ReFUEL April 2013 | Wisconsin Clean Cities - Southeast Area | Monthly Newsletter
Clean Transportation is Bloomin’ in Wisconsin!
In This Issue: Work Truck Show 2013 Green Award Goes to Odyne Systems Barnes, Inc. Expands to CNG Conversions and Fueling NAFTC Announces FREE Online EV First Responder Training Get the Latest Information on CNG Vehicles at MGE Seminar EV Everywhere Workplace Charging Challenge Mark Your Calendars! Events, News, and More...
“Driving Wisconsin Forward”
St ay C o nn e cte d!
ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities Southeast Area’s (WCC-SEA) Aprilly coalition newsletter. WCC-SEA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC-SEA works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry.
1 | April ReFUEL
In This Issue: Question of the Month
Page 5
Where can I find statistics, maps, and projections related to alternative fuels, advanced vehicles, and infrastructure?
Page 6
Welcome New and Returning Members Features: Clean Transportation is Bloomin’ in Wisconsin! Work Truck Show 2013 Green Award Goes to Odyne Systems
Pages 8-13
Barnes, Inc. Expands to CNG Conversions and Fueling NAFTC Announces FREE Online Electric Drive Vehicle First Responder Training Have Breakfast on MGE, and Get the Latest Information on CNG Vehicles EV Everywhere Workplace Charging Challenge
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
Mark Your Calendars!
A full listing of events WCC is hosting and attending
Fleets Across The U.S.
Oregon Leads the Charge for Plug-In Vehicles and Infrastructure
Eye On Clean Cities
April ReFUEL | 2
Are you a member yet? Sta r t mak in g a n i m pa c t by j oi n i n g Wi s con s i n Cle a n Cities to day ! W CC - S E A re l ie s o n su ppo r t f ro m o u r mem b er s. D ues and cor p orate me m be rs h ip s e n abl e W CC-SEA to h o l d meet ings, sp onsor ed uc at ional wor k sh o p s, an d prov i de v i ta l o u trea ch mater ials.
Wh at c an WCC- S E A do for you ?
• Net wor k i n g o p po r tu nities w it h fl eets & in dus tr y pa r tn er s • Te ch n i cal t ra ining, wo r k sho ps, a n d webin a r s • I nfo r mat i o n reso u rces o n a l ter n ative fuel s, a dva n ced veh ic l es, idl e redu c t i on , and o ther tec hno l o gies th at reduce petro l eum us e • I ndi v i d u al co nsu l t at io n a nd tec h n ic a l a s s is ta n ce • Fun d i n g o p p o r t u nit ies f ro m t he U.S . D epa r tm ent o f E n ergy, s tate and loc al g ove r n m ent a g enc ies, non pro fits, a n d fo un datio n s • Pub l i c re cognitio n fo r pro gress in reduc in g petro l eum co n s um ption • As s i s t an ce w ith m edia o u trea ch
J oin to d ay!
Vis i t w w w. wi cl ea nc ities. o rg / j o in. ph p, em a il in fo @ w ic l ea n c ities.o rg, o r c all 4 14- 221- 4 9 5 8 .
Join the ranks with these notable supporters:
Green Vehicles Workshop When:
Contact Info:
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Milwaukee Area Technical College Room S120 700 W. State St. Milwaukee, WI 53233
Heather Goetsch Wisconsin Clean Cities (414) 221-4487
A workshop aimed at informing fleets, local businesses, and consumers about alternative fuel and vehicle trends, and vehicle technologies. Hear experiences from fleet managers and companies.
Green Vehicles Showcase
Register today!
Take a look at some of the latest alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles. Learn about the advantages of a green vehicle! Who should attend?
Anyone interested in learning about and seeing green vehicles! Local educators are encouraged to bring their classes to see and learn about the vehicles. Any age group is welcome!
