Courier honors 2011 graduates Thousands of area high school seniors are honored today by The Courier, along with the top graduating seniors from 16 high schools in Black Hawk County, Waverly and Janesville, public and private. In addition, we added Jesup and Dike-New Hartford high schools because of their close proximity to
the metro area. The top students from each school have been selected by their schools based on academic achievement. The average number allowed per school is five, but some schools are allowed more and some have less due to school enrollment numbers.
Also listed are the graduates of the 16 high schools, as well as the honors, awards and scholarships given to the seniors provided by the schools. The Courier would like to thank the staff and students of the high schools for making this special publication possible.
Grads put premium on job skills By NANCY NEWHOFF
With a tight job market facing college graduates these days, we asked our top high school seniors what they could do to prepare themselves for the working world. What skills do they think they need to be able to compete in the job market in the coming years, we ask them. Here is a sampling of their responses: Tanner Wright Hudson High School My competitiveness will serve me well in the working world. I plan to study hard, stay focused and achieve my goal of becoming a dentist. Keys to success will be staying on top of technology, having good people skills to network among my peers in college and volunteering my time to help others in my community and the world around me. Amanda C. O’Connell Expo High School I think to prepare yourself for the working world you need to apply 100 percent of your time, qualities and effort in everything you do. You will need such skills as computer and mechanical knowledge to help in the path of our growing technology, economy and society. .Jyothi Dhanwada Northern Iowa High School In order to face the tight job
market upon my college graduation, I can study subjects that allow for diverse career opportunities. By broadening my knowledge across diverse fields, staying motivated and driven to pursue an education, maintaining a diligent work ethic and being a wellinformed and pro-active citizen, I will have the skills necessary to compete in my future endeavors. Dakota Hottle West High School With a tight job market, I believe that setting myself apart from others will be best achieved through volunteering. The act of putting others before oneself is a quality that many employers are looking for in an employee. Volunteering is also a great way to build experience and make contacts. I believe volunteering is the best offensive strategy to becoming a desired employee. Alec Steils Jesup High School I will prepare myself for the working world by attaining a profound education. I will try to spend my time creating contacts, doing all I can to develop skills, and most of all have fun. I hope to attend Mayo Medical School where I can become a knowledgeable and tactful geriatrician. I will need to be on the forefront of medical knowledge and education with excellent communication skills to compete within the tight job market.
Andrew Withers Waverly-Shell Rock Senior High School I feel there will always be good jobs available for good applicants, but the qualities and attributes that make a great employee are what will truly set apart one resume from the next. One of the greatest advantages any student entering the job market can have is to have attained a broad, liberal arts education, especially with how volatile the job market has proven to be as of late. Technology will always drive change in our economic and labor system, and as it continues to evolve, the ability to knowledgeably utilize this new technology will consistently be an important trait to have when entering the job market. But, despite this technological need, which is crucial, I personally feel marketability in the workforce truly begins with the ability to think on one’s feet, which can only come from experience. Regardless of how many books one has read, how much computer knowledge one has, or how many degrees have been earned, experience and the pure ability to have “been there before” can provide a worker with more capability and comprehensiveness than anything. Because of this belief, I spend two hours each morning at the junior high building in town. With my aspirations to acquire a degree in middle school education, I feel, though books, classes, and
exams prove beneficial to a future teacher, the ability to have spent 10 hours a week in the classroom before even setting foot in my college classes, will provide me with extraordinarily useful experience as I pursue my future. Brett Gillen Waterloo Christian School I can take relevant college courses to learn as much as I possibly can. I can apply for an internship in my field of study. I can talk to those who are in my field of study to learn more. Being knowledgeable in technology is a very important skill today. Leadership is also an important skill. Austin Javellana Cedar Falls High School To prepare for the working world, a proactive manner is needed. Seeking opportunities in your intended major and career in the forms of internships, job shadowing and co-op opportunities is the way to prepare for the “real world.” These opportunities will help greatly with networking and with a determined mindset and a clear vision of where you want to go. Success will be a given.
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Where the top grads are going to college Iowa University of Northern Iowa: 25 Wartburg College: 13 Iowa State University: 12 University of Iowa: 9 Hawkeye Community College: 7 Luther College: 2 Mount Mercy University: 2 University of Dubuque: 2 Loras College: 2 Iowa Central Community College: 1 Central College: 1 Kirkwood Community College: 1 Coe College: 1 Upper Iowa University: 1 Minnesota University of Minnesota: 1 St. Cloud State: 1 Macalester College: 1 Southwest Minnesota State University: 1 University of St. Thomas: 1 St. Catherine University: 1 St. Olaf College: 1 Illinois University of Chicago: 1 Alabama University of Alabama: 1 Nebraska Creighton University: 1 New Hampshire University of New Hampshire: 1 Colorado University of Denver: 1 Ohio Ohio State University: 1 Massachusetts Boston College: 1 Indiana Valparaiso University: 1 Missouri St. Louis University: 1 Undecided: 5
to be successful in the future. Along with being optimistic, a sense of leadership is very helpful. When given an opportunity to begin something rewarding, one should not hold back due to a fear of failure and should not wait around for others begin first. Being a leader with a positive attitude can ensure great success in life now and in the future. These skills are very necAlen Kajtezovic essary but will require hard work. West High School Having a positive attitude is However, if we do our best to very important in the working work hard now then we can play world. When preparing in high hard later. school and in college, a positive attitude is essential if one wants See ESSAYS page 22
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
CEDAR FALLS GRADUATES Quinn Reece Aalfs, Sean Austin Abbas, Alana Christine Alberts, Matthew Lawrence Allender, Kyle Dale Anderson, Mariah Ann Anderson, Kayla Michelle Andorf, Britni Jean Andreassen, Jarek John Bakken, Abigail Marie Balsiger, Amisa Bryn Barnes, Johnathan Andrew Beckman, Paige Kathryn Beltowski, Jenna Marie Bender, Forrest Charles Benton, Megan Brianne Blackford, Lisa Michelle Boelman, Brandon Scott Bogardus, Lauren Nicole Bonner, Nicholas Alexzander Ivacson Borsay, Reed Frederick Bowden, Alison Lynne Britzman, Meghan Tara Brock, Ashley Ann Brown, Mikayla Jo Brown, Robert Dries Brummel, Sara Ann Buffington, Jordan John Scott Burtch, Matthew D. Busch, Anita Marie Bwiza, Sarah Jill Byerly, Jordyn Ashley Carias, Nicholas Jeremy Carlo, Michael Alexander Carreon, Cheyenne Elise Carter, Aubrey Anne Caruso, Elise Katherine Chestnut, Alexandria Helen Clark, Monica Danielle Clark, Brittany Elaine Conrad, Dana Jay Conrad, Katherine Anne Cook, Marshall David Cook, Morgan Nicole Corwin, Brianna Kay Craig, Cassandra Lynn Crotty, Alex Aaron Crow, Kyrie London Dailey, Neal Benjamin deBuhr, Deserai Drew Deery, Dana John DeGroot, Alexa Jo Deines, Jessica Jade Dixon, Elizabeth Ashley Dobson, Kevin Charles Dou, Jordan Michael Doyle, Samantha Rae Doyle, Chelsea Dawn Dumer, Catherine Maureen Dunbar, Jacob Anthony Durnin, Robert Raymond Dusenberry, Hannah Marie Easton, Dillan Ray Edwards, Hannah Elizabeth Eilderts, Kelsey Anne Einertson, Bruce Alexandre Elliott, Leslie Anne Emmert, Dan Dan Fang, Jing Jing Fang, Jennifer Lynn Ferrell, Chaston Fox, Leah Suzanne Franke, Joshua Michael Fuller, Karly Carroll Fuller, Emily Danielle Garcia, Amber Marie Gardner, Nicholas Matthew Gary, Nicole Rae Gerholdt, Alexander Edward Gibson, Brandon Lee Gilfillan, Kaitlyn Sue Gillett, Magee Joy Glenn-Burns, Abel Justin Gonzales, Benjamin Jewel Good, Melina Blue Gotera, Alexander Keith Graber, Bobbi Jo Gram, Taylor Rae Grapp, Megan Kathlyn Gregorsok, Kevin Cooper Groomes, Keith Owen Gruis, Christopher William Guetzlaff, Kasey Marie Haan, Trevor Allen Hagen, Lauren Elizabeth Halloran, Kaleb Richard Hamilton, Reed Paul Hansen, Danielle Jo Hanson, Alyssa Michelle Harper, Daniel Jordan Harter. Megan Marie Hartmann, Alyse Marie Heffner, Ross Scott Heffner, Samantha Jo Heinen, Chelsea Lynn Herkelman, Alek Lee Hess, Micah Ryan Hesse, Marshall Stephen Hill, Cody Robert Hirsch, Tate Jordan Hoeppner, Riley Ruth Hoffman, Matthew Manuel Hoover, Sydney Marie Howard, Hannah Rae Howland, Joseph Scott Hudson, Alexandra Rae Huffman, Nicholas Lee Hullermann, Jacob Matthew Wayne Hundley, Emily Michelle Hurban, Victoria Marie Hurst,
Cedar Falls High School Top graduates
Kyle Anderson
■ PARENTS: Robert Anderson and Kathleen Anderson ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Criminal justice
Nic Carlo
■ PARENTS: Mike and Lisa Carlo ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Music education
Kaitlyn Gillett
■ PARENTS: Darrin and Mary Gillett ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa or Central College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Athletic training undergrad followed by physical therapy graduate school
Lauren Elizabeth Halloran ■ PARENTS: John and Carol Halloran ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Creighton University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Medicine
Austin Javellana ■ PARENTS: Joby and Tracy Javellana ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Pre-architecture
Kimberly Gail Husmann, Michael Alan Ingersoll, Elizabeth Laura Jaeger, Austin Cary Nordly Javellana, Austin Erick Jensen, Jacob Austin Johnson, John E. Johnson, Alexandria Genevieve Jones, William Daniel Gabriel Jordan, Brittney Marie Joy, Austin Jay Kammeyer, Daniel Douglas Karns, Heather Anne Kelly, Christopher John Kempf, Marissa Noelle King, Jonathan Wesley Kingsley, Kailey Nikol Kisner, Aaron Joseph Klein, Benjamin Charles Kline, Matthew James Klinehart, Alec Kimberly Knapek, Thomas Ray Knief, Aislynn Joy
Shannon McClintock ■ PARENTS: Sara McClintock ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Chemistry/math/secondary education
Kenna Nelson
■ PARENTS: Ken Nelson and Sandi Emerson ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Elementary education
Ben Olson
■ PARENTS: Linda and Doug Olson ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Business
Louis Redfern
■ PARENTS: David and Jaymie Redfern ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Oklahoma ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Chemistry
THE COURIER Billie Charles Luensmann, Tracy Janel Lukasiewicz, Rachel Suanne Lyman, Joseph William Magee, Faran Aamer Malik, Saman Aamer Malik, Brooklynn Michelle Marquand, Jean C. Martinez, Jonathan David Martinson, Steven Joseph Mauer, Samuel James Mayer, Curtis Alan McCarville, Graham Benton McClanahan, Shannon Marie McClintock, Mariah Dawn McGovern, Carson David McRae, Samantha Nicole Meehan, Mason Melbert Meyer, Luke William Meyers, Kaylee Stephanie Micu, Nicholas Glenn Miller, Claire Bette Krull Morris, Kelsey Kathleen Morris, Kristin Elizabeth Morris, Carly Gayle Naaktgeboren, Eric Paul Neill, Sarah Elizabeth Neill. Brandon Lee Nelson, Kenna Leigh Nelson, Benjamin Jay Nevitt, David Isaiah Nieland, Victoria Elizabeth Nyhus, Benjamin Hollis Olson, Samuel Charles Orvis, Kathryn Marianne Otte, Rachel Ann Patterson, Tiffaney Ann Payne, Stephen Thomas Poe, Sarah Jane Postel, Jordien Lei Powell, Justein Rae Powell, Sonja Angeline Przybylski, Anne Elizabeth Raecker, Samuel Scott Rannells, Echo Rain Reams, Louis Robert Redfern, Michael Jerome Relph, Tanner Michael Reyhons, Lucas Timothy Rindels, Christopher Michael Roach, Casey Thomas Eugene Robbins, Meredith Noel Roethler, Christopher Kopper Roland, Ashlyn Marie Ryan, Emir Sahinovic, Korryna Arlene Salmon, Henry Allen Meyerhoff Schares, Shondri Jean Schatz, Clayton Charles Schmidt, Emma Mae Schmidt, Nicole Katherine Schneider, Caitlin Elizabeth Schreck, Lukas Levin Schwekendiek, Casey Joseph Schwickerath, Joseph Thomas Schwickerath, Kyle Layne Scott, Scott James Sester-
Joshua Sims
■ PARENTS: Brian and Susan Sims ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Brigham Young University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Linguistics
Korf, Dana Elaine Korneisel, Kyle Andrew Kouri, Sarah Elizabeth Kress, Justin Robert Krieger, Randi Jo Krull, Stephanie Anne Krum, Abigail Densye Kruse, Khadijah Joy Kunkle, Ashley Marie Lalan, Chelsea Christine Larsen, Tonya Christine Larsen, Cody James Larson, Jeffrey Larson, Samantha Jo Larson, Kelley Rose Lattimer, Alexis Kaye Lavallee, Madison Kayla Lawrence, Krista Danielle Lee, Brittney Elizabeth Lenth, Brandan Mohan Leyh, Sophie Marilyn Lilja, Jennifer Lynn Llewellyn, Victoria Northey Lockard, Zachary Tyler Love,
PAGE 3 henn, Darby Shaye Rozier Sheehan, Muhammad Ibrahim Shehata, Joshua David Sims, Emily Kaye Skillen, Rebekah Marie Skillen, Levi Thomas Slight, Colton Robert Smith, Kimberli Jo Sue Smith, Jordan Marie Smoldt, Jackson Alexander Snell, Samantha Lee Sorensen, Jena Marie Spier, Jakob Porter Stoner, Ashley Mae Stow, Christian Hale Stow, Cara Anne Strike, Taylor Ashley Sullivan, Joshua David Sund, Samantha Lorraine Takes, David Arvo Tanner, Christina Elaine Teague, Alexsandria Laura Telios, Katelyn Joan Terrones, Jasmine Lena Thomas, Jaclynn Marie Thoms, Jordan Michael Timmerman, Carrie Renee Traetow, Philip Hoang Tran, Cadi Marie Trask, Tyler Michael Tri, Michael Andrew Truelsen, Stefan Kyle Vallentine, Hannah Mary Van Meeteren, Jordan Ryan VanSickle, Maureen Francesca Villavicencio, Samantha Nicole Wagner, Jacy Marian Walbaum, Sarah Lynn Wallingford, Mason Reed Walsh, Kirsten Stephanie Weaver, Zo’ Paulos Webb, Christopher Albertus Weidenbacher, Philip Michael Weinert, Sarah Elizabeth Welter, Gage Michael Wente, Joseph David Werning, Shawn Raymond Wessely, Cheyenne Wesley Wheeler, Samuel Wheelock, Jagger James White, Brent Marshall Wilkens, Eve Taylor Willett, Elizabeth Ann Wilson, Monique Reniece Wise, Carmen Kay Wood, Joshua Michael Worthington, Forrest John Wrede, Michael Ryan Wright, Katerina Reneigh Wyatt, Stratton Michael Yant, Daniel Sean Yehieli, Molly Elizabeth Youde, Travis Lee Youngblood, Jacob Michael Zars, Conner Joe Zey, William Michael Zey, Brady Lee Zwanziger,
See C.F. GRADUATES, page 4
CEDAR FALLS HONORS Quinn Aalfs — Ronald E. Juhl Austin Abbas — Oustanding Male Athlete Matthew Allender — Kenneth Meyerhoff Lisa Boelman — FCS Student of the Year Ashley Brown — Eason Math and Science, American Math Competition Bobby Brummel — Joe K. Brummel Memorial Sara Buffington — Community Foundation, Lauterbach Memorial Nick Carlo — John Philip Sousa Elise Chestnut — Kwik Trip Community Cassie Crotty — Community Foundation, Kenneth Meyerhoff Kyrie Dailey — James L. Robinson Memorial, National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation Alexa Deines — Kenneth Meyerhoff Jordan Doyle — J.O. Perrine College Tuition Catherine Dunbar — Director’s Award Robert Dusenberry — Iowa State Bar Association Hannah Easton — Oustanding Member of Choir Hannah Eilderts — W/CF DFS Cory Elsbernd — Excellence in Psychology Kelsey Einertson — Waterloo Education Association Memorial Karly Fuller — W/CF DFS, Iowa State Bar Association Alexander Gibson – Ray and Ann Brown Scholarship Kaitlyn Gillett — Oustanding Female Athlete, E. Wayne Cooley Grant Wheeler Bobbi Jo Gram — (HCC) T.T.T Chapter EF Scholarship Daniel Harter — National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation Megan Hartmann — Community Foundation Hannah Howland — National School Orchestra Alex Huffman — Community Foundation Nicholas Hullerman — Waterloo Education Association Memorial Emily Hurban — National School Orchestra Tori Hurst — W/CF DFS Austin Javellana — Sturgis Falls, Richard Engel, Kenneth Meyerhoff, Principal Leadership, Iowa State Bar Association, Bernie Saggau Award Austin Kammeyer — Rotary Scholarship Heather Kelly — Neva Henrietta Radell Chris Kempf — Iowa Bandmasters Matt Klinehart — Henrietta Madsen Business Thomas Knief — Beisner Inspiration and Excellence in Science Award Sarah Kress — Coach Pat Mitchell Chelsea Larsen — Merle Anderson
Award Kelley Lattimer — Community Foundation Sophie Lilja — Waterloo Education Association Memorial, Class of ‘70 Scholarship, Cedar Falls American Legion Auxiliary Unity 237 Merit Award W/CF DFS, 500 Club Award Krenare Loxhaj — International Students Rachel Lyman — W/CF DFS Faran Malik — Community Foundation Shannon McClintock — CFEA, Kenneth Meyerhoff, Des Register Academic All-State, National Merit Scholarship Finalists, Excellence in Psychology Nick Miller — Community Foundation Eric Neill — Sturgis Falls, Grant Wheeler Kenna Nelson — Alpha Delta Kappa Honorary (2nd to CFEA recipient) Sam Orvis — W/CF DFS Roy Ju — American Math Competition Tracy Lukasiewicz — DAR Good Citizenship Saman Malik — Kenneth Meyerhoff Mason Meyer — The Individual Achievement Award Nicholas Miller — Brock Behn Memorial Carly Naaktgeboren — The Individual Achievement Award Sarah Postel — Community Foundation Louis Redfern — KWWL Best of the Class, Louis Armstrong, Anton Hofstad Memorial Darby Sheehan — W/CF DFS Muhammad Shehata — Martin Luther King Jr., Joshua Sims — National Merit Scholarship Finalists, American Math Competition Cara Strike — Grant Wheeler Jakob Stoner — Appointment to Naval Academy-Annapolis Yibing Su — International Students Samantha Takes — W/CF DFS, The Individual Achievement Award, Waterloo Education Association Memorial, Kenneth Meyerhoff Cadi Trask — World Food Prize Sami Wagner — Lauterbach Memorial Sarah Wallingford — National Merit Scholarship Finalists, Oustanding Member of Choir Philip Weinert — Community Foundation Gage Wente — W/CF DFS Brent Wilkens — Community Foundation Elizabeth Wilson — Trent Bierle, John Scott Memorial (Kiwanis Rough Risers) Forrest Wrede — National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation Daniel Yehieli — UNI ROTC, Community Foundation
Blake Christian Adams, Mark Jonathan Amend, Kimberly Lorraine Bearbower, Andrea Kathryn Berns, Andrew Jon Beyer, Jayne Katherine Blumhardt, Melissa Ann Boyle, Rachel Ann Broell, Paul Andrew Budde, Allison Marie Burke, Kara Jo Buzynski, Megan Lee Chizek, Matthew Thomas Cordray, Nicholas Steven Davis, Emma Joan Dolan, Abby Lynn Engel, Grant Joseph Foreman, Mitchell Dean Forker, Carlie Lynn Frost, Elliott John Frost, Kellan Glenn Gannon, Emily Maureen Gilstrap, Michael James Goerdt, Colin David Halbmaier, Jonathan Thomas Heinzman, Tristan Christopher Hoffman, Ryan Michael Horak, Taylor Baker Hotek, Brandon Michael Hulme, Zakary Michael Jenn, Skylar Robert Kemp, Kyrie Ann Kneeland, Shaelyn Rae Kneeland, Kailyn Jennifer Knudson, Brady Joseph Kresser, Hallie Elizabeth Kuchera, Allison Kay Lehnen, Emily Ann Letkewicz, Lynn Catherine Luecke, Austin John Martin, Tyson Charles Mattoon, Gabriella Loisa Nass, Emily Kai Nelson, Alexandra Morgan Nichols, Dillon Andrew Nichols, Nathan Kyle Ott, Alex James Potter, Mikal Catherine Ratchford, Morgan Mae Reilly, Austin Lloyd Rentz, Tyler Keith Roby, Rachel Elizabeth Salisbury, LaMar Germain Sayles Jr., Rachel Zoe Schaefer, Aaron John Schmadeke, Michael James Schmadeke, Jay Thomas Schmit, Samantha Jean Schmitt, Madeleine Kaye Seymour, Joshua Michael Shimp, Adam Matthew Squires, George William Walters and Douglas Phillip Zabler.
