J U N I O R L E A G U E O F O K L A H O M A C I T Y, I N C .
Women Building a Better Oklahoma City
M AY 2 0 1 5
Legacy & Legends Awards Celebration PLUS: JLOC MEMBER CROWNED MRS. OKLAHOMA 2015
President’s Letter Dear Friends,
Kristi Leonard
MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Spring is here! I love this time of year. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and the bees are buzzing. It is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, and everyone seems to have “spring fever.” Our League experiences a season of renewal, also, as the incoming Provisionals attend orientation, Active Members select Community Placements for the upcoming year and Sustainers enjoy the social and service activities planned by the Sustainer Events Co-Chairs. Special thanks to Ann Trudgeon and Sandy Trudgeon for providing unique opportunities for fellowship this year. Attendance for Sustainer events has been great and it’s a testament to the thoughtfulness both of you exercised when planning each activity. Kudos! Speaking of our Sustainers, wasn’t the 2015 Legacy & Legends Luncheon fabulous? I was honored to play a small role in recognizing the accomplishments of our amazing honorees: Debby Hampton, Janie Axton and Mary Nichols. The contributions these women have made to Oklahoma City are nothing short of legendary. What a lasting legacy they continue to leave for our community! Co-Chairs Matilda Clements and Katherine Hager worked tirelessly for months to present a memorable event and their committee brought their vision to life. I commend all of you for giving so much of yourselves to ensure a successful day. JLOC continues to impact Oklahoma City in new ways through our Spring Community projects. The children participating in our Kids on Track program at the Boys and Girls Club ran in their first race on April 20. How exciting to see all of their hard work pay off! Meanwhile, the Elementary Health project provided seedlings, soil and containers to every participant, so they could learn to nurture and grow their own garden. Thank you to Project Manager Natalie Browne and her fellow volunteers for promoting healthy lifestyles to elementary students in our community. JLOC Members are excited about the new health and wellness focus and continue to develop innovative ways to enrich lives in our community. I am excited to see the momentum JLOC has to influence healthy lifestyles in our city. Thank you to all of our volunteers for supporting our mission, vision and focus. Together, we are Women Building a Better Oklahoma City. Gratefully,
VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.
FOCUS Women Building a Better Oklahoma City
W W W. J L O C . O R G
2 MAY 2015
Kristi Leonard President 2014-2015
To inform members and increase awareness of Junior League of Oklahoma City projects and events. EDITOR Deanne McGehee ASSISTANT EDITOR & BUSINESS MANAGER Leah Jackson SUSTAINING ADVISOR Lyn Watson COMMITTEE MEMBERS Kristin Ferate, Kristen Gaddis,
[ e ve nts ]
Training Event: Balancing Work and Life Membership Report Chef Secrets: Tips & Tricks
Courtney Jordan, Holly Moore, Tori Raines, Chandler Walters, Fareshteh Hamidi
[ p e op l e ]
24th Annual Awards Celebration: Legacy & Legends JLOC Member Crowned Mrs. Oklahoma
FUNDRAISING VP Amanda Kirkpatrick-Lawler MEMBERSHIP VP Jamie Maddy
Girls on the Block
Lillie-Beth Brinkman, Clytie Bunyan, Terry Cline, Nicole Dobbins, James Farris, Debbie Forshee, Douglas Gibson, Stanley Hupfeld, Randy Lewis, Jack McBride, Dan Martel, Mel Martin, Matthew Mollman, Monique Naifeh, Mikio “Kio” Nihira, Lindsay Parks, Paul Ryckbost, Charles “Chuck” Spicer, Jr., Sandra Payne, Joe Strunk- Strunk, Pete Winemiller
[ pr oj e c ts ]
Eat Better, Move More Health Literacy Kids in the Kitchen: Top Chef
Krystal Murer & Lori McConnell “HEALTHY YOU” PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT Whitney Rainbolt KIDS IN THE KITCHEN /TOP CHEF Sabrina Froehlick &
Suzanne Singleterry KIDS ON TRACK Kathryn Chandler OCCC ADULT LITERACY Audra Doty-Bromagem
[ va ri ous ]
JLOC Donor Appreciation Jillian Michaels to Kick Off JLOC’s “Speaker in the City” Bookshelf
Hudson VARIETY PACK Jenifer Stehr WHIZ KIDS April Waggoner
League Link is published 5 times a year by the Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. HEADQUARTERS
The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. 1001 NW Grand Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Phone (405) 843-5668 Fax (405) 843-0994 www.jloc.org
President Kristi Leonard, Janie Axton, Gov. Mary Fallin, Mary Nichols and Debby Hampton at the Legacy & Legends luncheon. Photo Credit: Shirley Kay Photography
Financial Development Mistletoe Market
Scene [ events ]
Training Event: Balancing Work and Life
By Shelly Soliz
t the “Work Life Balance” program January 29 with Erin Engelke, JLOC Members learned about the balance we strive for in our lives, and the pressure to have more balance on a daily basis. Society, Church, Social Media, Spouses, Other Women, and Work were noted as the biggest pressure source for women to achieve more balance in our lives. Discussion followed about the “teetertotter partners” in our lives who help us keep the balance in the different areas of our lives, and how perfect balance is difficult to achieve. The reality is that we may be out of balance in our family lives when we have a big work project with a deadline and out of balance at work when we have a big family event or commitment. Some of the tips shared from Erin: • Be all there, wherever you are; distractions keep us from being balanced and being “present in mind and body.” • Your “teeter-totter” partners can be people, things and time for yourself. • If we had more hours in our day this really wouldn’t allow us to get more done, we would just take on more commitments. It is all about the choices we make about how we use our time. • Evaluate if this “to-do” is how you “choose” to spend your time, or is it done out of guilt or social obligation? • Life is filled with “to-do’s” instead of completeness; we shouldn’t feel obligated to do everything and the world won’t come to an end if we don’t! • Think though where you want to go (what is the end result or goal or 3-5 year plan), and ask (for each “to-do”, or
4 MAY 2015
event) does this help me achieve that goal? • Be at peace where you are today, don’t place too much pressure on yourself! Your fulfilled life is not supposed to meet others expectations! • Get everything on a list, this will make you feel better. Don’t schedule too much for each day, leave a buffer of time for interruptions. Move items to another day when possible to help your focus and to get the top three things for your day accomplished first.
