ReFUEL: Wisconsin Clean Cities Monthly Newsletter September 2012

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ReFUEL September 2012 | Wisconsin Clean Cities - Southeast Area | Monthly Newsletter Kenworth Offers New Dual Liquefied Natural Gas Tank Configuration Updated: Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool City of Milwaukee Unveils Public CNG Stations Fuel Efficiency Regulation Set at 54.5 MPG by 2025 Electrification Coalition and FleetAnswers Launch Partnership to Provide Electrification Resources for Commercial Fleets

Also In This Issue:

Welcome New and Returning Members Question of the Month: Reduce my fleet costs without funding? Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities Events, Resources, and More...

“Driving Wisconsin Forward”

Stay Co nn ecte d!

ReFUEL is Wisconsin Clean Cities Southeast Area’s (WCC-SEA) monthly coalition newsletter. WCC-SEA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization, and is one of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. WCC-SEA works to reduce emissions, encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, and develop the refueling infrastructure necessary to sustain the industry.

1 | September ReFUEL

In This Issue: Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Question of the Month

Reduce fuel costs without funding?

Welcome New and Returning Members Mark Your Calendars

A full listing of upcoming events Wisconsin Clean Cities is hosting or attending

Features: Kenworth Offers New Dual Liquefied Natural Gas Tank Configuration

Pages 7-13

Updated: Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool City of Milwaukee Unveils Public CNG Stations Fuel Efficiency Regulation Set at 54.5 MPG by 2025 Electrification Coalition and FleetAnswers Launch Partnership to Provide Electrification Resources for Commercial Fleets

Page 14

Eye On Clean Cities

September ReFUEL | 2

Are you a member yet? Sta r t mak in g a n i m pa c t by j oi n i n g Wi s con s i n Cle a n Cities to day ! W CC - S E A re l ie s o n su ppo r t f ro m o u r mem b er s. D ues and cor p orate me m be rs h ip s e n abl e WCC- SEA to h o l d meet ings, sp onsor ed uc at ional wor k sh o p s, an d prov i de v i ta l o u trea ch mater ials.

Wh at c an WCC- S E A do for you ?

• Net wo r k i n g o ppo r tu nities w it h fl eets & in dus tr y pa r tn er s • Te ch n i cal t ra ining, wo r k sho p s, a n d webin a r s • I nfo r mat i on reso u rces o n a l ter n ative fuel s, a dva n ced veh ic l es, idl e redu c t i o n , an d o t her tec hno l o gies th at reduce petro l eum us e • I ndi v i d u al co nsu l t at io n a nd tec h n ic a l a s s is ta n ce • Fun d i n g o p p o r tu nities f ro m th e U.S . D epa r tm ent o f E n ergy, s tate and loc al g ove r n m ent a g enc ies, non pro fits, a n d fo un datio n s • Pub l i c re cognitio n fo r pro gress in reduc in g petro l eum co n s um ption • As s i s t an ce w ith m edia o u trea ch

J oin to d ay!

Vis i t w w w. wi cl ea nc ities. o rg / j o in. ph p, em a il in fo @ w ic l ea n c ities.o rg, o r c all 4 14- 221- 4 9 5 8 .

Join the ranks with these notable supporters:

? A

Question of the Month “I want to adopt alternative fuels into my fleet, but I can’t do it without additional funding like a grant. There just doesn’t seem to be a lot available right now and I don’t want to be in a waiting pattern to reduce my fuel costs. What can I do?” A few times per month, we get a phone call or email from fleets wanting to make the switch but needing a little extra help to get there. Unfortunately, with the state of the economy and fast-approaching election season, not much is avilable for the purchase of vehicles and fueling equipment. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything right now to reduce your fuel costs and improve your bottom line, and prepare your fleet for when the funding you need is available. We put together a list of 3 things you can do for your fleet right now to make a difference.