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Columbus High School Top graduates
Abby Engel
■ PARENTS: Jeff and Lori Engel ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of St. Thomas ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Undecided
Lynn Luecke
■ PARENTS: Brian and Suzy Luecke ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: St. Catherine University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Dietetics with minor in Spanish and Catholic studies
Mitchell Forker
■ PARENTS: Dianne and Dan Layton ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: History
Jonathan Heinzman
■ PARENTS: Tom and Linda Heinzman ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Bioengineering
Hallie Kuchera
■ PARENTS: Dan and Shelly Kuchera ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Biology
Emily Nelson
■ PARENTS: Ken Nelson and Chris Olds ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Loras College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Communications
Maddie Seymour
■ PARENTS: Bob and Joanna Seymour ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Pre-dentistry
COLUMBUS HONORS Blake Christian Adams — Hawkeye Community College EMC2 Scholarship Kimberly Lorraine Bearbower — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Scholarship, Female Athlete of the Year Award Andrea Kathryn Berns — Columbus Drama Award, Drama Award, Academic Booster Club “Sailor of the Month” Scholarship, Loras College Merit Award, Loras College Legacy Award, Loras College Music Scholar-
ship, Edward J. & Catherine C. Gallagher Family Foundation Scholarship, Parish Grant, Catholic High School Grant, Iowa Tuition Grant, Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Castile #49 Rosella Risse Scholarship Andrew Jon Beyer — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Rotary Club Honor Student Jayne Katherine Blumhardt — Missouri State University Out-ofState Fee Waiver, Drama Award Melissa Ann Boyle — Mount
Mercy University Collegiate Award, Mount Mercy University Archdiocese Parish Award, Mount Mercy University Catholic Education Scholarship, Iowa Tuition Grant, Drama Award Allison Marie Burke — St. Ambrose University Academic Scholarship, St. Ambrose University Dance Scholarship, James W. & Jvone Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, Drama Award
CEDAR FALLS GRADUATES Chrusciel, Serenity Z. Cornelius, Zachary Thomas DeGroote, Rodney Chayce Cedar Falls Alternative High School Dieser, Kaitlyn Sue Faye, Ryan Joseph Giunta, Zachary Alan Green, Kayla Christopher Arthur Beaumont, ElizaLoraine Hardy, Joseph Richmond Kress, beth Anne Boody, Dylan Riley BuhrDrene M. Lewis, Tyler Lee Linkenmaster, Anelise M. Cagley, Tyler Lee
From page 3
meyer, Kathleen Marie Mallon, Jon C. McCaughey, William S. McCaughey, Stephen James Nicol, Michael Stephen Panther, Alec Steven Shea, Courtney Denise Smith, Shelby J. Smock, Dylan Thomas Stull, Jeffery S. Widmann,
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
C LASS OF 2011
DIKE-NEW HARTFORD GRADUATES Andrew Barker, Samantha Biersner, McKaila Bruns, Kyle Camarata, Jade Gaede, Brett Corwin, Daniel Coulthard, Tyler Crew, Erin Daley, Aaron Davis, Ashtyn Dove, Christine Geiken, Rachael Geweke, Jacoby Giberson, Breen Greer, Taylor Hagen, Bethany Heathcott, Karson Heerkes, John Hill, Troy Irvin, Eric Joblinske, Tanner Johnson, Kelsey Kruger, Kayla Kyhl, Amanda Latusek, Collin McLean, Jessica Merrill, Austin Moore, Kaitlin Mooty, Brook Nelson, Daniel Ward
Nielsen, Marina Nielsen, Ellise Parker, Kyle Patterson, Dejay Perkins, Dillon Ponder, Kaitlyn Pryor, Rayley Rascher, Lisa Richtsmeier, Marina Robeson, Brandy Schipper, Daniel Schmitz, Jourdan Schwickerath, Jenna Shirley, Gabriel Smith, Tanna Smith, Kelsey Soska, Marin Verhulst, Megan Weichers, Michael Weidemann, Lance Welsh, Kelly Whipps, Maxwell Williams and MariAnna Winther. Honorary graduates: Miquel Cervero Fernandez and Ornpreeya Manovilas.
Dike-New Hartford Top graduates
Daniel Nielsen
■ PARENTS: Jerry and Karen Nielsen ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Computer science
Elli Parker
■ PARENTS: Mark and Susan Parker ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Undecided
Daniel Schmitz
■ PARENTS: Greg and Lisa Schmitz ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Premed / biology
DIKE-NEW HARTFORD HONORS Scholars Kyle Camarata — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Dike Lions Club, People’s Savings Bank, Kwik Trip Community, John Biersner Memorial Golf Brett Corwin — DNH Dollars For
Scholars, John Biersner Memorial Golf Daniel Coulthard — DNH Dollars For Scholars, State Bank & Trust Insurance Company, Karen Nicklaus Music, U of I Old Gold, John Phillip Sousa Concert Band Award, Marine Corps Semper
Fidelis Award, Science Award Tyler Crew — DNH Dollars For Scholars Erin Colleen Daley — DNH Dollars For Scholars, UNI Distinguished Scholar, Iven and Jean Cuvelier Memorial, Dike
Community Betterment Association Speech Award, Senior Speech Award Aaron Davis — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Hawkeye Scholarship
Mitchell Dean Forker — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Drama Award, Rotary Club Megan Lee Chizek — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Honor Student, Waterloo -Cedar Falls Courier Top Senior, University of Iowa Society, Drama Award, Rotary Club Old Gold Scholarship Honor Student, Ann Lacy School of Elliott John Frost — Ellsworth American Dance and Arts Management Dance Scholarship, Oklahoma City Uni- Community College Career & Technical Scholarship versity Achievement Scholarship Kellan Glenn Gannon — WaterNicholas Steven Davis — Graduatloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars ing with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Sailor Citizenship Award, Scholarship Emily Maureen Gilstrap — Drama Outstanding Christian Service Award, Award Rotary Club Honor Student, National Michael James Goerdt — Daniel FFA Agricultural Communications Coe Scholarship, Male Athlete of the Career Development Scholarship, National FFA Agricultural Communications Year Award Colin David Halbmaier — GraduatCareer Development Winner, DeKalb Agricultural Award, FFA Service Award ing with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Christian Disciple– Hudson FFA Chapter, ISU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Agribusi- ship Award, Drama Award, Iowa Bar Association’s American Citizenship ness Association of Iowa Resident Award, Rotary Club Honor Student, LoScholarship ras College Merit Award, Loras College Emma Joan Dolan — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Catholic High School Grant, Edward Society, Drama Award, Columbus High J. & Catherine C. Gallagher Family School Foods Award, Rotary Club Honor Foundation Scholarship, The Thomas Fereday Family Scholarship Student, UNI Distinguished Scholars Jonathan Thomas Heinzman Award for Iowans, Waterloo/Cedar Falls — Graduating with Academic Honors, Dollars for Scholars Scholarship National Honor Society, Rotary Club Abby Lynn Engel — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Honor Student, Waterloo -Cedar Falls Society, Drama Award, The Mathemati- Courier Top Senior, Wartburg College Regent’s Scholarship, University of cal Association of America AMC 12 Iowa Old Gold Scholarship, Coe College School Winner, WaMaC Certificate of Williston Jones Scholarship, Coe ColAthletic Academic Excellence in Cross Country, Waterloo Exchange Club Youth lege Trustee Scholarship, Coe College of the Year, Rotary Club Honor Student, Academic Enhancement Scholarship, Bernie Saggau Award Waterloo -Cedar Falls Courier Top SeTristan Christopher Hoffman nior, St. Thomas Academic Scholarship, — Drama Award St. Olaf Presidential Scholarship, Iowa Ryan Michael Horak — Graduating High School Athletic Association Allwith Academic Honors, National Honor District Academic – Football
Society, Rotary Club Honor Student, The Charlie Schnieders Memorial Scholarship Skylar Robert Kemp — Coe College Heritage Award, Coe College Crimson Award Hallie Elizabeth Kuchera — Graduating with Academic Honors , National Honor Society, Rotary Club Honor Student, Waterloo -Cedar Falls Courier Top Senior, UNI Distinguished Scholars Award for Iowans, Wartburg College Regent’s Scholarship, Iowa Tuition Grant, The Charlie Schnieders Memorial Scholarship, Kwik Trip Community Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarship, Park Educational Trust Scholarship, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Scholarship, Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Castile #49 Scholarship Allison Kay Lehnen — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Rotary Club Honor Student, Iowa State University Academic Recognition Award, UNI Distinguished Scholars Award for Iowans Lynn Catherine Luecke — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Drama Award, Rotary Club Honor Student, Governor’s Scholar Recognition Program, Des Moines Register 2010 Academic All-State, KWWL 2011 Best of the Class, Waterloo -Cedar Falls Courier Top Senior, St. Catherine University, Harry J. Flynn Distinguished Student Scholarship, College of St. Benedict Catholic High School Scholarship, College of St. Benedict CSB Grant, College of St. Benedict Regents’ Trustees’ Scholarship, Iowa State University Dean’s Scholarship from the College of Human
Sciences and the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Iowa State University President’s Award for Competitive Excellence, James W. & Jvone Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Tyson Charles Mattoon — Columbus High School Clothing Award Gabariella Loisa Nass — Drama Award, Outstanding Christian Service Award, Mayor’s Top Teen Award, Waterloo Education Association Scholarship, James Smith Scholarship Emily Kai Nelson — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Sailor Citizenship Award, Academic Booster Club “Sailor of the Month” Scholarship, Christian Discipleship Award, Drama Award, Rotary Club Honor Student, Junior Achievement Company Program Scholarship, Veridian Credit Union Scholarship, Waterloo -Cedar Falls Courier Top Senior, Loras College Merit Award, Loras College Catholic High School Grant, Loras College Pope John Paul II Memorial Scholarship, Edward J. & Catherine C. Gallagher Family Foundation Scholarship, Loras College Parish Grant Nathan Kyle Ott — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Scholarship, Alex James Potter Drama Award, Leonard Rydell Foundation Scholarshilp, Tyler Keith Roby University of Dubuque Educator Grant, University of Dubuque Forerunner Award, University of Dubuque Dean’s Merit Scholarship Rachel Elizabeth Salisbury — Drama Award Rachel Zoe Schaefer — Coe College Heritage Award, Coe College Grant, Briar Cliff University Academic Award, University of Dubuque Dean’s Merit Scholarship, Mount Mercy Aca-
demic Award, Mount Mercy Catholic Education Grant, Mount Mercy Alumni Referral, Mount Mercy Leadership and Service Award, Simpson College Honor Scholarship, Culver-Stockton College Hilltop Scholarship, Loras College Merit Award, Loras College Catholic High School Grant Michael James Schmadeke — Black Hawk County Scholarship for University of Northern Iowa Jay Thomas Schmit — Ellsworth Community College Football Scholarship, Waterloo Education Association Scholarship Samantha Jean Schmitt — Mother Moon Service Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarship Madeleine Kaye Seymour — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Rotary Club Honor Student, Waterloo -Cedar Falls Courier Top Senior, University of Iowa Old Gold Scholarship, Wartburg College Regents Scholarship, Saint Louis University Vice Presidents’ Scholarship, Marquette University Ignatius Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Minnesota Gold National Academic Scholarship Adam Matthew Squires — Central College Cornerstone Scholarship, Central College Special Central Grant, Iowa Tuition Grant Douglas Phillip Zabler — Graduating with Academic Honors, National Honor Society, Drama Award, Rotary Club Honor Student, Loras College Merit Award, Edward J. & Catherine C. Gallagher Family Foundation Scholarship, Loras College Catholic High School Grant, Loras College Iowa Tuition Grant
Andrew Barker — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Upper Iowa Academic Samantha Biersner — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Curtis J. Petersen, New Hartford Lions McKaila Bruns — DNH Dollars For
See DIKE-NH HONORS, page 6
DON BOSCO GRADUATES Luke Bader, Molly Barrett, Alex Becker, Tony Becker, Jesse Boldt, Harun Boysan, Kyle Clayton, Whitney Cook, Kyle Delagardelle, Jeremy Even, Taylor Even, Nicole Floyd, Tyler Gardner, Caleb Hagarty, Tabitha Haywood. Tristen Haywood, Annie Horrigan, Ashley Odell, Jake Kayser, Julia Monat,
Eric Nie, Adam Ortner, Hailey Reiher, Andrew Reiter, Nick Rosauer, Leah Rottinghaus, Ryan Rottinghaus, Abbie Schares, Christopher Schares, Kaitlyn Schares, Austin Schmit, Brian Schmitz, Taylor Severin, Nathan Springer, Lisa Steffen, Angela Weber, Curtis Weber and Brandon Welter.