During the event, Members literally balanced objects to show the “balancing act” we all do on a daily basis.
From left to right: Nazette Zuhdi-Cleaver, Sara Sweet, Jamie Maddy, Shelly Soliz and Jenifer Randle.
Su r pr i s e Sa r a Swe e t In January, JLOC Members celebrated the election of President-Elect-Elect Sara Sweet and the 2015-2016 Board of Directors at a reception in the home of President Kristi Leonard. Over 50 League Members, including members of the Nominating Committee, the current Board and 11 past presidents attended the party. President-Elect Nazette Zuhdi was also honored.
MEMBERSHIP NON RESIDENT ACTIVE Kalie Anderson Lesley Hays Ashley Jackson Rachel Morgan Beth Prykryl Faustine Curry Lori Ramsey REINSTATEMENT Bonnie Schwarz (S) RESIGNATIONS Pat Bloomer Caryn Brooks (P) Kellee Craddock (P) Paige Dodson (P) Robyn Dumas (P) Julie Dye (A) Kirby Foster (P) Laurel Hall (A) Kristy Hayes (A) Kimberly Heape Erin Holman (A) Ashley Kehl (A) Carrie Lawson (A) Tamara Leach (P) Alyssa Lee (P) Kristy Loyall Carol Magness Natalie Moore (A) Julie Parke (S) Toni Penery (P) Abigail Pettifer (P) Ashley Rahill (P) Whitney Rainboldt Abby Ronck (A) Karissa Rollins (A) Jessica Strecker Whitney Ward Lindsey Edemann (A) Bailey Gordon (A) Heather Busey (A) Christy Johnson (A) Natalie Browne (A) Whitney McClendon (P) Emily Williams (P) PREFERRED ACTIVE Jenifer Cefalo Kathryn Johnson SABBATICAL Brittany Neumann Jenn Tupps Jenny McElroy Macie Craven Tims Margo Ward Leave Of Absence – Until May 31st, 015 Halston Hendley
Amy Patrick Vanessa Peterson LEAVE OF ABSENCE – BEGINNING JUNE 1ST, 2015 Kristen Tapp Brittany Neumann Jeanette Stanton Lindsey Pever Dianna Endicott Whitney Pence Jenny McElroy Karen Eagleston MATERNITY LEAVE Heather Davey PREFERRED ACTIVE BEGINNING JUNE 1, 2015 Meredith Wegener Kristin Brown Mei Cheng Keri Foster Piper Cleveland Viewel Susie Wilson Ashley Lee Michelle Ramsey Lee Carmago Quinn Leslie Blair Michelle Wynn Kathryn Johnson Ann Vermillion – email pending 2/16 Kristi Leonard Katie Moore Amy Parrish PENDING TRANSFER IN Margaret Walsh (A) Bell County, TX Martha Stemberger (A) from Greenville, SC Beashua Spearman (A) from Fort Smith, AR Jessica Harris (A) from Nashville, TN Brittany Todare (A) from Fort Worth, TX Jenna Johnston (A) from Norman, OK PENDING TRANSFER OUT Kisa Freyre (P) to Houston, TX Michele Ishmael (S) to Dallas, TX Megan Chamberlain (A) to Overland Park, KS Sara Dew (A) to Tulsa, OK Allison Waters (A) to Kansas City COMPLETED TRANSFER IN Kristi Phillips (P) from Jackson, MS COMPLETED TRANSFER OUT Kelly Edson (A) to Denver, CO Sara Gore (A) to Tulsa Emily Blanding (A) to Columbus, OH
Kali Anderson (A) to Gaston County, NC Shelby Ryan (A) to Dallas, TX Jamie Kurash (P) to New Orleans, LA Catherine Creppon (S) to Colorado Springs, CO DEFERRING PROVISIONALS Kristin Mantell (P) Taniya Thomas (P) Laura Phelps (P) SUSTAINER STATUS BEGINNING JUNE 1, 2015 Leigh Scully Paula Dillingham Sherry Sage Lesley Noller Mary Delafield Melissa Brown Rejeana Allgood Paula Schick E’Shaina Harned Diane Barton-Lewis Shelly Soliz Sally Starling Christi Woodworth Diane Barton-Lewis Michelle Ishmael Melissa Brown Carol Plemmons April Waggoner Lizabeth Ogle CONGRATULATIONS Amanda Lawler – Birth of Twin Boys, Kirk Patrick and Jennings Dwire Heather Messer – Birth of Son, Benjamin Andrew Patty Parker Brumbaugh – Marriage Kelli Hayward Walsh – Named the 2014 OU Medicine’s EXCEL award winner for outstanding leadership Rebekah Wheeler – Won Mrs. Oklahoma! CARE AND CONCERN / CONDOLENCES Denise Cramer – Death of Father Tara Roberts – Hospitalization Jenifer Randle – Death of Father Katherine Chandler – Death of Grandmother Mrs. Elaine B. Honnold – Passed Away Vanessa Peterson – Death of Father Kristi Leonard – Death of Grandmother Blair Bradley – Death of Grandfather Susan Edwards – Death of Father in Law Paige Frenzel – Death of Grandfather
Chef Secrets: Tips & Tricks
LOC Members joined together at the home of Active Theresa Nicoletto on Tuesday, March 3 for a cooking demonstration called, “Chef Secrets: Tips & Tricks to make you a culinary master in the kitchen. After many years as a biotech executive, Nicoletto quit her job, moved
Kimberly Swan and Theresa Nicoletto.
