C.F. Recreation Center Tab - Spring '09

Page 1


FaCility Hours Memorial day Weekend – labor day Weekend Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

5:30am-9:30pm 5:30am-8:00pm 7:00am-2:00pm


labor day Weekend – Memorial day Weekend Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday

5:30am-9:30pm 7:00am-8:00pm 11:30am-8:00pm

recreation Center will be Closed: Memorial Day

New Year’s Day

Thanksgiving Day Independence Day

Easter Day Labor Day

Christmas Day

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

adMission ProCedures and Fees

A family is defined as ALL of the following:

A current membership card or fitness pass must be presented at the front desk. Drop-in usage requires a photo I.D., proof of residency and payment of the daily fee. Without proof of residency, the nonresident rate will be assessed.

1) an adult or two adults who are related to each other by marriage; 2) any child who is related to either or both of the adults by blood, marriage, adoption or legal guardianship, claimed as dependents for income tax purposes;

Membership Has its Benefits

Please note the reduced rates if you have a Recreation Center membership for the winter/school year swim pass on page 3, the fitness pass, circuit weight classes, cardio cycling classes and kickboxing on page 16 & 17.

3) all of whom occupy a single dwelling unit on a regular continuing basis.

Corporate rates

By providing a letter from their employer, stating they are a full-time employee, a nonresident working for a business located inside the Cedar Falls city limits may purchase an individual adult membership for $190.00. Family corporate rate is $245.00. Providing a letter each year along with payment may renew the membership.

reCreation Center Fees



Daily Rate


Summer Special

20 Punch Cards

Elementary/Younger Middle/Jr./Sr. High Adult Senior Citizen 65 & older Family Membership Replacement Membership Card

$2.50 $3.00 $5.50 $4.75

$65.00 $75.00 $130.00 $115.00 $190.00 $7.00

$30.00 $35.00 $60.00 $55.00 $90.00

$33.00 $38.00 $65.00 $58.00


Daily Rate


Summer Special

20 Punch Cards

Elementary/Younger Middle/Jr./Sr. High Adult Senior Citizen 65 & older Family Membership

$5.00 $8.00 $8.00 $7.00

$130.00 $195.00 $330.00 $270.00 $430.00

$65.00 $98.00 $165.00 $135.00 $215..00

$65.00 $120.00 $120.00 $100.00


inFo line

For Program Cancellations 319-243-2718

Sales tax on all applicable fees such as membership passes, daily admissions, adult leagues, rental and non-instructional programs has been included in the fee.

racquetball Fees

$2.00 Free if a member or paying the daily admission rate Reservation Punch Card $17.00 for 10 punches Reservations will be accepted up to one week in advance. Should a court be reserved and not cancelled in advance, the $2.00 fee will be charged to the individual’s account, which needs to be paid the next time the individual enters the facility.


Reservation Drop-In

Towelice Serv

the ailable at v a e r a ls Towe for $.25. 5 front desk card valued at $6.2 h A 25-punc chased for $5.00. r u may be p

Child Care

Children who are at least six months old through the completion of 2nd grade may be dropped off in our child care room, by parents who are remaining in the facility, for up to 2 hours while they use the facility. Hours: MWF 8:45-11:00am M-Th 5:00-7:00pm Fee: $3.00 per child A child care 40-punch card, valued at $120.00 may be purchased for $90.00 A child care 20-punch card, valued at $60.00 may be purchased for $50.00


Programs are held every Wednesday at the Recreation Center from 2:00-3:30 pm. This program is open to the public free of charge. Activities include: guest speakers, travelogues, musicals, topics of interest, bingo, and cards. Pick up a calendar of scheduled events at the Recreation Center Front Desk. This program does not meet in August.

on line registration @ www. c edarfalls. c om



recreation Center amenities: Multi-purpose Room Gymnasium Racquetball Courts Activity Room Locker Rooms Child Care Room Reception Area Exercise Room Cardio Area Fit Gym *NOTE: See page 16 for a list of exercise equipment.

Equipment available for check out: Basketball Pool Equipment Volleyball Ping Pong Equipment Towels Racquetball Equipment Hand Weights Weight Lifting Belts Bands

 

Sauna Track Meeting Room Steam Room Vending

Locks Jump-Ropes Lap Counters Air Hockey

lost and Found

Lost items will be kept for 6 months. After 6 months of no claim, items will be donated. Valuables may be picked up during office hours Monday-Friday, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

gyM sCHedules

For a complete list of gym schedules go to our website at www.cedarfalls.com

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009


Holmes Pool

7:00-8:45pm 1:00-3:45pm

Phone: 319-553-3012 Tuesday, Thursday Sunday Sunday

Peet Pool

Phone: 319-553-3011

1:00-3:45pm Saturday

LAP SWIM (16 and older):

Fee: $3.25 or season swim pass for respective season.

early Bird Lap Swim

Peet Pool Mon Wed Fri


evening Lap Swim

Holmes Pool Tues & Thurs


Holmes Pool Tues & Thurs


Weekend Lap Swim


Holmes Pool Sunday


Dates: See Chart Days/Times: Monday and Wednesday 6:15-7:00pm Tuesday and Thursday 8:25-9:10pm Location: Holmes or Peet Pools Fee: $25.00 for ten classes Description: This class will deal with many different exercises performed in the pool. Both cardiovascular and endurance will be emphasized. There is a minimum of ten participants and a maximum of twenty-five. Pre-registration is required.

DeeP WaTer aQua TrIM

Dates: See Chart Days/Times: Monday and Wednesday 7:00 - 7:45pm Tuesday and Thursday 9:10 - 9:55pm Location: Holmes or Peet Pool Fee: $25.00 for ten classes Description: No impact exercise program. Specially designed floatation equipment will be provided to help you experience the freedom of buoyancy exercise while allowing a demanding workout for legs and upper body. There is a minimum of ten participants and a maximum of twenty-five. Pre-registration is required.


S W I M M I N G 



FeBruary - May 22, 2009



Water exercise


SWIM LESSONS Dates: Location:

March 24 - April 23 Peet or Holmes Junior High Pools Fee: $24.00 Once a child is comfortably able to stand on the bottom of the Peet swimming pool (46” tall) they are ready to progress into Group I or Group II, depending on how comfortable the child is in the water.


Swim Lessons


SPeCIaL eVeNT NIGHTS FeBruary – May 22 DOuBLe DOLLar DeaL NIGHTS - Sundays

7:00-8:45pm at Holmes Pool, all admission is $2.00 per person or an appropriate season pass.

FLOTaTION, uFO, and SQuIrT GuN aFTerNOONS - Sundays

1:00-3:45pm at Holmes Pool. Inner tubes with a maximum width of five feet, air mattresses inflatable animals, volleyballs, beach balls, Frisbees and soft throwable balls may be used. Any squirt guns brought to the pool must be loaded at the pool, and may not be shot at lifeguards or at any other patrons above the shoulder.

SWIM PaSSeS THrOuGH May 22ND During the hours scheduled above and lap swim hours.

Resident Rate Without Rec Center Membership Youth (17 & Under) & Senior $45.00 Adult $65.00 Family $90.00 Non-Resident Rate Youth (17 & Under) & Senior $50.00 Adult $ 70.00 Family $100.00 DATES THE POOLS WILL BE CLOSED: Holmes Pool April 12

A family is defined as ALL of the following: 1) an adult or two adults who are related to each other by marriage; With Rec Center Membership 2) any child who is $10 related to either or both $10 of the adults by blood, $25 marriage, adoption or legal guardianship, $15 $15 claimed as dependents $35 for income tax purposes; and 3) all of whom occupy a single dwelling unit on a regular continuing basis.





SCUBA/SNORKELING OPPORTUNITIES Peet Pool, Sundays, 3:00-5:00 pm February 8, March 8, April 19, May 10

See DeTaiLeD inFOrMaTiOn On page 7.

LIFEGUARDING Age: Dates: Days/Times: Location: Fee:


Must be 15 years old by the first day of class. March 27, 28, 29, April 3, 4, 5 Fridays 5:30 - 7:00pm Saturdays 9:00am - 4:00pm Sundays 9:00am - 2:30pm Cedar Falls Recreation Center and Peet Pool $57.00 pre-registration fee paid to the Cedar Falls Recreation Division, and $26.00 for books purchased before the start of the class at the Red Cross office. Individuals must have Group 9 swimming skills to participate. All students must report to Peet pool the first day at 5:00 pm for pre-course testing and a schedule for remaining class meetings. CPR for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid are included. All students must attend each of the 6 class session. No exceptions!

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

LIFEGUARDING RECERTIFICATION Age: Dates: Days/Times: Location: Fee: Description:

Must be 15 years old by the first day of class. April 5 Sunday 12:30– 6:00pm Peet Pool $26.00 Individuals must have a current certification in lifeguarding. First Aid & CPR for the Professional Rescuer will be taught during the class. All students must attend the entire class. No exceptions!



Spring Break



3 on 3 Youth Basketball Tournament

2nd Grade 3rd and 4th Grade 5th and 6th Grade 7th and 8th Grade Date: March 16 Times: As scheduled between the hours of 9:00am-3:00pm Fee: $25.00 per team Registration Information: `-Each player must sign roster. `-A designated team captain that we may contact regarding `questions and playing times must fill in all other information. `-Team Fee must accompany registration form `-Male and female team registration is taken. Coed teams will `play in the male division. Rules & Regulations 1. Each team will consist of 3 or 4 players. 2. Players should appear on only ONE roster. 3. Teams will be grouped in divisions with other teams of their grade group. 4. Games will be played on half court 5. Participants or fans found in the gym with food or beverage will be asked to leave. 6. If a player wishes to play in an OLDER age division they may do so. 7. No spectators or “coaches” will be allowed on gym floor at any time.

1st & 2nd Grade 3rd & 4th Grade 5th & 6th Grade Date: March 17 Times: As Scheduled between the hours of 9:00am - 4:00pm Fee: $15.00 per team Registration Information: -Each player must sign roster -The designated team captain must fill in a player that we may contact regarding questions and playing times all other information. -Team entry fee must accompany the team roster -Teams may consist of boys, girls or coed; ALL WILL PLAY IN THE SAME TOURNEY

Spring Break

Dodgeball Tournament Ages: Date: Time: Description:

2 on 2 Soccer Shootout

1st – 8th Grade March 18 As scheduled between the hours of 1:00pm-4:00pm The Recreation Center will be offering an age divided day of Dodgeball fun. Kids will be divided into age appropriate groups the day of the tournament. Fee: $5.00 per person Registration: Kids register individually, If signing up with a friend please fill out a buddy form.

Rules & Regulations 1. Each team will consist of 2 or 3 players. 2. Players should appear on only ONE roster. 3. Teams will be grouped in divisions with other teams of their grade group. 4. Games will be played on half court 5. Participants or fans found in the gym with food or beverage will be asked to leave. 6. If a player wishes to play in an OLDER age division they may do so. 7. No spectators or “coaches” will be allowed on gym floor at any time.

Indoor Park Age: Session II Time: Session III

Parents and children not yet in Kindergarten Winter December 4 to February 28 9:00am – 2:00pm $28.00/session Spring March 3 – April 28

Time: Days: Location: Fee: Description:

9:00am – 11:00am $18.00/session Tuesdays and Thursdays Cedar Falls Recreation Center As listed above for session or $2.50 per visit Indoor Park is our idea to help beat the winter blues. You and your child may drop in for some fun together on riding cars, climbing equipment, tumbling mats and a gym full of entertained kids. This program is restricted to kids not yet in Kindergarten and children are required to be supervised by their parents. We do not offer Indoor Park during the holiday breaks due to the over abundance of patrons using the facility.

