.C. Gain inside access to the new post-election landscape as leaders from the next administration, the new Congress, the alternative fuels industry, state and local government, and Clean Cities coalitions convene in Washington. Join the nation’s premier clean transportation leaders and Clean Cities Coordinators to discuss best practices and educate federal policymakers on driving America to a clean transportation future!

Don’t miss Wisconsin Clean Cities’ transportation panel on Wednesday, March 6 from 2:00 - 3:15 PM! Register today at:

Contact Wisconsin Clean Cities to learn more about how you can be involved! (414) 221-4958

Become a sponsor of EIS 2013!

Help build the grassroots voice for policies and programs that support clean vehicles, fuels and infrastructure. Learn more about the benefits of sponsorship at:

F leets A c r o ss the U . S . : How Other Fleets Are Using Alternative Fuels And Vehicles

CNG Powers Law Enforcement North Little Rock, Arkansas


s part of a larger commitment to alternative fuels, the City of North Little Rock, Arkansas, recently added 13 compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles to its fleet, including nine Chevrolet Tahoe police vehicles. The patrol vehicles were converted to CNG operation with help from the CNG Conversion Rebate Program, run by the Arkansas Clean Cities (ACC) coalition, housed in the Arkansas Energy Office. The vehicle conversions each cost about $12,000, and North Little Rock received $77,048 in State Energy Program Recovery Act funds to help foot the bill. “We would not have been able to afford conversion costs One of nince Chevrolet Tahoe police vehicles converted to compressed without the rebates,” said Nathan Hamilton, the city’s natural gas (CNG) by the North Little Rock Police Department. director of special projects. The police have been pleased so far with the Tahoes’ responsiveness, and the city is happy because CNG saves it about $2 per gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) in fuel costs. “North Little Rock has been a community leader for alternative fuels in general,” ACC Coordinator Kelly Volin said. And by switching about 5% of its police fleet to CNG, the city has taken another important step in reducing petroleum use. In August 2011, the municipality opened a CNG fueling station, the first publicly owned CNG station in the state. Currently, the city is able to sell the fuel for $1.44 per GGE. Statewide, there are now three public and two private CNG stations, with two more scheduled to open in the near future, including one across the river in Little Rock. “North Little Rock has jump-started the use of alternative fuels here,” Volin said.

Learn more: Arkansas Clean Cities Coalition: North Little Rock Police Department:

13 | February ReFUEL

Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities

Joel Hirschboeck presenting Kwik Trip’s future plans for natural gas stations on January 23, 2013 at the Kwik Trip natural gas seminar in Sturtevant.

Kwik Trip’s Grand Opening for their Pewaukee natural gas station, located at W229 N2086 Redford Boulevard, Pewaukee, WI 53186.

Natural gas vehicles were on display inside and outside the Kalahari Conference Center at the 4th Wisconsin Natural Gas for Transportation Roundtable.

Carl Suhr, Convenience Transportation, LLC, discussed the return on investment their company experienced using natural gas vehicles and installing natural gas fueling stations at the 4th Wisconsin Natural Gas for Transportation Roundtable.

Wisconsin Clean Cities supported the Wisconsin Propane Gas Association at the Annual Wisconsin School Board Conference on January 23 and 24, 2013.

Amy May and Fred Marks with AmeriGas staffing the propane education booth at the Annual Wisconsin School Board Conference on January 23, 2013.

February ReFUEL | 14

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