Grant Michael Ikard Born on December 30, 2014 Parents are Kristin and Ben Ikard
6 MAY 2015
to France and studied patisserie & cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu, Paris. Nicoletto prepared items that are easy to make and full of nutrition such as pesto made with spinach, no knead bread, hummus with roasted peppers, apple cake and tomato crostini with whipped feta.
Tomato crostini with whipped feta.
Theresa Nicoletto demonstrated how to prepare easy and nutritious dishes from her home.
“A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.”—EDA J. LESHAN
Millie Kate Carter Born on November 16, 2014 Parents are Helen and Jordan Carter
Rowan Sheila Farrell Born on August 25, 2014 Parents are Hillary and Peter Farrell
Katie Blaik James
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Profile [ people ]
24th Annual Awards Celebration: Legacy & Legends
Three Distinguished Members Honored By Fareshteh Hamidi
n April 2, some of Oklahoma City’s legends gathered at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club for a spectacular luncheon in their honor. The tireless efforts of the newly re-branded Legacy & Legends committee were brightly displayed through every detail of the presentation and atmosphere. The red carpet was rolled out for our honorees,
leading directly up to a “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” themed reception. The black, white and Tiffany blue décor was picture perfect. Bruce Music graciously lent the committee two pianos – one self-played Blue Moon in the Air Lock, and the other was played by Yingyu Zhu in the Great Hall throughout the reception. A three-course lunch was served to the 276 attendees – a 59% increase from 2014 that proves this
Debby Hampton – Sustainer of the Year
8 MAY 2015
Congratulations and thank you for serving JLOC!
event has become just as meaningful to Active and Provisional Members as it is to Sustainers. The ABC and STAR award recipients from the past year were recognized at the start of the event. Our three Community Enrichment grant winners - Neighborhood Services Organization, Calm Waters and the Oklahoma Foundation for the Disabled were recognized as well, with checks from the JLOC for $5,000 each. Members of the Community Advisory Board were in attendance, too. The true stars of Legacy & Legends were our well-deserving award recipients: Debby Hampton – Sustainer of the Year, Janie Axton – Mary Baker Rumsey Lifetime Achievement award, and Mary Nichols – recipient of the rarely given President’s Spirit of Commitment award. Mrs. Nichols is only the fifth woman to receive the honor since the League’s Oklahoma City inception in 1927. Governor Mary Fallin was in attendance to present Mrs. Nichols’ award. She shared special memories of her League experience and how it helped to shape her career. She and President Kristi Leonard presented a $1,000 check in Mrs. Nichols’ honor from the JLOC divided equally between the University of Oklahoma’s School of Dance and the Oklahoma City Philharmonic. Alexis Lux presented Mrs. Hampton’s award, along with a $1,000 check to the United Way. Sue Ann Hyde introduced Mrs. Axton, and presented a $2,000 check divided equally between Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption Services and the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. All three award recipients have dedicated much of their time and resources to the worthy causes they represent, and have undoubtedly created legacies of which they should be proud. The Junior League of Oklahoma City is honored to call these women Members, community partners and friends.
Janie Axton – Mary Baker Rumsey Lifetime Achievement
(Top) The Legacy & Legends luncheon was held at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club on April 2. (Middle) The luncheon had a “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” theme.
Mary Nichols – President’s Spirit of Commitment
(Bottom) The Member Luncheon was rebranded this year to the Legacy & Legends celebration luncheon.