Will not meet the week of CF Schools Spring Break

Birthday Party Bonanza

Age: Boys and girls 4-12 years Dates/Times:October - April: Fridays: 4:00pm Saturdays: 1:00pm or 3:00pm Sundays: 1:00pm Upon availability Location: Cedar Falls Recreation Center Fee: $95.00 Standard package $115.00 Themed Package $25.00 Added Pizza package Registration: 3 weeks prior to party and upon availability Description: All parties are for 1½ hours. Choose from one of the fun-filled packages for your child’s celebration and let us do all the work. All the packages include paper products, cake and punch with a party coordinator for the birthday child and fifteen friends. Phone the Recreation Center for booking information.

Special Event Activity Nights

Age: 6-12 years Dates/Themes: February 20 Cup Stacking March 6 Kickball & Wiffleball April 10 Ping Pong Fun & Activities April 17 Interactive Games Days: Fridays Time: 6:00-8:00pm Location: Cedar Falls Recreation Center Fee: $7.50 per child Description: This evening provides a great opportunity for kids to get some time with others and do some fun stuff! We have great themed evenings planned, themes subject to change, for the most current info, call in advance or check our web site at www.cedarfalls.com

softball Field rental

Softball fields may be rented for events at Birdsall Complex or Pfeiffer Park by contacting the Recreation Division Office between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The rental fee on weekends for Birdsall Park Complex is $100.00 and $110.00 for Pfeiffer Park. Fees are for one or two day tournaments and require a $250.00 damage deposit.

Pool rental

Please look in the aquatics section for information on private pool rentals. See page 6.

Beach House

The Beach House is not available for the 2009 season.

Gateway Celebration shelter

This shelter is located in the center of Gateway Park on North Main and First Street in Cedar Falls. It is a semi-enclosed open-air shelter measuring over 100’ X 40’ and has twenty semipermanent eight-foot tables or seating for 160 people. Additional tables and chairs may be provided by the lessee, the city does not provide this service. Restrooms are available in this area of the park, but the shelter itself has no running water inside. Electrical outlets and lights are available, but the key will need to be checked out at the Recreation Center during normal office hours up to one week in advance. The shelter can be rented from 10:00 am to 10:30 pm. Park hours are from 5:30 am to 10:30 pm. Decorations cannot be attached to the walls or ceiling. Anyone planning on having amplified music must get a noise variance from the Cedar Falls Police Department, which can take up to one week to receive. Alcohol and kegs are allowed, but only with a facility rental and appropriate deposit. Grills and fire pits are not allowed inside the shelter or within ten feet of the exterior walls. Anyone renting the facility must be at least 21 years of age. Call the Cedar Falls Recreation Division at 319-273-8636 for available dates. Reservations can be made up to one year in advance. Reservation Fee – paid at the time of reservation. Monday-Thursday $50.00 Friday-Sunday & Holidays $75.00 Damage Deposit $250.00 Damage deposit checks are to be left when key for building is picked up and can be picked up three business days after the rental. The City will make a reasonable attempt to keep the facility clean; however users must keep in mind this is a semi open-air, non-locking facility, and is subject to possible damage by weather, animals or other human beings. The City will clean the shelter on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings along with Saturday and Sunday if the shelter is rented later that day.

Picnic shelter rentals

Picnic shelters in the parks listed below may be reserved in advance at the Recreation Center by signing a contract and paying a rental fee of $15.00 for up to six hours and $21.00 for over six hours per day. Overman Park shelter is only rented in conjunction with the band shell. For a detailed description, maps and pictures of each park, visit our web site at cedarfalls.com.



Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

reCreation trail system

The Cedar Falls Recreation Trails System is a safe and scenic route to walk, run, skate, or bike. You can start and end your route at the Recreation Center, where ample parking within feet of the trail allows easy access plus the convenience of restrooms.

trail Head locations: Rownds Park/Paw Park Island Park Prairie Lakes Park Pfeiffer Park

Big Woods Lake Park Tourist Park Gateway Park

Paw Park

Located just south of the Highway 58 overpass on South Main Street. The 3-acre park is entirely fenced, where dog owners can let their dogs roam without a leash. Annual permits to utilize the park are $10.00 for each dog and can be purchased at Cedar Falls City Hall, 220 Clay Street. Daily passes can be purchased for $2.00 at the park for those who do not purchase an annual dog pass. Prices are subject to change for 2010. Dogs that utilize the park must have current vaccinations. General rules are posted at the park.

Disc Golf Course

trail Usage Policy

The Cedar Falls Recreation Trails are provided and designed for bicyclists, in-line skaters, walkers, and joggers. Motorized units are prohibited except authorized handicap conveyances and maintenance equipment. Horses are not allowed on the Recreation Trails.

trail maintenance Policy

Trail corridor maintenance is provided from spring through the autumn months, which includes sweeping, mowing, and other functions as necessary. During the winter months, snow is not removed from the trails and they are available for public use for activities such as cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.

A free eighteen-hole Disc golf course is located in Tourist Park.

ParK DiVision

Currently manages 830 parkland acres and 268 preserve acres as they relate to grounds maintenance and development. Depending on the proposed utilization, areas are either provided with mow able turf or allowed to naturalize for passive uses.


Responsible for the care and maintenance of all trees on street right-of-way, park, golf course, cemetery, and all other public property fall within the Park Division responsibility. Specific care and maintenance include planting, pruning and removal.


Gateway Celebration Shelter

Responsible for the care and maintenance of the three municipal cemeteries: Greenwood on North College, Fairview on West 12th and Hillside on East Lone Tree Road. The Cemetery office is located at 606 Union Road. The phone number is 319-273-8628







Big Woods Lake (North)



Lookout Park (1) East



Big Woods Lake (South)



Lookout Park (2) Central



Birdsall Park



Main Street Cul-De-Sac



Clay Street Park



Olson Park



El Dorado Park



Orchard Hill Park



Gateway Park (small shelter)



Paw Park



Gateway Park Celebration Shelter



Pfeiffer Park (1) near Grand Blvd.



Holmes Park



Pfeiffer Park (2) next to Bike Bridge



Island Park (1) by docks



Policeman’s Park



Island Park (2) East of play equipment



Prairie Lakes Park (1) SE Corner



Island Park (3) South end of park



Prairie Lakes Park (2) Main Parking Lot



Island Park (4) Northwest area



Prairie Lakes Park (3) South Side



Island Park (5) By sand volleyball



Seerley Park



Kiwanis Bluff Park



Southdale School Park



Kuehn’s Park



Sturgis Park (Gazebo)



Tourist Park







Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

POOL RENtaL Holmes Pool is available daily after open recreation swim hours for private parties. The cost is $45.00 for the first hour and $35.00 for each additional hour for parties up to 75 people. For parties over 75 people, the cost is $60.00 for the first hour and $50.00 for each additional hour. the Falls aquatic Center is available daily after open

recreational swimming hours starting at 8:30pm for a maximum of two hours. Rental fees will vary depending on the area(s) being used during the rental period. Lifeguards are provided. First Hour Safari Falls Rock Falls Safari Falls & Adventure Falls Rock Falls & Adventure Falls Entire Facility +Open Concession Stand Option

$85.00 $125.00 $200.00 $200.00 $225.00

Additional Hours $55.00 $90.00 $130.00 $130.00 $155.00



For more information on scheduling a date, contact Bruce at the Cedar Falls Recreation Office at 319-273-8636 weekdays between 8:00am - 5:00pm.

special Nights/activities at the Pools


May 25 - august 11 6:30-8:45pm

Cool off and take a break during the Sturgis Falls Celebration on Saturday, June 27 from 6:00 until 9:00pm, weather permitting. All ages are encouraged to come join the fun at this non-alcoholic event. Normal pool rules will apply.

sQuIRt guN NIgHts - Mondays


Any squirt guns, not requiring batteries, may be brought to the pool. Squirt guns are to be loaded while at the pool, and may not be shot at lifeguards.

FLOtatION NIgHt - tuesdays

Inner tubes with a maximum width of five feet, air mattresses and inflatable animals may be used during this time.

DIVE-IN MOVIE - Wednesdays

Bring your inner tubes, air mattresses, or noodles to the pool and watch a “Family” film shown on the wall. Offered only on Wednesday June 10, 24, July 8, 22 and August 5. Regular admission will apply.

uFO NIgHt - thursdays

Beach balls, Frisbees, Nerf footballs, noodles and other soft throwable balls may be used.

Enjoy a true dog’s day of summer on Wednesday, August 26, weather permitting. The Falls Aquatic Center will be going to the dogs from 6:00-8:00 pm. Any licensed dog wishing to swim must bring one to three owners with them to the pool. Cost of admission is $5.00 per dog; additional owners are $3.00 each. Season swim passes will not be honored. All those entering the pool area should be prepared to get wet.


The Falls Aquatic Center will be providing this unique exercise experience on Monday - Friday for adults 16 and older June 8 - August 14 from 11:05 to Noon weather permitting. Patrons may choose to walk with the current or against it. Aqua socks will be allowed during this program. Daily admission of $5.00 or the Summer swim pass is required.

DOuBLE DOLLaR DEaL NIgHt - Fridays All admission is $2.00 per person or a season pass.

tHE FaLLs aQuatIC CENtER safari Falls – This zero depth entry pool has a maximum

depth of 2ft 6in with shade around the pool, and over some areas of the water. An elephant slide, bubbling water, floatable features to climb on and interactive play structures where children create fountains, sprays and geysers and a large bucket that dumps water onto patrons.

Rock Falls – A “Z” shaped 50 meter pool with a 25 yard lap lane available all the time, a six feet deep diving area from the edge of the pool, a basketball hoop for teens and adults in four feet of water plus a basketball hoop just for the younger kids in three feet of water, five floating animals for people to climb on, 8 shade areas, five dumping buckets, 1300 square feet of water from 2.5 to 3.5 feet depth, fountains/sprays, the attached diving well has a 1-meter diving board, 3-meter platform and the 99 foot long drop slide, all surrounded by a rock structure.

adventure Falls - A 196 foot long enclosed tube slide

and a 176 foot long raft slide come off a 21 foot tall tower. Both slides can be ridden using an inner tube. Patrons can exit the splash down area or stay on the inner tube and float into the 450 foot long lazy river. The lazy river has fountains, sprays, rapids and falling water to keep users cool. A plaza with water sprays and a 20 foot tall totem pole, that will blow its top periodically, is near by. Patrons must be 46 inches tall to use waterslides and 44 inches tall to use the lazy river. However; toddlers 3 or older not meeting height requirements may ride a blue tube and infants 1-3 years of age may ride a yellow tube, both situations require an attending parent attentively walking along side.

all three pool areas are handicapped accessible.

Lockers for valuables are located on the deck with both coin operated or bring your own padlock. Locker rooms for male, females and family changing areas, are available for patrons. The concession stand will offer all the favorite snack items under a shaded picnic area. Numerous shaded structures are located around the facility along with over 175 lounge chairs and over 200 inner tubes for public use.

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

SUMMER RECREATIONAL MAY 23 - AUGUST 25, 2009 The Falls Aquatic Center 3025 South Main, 319-266-8468 Open Daily (weather permitting)


Infant (under 2) Youth 3-17 years Adult 18 years and older

505 Holmes Drive, 319-553-3012 Open Daily 1:00-4:30pm & 6:30-8:45pm *On days Cedar Falls Public School is in session, hours are 3:00pm-8:30pm.