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Don Bosco Top graduates
Hailey Reiher
Annie Horrigan
Eric Nie
Distinguished Athlete Award, Female Sportsmanship Award, Math/Science Award Eric Nie — M. Elizabeth Naebers, Helen Pfiffner Memorial Scholarship, Bernie Saggau Award Ashley Odell — M. Elizabeth Naebers, Hawkeye Community College Achievement Scholarship Hailey Reiher — M. Elizabeth Naebers, U. S. Marines Scholastic Excellance Award, Jesup Knights of Columbus Scholarship, Jim Blunt Me-
morial Scholarship, Catholic Daughters of America Scholarship Nick Rosauer — M. Elizabeth Naebers, Distinguished Athlete Award, American Red Cross Scholarship, Male Sportmanship Award Abbie Schares — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars, Outstanding Female Athlete, Harry Schares Memorial Scholarship Christopher Schares — M. Elizabeth Naebers, Grinnell Mutual “Road to Success”Scholarship, Farm Bureau
Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff, Jesup Knights of Columbus Scholarship Kaitlyn Schares — M. Elizabeth Naebers, Jim Youngblut Memorial Scholarship, American Red Cross Scholarship Brian Schmitz — Hawkeye Community College Achievement Scholarship, Brenda Ehr-Jackson Memorial Scholarship Taylor Severin — Jim Blunt Memorial Scholarship Angie Weber — Matthew Wilkerson Memorial Scholarship
lars For Scholars, Chester Dike Memorial, New Hartford Womens Club, Ronald Andersen Speech, Phil Kruger, Posekany Leadership, MidAmerican Energy, ISU President’s Award for Competitive Excellence, Iowa Bar Association Citizenship Award Marina Nielsen — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Central Presidential Scholarship, Central Fund Scholarship Ellise Parker — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Robert and Barbara Thalman, Hubert J. Kopriva, Phil Kruger, Dick and Joann Juhl Track/Cross Country, Grant Wheeler Memorial, Wartburg College Regents, Daughter of American Revolution Citizenship, U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence, U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athletic Award, Army Reserve Scholar Athlete, Bernie Saggau Award, E. Wayne Cooley Award, Dike Community Betterment Association Citizenship Award, Dike Community Betterment Association Athletic Award, Valedictorian, United States Marine Corp Athletic Award Kyle Patterson — DNH Dollars For Scholars, John Henry Konken Memorial, UNI Industrial Tech, UNI Distinguished Scholar Dejay Perkins — DNH Dollars For Scholars
Kyle Patterson — Math Award Dillon Ponder — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Industiral Technology Award Kaitlyn Pryor — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Art Award Rayley Rascher — Burkley Shane Memorial, Photography Award Lisa Richtsmeier — DNH Dollars For Scholars Marina Robeson — DNH Dollars For Scholars Brandy Schipper — DNH Dollars For Scholars, DNH Education Association, Family and Consumer Science Daniel Schmitz — DNH Dollars For Scholars, State Bank & Trust, New Hartford Womens Club, New Hartford Lions, Farm Bureau, Wheaton-Franciscan, Wartburg College Regents, Wartburg College Legacy, Salutatorian Jourdan Schwickerath — DNH Dollars For Scholars Jenna Shirley — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Chester Dike Memorial, Elks Most Valuable Student, ISU Hixson Opportunity Award, John and Sue Lawson Scholarship, ISU Presidents Award for Competitive Excellence, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff, Dike Community Betterment Association Instrumental Music Award Gabriel Smith — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Hoffman Family in memory
of John and Grace, Don and Betty, Herb and Todd Johnson Tanna Smith — HCC Achievement Kelsey Soska — DNH Dollars For Scholars, WWSC Commitment, People’s Savings Bank Marin Verhulst — DNH Dollars For Scholars Megan Weichers — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Willis and Patricia Good Hansen, Social Studies Award Michael Weidemann — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Curtis J. Petersen, Lockard Realty, Phil Kruger, All Iowa Opportunity, Wartburg College Grant, Wartburg Diversity Grant, U.S. United States Marine Corps Athletic Award Lance Welsh — DNH Dollars For Scholars Kelly Whipps — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Lloyd Davids Memorial, UNI Distinguished Scholar, Posekany Leadership, Hudson FFA, National FFA Ag Communications, Grundy County Farm Bureau, Catholic Daughters Maxwell Williams — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Lockard Realty, John Biersner Memorial Golf, Wartburg Opportunity Award, Wartburg Legacy Grant, R. Keeler Scholarship, Heritage Award MariAnna Winther — DNH Dollars For Scholars, IJM MacKenzie Lee
■ PARENTS: Tim and Diane Horrigan ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa then Allen College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Nursing
■ PARENTS: Steve and Denice Nie ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Dubuque ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Environmental science
■ PARENTS: Jason and Jennifer Hubrig ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa, then Allen College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Nursing
DON BOSCO HONORS Luke Bader — Curtis and Marie Bader Memorial Scholarship, American Bar Association Scholarship Molly Barrett — Charlie Hogan Memorial Scholarship Alex Becker — M. Elizabeth Naebers, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Tony Becker — Outstanding Male Athlete, Harry Schares Memorial Scholarship, Charlie Hogan Memorial Scholarship Jesse Boldt — Math/Science Award Whitney Cook — M. Elizabeth Nae-
bers, Jesup Lions Club Scholarship Nicole Floyd — Michael Mullen Memorial Scholarship Caleb Hagarty — Carlton Winter Scholarship Tabitha Haywood — La’James College Scholarship Tristen Haywood — La’James College Scholarship Annie Horrigan — M. Elizabeth Naebers, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff, Principal Leadership Award Julia Monat — M. Elizabeth Naebers,
DIKE-NEW HARTFORD HONORS Troy Irvin — DNH Dollars For Scholars Eric Joblinske — DNH Dollars For Ashtyn Dove — DNH Dollars For Scholars, New Hartford Women’s Club, Scholars, Dike Lions Club, Larry and Carol Bruhn Memorial, Kirkwood Ath- Person Of Color, All Iowa Opportunity, Army Reserve Scholar Athlete, Dike letic Volleyball Jade Christain Gaede — Complet- Community Betterment Association ed Marine Boot Camp, Sharp Shooter Athletic Award Tanner Johnson — DNH Dollars Crest For Scholars, Tate Smith Wrestling Christine Geiken — DNH Dollars Award For Scholars, Hawkeye Community Kayla Kyhl — DNH Dollars For College Achievement, Iowa Junior Scholars, State Bank & Trust InsurDuck Stamp Award, John Biersner ance Company, MasterBrand Cabinets Memorial Golf Inc., St. Ambrose Academic, Wag (DarRachael Geweke — DNH Dollars ryl) Wagoner, Dike Community BetterFor Scholars, Danish Brotherhood, ment Association Vocal Music Award Louis Armstrong Jazz Band Award Amanda Latusek — DNH Dollars Jacoby Giberson — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Robert and Barbara For Scholars Thalman, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff, Breen Greer — DNH Dollars For Spanish Award Scholars, Luther College Larsen Collin McLean — DNH Dollars For Presidential, Dike Community Betterment Association Drama Award, Iowa Scholars, State Bank & Trust, Business Award Choral Directors Association Award, Jessica Merrill — DNH Dollars For English Award Scholars, Dr. Patrick Boe Taylor Hagen — DNH Dollars For Austin Moore — Physical EducaScholars tion Award Bethany Heathcott — New HartKaitlin Mooty — DNH Dollars For ford Lions Karson Heerkes — DNH Dollars For Scholars, Gustav Treimer Brook Nelson — DNH Dollars For Scholars Scholars, Judy Maurer Memorial John Hill — DNH Dollars For Daniel Ward Nielsen — DNH DolScholars
From page 5
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Top graduates
■ PARENTS: Dennis and Sara Joens ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Coe College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Business
Dunkerton Corey Joens
Kayla Stafford
Courtney Mills
■ PARENTS: Steve and Deneen Mills ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Hawkeye Community College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Executive assistant
■ PARENTS: Joe and Teresa Stafford ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Hawkeye or Wartburg, then Allen College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Nursing
Benjamin James Anderson, Daniel Dustin Bonzer, Josh James Carkhuff, Danica Marie DeLong, Codi William Dennis, Patrick Allen Ervin, Alex Reed Etringer, Shane Alan Gamerdinger, James Dale Garthoff, Alexander Mackenzie Haats, Luke Robert Horton, Ashley Ann Howard, Corey Michael Joens, Paige Nicole Mazzie, Jacob Ross McDermott. Maggie Roseann Miller, Natalie Ann
Miller, Courtney Deneen Mills, Branden John Ott, Meggie Elise Pollifrone, Heather Anne Pollock, Whitney Marie Roberts, Jared Keith Rottinghaus, Jacob Daniel Salisbury, Kayla Marie Schilling, Samantha Sage Schumacher, Austin James Scribner, Katelyn Rae Smith, Kayla Jane Stafford and Dakota James Patrick Wach. Dunkerton Alternative School Diploma — Katherine Alice Root
Courtney Mills — Hawkeye Achievement Scholarship, Elma Bennett Scholarship, Iowa Vocational Tech Grant, Bernie Saggau Award Heather Pollock — Kwik Star Scholarship, Lyle Bare Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Scholarship, Waterloo Dollars for Scholars, Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence Samantha Schumacher — Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award
Austin Scribner — Army National Athlete Award, Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award Kayla Stafford — Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholar, Hawkeye Board of Trustees Full Tuition Scholarship, M. Elizabeth Naebers Scholarship, Wendy’s Heisman Award Winner Dakota Wach — Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award
DUNKERTON HONORS Ben Anderson — Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Scholarship, Waterloo Dollars for Scholars, University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholar, Florence Warnock Scholarship Danica DeLong — Waterloo Dollars for Scholars, Army National Athlete Award Shane Gamerdinger — Hawkeye Achievement Scholarship, M. Elizabeth Naebers Scholarship
Corey Joens — Hauptly Construction Scholarship, Central College Community Service Scholarship, Central College Presidential Scholarship, Central College Trustee Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Scholarship, National Association of Purchasing Managers Scholarship, Hawkeye Board of Trustees Full Tuition Scholarship, Iowa Governor’s Scholar, Des Moines Academic All State Award, M. Elizabeth Naebers Scholarship, KWWL
Best of Class, Wendy’s Heisman Award Winner, Coe Presidential Scholarship Maggie Miller — Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholar Natalie Miller — Iowa Bar Association Award and Scholarship, M. Elizabeth Naebers Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholar, Dunkerton Education Association Scholarship, Mother Moon Scholarship
East High School Top graduates
Adam Babinat
Breanna Bergstrom
Ashley Cole
Elias Escobedo
Breanna Fecht
Dezirae Fontes
Abbey Magnuson
Alexander Oliver
David Orona
Lucas Pietan
Nicole Torgerson
■ PARENTS: Ron and Lori Babinat ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of New Hampshire ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Journalism / English
■ PARENTS: Allen and Tammy Fecht ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Mount Mercy University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Medical laboratory science
■ PARENTS: Denise and Dennis Orona ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Mechanical engineering
■ PARENTS: Sherry Regenold and Nick Bergstrom ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Child psychology ■ PARENTS: Amy and Robert Fontes ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Engineering
■ PARENTS: Shane and Joyce Pietan ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Pre-med / biology
■ PARENTS: David E. Cole Jr. and Tammy K. Bissell ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Undecided ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Undecided ■ PARENTS: Brandy and David Magnuson ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Real estate, nursing or accounting ■ PARENTS: Bruce and Tina Torgerson ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Criminology
■ PARENTS: Jose Escobedo and Nelly Escobedo ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Accounting ■ PARENTS: James and Marvalene Oliver ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Southwest Minnesota State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Kinesiology
Anthony John Aguilar, Allison Marie Anderson, Montrice Antione Anderson Jr., Tyler Joseph Andreassen, Cameron David Anucik, Elizabeth Maurine Anucik, Admir Babic, Adam James Babinat, Rajon R. Bailey, Zakeya LaShay Bailey, Benjamin Michael Barrett, Kayleigh Joann Bass, DiJonae Shyree Bates, Wesley Russell-James Bates, Aupree Desire Baugh, Dorothy Ann Bauler, Jade Mariah Bean, Brandi Jacquelyn Becker, Taylor Jennean Beckham, Beth Ann Beebe, Alex Alan Behrends, Kimberly Breann Belt, Ashley Nicole Bergmann, Breanna Kay Bergstrom, Kira Kristine Bertch, Shawn Allen Boehmer, Grant Michael Bowles, Brandan Micheal Bradfield, Martin E. Brandenburg, Depricia Ariashae Brown, Megan Ann Brown, PerQuala ShaNae Bruce, PerShonda Nichelle Bruce, Kelsey Lynn Brunson, Cody Allen Brustkern, Michael Joseph Brustkern, Cale Donald Buck, Elizabeth Adore Buls, Aquarius Quinette Bunch, Kelly Robert Burk, Stephan Antwon Burkett, Shantrice Ann Jordan Burt, Syntesha Vonay Lashawn Burt, Merissa Kay Camerer, Ciera LaTisha Campbell, DaQuan Capri Campbell, Iesha Nicholle Campbell, Rodney A. Campeau Jr. Brenda Cardenas, Nancy Cardenas, Julio Cesar Castillo, Brandi Mae Christensen, Dillon Lucas Ciesielski, Ashley Nicole Clark, Mercedes Mashae Cody,
See EAST GRADS, page 10
! s n o i t a l Congratu
CIERRA SIMON West High School
We’re so very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Brandon & Dillon
Janesville High School
Don Bosco High School
We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Keep reaching for the stars and dream big. We love you, Dad, Mom & Cole
Follow your dreams ... Congratulations. We are so proud of you.
Congratulations Chickey Bird. We are very proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad and Kendyl
We love you very much, Mom, Dad, Jacob & Alex
RELL CAMPBELL West High School
Your Dad and I are as proud of you today as we were when we looked into your eyes 18 yrs. ago. Congratulations on your graduation and may you have many more successes! Love, Mom, Dad and Quan
LINDSEY JOENS West High School
Way to go Lindsey!! Love, Mom, Dad, Kelli, Nick, Emma & Sami
Columbus Catholic High School
Congratulations on your graduation from Columbus. We are very proud of you! Dad, Mom Kelli & Casey
Cedar Falls High School
You worked so hard! We are so proud! Congrats! We love you! Your family
! s n o i t a l u Congrat
Congratulations! We are so proud of you. You’ve grown into an exceptional young woman. (Regardless of your high school experience, the world beyond high school is entirely different). Never lose sight of your dreams, laugh often, find the best in others and leave the world a bit better where ever you go. Love, Mom & Dad
Columbus Catholic High School Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go... Congratulations and Good Luck at Loras. Much Love, Mom & Dad
Waverly-Shell Rock High School
So proud of you, Luke! Congratulations! Good luck at Iowa State! Love you Lots! Grandpa Gary & Grandma Carolyn
Happy Graduation Alyssa. From this moment another chapter of your life will begin. Don’t be reserved in your desires, be bold and full of dreams. Love, Grandma Faith, Papa Ray, Mom
Columbus Catholic High School May all your days be filled with love and laughter, peace and patience, health and happiness, compassion and conviction...Best wishes at UNI. Love, Mom, Dad & Garrett
Northern University High School
I am proud of your kindness and good sense, your courage and integrity and intelligence. Love you, Mom
Congrats! You Did It. The Future is Yours. Love, Mom, Dad, Kane & Family
Congratulations A Year Early! You can achieve your dream! Love, Mom, Dad, Kane & Family
Hannah Devries — Rotary Top 20 Student Haley Eckerman — East High School Most Valuable Athlete Elias Escobedo — Larry Scheel Turnaround Award, Advantage Iowa Tuition Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship, John Deere Early Talent Program Participant, UNI Multicultural Scholar Award, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, UNI Honors Diversity Scholarship, Rotary Top 20 Student Breanna Fecht — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, Park Educational Trust Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, Rotary Top 20 Student, Mount Mercy Distinguished Scholar Award, Mount Mercy Bowling Scholarship, USBC Scholarship, Governor’s Scholar, Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship, Gary and Barbara Rodkin Scholarship, Tyson Scholarship, ConAgra Scholarship Dezirae Fontes — W/CF Dollars for Scholars Award, ISU President’s Award for Competitive Excellence, ISU Engineering Undergraduate Merit Scholarship, Park Educational Trust Scholarship, Mother Moon Service Scholarship, John
Deere Early Talent Program Participant, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarship, Rotary Top 20 Student Kyla Ford — Thomas & Carline Bradford Phillips East High Hall of Fame Scholarship, Club Les Dames Scholarship Essoria Greer — Endeavors Award Jeremy Helgeson — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship Victoria Jaime — Larry Scheel Turnaround Award, A.C.E. Award, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship Christopher Keller — Rotary Top 20 Student Jessica Kinnetz — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship Maria Ledesma — Harold and Bernice Swinton Scholarship Abbey Magnuson — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, Rotary Top 20 student Marcus McDowell — John Deere Early Talent Program Participant, American Bar Association Citizenship Award Latrice McMullen — Club Les Dames Scholarship Chelsea McNamee — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, Rotary Top
20 Student Shanna McNamee — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, Rotary Top 20 Student Melissa Moschke — Rotary Top 20 Student Alex Oliver — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, Mal Duncan “4 for 40” Scholarship, F. Marjorie Anderson Scholarship, Bernie Saggau Award, East High School Most Valuable Athlete, Rotary Top 20 Student, Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship, Southwest MN State Heritage Award, Southwest MN State Housing Award, Southwest MN State President’s Award, Southwest MN State Dean’s Academic Award, Governor’s Scholar David Orona — Iowa Bowling Council Award, F. Marjorie Anderson Scholarship, John Deere Early Talent Program Participant, Rotary Top 20 Student Austin Patterson — Mount Mercy Academic Scholarship, Mount Mercy Bowling Award Kianne Pettit — FFE, East High Scholarship, Hawkeye Achievement Scholarship Lucas Pietan — Community Foundation Opportunity Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, Dr. Walter
son, Makiesha Genese Jones, Marteshia Shaudae Jones, Xavier Zachariah Jordan, Winston Leo Kearney, Christopher Alan Keller, Derrick Dashawn Kimbrough, Jessica Lynn Kinnetz, Kristopher LaMont Kraft, Shannon Lee Larsen, Cody Joe Laughlin, Lovetee Q. Lavelah, Maria Rosita Ledesma, Colton Jessie Lippert, Diamond Lashay Love, Abbey Kaye Magnuson, Jordan Anthony James Mangrich, Shashone Marie Marquand, Shanterra Shante Martin, Solomon Dominique Martin, Bryan David Marvin, Brittney LaChe’ Matlock, Karena Antionette McCoy. Marcus Earl McDowell Jr., Latrice Lashay McMullen, Chelsea Jordan McNamee, Shanna Justine McNamee, Kyle Alan Mehmen, Clint Rolando Mendez, Keaton Russell Miller, DeMarieo Dupree Mohorne, Daniel Eugene Moon, Melissa Arlene Moschke, Eric LaShawn Neville Jr., Coty Owen Newell, Cole Michael Nie, Kelsie Elizabeth O’Donnell, Alexander Pernell Oliver, David James Orona, Joshua Thomas Ostdahl, DePre Donniques Owens, Kerissa Lee-Ann Owens, Celene Clarissa Parker, Austin Michael Patterson, Kianne Elizabeth Pettit, Stephanie Nicole Picha, Derrick James Pickard, Lucas Lee Pietan, Toby Joseph Pratt, Taylor Patrice Price, Ariel Shanee Pritchard, Jasmine Nicole Randall, Colton Arthur Rathe, Tahjaveus Nazhae Redding, Cody Lee Richter, Abigail Ann Robeson, Amir Robinson, Camille Roland, Lissa Maria Rubio, Berenis Maria Sanchez, Rachel Sanders,
Cayd Allen Sapp, Reuf Saric, Shayla Rae Schellhorn, Heather Elaine Schmitz, Nicholas Wayne Schutte, Paul James Schwake, Christian Michael Scroggins, Joseph Langston Sheppard, Verneisha Nativa Lynn Shields, D’Lo TyJaas Shivers, Gerardo Javier Silva, AlFphonso Martez Sisk, Bryana Senice-LaShae SmithScott, Michael John Smock, Alyssa Marie Sonksen, ShaToria Shanae Spates, Brandon Tyler Spaulding, Jesse Allen Jahcob Spooner, Mariah Marie Steva, Ashley Marie Stokes, Miquinn Djaun Stokes, Toril Eugene Sudduth II, Travis John Swartzendruber, Da’Jon Dewon Taylor, Katee Christeen Thein, Brittany Kierra Thomas. Patrick Michael Thomas, Alyssa Rae Thompson, QwonTajah ReeAnna Shaqwette Todd, Nicole Ann Torgerson, Kyle Allen Turner, Richard Terry Utsler, Demetre McNeil VanArsdale, Jonathan Alexander VanBrunning, Alexander Jon VanRoekel, Jennifer Villanueva-Garcia, Jalynn Elaine Wallican-Jones, Sean Alexander Warner, Shawndis Dontrece Washington, Brianna Sue Watson, Shad Joseph Weaver, Mellany Mary Weber, Tyrisha Lashay Weekley, Kaylee Ann White, Tylor White, Alyssa Marie Wiest, Riley Jay Wilcox, Nia Nikole Wilder, Kentavia Annette Williams, Cody John Wilson, Cameron Douglas Winters, Brooke Marie Wirtz-White, Jamillah Ayana Witt, Adam Michael Woods, Lakresha Tranae Wright, Nathan Edward Wright, Jalisa Janea Young and Mary Francis Zingg.