1. Become a member of Clean Cities and stay involved One major benefit to becoming a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities is getting a direct connection to federal funding opportunities. Announcements that WCC receives will always be shared with members first and generally members will get preferential treatment when choosing partners and participants. While not much funding is available now, that can change in a relatively short period of time. Why risk missing out? Join today and make sure you get that announcement. Another major benefit to becoming a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities is being connected to industry experts, other fleets, and significant resources. Not only are we connected to local, state, and regional networks, we have a national network of coalitions to pull resources and information from as well as all the national laboratories and U.S. DOE resources. We can help you find all the information and specs you want, along with contact information for a similar fleet that can tell you about their experience using the technologies you are interested in acquiring. 2. Reduce your fleet’s idling time Working to eliminate idling time in your fleet is the cheapest, simplest quick-win you can achieve for your fleet. It might not be switching to an alternative fuel, but it will significantly reduce your fuel costs with a return on investment from two months to two years depending on the technology or methods you choose to adopt. It can be as simple as enacting a no idling policy within your company or organization to investing in equipment like auxiliary power units and direct-fire heaters. In fact, many newer trucks already come equipped with software and programs to monitor idling time. Contact your local dealer or manufacturer to learn about any equipment that may be in your vehicles and get training to learn how to take advantage of it. Learn more about methods, equipment, and fleet stories at the Alternative Fuels Data Center website ( 3. Use the Petroleum Reduction & Emissions Planning tool Create a plan for your fleet to reduce your fuel usage (petroleum consumption). The tool allows you to build scenarios surrounding the fuel types and strategies you would like to adopt for your fleet. The beauty is you can choose whatever combinations you are curious about and it will generate the results immediately. An added bonus to this tool is that is was recently updated and re-released. Not only can you learn about your options for diversifying your fleet portfolio, but planning ahead will be infinitely valuable to your fleet when funding opportunities become available. You will be able to apply to the specific opportunities you have decided work best for your fleet. Being prepared is one of the best long-term actions you can take because it makes the application process much easier and can ensure you apply for exactly the funding your fleet needs. Go to page 9 to read more, and visit to start using it today.

Su b m i t yo ur que s tio n s fo r Q u e s tio n o f th e Mo n th by visi ti ng: h ttp: / / W CCQ o fth e Mo n th . September ReFUEL | 4

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Welcome and



Members Odyne Systems

Dane County Department of Public Works, Highway & Transportation Hribar Logistics

5 | September ReFUEL

Mark Your Calendars!

Join Wisconsin Clean Cities at these great events! September 6-7, 2012

October 2-3, 2012

September 8, 2012

October 2012:

National Autogas (Propane/LPG) Training Course 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (both days) Waukesha County Technical College RTA Education Center 800 Main St., Pewaukee, WI 53072

Heritage Hill Presents: History of the Automobile 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM 2540 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay, WI 54301

September 13, 2012

Legacy Environmental Services Open House 5:00 - 7:00 PM Purdue Technology Center 9800 Connecticut Dr., Crown Point, IN 46307 To register contact Amy Delahunty at (219) 644-3690 or

September 15, 2012

Rock the Green 2:00 - 9:00 PM Veterans Park 1010 N Lincoln Memorial Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53202

Green Fleet Conference & Expo Renaissance Hotel - Schaumburg Convention Center 1551 N. Thoreau Dr., Schaumburg, IL 60173 A Month of Odyssey! October is the month for National Odyssey day and Wisconsin has 4 different days across the state. Don’t miss it! October 4, 2012 Topic: Wisconsin Fleets Location: Monona Community Center, Monona, WI October 11, 2012 Topic: Natural Gas 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Location: La Crosse, WI October 18, 2012 Topic: Natural Gas Location: U.S. Venture, Appleton, WI October 25, 2012 Topic: Alternative Fuel Tour around Milwaukee Location: Milwaukee, WI

September 27-30, 2012

October 23, 2012

Wisconsin Science Festival Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery 330 N. Orchard St., Madison, WI 53715

Wisconsin Natural Gas for Transportation Roundtable 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location: Milwaukee Area

September 28-30, 2012

December 6, 2012

Fall Jefferson Car Show and Auto Swap Meet 503 N. Jackon Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549

Wisconsin Clean Cites Annual Stakeholder Meeting & Holiday Reception 1:30 - 3:30 PM We Energies (Auditorium) 231 W. Michigan St., Milwaukee, WI 53203

For more event information, visit For sponsorship opportunities, email or call (414) 221-4958.

