Lifestyle living 2013

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ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Sunday, September 15, 2013


Lifestyle Living event returns to the Cedar Valley on Thursday Take a break — and find some inspiration at the annual Lifestyle Living event. neventforadultsages50andolder,isreturningtotheCedarValley.Theeventtakesplacefrom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday at Park Place Event Centre in Cedar Falls. Admission is free, and valet parking will be provided. Lifestyles Living is sponsored by FriendshipVillage, Landmark Commons, Rosewood Estates, LakeviewLodgeandCourierCommunications.ContributingsponsorsareNewAldayaLifescapes and Simpson Furniture. Localvendorswillparticipateintheannualevent,andtherewillbeseminarsonavarietyoftopics. Ferrari’srestaurantwillbeofferingadiscountedluncheonspecialfeaturinga1/2sandwichand soup or salad.


Live entertainment will include: — At Your Leisure, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Exercise machinery is not as intimidating as it look. A continuous stream of walkers are scheduled for a treadmill.AttendeesattheLifeStyleLivingeventmayjoininiftheywish.Butstopbytoaddyourguessofhow many miles will be accomplished in the 2 ½ hours.The closest estimation wins a gift. Located directly across from the Friendship Village Booth. — Brain Games, 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Funactivitiesthatinvolveandstimulatethebrainwillbefeatured,alongwithprizes.Thisactivitywillbeinthe stage area of the main event room.

Seminars include: “Outside the Box” 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. DemonstrationbychefsfromFriendshipVillage,LandmarkCommonsandRosewoodEstates.Eachchefgets 10 minutes for their demo, beginning at 10:30 a.m., with samples to be given out. Rosewood Estates Chef Emily Dahl will make demonstrate how to properly (and easily) prepare an artichoke to make dip as an appetizer. Susan Bowers, FriendshipVillage chef, will make a jicama salad tossed in vinaigrette and served as a wrap in rice paper. Landmark Commons’ ChefDaneAndersonwillmakea“deconstructed”s’morewithhomemademarshmallows,chocolateand graham cracker spoon. At the Friendship Village booth, event participants can sample high-heeled mini cupcakes. “Living Well in the Middle” 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. PresentersareLindsayWolff,wellnesscoordinator,andAnnieVanderWerff,directoroffunddevelopmentand marketingatNewAldaya.Doyoueverfindyourselfstuckinthemiddle,caringforyourchildrenandparents? Thesandwichgenerationisagrowinggroupofindividualswhoareraisingtheirownchildrenandcaringfor theiragingparents.They’reagenerationforcedtomultitaskanddividetheirtimebetweentwogenerations.If you can relate, join this session and learn strategies.



4. Boomer generation 6. Life lessons 7. Take control 8. Just a number 9. Men’s health care 10. Map/Schedule 12. Sight-seeing 13. Looking forward 14. Lasagne for 2 15. Vintage port 16. Renovations MAJOR SPONSOR:

Friendship Village Landmark Commons Rosewood Estates Lakeview Lodge


Health Screenings will include: Wheaton will be providing blood glucose (non-fasting) and cholesterol screenings. Waverly Health Center will provide blood pressure checks.


There will also be door prizes and a shopping corner.



The boomer generation We want a future that is secure, healthy and fun, fun, fun! KATHY MARTIN Friendship Village/Landmark Commons Director of Residence Counseling & Director of Marketing


he U.S. Census Bureau reports there are currently 78,000,000 Baby Boomers consisting of onethird of the US population. They are turning 65 at the rate of about 10,000 per day. Many health care options are changing rapidly before my eyes, and the boomers and the country is prepared for more in the future. Experts define the Baby Boom generation as one that effectively insisted on past changes and that plans to make their own future decisions. In order to do that “we” need to know what our options are now, based on our future income, health needs and government projected benefits. My husband and I are making solid plans prior to retirement. Our goal is to cover all of the bases and then review our data and needs once a year. Other than that, we’ll move on to enjoy life to the fullest, and adapt to change as required. Information sites vary in what financially is necessary when retiring. Some indicate 60 percent of current income; others say 75 percent is needed upon retirement. What are some of the added expenses in my future at retirement? Currently, benefits at work include meals and a refreshment break when on the job. This is my best opportunity to eat tasty “healthy;”– fresh vegetables, fruit and meatless options. Those items are the most expensive on a grocery bill. My husband packs an inexpensive lunch. We take some health, dental and vision benefits for granted. Will I be paying for those after retirement? Medicare has a monthly deduction from one’s Social Security check. There is a needed secondary health