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
EAST HIGH HONORS Montrice Anderson — UNI Multicultural Scholar Award Adam Babinat — Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award, University of New Hampshire Dean’s Scholarship, American Bar Association Citizenship Award, Rotary Top 20 Student DiJonae Bates — Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship, Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, ConAgra Scholarship Wesley Bates — Wartburg McElroy Scholarship Breanna Bergstrom — American Bar Association Citizenship Award, Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, Judy Fossell PRIDE Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, Rotary Top 20 Student Ciera Campbell — Rotary Top 20 Student Ashley Cole — Rotary Top 20 Student Jessica Colvin — FFE, Elizabeth Green Scholarship, Kwik Trip Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarship, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, Rotary Top 20 Student, ISU Academic Recognition Award Amber Diveney — Lorene Lindaman Rohlf Award
EAST HIGH GRADUATES From page 7 Ashley Marie Cole, Jessica Rose Colvin, Krystal Marie Conti, Brett James Cook, Adam Steven Craft, KaMeesha LaChe Creighton, Ashley Marie Cummings, Cheyenne Alissa Jo Cummings, Shabria Sha’Nae Cyrus, Klint Alan Davidson, Briana Marie Davis, LaTeisha Renee Denton, Hannah Marie DeVries, Bryony Zoe Diaz-Rodriguez, Amber Jo Diveney, Drew Lee Doland, Haley Jordann Eckerman, Elias Alan Escobedo, David Thomas Even, De’Vate DeAlan Ewell, Skyler Dean Fairbanks, Breanna Sue Fecht, Leslie Morgan Fink, Samantha Rose Foley, Dezirae Rose Fontes, Kyla Marsheen Ford, Camron Michael Frickson, Haley Elizabeth Frickson, Jared Paul Frickson, Alisha Ann Fry, Norman Corroll Gant Jr., Mariah Leticia Garza, Ciara Lynn Gilmer, Jamie Marie Graham, Armoni Tamone Gray, Jaloni Ramone Gray, Artinya ShaYanna Greer, Essoria Faye Yuri Greer, Shavionne Shanterra Greer, Jordan Austin Hager, Nikolai James Hahn, Brianna Lynne Hall, Dakoda William Hall, Madison Lea Hanson, Hailey Marie Harkrider, Marci Ellen Hassell, Terrell Scott Hayes, Queen Haynes, Renicia Tramaine Haywood, Kirbi Lynn Heiple, Jeremy William Helgeson, Alexander Jay Henkle, Shane Eugene Hodges, TerVontay Tray Hodges, Jessica Renee Hoffman, Dakota Allan Hurst, Elvis Ibricic, James Ivey, Corey James Jackson Jr., Victoria Jaime, Tyrima Vonquisha Raylisha John-
Cunningham Scholarship, Rotary Top 20 Student Colton Rathe — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, Park Educational Trust Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, Rotary Top 20 Student, University of North Dakota Freshman Scholarship, Advantage Iowa Tuition Scholarship Berenis Sanchez — Tyson Fresh Meats Scholarship Brandon Spaulding — Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Academic Scholarship Ashley Stokes — Tyson Fresh Meats Scholarship Brittany Thomas — UNI Robert W. Bettle East High Scholarship Nicole Torgerson — Marjorie Laubscher Memorial Scholarship, Rotary Top 20 Student, UNI Iowa Distinguished Scholar Scholarship Jaylynn Wallican-Jones — Club Les Dames Scholarship Riley Wilcox — Rotary Top 20 Student Adam Woods — Tyson Fresh Meats Scholarship
Expo Top graduates
Kaela Barker
■ PARENTS: Keri Barker ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Psychology
T’Vonshai Gully
■ PARENTS: Tanniaah Spates and Shawn Gully ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Hawkeye Community College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: General
Alqueisha Campbell
■ PARENTS: Vonnetta Holmes and Aldreias Campbell ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Kirkwood Community College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Dental hygiene
Brandon Marovets
■ PARENTS: Perry and Michelle Gamblin ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Hawkeye Community College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Electrical engineering
Amanda C. O’Connell
■ PARENTS: Chris O’Connell and Cheryl O’Connell ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Hawkeye Community College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Dental assistant
Expo graduates and honors on page 13
Congratulations! ALECIA KNAPP
Waverly-Shell Rock High School “Congratulations, We are so proud of you, County Fair Queen, 4-H, F.F.A. Beef Champions, you did it all.” We love you, Great Grandma Howe & Your Families
Columbus Cathlic High School Congratulations Zak We are proud of you! As one chapter of your life comes to a close another one begins. Good Luck at UNI! The best is yet to come. Love,Mom, Dad, Kelsey, Grandma T, and Grandma & Grandpa Jenn
Columbus Catholic High School We’re proud of all your achievements and choices! Good Luck at St. Ambrose University and enjoy your next Dance Team experience!
Columbus Catholic High School Congratulations, Austin. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Jordan and Conner
Cedar Falls High School Follow your dreams and reach for the stars. We are so proud of you. Love, Dad, Mom, Haley & Ella
MATT HOLMES West High School
Congratulations! May all your dreams come true in the next venture of your life. Good Luck at Oklahoma University in Drama!! We are so proud of you!! Love, Mom, Courtney and Kristi
Congratulations Great Job We Love You
Columbus Catholic High School
Congratulations. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad Connor & Casey
! s n o i t a l Congratu
Waverly-Shell Rock High School Congrats Joey Miller on your graduating from Waverly-Shell Rock High School! We are so proud of you!! Love, Mom, Rick, Briana, Eric and Zoey
Janesville High School
Congratulations Reid! We are so proud of you.
Northern University High School
“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” Congrats Trai at IWCC!
Go confidently in the directions of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined. Congratulations.
Love, Grandma Cindy, and Aunt Heidi
West High School Toria, you grew so fast it was like yesterday we watched you graduate pre-school now from high school. We love you and are very proud of the woman you’ve become. Congratulations and Good Luck at Kirkwood in the Fall! Love, Mom, Dennis, Taylor, Taryn, Brayden, G-ma Janice & G-Pa Jeff
DARBY SHAYE SHEEHAN Cedar Falls High School
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. Emerson Love, Mom, Dad & Avery, Steve & Jill, Grandma & Grandpoo Grandpa
Love, Dad, Mom and Marcus
Waverly-Shell Rock High School Congratulations Brycee-Poo!! We are so proud of you! Lots of Love from your family
Northern University High School Congratulations Sweetie! I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. Good Luck at Iowa! Love, Mom
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Top graduates
Emily Andresen
Holly Halstead
Sarah Koch
Hillary Marquard
Aaron Oltmann
Jenna Rae Shirley
■ PARENTS: Ron and Joyce Andresen ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Education
■ PARENTS: Randy and Kay Marquard ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Graphic design
Adrian Thompson
■ PARENTS: Lynda and Bart Thompson ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Journalism
■ PARENTS: Lonn and Theresa Koch ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Elementary / special education
■ PARENTS: Paul and Sheila Petry ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Secondary math education
■ PARENTS: Jeff and Deb Oltmann ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Engineering
■ PARENTS: Judy Shirley ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Speech pathology
Jessica Wetherell
■ PARENTS: Joe and Sheila Wetherell ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Dubuque ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Major biology; minor chemistry
Cheyanna Rose Abben, Kaela Jo Barker, Kaitlin Marie Boyle, Sara Lynn Bruno, Steven Andrew Bryan, Anshonique Cheante’ Burks, Jamie Nichole Cady, Alexis Paige Caldwell, Alqueisha Janea Campbell, Rodney Allen Campeau, Michael Edward Carpenter, Mariela Chavez, Monique DaNesha Duke, Shanika Nicole Evans, Cody James Fintel, Samantha Elain Fliss, DaVarsie’ Fontain Dasean Gantt, Pablo Antonio Garcia, Mykala Lynn Glaspie, T’Vonshai Shi’Rena Gully, Robert Lee Hanson,. Nakeyshia Sheree Harrington, Ashley LaQuasha Harrington-Johnson, Anthony Shuan Hayes, Amanda Lee Herron,
Sydney Alyse Hill, Tyler Eugene Jackson, Anna Marie Jordan, Jaevon Antoinette Jordan, Sanita Kalbic, Kayla Elizabeth Kramer, Janae Jamie Lanier, Kristopher James Larsen, Jayme Leona Lett, Kristin Marie Luckey, Brandon Eugene Marovets, Maida Muharemovic, Amanda Cherie O’Connell, Konnor Leroy Pierson, Araceli Rico, Camille Ladonna Roland, Alex John Rooff, Tessa rea Jean Salisbury, Bruce Mitchell Timmer, Trevor Neal Troupe, Domonique Cortel Turner, Karla Dennise Villanueva-Garcia, Noelle Elaina Watts, Abigail Jean Welter, Chelsie Marie White, Genesis Renae Wilder and LaKaiyya LaKeesha LaDezz Wright,
EXPO HONORS Sara Bruno — Senior ACE Award Jamie Cady — American Citizenship Award, Willard & Kay Jenkins Scholarship (through Community Foundation) Alqueisha Campbell — Club Les Dames Scholarship: Pablo Garcia — Senior ACE Award T’Vonshai Gully — Hawkeye Community College Scholarship, Senior
Rotary Club: and Tyler Jackson — Senior Rotary Club Brandon Marovets — Senior Rotary Club Amanda O’Connell — Hawkeye Community College Scholarship Lakaiyya Wright — Senior ACE Award
Tanner Wright
Emily Andresen, Kayla Begley, Dalton Bickford, Daniel Bowman, Brooke Brinker, Chloe Canfield, Alex Chilcote, Itedra Clopton, Toby Collins, Katlin Cullen, Stephanie Delau, Ross Droppert, Stephen Foote, Alexandra Fowler, David Gardner, Hannah Garvey, Hillary Garvey, Holly Halstead, Marina Henriksen, Brandon Hoskins, Clifford Hunt, Emanuel Jeffries, Sarabeth Jeffries, Katey Johnson, Kyle Johnson, Miranda Johnson, Kelci Judas, Mallory Keninger, Sarah Koch, Ashley Kramer. Hillary Marquard, Sarah Marsh, Brody Maves, Delaney Maves, Cole Melby, Allan McCulley, Jamie Miller, Aaron Oltmann, Jacob Patterson, Jordan Patterson, Kathryn Paul, Taylor Rademaker, Kayla Rieck, Theodore Ross, Joshua Tack, Conor Schley, Krista Schmidt, Cory Schmitt, Dakota Schmitz, Jenna Shirley, Jessi Sorensen, Adrian Thompson, Abbey Tomkins, Nolan Tomlinson, Jakapong Wachakit, Jessica Wetherell, Taylor Wheeler, Nicholas Wrage, Tanner Wright, Jessica Yuska and Austin Wrage,
HUDSON HONORS Emily Andresen — Stan Whelchel “Payback,” Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, Social Studies Award, Wartburg College Regents Scholarship, Wartburg College Legacy Scholarship, Wartburg College Leadership Scholarship, Wartburg College Science Symposium Scholarship Rachel Bair — Herbert Hoover Uncommon Students Award Kelly Budreau — Mother Moon Service Scholarship-2011 Chloe Canfield — Hawkeye Community College Achievement Scholarship Alex Chilcote —Ellsworth Community College Career and Technical Program Itedra Clopton —Truman State University SEE Scholars Grant
See HUDSON HONORS, page 14
We value your success. WO-052911040
■ PARENTS: Steve and Michelle Wright ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: pre-dentistry
Janesville Top graduates
Luke McAllister
Shelby Murley
Talere Sorge
Erica Quistorff
■ PARENTS: Ben and Jean McAllister ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Hawkeye College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: CNC machining
■ PARENTS: Wes and Robbin Sorge ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Mount Mercy University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Nursing
■ PARENTS: Scott and Chris Murley ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Biology and Spanish
■ PARENTS: Jim and Michelle Quistorff ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Hawkeye Community College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Education/ Spanish
JANESVILLE GRADUATES Nick Bartels, Evan Bolt, Nicholas Bright, Olivia Fisher, Danni Flood, Sydney Hawk, Kyle Hinz, Brandi Immerzeel, Jordan Kim, Cody Kleinhans, Karli Kruse, Brittney Martin, Blair Mattingly, Luke McAllister.
Heidi McNulty, Jennifer Monaghan, Shelby Murley, Emily Newberry, Tyler Osborn, Erika Quistorff, Chandler Schmidt, Talere Sorge, Mic Westmeyer, Reid Woodyard and Clint Wrage.
JANESVILLE HONORS Evan Bolt — National Football Foundation, Coe College Heritage Award Olivia Fisher — President’s Student Volunteer Award, National Honor Society, Principal Leadership, Academic Awards, ROOP Scholar, Dollars for Scholars, Iowa Star Conference All Academic Team Kyle Hinz — Dollars for Scholars Brandi Immerzeel — JHS Citizenship, National Honor Society, Kwik Star Scholarship, Dollars for Scholars, Speech Award, Masonic Equity Lodge #131 Scholarship, IGHSAU On-A-Roll Jordan Kim — President’s Student Volunteer Award, National Honor Society, Academic Awards, ROOP Scholar, Dollars for Scholars, Iowa Star Conference All Academic Team, IGHSAU On-A-Roll Karli Kruse — President’s Student Volunteer Award, National Honor Society, Dollars for Scholars, IGHSAU On-A-Roll Luke McAllister — JHS Citizenship, Academic Awards, U.S. Marines Male Athlete, CUNA Mutal Scholarship, Iowa State Bar American Citizenship Award, Dollars for Scholars, US Army Outstanding Academic & Athletic, Iowa Star Conference All Academic Team Heidi McNulty — President’s Student Volunteer Award, National Honor Society, Gallaudet University Presidental Scholarship, Academic Awards, US Marines Musical Excellence, ROOP Scholar, Dollars for Scholars, Iowa Star Conference All Academic Team
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
JESUP GRADUATES Jennifer Monaghan — Dollars for Scholars, Speech Award, Laureate Gamma Kappa Janesville Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship, IGSAU On-A-Roll Shelby Murley — President’s Student Volunteer Award, National Honor Society, Academic Awards, Wendy’s Heisman, UNI Distinguished Scholar, US Sente Youth, Dollars for Scholars, Speech Award, Iowa Star Conference All Academic Team Emily Newberry — Dollars for Scholars Erika Quistorff — National Honor Society, Academic Awards, Dollars for Scholars, Speech Award, Iowa Star Conference All Academic Team Talere Sorge — JHS Citizenship, President’s Student Volunteer Award, Des Moines Register Academic AllState, National Honor Society, Academic Awards, Governor’s Scholar, IHSAA Bernie Saggau, US Air Force Math & Science, US Marines Scholastic Excellence and Female Athlete, IGHSAU Robert Smiley,ROOP Scholar, Cedar Falls Exchange Club, Dollars for Scholars, Janesville American Legion Auxiliary Merit Award, US Army Outstanding Academic & Athletic, Iowa Star Conference All Academic Team Reid Woodyard — Speech Award, Laureate Gamma Kappa Janesville Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship
Ben Michael Augustine, Ashley Elizabeth Baca, Chelsea Ann Bearbower, Chasity Ann Block, Ryan Thomas Boies, Caitlin Lee Borwig, Noah Allan Brown, Henry John Brownson, Brittany Alexis Bunger, Andrew James Christensen, Travis Donald Robert Clayton, Jeffery Allen Conner, Michael Patrick Corkery, Dakota Stuart Cunningham, Jessica Louise DuBois, Kyle Thomas Eldridge, Maxwell King Faulkner, Karli Ann Flygstad, Brian Donald Forsythe, Kurt Dillon Fox, Kyle Douglas Fox, Bryce James Fratzke, Haylee Kay Frush, Nyssa Margaret Ann Gwin, Vittoria Carol Dawn Gwin, Travis LeeRay Hepler, Crystal Laynn Hingtgen. Kelsey Lynn Johnstone, Ryan Lee Kauffman, Sarah Beth Kennedy, Kayla Marie Kerkove, Samantha Ann Kerkove, Nicholas Lee Kite, Brady Jacob Larson, Trevor Allen Lough, Patricia Eileen Maines, Ethan Donald Mangrich, Kayla Marie Mangrich, Brady Michael Mattson, Hunter Morrison Milks, Mackenzie Michele Miller, Benjamin Joseph Moran, Kierston Ann Nichols, Kelli Jo Oliver, Kortni Lynn Oliver, Anamaria Olmos, Ethan Allan Pelton, Dakota Glen Putnam, Nicole Marie Rademacker.