Summer swim passes are good from May 23-August 25 and are on sale May 1 only at the Recreation Center. Passes are valid during the regularly scheduled hours at Holmes or The Falls. Individuals listed on the Family Season Pass form must meet all our criteria. Please note the date’s pools will be closed. Youth (17 & Under) & Senior Adult Family Lap Swim-Indoor Only

Non-Resident Rate

Youth (17 & Under) & Senior Adult Family Lap Swim-Indoor Only

(16 and older): Fee: $3.25 or season swim pass for respective season.

Early Bird Lap Swim

5:45-7:30am Mon Wed Fri May 25-August 10 5:45-7:30am Mon Wed Fri August 12-24

Evening Lap Swim Holmes Pool


9:00-9:50pm Tuesday & Thursday None Aug13-

Weekend Lap Swim Holmes Pool

5:30-6:20 pm Sundays May 24 - August 9

The Falls Lap Swim


We will have one lap lane whenever the facility is open. Outdoor Adult fee of $5.00 or a Summer swim pass applies.


AQUA TRIM Dates/Days:

Fee: Description:

$2.00 $2.75 $3.25

Resident Rate

Holmes Pool

Holmes Pool The Falls

$2.00 $4.00 $5.00

June 15- August 5, Monday & Wednesday; 7:30-8:15am at Holmes or June 16- August 6, Tuesday & Thursday; 7:00-7:45pm at Peet $40.00 Several different exercises will be performed in the pool. Both the cardiovascular system and endurance will be emphasized. Participants must be comfortable in water.


DAILy ADMISSION The Falls Peet/Holmes

Monday – Saturday 12:00pm-8:30pm Sunday 1:00pm-8:30pm *On days Cedar Falls Public School is in session, hours are 3:00pm-8:30pm. *Should the weather be such that The Falls cannot open as scheduled, staff will attempt to open later in the day at 3:00pm or 6:00pm, weather permitting.


$70.00 $90.00 $150.00 $55.00 $100.00 $120.00 $200.00 $65.00

A family is defined as ALL of the following:


*A list of rules and regulations for all pools may be picked up at the Recreation Center reception desk or from the cashiers at one of the pools.

1) an adult or two adults who are related to each other by marriage;

Dates the Pools Will Be Closed: Peet Pool August 5-14 Maintenance Holmes Pool August 12-21 Maintenance Rock Falls @ The Falls Aquatic Center - will be closed July 16 at 4:00pm -July 18 8:30pm for a swim meet. The other two pools at The Falls will be open the regular hours for the public to use during the swim meet. Admission will be limited to first come during the meet; once the cap is reached as 4 people leave then 4 new patrons will be admitted.


Fee: Description:

June 15- August 5, Monday & Wednesday 7:00-7:45pm at Peet or June 16- August 6, Tuesday & Thursday 7:30-8:15am at Holmes $40.00 A low impact exercise program with specially designed floatation equipment. You will experience the freedom of buoyancy exercise while achieving a demanding workout for the legs and upper body. Participants must be comfortable in deep water. There is a minimum of ten participants and a maximum of 20 per class. Pre-registration is required.


Peet Pool, Sundays, 3:00-5:00 pm June 14, July 12


(Pool admission of $7.00 due each day, payable at Scuba Too) Contact Scuba Too at 319-268-4201 to reserve your spot.

2) any child who is related to either or both of the adults by blood, marriage, adoption or legal guardianship, claimed as dependents for income tax purposes; 3) all of whom occupy a single dwelling unit on a regular continuing basis.



Session I – June 15-June 30 Session II – July 6-July 22 (no class on July 17) Session III – July 27-August 11 Session IV –August 17-August 24 Days: Monday through Friday Time: 8:45-9:25 am Location: The Falls Aquatic Center Fee: $25.00 for Sessions I, II, and III. $12.50 for Session IV. Description: This class deals mainly with flexibility and stretching. No proficient swimming skills required.


($25.00 each day, payable at Scuba Too) Introductory snorkeling class designed to teach the necessary skills for a safe, enjoyable experience in the underwater world. Equipment is provided. For reservations, call 319-268-4201.


($55.00 each day, payable at Scuba Too) This class is designed to review and update your SCUBA knowledge and skills. You must have proof of certification as a SCUBA diver. To reserve a place in class, call 319-268-4201.


($40.00, includes equipment and is payable at Scuba Too) Let our instructor introduce you to scuba diving in a safe, controlled, enjoyable session to dispel the myths of the sport and to dive in the safe confines of a swimming pool. You must be at least 8 years old and must complete and sign the Discover Scuba statement. To reserve a spot in the class, call 319-268-4201.






$24.00 for twelve, 40 minute sessions, except for Infants and Toddlers, which are 25 minutes long. Advanced registration is required for all classes


Class size is limited to eight per class for Infants (6-24 months), Toddlers (2-4 years old), Preschool (3-5 years) at Holmes. Class size is limited to 12 per class for most other classes.


Our swim lessons are designed by our staff to help promote water safety for our participants at a young age. It is our hope that participants meet with success early and often in our swim lesson programs and develop a love and respect for the water. Competitive oriented skills have been moved to the more advanced groups. Should lessons at The Falls need to be cancelled for the day due to weather, staff will make every attempt to make them up on weekdays at the end of the third week. The Recreation Division will do everything possible to see that at least 10 lessons are held, but we cannot control the weather.


Infant classes are designed for children 6 months to 2 years old. Parents must be prepared to accompany the child in the water. Infant classes are designed to orient the child to the water, develop basic swimming skills, and to help parents learn how to work with their child in the water.

Group 2: Toddler

Toddler classes are designed for children 2 to 4 years old. Parents must be prepared to accompany their child in the water. Toddler classes are designed to orient the child to the water, develop basic swimming skills, and to help parents learn how to work with their child in the water.

Group 3: Preschool

Preschool classes are designed for children 3 to 5 years old. Preschool classes are designed to orient the child to the water, develop basic swimming skills, and to become more confident and independent in the water. Children will be introduced to deeper water. Parents may, on occasion, be asked to enter the water.

Group 4: Swabbies

This class is focused on water orientation and helping students enjoy the aquatic environment. There will be an introduction to kicking on front and back. This level is for those who meet the minimum height requirement for the pool at which you will be taking lessons.

Group 5: Deck Hands

This class is focused on helping students become more independent in the aquatic environment. There will be an introduction to freestyle and backstroke. This level is for those who have passed Group 4: Swabbies, who meet the minimum height requirement for the pool at which you will be taking lessons and are able to do all skills taught in Group 4.

Group 6: 1st Mates

Students will be introduced to more advanced freestyle skills, as well as an introduction to elementary backstroke. Students will be introduced to deep water. This level is for those who have passed Group 5: Deck Hands and are able to do all skills taught in Group 5.

Group 7: Skippers

Students will work on refining skills for freestyle and backstroke. Students will be introduced to breaststroke, sidestroke and diving boards. This level is for those who have passed Group 6: 1st Mates, and are able to do all skills taught in Group 6.

Group 8: Captains

Students will work on refining skills for elementary backstroke, sidestroke and breaststroke. There will be an introduction to flip turns and diving. This level is for those who have passed Group 7: Skippers, and are able to do all skills taught in Group 7.

Group 9: Admirals: Advanced Strokes and Water Games

Students will focus on refining all swimming skills in this level. There will be an introduction to basic swimming conditioning and developing endurance. Students will also be introduced to a variety of water games. This level is for those who have passed Group 8: Captains, and are able to do all skills taught in Group 8.

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SUMMER Swim Lessons

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009


Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Cedar Falls sWiM lessons sKills

Group 4: swabbies

Group1: infant

Must be 6 months to 2 years. Must have parent or adult in the water. Skills taught •Getting wet •Lifting in •Front kick •Passing •Scooping •Back float •Water entry •Exploring •Prone Glide •Bubble Blowing •Drafting •Safety information •Arm movement, prone position •Rolling over from back to •Safe water exit front and front to back

Group 2: toddler

Must be 2 to 4 years old. Must have parent or adult in the water. Skills taught: •Water entry •Walk in water holding parent’s hand •Walk in water without aid •Run in water without aid •Make swimmer hands •Wash arms, neck, and face •Blow bubbles •Blow bubbles with nose in water •Blow bubbles with ears in water •Blow bubbles with eyes open in water •Bobbing & opening eyes underwater •Lean back on hands and kick •Front kick •Alligator with head up reach & pull & kick •Alligator with head in water reach & pull & kick •Back float with aid •Back float with hands on bottom and head up •Back float with hands on bottom, ears in water •Back float •Back glide

Spring Swim Chart on pg. 3

Group 3: Preschool

Must be 39” tall at the Falls or 46” tall for Holmes and Peet Pools. Skills taught: •10 bobs counting out loud when coming out of the water •Blow bubbles 7 seconds •Submerge 2 seconds holding breath •Open eyes underwater •Back float without assistance 7 seconds •Front float without assistance 7 seconds •(Facing the wall) hold onto the wall and kick with pointed toes w/ face in water •Hold on to wall and kick on back with pointed toes •Kick 1/2 width of pool with board on front • Kick 1/2 width of pool with board on back •Swim 3 yards or 5 seconds without support (doggy paddle) •Jump into shallow water w/ assistance if needed •Lifejacket safety •Swim front crawl 10 feet with support

Group 5: deck Hands

Must be 46” tall Skills taught: •15 bobs counting out loud when coming out of the water •Submerge and swim underwater 5 yards •Retrieve object from bottom of the pool •Front float 7 seconds •Back float 12 seconds •Kick w/board on front the width of the pool •Kick w/board on back the width of the pool •Kick w/board the width of pool w/face in water doing rotary breathing •Introduction to coordination of freestyle arms and kick •Introduction of backstroke arms •Coordinate backstroke arms w/ kick •Jump in deep water w/out assistance, swim on back to wall •Finning on front and back 1/2 width of pool •Scull on front and back 1/2 width of pool •Diving safety •Lifejacket safety •Introduction to treading water

Must be 3 to 5 years old. No parent or adult required. Skills taught: •Walk in water •Run in water •Face in water to ears and blow bubbles •Face in water to ears and hold breath 5 sec. •Face in water eyes open •Face in water, eyes open, and pick up object •Bracket off gutter and kick with pointed toes •Prone glide or face float 3 sec. •Face float and kick •Face float, kick, reach & pull •Face float, kick, reach & pull with high elbows •Back float with aid •Back float •Back float with kick and pointed toes •Back float with kick and finning •Go to shallow end of lap pool •Jump to teacher to adjust to deeper water •Pass to Group 4 when 6 years old or tall enough (39” tall at The Falls or 46” at the Indoor Pools)

Group 6: 1st Mates

adaPted aQUatiCs

interMediate and adVanCed diVinG

This class is for children between five and ten years of age with special needs.

older BeGinners

This class is for children between nine and fourteen years of age who have never had swim lessons.

BeGinninG diVinG

This class is for children between the ages of nine and sixteen, who meet the prerequisite skill levels listed for GROUP 7: Skippers, and want to learn how to dive. Students will be taught the proper approach, takeoff, forward dive, backward dive, reverse dive and forward dive ½ twist.

Skills taught: •Submerge and swim underwater 5 yards •Rotary breathing on wall w/ arms •Streamline introduction •Front glide 1/2 width of pool with flutter kick (streamline) •Back glide 1/2 width of pool with flutter kick (streamline) •Rotary breathing w/ board and arms 1/2 width of pool •Streamline, rotary breathing 1 width of pool (freestyle) •Backstroke 1 width of pool •Introduction to breaststroke kick •Breaststroke kick w/ board 1/2 width of pool •Introduction to elementary backstroke kick •Introduction to elementary backstroke arms •Elementary backstroke kick 1/2 width of pool w/ board •Swimming w/ lifejacket •Survival float one minute •Sitting and kneeling dives •Jump off diving board •Tread water 30 seconds •Introduce reaching assist

This class is for those having the skills taught in our diving class who want to learn more advanced dives.