Kenworth Offers New Dual Liquefied Natural Gas Tank Configuration


enworth Truck Company is expanding its extensive line of industry-leading green products by offering factory-installed, dual liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel tanks on Kenworth T800s powered by the 15-liter Westport GX engine. The new configuration made its debut on August 23-25, 2012 in Kenworth’s booth at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas. “By equipping a Kenworth T800 with dual LNG fuel tanks, operators now have the option of running the truck up to 700 miles on a single fueling,” said Alan Fennimore, Kenworth’s vocational marketing manager. “This option doubles the operating range of a typical LNG-powered Kenworth T800 equipped with a single LNG tank, making the truck a better choice for long haulers with slip-seat or drop-and-hook operations and for regional haulers whose drivers travel long distances, but still return home at the end of their shifts.” The Kenworth T800, when equipped with the Westport GX, can be ordered in a gross combination weight (GCW) of up to 80,000 lbs. for over-the-road operation, with additional ratings exceeding 100,000 lbs. available for certain applications. For the T800, the GX engine is available in power ratings from 400 to 475 hp and torque ratings from 1.450 to 1.750 lb-ft, giving it similar horsepower and torque ratings to its diesel engine counterparts. Since natural gas can be produced in North America, it helps reduce dependence on foreign oil sources. For the dual LNG tank configuration, Kenworth uses a Dewar flask (or cryogenic tank) system that is like a large Thermos(R) bottle inside a metal cylinder. Each LNG fuel tank, which is designed to keep the fuel in its liquid state at minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit, can hold up to 60 diesel gallon equivalents (DGE) of fuel. The dual LNG tank configuration is only available on the Kenworth T800, equipped with a day cab or the Kenworth Extended Day Cab.

To learn more about Kenworth’s new LNG tank configuration and its availability in Wisconsin by visiting

7 | September ReFUEL

mbers: e M s ie it C lean Wisconsin C Have your organization, an article, or an ad featured in the Wisconsin Clean Cities monthly newsletter free. It’s your chance to tell others what your company is doing to promote petroleum reduction and other green initiatives, or tell them about a great deal.

All articles or ads must be submitted by the 20th of each month to be featured. For more detail or to submit an article or ad, contact Heather Goetsch at (414) 221-4487 or email Not a member of Wisconsin Clean Cities? Join today! Gain recognition for the great work your company is doing. View details listed on page 3 or visit

October 2-3, 2012 Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel Schaumburg, IL


October 3-5, 2012 Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel Schaumburg, IL

Register for Power in the Park and be entered for a chance to win use of a Honda Civic Natural Gas Vehicle for two weeks! * *Three winners will be selected randomly from registered Eventbrite RSVP list. Must be check in and be present in at least one event to be eligible. Trial may be transfered by the winner to an insurable & licensed driver over the age of 21. Must pick up and drop off vehicle from and to Honda Motorwerks in La Crosse, WI. Please schedule trial before 9/1/13. First tank is on us. Unlimited miles.

Register before September 7 and save! $200 off a GFC Only Fleet Full Conference Pass or GFC/NGV Fleet Full Conference Pass

Promo Code: CCC12

Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool


he Petroleum Reduction & Emissions Planning Tool (PREP) has been recently updated and re-released. This tool, as it did previously, allows the user/fleets to create “what-if� scenarios by allowing the user to pick and choose different options for switching its fleet over to a variety of alternative fuel/advanced technology/fuel efficiency measures. The tool then provides charts and tables that display annual reductions in emissions, petroleum use, and fuel costs for each of the scenarios that can help with future vehicle purchasing decisions. It helps your vehicle fleet reduce petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Create a comprehensive plan for your fleet by using several savings methods. If your fleet includes multiple vehicle types, add more vehicles to each method.