insurance with a separate medication plan expense. Medicare does not provide for routine dental needs or vision needs. I have an inexpensive health and wellness center employment option. What about some of the household repairs we have been ignoring? Can we accomplish those ourselves or do they require professional expenses? A friend who retired five years ago suggests future retirees refrain from new job-related clothing purchases two years prior. My husband and I are past accumulating more “stuff.” However, when I find myself with the opportunity to shop, I usually buy something. What about fun, fun, fun? We enjoy traveling. Currently our time is limited. When we have unlimited time, gasoline, car repairs, plane flights, lodging and sight-seeing require a budget and a limit. There is the possibility of new museum, theater, musical and organization memberships that we haven’t paid in the past. On the other hand, there are many options in Iowa for free enjoyment. The LifeStyle Living event on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 10 to 2 p.m. directed at ages 50+ includes free entertainment, expert-provided seminars and demonstrations, door-prizes and information booths with free SWAG, which is “Stuff We All Get.” I have no need for pens or Post-it-Notes for the rest of my life, as my husband frequently reminds me. Iowa has walking and biking trails and events that are free and inexpensive. We recently attended “Boom Town” in Vinton. There was musical entertainment, special-ordered weather, outdoor beauty provided free by the season, and description-defying fireworks, all of which cost us very little.

College towns are noted for opportunities available on a shoestring budget. The University of Northern Iowa and Wartburg advertise free lectures by noted authors and experts along with musical events. When you open the Courier, various articles inform the public of no-cost opportunities. The public library offers lectures, displays, book

clubs, and media available at no charge. The three-day $15 pass for Irish Fest in Waterloo, is a bargain and draws local crowds and attendees from other states. Ways to save money at events include car-pooling and packing a picnic lunch and beverages. When considering your retirement budget, consider the money

you will save because you are not working, and budget for new items in your life. Next, I hope to see everyone at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. For additional information, contact Chris Hofeldt at the East Central Iowa Alzheimer’s Association at (319) 277-4100 or toll free at (800) 272-3900 or go to www.alz. org/eci.



Master these eight life lessons From a master winemaker

MIKE MARTINI Third-generation master winemaker of the Louis M. Martini Winery


he things you pick up from past generations go well beyond how to catch a baseball and grill the perfect burger — even though those things are important. Traditions and lessons learned from fathers, grandfathers and even friends can be the most important in your life — they’ll shape who you are and how you live, as long as you live. And if you haven’t had the opportunity to ask your elders what they would choose to impart, there’s no time like the present. The family behind the Louis M. Martini winery knows quite a bit about inherited wisdom. They have been crafting wines for 80 years and three generations —

and that’s plenty of time to live and learn. They have learned not just how to pursue their trade, but to become masters and the lessons they’ve learned over that time apply outside the wine world, too. Mike Martini, now the thirdgeneration master winemaker of the Louis M. Martini Winery, shares eight lessons from his family’s 80 years of expertise — which you might just learn from, too. 1. Great creations reflect the personality and strengths of the person who created it. Your strengths shine through when you’re passionate about something. Whether it’s your secretrecipe barbecue sauce or the way you play a favorite song on a guitar, your own style will make

Planning: Americans concerned about outliving their money W hat concerns Americans the most as they look ahead toward the retirement years? One of their biggest worries is outliving their money, according to a recent survey by Prudential Retirement. A substantial 71 percent of survey respondents fear they may not have enough retirement income to last a lifetime. Only one in five are highly confident they will have sufficient retirement income. Putting money aside for retirement while you are still working is important, but it’s only part of the solution. Equally important is to have a plan on how to manage your retirement nest egg so it will continue to generate income throughout your life. Sri Reddy, head of Institutional Income for Prudential Retirement, advises people nearing retirement to begin shifting their focus from accumulating savings to considering how best to distribute those savings during retirement. “A critical first step in meeting the new retirement challenge is to develop a plan on how to use your savings to generate income

throughout your life,” says Reddy. “Take the same approach as you did with saving — plan ahead.” Check with your employer to see if there is a guaranteed income option available in your company’s retirement plan. Continuing to work part-time may be a necessity in order to generate needed income for your retirement budget. Check out possibilities now for part-time employment. Don’t wait until after retirement. Once you have a plan in place to generate lifetime income, look at how to cut expenses after you retire. In addition, do an assessment of all the ways you spend money and economize wherever you can. Careful planning now, while you are still working, will help you to achieve your goal of a secure and fulfilling retirement and making it last a lifetime. For a copy of this white paper, “Better Participant Outcomes Through In-Plan Guaranteed Retirement Income,” visit www. Source: BPT