Group 7: skippers

Skills taught: •Freestyle 1 width of pool •Backstroke 1 width of pool •Swim elementary backstroke 1width of the pool •Introduction to breaststroke arms •Coordinate breaststroke arms and legs •Swim breaststroke the width of pool •Introduce sidestroke kick •Sidestroke kick the width of pool •Introduction to sidestroke arms •Coordinate sidestroke arms and legs the width of pool •Forward somersault in the water •Backward somersault in the water •Survival float 3 minutes •Caring for breathing emergencies •Standing dive •Tread water 1 minute •Jump or dive off diving board •Lifejacket safety

Group 8: Captains

Summer Swim Chart on pg. 8

Skills taught: •Freestyle 2 widths of pool •Backstroke 2 widths of pool •Breaststroke 2 widths of pool •Sidestroke 2 widths of pool •Elementary backstroke 2 widths of pool •Open turn for breaststroke •Open turn for backstroke •Freestyle flip turns •Backstroke flip turns •Feet first surface dive •Pike surface dive •Tuck surface dive •Tread water 7 minutes w/ combination of kicks and hands and no hands •Touch bottom of pool in deep water, recover an object, such as a diving ring •Dive off diving board •Caring for cardiac emergencies •Reaching assists •Throwing assists

Group 9: admirals

Skills taught: •Introduction to butterfly kick •Butterfly kick width of pool •Introduction to butterfly arms •4 widths of pool freestyle w/ flip turns •4 widths of pool backstroke w/ flip turns •4 widths of pool elementary backstroke •4 widths of pool sidestroke •4 widths of pool breaststroke •Coordinate butterfly •Swim butterfly width of pool •Individual medley •Relays •Recover 5 pound weight from bottom of pool in deep end •Introduction to the use of mask, fin and snorkel •Water polo •Underwater hockey •Boating safety






Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Pheasant Ridge Golf Course

3205 West 12th St.

Patron Card – For Adults & Seniors


An 18 hole championship, 6,835-yard, par 72 course, covering 159 acres with lush fairways, 45 sand bunkers, and undulating greens. Pheasant Ridge has a teaching center that includes practice range, putting green, chipping green and sand trap. The full line pro shop offers a complete line of golf merchandise, food and beverage, golf carts, pull carts and lessons.

Walter’s Ridge Golf Course 3205 West 12th St.

Senior Citizen Golf Group


A 9 hole, par 27 course that ranges in length from 765 to 1,340 yards long with eight sand bunkers, three ponds, and large greens. This facility provides opportunities to the golfing public and anyone who wants to work on their short or long iron play and putting.


All season passes and patron cards are sold at the Cedar Falls Recreation Center during regular facility hours. Prices subject to change in the 2010 season. For season pass information call 2738636. Season Passes are valid only from March 1-November 30 weather conditions permitting. If weather conditions allow the golf course to be open at any time from December 1-February 28; those wishing to play must pay the daily green fee for the respective course.

s e a s oens for pass

This is a privileged golf card under which the holder is entitled to a reduced daily rate. Patron card purchasers may play unlimited 18 hole rounds at Pheasant Ridge for the reduced rate of $14.00 per round for adults and $11.00 per round for seniors. Patron card purchases may play unlimited 9 hole rounds at Walter’s Ridge for the reduced rate for $4.75 per round for Adults and $3.25 per round for Seniors. This card is non-transferable, non-refundable and is only good for the season in which it was purchased.


Join your friends Tuesday mornings at Pheasant Ridge Course. For specific information, call the Pheasant Ridge Pro Shop at 319-266-8266. Schedule is subject to change.

Women’s Golf League

Wednesday mornings at Pheasant Ridge golf courses. For more information, contact the Pheasant Ridge Pro Shop at 319-2668266.

Driving Range

If you believe practice makes perfect, then practice your golf swing all season long and let us be responsible for picking up the thousands of golf balls you hit. Buckets of range balls are available by purchasing a punch card for $210.00 (plus tax) for 80 buckets of balls. Punch card may be purchased at the Pheasant Ridge Pro Shop.

Golf Cart Punch Card

Save on golf cart rentals by purchasing a punch card good for forty 9-hole rides. The golf cart punch card may be purchased for $220.00 (plus tax) at the Pheasant Ridge Pro Shop. All punches must be used during the current golf season.

Center ed) Recreation s ll (tax includ a F r a d e nly at the C $620.00 Available o ) 4 6 $165.00 Adult - (18 r) e d n u 7& $405.00 Junior - (1 ) 4 -2 8 (1 lt Young Adu $390.00 and over Senior - 65Only) (Weekday $500.00 and over Senior - 65r week) $875.00 (7 days pe se u d e nlimit $ 60.00 Family - u $ 25.00 Patron Card * ss a outh P Summer Y $100.00 lf Team School Go ason Only) $ 7.00 (Varsity Se rd a C t n tions once Replaceme es and locaol for the m ti in a rt e ed to c of scho *Play limitut until the first day d at Walter’s Ridge, d o o o is g l s o sse 0 pm an scho District. Paay, Tee off before 2:0off l o o h c S F C rsday, Tee rough Frid Monday tht Ridge, Tues. & Thu n at Pheasa 0 am before 11:0

Golf Instruction

Want to learn more about the game? Get rid of bad habits and lower your score by taking lessons from our professional staff at Pheasant Ridge Golf Course. Individual adult or junior lessons are available, along with small group lessons. For more information or to schedule lessons, contact John Bermel at 319266-8266.

Group Outings Available

Golf outings are an excellent social idea for your organization, group or business. We can provide the organization with any desired format. If you are interested in setting up an outing or tournament, call the Pheasant Ridge Pro Shop, 319-266-8266, and our golf pro, John Bermel will provide assistance.

Youth Golf Course Volunteer Corp

Want to learn how to maintain a golf course? Volunteer positions are available for youth ages 14-17 to complete maintenance duties at Pheasant Ridge and Walters Ridge Golf courses. Work schedules vary: typically 8 hours per week for 8 weeks from June 15-August 3. Duties include sand trap work, divot repair, weeding, ball mark repair, mulching and others. Successful candidates receive a full season junior golf pass ($165 value), free Junior Lessons, staff shirt and certificate of completion. If you are interested in applying, contact Denis Schilling at the Park Division, 273-8624.

Pheasant Ridge

daily rates

‘09 fo r

(Tax included in all daily rates) 18 hole Adult - (18 - 64) $17.00 Adult - (M, T, Th before 11am) $13.00 Junior - (17 & under) $11.00 Senior - (65 & over) $14.00 Senior - (M, T, Th before 11am) $11.00 Young Adult (18 - 24) $14.00 Young Adult - (M, T, Th before 11am) $11.00 Second 9 hole rate $7.00 School Golf Team Members $11.00 Patron Card (Adult) $14.00 Patron Card (Senior) $11.00

Pheasant Ridge

9 hole $13.00 $11.00 $7.00 $11.00 $8.00 $11.00 $8.00 $11.50 $ 9.50

Walters Ridge

9 hole $5.50 $3.75 $4.75 $4.75

$4.50 $3.75 $4.75 $3.25


Adults Tee Off at Pheasant Ridge, M, T or Th before 11am and pay $20.50 for an 18 hole round with half cart. Seniors and young adults pay $18.50. Adult golfers that wish to walk would pay $13.00 and Seniors and young adults pay $11.00. Adults Tee Off at Pheasant Ridge, M, T or Th before 11am and pay $17.50 for a nine hole round of golf with half cart, Seniors and young adults pay $14.50. Adults that wish to walk would pay $11.00 and Seniors and young adults pay $8.00.


Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Junior golF Program Fee:

$40.00 Program Fee + $25.00 Summer Youth Pass A summer Youth Pass is Available to youth who are 17 years and younger by July 1st. This Pass allows restricted play Mon-Fri at Walter’s Ridge and Tues & Thurs only at Pheasant Ridge. Must Tee Off before 2:00 pm M-F at Walter’s Ridge and before 11:00 am T, Th at Pheasant Ridge. Registration: Taken ONLY at the Cedar Falls Recreation Center Registration Begins: At any time Deadline: June 5 or until program is filled Orientation: Friday, May 29th at 5:00pm Participants are invited to a free pizza party and orientation to the program at Pheasant Ridge RSVP by calling 266-8266 Volunteers: Adult Volunteers are needed for on course supervision on Tuesdays To Participants: 6-17 Years of Age. All Levels Begin June 2nd with instruction, play sessions and a tournament. This program emphasizes the fundamentals and etiquette of golf while still having fun. PGA Certified Instructors ensure the best possible learning experience. When qualified, a Jr. Golfer may move up to the next level. All Jr. Golf Instruction is group oriented. Individualized instruction can be arranged through the golf pro staff for an additional cost. For additional details; phone 266-8266

detailed Junior golf schedule available at www.cedarfalls.com

First timers only: 18 years or older

Two-1 hour classes No Charge-Pheasant Ridge Driving Range Beginning golf lessons for adults to introduce such skills as driving, iron play, chipping, putting, and golf etiquette. Adult clubs are available at driving range. Lessons held rain or shine. Advanced registration required at the Pheasant Ridge Pro Shop, 319-266-8266. Dates: Session 1 April 21 & 22 Times: 6:00-7:00 pm Tues & Wed

golF lessons: 18 years or older

Four-45 minute classes Fee: $34.00-Pheasant Ridge Golf Course This program emphasizes the fundamentals and etiquette of golf, while still having fun. PGA certified instructors insure the best possible learning experience. Program is limited in size. Register for this program at the Cedar Falls Recreation Center. Dates: Session 1 May 5-May 26

6:00-6:45 pm 7:00-7:45 pm May 6-May 27 6:00-6:45 pm 7:00-7:45 pm May 7-May 28 7:00-7:45 pm Registration deadline: April 27 Dates: Session 2 June 9-June 18 6:00-6:45 pm Registration deadline: June 8

Tuesdays Tuesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Thursdays

youth spring golf lessons Age: Dates: Days: Times: Fee: Location: Description:


3rd - 12th grade May 7 - May 28 Thursdays 6:00 – 7:00 pm $23.00 Pheasant Ridge Golf Course Beginning golf lessons teaching such things as driving, hitting irons, chipping, putting, and golf etiquette. On the first day report to the Pheasant Ridge Driving Range. Lessons are held rain or shine. Registration deadline is April 27 Program is limited in size. Register for this program at the Cedar Falls Recreation Center.


Golf is a rcise! way to exe

Tues & Thurs

to sign up for golf announcements go to www.cedarfalls.com go to: notify me




Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009



Birthday Party Bonanza

Age: Boys and girls 4-12 years Dates/Times: May - August: Saturdays: 12:30pm Upon availability Location: Cedar Falls Recreation Center Fee: $95.00 Standard package $115.00 Themed Package $25.00 Added Pizza package Registration: 3 weeks prior to party and upon availability Description: All parties are for 1½ hours. Choose from one of the fun-filled packages for your child’s celebration and let us do all the work. All the packages include paper products, cake and punch with a party coordinator for the birthday child and fifteen friends. Phone the Recreation Center for booking information. Detailed information on packages available at www.cedarfalls.com/youthprograms

The 3 Company Age:

Camp Cedar Falls

Orchard Hill 8:00 – 4:00 Cedar Heights 8:30 – 4:30 Age: Just Completing Grades 1-6 Days/Times: 5 days a week, 8 hours a day Fee: $105.00 per week, or $790.00 when you sign up for all summer at once! Registration Begins: February 1 Fees increase by $5.00 a week after May 31. Description: Same Program, 2 separate sites. Our talented and experienced staff will create both a fun and educational environment for the campers. Your child will need to bring a nutritionally balanced lunch and a drink in an insulated cooler or lunch box (limited refrigerator space available in special circumstances). Campers should wear comfortable, weather appropriate play clothes and closed toed shoes. They will participate in outdoor activities, group problem solving, and mentoring all in the midst of games, visits to the aquatic center, crafts, field trips and friends. Each week is unique; themes and programming will not be repeated from session to session. Parents are asked to provide a photo of child and complete a simple information sheet at time of registration. All summer and individual week registration is on a first-come first-serve basis; space is limited so sign up early!