HUDSON HONORS ics Award, H.E.A. Lois West Scholarship, Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, Wartburg College Regents Scholarship, Katlin Cullen — Wesley Epling Memorial Scholarship, Lion’s Club Scholar- Wartburg College Grant, DAR Good Citizen Award, Hudson FFA Chapter ship, American Red Cross Scholarship Scholarship, Athlete of the Year, Bernie Stephanie DeLau — Vore Family Saggau Award Scholarship, Wassam Scholarship, Mt. Brandon Hoskins — Regional AcaMercy College Academic Scholarship Ross Droppert — HEF General Schol- demic Decathlon Sarabeth Jeffries — U.S.Army Rearship, Hudson FFA Chapter Scholarship, National FFA Scholarship, Science cruitment Award Katey Johnson — Anton Nielson Award, Mathematics Award, SportsmanScholarship, St. Mary of Mt. Carmel ship Award Stephen Foote — U.S. Marines Corps Scholarship Award Kyle Johnson — Juli Farrell MemoRecruitment Award rial Scholarship, American Red Cross Alex Fowler — Regional Academic Scholarship, Anton Nielson Scholarship, Decathlon St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Scholarship Hillary Garvey — North Iowa Area Award, U.S.Marines Corps Distinguished Community College Track Scholarship, Cornell College Richard Keeler Scholar- Athlete Award Miranda Johnson — Russell and ship, Cornell College Academic and Elsie Mastain Family Scholarship Community Enrichment Scholarship Kelci Judas — Coonrad Family Cassandra Goodnight — Dorothy Stockdale Miller Memorial Scholarship, Scholarship Mallory Keninger — St. Mary of Mt. Helen J. Miles Memorial Scholarship Carmel Scholarship Award Holly Halstead — James W. and Sarah Koch — James W. and Jvone Jvone E. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, E. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, HEF Raymond and Verjean Busching, ClifGeneral Scholarship, Waterloo Courier ford Murray Memorial Athletic Booster Top Graduate, University of Northern Club Scholarship, KWWL Best of Class, Iowa Distinguished Scholar, University of H.E.A., Science Award, Mathemat-
From page 13
Northern Iowa College of Education Harold and Martha Scholarship, U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award, Sportsmanship Award Ashley Kramer — Wartburg College Opportunity Scholarship, Wartburg College All Iowa Opportunity Award Hillary Marquard — Community Foundation Opportunity Scholarship, Raymond and Verjean Busching, Governor’s Scholar Recognition, Iowa State University Academic Recognition Scholarship, Iowa State University Grant, Mid-American Energy Scholarship, Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, English Award Allan McCulley — EMC2 Hawkeye Community College Scholarship Cole Melby — Luther College Preus Presidential Scholarship, Luther College Weston Noble Music Scholarship, Luther College Music Lesson Scholarship Jamie Miller — Midwest One Bank Delaney Maves — Mother Moon Service Scholarship-2010, HEF General Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholar Aaron Oltmann — HEF General Scholarship, Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, Iowa State University Academic Recognition Scholarship
Kathy Paul — Lincoln Savings Bank, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Trust, Luther College Regents Scholarship Conor Schley — Lois E. West Memorial Scholarship Krista Schmidt — Deanna Wheeler ReMax Home Group Scholarship, Hudson FFA Chapter Scholarship, National FFA Scholarship Cory Schmitt — U.S.Army Recruitment Award Jenna Shirley — Iowa Bar Association Citizenship Award, James W. and Jvone E. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, Theora “Tedi” Whelchel, Student Leader Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Trust, Hudson Fire Department Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholar, H.E.A. Lois West Scholarship, Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award Jessi Sorensen — Wilbert Meinhart Memorial Scholarship, “Nick” Nicklaus Ag Scholarship, ECIC “Nick” Nicklaus Ag Scholarship Josh Tack — HEF Fine Arts, Central College Presidential Scholarship, Central College Trustee Scholarship, Central College Music Scholarship, The “Semper Fidelis” Award for Musical Excellence
Adrian Thompson — HEF General Scholarship, Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, Social Studies Award, Journalism Award Nolan Tomlinson — U.S. Marines Corps Recruitment Award Jessica Wetherell — Lincoln Savings Bank, Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, University of Dubuque Presidential Scholarship, Wendt Character Scholarship, University of Dubuque Academic Scholarship Nick Wrage — U.S. Marines Corps Recruitment Award Tanner Wright — Community Foundation Opportunity Scholarship, HEF General Scholarship, Clifford Murray Memorial Athletic Booster Club Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Trust, Waterloo Courier Top Graduate, Mathematics Award, Wartburg College Regents Scholarship, The Lowe’s Scholarship, Wendy’s High School Heisman School Award, Athlete of the Year Jessica Yuska — James W. and Jvone E. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, HEF General Scholarship, American Red Cross Scholarship, Loras College Merit Award, Loras College Legacy Grant, Sacred Heart Parish Scholarship, Sartori Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Jesup Knights of Columbus Council #8227 Scholarship Nyssa Margaret Ann Gwin — CSFJ Top graduates Beulah B. Ham Scholarship Vittoria Carol Dawn Gwin — CSFJ Noah Brown Chelsea Janeen Seehase Memorial Scholarship ■ PARENTS: Greg Bearbower Kelsey Lynn Johnstone — CSFJ and Staci Brown ■ PARENTS: Don and Larry Donlea Memorial Scholarship ■ SCHOOL ATSue Bearbower Ryan Lee Kauffman — CSFJ TENDING: Iowa State ■ SCHOOL ATTENDBankIowa Scholarship, Army Reserve University ING: Upper Iowa Scholar Athlete Award ■ PLANNED AREA University Kayla Marie Kerkove — CSFJ Even OF STUDY: Aerospace ■ PLANNED AREA Dozen Study Club Scholarship, CSFJ engineering OF STUDY: ElemenJesup Medical Clinic & Pharmacy, tary education Wheaton Franciscan Scholarship Samantha Ann Kerkove — CSFJ Brady Larson Janice DuBois The May Family Scholarship ■ PARENTS: Dennis ■ PARENTS: Tim and Nicholas Lee Kite — CSFJ Farmers and Kerri Larson Tina Datton Mutual Telephone Company Scholar■ SCHOOL ATTEND■ SCHOOL ATship, CSFJ Ridihalgh, Fuelling, Snitker, ING: University of TENDING: Iowa State Weber & Co. Scholarship Northern Iowa University Brady Jacob Larson — CSFJ Don ■ PLANNED AREA ■ PLANNED AREA and Bernice Donlea Memorial ScholarOF STUDY: Business / OF STUDY: Pre-law ship, CSFJ Beulah B. Ham Scholaraccounting ship, Distinguished Scholar Award for Iowans Trevor Allen Lough — CSFJ Farmers Mutual Telephone Company ScholLauren Kayla Mangrich arshi, CSFJ Ridihalgh, Fuelling, Snitker, ■ PARENTS: Dale Weber & Co. Scholarship Riensche and Kelly Mangrich Patricia Eileen Maines — CSFJ ■ PARENTS: Lisa and ■ SCHOOL ATTENDBenson Wallace Memorial. Scholarship Benjamin Riensche ING: University of Ethan Donald Mangrich — CSFJ BJ ■ SCHOOL ATTENDNorthern Iowa Collins Construction Scholarship, CSFJ ING: University of ■ PLANNED AREA Buchanan County Central Committee Chicago OF STUDY: Accounting & Women’s Club, UNI CNS-Industrial ■ PLANNED AREA Technology Tuition Scholarship OF STUDY: Economics Kayla Marie Mangrich — CSFJ and agribusiness JESUP HONORS Jesup Economic Development Foundation Scholarship, CSFJ Miller-Vogel Inc Alec Steils Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Ashley Elizabeth Baca — CSFJ ■ PARENTS: Laura Award, Catholic Order of Foresters FraBeulah B. Ham Scholarship Boldt-Steils and Marternal Scholarship, Governor’s Scholar Chelsea Ann Bearbower — CSFJ vin Steils Recognition Award, KWWL Best of Kathleen J Schutte Memorial Scholar■ SCHOOL ATTENDClass Award ship, CSFJ Jesup J-Stars Scholarship, ING: Wartburg College Brady Michael Mattson — CSFJ Buchanan County Farm Bureau Federa- ■ PLANNED AREA Jesup Education Association Scholartion Scholarship, Marine Corps League, OF STUDY: Preship, Hawkeye Achievement ScholarNE Iowa Detachment 1241 Scholarship, medicine and medical ship Kwik Trip Community Scholarship administration Mackenzie Michele Miller — CSFJ Chasity Ann Block — CSFJ Beulah Elizabeth Fenner/Jesup Order of the B. Ham Scholarship Eastern Star Chapter #189 ScholarCaitlin Lee Borwig — CSFJ Drs Employees of GMAC Scholarship Herbert C and Merritt E Jones ScholarJessica Louise DuBois —CSFJ Citi- ship, CSFJ Jesup Student Council 2011 ship, Katheryn & Silas Sharp Memorial zens’ Scholarship Foundation of Jesup Scholarship Kierston Ann Nichols — CSFJ Lisa Scholarship Scholarship, CSFJ Tom White Memorial Noah Allan Brown — CSFJ Jesup Scholarship, CSFJ Women Celebrating Marie Erpelding Memorial Scholarship Kelli Jo Oliver — CSFJ Bob Lions Club Scholarship, CSFJ John Diversity Scholarship, Beulah VenmaMiner Memorial Scholarship, Hawkeye Hodges Memorial Scholarship zen Scholarship Achievement Scholarship Henry John Brownson — CSFJ Maxwell King Faulkner — CSFJ Kortni Lynn Oliver — CSFJ BuchanBeulah B. Ham Scholarship Arctic Seal Scholarship, CSFJ Jesup Brittany Alexis Bunger — CSFJ Athletic Booster Club Scholarship an County Soil & Water Conversation Ron Youtzy Scholarship, Army Reserve Brian Donald Forsythe — CSFJ Scholarship, Hawkeye Achievement Scholar Athlete Award Spahn & Rose Lumber Company Scholarship Andrew James Christensen Scholarship, CSFJ Citizens’ Scholarship Anamaria Olmos — CSFJ Paul L — CSFJ C E & Mary Stewart Memorial Foundation of Jesup, CSFJ Vernon and Humeston Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Nelda Miller Memorial Scholarship Ethan Allan Pelton — CSFJ Beulah Travis Donald Robert Clayton Kurt Dillon Fox — CSFJ Siloam Ma- B Ham Scholarship, CSFJ Chuck Ken— CSFJ Roger and Orpha Fisher Mesonic Lodge #222 of Ancient Free And nicott Memorial Scholarship morial Scholarship Accepted Scholarship, CSFJ Roland Dakota Glen Putnam — CSFJ Mort Jeffery Allen Conner — CSFJ Jesup and Eula Brown Memorial Scholarship Donlea Memorial Scholarship Economic Development Foundation Kyle Douglas Fox — CSFJ Mark Nicole Marie Rademacker — CSFJ Scholarship Birdnow Chevrolet Scholarship Beulah B Ham Scholarship Michael Patrick Corkery — CSFJ Bryce James Fratzke — CSFJ Hayley Marie Randall — CSFJ Beu-
Jesup High School
THE COURIER lah B Ham Scholarship Samantha Jolene Reece — CSFJ Jesup J-Stars Scholarship, CSFJ The May Family Scholarship Chase Reger — CSFJ Bobbi Corkery Memorial Scholarship Lauren Marie Riensche — CSFJ Adam Riensche Memorial. Scholarship, CSFJ Jesup Farmers Days Inc. Scholarship, CSFJ Jesup Student Council 2011 Scholarship, University of Chicago-University Scholar Award, Ronald McDonald House Scholarship, Iowa Com Future of Agriculture Scholarship, Grand Lodge of Iowa Scholarship, Black Hawk County Corn & Soybean Association Scholarship, Lowes Scholarship, Black Hawk County Soil & Water Conservation District Scholarship, Conservation Districts of Iowa Scholarship, Cenex Harvest States Scholarship, National FFA/BNSF Railroad Scholarship, National FFA Scholarship Jordan Ray Rottinghaus — CSFJ Ying Quartet Scholarship Tyler Blake Rummans — CSFJ Grant and Dorotha Sundquist Scholarship Abbi Layne Rust — CSFJ Christine Sadler Memorial Scholarship Kelcie Marie Schmit — CSFJ Beulah B. Ham Scholarship Austin Clark Soppe — CSFJ Kenneth Soppe Memorial Scholarship, CSFJ Beulah B. Ham Scholarship Alec James Steils — CSFJ Duroe Foundation/Farmers State Bank Scholarship, Regents Scholarship-Wartburg College Alasa Danielle Stoinich — CSFJ Beulah B Ham Scholarship Autumn Rose Vogel — CSFJ Jesup Athletic Booster Club Scholarship, CSFJ Jesup Knights of Columbus Council #8227 Scholarship Mitchel Paul Warm — CSFJ Lee and Viola Patten Fisher Memorial Scholarship Torrie Renee Weber — CSFJ Jane Long Memorial Scholarship Katelyn Jo Wellman — CSFJ Buchanan County Health Center Auxiliary Scholarship Brandi Lynn Wilson — CSFJ Beulah B. Ham Scholarship
NU High Top graduates
Jyothi Dhanwada
■ PARENTS: Ram and Kavita Dhanwada ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Macalester College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Double major in international studies and minor in French
Sarah Dietz
■ PARENTS: Todd and Sally Dietz ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Biochemistry/French
JoAnna Griffith
■ PARENTS: Melanie and Joe Griffith ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Minnesota ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Vocal Performance, with an emphasis in theatre, French and design
Alyssa Kilbourn
■ PARENTS: Christopher Kilbourn and Marty JensenKilbourn ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: St. Cloud State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Possibly English with minor in French and communications studies
JESUP GRADUATES From page 14 Hayley Marie Randall, Samantha Jolene Reece, Chase Reger, Lauren Marie Riensche, Julia Rosen (Honorary Diploma), Jordan Ray Rottinghaus, Tyler Blake Rummans, Abbi Layne Rust, Kelcie Marie Schmit, Austin Clark Soppe, Alec James Steils, Alasa Danielle Stoinich, Trey Erin Versluis, Autumn Rose Vogel, Mitchel Paul Warm, Torrie Renee Weber, Katelyn Jo Wellman, Brandi Lynn Wilson and Marissa Irene Zazueta.
Jordan Thomas
■ PARENTS: Dani and Shari Thomas ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Connecticut College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: English
NU High graduates and honors on page 16
UNION GRADUATES Jesse G. Aldrich, Milo LaVerne Arp, Roksana Babakova*, Kyle J. Bader, Erica Elizabeth Barz, Zachary J. Bathen, Matthew R. Bawden, William Don Brandt, Morgan Elizabeth Chingren, Alissa Ann Clark, Blake Lee Clark, Nathan Cox, Katelyn Margaret Damro, Laikyn Nicole Davis, Hayle Theresa Davison, Blake Aaron DeLeon, Alex Troy Deppe, Jordan A. Downs, Leah Marie Earney, Casey Jordan Ewald, Cory Lee Feldpouch, Kelsie Jo Fischels, Melissa Lynn Foss, Jeremy Freemon, Ashley Danielle Frush, Alyson Katherine Garwood, Emily Elizabeth Getz, Todd James (T.J.) Gray, Abby Jo Hager, Victoria Harkness, Blake Devon Harp, Jenna Hayungs, Kim Hennings, Maresa Henze, Kelsi Ann Hilmer, Owen R. Hix,
Union High School Tanner Holt, Dillon Michael Holtzman, Skye Aileen Houchin, Jonathan William Judd, Ross Jesse Lee Kitner, Cody Krall, Taylor Robert Kugel, Tiffany Zara Kuhn, Richard Charles Leipold, Jaden Jessica Ludwig, Andrew Martin Lynn, Kirk M. Mahood, Kaylan Robert McLaren, Morgan Leigh McQuilkin, Cerena Rene’ Merchant, Sheldon Michael Merchant, Zoie Rena Meyer. Colten Neil Miller, Darcy Ann Miner, Benjamin J. Moody, Mercedes Morris, Jonathan David Mossman, Christopher Alan Nelsestuen, Nicole Marie Angel Niblett, Jordan William Olson, Cameron Michael Peters, Haley Peters, Garrett Prestemon, Ermioni Qafzezi~, Jake Reiter, Miranda Lynn Riechmann, Crystal
Leigh Riggle, Quintin B. Rose, Max Joseph Rotzler, Katelyn Marilu Samuelson, Dylan Michael Schmitz, Matthew Schmitz, Madison Scott, Paige Sears, Leah Lola-Marie Seegmiller, Kayla Elizabeth Shirk, Bradly J. Siebel, Nicole Lynn Sorrell, Jessica Lyn Sparks, Joshua Joseph Spragg, Astrid Johanna Emeritiana Spronk, Katelyn Jo Steen, Katlin Rochelle Steffen, Alexus R. Struve, Robert Edward Swestka, Joseph Anthony Ternus, Ashley Paige Timmer, Emily Marie Urban, Nathan Loren Vaughn, Marquisa S. Washington, Karly Wiederin, Catherine Jane Wigg, Danielle D.R. Wildeboer, Whitney Williams, Seth Alexander Woodson and Mary Victoria Wrage, *Foreign Exchange Student,
Outstanding Golfer Award Katelyn Damro — Dysart 20th Century Women’s Club Laikyn Davis — Union Booster Club, Hayle Davison — La Porte City Police Department Leah Earney — Senior Artist Casey Ewald — Dysart Fine Arts Women’s Club, Cecil Glenn Teeter Book, National Student Athlete Award Day Ashley Frush — Ken Paulsen Award “Outstanding Female Athlete,” Marine
Corps League, Benton County Auxiliary, Sacred Heart Church, Wheaton Franciscan, Advocare “We Build Champions Athlete Scholarship, Trowel Lodge No. 216, East Central Iowa REC, Iowa Soybean Association, American Bar Association, Benton Country American Legion Auxiliary, Community Foundation, Wendy Heisman Recognition Alyson Garwood — Waterloo Elklets Scholarship, Central College, High School Woman of the Year-Tama County, Des Moines 2011 Academic All State, Dysart General Women’s Club,
UNION HONORS Erica Barz — National Student Athlete Award Day, Simpson College, National Merit Scholarship Program, American Lutheran Women, La Porte City Lions Club, Community Foundation, Best of Class, Army Scholastic Award, Senior Vocalist, Outstanding Speech, Marine Scholastic Award Alissa Clark — Rainsford and Ann Brown Memorial Scholarship, Union Booster Club Blake Clark — La Porte City Women’s Club, Dick Balheim Award “Outstanding Male Athlete,” Red Smit
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Top graduates
Alyson Garwood
Cerena Merchant
Haley Peters
Katelyn Samuelson
■ PARENTS: Scott and LeAnn Garwood ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Central College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Environmental science/English ■ PARENTS: Jeff and Shelley Peters ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Elementary education
La Porte City Lions Club, Norma Anders Scholarship, Grand Lodge of Iowa Emily Getz — Community Foundation, Mabel R. Brown Memorial, UNI TJ Gray — Advocare “We Build Champions Athlete Scholarship,” Cornell College, Marine Corps Distinguished Athletes, Senior Vocalist
■ PARENTS: Bart and Amy Samuelson ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Agriculture exploration
Bradly Siebel
■ PARENTS: Joseph and Elaine Siebel ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Still pending ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Pre-med
See UNION HONORS, page 18
Robert Swestka
NU HIGH GRADUATES Molly Andersen, Alexandra Bachman, Madison Backstrom, Stephanie Hope Bales, Kyle William Basom, Brandon Brown, Traishondus Bunch, Alexander David Calhoun, Savannah Campbell, Dipankar Chowdhury, Philip Sang-Won Chung, Kieran Jon Cowden, Brittney
■ PARENTS: Jason and Michelle Merchant ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: English-non teaching
M. Culmore, Douglas James Curran, Corbin Dayton, Kyle Denning, Jyothi Dhanwada, Sarah Dietz, Kaitlyn Sue Eastman, Cassandra Sarah Euchner, Christian Ford, Jake Robert Glockner, Morgan Granger. JoAnna Griffith, Rachel Hanson, Leah
Joslyn, Dzeneta Jusufovic, Nikolette Elizabeth Kapanka, Alyssa Kilbourn, Tad Klenske, Andrew Leonard, Peighton MacLeod, Mary Maletta, Nikolaus T. McCallum, Kendall McDonald, Taryn M. Moyer, Terrence Nielsen, Heather Oelmann, Alexandria Pircer, Alexander
Floyd Prinsen, Sarah Prophet, Alexander Adrian Quinones, Devon Olivia Shaver, Andrew Stone, Ana Tallakson, Jordan Leigh Thomas, Wendell Tsai, Joseph Weber, Raquel Williams and Yu Stephan Yoshizawa.
