The works of my group and me created to help to understand Concrete Lawn.
Base Map 1:500 SCALE 1:500
By evaluating these useful works, I am capable of better understanding of site details such as the utilize and climate of the site. I was particularly fascinated with my temperature map, which implements bright colours to show the temperature information, gives me the challenges on how to adjust colour well on the map.
Sun shadows 1:500
Temprature 1:500
Spatial Composition
The sticks gives me an experiment to explore the spatial occupy.
The simple connecting of sticks shows the marvellous structure it can create. The concept is chaos and surprise. One point is designed to spread out the sticks like a radar. The free arrangements of sticks give unexpected space constitution. I decided to continue to complete this model through the semester.
the composition of two methods that can indicate landforming is combined in this model. it is an experiment to reserach appopriate arrangements of different sharpes.
This model combines lines and triangles to show the landform. The two types of approaches has been designed to rely on each other. The great landforming view is from one to look at the landform of another one. The inter-exchange method is well implemented in this model. However, I would say it is a pioneer for my final project.
Mine is grafting, exploring a new way to upgrade my two models before by combing each other in elements.
I broke all the elements that in my first two models into pieces then reassemble them. The elements in first two model is no longer separate in this model but lives in harmonize. I chose semi-transparent membranes to show the transparency of the space. Furthermore, the base of this model has been changed into white colour, this is aims to create contrast to the background for better showing the transparency of this model.
spatio-temporal narrative
It says any house in the world desire occupants to live in because they are made in the way. Hence, so does he. He is a new house, or an apartment to be specifically, built in the most prosperous city five years ago. First occupants he met is a drug addict, the smell of pot is exquisite, at that time, he was crazy like a five yo boy. The second he met is a lawyer, the one who sue the drug dealer for the chaos they brought in, he saw the hard work that lawyer done, suddenly understand the dangerous of those with gorgeous odours. He felt the occupy seems like a false proposition, they always want to occupy the beauty they have smelt but not see the whole, or they know about the fact, just pretend did not see it?
superimposition collage
I created a narrative about drugs. To indicate The thing whom they think they have occupied changed them gradually until the day it completely own them.
experience collage
Final Design
I designed this model is for giving people a different experience when they are in different position, like my narrative tells, a thing has different faces at the same time, the face we look at depends on our own perspectives. The model can be viewed in angles we choose, then the landscapes it gives to us is different. It is a compose of triangle membranes and straight sticks. The material I researched is metal. I prefer to use Aluminium on the membrane for the characteristic of light-weight. The sticks is made of steel, which is a material that strong enough to support upper structure.
Section B - B’ (Partial Section) 1: 50
Plan 1:200
In final projects, I work out the model by the reference of my three experiment models. The free arrangements of sticks is inspired by tree branches, which from one point that derived from my collage painting to extend freely one by one gradually composing the space.
Section A - A’ (Full Section) 1:100
My Reflection In this semester, I experienced a designing process which from site analysis to experiments then designing eventually the final work. In site analysis, I confused the traces of shadows at start, it is not easy to determine the position of sun in a day. At last, I used a tree as my reference to measure the length of shadows and track the sun position. In experiment process, I feel free to explore the different methods to design a model, I prefer to apply free arrangement on my models as Andrew said redesigning the free inspiration to acquire the thing I truly desired. In next process, I created my narrative by referring the things happened recently. However, it is not easy to work out a satisfied painting for me. Though I spent time trying different approaches to complete my painting, but I still enjoy the process of the design. In my final work, I used the methods that I explored in my experiment process, retrying as well as linking my ideas together. Overall, I learnt a lot on the process of designing and expressing my idea.