3 years old as of the program starting date. All Children must be out of diapers Dates: Session 1: June 15 - July 2 (no program 7/3) Session 2: July 6 - July 24 Days: Monday – Friday Times: 9:00 - 11:00am Location: Lincoln Elementary School Fee: $68.00 per 3-week session $73.00 after Registration deadline. $126.00 total when you sign up for both sessions. Deadline: May 31 session 1/ June 30 session 2. Description: This program will provide children with supervised outdoor/playground activities, arts & crafts, and special events. Free playtime will be scheduled to promote creativity and make new friends in a supervised recreational setting. Each week is unique, themes and programming will not be repeated from session to session. Parents are asked to provide a photo of child at time of registration. Space is limited sign up early!

Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9


Before and After Care:

Tot Lot

4 years old as of the program starting date thru Kindergarten Dates: Session 1: June 15 - July 2 (no program 7/3) Session 2: July 6 - July 24 Days: Monday – Friday Times: 9:00 - 11:00am Location: Hansen, or Southdale Elementary Schools Fee: $68.00 per 3-week session $73.00 after Registration deadline. $126.00 total when you sign up for both sessions. Deadline: May 31 session 1/ June 30 session 2. Description: This program will provide children with supervised outdoor/playground activities, arts & crafts, and special events. Free playtime will be scheduled to promote creativity and make new friends in a supervised recreational setting. Each week is unique, themes and programming will not be repeated from session to session. Parents are asked to provide a photo of child at time of registration. Space is limited sign up early!

ge Take advanta of the


Dates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location Fee: Deadline: Description:


June 15 - 19 Dare to Dream (imagination) June 22 - 26 Helping Out (philanthropy) June 29 - July 2 ($84.00) In the Neighborhood (community) July 6 - 10 Blast thru the Past (history) July 13 - 17 Good Sports (sports) July 20 - 24 Melody Magic (music) July 27 - 31 Put it on Paper (art) August 3 - 7 ECO – Challenge (environment) August 10 - 14 Sundown on Summer (best of) Camp Cedar Falls Participants June 15 – August 14 Monday - Friday 7:00am - 8:25am & 4:00pm - 5:30 pm Cedar Falls Recreation Center $ 4.00 a day or $16.00 per week session. None Take advantage of Camp CF’s Before and After Care for the entire camp week or just a day. Bring your child to the Cedar Falls Recreation Center any time after 7:00am and before they board the bus headed to the campsite for a day full of fun at Camp Cedar Falls. Following camp the bus will bring them back to the Recreation Center where you can pick them up anytime before 5:30pm. At Before and After Care your child will have options of low active/low organized activities to enjoy, including board games, books, puzzles, and more. This is a supervised program and your child will need to be signed in and out daily.

Signed up for sports program? Want to make sure that you end up on the same team as somebody else? If you need to make sure that you’re on the same team as a family member, neighbor, car pool member, or a friend, fill out the “Buddy System” form at the CF Recreation Center. Two request forms need to be completed, one signed by each party. One way requests and requests involving more than two people will not be considered. To ensure participants from the same family or household are not on the same team, contact the Sports Program Supervisor at the Cedar Falls Rec. Center 273-8636. All involved participants must be registered and requests need to be submitted by May 31

Beginner Seishin Ryu Karate

Ages: 8-12 years Dates: July 14 - August 13 Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Times: 4:15-5:05pm Location: Cedar Falls Karate Club Registration: Taken at CF Rec Center Fee: $28.00 on or before July 13 registration deadline $33.00 after deadline Description: This class introduces the philosophy and discipline of this Japanese martial art. It is taught with a holistic approach to creating a healthy individual, mentally and physically. The student will also be made aware of sport karate and defense tactics. First meeting time is used to verbally address the class and its intentions. Upon the second meeting time, skills will begin.

3-Wheel “500”

Age: Dates: Times: Location Fee: Deadline: Description:

2 – 6 years of age Friday, June 26 5:30 pm Corner Franklin and 4th Street FREE Register on Site Enjoyable Three Wheeler races (Big Wheel or Trike) that will award ribbons to all who “race”. Meet at Franklin Street with your big wheel, between 3rd and 4th street just west of Overman Park.

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Cedar Falls Police Association 1st Grade Baseball/Softball

BASEBALL – Age: Just Completing 1st Grade Location: Pfeiffer Park Dates: June 17– July 22 Days: Monday & Wednesday Time 9:00am – 9:55am Fee: $30.00 on or before deadline/ $35.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Eleven – 55 minute sessions. The intention of this program is to provide a fun and organized transition from T-ball to Baseball or Softball. Non-competitive games will be played. A combination of coach pitch and batting T’s will be used in this program. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. SOFTBALL Location: Time: Days: Dates: Fee: Deadline: Description:

Cedar Falls Firefighters CoEd T- Ball Age: Dates: Times:

4 & 5 year olds as of program start date June 18 – July 16 9:00 - 9:55am 10:00 - 10:55am 11:00 - 11:55am Days: Tuesday & Thursday Location: Birdsall Park Fee: $27.00 on or before deadline/ $32.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Nine – 55 minute sessions. While the fundamentals such as throwing, fielding, batting, and catching will be taught, the main emphasis will be introducing the sport in a fun, organized and non-competitive atmosphere. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

C.F. Amvets Post 49 Kindergarten T-Ball

BOYS T-BALL – Age: Just completing Kindergarten Location Pfeiffer Park Dates: June 18 – July 16 Days: Tuesday & Thursday Times: 9:00 - 9:55am 10:00 - 10:55am Fee: $27.00 on or before deadline/ $32.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Nine – 55 minute sessions. While the fundamentals such as throwing, fielding, batting, and catching will be taught, the main emphasis will be introducing the sport in a fun, organized and non-competitive atmosphere. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. GIRLS T-BALL – Location: Birdsall Park Dates: June 17 - July 15 Days: Monday & Wednesday Times: 9:00 - 9:55am Fee: $27.00 on or before deadline/ $32.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Nine – 55 minute sessions. While the fundamentals such as throwing, fielding, batting, and catching will be taught, the main emphasis will be introducing the sport in a fun, organized and non-competitive atmosphere. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

– Birdsall Park 10:00am – 10:55am Monday & Wednesday June 17– July 22 $30.00 on or before deadline/ $35.00 after deadline May 31 Eleven – 55 minute sessions. The intention of this program is to provide a fun and organized transition from T-ball to Baseball or Softball. Non-competitive games will be played. A combination of coach pitch and batting T’s will be used in this program. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

Kiwanis 2nd & 3rd Grade Baseball: Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Fee:

Just completing 2nd & 3rd Grade June 16 - July 28 Tuesday & Thursday 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Pfeiffer Park $37.00 on or before registration deadline. $42.00 after deadline. Deadline: May 31 Description: Thirteen – 1 hour & 25 minute Sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy the game of baseball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.

Iowa Sports Supply 2nd & 3rd Grade Softball:

Age: Dates: Days: Time: Location: Fee:

Just completing 2nd & 3rd Grade June 15 - July 27 Monday & Wednesday 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Birdsall Park $37.00 on or before registration deadline. $42.00 after Deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Thirteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy the game of softball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.


Lions Club 4th- 6th Grade Baseball: Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Fee:

Just completing 4th, 5th & 6th Grade June 15 – August 3 Monday & Wednesday 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Pfeiffer Park $40.00 on or before registration deadline/ $45.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Fifteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy the game of baseball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.

Lattin Photography 4th-6th Grade Softball: Age: Dates: Times: Days: Location Fee:

Just completing 4th, 5th & 6th Grade June 16 – August 4 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Tuesdays & Thursdays Birdsall Park $40.00 on or before registration deadline/ $45.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Fifteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy thegame of softball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.

Z TRACK 3rd – 6th Grade:

Age: Dates: Days: Times:

3rd & 4th or 5th & 6th Grade June 15 -July 29 Monday & Wednesday 3rd & 4th 9:00 - 10:25 am 5th & 6th 10:30 - 11:55 am Location Cedar Falls High School Track Fee: $39.00 on or before registration deadline/ $44.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Fourteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This instructional track program for boys & girls will cover several phases of the sport. Meets will be scheduled. All participants will receive a program shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

Tennis Lessons 3rd-9th Grade:

Age: 3rd - 9th Grades Dates: Session I June 15 – June 25 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 8:30 am – 9:25am 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 10:30 am – 11:25am 5th & 6th Grade Mon – Thurs. 9:30 am – 10:25am 7th - 9th Grade Mon – Thurs. 8:30 am – 9:25am Session 2 July 6 – July 16 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 9:30 am – 10:25am 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 10:30 am – 11:25am 5th & 6th Grade Mon – Thurs. 8:30 am – 9:25am 7th - 9th Gradeadvantage Mon – Thurs. am – 10:25am Take of the9:30 “BUDDY SYSTEM” Signed Peet up forSchool sportsTennis program? Want to make sure that you end Location: Courts sameper team as somebody If you need to make Fee: up on the $32.00 session/ $37.00 else? after session deadline sure thatMay you’re on the same team as(session a family2)member, neighbor, Deadline: 31 (session 1) June 30 car pool member, or a friend, fill out the “Buddy System” form Description: Eight - 55 minute lessons. divided at the CF Recreation Center. TwoLessons requestare forms need to be completed, one signed by each One way requests and according to grade levelparty. of previous school requestsyear. involving two participants people will not Somemore play than between maybe considered. To ensure participants from the same familyweather or household are occur. Eight lessons are scheduled; not on the same team, contact the Sports Program Supervisor at permitting, lessons are guaranteed. the Cedar Falls Rec.sixCenter 273-8636. All involved participants be registered andinrequests Register early, all must programs are limited size. need to be submitted by May 31


ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Fee: Deadline:

18 years or older Late April - Early August Monday-Friday 6:00-10:00 pm Birdsall Park Softball Complex $395.00 per team ($70.00 toward complex improvement fund.) April 1

Registration: Registration for men, mixed, & church leagues will begin the week of February 16 for returning teams. February 23 for returning teams wishing to switch nights. Registration will be open to anyone starting March 1. Detailed registration information will be available February 1. All leagues and nights are limited in size Description: Teams register according to which night, league and play level. Games are umpired by A.S.A certified umpires.





Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009



Birthday Party Bonanza

Age: Boys and girls 4-12 years Dates/Times: May - August: Saturdays: 12:30pm Upon availability Location: Cedar Falls Recreation Center Fee: $95.00 Standard package $115.00 Themed Package $25.00 Added Pizza package Registration: 3 weeks prior to party and upon availability Description: All parties are for 1½ hours. Choose from one of the fun-filled packages for your child’s celebration and let us do all the work. All the packages include paper products, cake and punch with a party coordinator for the birthday child and fifteen friends. Phone the Recreation Center for booking information. Detailed information on packages available at www.cedarfalls.com/youthprograms

The 3 Company Age:

Camp Cedar Falls

Orchard Hill 8:00 – 4:00 Cedar Heights 8:30 – 4:30 Age: Just Completing Grades 1-6 Days/Times: 5 days a week, 8 hours a day Fee: $105.00 per week, or $790.00 when you sign up for all summer at once! Registration Begins: February 1 Fees increase by $5.00 a week after May 31. Description: Same Program, 2 separate sites. Our talented and experienced staff will create both a fun and educational environment for the campers. Your child will need to bring a nutritionally balanced lunch and a drink in an insulated cooler or lunch box (limited refrigerator space available in special circumstances). Campers should wear comfortable, weather appropriate play clothes and closed toed shoes. They will participate in outdoor activities, group problem solving, and mentoring all in the midst of games, visits to the aquatic center, crafts, field trips and friends. Each week is unique; themes and programming will not be repeated from session to session. Parents are asked to provide a photo of child and complete a simple information sheet at time of registration. All summer and individual week registration is on a first-come first-serve basis; space is limited so sign up early!

3 years old as of the program starting date. All Children must be out of diapers Dates: Session 1: June 15 - July 2 (no program 7/3) Session 2: July 6 - July 24 Days: Monday – Friday Times: 9:00 - 11:00am Location: Lincoln Elementary School Fee: $68.00 per 3-week session $73.00 after Registration deadline. $126.00 total when you sign up for both sessions. Deadline: May 31 session 1/ June 30 session 2. Description: This program will provide children with supervised outdoor/playground activities, arts & crafts, and special events. Free playtime will be scheduled to promote creativity and make new friends in a supervised recreational setting. Each week is unique, themes and programming will not be repeated from session to session. Parents are asked to provide a photo of child at time of registration. Space is limited sign up early!

Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9


Before and After Care:

Tot Lot

4 years old as of the program starting date thru Kindergarten Dates: Session 1: June 15 - July 2 (no program 7/3) Session 2: July 6 - July 24 Days: Monday – Friday Times: 9:00 - 11:00am Location: Hansen, or Southdale Elementary Schools Fee: $68.00 per 3-week session $73.00 after Registration deadline. $126.00 total when you sign up for both sessions. Deadline: May 31 session 1/ June 30 session 2. Description: This program will provide children with supervised outdoor/playground activities, arts & crafts, and special events. Free playtime will be scheduled to promote creativity and make new friends in a supervised recreational setting. Each week is unique, themes and programming will not be repeated from session to session. Parents are asked to provide a photo of child at time of registration. Space is limited sign up early!

ge Take advanta of the


Dates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location Fee: Deadline: Description:


June 15 - 19 Dare to Dream (imagination) June 22 - 26 Helping Out (philanthropy) June 29 - July 2 ($84.00) In the Neighborhood (community) July 6 - 10 Blast thru the Past (history) July 13 - 17 Good Sports (sports) July 20 - 24 Melody Magic (music) July 27 - 31 Put it on Paper (art) August 3 - 7 ECO – Challenge (environment) August 10 - 14 Sundown on Summer (best of) Camp Cedar Falls Participants June 15 – August 14 Monday - Friday 7:00am - 8:25am & 4:00pm - 5:30 pm Cedar Falls Recreation Center $ 4.00 a day or $16.00 per week session. None Take advantage of Camp CF’s Before and After Care for the entire camp week or just a day. Bring your child to the Cedar Falls Recreation Center any time after 7:00am and before they board the bus headed to the campsite for a day full of fun at Camp Cedar Falls. Following camp the bus will bring them back to the Recreation Center where you can pick them up anytime before 5:30pm. At Before and After Care your child will have options of low active/low organized activities to enjoy, including board games, books, puzzles, and more. This is a supervised program and your child will need to be signed in and out daily.

Signed up for sports program? Want to make sure that you end up on the same team as somebody else? If you need to make sure that you’re on the same team as a family member, neighbor, car pool member, or a friend, fill out the “Buddy System” form at the CF Recreation Center. Two request forms need to be completed, one signed by each party. One way requests and requests involving more than two people will not be considered. To ensure participants from the same family or household are not on the same team, contact the Sports Program Supervisor at the Cedar Falls Rec. Center 273-8636. All involved participants must be registered and requests need to be submitted by May 31

Beginner Seishin Ryu Karate

Ages: 8-12 years Dates: July 14 - August 13 Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Times: 4:15-5:05pm Location: Cedar Falls Karate Club Registration: Taken at CF Rec Center Fee: $28.00 on or before July 13 registration deadline $33.00 after deadline Description: This class introduces the philosophy and discipline of this Japanese martial art. It is taught with a holistic approach to creating a healthy individual, mentally and physically. The student will also be made aware of sport karate and defense tactics. First meeting time is used to verbally address the class and its intentions. Upon the second meeting time, skills will begin.

3-Wheel “500”

Age: Dates: Times: Location Fee: Deadline: Description:

2 – 6 years of age Friday, June 26 5:30 pm Corner Franklin and 4th Street FREE Register on Site Enjoyable Three Wheeler races (Big Wheel or Trike) that will award ribbons to all who “race”. Meet at Franklin Street with your big wheel, between 3rd and 4th street just west of Overman Park.

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Cedar Falls Police Association 1st Grade Baseball/Softball

BASEBALL – Age: Just Completing 1st Grade Location: Pfeiffer Park Dates: June 17– July 22 Days: Monday & Wednesday Time 9:00am – 9:55am Fee: $30.00 on or before deadline/ $35.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Eleven – 55 minute sessions. The intention of this program is to provide a fun and organized transition from T-ball to Baseball or Softball. Non-competitive games will be played. A combination of coach pitch and batting T’s will be used in this program. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. SOFTBALL Location: Time: Days: Dates: Fee: Deadline: Description:

Cedar Falls Firefighters CoEd T- Ball Age: Dates: Times:

4 & 5 year olds as of program start date June 18 – July 16 9:00 - 9:55am 10:00 - 10:55am 11:00 - 11:55am Days: Tuesday & Thursday Location: Birdsall Park Fee: $27.00 on or before deadline/ $32.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Nine – 55 minute sessions. While the fundamentals such as throwing, fielding, batting, and catching will be taught, the main emphasis will be introducing the sport in a fun, organized and non-competitive atmosphere. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

C.F. Amvets Post 49 Kindergarten T-Ball

BOYS T-BALL – Age: Just completing Kindergarten Location Pfeiffer Park Dates: June 18 – July 16 Days: Tuesday & Thursday Times: 9:00 - 9:55am 10:00 - 10:55am Fee: $27.00 on or before deadline/ $32.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Nine – 55 minute sessions. While the fundamentals such as throwing, fielding, batting, and catching will be taught, the main emphasis will be introducing the sport in a fun, organized and non-competitive atmosphere. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. GIRLS T-BALL – Location: Birdsall Park Dates: June 17 - July 15 Days: Monday & Wednesday Times: 9:00 - 9:55am Fee: $27.00 on or before deadline/ $32.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Nine – 55 minute sessions. While the fundamentals such as throwing, fielding, batting, and catching will be taught, the main emphasis will be introducing the sport in a fun, organized and non-competitive atmosphere. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

– Birdsall Park 10:00am – 10:55am Monday & Wednesday June 17– July 22 $30.00 on or before deadline/ $35.00 after deadline May 31 Eleven – 55 minute sessions. The intention of this program is to provide a fun and organized transition from T-ball to Baseball or Softball. Non-competitive games will be played. A combination of coach pitch and batting T’s will be used in this program. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

Kiwanis 2nd & 3rd Grade Baseball: Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Fee:

Just completing 2nd & 3rd Grade June 16 - July 28 Tuesday & Thursday 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Pfeiffer Park $37.00 on or before registration deadline. $42.00 after deadline. Deadline: May 31 Description: Thirteen – 1 hour & 25 minute Sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy the game of baseball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.

Iowa Sports Supply 2nd & 3rd Grade Softball:

Age: Dates: Days: Time: Location: Fee:

Just completing 2nd & 3rd Grade June 15 - July 27 Monday & Wednesday 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Birdsall Park $37.00 on or before registration deadline. $42.00 after Deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Thirteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy the game of softball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.


Lions Club 4th- 6th Grade Baseball: Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Fee:

Just completing 4th, 5th & 6th Grade June 15 – August 3 Monday & Wednesday 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Pfeiffer Park $40.00 on or before registration deadline/ $45.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Fifteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy the game of baseball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.

Lattin Photography 4th-6th Grade Softball: Age: Dates: Times: Days: Location Fee:

Just completing 4th, 5th & 6th Grade June 16 – August 4 12:30 – 1:55pm or 2:00 – 3:25pm Tuesdays & Thursdays Birdsall Park $40.00 on or before registration deadline/ $45.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Fifteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This program is designed to give the players the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy thegame of softball. Skills and fundamentals will be worked on throughout practices and games. All players will be placed on teams and receive a team shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Players whose last name starts with A-M will meet at 12:30 and players N-Z at 2:00 on the first day. Teams will be scheduled to meet at either 12:30 or 2:00 following day one.

Z TRACK 3rd – 6th Grade:

Age: Dates: Days: Times:

3rd & 4th or 5th & 6th Grade June 15 -July 29 Monday & Wednesday 3rd & 4th 9:00 - 10:25 am 5th & 6th 10:30 - 11:55 am Location Cedar Falls High School Track Fee: $39.00 on or before registration deadline/ $44.00 after deadline Deadline: May 31 Description: Fourteen – 1 hour & 25 minute sessions. This instructional track program for boys & girls will cover several phases of the sport. Meets will be scheduled. All participants will receive a program shirt. Register early, all programs are limited in size.

Tennis Lessons 3rd-9th Grade:

Age: 3rd - 9th Grades Dates: Session I June 15 – June 25 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 8:30 am – 9:25am 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 10:30 am – 11:25am 5th & 6th Grade Mon – Thurs. 9:30 am – 10:25am 7th - 9th Grade Mon – Thurs. 8:30 am – 9:25am Session 2 July 6 – July 16 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 9:30 am – 10:25am 3rd & 4th Grade Mon – Thurs. 10:30 am – 11:25am 5th & 6th Grade Mon – Thurs. 8:30 am – 9:25am 7th - 9th Gradeadvantage Mon – Thurs. am – 10:25am Take of the9:30 “BUDDY SYSTEM” Signed Peet up forSchool sportsTennis program? Want to make sure that you end Location: Courts sameper team as somebody If you need to make Fee: up on the $32.00 session/ $37.00 else? after session deadline sure thatMay you’re on the same team as(session a family2)member, neighbor, Deadline: 31 (session 1) June 30 car pool member, or a friend, fill out the “Buddy System” form Description: Eight - 55 minute lessons. divided at the CF Recreation Center. TwoLessons requestare forms need to be completed, one signed by each One way requests and according to grade levelparty. of previous school requestsyear. involving two participants people will not Somemore play than between maybe considered. To ensure participants from the same familyweather or household are occur. Eight lessons are scheduled; not on the same team, contact the Sports Program Supervisor at permitting, lessons are guaranteed. the Cedar Falls Rec.sixCenter 273-8636. All involved participants be registered andinrequests Register early, all must programs are limited size. need to be submitted by May 31


ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Fee: Deadline:

18 years or older Late April - Early August Monday-Friday 6:00-10:00 pm Birdsall Park Softball Complex $395.00 per team ($70.00 toward complex improvement fund.) April 1

Registration: Registration for men, mixed, & church leagues will begin the week of February 16 for returning teams. February 23 for returning teams wishing to switch nights. Registration will be open to anyone starting March 1. Detailed registration information will be available February 1. All leagues and nights are limited in size Description: Teams register according to which night, league and play level. Games are umpired by A.S.A certified umpires.







late summer

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

youtH Programs

nFl Flag youtH Flag FootBall: Age: Dates:

1st – 6th Grade Teams start Practices on or after August 24 Games September 5 – October 10

montage 1st and 2nd grade division Officiated games are scheduled Saturday mornings. Coaches will schedule practice days, times and locations. Players will be notified after August 20 with details about first practice Cedar Falls independent insurance agents 3rd and 4th grade division Officiated games are scheduled on Thursday evenings after 5:00 (under the lights when necessary) or Saturday mornings. Coaches will schedule practice days, times and locations. Players will be notified after August 20 with details about first practice

Registration Begins July 15

Cedar Falls Fire & rescue 5th and 6th grade division Officiated games are scheduled on Thursday evenings after 5:00 (under the lights when necessary). Coaches will schedule practice days, times and locations. Players will be notified after August 20 with details about first practice Location:

Games Pfeiffer Park. Practices various schools and parks. Fee: $33.00 by deadline. $38.00 after deadline Deadline: August 10 Description: Six game season. This 5 on 5 game provides exciting, non-contact play with all players being in skill positions. This game emphasizes the basic football skills of passing, catching, defending, and running. Players will also learn about formations, pass patterns, and different types of defense. Participants should sign up according to their elementary school. All players will receive a reversible football jersey. Register early, all programs are limited in size. Those players signing up after the registration deadline may not have their jersey in time for their first game. Parent volunteer coaches are needed. If interested contact Brock Goos at 273-8636.