JLOC Member Crowned Mrs. Oklahoma 2015
e have some royalty within the Junior League of Oklahoma City! Active Rebekah Hailey Wheeler was crowned Mrs. Oklahoma 2015. Wheeler is a resident of Edmond and a graduate of Oklahoma State University where she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Speech Communications. She is married to Dustin Wheeler, a banking executive. The couple will soon celebrate their seven year anniversary and have a four-year-old son, Benjamin, and a two-year-old son, Camden. Wheeler is a manager of the Division Order Department at Chesapeake Energy Corporation. She has a passion for volunteerism and giving back to her community through service. During her reign as Mrs. Oklahoma, she will be promoting her platform, ‘You Are Enough: Positive Self-Image.’ She has a strong personal connection to this platform as she overcame an eating disorder as a teenager and young adult. The Mrs. Oklahoma pageant, of-
2015-2016 NOMINATING COMMITTEE 2-4 YEARS OF SERVICE Alex Butts Jennifer Fritsch Ashlee Rodden Kate Ward 5+ YEARS OF SERVICE Jenna Hudson Elder Natalie Fix Erin Fong Lori Nordstrom Lindsay Riddell 10 MAY 2015
Mrs. OK: Rebekah Hailey Wheeler. Wheeler was crowned Mrs. Oklahoma on March 28 in Guthrie.
ficial state preliminary competition for the Mrs. America contest, celebrates the achievements, poise, grace and personality of Oklahoma’s highly accomplished young women. The competition involves civically engaged married women making a difference by being involved in their communities who are excited about celebrating marriage. Rebekah was one of 20 candidates who competed for the coveted title based on overall personality and articulation skills, confidence, achievements, poise and appearance throughout the competition. Fifty percent of the overall score went to the interview competition, and twenty five percent went to physical fitness and evening gown competitions, respectively. The 2015 Mrs. Oklahoma winner receives more than $10,000 in prizes including a trip to compete in the 2015 National Mrs. America Pageant in September.
by Sabrina Froelich —“Stephanie
Margaret Brooks and Sara Sweet
serves on Kids in the Kitchen/
were nominated by the Board,
Top Chef and was a big part of
for their work on the Speaker in
helping develop the brand new
the City. Margaret and Sara did
Top Chef project. Stephanie is
an outstanding job in finding
always willing to step up and help
the ideal first speaker, event and
in extra ways with the project
ticket logistics, event budgets,
including leading a shift at the
and position job descriptions.
last minute. Stephanie has a big heart for the kids at Boys and
Girls Club and it shows each week
Stephanie Naifeh was nominated
when she volunteers.”
It's finally springtime! What's your favorite fun and/or healthy outdoor activity this time of year? Drop the top on my convertible! I’m getting Vitamin D, that’s healthy, right?
What's your go-to healthy warmer weather meal/treat/ snack? Caprese Skewer – grape tomato, mozzarella, and basil with a little balsamic vinegar.
What's your favorite patio to enjoy some much needed
Ilana Sharpe ACTIVE
It's finally springtime! What's your favorite fun and/or healthy outdoor activity this time of year? I love taking my daughter for walks. We walk down to the neighborhood playground and she plays on the swings until it is time to drag her away.
What's your go-to healthy warmer weather meal/treat/ snack? I really like fruit smoothies. Jamba Juice makes some really nice lighter calorie and healthier options that I enjoy. My favorite is the peach pleasure light. Basically anything with fruit is a win in my book.
It's finally springtime! What's your favorite fun and/or healthy outdoor activity this time of year? I love chasing my kiddos as they enjoy the sunshine and tending to my flower beds.
What's your go-to healthy warmer weather meal/treat/snack? We LOVE this recipe that I got from my mother-in-law:
12 MAY 2015
The patio at Mexico Joe’s in Stillwater.
Please share a favorite springtime memory? David runs Palmer Field at Dolese Park, so I often spend weekend days out at the ball field with a hint of chill still in the air, riding around on the tractor with David while he gets the baseball field ready, smelling the newly cut grass. It’s a perfect day!
What's your favorite patio to enjoy some much needed sunshine? Lately, I enjoy just going to Whole Foods for lunch and enjoying a nice salad outside in the sunshine. It is a pleasant and relaxing way to spend the lunch hour.
Please share a favorite springtime memory? Last May my husband and I went to Ireland. It was one of the lushest and green places I have visited and we spent a very memorable week bouncing around the Irish countryside and looking at the beautiful ocean vistas.
Cortney Smith ACTIVE
KATHERINE'S GREEK SALSA 2 medium cucumbers peeled, copped 5 Tomatoes chopped 2 bunches green onions, chopped 1 can chopped olives 6oz. feta cheese (Mediterranean or regular) 3 tbsp Cavenders seasoning 1/8 cup of olive oil 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar Combine everything, refrigerate for a few hours and enjoy.
What's your favorite patio to enjoy some much needed sunshine? Red Rock.
Please share a favorite springtime memory? Spring of 2005 I got married to my handsome husband on what turned out to be the first beautiful weekend of the year. I actually have another favorite springtime memory in which my son Dexter walked one of our dogs for the first time.
It's finally springtime! What's your favorite fun and/or healthy outdoor activity this time of year? I can’t wait to get in my yard and do some serious work! My husband and I moved into a new house late last summer and we focused on the inside. I’m so excited to focus on the outside this year and really make it pretty!
Laura Steen ACTIVE
What's your go-to healthy warmer weather meal/treat/ snack? Warm weather means it is grill season, so anything you can put on the grill is my favorite! I love being able to have chicken, steaks or shrimp with a side of veggies that were seasoned and cooked on the grill.
What's your favorite patio to enjoy some much needed sunshine? My easiest and most relaxing patio is the one I have at home but if I’m looking to get out, an oldie but goodie standby is Flip’s! You always see someone you know and it’s always a
great time. My newest favorites have to be Bleu Garten or R&J’s Supper Club. I love how the Midtown area has exploded and I have so much OKC pride for the great things this city is doing!
