ReFUEL: Wisconsin Clean Cities Monthly Newsletter

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ReFUEL October 2012 | Wisconsin Clean Cities - Southeast Area | Monthly Newsletter

Riiser Energy In Conjunction With Trillium HD Opens New Natural Gas Station in Wausau, WI October is the Month to Celebrate Alternative Fuel Vehicles Energy Center of Wisconsin Offers Course on Natural Gas Vehicle Trends, Technologies and Implementation New Feature Fleets Across The U.S.: Electric Police Cars In Michigan City, IN

Also In This Issue:

Welcome New and Returning Members Question of the Month: Where can I find fleet experiences? Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities Events, Resources, and More...

“Driving Wisconsin Forward�

Stay Co nn ecte d!

ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities Southeast Area’s (WCC-SEA) monthly coalition newsletter. WCC-SEA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC-SEA works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry.

1 | October ReFUEL

In This Issue: Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Question of the Month

Where can I learn about fleet experiences?

Welcome New and Returning Members Mark Your Calendars

A full listing of upcoming events Wisconsin Clean Cities is hosting or attending

Features: Pages 7-10

Riiser Energy In Conjunction With Trillium HD Opens New Natural Gas Station in Wausau, WI October is the Month to Celebrate Alternative Fuel Vehicles Energy Center of Wisconsin Offers Course on Natural Gas Vehicle Trends, Technologies and Implementation

Page 11

Page 12

Fleets Across The U.S.

Electric Police Cars in Michigan City, Indiana

Eye On Clean Cities

October ReFUEL | 2

Are you a member yet? Sta r t mak in g a n i m pa c t by j oi n i n g Wi s con s i n Cle a n Cities to day ! W CC - S E A re l ie s o n su ppo r t f ro m o u r mem b er s. D ues and cor p orate me m be rs h ip s e n abl e WCC- SEA to h o l d meet ings, sp onsor ed uc at ional wor k sh o p s, an d prov i de v i ta l o u trea ch mater ials.

Wh at c an WCC- S E A do for you ?

• Net wo r k i n g o ppo r tu nities w it h fl eets & in dus tr y pa r tn er s • Te ch n i cal t ra ining, wo r k sho p s, a n d webin a r s • I nfo r mat i on reso u rces o n a l ter n ative fuel s, a dva n ced veh ic l es, idl e redu c t i o n , an d o t her tec hno l o gies th at reduce petro l eum us e • I ndi v i d u al co nsu l t at io n a nd tec h n ic a l a s s is ta n ce • Fun d i n g o p p o r tu nities f ro m th e U.S . D epa r tm ent o f E n ergy, s tate and loc al g ove r n m ent a g enc ies, non pro fits, a n d fo un datio n s • Pub l i c re cognitio n fo r pro gress in reduc in g petro l eum co n s um ption • As s i s t an ce w ith m edia o u trea ch

J oin to d ay!

Vis i t w w w. wi cl ea nc ities. o rg / j o in. ph p, em a il in fo @ w ic l ea n c ities.o rg, o r c all 4 14- 221- 4 9 5 8 .

Join the ranks with these notable supporters:

? A

Question of the Month “I’ve done a lot of research about compressed natural gas for my fleet, but I really need to hear about it from another fleet manager who has already switched fuels and bought vehicles. How can I connect with or find other fleets that have had this experience?”

All the research in the world will not tell you how your fleet will handle compressed natural gas (CNG) or any other alternative fuel. Taking the leap into another venture can be intimidating and has so many unpredictable variables from the driver reactions to the fuel lines properly functioning in your model of vehicle and correctly modifying your building for ventilation. However, finding a fleet with similar vehicle types and fuel choices can be extremely valuable. They can tell you all the ups and downs of the entire process and provide valuable input to your decision-making process.

The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) has a section called “Case Studies” that contains 105 success stories about different fleets across the country. You can find experiences from a wide range of fuels and vehicles: large or small companies with delivery trucks, electric zambonis, propane taxi cabs, ethanol in classic cars. You can search by fuel/technology, vehicle class, or application. Most importantly, the majority of the case studies include important contact information for the fleets. For the cases without contact information, Wisconsin Clean Cities can get that information (a great benefit of membership). But, what if the experiences you find are only partially relevant to you? Or what if you cannot find any relevant information? If this is the case, please contact Wisconsin Clean Cities at (414) 221-4958 or We can contact the other 85 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. to find a fleet from which you can extract the necessary information. Read case studies on the AFDC website:

Su b m i t yo ur que s tio n s fo r Q u e s tio n o f th e Mo n th by visi ti ng: h ttp: / / W CCQ o fth e Mo n th . October ReFUEL | 4

Welcome and



Members City of Milwaukee Jeff Bach Green Lake School District

Mid-State Truck Service/Mid-State Int’l Trucks of WI AmeriGas

mbers: e M s ie it C lean Wisconsin C Have your organization, an article, or an ad featured in the Wisconsin Clean Cities monthly newsletter free. It’s your chance to tell others what your company is doing to promote petroleum reduction and other green initiatives, or tell them about a great deal.