Start using the Petroleum Reduction & Emissions Planning Tool today! Visit http://

9 | September ReFUEL

City of Milwaukee Unveils Public CNG Stations


he City of Milwaukee unveiled their new public compressed natural gas (CNG) station on August 17, 2012. The station is located at the City’s Lincoln Ave. garage (3921 W. Lincoln Ave, Milwaukee), which also features both fast and slow filling stations in the back for the City’s heavy -duty vehicles. This is the City’s first CNG station, which was partly funded by the Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program. The City of Milwaukee also received funding for a station at it’s northwest garage (3025 W. Ruby Avenue) and for 21 refuse trucks. Present at the unveiling ceremony, was Mayor Tom Barrett, State Representative Josh Zepnick, and Grants Administrator for the WI State Energy Office, Maria Redmond.

The new station is located at 3921 W. Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee.

CNG vehicles operate at one third below the cost of gasoline and diesel, are 50% quieter than diesel trucks, and emit less emissions. Currently, the City of Milwaukee is selling CNG at $1.98 /gge (gasoline gallon equivalent).

The Wisconsin Clean Transportation Program (WCTP) is administered jointly by the State of Wisconsin Energy Office and Wisconsin Clean Cities’ Southeast Area. Wisconsin Clean Cities is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Clean Cities’ initiative. Clean Cities supports local decisions to reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector through the use of alternative fuels, advanced technology vehicles, and fuel economy measure.

L to R: Rep. Zepnick, Mayor Barrett, Maria Redmond, Emily DeVillers, Jeff Tews

To learn more about the City of Milwaukee’s efforts along with all other WCTP partners at

September ReFUEL | 10

You’re invited to enjoy a free ride! *

Be among the first to test drive the state-of-the-art Compressed Natural Gas daycab from Freightliner!

Here’s how you can sign up:

1. Contact your Truck Country sales representative. 2. Fill out the paperwork. 3. Provide an insurance binder.

*Test-drivers are asked to return the unit full of fuel. Wait until you see the low cost per gallon of Compressed Natural Gas!

• Appleton


• Green Bay 800-622-6962

• Madison


• Marinette


• Milwaukee 800-236-6061

• Minocqua


• Shullsburg 866-895-0996

• Wausau


Join Wisconsin Clean Cities at the greenest music festival! September 15 Veterans Park, Milwaukee, WI WCC is looking for volunteers for the event. if you would like to volunteer, contact Emily Devillers at (414) 221-2509 or VISIT ROCKTHEGREEN.COM To learn more

Fuel Efficiency Regulation Set At 54.5 MPG By 2025


he Obama Administration announced on August 28, 2012 the new standards that will increase fuel economy to the equivalent of 54.5 mpg for cars and light-duty trucks by Model Year 2025. When combined with previous standards set by this Administration, this move will nearly double the fuel efficiency of those vehicles compared to new vehicles currently on the road. The national program is predicted to save consumers more than $1.7 trillion at the gas pump and reduce U.S. oil consumption by 12 billion barrels. In fact, consumers purchasing a model Year 2025 vehicle are expected to experience net savings comparable to lowering the price of gasoline by approximately $1 per gallon. Additionally, these programs will dramatically reduce our reliance on foreign oil, saving a total of 12 billion barrels of oil and reducing oil consumption by more than 2 million barrels a day by 2025 – as much as half of the oil we import from OPEC each day. The standards issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) build on the success of the Administration’s standards for cars and light trucks for Model Years 2011-2016. Those standards, which raised average fuel efficiency by 2016 to the equivalent of 35.5 mpg, are already saving Americans money at the pump. Furthermore, the standards are expected to encourage innovation and investment in advanced technologies that increase the U.S.’s economic competitiveness and support high-quality domestic jobs in the auto industry. The final standards were developed by DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and EPA following extensive engagement with automakers, the United Auto Workers, consumer groups, environmental and energy experts, states, and the public. Last year, 13 major automakers, which together account for more than 90 percent of all vehicles sold in the United States, announced their support for the new standards. By aligning Federal and State requirements and providing manufacturers with long-term regulatory certainty and compliance flexibility, the standards encourage investments in clean, innovative technologies that will benefit families, promote U.S. leadership in the automotive sector, and curb pollution. The program also includes targeted incentives to encourage early adoption and introduction into the marketplace of advanced technologies to dramatically improve vehicle performance, including: • • • •