portunity, World Language Recognition Sarah Dietz — Albert A. Potter Science Award, Courier Top 5 Salute Morgan Granger — Antioch Baptist Church Cora Belle Haughton Scholarship, Club Les Dames Zelma Dixon/ Paula Reed Dorris Memorial Scholarship, Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship JoAnna Griffith — Les Hale Music Scholarship, Dwight K. Curtis Memorial Scholarship, Courier Top 5 Salute Rachel Hanson — Northwestern College Theater Scholarship Dzeneta Jusufovic — Outstanding Academic Growth Award, TurnAround Achievement Awards
Nikolette Kapanka — Marymount Manhattan Dean’s Academic Excellence Scholarship Alyssa Kilbourn — Kiwanis Club of Cedar Falls M. Merle Anderson Memorial Award, Courier Top 5 Salute Tad Klenske — Kenneth G. Butzier Scholarship Peighton MacLeod — The Iowa Bar Association American Citizenship Award, Daughters of the American Revolution- Black Hawk Nikolaus McCallum — Rotary Vocational Scholarship, TurnAround Achievement Awards Kendall McDonald — All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Terrence Nielsen — Ferdinand C. Riechmann Scholarship, Grant Wheeler
Memorial Scholarship Heather Oelmann — Daughters of the American Revolution-Bremer Alexandria Pircer — Mount Mercy Academic Scholarship Alex Prinsen — PLS Parent Teacher Partnership Scholarship Devon Shaver — Ferdinand C. Riechmann Scholarship Ana Tallakson — NU High Service Award, James W. & Jvone E. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, Kwik Trip Scholarship. Jordan Thomas — Howard VanderBeek Writing Award, Courier Top 5 Salute Wendell Tsai — Brian Smith Multicultural Leadership Award
■ PARENTS: Howard and Susan Swestka ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Political science
NU HIGH HONORS Molly Andersen — TurnAround Achievement Awards Madison Backstrom —Ross A. Nielsen Scholarship Brandon Brown — Malcolm and Mary Day Price Memorial Scholarship Alexander Calhoun — TurnAround Achievement Awards Brittney Culmore — World Language Recognition Corbin Dayton — U.S. Army G.I. Bil Kyle Denning — PLS Parent Teacher Partnership Scholarship, Bernie Saggau Award, Endeavor Award Jyothi Dhanwada — Class of 1978 Faculty Scholarship and Award-student, KWWL Best of the Class, Courier Top 5 Salute, Governor’s Scholar Recognition Program, Community Foundation Op-
Mary Wrage
■ PARENTS: David and Sharla Wrage ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Engineering science
Congratulations! BENJAMIN GOOD
Congratulations on your graduation from C.F. We are so proud of you! Enjoy College!
We are proud of you and all you have accomplished. Love, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, Edna Mae and family
Cedar Falls High School
Love, Papa & Grama Simon
Congratulations. We are so proud of you.
Congratulations Kelsey! The future belongs to you. Follow your dreams and settle for nothing less.
Cedar Falls High School
West High School
West High School
Love, Dad, Mom and Holli
We love you, Dad and Deb
Congratulations, Brittany.
We are so proud of your accomplishments... Good Luck at UNI.
East High School “Embrace your future, follow your heart and live your dreams.” Congratulations! We are so proud of you!
Your family is so proud of you.
West High School Love, Grandma Mollenhoff and Grandma Sand
Love, Dad, Mom and Jacquie
Janesville High School
Congratulations, Heidi! We are very proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad
Watch out UNI - here she comes. Congrats and Good Luck.
Congratulations, you made it. “Petey”, Everyone is so proud of you.
West High School
Love, Mom, Dad and Jacob
Expo High School
Love, All of your family
Cedar Falls High School
Congratulations. We love you. Grandpa Ken and Grandma Jane
Cedar Falls High School
Congratulations, Mason! The power is yours! Love, Mom, Dad, Dustin Love you forever and Grandma S. your proud family
Way to go Brando!
Valley Lutheran Top graduates
Sara Roth
■ PARENTS: Michael and Audrey Roth ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Music theory and composition
VALLEY LUTHERAN GRADUATES Andy Bagenstos, Jacob Clement, Amanda Ford, Seth Hayungs, Natalie Horton, Hayley Jordan. Michaela Kotz, Matthew Malm, Cody Niehaus, Sara Roth and Valerie Zeissler.
VALLEY LUTHERAN HONORS Andy Bagenstos — Hawkeye Community College Achievement Scholarship, National Honor Society. Jacob Clement — Salutatorian, Hawkeye Community College Presidential Scholarship, National Honor Society. Matthew Malm — Wartburg University Presidential Scholarship, National Honor Society Sara Roth — Valedictorian, National Honor Society, Mother Moon Community Foundation Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholar Award, Retail Print
Waterloo Christian
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Waverly-Shell Rock Top graduates
Emily Ann Bruns
Andrew Raymond Foy
■ PARENTS: Steve and Jane Gillen ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Undecided
■ PARENTS: Doug and Darcy Bruns ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Social studies education
Kirstina Lyn Everding
Aditi Rajesh Patel
Michelle Brianne Power
Warren Derek Reusche
■ PARENTS: Michelle Glockner and Brian Power ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: St. Olaf ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Mathematics
■ PARENTS: Ron and Cheryl Reusche ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Undecided ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Business / accounting
John Kyle Sprain
Jae Shelby Suits
William Andrew Withers
Top graduates
Brett Gillen
Bethany Dunlap and Brett Gillen
WATERLOO CHRISTIAN HONORS Bethany Dunlap: Mother Moon Service Scholarship, Hawkeye Community College Achievement Scholarship, Exchange Club Sports Award, ACSI Distinguished Christian High School Student in Athletics and Christian Service, Waterloo Christian School Basketball Coaches Award Brett Gillen: Governor’s Scholar Recognition, KWWL Best of Class 2011, Waterloo Rotary Honor Student, National Honor Society, Honor Roll, Presidential Education Award, ACSI Distinguished Christian High School Student, Outstanding Achievement in Academics, Distinguished Scholar Award Scholarship
■ PARENTS: Rajesh and Sangita Patel ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Biochemistry/pre-med
■ PARENTS: Kim and Judy Sprain ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Mathematics or physics
Mercedes Morris — Michael Reed Family Memorial Jordan Olson — Wendy Heisman Abby Hager — Steve Rolland ScholRecognition arship, La Porte-Dysart FFA ScholarHaley Peters — Michael Reed Famship, Robert Hadachek Memorial, ily Memorial, Wartburg, Senior Band National FFA Scholarship Award Kelsi Hilmer — Ascalon Masonic Jake Reiter — St. Catherine’s Circle Lodge Scholarship, Union Booster Club Miranda Riechmann — Dr. Albert Owen Hix — Centennial Club C. Hindman Scholarship, La Porte-Dysart FFA Katelyn Samuelson — Kline FamiScholarship, Marion and Dorothy Lutz lies Scholarship in Ag through ISU, Masonic Scholarship, Grinnell Mutual Waterloo Elks, Iowa State, Chad Odette and Eikamp Insurance, National FFA Memorial, Trowel Lodge No. 216, Scholarship Dysart Lions Club, La Porte-Dysart FFA Skye Houchin — UNI, Kenneth G. Scholarship, Community Foundation, Meyerhoff Memorial, La Porte City Iowa Soybean Association, National Lions Club, Wells Fargo Bank Tiffany Kuhn — Kenneth G. Meyer- FFA Scholarship Paige Sears — La Porte-Dysart FFA hoff Memorial, Norma Anders ScholarScholarship, Marine Corps Distinship, Union Education Association guished Athletes Taylor Kugel — Wayne and Neva Brad Siebel — Dr. Albert C. HindLeo Scholarship, Ed Bader Memorial man, Better Business Bureau, Bernie Jaden Ludwig — Matt Memorial Saggau Award, Army Scholar Athlete Scholarship Award Kirk Mahood — LPC Chamber of Robert E. Swestka — Kenneth Commerce G. Meyerhoff Memorial, Cedar Valley Cerena Merchant — UNI
■ PARENTS: Kevin and Dawn Everding ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Loras College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Sports science/biology
■ PARENTS: Randy and Patty Suits ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Elementary education
UNION HONORS From page 16
Bank & Trust, Joseph Ternus — Iowa State, Hawkeye Community College, Dysart Farmer’s Co-op Telephone Company, Dysart American Legion, La PorteDysart FFA Scholarship, Ascalon Masonic Lodge Scholarship, National FFA Scholarship Nathan Vaughn — La Porte-Dysart FFA Scholarship, Ron Borton Scholarship (Anton Farms), National FFA Scholarship Catherine Wigg — Kristi Struve Memorial, Pipho Family Dentistry Seth Woodson — Dick Balheim Award “Outstanding Male Athlete.” Union Booster Club Mary Wrage — Army Scholar Athlete Award, Wartburg, Ellis Jones Academic Scholarship, Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial, La Porte-Dysart FFA Scholarship, Marion and Dorothy Lutz Masonic Scholarship, Benton Country American Legion, Governor’s Scholarship Recognition Program, National FFA Scholarship
Alex Thomas Allen, Hanna Rae Arns, Dustin William Bahlmann, Jon Patrick Baker, Jordan Robert Batton, Joseph Keith Beasley, Austin David Berger, Chase Matthew Beyer, Katelan Elizabeth Blake, Eric Lee Bluhm, Jerod Lee Botts, Ashley Marie Boyle, Shayna Kay Brandt, Sarah Marie Briggs, Samantha Lyn Brooks, Emily Ann Bruns, Taylor J. Burks, Cody William Caldwell, Devin Dean Calease, Sarah Elizabeth Cashman, Jessica Rose Clark, Jordan Alexander David, Nikolas Joseph Demuth, Lucas Allen Derifield, Noah Theodore Dettmer, Nathan Lee Dillavou, Staci Marie Drape, Luis Maynard Duckworth, Kelsie May Durscher. Seth Jordan Ebling, Allan Edgar Engel, Levi Jonathan Epley, Bennett Gregory Even, Kristina Lyn Everding, Ryan Lee Fabbro, Jacob Cd Farran, Abby Jean Foster, Andrew Raymond Foy, Nathan Samuel Frazee, Amber Jayne Freesemann, Alex Gordon Gade, Nicole Lee Galligan, Jennifer Lynn Geuther, Cameron Lee Geweke, Bryan Jeffrey Gielau, Tyler Alan Gielau, Randon Dean Greenlee, Jennifer Marie Grindberg, Alix Kirstine Hall, Aubrey Lorel Hanson, Bryce Charles Harp, Kelsey Lee Harris, Samuel Paul Hartman, Collin Raymond Heidemann,
■ PARENTS: Chris and Mary Foy ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Undecided - design
■ PARENTS: Bill and Linda Withers ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Luther College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Middle school education
Henry Grant Young
■ PARENTS: Kevin and Carol Young ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Biochemistry
Randell Bradly Heine, Michael Andrew Higgins, Justin Daniel Hildebrand, Brandon Sanbourne Hoefer. Kyle Christopher Hoins, Andrew Thomas Holden, Levi Franklin Holmberg, Ali Taylor Ingersoll, Shanna Pin Ingersoll, Michael Lawrence Iversen, Logan Eugene Jamieson, Megan Elizabeth Janssen, Erin Mikala Johanns, Grant Daniel Johnson, Russell Dean Kaiser, Zoe Lynn Kaisinger, Kayla Marie Ketelaar, Alecia Pearl Knapp, McKenna Jade Knights, Evan Bradley Kramer, Patricia Lynn Kressin, Jordan Darrel Krull, Cody Austin Krumwiede, Sade Marie Kucko, Franziska Ladicke, Eric Nicholas Larson, Zach Allen Lashbrook, Amanda Jo Lee, Karly Marie Lehman, Jackson Charles Litterer, Mariah Christie Long.
Cepalovic, Christopher Chamberlin, Peter Christensen, Rashelle Cinkan, Sarah Clancy, Mareike Claß, Paige Conley, Tyler Cook, Maurice Culpepper III, Dylan Cutsforth, Jonathan Danker, Joshua Danker, Derrick Davis, Shentell Dean, Alex Lee Deeds, Sarah Dhein, Tyler Dix, Damir Dolic, Adriana Dominguez Avila, Myles Douglass, Nikeyta Drain, Brent Dunlay, Daniel Durst, Brian Eachus, Allison Eckhoff, Kelsey Elfritz, Maribel Estrada Garcia, Zachariah Everett, Elizabeth Eylers, Gabriel Felix, Jasmine Fields, Nicholas Fisher, Wesley Flomo, Megan Flynn, Andrew Foster, Conner Friedly, Courtney Frost, Bryar Gaede, Eduardo Garza Jr., Morgan Gerdes, Michael Gerrelts, Miguel Gonzalez, Jeanette Gonzalez, Crisino Gonzalez Mo-
rales, Thomas Gordon, Sarah Gorsche, Dakodda Grimm, Rikki Grinder, Garrett Grove, Kaitlyn Gulden, Tvontis Gully, Briana Halsey, Anthony Haniuk, Bryar Hansen, Miranda Hargan, Jordan Harrington, Taylor Harris, Terrence Hartmann, Alex Headington, Andrew Herrmann, Jenna Hewitt, Olivia Hill, Cory Hockey, Jay Hoffman, Matthew Holmes, Allie Holton, Nicholas Horton, Dakota Hottle, Olivia Hottle, Zachary Hubrig, Gunnar Hughes, Quanisha Hughes, Cori Hughes, Cody Hurst, Bajro Husidic, Breanna Jackson, David Jackson IV, Amy James, Belkisa Jasarevic, Shakiya Jefferson. Lindsey Joens, Joshua Johnson, Olivia Johnson, Jordan Johnston, Jessica Jones-Watkins, Davin Jorgenson, Danae Jurries, Alen Kajtezovic, Hajrudin Kalbic,
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
WEST HIGH GRADUATES Tracie Abernathey, Mason Ackerman, Selver Ademovic, Rehan Ahmed, Wesley Akin, Haris Aldzic, Mayra Alonzo, Courtney Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Kelsey Anderson, Luke Anderson, Sarecia Anderson, Wyatt Baldwin, Jordyn Barnett, Sean Bartlett, Taylor Bartz, Zareen Bashar, Kristen Bastug, Kierra Bentley, Jenny Berger, Corrie Betts, Dylan Blanchard, Kelsey Bock, Michael Bohle, Kelsey Boltz, Kelly Boxwell, Ian Brauer, Anndreika Brothern, Keyana Brown, Giacomo Bua, Erica Buege, Haley Burch, Adam Burkart, Courtney Ann Burke, Mark Burke II, Shelby Burrington, Conrad Bush, Autumn Butler, Allison Campbell, Durrell Campbell, Melanie Campbell, Hannah Carr-Murphy, Rachel Carroll, Andrew Castillo, Adnan
Amir Kantarevic, Majda Karajic, Alexandra Kastli, Samantha Kastli, Pricilla Kayser, Shelby Kellum, Levi Kern, Brian Kerr, Austin Kinney, Randine Kirkevold, Zakary Kohlmeyer, Haris Kopic, Haris Kudic, Keenan Lafontaine, Kristina Lane, Darius Lang Jr., Katlin Laudenbach, SaHarra Lawrence, Jolene Litzkow, Rubi Lopez, Jocelyn Lorenz, India Lovejoy, Scottie Lyes, Jacob MacDonald, Alexandria Marchese, Katharine Martin, Tarrell Matlock, Collin McCalley, Evan McClain, Abigail McIntee, Austin McMahon, Shante McMullen, Daniel McNamara, Daniel Meier, Mayra Melchor, Branden Merrill, Sehrizad Mesinovic, Daniel Meskimen, Jarred Mettner, Mason Meyers, Christian Miller, Courtney Miller, Jada Mills, Antonio Mitchell, Rashon Montgomery,
WAVERLY-SHELL ROCK HONORS Hanna Arns — American Bar Citizenship Awards, WSR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Kiwanis John Baker — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Austin Berger — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Aleasha Bibler — Regional Math Qualifiers Katelan Blake — E. Wayne Cooley Scholarship, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Blood Center of Iowa Sarah Briggs — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Samantha Brooks — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Emily Bruns — Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarships, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, CUNA Mutual Cody Caldwell — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Area Wrestling Club Sarah Cashman — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Area Wrestling Club Jordan David — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Lucas Derifield — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Three Rivers Chapter-Izaak Walton League, Waverly Area Wrestling Club Noah Dettmer — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Nathan Dillavou — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Robert W. Ramker Kyle Doehrmann — National Math Winners Staci Drape — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Kelsie Durscher — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Allen Engel — Kenneth & Maxine McNerney Scholarship Levi Epley — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Marvin F. and Leora J. Carlson Bennett Even — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Three Rivers Chapter-Izaak Walton League Kristina Everding — Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarships, W-SR Dollars for Scholars Ryan Fabbro — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Shell Rock Music Association, Virginia Koefed Lageschulte Memorial Music Aaron Forest — Regional Math Qualifiers Abby Foster — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Andrew Foy — Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarships, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Mark C. Bouzard, Mark Larson Nathan Frazee — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Amber Freesemann — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Alex Gade — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Jennifer Geuther — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Bryan Gielau — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Tyler Gielau — W-SR Dollars for Scholars
Randon Greenlee — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Andreya Harms — National Math Winners, Waverly Exchange Club Bryce Harp — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Collin Heidemann — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Area Wrestling Club Shanna Ingersoll — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Shanna Ingersoll Erin Johanns — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Grant Johnson — W-SR Dollars for Scholars John Kenealy — Regional Math Qualifiers Alecia Knapp — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, William H. Wood McKenna Knights — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Evan Kramer — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Cody Krumwiede — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Area Wrestling Club Sade Kucko — Waverly Area Wrestling Club Eric Larson — U.S. Marine Corps Scholarship-Male Athlete, W-SR Dollars for Scholars Zach Lashbrook — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Jackson Litterer — Bernie Saggau Award, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Rotary Club, W-SR Education Association Mariah Long — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Shell Rock Music Association, Derek Merkel Katelyn MacDonald — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Levi Scheidel Jennifer Mason — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Marvin F. and Leora J. Carlson, Ken Stumme Joseph Miller — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Area Wrestling Club Zachary Miller — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Exchange Club Elizabeth Moerer — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Rotary Club, Mark C. Bouzard Samantha Nichols — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Area Wrestling Club, W-SR Education Association Samantha Niles — State History Day Award, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Brooke Walton Elizabeth Paladino — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Aditi Patel — Des Moines Register Academic All-State Team, Regional Math Qualifiers, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Kiwanis, Waverly Lions Club Alex Peschang — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Rachel Peth — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Katherine Phillips — W-SR Dollars for Scholars
Andrew Piehl — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Chris Poesch — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Brianne Power — W.H. “Shorty” and Elda Diercks Scholarship- English, National Math Winners, W-SR Dollars for Scholars Sam Rathe — W.H. “Shorty” and Elda Diercks Scholarship-Business, W-SR Dollars for Scholars Kathryn Reinhardt — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Rotary Club, Dorothy Walker Derek Reusche — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Jordan Rieckenberg — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Robert W. Ramker Jordan Rinken — Waverly Area Wrestling Club Megan Schlumbohm — Regional Math Qualifiers Chelsea Schmidt — Kenneth G. Meyerhoff Memorial Scholarships, Spanish Department Award Kyle Sprain — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Bill and Carol Waltmann Tanner Steere — Regional Math Qualifiers Peyton Stensland — U.S. Marine Corps Scholarship- Female Athlete, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Kiwanis, Virginia Koefed Lageschulte Journalism/Communications, Mryan Lindner Christopher Styres — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Shelby Suits – W-SR Dollars for Scholars Rebecca Van Nordstrand — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Exchange Club ACE Award Grace Wadding — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Exchange Club Jenna Walther — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Pat Knapp Andrew Wellman – W-SR Dollars for Scholars Jordan Westendorf — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Megan Wheeler — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, IGHSAU Volleyball Sportsmanship Scholarship Blake Wilson — W-SR Dollars for Scholars Andrew Withers — Kwik Trip Scholarship, U.S. Marine Corps Scholarship-Scholastic, U.S. Marine Corps Scholarship-Music American Bar Citizenship Awards, Media Com World Class Scholarship, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Exchagne Club Student of the Year, Waverly Kiwanis Lucas Wright — W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Kiwanis Grant Young — Bremer Co. Farm Bureau Scholarship, W-SR Dollars for Scholars, Waverly Kiwanis, W-SR Education Association
Walteshia Moore, Kiley Morgan, Brady Morgan, Olivia Mrzlak, Adem Mujakic, Midheta Mujakic, Suada Mujic, Veldin Mujkic, Ruby Munoz, Emra Mustedanagic, Fata Nadarevic, Brenda Nagle, Torka Naimah, Nicole Nelson, Victoria Nelson, Brittany Neumann, LaCrisha Nieland, Amel Nuhanovic, Caleb Nyland, Charles O’Brien, Allyson Ohrt, Sanel Omeragic, Jesus Ortiz, Breanne Osborn, Franklin Osborn, Maida Osmicevic, Tori Ovel, Najda Pajazetovic, Vitrue Parham, Cassie Pates, Travis Patten, Mercedes Payne, Adnan Pehlic, Shanatrice Pendleton, Megan Peterson, Alex Pettit, Tareyha Puckett, Toria Ray, Senaid Rekic, Lisa Remetch, Asmira Resic.
