ReFUEL: WCC Monthly Newsletter

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ReFUEL December 2012 | Wisconsin Clean Cities - Southeast Area | Monthly Newsletter

In This Issue:

Wisconsin Clean Cities Launches New Website WCC Partners to Bring U.S. DOE Funding to Wisconsin Coming February 2013: Madison’s First, Easy-Access Public CNG Station Learn About “Greening Your Fleet’ at WI SBC Conference 2013 Version of GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator Events, News, and More...

“Driving Wisconsin Forward”

St ay C o nn e cte d!

ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities Southeast Area’s (WCC-SEA) monthly coalition newsletter. WCC-SEA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC-SEA works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry.

1 | December ReFUEL

In This Issue: Question of the Month

Page 4

How do I get EPA and/or CARB certification for a conversion kit I would like to sell?

Page 5

Welcome New and Returning Members

Features: WCC Partners to Bring U.S. DOE Funding to Wisconsin

Pages 7-12

Coming February 2013: Madison’s First, Easy-Access Public CNG Fueling Station Wisconsin Clean Cities Launches New Website Learn About “Greening Your Fleet” at the 5th Annual Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council Conference 2012 Version of GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator Released

Page 13

Page 14

Fleets Across The U.S.

U.S. Port Complex Embraces LNG for Heavy-Duty Trucks

Eye On Clean Cities

December ReFUEL | 2

Are you a member yet? Sta r t mak in g a n i m pa c t by j oi n i n g Wi s con s i n Cle a n Cities to day ! W CC - S E A re l ie s o n su ppo r t f ro m o u r mem b er s. D ues and cor p orate me m be rs h ip s e n abl e WCC- SEA to h o l d meet ings, sp onsor ed uc at ional wor k sh o p s, an d prov i de v i ta l o u trea ch mater ials.

Wh at c an WCC- S E A do for you ?

• Net wor k i n g o ppo r tu nities w it h fl eets & in dus tr y pa r tn er s • Te ch n i cal t ra ining, wo r k sho ps, a n d webin a r s • I nfo r mat i o n reso u rces o n a l ter n ative fuel s, a dva n ced veh ic l es, idl e redu c t i o n , an d o t her tec hno l o gies th at reduce petro l eum us e • I ndi v i d u al co nsu l t at io n a nd tec h n ic a l a s s is ta n ce • Fun d i n g o p p o r tu nities f ro m th e U.S . D epa r tm ent o f E n ergy, s tate and loc al g ove r n m ent a g enc ies, non pro fits, a n d fo un datio n s • Pub l i c re cognitio n fo r pro gress in reduc in g petro l eum co n s um ption • As s i s t an ce w ith m edia o u trea ch

J oin to d ay!

Vis i t w w w. wi clea nc ities. o rg / j o in. ph p, em a il in fo @ w ic l ea n c ities.o rg, o r c all 4 14- 221- 4 9 5 8 .

Join the ranks with these notable supporters:

? A

Question of the Month “I’m bringing a new conversion kit to the market. How do I get EPA and/or CARB certification for my product?”

Conversion systems modify vehicles and engines so that they can run on different fuels than the ones for which they were originally designed. Most alternative fuel conversions involve reconfiguring a gasoline or diesel vehicle or engine to operate on natural gas, propane, alcohols, or electricity, or on a blend of conventional and alternative fuels. Use of clean alternative fuels opens new fuel supply choices and can help consumers address concerns about fuel costs, energy security, and emissions. Any change to the original configuration of a certified vehicle Jefferon County Sheriff ’s Department converted 14 vehicles to or engine, including alternative fuel conversion, is a potential dual fuel propane and gasoline. violation of the Clean Air Act section 203(a)(3) prohibition against tampering (42 U.S.C. §7522 (a)(3)). The tampering prohibition is important because poorly designed modifications can increase emissions. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established protocols through which conversion manufacturers may seek exemption from the tampering prohibition by demonstrating that emission controls in the converted vehicle or engine will continue to function properly and that pollution will not increase as a result of conversion. The U.S. EPA provides a comprehensive webpage about all the regulations, information for conversion manufacturers, information for consumers, EPA-compliant conversion systems, and related EPA and external links. They also provide a Compliance Information Hotline at (734) 214-4343 and email (

Visit the U.S. EPA Alternative Fuel Conversion webpage: Learn the basics about vehicle conversions from the AFDC: Learn more about fleets in Wisconsin that have converted vehicles:

December ReFUEL | 4

Welcome and




Bradlee Fons

E.H. Wolf and Sons

Transit Express, Inc.