Incentives for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cells vehicles; Incentives for hybrid technologies for large pickups and for other technologies that achieve high fuel economy levels on large pickups; Incentives for natural gas vehicles; Credits for technologies with potential to achieve real-world greenhouse gas reductions and fuel economy improvements that are not captured by the standards test procedures.

To read more about the new standards, visit: September ReFUEL | 12

Electrification Coalition and FleetAnswers Launch Partnership to Provide Electrification Resources for Commercial Fleets


he Electrification Coalition and FleetAnswers have announced a collaborative partnership to provide online resources on plug-in electric vehicle deployment to U.S. commercial fleet operators. Resources will include information on best practices in vehicle deployment and case studies from early-adopter companies. The content will be available in the Alternative Fuel section on the FleetAnswers website. With more than 16 million public and private fleet vehicles on the road in the United States, the concentration of buying power associated with fleet operators and fleet management companies represents a significant opportunity to drive deployment of the electric drive vehicle industry. Initial case studies developed by the Coalition and FleetAnswers highlight early lessons in plug-in vehicle operations from FedEx Express and Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), two of the largest fleets in their respective industries. “This partnership between the Electrification Coalition and FleetAnswers is an important step toward accelerating the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale to dramatically reduce our nation’s dangerous reliance on oil,” said Robbie Diamond, President and CEO of the Electrification Coalition. “Fleets possess important characteristics that allow them to be leaders in the electric vehicle space, such as a willingness to consider the total cost of ownership of the vehicle, defined routing, access to central parking facilities, and the ability to leverage low maintenance costs.” “FleetAnswers has a community of thousands of fleet professionals who can benefit from the electric vehicle expertise and resources provided by the Electrification Coalition and the leading companies that are engaged in this space,” said Michelle Chen, Project Manager for FleetAnswers. “This partnership will provide interactive content and access to best practices and industry research, all of which will help guide the decision-making process for fleets looking to expand their use of electric vehicles.”

Learn more about the Electrification Coalition and view available resources:

13 | September ReFUEL

Eye on Wisconsin Clean Cities


isconsin Clean Cities wrapped up August with two great events: Idle Reduction Workshop and “Plugging Into The Future” Hybrid Workshop. The Idle Reduction Workshop was held on August 21, 2012 and covered a wide spectrum of topics from health, financial, and engine impacts, to fleet experiences and technologies. If you would like to view presentations from this event, visit WCC’s SlideShare page at The Hybrid Workshop was held on August 23, 2012, sponsored by Odyen Systems, and focused on heavy- and mediumduty vehicles. The event featured representatives from Wisconsin Kenworth, Freightliner, Odyne Systems, Madison Gas & Electric, and Terex, and had several vehicles on display.




1) The Hybrid event audience learned about Wisconsin Kenworth’s hybrid electric over-theroad trucks and systems. 2) Attendees at the Hybrid event were able to view several hybrid electric truck models. 3) Dr. Mitch Grayson, Children’s Hospital, tells the Idle Reduction audience the health impacts of vehicle emissions and how reducing idling time can positively impact air quality.

September ReFUEL | 14

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