REGISTER TODAY! Vehicles booked courtesy of ADAMM
When: April 24, 2013 Time: 12:30 - 3:00 PM Cost: FREE
Where: MATC Downtown
(Front Plaza) 700 W. State St. Milwaukee, WI 53233
Heather Goetsch (414) 221-4487 April ReFUEL | 4
? A
Question of the Month “Where can I find information specific to alternative fuel and advanced vehicles in my state?”
The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Maps and Data website ( is a comprehensive resource for current and historical statistics related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. The site categorizes information into the following sections, or tabs: Vehicles, Fuels & Infrastructure, Laws & Incentives, Regulated Fleets, and Clean Cities. The Clean Cities tab ( was recently updated based on the results of the 2011 annual report. By scrolling down or filtering the list on the right panel for each tab, you can select relevant maps and charts. The gray download button in the upper right corner of the figure viewing pane allows users to view the data in Excel spreadsheet format or copy the chart into a presentation or other document. Clicking on legend labels also adds or removes data from the chart for more specific comparisons. Lastly, the Maps and Data website includes links to relevant reports and data analyses from outside the AFDC. In addition to U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) statistics included on the AFDC Maps and Data website, EIA compiles information relating to alternative fuel and advanced vehicles on its Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data website ( The site includes an overview of trends in the alternative transportation sector, which is updated on an annual basis, as well as interactive data tables with statistics about current and projected vehicles supplied, vehicles in use, and fuel consumption. Please note that the EIA data is published on a two year delay; 2011 information will be posted in April 2013. Resources for Additional Transportation Statistics and Trend Data: • EIA: Annual Energy Outlook 2013 (Early Release) and Weekly Retail Gasoline and Diesel Prices • American Public Transportation Association: 2012 Public Transportation Fact Book • Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Transportation Energy Data Book • U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: Highway Statistics Series • Dashboard • AFDC: Alternative Fuel Price Report • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends 5 | April ReFUEL
Welcome and
Members Cummins NPower Lisa Geason-Bauer Jeffrey Deutschlander
Probe Alternative Fuel Services Madison Gas and Electric
Don’t miss the Clean Cities Winter Webinar Series! Click here or visit to view the schedule, topics, and regiatration links.
April ReFUEL | 6
Join our mission of driving sustainable alternative fuel projects and enduring clean transportation initiatives for future generations. Wisconsin Clean Cities will be attending ACT Expo 2013, and we hope to see you there! Sign up today! Visit: Call: (888) 993-0302 Email:
Special discount for Clean Cities Members! Call (414) 221-4487 or email to get the code.
Clean Cities PEV Readiness Scorecard •
Evaluate your community’s PEV readiness
Receive feedback about strengths and ways to improve
Record and track progress toward PEV readiness
Call (414) 221-4487 or email to get your community’s readiness score.
7 | April ReFUEL
Clean Transportation is Bloomin’ in Wisconsin!
s April approaches, Midwesterners’ minds are flooded with the ideas of springtime. Budding trees, new flower stalks, and green grass are signs of new beginning and growth. For Wisconsin, new growth doesn’t stop at vegetation, it includes alternative fuels. Through the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program (WCTP), this spring will be blooming with the final deployment of vehicles and installation of supporting infrastructure. The WCTP is a four-year initiative aimed at significantly reducing petroleum consumption and emissions in Wisconsin by increasing the use of alternative fuel or advanced technology vehicles and the installation of infrastructure necessary to support them. Since its inception in August 2009, the program has helped public and private partners update or install 14 private and 4 public alternative fueling or electric charging stations and deployed more than 315 vehicles on the road. It is estimated that the vehicles deployed and infrastructure installed will displace over 1.6 million gallons of petroleum each year!