All articles or ads must be submitted by the 20th of each month to be featured. For more detail or to submit an article or ad, contact Heather Goetsch at (414) 221-4487 or email Not a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities? Join today! Gain recognition for the great work your company is doing. View details listed on page 3 or visit 5 | October ReFUEL

Mark Your Calendars!

Join Wisconsin Clean Cities at these great events! October 2012:

A Month of Odyssey! October is the month for National Odyssey day and Wisconsin has 4 different days across the state. All are FREE to attend.

October 4, 2012

Topic: Wisconsin Fleets 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Monona Community Center 1011 Nichols Road, Monona, WI Register by contacting Emily DeVillers at (414) 221-2509 or

October 11, 2012

Topic: Natural Gas 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Houska Park Joseph Houska Drive, La Crosse, WI Register here: http://odysseylacrosse.eventbrite. com

October 18, 2012

Topic: Natural Gas 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Liberty Hall Banquet & Conference Center 800 Eisenhower Drive, Kimberly, WI Register by contacting Emily DeVillers at (414) 221-2509 or

October 25, 2012

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Topic: Alternative Fuel Tour around Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI Ride on a propane-powered bus! Visit CNG, Propane, Biofuel, and Electric Sites. Get first-hand information from experienced vehicle providers, fuel suppliers, & fuel users. Register by contacting Jerry Medinger at (262) 703-4851 or

October 25, 2012

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Oconomowoc Alternative Vehicle Show Oconomowoc Utilities Shop 808 S. Worthington St., Oconomowoc, WI No registration needed.

October 23, 2012

Wisconsin Natural Gas for Transportation Roundtable 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location: Milwaukee Area

December 6, 2012

Wisconsin Clean Cites Annual Stakeholder Meeting & Holiday Reception 1:30 - 3:30 PM We Energies (Auditorium) 231 W. Michigan St., Milwaukee, WI 53203

For more event information, visit For sponsorship opportunities, email or call (414) 221-4958.

Riiser Energy In Conjunction With Trillium HD Opens New Natural Gas Station in Wausau, WI


rillium HD and Riiser Energy opened a compressed natural gas (CNG) station in September in central Wisconsin. Trillium CNG partnered with Riiser Energy to open the new station at Rib Mountain Travel Center off of Highway 51 at 4600 Rib Mountain Drive in Wausau, WI. Construction for this site began in May. The Trillium HD technology installed at Rib Mountain Travel center is known for fast fueling times and consistent operation, which is important to fleet drivers. Trillium HD is a joint venture between Integrys Transportation Fuels, LLC, operating as Trillium CNG, and Paper Transport, Inc. The company’s goal is to create a network of over-the-road CNG fueling stations to ensure CNG is a readily accessible fuel for drivers. Trillium HD is also a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities. Riiser Energy is a locally owned company in Wausau, WI, and has been active since 1945. Riiser owns and operates 27 convenience stores, 2 Truck Stops and 1 Restaurant, a fleet of 25 delivery trucks and employs nearly 350 associates. Their mission is to provide the ultimate buying experience to our customers by providing quality products and services beyond expectations.

Construction for the station began in May 2012.

Map and information about the new CNG station:

Learn more about Trillium HD:

Learn more about Riiser Energy:

Fueling up at the new CNG station at Rib Mountain Travel Center. 7 | October ReFUEL

October is the Month to Celebrate Alternative Fuel Vehicles


very other year in October, the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) organizes National Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Day Odyssey across the United States. The day is dedicated to promoting cleaner choices in transportation and brings national attention to AFVs and advanced technology vehicles as cleaner, more efficient choices for transportation. This year, Wisconsin has five free Odyssey Day events around the state!