Please share a favorite springtime memory? My favorite spring memory always happened at OSU. As soon as it got nice outside, it was time to cruise around with the windows down, music blaring, sunnies on and a large drink from The Barn in your hand! (It also served as the perfect time to watch boys play Frisbee or volleyball outside!)
Calvert her day.
This Mother’s Day, order mom an orchid in colors only found at Calvert’s.
5 3 0 8 N . C L A S S E N B LV D
w w w. C A LV E R T S . c o m
It's finally springtime! What's your favorite fun and/or healthy outdoor activity this time of year? My husband and son are big into mountain bike riding and I like to walk the trails. We look forward to loading up the bikes and heading out on adventures to explore trails both new and old favorites.
What's your go-to healthy warmer weather meal/treat/ snack?
is a tradition that my husband enjoyed growing up in Puerto Rico: Cinnamon popsicles. For our fast and easy version, we use milk, vanilla, Stevia and cinnamon... mix it up and pop it in the freezer, and they’re delicious! We plant tomatoes, basil and other fresh herbs in our backyard. My favorite summer lunch when I'm home is fresh tomatoes and basil mixed with some mozzarella, olive oil and balsamic... yum!!!
We like to make homemade Popsicles. One of our favorites
What's your favorite patio to enjoy some much needed sunshine? The one in our backyard with the neighborhood kids playing and my husband grilling. Anything at Lake Hefner is always great!
Please share a favorite springtime memory? When I was little, our family owned a blue street ready 'dune buggy'. Our parents would load us and our friends in it and take us to softball games, the lake and all over town; it was blue with sparkles in the paint!
he February General Membership Meeting was held on Tuesday, February 10, at the Will Rogers Theatre. Before the meeting, JLOC Members held a Community Fair where Project Managers shared information about our existing and new projects to help volunteers make their placement choices for the 2015-2016 League year. Following the cocktail hour, Provisionals, Actives and Sustainers in attendance listened to Patty Anthony, the executive director of the Red Bud Classic. This year, the JLOC was a partner in the event. We also voted on the 2015-2016 Nominating Slate.
14 MAY 2015
Patty Anthony with the Red Bud Classic served as our guest speaker.
The meeting was held at the Will Rogers Theatre. A placement fair was held before the meeting.
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Focus [ projects ]
Eat Better, Move More
The placement included mini-talks on nutrition and walking.
By Holly Moore
his past year, JLOC Members made an impact on the elderly population in Oklahoma City through the Eat Better, Move More placement. “Eat Better, Move More” is a program developed by OHAI (Oklahoma Health Aging Initiative) for older citizens that want more information on improving their diet and increasing their level of exercise,” Project Manager Stacy Lopez says. “It’s a program consisting of minitalks on nutrition and walking, which emphasizes the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables, the relationship of dairy foods with bone health, the importance of dietary fiber and sensible portion sizes. The program
uses step counters to encourage older adults to take more steps each day, and we discuss topics like stretching, movement, walking in all weather and healthy weight,” Lopez explains. Each Wednesday night, JLOC volunteers spend an hour with the group. They also attended a 5-hour training session on a Saturday prior to starting the program. “At the training session, OHAI taught the volunteers the curriculum that would be presented each week,” Lopez says. “The first 30 minutes of each class teaches ways on how to improve the diet and the second 30 minutes is spent on ways to be more active.” Lopez says the best thing about participating in this project is to see
Members showed seniors how to improve their diet and increase their activity.
participants succeed in the program and reach their weight or fitness goals. “If you are passionate about health and fitness, and love inspiring and encouraging others in their fitness journey, this placement is very rewarding.”
Health Literacy BY HOLLY MOORE
J (Top) Members visited Johnson Elementary School twice a month. (Bottom) They hosted several events including one with Captain Super Tooth.
16 MAY 2015
LOC Members had the opportunity to teach elementary school children about making healthy choices through this year’s Health Literacy placement. “We visited Johnson Elementary School twice each month and hosted many different health-related activities,” Project Manager Natalie Browne says. “We had 11 volunteers, each one planning an activity during the year with a specific theme in mind.” Some of this year’s activities included a boot camp, a yoga class and a fire safety course. “We also hosted an event called ‘Blaze’ to teach the kids about tobacco
use and we had a game show day where kids answered true or false questions about heart health to win prizes. We even had Captain Super Tooth come talk about oral health, and a meteorologist from News Channel 9 came to talk about weather,” Browne explains. “The best thing about this placement was getting to work with the children,” Browne offers. “I love the excitement of the kids when they realize we are there and can’t wait to find out what we are doing that day. The teachers all tell us the kids are always asking when we are coming. It is just a fun time!”
incorporating large muscle groups while
instructor to pick up weights that
isolating small muscles, plyometric and
were slightly lighter than I usually lift.
isometric moves, amongst others. Moves
I was thankful for this advice after the
include squats, lunges, presses, step ups,
high volume of reps. You focus on one
curls, lifts and abs.
body part during the duration of each
The class uses free weights, plate
song. Trust me, after three minutes
weights, barbells and aerobic steppers all
even five pounds will make you feel
Are you looking for a fun way to
supplied by Gold’s Gym. At Bodypump,
like you are curling 50.