Cedar Falls sertoma Club Volleyball Age: Dates: Times:

3rd - 6th Grade September 5 – October 17 3rd & 4th Grade9:00 – 10:25am 5th & 6th Grade 10:30 – 11:55am Days: Saturday Location: Peet Jr. High or Cedar Falls Recreation Center Fee: $36.00 by deadline. $41.00 after deadline. Deadline: August 27 Description: Seven -1 hour 25 min. sessions Players will be taught the basic fundamentals of volleyball through team practice, fun drills, individual instruction and games. All participants will be placed on teams and receive a program t-shirt. Please register early, as all programs are limited in size.

great outdoors: Age: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Fee: Deadline:

on line registration @ www.cedarfalls.com

late summer

Fall softball leagues

Class Size: Description:

3rd - 5th grade September 15 - October 20 Tuesdays 4:00-5:15 pm Varies $30.00 before deadline. $35.00 after deadline. September 8 or until filled Limited to 12 Rollerblading, biking, wall climbing, snorkeling, fishing and others! What a great experience to get into the outdoors.

adult Programs

Age: 18 years or older Dates: August 25 – Mid October Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Times: 6:00pm – 10:00pm Location: Birdsall Park Fee: $290.00 ($230.00 team fee + 60.00 complex fee) Registration: Returning teams may begin to register August 1. Registration is open to all teams starting August 8. The registration deadline is August 19; the number of teams accepted is limited. Description: 10 game season Mixed League Divisions 1&2 Tuesday & Thursday Men’s League Divisions 1&2 Tuesday & Thursday

Kickball league: Age: Days: Dates: Times: Location: Fee: Registration:

18 years or older Wednesdays August 26 – Mid October 6:00pm – 10:00pm Birdsall Park $60.00 Returning teams may begin to register August 1. Registration is open to all teams starting August 8. The registration deadline is August 20. Description: This 6-game season plays on Wednesday evenings at Birdsall Park. Teams may consist of any combination of men and women 16 years or older. 10 will play on the field at a time; bat (kick) as many players as you want with unlimited substitution. Mixed and Open Divisions with call-your-own and umpire each others games options offered. Standings will be kept, with awards going to top teams.

See how your team is doing at cedarfalls.com/leaguestandings

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

d n e i r f a g n i r B ! t fi t e and g





eXerCise rooM

Selectorized Weight Machines The Magnum Fitness System equipment has supplemental weight stacks with fine tune resistance in five-pound increments with the ease of a pin. There are large, easy to read directions that are clearly visible from your seated position. The machines have multiple ergonomic handgrips or triple pivoting handles that provide superior results for users of every level. The traditional selectorized pieces include: Pec/Rear Delt Ab Cruncher Leg Curl Assisted Chin/Dip Glute Machine Bicep Curl

Leg Extension 2 hip ad/abductors Standing Calf Seated Leg Press Tricep Extension Mini Functional Trainer

Biangular pieces, that have the smooth flowing motion, include: Chest Press Lat Row Incline Press Pull Down Shoulder Press Freemotion is selectorized weight equipment and provides a great core workout. Freemotion created machines that get results no matter what your fitness level or training style. With limited machine adjustments and virtually unlimited range of motion, Freemotion accommodates a wide variety of users.

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009 Machines include: Chest Press Seated Quad Bicep Curl Tricep Extension Squat Hamstring/Glute

Shoulder Press Ab Machine Lat Pulldown Seated Calf Lat Row Lift

Free WeigHT area We have for your use: Cable Cross Machine Plate Loaded Row Plate Loaded Bench Press 45-degree Inverted Leg Press Olympic Incline Olympic Flat Bench Decline Sit up Bench 2 Pro Power Racks Decline Sit up Bench 6,000 lbs. of Olympic Plates Adjustable Benches

Cardio area

Many pieces of cardio equipment are located throughout the facility and most are equipped with Broadcast Vision which enables you to listen to a television channel located on the screen in front of you just by plugging in a Walkman type headphone into a device located on the equipment. Head phones may be purchased at the front desk. Cardio equipment for your use: 2 Woodway Treadmills 4 Precor Treadmills 2 Precor Crosstrainers with Upper Body 2 Steppers 2 Precor Crosstrainers without Upper Body 6 Cybex Arc Trainers 2 Upright Bikes 2 Recumbent Bikes 2 Cardio Cycling Bikes 1 Rower 1 Recumbent Stepper

Medicine Balls Plate Loaded Seated Calf Smith Machine Squat Rack Bench Preacher Curl 45-degree Back Extension Press Chair 1000 lbs. Dumbbells 650 lbs. of Fixed Barbells

Additional Cardio machines are located in the loft area and on Cardio Row.

FITNESS Fitness Pass

The Cedar Falls Recreation Center offers a one or four month fitness pass. You may purchase a card that permits your unlimited usage to any fitness classes that does not require pre-registration. A recreation facility membership is not needed to purchase a fitness pass. The fitness pass allows usage of the locker room and fitness classes only. Session 1 Session 2

January-April Classes Listed May-August Schedule available in Late April


$80.00 for a 4-calendar month pass* or $28.00 for a 1-calendar month pass** (cannot run into the next month).

*4 month fitness passes are now 1/2 price with Rec Center Membership **1 month fitness pass $23.00 with Rec Center Membership

Exercise Tryout: $4.00 The Recreation Center holds the right to cancel any class at anytime with less than 7 participants for two consecutive weeks or does not have enough pre-registered participants.

Class desCriPtions low impact aerobics

This low impact class will safely increase all areas of fitness for the beginner by using steps, hand weights, mats, tubes, stability balls and aerobic bars. MWF 9:00am

step it!


This class is designed for the exerciser who enjoys new and frequent changes in step choreography. Includes 35-45 minutes of continuous cardio step with occasional bursts of hi-low, intervals, and kickboxing. Participants request two muscle groups for the final 5-10 minutes of strength and toning. Modifications are shown. All fitness levels. T TH 5:30pm

Cardio toning

Need a little bit of both? This combination class contains both cardio and toning for those who enjoy this tempo of blasting intensity. The instructor will offer a variety for both aspects of fitness using balls, tubes, hand weights, medicine balls and a bar. All levels welcome. MW 5:45pm

Cardio Combo

Early morning class is 50 minutes and jam packed with a wide variety of exercises to raise your heart rate and kick your metabolism for the day. All experience and fitness levels welcome! M-F 5:40am strength Fusion Strength training and core conditioning class that can include BOSU balls, Stability Balls, hand weights and body bars for a whole body workout. T TH 4:30pm 20/20/20 This class consists of 20 minutes of cycling, 20 minutes of sculpting, aerobic cardio and 20 minutes of Yoga/Pilates. T TH 9:00am

Bikes, Bands and Beyond This pre-registered class starts with 20 minutes of intense cycling, then on to resistance band or weights and beyond! Core work incorporated as well as stretching. Get all three in one class. Class size is limited to 13. T TH


sports Yoga

This is an integrative form of exercise that combines a practical style of Yoga and Pilates into a flowing series of movements that energize the body. MWF 9:00am MW 4:30pm T TH 5:30pm

Bold Yoga

Open up and find freedom- in shoulders, back, hips and spirit. Improve awareness of your self, find your power, and be ready for anything! T TH 9:00

Core Yoga

This open level class will use yoga poses, stretches, and Pilates type exercises for strengthening the core muscles of the abdomen, back, pelvic floor and hips to enhance flexibility, stability and balance. MW 10:00

Boot Camp

For those who want to improve overall strength. This class is designed to work the entire body. Classes consist of sports agility training, resistance lifting, functional training, plyometrics, kickboxing, and athletic components. Athletic ability is not necessary. Instructor helps work to your own level. Please note: intensity is high, but adaptable for even the beginner level. This class is not for a completely de-conditioned person. MW 4:30pm

ab’s & More

Tighten and strengthen the core area, which includes glutes, hips, abdominals, back and more. All forms of exercise used and stability is important so use it or lose it! 30-minute class. MW 5:30pm

rec KB Class

Kick some bag! This pre-registered class will consist of punching and kicking freestanding bags to completely tone and tighten the body. Bag workouts are a top calorie burning, cardio-enhancing workout for all. Many other exercises integrated into the class to supplement the workout. Take your intensity to the next level for you! No experience necessary for great cross training, 10-14oz gloves recommended. T TH 10:00am $20.00 per month T TH


Belly dancing

½ price for fitness pass holders or Rec Center Members

$20.00 per month

½ price for fitness pass holders or Rec Center Members

Learn the basics of belly dancing while having fun. This class studies the ancient art of belly dancing while providing a great workout. Belly Dancing meets once a week. Dates: Begins Thursday March 12. Times: Beginners 6:30pm Intermediate 7:30pm Fee: $30 for 8 classes

Zumba Class - Check it out!