something not just great - but uniquely your own. 2. There are many different paths to the same goal. Not everyone approaches their work the same way — and that’s OK. As long as the goal is the same, keep an open mind about how to reach those goals, particularly when working with others. 3. You’ve got to learn to make your own mistakes. While you can learn from others’ mistakes, sometimes the knowledge that comes from making your own mistakes can be just as valuable. Don’t be afraid of mistakes; instead, see them as an opportunity to improve. 4. The most fundamental skill is patience. With winemaking, you get one shot a year at harvest, and just about any good wine is worth

waiting for. Develop your patience as you would any other necessary skill and in the end, you’ll be happier with the result. 5. If our neighbors succeed, we all succeed. There’s a saying that you’re as only as strong as your weakest link, but if you flip that, you can also be as strong as your strongest link. Over time, the success of any one of us brings all of us up. 6. Perseverance pays off. There will be times in life when giving up seems like the best option — but really, it’s only the easiest option. Stick to your plan through the difficult times and you’ll be rewarded in the end. 7. To master anything, you need to learn everything that goes into it. When times do get tough, you need to rely on more than

just surface-level information. A deep understanding will make it easier for you to think creatively, find solutions and excel. 8. If you’re passionate about what you do, the clock doesn’t matter. How many golfers check the clock while they’re on the course? How many surfers abandon the waves to go see what time it is? Not many. If you have a passion for something, it’s no longer work but a pursuit of doing what you love. If your job is something that you enjoy as much as a hobby, putting in the time and effort won’t ever feel like a burden. For more information, visit Louis Martini Winery on Facebook. Source: BPT



Take control

Adult children can push too many buttons JUDI LIGHT HOPSON, EMMA H. HOPSON AND TED HAGEN


o your grown children dump major problems on you? Are you fed up with the stress they’re bringing into your household? It’s not easy to know where to draw the line. For instance, if a son or daughter needs to return to the nest, it’s usually awkward or extremely difficult to say no. “I’d really like to retire, but I have to help my daughter financially,” says a woman we’ll call Katrina. “She’s living in her old bedroom with my 3-year-old granddaughter. I’ll never be able to relax again, much less retire!” Katrina and her husband are both hard-working owners of an advertising agency. They did everything right in raising their three children. But along the road of

life, they couldn’t control everything. One group of our friends recently met at a summer event. Four out of five of these people were raising their grandchildren. Society’s “norm” has certainly shifted. The nuclear family isn’t made up of two parents and two children, necessarily. Often, it consists of three generations living under one roof. To maintain your balance, try these strategies: — Define healthy goals that benefit everyone. For example, discuss your adult child’s priorities. If finding a job is at the top of the list, offer to help write a resume. Ask your child how you can help with the job search. — Don’t shame and blame. If

your son’s bankruptcy got him into hot water, work with your son vs. against him. Use words that say, “You’ll be fine.” Avoid acting judgmental, if at all possible. — Stay flexible. If you decide to chip in $50 a week to help with a grandchild’s daycare, don’t let it stress you out. While you’re working on a better plan, try not to agonize over doling out some cash. “I tried to stay calm in helping my daughter, Jenny, get back on her feet,” says a woman we’ll call Tracey. “Jenny left her abusive husband and moved in with me. I nearly fainted when she showed up with her three children in the middle of the night on my doorstep.” Tracey says she knew the marriage had problems, but her daughter never shared a lot of informa-

tion about the abuse. “We worked on healing from the first day she arrived,” says Tracey. “Instead of dwelling too much on the problems and pain, we decided to work a good plan. Day by day, we got things rolling. It was tough, believe me. We cried a lot. We couldn’t hide everything from the kids, especially when their dad started showing up on our doorstep. The main thing that kept me going was making sure my grandchildren would survive emotionally.” Tracey says she talked on the phone with her daughter’s abusive husband. “God help me, I tried to not sound overly crazy,” says Tracey. “I felt like ripping him

apart with my bare hands. But, I stayed calm and explained to him that we wanted him to heal and do well, but he needed to see a counselor. My daughter ended up divorcing him, but he now has visitation rights with the children.” Dealing with adult children can require you to deal with bad choices, emotionally disturbed lovers, drugs, crime and a lot more. It’s always a good idea to lower your reactivity and think logically. Drama itself can become an addiction, if you focus on it too much. (Judi Light Hopson is executive director of the USA Wellness Café website: Emma Hopson is an author and nurse educator. Ted Hagen is a family psychologist.)