change up your workouts? Bodypump
the students are free to pick the weight
Bodypump is empowering. Most
at Gold’s Gym offers you the change
they are comfortable using. The class is
women shy away from weights, but
of pace you are looking for!
friendly to novices and challenging for
Bodypump shows that strong is the
those who are advanced lifters. The goal
new skinny. Classes featured on
a 60 minute challenge for all of your
of Bodypump is to improve strength,
the Gold’s Gym schedule include:
major muscle groups. Not to mention,
shape and tone muscles and strength
Bodypump and Bodypump Express,
Bodypump is fun and has such great
endurance training.
a condensed, yet intense 45-minute
Gold’s Gym describes Bodypump as
music. At Bodypump, the instructors lead the group through exercises
My experience at Bodypump was wonderful. I was encouraged by the
Bodypump session. Bodypump is here to pump you up!
Kids in the Kitchen: Top Chef
he Boys and Girls Club came to the Junior League asking if we could extend the already popular Kids in the Kitchen placement. The placement currently serves children, ages 5-9. By expanding the placement, we would be able to serve older children, ages 10-14. The focus would be to teach the kids how to prepare their own healthy snacks and even learn to cook a little, too. Of course the League said yes and the challenge was on. During the summer of 2014, the Kids in the Kitchen/Top Chef Project Managers met with the Boys and Girls Club to get their ideas for what they wanted the project to look like. Then it was up to the Junior League to make it work. The project developed and now it is a five to six week session of hands-on learning and fun in the Boys and Girls Club kitchen. After one week of learning their way around the kitchen incorporating kitchen safety and healthy sanitation practices, the kids are turned loose to face a different challenge each week. Over the course of the placement, the participants, divided into groups of up to 10 kids, are given ingredients to
make their own healthy snack. During the challenges, they are required to balance all the food groups, make an unhealthy dish healthier and create their own dinner plan. During the last week of the session, the kids prepared their own dish to be judged based on creative use of ingredients, most healthy and most
flavorful. At the end of the session each participant is given a copy of the Kids in the Kitchen cookbook and they love it! The kids learned a lot and had even more fun! The first year of Top Chef has been amazing and the Boys and Girls Club as well as the new Project Managers are looking forward to another year!
The kids were given ingredients to make their own healthy snack.
The kids prepared their own dish to be judged based on creative use of ingredients.
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Junior League volunteers attend two different sites on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
8/15/12 4:06 PM
Services include but are not limited to:
Whiz Kids is an interactive tutoring based program that focuses on first through sixth grade. Students selected for this program live in inner city school districts with high drop-out rates and reading skills below grade level. Junior League volunteers attend two different sites on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. There are opportunities to assist in different areas such as being substitute tutors and providing educational games to assisting during holiday themed activities. We also had the opportunity to volunteer at the Seeds of Hope
Banquet that is a fundraising event for the non-profit organization City Care. 19
arity Pack is such a special placement and offers such a wide variety of opportunities to serve. Infant Crisis Services, Regional Food Bank, Dream Nights at the Zoo and Girls on the Run are examples of ongoing projects for Variety Pack. This year we have introduced a couple of new events such as Haunt and Harvest, ArtsReach and Deck the Halls of Positive Tomorrows. We had such a fantastic holiday this year working with Positive Tomorrows for Deck the Halls. For many of the kids, Positive Tomorrows was the only place they had a Christmas tree, stocking or any sense of the holidays at ALL. Junior League volunteers went into Positive Tomorrows and spent several hours transforming their hallways, classrooms and cafeteria into a Holiday Extravaganza! Each classroom had their own Christmas tree and theme. There was an advent calendar that covered an entire wall of the cafeteria with gifts for the kids for EVERYDAY in December. With Health being our Focus, all of the gifts were health related, such as toothpaste, healthy snacks, blankets, gloves and scarves, socks personal hygiene items etc. Here are a couple of quotes from the staff at Positive Tomorrows about Junior League and Deck the Halls. “When I got to work the morning after the League decorated, one of the little girls grabbed a Christmas book, camped out by one of the trees, and read the entire thing to me. She was so excited and told me that ELVES must have brought Christmas to the school last night and she had to show me EVERYTHING. The kids all said that Christmas was here. It was incredible.” Another little girl, Azahria, said these were the most beautiful Christmas trees she has ever seen! “We teach our kids at Positive Tomorrows that the holidays aren’t always about the stuff they receive, but about the feeling you get from the holiday, a feeling that is hopeful. Twinkling lights all over our school, giant candy canes and snowflakes hanging from
20 MAY 2015
Volunteers worked with children at Positive Tomorrows to “Deck the Halls.”
Volunteers work to pack food for the hungry at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.
the ceiling, and trees throughout our hallway gave them that feeling. Even our staff commented on how special it felt in the school once it was decorated. We cannot thank you enough!” “I wish I could show you all their faces when they walked in the door
that morning and forgot for a little while about the very grown up worries they tend to carry around. We got to see the kids just be kids and get excited for Santa and the holidays! It was so special!”
9119 north western avenue oklahoma city, oklahoma 73114
thefleuriste.com 405.843.8700
Et Cetera [ various ]
JLOC Donor Appreciation Reception
LOC held its Donor Appreciation Reception inside the Crystal Bridge at the Myriad Gardens on Thursday, March 26. The League presented three $5,000 grants to selected community partners. The first recipient was Calm Waters Center for Children and Families. Our funds will support the organization’s mission to assist children and families in grief counseling.
