WCCSEA Monthly Coalition Newsletter

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ReFUEL April 2012 | Wisconsin Clean Cities - Southeast Area | Monthly Newsletter

Also In This Issue:

Did you know? Clean Cities impacts millions of stakeholders Member Spotlight: Truck Country Freightliner Welcome New and Returning Members Question of the Month: What does octane mean? New CNG Station in Green Bay Area Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities “Driving Wisconsin Forward”

C onnec t W i t h Us O n T h e Web!






www.linkedin.com/ company/2442742?trk=tyah 1 | April ReFUEL

ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities Southeast Area’s (WCC-SEA) monthly coalition newsletter. WCC-SEA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC-SEA works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry. If you would like to contribute to ReFUEL, please contact Lorrie Lisek at lorrie.lisek@wicleancities.org or call 414-221-4958. April ReFUEL | 2

C o nte nts Page 5

Page 7

Did you know?

Clean Cities impacts millions of stakeholders

Member Spotlight

Truck Country Freightliner

Page 8

Welcome New and Returning Members

Page 9

Question of the Month

Page 11

Under Development

Page 18

3 | April ReFUEL

What does octane mean?

Emerging Alternative Fuels

Eye On Clean Cities

Are you a member yet? Start m ak i ng an impact by joining Wi s co ns i n Clean Cities today! It ’s al l a bo ut i m p r o vin g q u a l i ty o f life fo r t he pe o ple living in Wis c ons in. WCC-S EA r e l i es o n s u p p o r t f r o m o ur me mbers. Dues and co rpo rate mem be r shi p s e n a b l e W C C - SE A to ho ld me et ings, spo nso r educat ional work shop s, a n d p r o vid e v i ta l out reach mat e rials. What ca n W CC - S E A d o f o r y o u ? • Netw o r k i ng o p p o r tu n iti e s w i t h fleet s & indust ry part ners wit h ex pe r i e nce i n a l te r n a ti ve f u els & advanced ve hicle s • Tec hni ca l t r a in i n g , w o r ks h o p s, and we binars • I nfor ma t i on r e s o u r c e s o n a l t ernat ive fuels, advance d ve hicle s , idle r ed uc t i o n, a n d o th e r te c h n o lo gie s t hat re duce pe t ro le um use • I ndi v i d ua l c o n s u l ta tio n a n d technical assist ance • Fund i ng o p p o r tu n iti e s f r o m the U. S . Depart me nt o f Energy, st ate and local g o v e r n m e n t a g e n c ie s , no npro fit s, and fo undat io ns • P ub l i c r e cog n iti o n f o r p r o g r ess in reducing pet ro le um co nsump tion • Assi st a nce with m e d ia o u tr e ach

J oin toda y !

Visit w w w.w i c l e a n c i ti e s . o r g /j oin. php, e mail info @wicle ancit ies.org, o r cal l 4 1 4 -2 2 1- 4958.

Diamond, Platinum, and Gold Members:

Did yo u k now?

Clean Cities impacts more than 228 million stakeholders


ore than 228 million people (73% of the total U.S. population) live inside the boundaries of Clean Cities coalitions. Coalitions coordinate the work of more than 8,400 stakeholders nationwide. Clean Cities coalitions make an impact in their communities every day. Their activities stimulate local economies, facilitate the adoption of new transportation technologies, and make communities cleaner, healthier places to live. Government agencies and private businesses that sign on as Clean Cities stakeholders gain access to an array of resources, including: • Networking opportunities with fleets and industry partners that have experience in alternative fuels and advanced vehicles, • Technical training, workshops, and webinars, • Information resources on alternative fuels, advanced vehicles, idle reduction, and other technologies that reduce petroleum use, • Individual consultation and technical assistance, • Funding opportunities from the U.S. Department of Energy, • Information about funding sources from state and local government agencies, nonprofits, and foundations, • Assistance with funding applications, • Public recognition for progress in Clean Cities Coalitions

reducing petroleum consumption, and • Assistance with media outreach. Winnipeg



North Dakota


Capital District

Central New York

Treasure Valley

Rogue Valley

Learn more about Clean Cities! http://www1.eere.energy.gov/cleancities/index.html.