Time Transport

International Motorwerks

Douglas A. Duesing

ANGI Energy Systems

Andy Gayhart

Diesel Outfitters, LLC

George Stone

s: ies Member it C n a le C Wisconsin Have your organization, an article, or an ad featured in the Wisconsin Clean Cities monthly newsletter free. It’s your chance to tell others what your company is doing to promote petroleum reduction and other green initiatives, or tell them about a great deal.

All articles or ads must be submitted by the 20th of each month to be featured. For more detail or to submit an article or ad, contact Heather Goetsch at (414) 221-4487 or email Not a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities? Join today! Gain recognition for the great work your company is doing. View details listed on page 3 or visit

5 | December ReFUEL

• 500,000 square feet of vocational trucks and equipment • Newest products and technical support from more than 550 exhibitors • More than 60 intensive programs on upfitting, regulatory compliance and business management

Learn more at Free Pass for Wisconsin Clean Cities Members! Contact us at (414) 221-4958 or to get the registration form.

Wisconsin Clean Cities’ Annual Stakeholder Survey Coming to your inbox January 2, 2013 Tell us about your efforts to reduce petroleum consumption in 2012. Your contribution will help show Wisconsin’s achievements in reduction. December ReFUEL | 6

WCC Partners to Bring U.S. DOE Funding to Wisconsin


isconsin Clean Cities is proud to announce that two partnership projects were awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on Monday, November 19, 2012. The U.S. DOE Clean Cities Implementation Initiatives to Advance Alternative Fuel Markets grant distributed eleven million dollars among twenty projects across the United States focusing on alternative fuels planning, training, and infrastructure development. The funding does not allow for the purchase of vehicles, stations, or related equipment. Forwarding Wisconsin’s Fuel Choice is a statewide initiative to expand the alternative fuel markets through policy, barrier-reduction, safety and training, and promotion and outreach. The project was awarded $500,000, and will be lead by the Wisconsin State Energy Office, Wisconsin Clean Cities, and the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS). Initiatives for the project include: • Analyzing current state laws and incentives related to alternative fuel, vehicles, and infrastructure, • Creating a Wisconsin Smart Fleets Program to work with public and private fleets to increase their ability to adopt alternative fuels and vehicles, and promote their achievements, • Expand highway road signage to include alternative fuels, • Educate and consult with fuel retailers and distributors to overcome challenges and create solutions, and • Build on WTCS safety and training curriculum.

The Lake Michigan Corridor Alternative Fuel Implementation Initiative is a regional project lead by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) and the Lake Michigan Consortium (Wisconsin Clean Cities, Chicago Area Clean Cities, and South Shore Clean Cities). The project was awarded $764,266. Initiatives for the project include: • Expand existing municipal fueling stations to be available to other fleets, • Create vehicle conversion inspection criteria, and • Train and educate fuel retailers, first responders, vehicle mechanics, code officials, measurement agencies, and fleet operators. Both projects are scheduled to begin in January 2013 and completed in December 2014.

Want to learn more about these opportunities?

Contact Wisconsin Clean Cities at (414) 221-4958 or

7 | December ReFUEL

Coming February 2013: Madison’s First, Easy-Access Public CNG Fueling Station Submitted by: Debbie Branson, MG&E


sing natural gas for a fuel in Dane County gets easier in 2013. Speedway LLC (Speedway) will offer the public a compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling option at its convenience store on South Towne Drive in Monona, Wisconsin (2500 Royal Avenue, Monona, WI 53713). Madison Gas and Electric (MGE) will supply the CNG to Speedway. Area fleet operators will be able to take advantage of CNG’s lower cost and reduced emissions at an easy-to-access location 24/7. Fleets will also be able to fill up in about the same time it takes to fill a gasoline or diesel vehicle. The Speedway CNG station provides a critical refueling link for the Madison area as well as for vehicles traveling through Madison to other destinations in the Midwest. To help offset some of the station’s costs, the project was awarded a grant from the State of Wisconsin and federal Department of Energy.