Age is just a number Staying healthy means staying physically and socially active

ANNIE VANDER WERFF, MA NewAldaya Lifescapes For the Courier


hen 93-year-old Richard crossed the finish of the Sixth Annual Promise Run, Walk & Roll 5K at NewAldaya Lifescapes, he was living proof that age IS just a number. Walking in the race for the second year in a row with his son Jerry, Richard finished the race in just over two hours. Those who know him would say it’s not uncommon to see Richard outside taking a stroll. In the heat of the summer, the coolness of fall or a brisk winter, Richard loves to get out for his daily walk. He is rarely seen without a smile on his face, never misses exercise class and enjoys sharing stories of his life during the war and as a farmer in Nebraska. Like Richard, many people are concerned about healthy aging, but only some are doing anything about it. Healthy aging means “continually reinventing yourself as you pass through landmark ages – 60, 70, 80 and even 90.”

The recent article “Staying Healthy Over 50” suggests healthy aging also means finding new things you enjoy, learning to adapt to change, staying physically and socially active and feeling connected to your community and loved ones. On the contrary, aging sometimes brings anxiety and fear instead. However, many of these fears stem from myths about aging that are exaggerated or simply untrue. The truth is that you are stronger and more resilient than you may think. So what are you waiting for? Have you hit a landmark age? Maybe it’s time to reinvent yourself! Several resources in the community exist to help you. The best way to get started is to set a realistic goal for yourself. Do you want to cross the finish line of a 5K like Richard? Is it time for you to get out and enjoy a little time with friends? NewAldaya Lifescapes has taken the initiative to help others “Live Better. And Live Well.” With a Lifestyle Center that boasts a Wellness Center with cardio, weights and fitness classes; a cafe and bistro for you to share lunch with a friend; and a pub that offers live entertainment every Friday night, plenty of opportunities await you. You deserve to make the most of your life, whatever “landmark age” you may have reached. Celebrate who you are and remember, age is just a number. You never know who you might inspire along the way, just like Richard has done.





s high-deductible health insurance becomes more common in the United States, it may be causing men to make fewer trips to the emergency room — even when they have dangerous conditions such as kidney stones or heart trouble. Men whose employers switched to such policies cut their ER use by nearly 20 percent the first year they were covered, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Minnesota and at Harvard Medical School. They said it was “concerning” that ER use dropped just as sharply for severe conditions — such as an irregular heartbeat — as for minor conditions, such as a sore throat. “Men who transition to (highdeductible plans) may forego needed care in the immediate term, resulting in delays or increased severity of illness when care is later sought,” they wrote. The study was published in the online journal Medical Care. Women scaled back ER visits for minor complaints but not for severe conditions, according to the study, the first to break out gender patterns as they relate to highdeductible insurance. The study adds to a growing debate over whether raising consumers’ out-of-pocket health care costs leads people to scale back unnecessary doctor visits, as intended, or to skip needed medical care. “This research should give policymakers reason to pause and

ensure that changes associated with the Affordable Care Act, including the potential for further increases in the percentage of Americans with high-deductible plans, are carefully and systematically evaluated,” said Katy Kozhimannil, the lead author and a professor in the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health. “We need to monitor impacts of changes in health insurance coverage on the quality of care.” Insurance policies that require consumers to pay more out of pocket have spread rapidly in the last decade, buoyed by the theory that they will reduce overall health spending and keep premiums affordable. The number of people covered by such plans has tripled since 2006, affecting 13.5 million Americans. A 2011 Mayo Clinic study found that employees who faced higher co-pays for care cut their use of discretionary services, such as certain scans, but not essential preventive care. The study used health insurance billing data for more than 12,000 members of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, whose employers switched from prepaid HMO coverage to high-deductible plans between 2001 and 2008. Overall, low-severity visits such as for a headache or a sore throat decreased by 21 percent in men, while high-severity visits such as for kidney stones and irregular heartbeats decreased by 34 percent.