Sacramento East Bay San Francisco Silicon Valley Central Coast

Eastern Sierra Regional Utah San Joaquin Valley Las Vegas

Antelope Valley Los Angeles Long Beach San Diego Region

Wisconsin SE Area Northern Colorado Denver Southern Colorado

Southern California Western Riverside County Coachella Valley Region


Valley of the Sun Tucson


Central Oklahoma

Chicago Greater Indiana


Dallas/Ft. Worth Central Texas

St. Louis

Middle Tulsa Tennessee


Land of Enchantment

Alamo Area

Maine Granite State Massachusetts Ocean State Connecticut* New NE Ohio Long Island Jersey Ann New York City and Pittsburgh Arbor Lower Hudson Valley Philadelphia Delaware Clean West State of Maryland Fuels Ohio Virginia Washington DC Commonwealth Virginia CC Partnership


Centralina East Tennessee Palmetto Atlanta State

Western New York Lansing Detroit

South Shore Kansas City


Genesee Region

Twin Cities


Houston/ Galveston

Middle Georgia

Baton Rouge Southeast Louisiana

* Connecticut Clean Cities Include: – Norwich – New Haven – Connecticut Southwestern Area – Capitol Clean Cities of Connecticut

Space Coast

Gold Coast

Map Date - 09/29/11

Nearly 100 coalitions across the U.S. encompasses more than 8,400 stakeholders. 5 | April ReFUEL

l a u nn

A h 9t

Driving Toward 2020:

Green Vehicles Workshop May 4, 2011 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM MATC Downtown Campus Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Students Free with Registration

Non Student Registration: $25 Visit: www.wicleancities.org/events.php

Vehicles, Vehicles, Vehicles...

In April 2010 the county partnered with several private companies that led to the opening of the state’s first landfill gas CNG vehicle refueling station. Currently, the county fills up 15 vehicles for $0.20 a gallon. Thirteen of the vehicles (11 F-150s, 1 F-350, and 1 Ford Fusion) were funded through the WCTP, and four more are or will be ordered in the near future.

M e m be r Sp otl i g ht Tr uc k Co u nt r y Frei g h t l i ner


racing its roots back to a one-truck milk hauling operation in Southwestern Wisconsin in the early 1950s, today Truck Country has blossomed into one of the leading Freightliner truck dealers in the U.S. Robert McCoy founded the precursor to what is now Truck Country in the Shullsburg, Wis. area when, with the help of two business partners, he purchased a small livestock hauling operation in 1954. In 1958, the business grew when it became a GMC pickup and medium-sized trucks franchise. Truck Country has come a long way from its humble start. Currently, the company serves customers at 12 locations in Iowa and Wisconsin, selling new and used medium and heavy duty trucks, providing expert service, an extensive parts inventory and helpful financing options. Truck Country, as well as other companies that are owned by the McCoy Group, Inc., has embraced steps toward implementing alternative fuels in its product offerings and operations. Among other initiatives, the company’s dealerships have actively marketed Freightliner’s Business Class M2 112 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles. Natural-gas , as compared to traditional diesel and gasoline, can cost up to 40 percent less than diesel fuel and is less harmful to the environment with an almost non-existent emissions release. Other benefits of driving a CNG-fueled vehicle include a quicker financial payback than its diesel counterpart, reduced after-treatment complexities and a 10-db noise reduction compared with conventional trucks. Currently, Truck Country is the midst of a promotion, in which potential owners are invited to test drive CNG-powered Freightliner daycabs at its Wisconsin dealerships. As part of the promotion, customers are only asked to return the vehicle full of fuel in order to witness the cost savings incurred by driving a natural gas-powered truck (details on page 8).

One of eight Wisconsin locations, pictured is Truck Country Freightliner’s Appleton dealership.

Additionally, Truck Country’s sister company, Foodliner Inc., one of the nation’s leading food-grade bulk carrier, continues to add a growing number of CNG-powered trucks to its 600 company-owned tractor fleet.

To learn more about Truck Country Freightliner, visit:

http://www.freightlinertrucks.com/Trucks/Alternative-Power-Trucks/Natural-Gas http://www.truckcountry.com 7 | April ReFUEL

You’re invited to enjoy a free ride! *

Be among the first to test drive the state-of-the-art Compressed Natural Gas daycab from Freightliner!

