Honoring our U.S. Armed Forces

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Don Day

US Navy Served 1966-1969 Vietnam Veteran 1967-1968 Chu Lai Thank you for serving our country in the Navy. Great Lakes Naval Training Center in February! Love, Your Family

SGT. Jerry A. Rasmussen USMC 1967-1971 Thank you for your service With love from Jann and family

PFC Ryan K. Staack

11 Bravo, 4th BN, 23rd IN Regt. Ft. Lewis, Washington. Son of Keith & Janell Staack, Shell Rock. Proud of you as a son, Proud of you as a Soldier, Wherever you travel, Wherever you go. Our love goes with you! Love, Mom Dad and Travis and all your extended family

1LT. Brian Lynch

SPC Zachary W. Itzen

Veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan. Currently stationed at 10th Mt. Division Fort Drum, NY

Staff Sergeant Austin Husome

United States Air Force. CFHS Class of 2006 Stationed at Aviano Air Base, Italy Picture taken during Operation Odyssey Dawn March 2011

Congratulations on your recent promotion, 1LT Brian Lynch! I am so Proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Love, Sara

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