Want to learn more about CNG as a fleet fuel?

MGE, a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities, can help fleets determine if CNG is an option. Call the MGE Business Energy Line at 608-252-7007 or visit for more information. Also visit for CNG basics, tools, and resources.

The new CNG station will be located at Speedway on South Towne Drive in Monona, (2500 Royal Ave.) across from Walmart off of highway 18.

December ReFUEL | 8

Wisconsin Clean Cities Launches New Website


n November DATE, 2012, Wisconsin Clean Cities’ new website was activated. The new site is much easier to navigate and contains greater amounts of information and resources. It features more detailed information about fuels and vehicles, a comprehensive resources page, better listings of events and news, videos, an improved Wisocnsin Clean Transportation section, and a members only section. “The new website looks fantastic! It’s a great feeling that we can now direct people to our site and all the information and resources are in one place,” said Lorrie Lisek, Executive Director. “The internet is now the first impression people have of companies. Our website now better represents our coalition and the quality of service we can provide to public and private organizations and individuals.”

Visit the new site: 9 | December ReFUEL

Learn About “Greening Your Fleet” at the 5th Annual Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council Conference


he Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council and Cool Choices welcome the Wisconsin business community for a direct business-to-business exchange of sustainability experiences, tools, solutions and ideas at their 5th annual conference on December 7th. The Conference will be held at the American Family Corporate Campus Training Center in Madison. The theme this year is Innovation Meets Sustainability. The Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council Conference is the largest conference in the upper Midwest on business and sustainability. The format features business representatives talking about how they have implemented various sustainability projects and initiatives – from greening their fleet to justifying a capital project. Last year the Council welcomed 320 attendees. The conference is ideal for business executives, board members, senior managers, small business owners, plant managers, sustainability coordinators, green teams, sustainability advocates and students interested in sustainability. It is planned by students and is designed to provide practical tools, strategies and lessons that can be taken back to a business and implemented immediately. One of this year’s sessions is titled “Greening Your Fleet” and features WCC members: Lisa Geason-Bauer, Evolution Marketing, Rochelle Bast, Go Riteway Transportation Group, and Chad Davis, ADS (formerly Veolia). Fleets are responsible for a substantial share of a company’s carbon footprint; they also present an area where saving money is still pretty easy. Whether it’s upgrading the fleet vehicles or changing behavior patterns, the speakers will provide ideas and strategies to improve fuel efficiency and present bottom line savings.

For a full listing of sessions and speakers, and to register visit:

December ReFUEL | 10

YOU’RE INVITED! Wisconsin Clean Cities

Annual Stakeholder Meeting & Holiday Reception December 6, 2012 2:00 - 4:30 PM We Energies 231 W. Michigan St. Milwaukee, WI 53203

Support WCC and Win a Fabulous Prize! WCC is selling raffle tickets to help raise funds in support of the coalition’s activities. Please purchase tickets at the registration table and enter to win one of several prizes. (1 for $3; 2 for $5; 5 for $10) Prizes: • 1 night stay at Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel • 4 pack box seat tickets to Wisconsin Timber Rattlers 2013 game of choice • Outpost Natural Foods Gift Basket • Kwik Trip Gift Basket ....and more to come!

RSVP: (414) 221-4958 or Sponsorship Opportunities Available! Please consider supporting for $200, $300, or $500. 11 | December ReFUEL

2012 Version of GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator Released


ith the support of the Clean Cities program, Version 2012 of the GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator has been released by the Argonne National Laboratory. The 2012 version contains data from the recent release of the GREET 2012 model, which updated the well-to-wheel results for a variety of fuels including corn and cellulosic ethanol, biodiesel, electricity and petroleum-based fuels. In addition, this tool now allows users to examine algae-based biodiesel and compare conventional natural gas to shale gas The calculations for off-road equipment have also been improved allowing users to easily change the load factor for each type of equipment. What is GREET Fleet? The Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program enlisted the expertise of Argonne to assist in measuring the petroleum displacement and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of mediumand heavy-duty vehicles and off-road equipment. Argonne developed the GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator for Clean Cities stakeholders to estimate these values using simple spreadsheet inputs. The basis of the calculator is Argonne’s Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) fuel-cycle model which is used to generate necessary petroleum use and GHG emission co-efficients of key fuel production pathways and combustion fuel types. Fleet managers can quickly insert their data to generate petroleum use and GHG emissions on a well-to-wheels (WTW) basis. A WTW analysis can be divided into two stages: well-to-pump (WTP) and pump-to-wheels (PTW). The WTP stage starts The Version 2012 GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator is available to use online with the fuel feedstock recovery, followed by fuel or download as an excel file. production, and ends with the fuel available at the pump, while the PTW stage represents the vehicle’s operation activities. It is important to examine transportation fuels and technologies on a WTW basis in order to properly compare alternatives, as activities upstream of vehicle operation can use significant amounts of energy and subsequently produce a large amount of emissions.