Here’s how you can sign up:

1. Contact your Truck Country sales representative. 2. Fill out the paperwork. 3. Provide an insurance binder.

*Test-drivers are asked to return the unit full of fuel. Wait until you see the low cost per gallon of Compressed Natural Gas!

• Appleton


• Green Bay 800-622-6962

• Madison


• Marinette


• Milwaukee 800-236-6061

• Minocqua


• Shullsburg 866-895-0996

• Wausau



Welcome and




We Energies Ferrellgas Waste Management Veolia Water North America Operating Services April ReFUEL | 8


Ques tion o f the Mo nt h

: What does octane mean?

: The name “octane” comes from the following fact: When you take crude oil and “crack” it in a refinery, you end up getting hydrocarbon chains of different lengths. These different chain lengths can then be separated from each other and blended to form different fuels. For example, you may have heard of methane, propane and butane. All three of them are hydrocarbons. Methane has just a single carbon atom. Propane has three carbon atoms chained together. Butane has four carbon atoms chained together. Pentane has five, hexane has six, heptane has seven and octane has eight carbons chained together.

Typical octane ratings of motor fuels (pure octane has a rating of 100): Gasoline 87 - 93 Methanol 100 Ethanol 100 Propane 104 Natural Gas 120+ Octane Ratings: Propane and other alternative fuels have a higher octane rating than gasoline. Source: U.S. Department of Energy.

Almost all vehicles use four-stroke engines. One of the strokes is the compression stroke, where the engine compresses a cylinder full of air and fuel into a much smaller volume before igniting it with a spark plug. The amount of compression is called the compression ratio of the engine. A typical engine might have a compression ratio of 8-to-1. The octane rating tells you how much the fuel can be compressed before it spontaneously ignites. When fuel ignites by compression rather than because of the spark from the spark plug, it causes knocking in the engine. Knocking can damage an engine, so it is not something you want to have happen. Lower-octane fuels (like “regular” 87-octane gasoline) can handle the least amount of compression before igniting.

A fueling station with octane ratings (in yellow).

9 | April ReFUEL

The compression ratio of your engine determines the octane rating of the fuel you must use in the car. One way to increase the horsepower of an engine of a given displacement is to increase its compression ratio. A “high-performance engine” has a higher compression ratio and requires higher-octane fuel. The advantage of a high compression ratio is that it gives your engine a higher horsepower rating for a given engine weight -- that is what makes the engine “high performance.” The disadvantage is that a higher-octane fuel for your engine will cost more.

First CNG Station in Green Bay Area now Open The first CNG station in the Green Bay, Wisconsin area (in DePere, WI) opened in March. The station is located at the DePere Superstore at 1501 West Main Avenue in DePere, off of Highway 41. The company is also building a station in Wausau in partnership with Riiser Energy. The public access station was built and will be operated and maintained by TrilliumHD. TrilliumHD is a joint venture between Integrys Transportation Fuels, of Green Bay and Chicago, and Paper Transport, Inc. Paper Transport, Inc. is also a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities and part of the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program.

The compressed natural gas (CNG) storage vessels and compressor at the new CNG station.

The station’s primary customers will be heavy-duty trucking and transportation fleets. Paper Transport, Inc. is the first fleet to contract with TrilliumHD. TrilliumHD also plans to open additional CNG stations in the Green bay area this year.

The new station is located at 1501 West Main Avenue, DePere, Wisconsin, just off of Highway 41. View at http://g.co/maps/tsq4v. April ReFUEL | 10

U nde r Deve l o p m e nt: E m e r g i ng A l ternat i ve Fuel s


everal emerging alternative fuels are under development or already developed and may be available in the United States. These fuels may increase energy security, reduce emissions, improve vehicle performance, and stimulate the U.S. economy. Some of these emerging fuels are alternative fuels under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 are biobutanol, hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel, methanol, renewable natural gas (biogas), and xTL fuels (FischerTropsch). Additional fuels used in limited quantities may meet the criteria for alternative fuels, including but not limited to ammonia, diethylene glycol dimethlyl ether (diglyme), and dimethyl ether (DME). More research is needed to characterize the impacts of these fuels, such as necessary vehicle modifications, required fueling infrastructure, human health impacts, greenhouse gas emissions, and tailpipe emissions.