Wisconsin Fleet Experiences – October 4, 2012 – Monona, WI The first Odyssey event is on Thursday, October 4, from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM in Monona, WI at the Monona Community Center (1011 Nichols Road). The event features Wisconsin-based fleets in the Madison area that are using alternative fuels and vehicles. Speakers include Jim Bogan, UW-Madison, Laura Williams, MG&E, Bob Frick, Badger Cab, John Welch, Dane County, Lisa Geason-Bauer, Evolution Marketing, Adam Cox, Altec Industries, and Sheriff Paul Milbrath, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. Additionally, several vehicles will be on display and following the event all attendees will have the opportunity to take a tour of the Dane County CNG facility (4318 Robertson Road, Madison, WI). The event is hosted by Wisconsin Clean Cities. To register, contact Emily DeVillers at (414) 221-2509 or

Alternative Fuels, Vehicles, & Sustainability – October 11, 2012 – La Crosse, WI The following Thursday, October 11, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, is Odyssey Day at Houska Park (100 Joseph Houska Drive) in La Crosse, WI. The event highlights a wide variety of stakeholders, fuels, and vehicles. Speakers include Glen Genkins, Lorrie Lisek, WIsconsin Clean CIties, Coulee Partners for Sustainability, Tom Thompson, Gundersen Lutheran, Nick Nichols, La Crosse County, Ray Davies, Agri-Waste Energy, and Lenny Shefchik, Paper Transport. Registration includes a free lunch and give-aways. The La Crosse event is organized and hosted by Honda Motorwerks. To register, visit or contact Ezra Firkins at (608) 784-6430 or

Fuel Focus: Natural Gas – October 18, 2012 – Kimberly, WI The third Thursday, October 18, Odyssey Day is from 1:00 – 5:00 PM at the Liberty Hall & Banquet Conference Center (800 Eisenhower Drive) in Kimberly, WI. The event highlights all the great things about natural gas as a vehicle fuel and projects in Wisconsin. Speakers include Bryan Nudelbacher, U.S. Venture, Lorrie Lisek, Wisconsin Clean Cities, Joe Veriha, Veriha Trucking, Dave Ver Cauteren, Cummins NPower, Dan Armstrong, Truck Country/Freightliner, and Jay Bowers, Wisconsin Kenworth. Also, several natural gas vehicles will be on display. The event is hosted by Wisconsin Clean Cities and sponsored by GAIN Clean Fuel. To register, contact Emily DeVillers at (414) 221-2509 or

Alternative Fuel Tour of Milwaukee – October 25, 2012 – Milwaukee, WI The final Thursday of October, the 25th, the day begins with a tour to learn about the alternative fueling options around Milwaukee and hear from experts. Registrants will ride on a propane-powered bus to five different locations: General Mitchell International Airport Amtrack Station (compressed natural gas), a retail station to see a multi-fuel location, AmeriGas (propane), Fusion Renewables (biodiesel), and Discovery World (electric). The tour ends with a October ReFUEL | 8

free lunch and all registrants have the option to take a ride on the Milwaukee Pedal Tavern (lasts about 90 minutes). The event is hosted by the American Lung Association in Wisconsin and supported by Wisconsin Clean Cities. Seats are limited! To register, contact Jerry Medinger at (262) 703-4851 or

Oconomowoc Vehicle Show – October 25, 2012 – Oconomowoc, WI A month of Odyssey Alternative Fuel celebration ends with a vehicle show from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at the Oconomowoc Utilities Shop (808 S. Worthington Street) in Oconomowoc, WI. Featured vehicles include neighborhood electric vehicles, an electric home built motorcycle, an all-electric Nissan Leaf, a plug-in hybrid electric prius, and a hybrid electric utility truck. Besides checking out the vehicles, attendees will be able to visit with local organizations, alternative vehicle experts, an electric vehicle designer, and businesses that have incorporated alternative fuel vehicles into their fleets. The event is hosted by Evolution Marketing, and supported by the Oconomowoc Chamber of Commerce, 300, Waukesha County Green Team, American Lung Association in Wisconsin, Oconomowoc Utilities, and Wisconsin Clean Cities. No registration is necessary, simply attend the event. For questions, contact Lisa Geason-Bauer at (262) 354-0341.

View more information and flyers at:

Save the Date Wisconsin Clean Cities

Annual Stakeholder Meeting December 6, 2012 We Energies 231 W. Michigan St. Milwaukee, WI 53203

9 | October ReFUEL

• • • • •

Meet Wisconsin Clean Cities Board of Directors Learn How the Coalition Did in 2012 Cheer During the Awards Ceremony Network with Other Clean Cities Stakeholders Enjoy Delicious Appetizers and Desserts