Friendship Village Landmark Commons Rosewood Estates Lakeview Lodge MINOR SPONSORS:


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 I 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM |


10:30 AM - 11:00 AM “Outside the Box” Emily Dahl, chef at Rosewood Estates; Susan Bowes, Friendship Village chef Dane Anderson, Landmark Commons chef Learn how to properly (and easily) prepare an artichoke to make dip as an appetizer with chef Emily. Next watch as a chef Susan prepares jicama salad tossed in vinaigrette and served a s a wrap in rice paper. Finally chef Dane will make a “deconstructed” s’more with homemade marshmallows, chocolate and graham cracker spoon. Samples provided. Come and enjoy! 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM “Living Well in the Middle” Lindsay Wolff, Wellness Coordinator & Annie Vander Werff, Dir. Of Fund Development & Marketing, NewAldaya Lifescapes Do you ever find yourself ‘stuck in the middle’ as you care for your children AND your parents? If you do, you are not alone! The sandwich generation is a growing group of individuals who are raising their own children, and caring for their aging parents. They are a generation that is being forced to multitask and divide their time between two generations. If you can relate, join this session and learn strategies for “Living Well in the Middle!”

DEMONSTRATIONS & ENTERTAINMENT 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Exercise machinery is not as intimidating as it looks! A continuous stream of walkers are scheduled for a treadmill. Stop by to cheer them on and to submit your guess of how many miles will be accomplished in the 3 hours. The closest estimation wins a great gift! Located directly across from the Friendship Village Booth. 12:30 to 1:15 PM BRAIN GAMES: This is fun! Fun, not intimidating. No winners or losers…EXCEPT THERE ARE PRIZES! Fun that involves your brain can have added benefits. Come & see what the fun is all about & you may win a prize too! Located in the stage area of the main event room. Soon followed by the drawing for the multiple door prizes.































HEALTH SCREENINGS Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Cholesterol, Blood Glucose (non-fasting) Waverly Health Center Blood Pressure


Enjoy lunch at Ferrari’s located next to Park Place! Ferrari’s will be offering lunch specials to include 1/2 sandwich and 1/2 soup or salad. Call ahead to make a reservation for lunch on Wednesday: 319-277-1385



A sidewalk scene from the town ofWoodstock, N.Y.The famousWoodstockconcertwasactuallyheldinanother locale, Bethel, N.Y., but the town ofWoodstock retains a colorful, counterculture feel.

Some of the best views of the Hudson River are fromarailbridge-turned-pedestrianwalkway212 feet above the water.The popularWalkway Over the Hudson spans 1.25 miles between Highland and Poughkeepsie.

Sight-seeing Five free things to do this fall in Hudson Valley

The Rip Van Winkle Bridge spans the Hudson River amid autumn colors in Greenport, N.Y.



he mountain-flanked valley that inspired Hudson River School painters in the 19th century has great views and plenty to do. A trip up the Hudson River is a trip through America’s history. The U.S. Military Academy at West Point looms on the western banks, while the eastern shore boasts the home of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Vanderbilt Mansion, both national parks, as well as Sing Sing state prison. (Located north of Manhattan, the prison is where the term “up the river” comes from.) Entry fees are common for many attractions, but there are plenty of free things to do.


posters as well as fashionable shoes and pricey clothes. Good peoplewatching, too: Woodstock is the sort of place where gray-bearded hippies share the sidewalk with stiletto-heeled moms pushing $800 strollers.

River walkway Some of the best views of the Hudson River are from a rail bridge-turned-pedestrian walkway 212 feet (65 meters) above the water. The popular Walkway Over the Hudson, which is part of the state park system, spans 1.25 miles (2 kilometers) between Highland and Poughkeepsie. The runway-like deck looks down on a hilly section of the valley well-suited for watching the leaves turn color. It costs nothing to walk across the bridge; there is a fee for parking in the lots for the park (one on either side of the river), but free parking can often be found on nearby streets. Want a longer trek? The walkway is connected to the Hudson Valley Rail Trail on the western side and will soon be linked to the Dutchess Rail Trail on the eastern shore.

Trivia buffs know that this storied artists’ colony nestled in the Catskill Mountains did not host the generation-defining 1969 concert that bears its name. It actually took place some 50 miles away in Bethel. But Woodstock maintains a whiff of patchouli all the same. Bohemians have been coming here for more than a century to paint, play and thumb their noses at cultural norms. Today, shops along the Hiking main street sell tie-dye clothes, The Catskill Mountains, rising groovy candles and Jimi Hendrix up west of the river, offer dozens

of trails though pretty woods that lead to great views. Many trails are suitable for family hikes, like the roughly 2-mile (3.2-kilometer) round trip to Kaaterskill Falls near Palenville. Overlook Mountain offers some of the most panoramic views, and the climb can be coupled with a visit to Woodstock, which is just down the road. A 2.6mile (4-kilometer) dirt road leads to a 3,140-foot (957-meter) peak that overlooks the Hudson to the east and undulating mountains all around. Ghostly ruins of old hotels are near the peak, which is topped by an old fire tower. The trailhead is across the road from a Tibetan Buddhist monastery — this is Woodstock, after all.