Biobutanol is a 4-carbon alcohol (butyl alcohol) produced from the same feedstocks as ethanol including corn, sugar beets, and other biomass feedstocks. Butanol is generally used as an industrial solvent in products such as lacquers and enamels, but it also can be blended with other fuels for use in conventional gasoline vehicles. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations require the use of oxygenates in certain areas of the country during the winter months. Biobutanol can be used as an oxygenate and blended with gasoline in concentrations up to 11.5% by volume. Biobutanol blends of 85% or more with gasoline are alternative fuels under the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Producing biobutanol via fermentation has been possible since the early 1900s but is currently more expensive than producing petrochemicals. Modern butanol is produced almost entirely from petroleum. Renewed interest in biobutanol as a sustainable vehicle fuel has spurred technological advances to ferment biobutanol. The first commercial-scale plants are expected to be conversions of ethanol corn plants to biobutanol corn plants.

Sugar beets, miscanthus, and wood waste are types of feedstock that can be used to create biobutanol.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service is studying biobutanol production. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are funding biobutanol research and development as part of their Small Business Technology Transfer and Small Business Innovation Research programs.

11 | April ReFUEL

Northeast Wisconsin CSCMP Presents:

Alternative Fuels: Issues and Opportunities Is the logistics industry ready to switch to alternative fuels? This half day program sponsored by CSCMP will examine alternative fuels, equipment technology and distribution challenges within the region. Our keynote speakers will provide insights into the State of Fuel in the future, and long term shipper interests in adapting to a new set of energy economics.



May 1, 2012

8:30 Registration and Networking


8:45 Welcome Speakers: • "The State of Fuel" Craig Dickman CEO, Breakthrough Fuel • "Wisconsin Clean Cities Program" Lorrie Lisek, Executive Director, Wisconsin Clean Cities

8:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Rock Garden Conference Center 1951 Bond Street Green Bay, WI


Advance Member: $30.00 Advance Non-Member: $35.00 Students: $10 with valid ID (thru 4/13/12) After 4/13/12: Member Price $35 Non Member Price $40

9:30- 10:30 Panel 1: "The Economics, Technology and Distribution of Alternative Fuels" • Steve Graham - VP Linehaul Purchasing, Schneider National • Mark Ratdke - CEO, Integrys Group • Pilot (invited) 10:45-11:45 Panel 2: "Perspectives from Carriers and Equipment Manufacturers " Potential Speakers: • Dan Armstrong - General Manager, Truck Country Appleton • Jeff Shefchik - President, Paper Transport • Fleet Conversion Firm Representative (TBA) 11:45 - 12:00 Wrap up Discussion Libby Ogard, President, Prime Focus LLC Noon - 12:30


To register or for more information, contact: Libby Ogard (920) 217-7222 logard@new.rr.com

Hydrogenation-Derived Renewable Diesel

Hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel (HDRD), also known as green diesel or second-generation biodiesel, is the product of fats or vegetable oils—alone or blended with petroleum—refined by a hydrotreating process. HDRD meets the petroleum diesel ASTM specification. This allows it to be legally used in existing diesel infrastructure and vehicles. HDRD derived from domestic biological materials is an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992. HDRD can be produced from soybean, palm, canola, or rapeseed oil; animal tallow; vegetable oil waste or brown trap grease; and other fats and vegetable oils. Producing HDRD involves hydrogenating triglycerides to remove metals and compounds with oxygen and nitrogen using existing refinery infrastructure. Dedicated hydrotreating facilities that do not use conventional petroleum can also produce HDRD.

German airliner Lufthansa completed a successful six month trial fueling 1,187 flights between Hamburg and Frankfurt. The trial used an Airbus A321 with a 50-50 mix of traditional kerosene and Finland-based Neste Oil’s renewable diesel NExBTL made from hydrotreated vegetable oil.

Fuel producers are designing HDRD to substitute for or blend in any proportion with petroleum-based diesel without modifying vehicle engines or fueling infrastructure. To be used in diesel engines, HDRD must meet the same ASTM standards as conventional diesel. HDRD is compatible with existing fuel distribution systems. Blended HDRD can be distributed through modern infrastructure and transported through existing pipelines to dispense at fueling stations.