The second recipient was Neighborhood Services Organization, Incorporated, in support of dental screenings for Oklahoma City’s children in need. The JLOC grant will be used to support this program that provides preventative care to help patrons avoid chronic dental problems. Our last recipient was the Oklahoma Foundation for the Disabled, Incorporated. Our support will cover the expenses
Rene Vassar, Gayle Semtner, Jeary Seikel.
22 MAY 2015
for the organization to install two specialized wheelchair swings. This foundation is the largest provider of day health services for disabled adults in the region. The JLOC is honored that we can contribute to the wellbeing of our community. It is in no small part due to the efforts and financial support of our Membership. Thank you all for making this possible!
Jillian Michaels to Kick Off JLOC’s “Speaker in the City”
he JLOC is excited to announce our fundraiser, “Speaker in the City!” Our first speaker will be strength trainer and life coach Jillian Michaels.
Michaels is a bestselling author, Daytime Emmy nominated television personality, entrepreneur and one of the nation’s leading health and wellness experts. Every week she
motivates millions in every form of media from TV to publishing to the 1.6 million monthly visitors to her website and daily e-mail newsletter. As a motivator and role model, Jillian has a unique connection with her audience that stems from her own personal journey toward wellness. Before becoming a big media success, Jillian struggled with her own weight. She was determined to reach her goals — and through dedication and hard work, she has been a fitness expert and wellness coach for over 20 years. In addition, she owned and operated a sports medicine facility, where she worked as a physical therapy aid under the physiatrists, physical therapists and chiropractors. Jillian’s passion for fitness training originates from 17 years of martial arts practice in Muay Thai and Akarui-Do, in which she holds a black belt. The speaking event will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday, January 31, 2016 at the Civic Center in Oklahoma City. A VIP Reception will follow. Tickets for Members will be $50.
Jillian Michaels
Et Cetera
Spring Time Means Detox Time BY LEAH JACKSON
uring the winter months, we tend to eat heavier comfort foods, not move around as much and pack on extra fat to keep us warm. While this feels great during those cold winter months, it can cause stagnation within the body that can lead to toxic buildup. If your systems are clogged, you may feel fatigued, achy, congested and just not yourself. As the weather warms, shedding the excess kapha dosha, or protective fluid or fat, is a crucial part of the transformation. According to ancient Ayurvedic practice, spring is the best time of year to detox and clear out those heavy, winter foods and toxins. Here how to detox your body: 1. Drink a lot of water. Before eating
anything in the morning, drink some warm water with the juice of a whole lemon. This will help clean out the liver, prepare your system for digestion and hydrate your body. Continue drinking lots of water throughout the day about 13 cups for men and 9 cups for women a day. 2. Focus on eating three meals a day. Include liver-supporting foods such as dandelion greens, raw garlic, grapefruit, avocado, beets, carrots and artichokes. You can also add spices to your meals such as turmeric, cumin, cayenne and coriander as they assist with digestion. 3. Avoid gluten, dairy, sugar and other processed foods. These foods are hard to digest and will take the attention off your immune system and liver. Also,
INGREDIENTS 1 cup warm water 2 tsp yeast (active dry yeast) 2 tsp kosher salt 2 tbsp. olive oil 3 cups whole wheat flour (I used King Arthur organic white whole-wheat flour) Tomato sauce Grated mozzarella cheese Cooking oil spray Other desired toppings such as sausage, mushrooms, vegetables, Parmesan
PREPARATION 1. Drop the yeast into the 1 cup of warm water and let it go to work for a few minutes. It should foam up a little bit. Stir the salt and olive oil into the yeast mixture. 2. Pour the flour and yeast mixture into a food processor with a dough blade or into a mixer with a dough hook and turn on the machine. (You can also mix up this dough by hand.) 3. You should end up with a ball chasing itself around the food processor. If the dough is too dry, add warm water a teaspoon at a time and if it is too wet add flour 1 teaspoon at a time. 4. Remove the ball from your food processor and knead into a smooth ball. Put the dough into a large ziplock bag or bowl covered with
cheese, pesto, goat cheese, arugula, olives, etc.
24 MAY 2015
avoid coffee and alcohol while detoxing. 4. Eat dinner early and keep it light. Dinner should be your smallest meal of the day. Eat a fresh salad full of dark healthy greens or some grilled chicken with steamed vegetables. Try not to eat past 7 p.m. 5. Sweat it out. Get outside or hit the gym. A good sweat is a great way to rid the body of toxins. You can also use a sauna. 7. Get plenty of sleep. It is recommended at least 6-8 hours a night. Our body rests and repairs itself overnight. It is recommended to detox for 10-21 days at the beginning of spring. You can also do a juice cleanse for 3-7 days within the 10-21 day time frame to speed up the detox process. Happy detoxing!
plastic wrap (put a touch of olive oil in and coat the inside of the bag/bowl first) then leave it in fridge for as little as 1 hour or overnight depending on how much time you have. It will rise on its own in the fridge. 5. When ready to make the pizza preheat the oven to 500° F. Use a rolling pin to roll it out into the desired shape (don’t make it too thin!). Put the flat pizza dough on a baking sheet that has been sprayed with cooking oil. Top the dough with homemade or organic tomato sauce, cheese and other toppings of your choice. Bake in an oven for about 8-10 minutes or until crust and cheese are golden brown. Enjoy!