Beginning in March - M 10:00 am and 7:30 pm


Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Circuit Weight Orientation

An orientation class for those interested in starting circuit weight classes and for members who are just interested in how to use the machines properly, at no cost. Pre-requisite for Circuit Weight Class. Saturday

10:00 am

Circuit Weight Classes

Held in the weight room on our Freemotion Equipment. Organized class with instructor. Pre-requisite: Circuit Weight Orientation (new registrants only). *All Circuit Weight classes are 1/2 price for Fitness Pass Holders or Rec Members. MWF MW T TH

9:00am 6:15pm 4:30pm

$24.00 per month $17.00 per month $17.00 per month

Cardio Cycling Classes

A cardiovascular workout on a specially designed V-Bike. Indoor cycling is a great workout and you don’t have to base your workout on the weather. Check out our Cardio Cycling Room located in our lower level. Register by month rather than session at an additional price to our fitness pass. You need not be a member or pass holder to register for Cardio Cycling. Classes have a maximum of 13 participants and a minimum determined by Fitness Program Supervisor. *All Cardio Cycling classes are 1/2 price for Fitness Pass Holders or Rec Members. MWF MWF MW MW T TH F T TH

8:00am 10:00am 4:30pm 5:30pm 5:40am 5:30pm

$36.00 per month $36.00 per month $25.00 per month $25.00 per month $36.00 per month $25.00 per month

t r a t s p m u j Get a an with

l p s s e n t fi r u on yo ! r e n i a r t l a n a perso

on line registration @ www.cedar falls.com

Personal Trainers


Personal trainers are offered to help meet your fitness needs by working one on one. Individual sessions may be scheduled at any time. Your personal trainer will teach you all the proper techniques and equipment usage and devise a routine suitable for your personal needs and activities. Use the trainers to recover from an injury or to just get into shape. Appointments may be rescheduled with no penalty with 24 hours notice. A onetime consultation will consist of answering questions about the weight equipment and showing you how to do exercises with the equipment using proper form. A health history form is required to be filled out before meeting with a trainer and in some cases the trainer may ask for a doctor’s release form. Member: 1 - Consultation 4 - times 6 - times 12 - times 20 - times

$25.00 $96.00 $141.00 $270.00 $440.00

Non-Member: 1 - Consultation 4 - times 6 - times 8 - times 12 - times 20 - times

$29.00 $112.00 $165.00 $216.00 $318.00 $520.00



Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009




The Cedar Falls Recreation Center has

Your Ticket To Fun 09 In addition to all of our great programs and activities we are offering tickets to these excellent locations at incredible prices. CF Rec Price Gate Price Destination Adventureland Lost Island Water Park Noah’s Ark, WI Six Flags Great America/Hurricane Harbor Gurnee, IL Six Flags St. Louis, MO Valleyfair/White Water Country Shakopee, MN Worlds of Fun/Oceans of Fun, MO Worlds of Fun Oceans of Fun Blank Park Zoo Des Moines

$31.00 $23.00 $37.00

$25.00 $21.00 $28.00

$55.00 $43.00

$34.00 $28.00



$42.80 $30.10 TBA

$31.00 $25.00 <Gate

Non-Recreation Center Members cash only.


Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009


o t n i tep

s s e n t i F e h t t a

c e R




Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009







Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009


Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009

Black Hawk Area Swim Team B.L.A.S.T.

Contact Nick Lakin, ph. 319-290-6261 email: nicholaslakin@hotmail.com We welcome everyone for swimming! Emphasis on FUN and introduction to competitive swimming. http://blast.usswim.net Black Hawk County Conservation (Black Hawk Park) – 319-266-6813 Cedar Falls Boys Jr. Tiger Basketball Program Contact Bob Marshall 404-1100 or Tom Bardal 4th - 8th grades living in or attending the Cedar Falls Schools District. The program provides coaching of the fundamentals of basketball. Registration meetings in October and tournament play from approximately November through March. www. cfjrtigers.com Cedar Falls Girls Basketball Club Contact Bill Long, Ph: 277-5601 or Dan List 277-7629 4th through 8th graders living in or attending Cedar Falls Schools District. The program provides coaching of the fundamentals of basketball and tournament play October thru March. www.ladytigers.cedar-falls.iowapages.org Cedar Falls Little Kids Wrestling Club Jay Llewellyn ph. (319) 268-4077 email: jaylou167@hotmail.com This club is designed to provide its members with an introduction to the sport and develop skills toward tournament competition. Starts in November and runs through February or later if interest. Cedar River Runners Club President Joe Cook ph. 319-277-6526 This club’s purpose is to promote running and running events in the Cedar Valley. For more information visit the web site www.cedarriverrunnersclub.com Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Association (CVYSA) Website - www.cvysaonline.org. A non-profit ALL VOLUNTEER organization created to promote soccer for players ages 6 to 18 as of August 1st of the current year.


George Wyth State Park 319-232-5505 website http://www.iowadnr.gov/fish/index.html Free fishing weekend will be June 5-7, 2009. Enjoy free fishing and a variety of family based activities at George Wyth State Park on June 6th. For more information visit above website and click on ATTEND A FUN EVENT OR LEARN TO FISH!

Waterloo Softball Association Contact: Ken Lowell email: info@waterloosoftball.com Providing adult recreational softball leagues and tournaments. Hoing-Rice Complex 1061 Josephine, Waterloo. Ph. 319-233-4557, website:http://www.waterloosoftball.com

Hartman Reserve Nature Center 319-277-2187 www.hartmanreserve.org A 300 acre wooded isle located in the heart of metropolitan Black Hawk County. It offers many programs, activities, and experiences to all its visitors.

Youth Sports Foundation – Youth Tackle Football Mike Sheeley email: msheeley@mchsi.com 234-8561 or 269-3929 Tackle football league for 5th & 6th graders. Games are played at various area fields on Sunday afternoons starting in early Sept. Registration will be 5/9/09 from 10:00AM to 2:00PM at the YSF Warehouse in Evansdale, 3500 Lafayette. The YSF Office will be open starting April 27 from 3:00-4:30PM.

Iowa Baseball League Fred Abraham ph. 319-277-4567 website: www.iowabaseballleague.com The I.B.L. provides an enjoyable learning experience for young baseball players as they develop their skills in a competitive environment. Shinkyudo Karate Association of America Craig Schau ph: (563) 920-9159 website: doggiedoc2001@yahoo.com Karate Classes: 6:30 Monday, 7:00 Wednesday Waterloo Rowing Club Contact: Marguerite Pircer 319-277-5728 Learn-to-row lessons are offered at no cost to get you started, equipment is provided with membership, for those 14 and older interested in competitive rowing! Cedar River Park, Waterloo. Waterhawks Ski Team Deb Landau 266-8233 web site www.waterhawks.org Competitive water ski team for 3-event and show skiers. No experience needed, all ages welcome. Also offers Learn to Ski Program. Sunday Shows memorial days – Labor Day

reFund PoliCy

A minimum charge of $5.00 will be assessed for all refund requests:

Program Registration Refunds:

Membership/Pass Refund Policy:

• Customers requesting a refund at least seven days prior to start of the program will be given

Recreation Center, Aquatic Center, Golf Season Pass, Punch Cards, Fitness Passes

a refund for the program fee minus $5.00. • Customers are eligible to receive a refund of 50% within six days prior to the program start date.

• Pass holders are eligible to receive a full refund prior to that pass being available for use (i.e. pool opening day). • Passes are no longer eligible to receive a refund once that pass can be used.

• Customers are not eligible to receive a refund as of the program start date. • No charge is required for a participant that wishes to transfer to another available program or session when the request is made six days prior to the original start date. Rental Fee Refunds: Cancellation: With more than 3 weeks notice – 10% of the reservation fee will be charged/withheld from the refund With 3 weeks to 5 business days notice – 20% of the reservation fee will be charged/withheld from the refund With 4 or less business days notice – 40% of the reservation fee will be charged/withheld from the refund Reschedule (non-weather related) With more that 3 weeks notice, the additional charge of 5% will be assessed With 3 weeks to 5 business days notice, the additional charge of 10% will be assessed With 4 or less business days notice, the additional charge of 20% will be assessed

General Procedures; • A full refund will be issued for any Recreation Division cancellation or program change. • Any refund made for an original transaction by credit card will be made back to that credit card. • All refunds for cash or check transactions will be issued by the City Clerk’s office within three weeks. • Participants not eligible for a refund may submit a written request for variance. Variance consideration may be given for: medical excuse, program dissatisfaction, or extenuating circumstances. A group of permanent Recreation Division Staff will determine if the customer will receive a full, partial or no refund. Further appeal may be made to the Park & Recreation Commission.






Cedar Falls Human & Leisure Services Spring, Summer 2009


Winter sPorts Program sPonsors

Jon Crews

City CounCil

Tom Hagarty Susan deBuhr Kamyar Enshayan John Runchey David Wieland

Frank Darrah Arland Haugen

Cedar Falls Park and reCreation Commission Bud Hansen Kate Miller Krista Johnson

Pete Downs Fred Abraham

Roger Bernard Marv Mattfeld

Human and leisure serviCes administrative staFF Ward Stubbs Mark Ripplinger Bruce Verink Mary Huber Kim Burger

Director Park Division Manager Recreation Division Manager Cultural Division Manager Tourism & Visitors Division Manager

Cedar Falls Firefighters Association Cedar Falls Kiwanis Club Cedar Falls Lions Club Martin Bros Distributing Cedar Falls Sertoma Club Cedar Falls Independent Insurance Agents Amvets Post 49

summer sPorts Program sPonsors Cedar Falls Firefighters Association Cedar Falls Lions Club Cedar Falls Kiwanis Club Cedar Falls Police Association Lattin Photography Dr. David Zwanziger Iowa Sports Supply Amvets Post 49

Cedar Falls reCreation division 110 East 13th Street, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 319-273-8636 Phone 319-273-8656 Fax

Hearst Center For tHe arts

304 West Seerley Boulevard, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 319-273-8641 Phone 319-273-8659 Fax

Cedar Falls tourism & visitors Bureau

6510 Hudson Road, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319-268-4266 Phone 319-277-9707 Fax

Cedar Falls Park division

youtH inClusion sCHolarsHiP sPonsors

Cedar Falls Kiwanis Club Cedar Falls Lions Club

inFo line sPonsor

Iowa Sports Supply 319-243-2718

606 Union Road, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319-273-8624 Phone 319-273-8665 Fax


The classes and programs listed have been suggested and are designed to meet the leisure needs of the community. The Recreation Division attempts to organize additional activities, if it has the facilities and the availability of qualified instructors. Suggestions are welcome! Parents please do not bring children to adult classes.


Online, mail-in, fax-in, walk-in & phone-in registration begins February 18 for programs unless otherwise specified.


Registration is required for all programs with the fee payable at that time. Registration is not complete until the fee has been paid. Registration is not accepted at program site. We reserve the right to cancel any program due to insufficient registration and to limit the size of any program. Note: All registration for swim passes, a Recreation Center membership, golf passes, and rentals or adult team sports may only be taken in person by stopping by the Recreation Center.

For Program CanCellations

REGISTER ONE OF FIVE EASY WAYS: Online Registration-Leisurelink

Just go to cedarfalls.com. Then follow the step-by-step directions to register for one or more programs. All you will need is an Account Pin (family pin number), a Client Barcode Number (your individual barcode number) and a Discover, MasterCard or Visa card. If you don’t know your Account Pin or Client Barcode Number just drop us a note at leisurelink@ci.cedar-falls.ia.us with your name, address, phone number and the individuals in your family, or call the Recreation Center at 319-273-8636 with the same information. For those without access to the Internet, online access is available at the Cedar Falls Public Library.

Mail-In Registration

Fill out the registration form found in the brochure or on the program flier and mail it with a check, MasterCard, Discover or Visa number to the Recreation Center at 110 East 13th Street. Be sure to enclose the registration fee and a self-addressed, stamped envelope so your receipt may be mailed back to you.

Fax-In Registration 319-273-8656

Send in your registration 24 hours a day, seven days a week by filling out the registration form completely. Include your Visa, Discover or MasterCard number and expiration date.

Walk-In Registration

Register any time the Recreation Center is open using cash, money orders, check, MasterCard, Discover or Visa. To serve you as quickly as possible, please fill out a registration form for all programs and present it at our reception desk along with payment.

Phone-In Registration 319-273-8636

Credit card registration will be accepted by phone anytime the recreation center is open. Please have all the information required on the registration form ready, along with a Visa, Discover or MasterCard number and expiration date. A $15.00 service charge assessed for all returned checks.


In order to provide quality youth programs, the Cedar Falls Recreation Division has instituted a post deadline increase in the registration fee. In order to properly prepare for programs, enrollment numbers need to be at their approximate total in advance of the program start date. Also, all programs have a maximum enrollment capacity, so please sign up early.

Call the Cedar Falls Recreation Information Line at 319-243-2718

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