Manufacturers are performing most of the ongoing HDRD research and development. Some manufacturers are developing HDRD refining processes and testing in commercial settings. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) supports HDRD research and development, including UOP’s work developing production technologies.


Methanol (CH3OH), also known as wood alcohol, is an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992. As an engine fuel, methanol has chemical and physical fuel properties similar to ethanol. Methanol use in vehicles has declined dramatically since the early 1990s, and automakers no longer manufacture methanol vehicles. Methanol is methane with one hydrogen molecule replaced by a hydroxyl radical (OH). This fuel is generally produced by steam-reforming natural gas to create a synthesis gas. Feeding this synthesis gas into a reactor with a catalyst produces methanol and water vapor. Various feedstocks can produce methanol, but natural gas is currently the most economical. Methanol was marketed in the 1990s as an alternative fuel for compatible vehicles. At its 13 | April ReFUEL

The Fiat Panda is a multi-fuel vehicle that can run purely on methanol.

peak, nearly 6 million gasoline gallon equivalents of 100% methanol and 85% methanol/15% gasoline blends were used annually in alternative fuel vehicles in the United States. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is researching the future of natural gas as a feedstock to enable more widespread adoption of methanol as a transportation fuel. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is researching ways to validate methanol fuel cell technology to use methanol for fuel cell vehicles.

Renewable Natural Gas (Biogas)

Biogas—also known as biomenthane, swamp gas, landfill gas, or digester gas—is the gaseous product of anaerobic digestion (decomposition without oxygen) of organic matter. In addition to providing electricity and heat, biogas is useful as a vehicle fuel. When processed to purity standards, biogas is called renewable natural gas and can substitute for natural gas as an alternative fuel for natural gas vehicles. Biogas is usually 50% to 80% methane and 20% to 50% carbon dioxide with traces of gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. In contrast, natural gas is usually more than 70% methane with most of the rest being other hydrocarbons (such as propane and butane) and traces of carbon dioxide and other contaminants.

John Welch (left), recycling/project manager for the Dane County, Wis., Public Work - Solid Waste Division, watches as Joe Falle, an engineer with Cornerstone Environmental, fills up a natural gas-powered truck with fuel made from landfill biogas. Both are members of Wisconsin Clean Cities.

Biogas is a product of decomposing organic matter, such as sewage, animal byproducts, and agricultural, industrial, and municipal solid waste. Biogas must be upgraded to a purity standard to fuel vehicles and be distributed via the existing natural gas grid. Landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the United States. Methane can be captured from landfills and used to produce biogas. Methane gas collection is practical for landfills at least 40 feet deep with at least 1 million tons of waste. Additionally, biogas recovery systems at livestock operations can produce renewable energy in costeffective ways. Animal manure can be collected and delivered to an anaerobic digester to stabilize and optimize methane production. The resulting biogas can be used to fuel natural gas vehicles. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates 8,200 U.S. dairy and swine operations could support biogas recovery systems with the potential to generate more than 13 million megawatt-hours April ReFUEL | 14

and displace about 1,670 megawatts of fossil fuel-fired generation collectively per year. Biogas recovery systems are also feasible at some poultry operations. After biogas is produced, it must be refined for pipeline distribution to use as a vehicle fuel. Refining biogas means increasing the proportion of methane and decreasing the proportion of carbon dioxide and contaminants through absorption, adsorption, membrane separation, or cryogenic separation. Renewable natural gas can be distributed via existing natural gas distribution routes. Because these technologies are not developed and tested fully yet, distributing renewable natural gas via the pipeline grid is not common practice. Research and development efforts are reducing the costs of biogas production and purification, producing higher-quality natural gas from biogas, and evaluating the performance of biogas-fueled vehicles. Some federal and state programs assist in these efforts, including EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program and AgSTAR Program.

xTL Fuels

Synthetic liquid transportation fuels, collectively known as xTL fuels, are produced through specialized conversion processes. These production methods, including the Fischer-Tropsch process, produce fuels from carbon-based feedstocks, such as biomass, coal, or natural gas, and can yield many useful fuels, including gasoline, diesel, ethanol, and methanol. Liquid fuels from coal and natural gas are produced primarily through the Fischer-Tropsch. Producing liquid fuels from coal and natural gas can result in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but carbon sequestration can mitigate this disadvantage. In addition, coal can be converted directly into liquids through liquefaction. The Bergius hydrogenation process is a primary method that involves reacting low-grade coal with hydrogen at a high temperature and pressure to produce liquids that can be refined into synthetic fuels.