Access the 2012 Version of the GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator: Read the full report of changes incorporated in Version 2012: December ReFUEL | 12

FLEETS ACROSS THE U.S.: How Other Fleets Are Using Alternative Fuels And Vehicles

U.S. Port Complex Embraces LNG for Heavy-Duty Trucks


he South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) HeavyDuty Natural Gas Drayage Truck Replacement Program sought funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), EPA, the ports, and the California Energy Commission to expand the initiative. In total, SCAQMD has been awarded about $72.78 million in funds, including a DOE award of $9.4 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The Recovery Act portion is helping with the purchase of 219 LNG trucks, exceeding the original award commitment of 180 trucks. The first batch was deployed in the spring of 2010, and by June 2012, 182 LNG trucks were on the road. The remaining 37 LNG trucks are expected to be deployed by the end of 2012. One of the LNG trucks adopted through The drayage truck project has helped many independent owners and the SCAQMD program. operators stay in business by reducing the incremental costs of purchasing natural gas trucks. Tighter emissions regulations have made the purchase of new heavy-duty diesel trucks an expensive proposition. But with help from SCAQMD, LNG trucks are within reach. The agency estimates that the ARRA portion of the project will create or retain a minimum of 68 jobs. SCAQMD plans to provide a final estimate of the job benefits in the first quarter of 2013 after all of the LNG trucks are on the road. Alan Ta, Chief Operating Officer of Pacific 9 Transportation, said his company was among the earliest to embrace LNG for its 160-truck fleet. “We understood that for the future, we had to look at alternative resources. We thought LNG was a way to go,” he said. Ta said the two ports offered an “amazing program.” It helped Pacific 9 acquire its first 14 LNG trucks, which it uses to move shipping containers from the ports. When SCAQMD issued a later solicitation, the company applied for funding to purchase an additional four heavy-duty LNG trucks. The funds covered about $100,000 apiece for the new vehicles, which each cost $153,135. Pacific 9 obtained financing to cover the balance of the purchase price. There was an initial learning curve for Pacific 9 owner operators, who had been used to diesel, but they quickly came to embrace the alternative fuel. Ta praised the reliability of the vehicles. “All of our LNG trucks are being used every single day,” he said, noting that while about 20 trucks in his overall fleet are out of service at any given time, “the LNG trucks never sit idle. That’s significant.” Pacific 9 has realized additional benefits from its participation in the SCAQMD drayage truck program: “I think there are substantial benefits in public image,” he said. “As a transportation company, we’re one of a few that took the lead. We decided early on to be in the forefront, and it has paid off to be recognized as a leader rather than a follower. The grant program has afforded us the opportunity,” he said.

Learn more about the SCAQMD: Learn more about the Pacific 9: 13 | December ReFUEL

Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities


fter a jam-packed October, WCC was able to slow down for November. Kwik Trip invited WCC to several natural gas events: workshops in Pewaukee and Sheboygan and a station opening in Oshkosh. On November 14, WCC was featured at Green Drinks in Milwaukee at the Brocach Pub. Green Drinks is a monthly networking opportunity that features companies around the Milwaukee area. WCC talked about the coalition and benefits of alternative fuels.

Convenience Transportation, a division of Kwik Trip, maintains a fleet of about 400 vehicles and operate more than 20 natural gas powered vehicles.

Paper Transport natural gas truck filling up.

The ANGI compressors at the Oshkosh station allow for fast-fill.

More than 100 people attended the Natural Gas Workshop in Sheboygan, WI.

December ReFUEL | 14

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