The City of Milwaukee received $1.8 million to install a public fast fueling CNG station in front and a private slow and fast fill station behind of one of the City’s garages. The City also received $830,000 for 21 CNG refuse haulers.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program competitively awarded the Wisconsin State Energy Office (SEO) $15 million for the WCTP through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding. Partnering with Wisconsin Clean Cities for marketing, outreach and education, the SEO has been able to tap in to additional resources for the program partners. The WCTP projects encompassed alternative fuels and advanced technologies, such as: biodiesel, natural gas, electricity, ethanol, propane, hybrid electric heavy duty Class 8 trucks, school buses, and bucket trucks. The program consists of 37 public and private partners from across the state, including the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC). The DOC received funding for two hybrid Ford Escapes and two heavy duty hybrid trucks. Douglas Nelson, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor for the Racine Correctional Institution said, “A special thank-you to the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program for funding our International Durastar. Because of the versatility and efficiency of this truck, we have expanded its role to include recycling trips out of our institution. We are pleased with the performance of this truck, and consider it a valuable addition to our fleet.”
Jefferson County Sheriff ’s Office has been fueling with propane since the 1970s and received funding from the WCTP to upgrade their propane station and convert 13 Ford Crown Vics and 5 Chevrolet Tahoes. In October 2012, the Sheriff ’s Office was fueling for $1.17 a gallon.
Learn more about the WCTP and its partners’ success: April ReFUEL | 8
Work Truck Show 2013 Green Award Goes to Odyne Systems
dyne Systems, LLC, won The Work Truck Show® 2013 Green Award for an advanced hybrid commercial vehicle it developed with ComEd (Chicago, IL). The Work Truck Show 2013, held March 6−8 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN, showcased the latest commercially viable hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. Odyne used the event to introduce a unique walk-in van equipped with a plug-in hybrid system providing electrical power from a large advanced battery system. The batteries can be recharged for uninterrupted extended operations at the work site by the chassis engine, or through cleaner energy from the grid. The new hybrid system provides benefits during driving and stationary operations by reducing fuel consumption, emissions and work site noise.
Odyne received the 2013 NTEA Work Truck Show Green Award for their unique new walk-in van hybrid power application .
Designed for ComEd’s underground electrical maintenance work in Chicago, the van is built on a chassis from Freightliner Custom Chassis utilizing a Utilimaster walk-in van body and Team Fenex manhole air delivery system. The vehicle can be parked above a manhole to provide workers below with all their electrical needs, plus cooled or heated fresh air. The system significantly reduces chassis engine idling and delivers over 14 kW of power for tools and other applications without the need for a separate diesel generator. The Odyne system utilizes an Allison 2000 series fully automatic transmission, Remy electric motor and Johnson Controls lithium-ion battery packs. When the van is being driven, hybrid components provide launch assist and regenerative braking, for improved performance and higher efficiency. The Odyne plug-in hybrid system is the only hybrid electric system designed to operate with an Allison 2000 series transmission. Its parallel hybrid configuration interfaces with the vehicle’s existing drivetrain, allowing for cost-effective installation while fully retaining the transmission warranty. “We are very excited to bring this advance in hybrid and truck electrification technology to ComEd in an entirely new application that will significantly reduce their fuel costs and emissions, while extending the life of the truck and providing a quieter work environment,” said Joe Dalum, president of Odyne Systems, LLC. “We envision that other communities with significant underground systems or companies with the need to export power quietly will be interested in exploring this technology to reduce their cost of operation while boosting productivity. We also look forward to further optimization of the hybrid drivetrain and continued gains in efficiency through Odyne’s engineering collaboration with investment partner Allison Transmission.” The Green Award is presented annually to the Work Truck Show product that best advances work truck fuel utilization as determined by a panel of trade media editors and fleet managers.