Professor Franz Fischer (left) and Dr. Hans Tropsch invented the FischerTropsch process. Professor Fischer was the founding director of the KaiserWilhelm Institute of Coal Research in Mülheim an der Ruhr, and Dr. Hans Tropsch was his department head. They patented the process in 1925.

The Fisher-Tropsch process produces liquid transportation fuels by converting syngas—a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen produced from biomass or fossil fuels, such as natural gas and coal—into Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) diesel. F-T diesel can substitute for conventional petroleum diesel to fuel diesel vehicles without modifying the engine or fueling infrastructure.

In 1923, Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch studied converting coal-derived syngas into useful compounds, such as diesel. The key to F-T synthesis is the catalysts—substances that facilitate chemical reactions without being consumed by the reaction. The process includes three steps that occur in the presence of catalysts: 1) syngas formation, 2) Fischer-Tropsch reaction, and 3) refining. The F-T process is beneficial because it converts relatively inflexible energy sources—such as coal or biomass—into useful transportation fuels. Because petroleum-based fuels are in high demand, F-T diesel is a valuable substitute.

15 | April ReFUEL

Now Available! Clean Cities 2012 Vehicle Buyer’s Guide Click the link below or copy & paste into your browser: http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/pdfs/51785.pdf

a g n i Call

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Liquid fuels converted from biomass feedstocks are produced primarily through two processes: • Gasification—heating biomass by partial oxidation to produce synthesis gas (syngas). • Pyrolysis—heating biomass in the absence of oxygen to produce liquid oil. Both processes use heat and chemical reactions to convert biomass into fuels, chemicals, and power. The products are cleaner and more efficient than the original biomass. These processes can also convert biomass, such as wood and agricultural residues, that is difficult to handle with other biofuel production processes. Liquid fuels from biomass differ from fuels produced through fermentation and other processes that use only part of a biomass feedstock, such as those that produce ethanol, biobutanol, and biodiesel.

Fischer-Tropsch synthetic diesel (left) as compared to regular diesel.

Gas-to-liquid and coal-to-liquid production processes are in relatively advanced stages of development and in commercial production. Biomass-to-liquid processes are less mature. For all three processes, research and development efforts are improving the efficiency and economics of production as well as quantifying costs and benefits of production and use in vehicles.

L e a rn mor e ab o u t t h e s e em e r g i n g f u e l s an d othe r s: Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/fuels/emerging.html Argonne National Laboratory http://web.anl.gov/catalysis-science/ Green Car Congress http://www.greencarcongress.com/biobutanol/index.html Methanol Institute http://www.methanol.org/ USDA Agricultural Research Service http://www.ars.usda.gov/main/main.htm U.S. Department of Energy Biomass Program http://www1.eere.energy.gov/biomass/ U.S. Energy Information Administration: Renewable & Alternative Fuels http://www.eia.gov/renewable/ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency AgSTAR Program http://www.epa.gov/agstar/ Wisconsin State Energy Office http://www.energyindependence.wi.gov/ 17 | April ReFUEL

Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities O

n March 1, Wisconsin Clean Cities attended the grand opening of a new compressed natural gas (CNG) station at the Cedar County Cooperative Cenex station in Menomonie Falls. The station was the result of a unique partnership between Andersen Corporation, Dart Transit Company, U.S. Venture (member of Wisconsin Clean Cities), Breakthrough Fuel, and Xcel Energy. Wisconsin Clean Cities also attended the 2012 Green Energy Summit on March 7-9. 1


1) U.S. Venture President, John Schmidt, announcing the new CNG station at the grand opening; 2) The grand opening banner for the new CNG station; 3) An all-electric vehicle featured at the Johnson Controls booth at the Green Energy Summit; 4) Lorrie Lisek, Executive Director of Wisconsin Clean Cities, meeting Ed Begley, Jr., at the Green Energy Summit 4


April ReFUEL | 18

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