Find the Hidden Apple! Focus
s Nights Family Fitnes re ca du E at OKC KS-PAYN BY TONI PAR
The apple was hiding here on page 18 in the March 2015 issue!
- everything home snacks healthy takeparfaits Jello and fruit year for the from colorful highlights he inaugural Other session ss Nights at to trail mix. d-style Family Fitne fun playgroun been an ded has are inclu Nike have OKC Educ and led by the in fun AND games sponsored parenta active adventure program Ambassadors, Educare is a Smiley Community and a visit by exercise! OKC ces to help child yoga class Dental Depot, who Family Servi of Sunbeam the n. from ectio O’Reilly the conn rtance ren the impo people make volunteers meet taught the child ne. Smiley was Dedicated JLOC to lead the hygie are hted of good oral families monthly at Educ ren were delig are and their brushes, a hit - the child children of Educ of fitness and healthd out free tooth ty when he passe for all in through a varie and activities. floss and toothpaste ams related progr ts took e. cipan danc parti atten ts at Educare during Volunteers and ly Fitness Nigh for any JLOC great weather Fami the of advantage placement ed outdoor hands-on on and creat is the perfect received the first sessi wants to work Children also and is volunteer who completed fitness stations. ileged children station they with underpriv have LOTS stickers for each get active and portion of not afraid to The exercise by ng a difference. successfully. ally followed fun while maki typic of is ing the even to make learning how participants
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18 MAR CH 2015 db 18
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Kernke and Shaina
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CONGRATS! ---------- TO ----------
Et Cetera
Bookshelf Q U E S T I O N S:
1. What book are you currently reading? 2. What is your favorite book of all time and why? 3. What is your favorite children’s book? 4. What is your “go-to” cookbook?
Vi Le
Erin Williams
Denise Cramer
1. “Knuckleheads” written by Brian Winkeler and illustrated by Robert Wilson IV Graphic novel written by my husband that I’ve waited to read; sometimes you can be a little close to the author. “Rabbit Angstrom: A Tetralogy” by John Updike and “Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography” by Neil Patrick Harris. 2. “A Man for All Seasons: A Play in Two Acts” by Robert Bolt and “Morality,” a play about Sir Thomas More who refuses to compromise himself and is (spoiler alert!) executed by King Henry VIII. It’s my favorite because it is compelling to think about how far you would go to defend your beliefs. 3. “The Mo Willem Pigeon” series of books. 4. My most used cookbook is a thin paperback one that came free with a box of Bisquick. I grew up eating Asian food every night, anything made with Bisquick or Cream of Mushroom/Chicken/ Celery, etc., is still pretty exotic to me.
1. I’m currently reading “Sycamore Row” by John Grisham. 2. It is so hard to pick my favorite book! I’d have to say one of my favorites is “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers. I remember loving it so much and reading all day long to finish it. 3. I remember “Babar” was my favorite book when I was little. I loved all the stories of Babar the Elephant! 4. Honestly, my mom is my “go-to” cookbook haha! If I had to pick an actual cookbook I would say “Stir Ups” which was the Junior League of Enid’s cookbook in 1982 or “Beyond Parsley” which is the Kansas City Junior League’s cookbook from 1984. As you can tell these cookbooks have been passed down to me, making them that much more special!
1. “House Rules: A Novel,” by Jodi Picoult. 2. “The DaVinci Code,” by Dan Brown. I love a good suspense book! 3. I loved the Nancy Drew series when I was a kid. I read every one of those books. As for a children’s book for my kids, I love “The Little Engine That Could.” 4. My go-to cookbook is an oldie, but goodie – “Joy of Cooking.”
26 MAY 2015
SharE Your Big daY!
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Winkler
Wed: August 30, 2014 in Ma rengo, Illinois
To announce your engagement or wedding in the League Link, go to the Members Only portion of the jloc.org website and submit your requested information. The NearlyWed/Newly Wed form is located under the Forms/References tab. If you would like to submit a photo, please send it to Leah Jackson at leah@bobjacksonlaw.com
 To announce your wedding in Brides of Oklahoma Magazine, contact us at 405-607-2902 or visit www.thebridesofoklahoma.com
JuNior LEaguErS rEcEivE $100 off Your aNNouNcEmENt iN BridES of okLahoma magaziNE
Women Building a Better Oklahoma City
MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.
FOCUS Women Building a Better Oklahoma City
Thank you for advertising with us! Adorn Brides of Oklahoma Calverts First National Bank
The Fleuriste Keesee & Company, Inc. Laura Lynn’s Homecare Linda C. Howell & Assoc.
Increase your business and advertise with us! Get on board for the 2014-2015 League Link year and start advertising. The circulation is over 1,500 and sent to not only JLOC members but also to numerous businesses and community organizations. Special rates are available for all League Members; Actives, Sustainers and Provisionals.
W W W. J L O C . O R G
Magestic Roofing Shannon Love Photography Shirley Kay Photography Warhall Designs
Contact Leah Jackson, League Link Business Manager, for more information at leah@bobjacksonlaw.com.