Energy Center of Wisconsin Offers Course on Natural Gas Vehicle Trends, Technologies and Implementation


he Energy Center of Wisconsin is partnering with the Clean Vehicle Education Foundation and NGVAmerica to host two free sessions about natural gas vehicle trends, technologies, and implementation. The sessions will be led by Stephen C. Yborra, Director of Market Analysis for the Clean Vehicle Education Foundation and Director of Market Development for NGVAmerica. Both sessions are sponsored by Xcel Energy. The first session is on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at the Sleep Inn & Suites Conference Center (5872 33rd Avenue) in Eau Claire, WI. The second session is on Thursday, November 1, 2012 at the Radisson Hotel (200 Harborview Plaza) in La Crosse, WI. Both sessions run from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM with registration and continental breakfast from 7:30 - 8:00 AM. The sessions are free, but it is requested that attendees register in advance. The courses aim to explore the economic trends behind natural gas vehicle (NGV) transitions and conversions. Identify and understand appropriate applications; vehicle, sales, service and fueling options and availability; facility modification requirements; and payback and life-cycle-cost savings opportunities. Discover the similarities and differences between NGV engine technologies, performance capabilities, maintenance requirements and fuel economy. Representatives who transitioned to NGV fleets, including Cummins, Indiana Geothermal and Kwik Trip, Inc., will share firsthand experiences and practical tips. The sessions are open to the public, but the following are especially encouraged to attend: public and private fleet owners and managers including delivery services, waste management, taxis, car rental and municipal services; managers of businesses that provide NGV conversions or refueling stations; manufacturers and distributors of NGVs.

To register or read more, visit Questions or comments, contact the education department of the ECW at (608) 210-7114 or

October ReFUEL | 10

F l eets A cross the U . S . : How Other Fleets Are Using Alternative Fuels And Vehicles

Electric Police Cars in Michigan City, Indiana


pair of new police cars hit the streets in September of Michigan City, IN. The city through South Shore Clean Cities has received a donation from the “THINK” Electric Car Company of two electric cars for the police department. “In January, I began to inquire about the cars and their possible use,” said Michigan City Police Sgt. Chris Yagelski. “I thought the uniqueness of the cars and the fact that they were 100% “green” led me to the possible creation of a new public relations tool for the police department. This is when I came up with the concept of turning one of these vehicles into a fully marked Michigan City police unit bearing all insignias, police graphics, lights, siren and radios.” “Through community involvement, I was able to Sgt. Chris Yagelski shows off new electric car for Michigan City Police solicit local companies in helping me make this concept a Department. (Photo provided by Michigan City Police Dept.) reality,” Yagelski continued. “I had an overwhelming response as I drove the car to various businesses as with everyone I approached immediately jumped on board and supported this only one of its kind project.” Yagelski says the car is just a two-seater, but there’s ample room to drive. The vehicle is 100% electric with no gas backup and is fully charged in an eight-hour period. The car runs about 100 miles on a full charge depending on how many accessories are used.

“I drive this vehicle regularly throughout Michigan City, and everywhere I go, I am stopped and asked about the car,” said Yagelski. “I receive waves, smiles, pictures and requests for tours all the time. Mainly, I am asked how a 6’6” guy can fit inside to how fast it goes, how does it charge and how long can I drive. Children and adults of all ages just fall in love with new type of police unit. I also volunteer with the Meals on Wheels program and use the car for this purpose.” The top speed is 70 miles an hour and has an “economy mode” for better mileage. The original cost of the vehicle was about $37,000 and made by Think City in Elkhart. The car can be charged on a normal household outlet.

Learn more about the vehicles and Michigan City PD’s experience:

11 | October ReFUEL

Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities


isconsin Clean Cities traveled around the state in September for events, visiting Waukesha, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Menomonee Falls, Racine, Madison, and Jefferson. We even extended down to Crown Point, IN for Legacy Environmental Services’ Open House and our to Espes Park in Colorado for the U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities Peer Exchange.. In Madison, WCC attended the Wisconsin Science Festival on September 27, to promote the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program (WCTP) and teach children about natural gas and natural gas vehicles (NGV). Dane County provided a Ford Fusion that they converted into an NGV that the children could see first-hand. WCC also attended the Jefferson Car Show on September 29 to promote the WCTP and teach show-goers about the benefits of using propane as a vehicle fuel. Captain Duane Scott also attended and brought along one of his propane-powered Chevrolet Tahoe. 2


3 1) Captain Duane Scott tells interested carshow goers about his Chevrolet Tahoe that was converted to run on propane. 2) Attendees learned from several informational flyers about the vehicle under the hood. The flyer pictured expresses the fuel cost difference and the overall cost savings. 3) WCC created and brought along a trivia game to the Wisconsin Science Festival. Students were given three strikes to get through the questions to earn a prize. October ReFUEL | 12

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