WAVERLY-SHELL ROCK GRADUATES From page 18 Katelyn Amanda MacDonald, Katherine Theresa Magsamen, Jamie Lynne Manchester, Jennifer Marie Mason, Brandon Wayne Matlage, Joseph Maurice Miller, Shawn Patrick Miller, Zachary Elvin Miller, Elizabeth Lorraine Moerer, Andrew J. Mosley, Samantha Renae Nichols, Samantha Faye Niles, Ryan Patrick Ogden, Lena Orthey, Elizabeth Marie Paladino. Aditi Rajesh Patel, Arp Dharam Patel, Alex John Peschang, Guilio Pesenti, Rachel Marie Peth, Katherine Louise Phillips, Andrew Wayne Piehl, Christopher Charles Poesch, Brianne Michelle Power, Samuel Vaun Rathe, Kathryn Marie Reinhardt, Alyssa Kay Retterath, Derek Warren Reusche, Jordan Prescott Rieckenberg, Jordan Louis Rinken, Toni Sue Rivers, Kelsey Anne Roggemann, Tyler Lee Rops, Mickey Lee Rosol, Abby Marie Ryan, Alyssa Monique Sager, Kacie Sue Schlamp, Chelsea Carey Schmidt, Allen (AJ) Justis Schutte, Henry Mackinac Scott, Blake Stephen Seehusen, Cavanna Jo Seliger, Kethe Maeve Shankle. Tanner Kevin Slinger, Andrea Sohagen, Alex Matthew Sowle, Kyle John Sprain, Peyton Jo Stensland, Taylor Renee Streicher, Christopher Windsor Styres, Shelby Jae Suits, Gabrielle Elizabeth Symmonds, Crystal Lee Van Daalen, Susan May Van Helten, Rebecca Bailey Vannordstrand, Grace McKinzie Wadding, Dylan Zachary Walters, Jenna Marie Walther, Andrew Henry Wellman, Tanner Lee Werner, Jordan Leigh Westendorf, Megan Ann Wheeler, Emily Anne Wightman, Jenna Lynn Willis, Blake Daniel Willson, Anna Joy Wise, Andrew William Withers, Lucas Cole Wright, Grant Henry Young and Samantha Leigh Zaug.
WEST HIGH HONORS Mason Ackerman – William Gibson Foundation Award Mayra Alonzo — University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Luke Anderson — Hawkeye Community College Achievement Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Sean Bartlett – William Gibson Foundation Award Kristen Bastug — University of St. Thomas, Drake University, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Olaf, PEO Star Scholarship, Cedar Valley Chapter of NAPM Scholarship Ian Brauer — Tracy Winder Award, Waterloo Education Association Scholarship, Charles W. Shirey Scholarship, Marines Scholastic Excellence Award, U.S. Army Reserve Academic Award, Central College Presidential Scholarship, Central Fund Scholar Award, Wartburg Regents Scholarship Hannah Carr-Murphy — Terry Krouse Memorial Scholarship, Marines “Semper Fidelis” Award for Musical Excellence, Indiana University Hutton Honors College Scholarship, IU Distinction Scholarship, Ohio State University National Buckeye Scholarship, Maximus Scholarship, Truman State University Neighboring States Scholarship, Combined Ability Scholarship, President’s Honorary Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Distinction Award, College of Humanities and Fine Arts Dean’s Scholar, Distinguished Scholar Award, School of Music Scholarship, Pauline Barrett Scholarship, Northeastern Iowa Bandmasters’ Association Roy Schwab Scholarship, Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award, KWWL Best of the Class Award Peter Christensen — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, Tyler Cook-ISU Grant. Dylan Cutsforth — James and Jvone Maxwell Scholarship Joshua Danker — Wendell Koch Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship, University of Iowa Tuition Scholarship Brian Eachus — Gustavus Adolphus College Dean’s Scholarship, Luther College Olson Presidential
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
West High School Top graduates
Hannah Colleen Carr-Murphy
Tyler Cook
Dakota Hottle
Olivia Grace Hottle
Andrew Foster
Sarah Gorsche
Jordan Johnston
Alen Kajtezovic
Allison Richman
Jadyn Spencer
Ashwin Subramani
■ PARENTS: Marvin and Joni Spencer ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Alabama ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Pre-pharmacy
■ PARENTS: Mani and Sujatha Subramani ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: St. Louis University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Public health
Mackenzie VanDenBerg
Maria Wagenhofer
Anisa Zubovic
■ PARENTS: Craig and Barb Cook ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Computer science
■ PARENTS: Jane and Steve Murphy ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Music education and math
■ PARENTS: Andrea and Shawn Hottle ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Wartburg College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Pre-med
■ PARENTS: Debbie and Randy Robeson, and Steve Hottle ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Electronic media communication
Austin Kinney
■ PARENTS: Ray Kinney and Karen Kinney ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Political science
■ PARENTS: Brett and Kendra Richman ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Luther College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Biology (pre-vet)
Sumita Subramani
■ PARENTS: Tim and Casey VanDenBerg ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Iowa Central Community College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Health sciences
■ PARENTS: Mani and Sujatha Subramani ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Psychology
Scholarship, Luther College Alumni Connection Scholarship, Zion Lutheran Church EPIC Scholarship, Luther College EPIC match, Wartburg College Presidential Scholarship, National
Honor Society Scholarship Myles Douglass — Wendell Koch Scholarship Elizabeth Eylers — Colorado Christian University Trustees Scholar-
■ PARENTS: Craig and Patty Foster ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Ohio State University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Engineering
■ PARENTS: Ross and Martha Johnston ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Denver ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: International business and French
■ PARENTS: Ken Wagenhofer and Sue Wagenhofer ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Valparaiso University ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Psychology
ship, Partners in Spirit, CCU Grant, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award Megan Flynn — Wendell Koch Scholarship, Judy Fossell PRIDE
■ PARENTS: Tom and Maureen Gorsche ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: Boston College ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Double major-Spanish and accounting
■ PARENTS: Semso and Zinka Kajtezovic ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: Marketing management and communications
■ PARENTS: Mustafa and Arifa Zubovic ■ SCHOOL ATTENDING: University of Northern Iowa ■ PLANNED AREA OF STUDY: English and marketing
Scholarship, Central College Presidential Scholarship, Mission and Ministry Scholarship
See WEST HONORS, page 21
WEST GRADUATES Santiago, Brittani Sapp, Sejdalija Saracevic, Rosalinda Saravia, Ashley Reynolds, Allison Rich- Nurudin Saric, Taryn Schmidt, Rachael Schmitt, Emmalyn Scott, man, Lejla Rizvic, Sean Roby, Felichia Seda, Stephanie Seeley, Cecilia Roe, Elliot Rossow, Sydney Rousselow, Jordan Rozmus, Trent Selesky, Jordan Sheeley, Ashley Shelton, Kyari Shipp, Karla Rubio, Jake Ruffcorn, Nicole Russell, Sarah Sand, Paige Kathryn Shirley, Ryan Shumaker,
From page 19
Jasmine Simmons, Cierra Simon, Sanela Sinanovic, Adisa Skrebo, Brittany Smith, Dominick Smith, Dylan Smith, Elena Smith, Dalton Smock, Jadyn Spencer, Ashley Spilman, Cassandra Steimel, Shelbee Stevick, Benjamin Stokes, Ashwin Subramani,
Sumita Subramani, Trevor Swingen, Brittany Swope, Irma Tahirovic, Hiliary Tasma, Kirsten Taylor, Shawan Taylor, Tyler Thomas, Sarah Tovar, Brandon Trebon, Emily Trenkamp, Alexis Trimble, Session Triplett, Nina Turovtseva, Rachel Ubbelohde,
Bethany Umfleet, Juan Valdez, Meagan Van Sant, MacKenzie VanDenBerg, Verenis Villa, Sadie Voigt, Dakota VonRueden, Maria Wagenhofer, Onna Roberta Wagenknecht, Lacey Wagner, Karley Wahl, Jordan Walker, Alice Wallace, Fajeera Walton, Trenton
Washington Jr., Michelle Welch, Ramon Wence, Amanda Wiest, Alexandra Wilder, Paige Wilken, Amber Williams, James Williams IV, Kevynne Wimberley, Jarod Woodley, Nathan Woody, Kate Worthington, Shay Ziegenhorn, Anisa Zubovic and Cody Zuck.
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Jvone Maxwell Scholarship Jordan Johnston — Marines Distinguished Athlete Award, University of Denver Athletic Basketball Scholarship Alen Kajtezovic — Mediacom Scholarship, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, Wartburg Regents Scholarship, Park Educational Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholars Award, Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship, John Deere Partners in Education Scholarship Hajrudin Kalbic — Hawkeye Community College/John Deere EMC2 Program Award plus 28 credits of Hawkeye Community College Credit Austin Kinney — Park Educational Scholarship Randine Kirkevold — Rainsford and Ann Brown Memorial Scholarship Zak Kohlmeyer — Jesse Fowler Memorial Scholarship, Marines Distinguished Athlete Award Haris Kudic — Hometown Foods Scholarship SaHarra Lawrence — Les Dames Zelma Dixon/Paula Reed Dorris Scholarship India Lovejoy — Iowa State University, University of South Florida USF History of Achievement Award, Florida International University Academic Achievement Scholarship, USF Certificate of Merit Tarrell Matlock — Graceland College, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, Ellsworth Community College Housing Grant Collin McCalley — Iowa Bowling Scholarship Evan McClain — Ronald McDonald Scholarship, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, University of Iowa Tuition Scholarship, University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Scholarship, University of Iowa Old Gold Scholarships, Halas Sayers Scholarship, University of Oregon Diversity Excellence Scholar, University of Oregon Nonresidents Dean’s Scholar, University of Oregon Scholarship, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Iowa College Scholarships Jacob Edward McDonald — Cornell University Academic Scholarship Makayla McDonald — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, West High School Principal’s Award, UNI Vocal Music Scholarship Dan Meier — University of Northern Iowa Trumpet Scholarship, UNI Jazz Trumpet Scholarship, Roy Schwab Scholarship, Major Landers 2nd Place Instrumental Scholarship Brandon Merrill — Union College Daniel Meskimen — Charles W. Shirey Scholarship Christian Miller — ISU Hixson
Award, ISU Academic Recognition Award, ISU Multicultural Vision Program, Pell Grant, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship, Ball State SEOG , Presidential Scholarship and Academic Recognition Award, Central College Scholarship, Coe College Dean’s Scholarship, Bowling Green Heritage Scholarship and Success Scholarship, Drake University Presidential Scholarship and SEOG, Luther College Larsen Presidential Scholarship and Diversity Enrichment Scholarship, Robert Morris University Honors Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Honors Diversity Scholarship, Wartburg College Regents Scholarship and Winter Scholarship Program Shelsey Monroy — UNI Distinguished Scholars Award, UNI Multicultural Scholar Award, UNI Music Department Award, R.J. McElroy Trust Endowed Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Emra Mustedanagic — EasleyHartman Award Nicole Nelson — Io wa Bowling Scholarship, James and Jvone Maxwell Scholarship, Greater Iowa Scholarship Bowling Tournament, Cadillac Lanes Youth Bowling, Iowa Bowling Council Senior Scholarship, Mount Mercy University Academic Scholarship, Women’s Bowling Athletic Scholarship Charles O’Brien — James and Jvone Maxwell Scholarship, Wartburg Legacy Award, Wartburg Regents Scholarship, Luther Presidential Scholarship, Luther Legacy Award, Iowa State University Academic Recognition Award, Greenlee School of Journalism Scholarship, The David Juon Scholarship Breanne Osborn — Hawkeye Community College Achievement Scholarship Tori Ovel — University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholars, UNI Pauline Barnett Scholarship Alex Pettit — West High School Principal’s Award Lisa Remetch — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award Ashley Reynolds — Hawkeye Community College Gift of Class Allison Richman — Kirk Gross Co./ Robert T. Buckley Family Scholarship, Luther Regents Scholarship, Luther Alumni Connection, Norse Scholarship Karla Rubio — Rick and Cathy Young Scholarship, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, McElroy Minority Scholarship Nicole Russell — Wartburg Presidential Scholarship Rachael Schmitt — Drake University Presidential Scholarship, Rutgers University-Mason Gross School of the Arts and James Dickson Carr Scholarship, Case Western University
WEST HIGH HONORS Andrew Foster — Quill and Scroll Award, Ohio State University Provost Scholarship, National Buckeye Scholarship, National ROTC Scholarship Full Tuition, St. Olaf Presidential Scholarship, St. Olaf Service Leadership Scholarship, Iowa State University President’s Award for Competitive Excellence Morgan Gerdes — Wartburg Regents Scholarship, Scholarship Day Essay and Interview, Central Heritage Award, Central College Presidential Scholarship Michael Gerrelts — Ketterling University Provost Award Sarah Goersche –Sturgis Falls Celebration Scholarship, Quill and Scroll Award, Creighton University “Magis Scholarship,” Iowa State President’s Award for Competitive Excellence, University of Minnesota Gold National Scholarship Kaitlyn Gulden — UNI Distinguished Scholars Award for Iowans Jordan Harrington — Ellsworth Football Scholarship, Otis Thompson Scholarship, ECC Housing Scholarship Jenna Hewitt — Hieber Family Scholarship Matthew Holmes — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, John Deere Partners in Education Scholarship Allie Holton — Community Foundation Opportunity Scholarship, Kwik Trip Scholarship Dakota Hottle — Cedar Valley Science Symposium, Wartburg Regent’s Scholarship, Covenant Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship, Ruebush Athletic Scholarship, Governor’s Recognition Award, James and Jvone Maxwell Scholarship, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, James E. Bunning Scholarship, Wartburg Regents Scholarship, Honorary Cedar Valley Science Symposium Scholarship, Central Fund Scholarship, Central Presidential Scholarship, Central Spanish Scholarship, Central Trustee Scholarship Olivia Hottle — UNI Distinguished Scholars Award for Iowans, University of Northern Iowa’s College of Humanities and Fine Arts Dean’s Scholarship,tickets to the Artist Series at Gallagher Bluedorn, Quill and Scroll Award, Ruebush Journalism Scholarship, Pauline Barrett Endowed Scholarship, Cedar Valley Chapter of NAPM Scholarship, Waterloo Center for the Arts Raymond T. Forsberg Memorial Scholarship for the Visual Arts, Paul and Theola Jay Scholarship, Park Educational Scholarship Gunnar Arthur Hughes — St. Lawrence University Athletic Scholarship Lindsey Joens — Waterloo Education Association Scholarship, Del Bowers High 12 Scholarship Olivia Johnson — James and
Emma Scott — Hamline University’s Academic Scholarship, Quill and Scroll Award Trent Selesky — Hometown Foods Scholarship Katie Shirley — Quill and Scroll Award, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship Dominick Smith — James and Jvone Maxwell Scholarship, Corky Kress Golf Scholarship, Wartburg Slife Scholarship, Wartburg Scholarship, Honorary Cedar Valley Science Symposium Scholarship, Central College Presidential Scholarship Elena Smith — Iowa State University Academic Recognition Award Jadyn Spencer — Governor’s Scholar Recognition Award, Janee Petersen Memorial Scholarship, University of Alabama Athletic Scholarship, Mal Duncan 4 for 40 Scholarship, KBBG Athlete of the Year, KBBG Scholar of the Year, Endeavor Award, Drake University, University of Central Florida, University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, Girl Scouts Young Women of Achievement Award, Mal Duncan Scholarship Ashwin Subramani — Saint Louis University Scholarship, VCU, Case Western Scholarship, Kent State Scholarship, Youngstown Scholarhsip Sumita Subramani — University of Iowa Presidential Scholarship, University of Iowa Old Gold Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Presidential Scholarship, University of Northern Iowa Pauline Barrett Endowed Scholarship Hiliary Tasma — Quill and Scroll Award, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, Dr. Walter Cunningham Scholarship, University of Iowa Full Tuition, All Iowa Opportunity
Scholarship Emily Trenkamp — James and Jvone Maxwell Scholarship, Wartburg Regents Scholarship, Augustana College Trustee Award, Augustana Presidential Scholarship, Wartburg Regents Scholarship Rachel Ubbelohde — Upper Iowa University Presidential Scholarship, UNI Distinguished Scholars Award for Iowans, Park Educational Scholarship Mackenzie VanDenberg — Jessie Fowler Education Scholarship, Iowa Central Community College and books each year, Valedictorian Award, full ride Scholarship for Muscatine Community College Sadie Voigt — Luther College Presidential Scholarship, Luther College Alumni Connection Scholarship, Iowa State University Scholarship Maria Wagenhofer — Community Foundation Opportunity Scholarship, Park Educational Scholarship, Valparaiso University Board of Directors Scholarship, Central College, Bradley University Presidential Scholarship, Bradley University Neighbor State Scholarship, Luther College Regent Scholarship, Mother Moon Scholarship, Martin Masonic Lodge Karley Wahl — Park Educational Scholarship James Richard Williams — Miami University Athletic Scholarship Kevynne Wimberly — Waterloo/Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars Award, All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Kate Worthington — Karlee Nagel Memorial Scholarship, Coe College Presidential Scholarship, Coe’s Academic Enhancement Scholarship and the Coe Grant, Wartburg Regents Scholarship
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau
ESSAYS From page 2 Maddie Seymour Columbus High School To prepare myself for the working world now, I can begin by practicing basic skills like collaborating on projects, working on time management, and also by getting jobs or internships that will assist me in my future career. Skills like knowing a foreign language and knowing how to use and utilize technology will be necessary to compete in the future job market.