Window shopping A number of once-sleepy HA number of once-sleepy Hudson Valley towns have been gentrified over the decades thanks to an influx of second-homeowners from New York City. One of these busier small places is Rhinebeck, which cemented its status as a destination when Chelsea Clinton married at a local riverside estate in 2010. Rhinebeck is essentially a one-stoplight town with a concentration of stores and restaurants

packed around the intersection. There’s a fun outdoor farmers market through Thanksgiving on Sundays. A half-hour north is the small, riverside city of Hudson, which was hit with the gentrification wave more recently. Once empty storefronts on Warren Street now host funky antique shops and the Spotty Dog Books & Ale, which, yes, really has a bar next to the bookshelves.

River access Rail lines run along the banks of the Hudson River from Manhattan to Albany, limiting access to the river. There are a few nice riverfront parks, though. Albany’s Corning Preserve has a fitness trail that runs along the river. The preserve is cut off from downtown Albany by tracks and an interstate, but a pedestrian bridge spans over the highway, leading to a park area with an amphitheater.



Looking forward: Retirement now means reinvention, reengagement and empowerment VELDA PHILLIPS Friendship Village Director


f I might paraphrase a p o p u l a r commercial, “this is not your father’s retirement.” Everyone is well aware of the demographic bubble known as the baby boomer generation—the 76 million babies born between 1946 and 1964. These people have changed American society in many ways throughout their lives. Retirement will be no different. The fact that most of us will spend many more years in “retirement” than previous generations, coupled with the facts that we will generally enjoy good health during most of those years, and that many of us might have more disposable income (or at least be willing to spend what we have), creates interesting possibilities and challenges

for the future. Webster defines retirement as “withdrawal from one’s position or occupation or from active working life.” We will not see “withdrawal” but instead a reinvention, reengagement and a empowerment. The boomer generation has always been one to challenge convention and retirement will be no different. Old age is not a stage of uselessness. But the challenge for those of us in the boomer generation will be to accept responsibility for planning our future and then work our plan. In “Retire Happy” by Richard Stim and Ralph Warner, the authors state, “yes, retirement will really happen to you. It doesn’t mean that you will move from the office to a nursing home. If you make it to age 65, you should expect at least two decades of activity — much of it at the same

pace and intensity as earlier decades. You may find yourself more passionate, more appreciative and more inquisitive. Or you may also find yourself more lonely, more bored, and perhaps more short on cash.” We will need to accept the reality of our own future by doing a personal assessment. Consider current age, health condition, financial resources, lifestyle preferences and family ties and responsibilities. Stim and Warner assert that we need four things to retire happily — money, health, connection to friends and family and engaging activity. For most of us it will be more difficult to acquire much more of any of these elements after retirement, another reason to prepare now. As for money, it is not unfathomable to consider working after the “normal retirement age.” The

normal retirement age benchmark is already moving. Some people choose to continue to work because they find it interesting and challenging, others may need or want supplemental income, and many work as a social outlet or a way to fill time. In the coming years, the labor market will need aging boomers to remain in the workforce due to the shifting worker/retiree ratio. And don’t forget, we have accumulated valuable expertise over the years that future employers may appreciate. Some health issues will be unavoidable, but others are affected by lifestyle choices. It’s not too late to choose to live healthier. It’s also not too late to cultivate relationships, learn a new hobby, begin volunteering or take a class. Small investments now will pay later. Consider living options — remaining in current residence or

moving. Moving to a condo or smaller residence, relocating to a “resort” area, moving to a retirement community or moving nearer to family anticipating the eventual need for assistance are all options. Moving in with family is also an option. There is the possibility of moving to an active-adult or retirement community. A retirement community offers built-in opportunities for a social life; the “work” of home maintenance is minimized creating free time for more enjoyable activities; and most offer helpful services on site. As with any major lifestyle decision, it is imperative to thoroughly investigate the option, ask many questions during the visit, talk to current residents and families as well as staff, ask to have a meal in the dining room and find out what amenities are included.