For more information about Odyne Systems, visit, email or call
262-544-8405. Follow Odyne on Facebook at and Twitter at
9 | April ReFUEL
Barnes, Inc. Expands to CNG Conversions and Fueling
arnes, Inc. is a Madison and Dane County, Wisconsin company established in 1981 by Mark Barnes as a landscape maintenance and snow removal company. Since its inception, the company has grown into a full-service, year-round maintenance and construction service company, adding tree trimming and removal, fertilizer/weed control, holiday lighting, landscape construction and landscape design to its wide array of services. The company has grown to over 150 employees, with sales exceeding $9.5 million annually, and services over 1000 customers, ranging from commercial, industrial, municipal, health care, utility, and residential customers alike. Barnes, Inc. is a proud member of Wisconsin Clean Cities. Mark began looking into CNG (compressed natural gas) as an alternative fuel to petroleum and its highly volatile cost for operations. Now that the number of fueling stations have started to increase in the Dane County area, Barnes has begun to convert its fleet of 145 vehicles over to CNG. Mark is not only converting the fleet at Barnes, Inc., but is starting a new business venture to convert other fleets with the addition of Barnes Green Energy, LLC, a wholly-owned, vertically-integrated CNG conversion and consulting business. Barnes Green Energy is certified to install and maintain CNG conversion systems for GM and Chrysler vehicles using Nat Gas Car systems, and as of March 26, 2013, is pleased to announce its acceptance by AltechEco to do conversions and service on systems for Ford vehicles. As a result, Barnes Green Energy has the ability to provide conversion distribution, sales, installation, and service on all three major domestic vehicle brands. Mark’s plan is to convert at least 40 of Barnes, Inc.’s fleet by mid-2014. Barnes Green Energy is well on its way to its projection of 50 externally-generated conversions in the next year, with 12 contracts in place. “Switching over to CNG for our fleet was a no-brainer,” said Mark. “The conversion cost will be on average $9,500 to $12,500 based on engine size and vehicle modifications needed, and taking into consideration the miles we drive each truck per year, our average payback will be less than five years at the current price differential between petroleum and diesel products and CNG. We only expect the price gap to widen in the future. Due to the fact that we keep our vehicles for 10 years or longer, we will be seeing huge savings and it can insulate us from wild cost spikes that add to operating costs.” While converting vehicles and running them on CNG is great for business and the environment, Mark also realized his new clients would need a place to fuel. “Offering the conversion service is great, but the number of fueling stations in our area is still quite limited,” Mark stated. “We want to convert vehicles, but we also want them to get to their destination. Our area of the state is kind of a desert for CNG fueling stations, so are working with GAIN Clean Fuel, a subsidiary of U.S. Oil, to fill that void.” The property being dedicated to the CNG station will contain a public dispenser, along with a slow-fill private dispenser for the Barnes, Inc. fleet. The station, located at 6433 Nesbitt Road, Madison, WI, along highway 18/151, a heavily-traveled commercial corridor between Madison and Dubuque, IA, will be a site dedicated only to fueling of vehicles. Mark hopes that local businesses that are nearby and long-haul trucking companies that travel the route will be able to make the switch from gasoline and diesel to CNG. Mark added that “companies with over-the-road trucks are going to see the fuel cost savings if they convert to CNG, no matter where they fuel up. But, they will see an additional cost savings by using our station: less downtime. Drivers will be able to fuel up and be on their way much quicker, and with less risk of accidents from reduced automobile traffic compared to traditional convenience store fueling locations.” Mark has also started Barnes Power Equipment, a lawn equipment company that sells mowers that run on propane, currently at $1.39 per GGE (gasoline gallon equivalent). Barnes, Inc. intends to convert its entire remaining fleet of maintenance equipment over to propane in the next two years to increase savings.