THE COURIER my opinion, are collaboration, problem solving, and utilization of technology. I think it is crucial to be able to work and communicate with all different types of people. In all professions, the ability to adapt and adjust as problems arise is very important. In today’s world the proper use of technology can enhance every other skill a person brings to their jobs. As I graduate form high school, I am excited to build on these skills and begin college in the everchanging world.
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
Alexander Oliver East High School I am going to have to make sure I work even harder in college to become knowledgeable and advanced in my field of study. I am going to have to become one of the best coming out of college in my profession and being in class and learning is how I am going to have to do it. I will have to keep a strong work ethic and a lot of focus to succeed and become the person I want to be.
Chris Murley Janesville Consolidated School District I will work extremely hard and learn as much as possible in college to succeed. I will take multiple Spanish courses so I am able to communicate with more people. Determination and drive are skills that will be necessary. You will need to push Corey Joens and test your limits everyday so Dunkerton High School you are ready for the working Attending a liberal arts college world. Don’t be afraid to try new things. How will you know if such as Coe College, I have the opportunity to gain knowledge you never try? in many areas of study and to broaden my experience with the Cerena Merchant opportunities that Coe offers Union High School To prepare myself for my future to become as well rounded an as a college graduate I plan to individual as possible. I feel that make myself a more qualified education is important and I candidate in my area of study, plan to go on to a master’s propairing my major, journal- gram to become more marketism, with another, linguistics, able. I will focus on internships broadening my opportunities. and gain as much experience I plan to seek job opportunities as possible to not only create a as a junior, sending out resumes well-developed resume but also in hopes of finding employment to create many connections and previous to graduation. To be ties with different people and successful, I will have to be ded- companies. I feel that someone who is icated to school as well as eager and determined to work hard confident and outgoing always for the career I want and the has an edge over someone who is highly qualified yet unperachievement of my goals. sonable. I feel that my friendly personalty is a useful tool when Elli Parker Dike-New Hartford High it comes to the working world and I will use my communicaSchool I feel that my high school tion skills to my advantage, as experiences have begun to pre- I see it as a must in any career pare me for college and life in field. the working world. Some skills that are most important, in See ESSAYS, page 23
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SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011
ESSAYS From page 22
me well in my college experience degree. One aspect that will help with earning a college degree is and beyond. to have taken college courses in high school. These courses will Dezirae Fontes prepare you ahead of time for the East High School Today’s economy makes find- college classes you will soon take ing jobs very difficult. Coming in college. There are numerous skills out of college, finding a job can look like a daunting task. To help needed while searching for a job prepare, interships have become that will help you to stand out a very valuable asset to pursue, from the crowd. Excellent comespecially for engineering majors. munication skills are a must. It is Internships give real life expe- extremely important to be able to rience and skills that will make express your ideas both through great assets in later job searching. writing and speaking. Being able It will also give an advantage with to speak thoughtfully and dignithe companies one interns for, fied, will help you become known since one will already know how as a respectful and intelligent person. the company operates.
Annie Horrigan Don Bosco High School I feel very fortunate that I have chosen a career in healthcare. There will always be a need for care providers. I do believe that students should become active in college too. There are numerous ways to be involved, whether it’s with a college newspaper, school senate, church activities, volunteering for service projects; the list goes on and on. I feel employers will then see the student as Hallie Kuchera dedicated and hard working. This Columbus High School would certainly help graduating It may sound old fashion, but students be more marketable and the best skills to have going into more likely to get the job. the work force would be always putting your best into everyJordan Thomas Northern University High thing you do and time management. However, as time goes on, School If there’s one thing I’ve learned technology is going to become over the past 13 years of class- even more prominent in the work rooms and homework, it’s that force, so the ability to use techlife is a truly wonderful thing. nology effectively is going to be It is so much bigger than any of a very valuable trait. By working us could ever begin to imagine, hard in school it is easy to develbut the beauty of it isn’t found op the first two traits. The third in high school accomplishments trait might take a little more time or high-paying jobs. It’s found in though, because it involves learnthe simplistic things; it’s found in ing programs that others may not happiness. Life isn’t about “pre- know of yet. paring myself to go head-to-head Luke McAllister with other qualified candidates Janesville High School in the working world” — well, First of all I am going to learn my life isn’t. My life is (and will always be) about cultivating my a skill that is in demand such as ability to find happiness in this welding, machining, etc. Then great big world through exploring you need to learn the people skills my passions and preserving my and manager skills needed to crerelationships. And while I don’t ate your own future. know exactly where the wind will Mary Wrage take me post-graduation, I know Union High School that I’m excited for whatever said In reality, most everyone has world may throw at me. been preparing for finding a job after college ever since we were Louise Redfern little. Our individual work ethCedar Falls High School I have really been preparing for ics are formed as we progress college and the job market dur- through middle school, high ing my whole education. I will be school, and eventually college as pursuing a minor in Spanish as we cross that road. With a good, well as the most rigorous chem- strong work ethic under our belt, istry program at the University of the next step will be getting expeOklahoma, which will hopefully rience in our chosen field of study. put me a step above the competi- This experience might include tion. My diligence and passionate internships, part-time jobs, and pursuit of knowledge will serve of course earning that college
Emily Andresen Hudson High School Leadership is a skill that is needed to set me apart from others. Being a leader you must be confident in your actions and positive to initiate change. Volunteerism is also admirable as you are willing to put your issues aside to help assist others. To prepare myself for the working world, it is necessary to emerge myself in the career I wish to go in. I must know the job inside and out, that way I’m prepared for every question or task given to me. Alqueisha Campbell Expo High School I need to study hard and apply myself. If you want a good-paying job you need to pay attention in school, get good grades and go to college. Always try your hardest and aim for the stars. Kristina Everding Waverly-Shell Rock Senior High School With a tight job market in today’s economy, students need to start preparing to be successful very early in their careers. To do this, students need to take advantage of every learning opportunity available, which would include using every tool possible to set them apart. This would include high school, college and post graduate work, using all technology that is available, in order to learn how to deal with situations in a working environment. To prepare myself for the future working world, I have kept a part-
THE COURIER time job and have taken numerous advanced classes to develop my skills as much as possible. This has given me an insight into future working environments and how I can improve myself to enter college and the workforce. Lastly, verbal communication skills is also an area that I have strived to become successful with in order to help develop and to set myself apart from others. This skill in communication has greatly enhanced me personally and has been put into practice in the part-time jobs which I have had.
PAGE 23 nication, leadership and stress management. These skills will help student overcome obstacles, impress future employees, and be a successful worker. Andrew Fay Waverly-Shell Rock High School Because of our society’s increasing dependence on technology, I believe having the knowledge and skills required to operate computers, cell phones and other similar devices will be very important to future employers. As we have all discovered, the applications and software that new technology offers can make normally long and difficult tasks short and easy. Successful businesses all around the world are discovering this, and I believe they will be eager to hire persons with strong technological backgrounds in the future.
Aditi Patel Waverly-Shell Rock High School With a tight job market facing graduates, I have a few things planned to prepare myself for the job market. First, I will learn more languages to communicate with different ethnicity, coming with Brianne Power the United States’ population Waverly-Shell Rock High growth. Great leadership skills are necessary in any job, and little School When preparing to face this activities can set me apart from the others. Every little thing can tight job market as a college graduate, I think that it is important to help. first develop a strong, stable, eduHolly Halstead cational foundation. Higher level Hudson High School thinking, innovation and flexTo compete in the working ibility will be necessary to comworld following college, it will be pete. After completing college, important to be marketable. I am your resume should reflect those planning to study math education skills. Always go the extra mile, and hope to teach in Iowa. Due to get involved, challenge yourself. declining enrollments in Iowa, it These are the things that will will be important to be skilled in enrich your educational foundamore than one area of teaching tion and enable you to compete in and be eager to coach and spon- a tight job market. sor different school groups. Getting involved in many activities in Kyle Anderson college and gathering experience Cedar Falls High School working with children will help To prepare oneself for the workmake me a marketable teacher. ing world is a difficult task. One must enter challenging situaJessica DeBois tions on a regular basis and place Jesup High School themselves in situations where With a rapidly changing job critical and creative thinking are market, it is critical to prepare required. Entering the workourselves for the working world ing world during school creates and to attain the proper skills that a great atmosphere for developwill allow us to compete effective- ing post-college working class ly today. As students, we can pre- skills such as devotion, honpare by educating ourselves with esty, a strongly developed work as much knowledge as possible ethic, and an ability to solve real and by professionally networking life issues given the knowledge in area that interest us. Skills that gained in the education system. will assist students in succeeding in today’s job market are persistence, written and oral commuSee ESSAYS, page 24
with technology but we have to avoid the debt that comes form just buying stuff we want. Graduates who are careful with money, From page 23 focused on continued education, and ready to work hard to earn their future will naturally be more Emily Nelson attractive to employers and preColumbus High School To prepare myself for the work- pared for the working world. ing world I can work to make conJonathan Heinzman nections with businessmen and Columbus High School women through internships and In order to prepare ourselves service projects. I can expand my horizons by getting involved on for the working world, we need my campus and in my commu- to make ourselves as marketnity. Perseverance, dedication, able as possible. We need to a willingness to try new things, prove to prospective employers and a passion for my job will be that we possess the attributes necessary to compete in the job required to fulfill or even exceed market. I am going to have to be all job requirements. Employers willing to put myself out there are looking for qualified candiand let my talents shine through dates to improve daily business operations. By acquiring a college all that I do. degree and adamantly standing for and displaying core values, Chelsea Bearbower such as respect, dedication, and Jesup High School Students need to investigate the integrity, we can become leading feasibility of their career choice competitors in the prospective and factor that in as they select job market. their majors. Students also need Brady Larson to keep building basic skills that Jesup High School were ingrained in school such To prepare for the working as punctuality, public-speaking skills, problem-solving skills world, students need to obtain and good study habits. All these as much experience as they can skills are important to have before through part-time employment, going into the working world internships and volunteering. because employers will be look- Leadership roles in the classroom ing for well-rounded, dependable and outside of class will help build and strengthen your comemployees. munication skills. Strong leadership and communication skills Austin Kinney will help you standout amongst West High School To prepare myself for the work- your peers. ing world, I will concentrate on enhancing my leadership skills. Mitchell Forker Columbus High School With leadership, I can show how I believe that knowing what jobs I can excel and lead others in the public sector. I plan on using the will still be in demand when we skills I gain from the Univer- graduate college can help prepare sity of Iowa to further increase this year’s senior class for the my chances of getting the job I working world. By knowing these careers and being able to pick one desire. or two that interest us, we can be more prepared than someJoshua Sims one who pursues a less lucrative Cedar Falls High School I think any graduate should be career path. Skills required would prepared to gain as much edu- be knowing a second language, cation as possible, focusing on many technical skills (computer, useful skills rather than on get- etc.) and an ability to collaborate ting the quickest jobs in the easi- with others. est way. Students my age should Ashley Cole think about their long-term East High School future when choosing careers and Right now I work at Burger education. We have to keep up
personal experiences gained during my four years of high school and apply it as I enter college. During my college years, it will be necessary to involve myself with volunteer work, internships, and to take on a part-time job to gain on-the-job experience. The skills I will need to compete are being open minded, accountable, technology savvy, ability to apply applications, and most of all leadership skills that will allow me to communicate with many different individuals and to conKyle Spring Waverly-Shell Rock High tinue lifelong learning skills. School Hannah Colleen I think the most important Carr-Murphy skills that employers of any job West High School are looking for are people skills There are many things students and communication skills. An employee will need these in any can do to prepare themselves for type of company in order to pres- the competitive job market after ent and defend one’s opinions and school. Beyond having the skills ideas. Throughout high school, to perform the job, applicants getting involved in as many activ- must have people skills, the abilities as possible will help develop ity to problem solve, and pride in doing excellent work. All of these those people skills. skills and traits can be developed through high school and college. Aaron Oltmann I am preparing myself for the Hudson High School You can prepare yourself now working world by doing my best by getting the most experience in school and doing what I love. you can in your field. Study hard Talere Sorge in college and get good grades. Janesville Consolidated The hard work will pay off when applying for internships and jobs. High School I will not let the current job Involvement in the community, networking with people in your market conditions influence me field, and a determined attitude in a negative way. We need to build and establish a basic educawill lead you to success. tion foundation that will lead to a successful career. Kenna Nelson In my career choice there are Cedar Falls High School I can prepare myself for the many paths to pursue which working world by taking a vari- allows options after the four-year ety of classes. For example, I base. These options can lead to think taking a foreign language is specific job market demands at essential for college students fac- that point and time. ings a tight job market today. Our Adrian Thompson world is becoming more diverse Hudson High School and I think the skills of a foreign I believe that all high school language are necessary to comgraduates need and must attend pete in a tight job market. college in our competitive world today. It will give them skills Kayla Mangrich and experiences they will need Jesup High School I realize how much of a risk it for their future careers. Colmust be for companies and orga- lege opens up many doors and nization to consider college grad- opportunities that you can’t get uates. With the job economy in elsewhere. Students should take hard times, I feel it is my respon- advantage of study abroad prosibility to make myself stand out grams and learn at least one other from all the other jobs applicants. language. Companies today need To prepare myself, I will take my bilingual employees, and with a King and it works for now, but I know it won’t last. My mind set isn’t sure what I want to do in the future though. I would like to be a stay-at-home mom which would consist of all the skills a mom needs, like cooking, cleaning, etc. I would also like to major in English. The skills needed for that would be to get through college and then try to apply at different schools for an opening for an English teacher.
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011 degree behind you, you’re sure to stand out among others. Jordan Johnston West High School Outside of a degree in international business and extra-curricular activities, I plan on staying current with social medium and technology in order to be attractive to companies. My generation has grown up with technology at our fingertips every moment of the day. Through my knowledge and experience with social networking and my passion for photography, I am able to understand firsthand what drives my generation’s behaviors and recognize the power of a picture. The skills of knowledge and hard work are needed in order to stay ahead of the competition. Nicole Torgerson East High School With the job market being tight, I need to start preparing now for my future. In order to do this, I have taken PSEO classes at Hawkeye, honor courses at my school, participating in after school activities, and I have been employed at my job for almost two years. Having a job now is giving me a taste of the working world and is giving me hands on experience that I will need in my future. In order to keep up in today’s job market, I need to continue learning new skills and bettering myself at everything I do. I need to stay focused and do my best at everything I do and I need to keep striving for my goals. If I set my mind to it, I know I can do anything. Sarah Gorsche West High School With the job market being in the shape that it is today, preparing oneself for the working world is more of a challenge than ever. One must use common sense, be creative, and be innovative. Also, a friendly demeanor is a must. Having new, creative ideas while remaining level-headed is exactly what an employer is looking for. The combination of those three skills and a memorable attitude will help an applicant stand out to an employer and will help them excel in their chosen profession.