-plate special


Downsize your cooking when kids leave home


t was the milk that first got my attention. At the end of the week, there was still some left, a final cup or so sloshing around the bottom of the jug. Then I started to notice more subtle signs: The lunch meat that stayed in the meat drawer. The bread that didn’t disappear faster than I could say “inhale.” The peanut butter — oh, the luxury of peanut butter that was right there in its jar when I needed it. It finally started to sink in: I’m an empty nester now. A family cook with no family to feed. But I am still a cook, someone who needs — even craves — time in the kitchen. So how do I adjust to this new life? How do I become a serves-two cook in a serves-six world? Learning to shop It’s difficult to know for sure how many of us cooking for two are empty nesters who have to adjust after cooking for families. But it’s a good bet that the 76 million members of the baby boom


generation, who are now between 52 and 65, are having an effect. That age group is expected to control 52 percent of the $706 billion spent on groceries by 2015. And you can bet many in our trend-setting generation won’t settle for two-for-one specials on Lean Cuisine. Learning to shop is the first step, says Linda Gassenheimer. A longtime columnist for The Miami Herald, Gassenheimer writes the Quick Fix for 2 column that runs each week in many newspapers. While Gassenheimer went through downsizing when her sons left home, she actually came to small-serving cooking before they left, as an offshoot of a project she did on fast cooking. If you want to cook faster, she learned, it’s easier if you work with smaller amounts. Still, cutting recipes in half doesn’t always mean just halving all the ingredients or even the cooking time. One chicken breast cooks in

the same amount of time as two, for example. Or if you cook a smaller roast, you’ll still need enough liquid to braise it. “People have to think about cookware. The pan needs to be right for the size of the meat you’re putting in it.” She’s found that a 7-inch saute pan or omelet pan, for instance, is perfect for two people. Even if you cook in smaller amounts, you’re still likely to have leftovers, says Gassenheimer. And you should: A small batch of soup tucked in the freezer is just as welcome as a big batch when you’re busy. Creative leftovers Her advice: “Don’t serve leftovers as leftovers — that’s boring. Create another dish.” Use extra pasta in a gratin or macaroni and cheese. Or use extra linguine in a stir-fry, like lo mein. Leftover roasted meat can be ground up with a little mayonnaise and horseradish to make a pate to serve on toast with a salad.

SHOPPING FOR 2 • Keep mini bottles of wine or single- • Buy items that are individually frozen serve boxes of apple juice on hand for mak- (sometimes labeled IQF) so you can pull out ing marinades, sauces and dressings. a single piece of chicken or just a few shrimp. • Prowl grocery store salad bars so you can buy small amounts of whole grains and • Love your freezer. If you make somevegetables. thing that serves four, freeze half and use it the next week. • Most supermarkets will cut down packaged meats and produce if you ask. Or, • Plan ways to use things up: Rinse beans shop a farmers market where you can buy and add them to a salad, mix the rest of a what you need. can of coconut milk with broth for cooking rice, spoon some pasta sauce on an English • Use plastic ice cube trays or mini muffin muffin half and top it with cheese for a pans for freezing unused portions of things, quick “pizza” to round out a salad dinner. like the other half of the canned beans or broth.

Sauce: 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 small onion, minced Salt and pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 8 ounces meatloaf mix (equal parts 85 percent lean ground beef and ground pork) 1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained, with ¼ cup juice reserved 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce Filling, noodles and cheese: 4 ounces ricotta (whole-milk or part-skim) ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan, divided 3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil 1 large egg, lightly beaten 4 no-boil lasagna noodles 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded whole-milk mozzarella Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and 1/8 teaspoon salt and cook 3 to 5 minutes, until softened. Stir in garlic and cook about 30 seconds, until fragrant. Add meat and cook, breaking up meat until no longer pink, about 4 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, reserved juice and tomato sauce and cook until slightly thickened, about 2 minutes. (You should have about 3 cups sauce.) Season with salt and pepper to taste. Preheat oven to 400 F. Combine ricotta, ½ cup Parmesan, basil, egg, 1/8 teaspoon each salt and pepper in a bowl. Cover the bottom of a 8 ½-inch loaf pan with ½ cup sauce. Top with 1 noodle and spread evenly with a third of the ricotta mixture. Sprinkle with ¼ cup mozzarella and cover with ½ cup sauce. Repeat twice, beginning with noodle and ending with sauce. Top with remaining noodle, remaining 1 cup sauce, remaining ¼ cup mozzarella and remaining 2 tablespoons Parmesan. Cover pan tightly with foil sprayed with vegetable oil spray and bake until bubbling around the edges, 25 to 30 minutes. Discard foil and continue to bake until browned, about 10 minutes. Cool on wire rack for 20 minutes. Serve. Yield: 2 servings. From Cook’s Country magazine, June/July 2011. The editors of America’s Test Kitchen discovered a neat trick — a plain loaf pan is the perfect size for four no-boil lasagna noodles.