To learn more, visit:
April ReFUEL | 10
NAFTC Announces FREE Online Electric Drive Vehicle First Responder Training
ot all firefighters are able to participate in classroom-based training due to location, cost, and time constraints. Because of this, the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) is exited to announce a limited number of firefighter scholarships to obtain FREE online Electric Drive Vehicle First Responder Safety Training. The NAFTC’s award-winning Electric Drive Vehicle First Responder Safety Training online course will equip firefighters with the knowledge they need to safely respond to automotive incidents involving electric drive vehicles, including: • • • •
Hybrid Electric Vehicles Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Battery Electric Vehicles Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
Participants in the self-paced, eight-hour Electric Drive Vehicle First Responder Safety Training online course will learn about different electric drive vehicle configurations and their built-in safety systems, how to identify an electric drive vehicle at an accident scene, battery technologies, electric vehicle systems, and how to approach, assess, and secure advanced electric drive vehicles. Participants will also complete online modules for personal protective equipment and gear, crash and fire, and extrication. This course takes place completely online and does not require classroom participation. A certificate can be printed by the student at the completion of the course. Login information will be emailed to participants after completing an online registration form. Credentials can take up to three business days to reach attendees. Additional information on the NAFTC’s First Responder Safety Training, including first responder classroom offerings and free alternative fuel vehicle phone app, can be found at
Register today or tell the fire department in your area to take advantage of this great opportunity! Visit:
11 | April ReFUEL
Have Breakfast on MGE, and Get the Latest Information on CNG Vehicles
earn about the recently opened Monona Speedway CNG fueling station, new developments in CNG vehicles and how Dane County uses CNG vehicles in their fleet. We’ll discuss information that will help you make decisions about purchasing CNG vehicles. CNG vehicles will be on display. Following the seminar, MGE will demonstrate CNG fueling at the Monona Speedway Station. It’s located at 2500 Royal Ave., just east of South Towne Drive. Subjects covered in this seminar include: • New Monona Speedway CNG fueling station • CNG Vehicles Update – Availability, Performance, Payback Presented by: - Cummins NPower (Engine manufacturer) - IMPCO Technologies Inc. (CNG engine equipment supplier for GM, Ford and others)
• Operating a CNG Fleet – Vehicles, Fueling, Payback Presented by: - Dane County Public Works
Event: MGE’s CNG Breakfast Seminar Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013 Time: 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Registration and breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Meeting begins at 8 a.m. Location: Monona Community Center 1011 Nichols Road Monona, WI
To register: Please respond to Just include your contact information in the email message.
You can also use the enclosed card to register. This event is sponsored by MGE. For more information, call the MGE Business Line at (608) 252-7007.
April ReFUEL | 12
EV Everywhere Workplace Charging Challenge
oday, about half of the vehicles in the United States are parked at overnight locations with access to plugs, providing a great foundation for the country’s plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging infrastructure. However, employers across the country are beginning to offer charging access in workplace lots, which serve as the next most-likely place a vehicle will spend time parked. In fact, the ability to charge at work can potentially double a PEV driver’s all-electric daily commuting distance. This untapped resource presents a significant opportunity to expand the country’s PEV charging infrastructure. To support the deployment of this infrastructure, DOE has launched the Workplace Charging Challenge, with a goal of achieving a tenfold increase in the number of U.S. employers offering workplace charging in the next five years. As part of the Workplace Charging Challenge, DOE is calling on America’s employers to sign the Workplace Charging Challenge Pledge as “Partners” to make a bold commitment to provide PEV charging access to their workforce. The Pledge also enlists stakeholder organizations as “Ambassadors” to promote and facilitate workplace charging. Partners who sign the Workplace Charging Pledge will: • Commit to assessing employee charging demand and developing a plan to install charging stations. Partner plans will include milestones for charging infrastructure installation with a minimum goal of provision of charging for a portion of PEV-driving employees at one or more major employer worksites, and a best practice goal of assessing and meeting all PEVdriving employee demand. • Take action by implementing a plan to install charging stations for their employees. • Share progress on achieving plan milestones over time, as well as best practices.
Learn more about the Workplace Charging Challenge:
Benefits of joining: Resources: html
13 | April ReFUEL
Current Workplace Charging Challenge Partners include: 3M AVL Bentley Systems Biogen Idec Bloomberg LP Chrysler City of Sacramento The Coca-Cola Company Dell Duke Energy Eli Lilly and Company Facebook Ford General Electric General Motors Google The Hartford The Hertz Corporation National Grid New York Power Authority Nissan NRG Energy OSRAM SYLVANIA Raytheon Company Siemens San Diego Gas & Electric Southern California Edison Tesla Verizon
Mark Your Calendars!
Join Wisconsin Clean Cities at these great events!
April 7-10, 2013
May 2, 2013
April 9, 2013
May 7, 2013
Energy Independence Summit Washington, DC Register: Webinar: Clean Cities Tools 10:00 - 11:30 AM (CST) Space is limited! Reserve your seat today! Register:
April 11, 2013
Kwik Trip Natural Gas Seminar Lake Mills, WI
April 24, 2013
Green Vehicles Workshop & Vehicle Showcase 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (workshop) 12:30 - 3:00 PM (showcase) Register:
Kwik Trip Natural Gas Seminar Verona, WI
Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program Partner Showcase 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, WI 53713 RSVP: Emily DeVillers at (414) 221-2509 or
May 23, 2013
Kwik Trip Natural Gas Seminar Mauston, WI
June 24-27, 2013
ACT Expo 2013 Washington, DC Register: April 25, 2013 Special discount for Clean Cities members! MGE Breakfast Seminar: Are natural gas vehicles right for your fleet? Call (414) 221-4487 to get the code. 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Monona Community Center 1011 Nichols Rd., Monona, WI Register:
For more event information, visit our events page at For sponsorship opportunities, email or call (414) 221-4958. April ReFUEL | 14
F leets A cross the U . S . : How Other Fleets Are Using Alternative Fuels And Vehicles
CNG Powers Law Enforcement in Arkansas
s part of a larger commitment to alternative fuels, the City of North Little Rock, Arkansas, recently added 13 compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles to its fleet, including nine Chevrolet Tahoe police vehicles. The patrol vehicles were converted to CNG operation with help from the CNG Conversion Rebate Program, run by the Arkansas Clean Cities (ACC) coalition, housed in the Arkansas Energy Office. The vehicle conversions each cost about $12,000, and North Little Rock received $77,048 in State Energy Program Recovery Act funds to help foot the bill. “We would not have been able to afford conversion costs without the rebates,” said Nathan Hamilton, the city’s director of special projects. The police have been pleased so far with the Tahoes’ responsiveness, and the city is happy because CNG saves it about $2 per gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) in fuel costs. “North Little Rock has been a community leader for alternative fuels in general,” ACC Coordinator Kelly Volin said. And by switching about 5% of its police fleet to CNG, the city has taken another important step in reducing petroleum use. In August 2011, the municipality opened a CNG fueling station, the first publicly owned CNG station in the state. Currently, the city is able to sell the fuel for $1.44 per GGE. Statewide, there are now three public and two private CNG stations, with two more scheduled to open in the near future, including one across the river in Little Rock. “North Little Rock has jump-started the use of alternative fuels here,” Volin said.
Learn more:
15 | April ReFUEL
Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities
Kwik Trip had several natural gas vehicles on display at their natural gas seminar on March 28, including their own fleet vehicles.
Eric Kruse, a member of the alternative fuels team at Kwik Trip, gave an overview of the benefits of using natural gas as a vehicle fuel.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s new Idlebox toolkit contains “Stop Idling. Start $aving” stickers to help spread the message.
Emily DeVillers, Program Associate with Wisconsin Clean Cities, filling up on natural gas at the City of Milwaukee’s new public station on Lincoln Avenue.
A young vehicle enthusiast enjoys hopping in the UW-Madison E85 racecar at the Greater Milwaukee Auto Show.
Transit Express acquired 10 new Ford E350 vans and converted them to run on compressed natural gas (CNG) through the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program.
April ReFUEL | 16