Steer to 2011 vintage port; forget pricey Bordeaux reds BY ELIN MCCOY Washington Post News Service


ollectors whining about Bordeaux prices have an excellent alternative this year: the 2011 vintage ports. I’m a cynic when it comes to wine hype, but these rich, sweet, fortified reds are so sensational they justify it. The best 2011s show such luscious purity of fruit and silky textures they seem drinkable now, though the point of vintage port is that it improves for decades. A vintage is “declared” about three times a decade when producers decide the wines are outstanding and have long-term aging potential. The most recent was 2007. The Confraria do Vinho do Porto made the official 2011 proclamation late last month. If the 2007s are ripe and showoffy, the 2011s are classical, with a balance and minerality that will last 50 years. val ($100) is concentrated and delicious, though not as fabulous as floral-scented, smooth and sexy Quinta do Noval Nacional ($650). This rare wine from a tiny 2.5-hectare (6.2-acre) vineyard is the best 2011 I tasted, though hardly a bargain.

The vintage ports — all foot trodden — were stunning. I gave top marks to the subtle, incredibly complex Taylor’s Vargellas Vinha Velha ($225, 310 cases), a cuvee made from plots of 80 to 120-year-old vines. It tastes of cassis, blackberries and licorice and the finish reminds me of chocolate-covered figs. The better values are lavenderand violet-scented Taylor’s ($90$100), dense and structured yet filled with energy. Equally fine, in an opulent, seductively fruity, chocolate-y style Fonseca ($90). Exotic, velvety-textured Croft ($70) is only a slight step down. Dominic Symington walks me through a lineup of eight ports. All are excellent, each with a distinct personality, but my favorites are the generous cocoa-and-black cherries Graham’s ($90), with spice and tobacco aromas, and the floral and cassis scented Dow’s ($80), with layered flavors of chocolate, fruit and crushed nuts. Among the many fine ports I tasted from other producers, Niepoort ($85) stands out for its earthy iron tang and long finish.



Smart, stylish renovations at any age


ost Americans over 50 want to stay in their home as they age, but few are making the renovations they need to ensure easy and comfortable living for years to come. In fact, 80 percent of people older than 50 say they would prefer to remain in their home indefinitely, according to an AARP survey. The Hartford and MIT Age Labs found that while 96 percent of baby boomers are aware of the changes they could make to their current home to make it more comfortable as they grow older, only 26 percent have made such modifications. Consider some of the following functional, yet beautiful, touches that help make a home safer and more comfortable for residents of all ages.

Hardwood floors Replacing carpet with hardwood

floors can help accommodate difficulties ranging from respiratory problems to decreased mobility. Unlike carpet, hardwood flooring doesn’t trap dust, pollen or other particles that cause problems for those with allergies and respiratory issues. Wheelchairs and other mobility equipment can glide more easily over a hard surface, and hardwood floors require far less maintenance. Homeowners can choose from a variety of hardwood flooring options that meet their needs and fit their budget at retailers such as Lumber Liquidators, North America’s largest specialty hardwood flooring retailer.

picking accessible pieces such as counter-height dining tables and chairs. Likewise, it’s easier to sit in and stand from firmer sofas and chairs than deeper, softer options.

New furniture

More lighting

Changing out furniture can make a huge difference in the comfort and style of a home. Enhance maneuverability by allowing ample room between furnishings, and by

Make sure all areas of your property — inside and outside — are well lit. Pendant lamps, inset ceiling lights and track lighting help illuminate a room from above, prevent-

ing glare that can cause temporary blindness. Opt for switches to turn lights on and off, and locate them at the entrances of each room. If a home’s wiring isn’t set up this way, the homeowner may need to Kitchen updates Kitchen shelves that pull out make contact an electrician. utensils, pots and pans, and ingredi- As we age, we want to remain ents much more accessible, and do not require a kitchen remodel. A wide range of products and kits enable homeowners to easily install sliding shelves themselves, or they can hire a contractor to do the job. Also, consider swapping out knobs for handles on cabinets and drawers to make them more accessible and easier to use.

as independent as possible, which includes being able to stay in our own home for as long as possible. With a few functional changes, homeowners can create a beautiful space now that can enable them to live more comfortably later. Source: BPT





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