West Chester University Magazine, Fall 2013

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West Chester University magazine


On the cover

Contents 1 | Editor’s Note 2 | University News 12 | Cover Story 21 | Sports 22 | Class Notes 25 | Alumni Chapter News 32 | Featured Profile: Mark ’86 and Julie Moyer ’86 Drochek

“Building on Excellence,” WCU’s 10-year strategic plan

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President Greg R. Weisenstein

Vice President for Advancement and Sponsored Research Mark Pavlovich

Editor, Director of Public Relations and Marketing Pam Sheridan

Design and Layout JoAnne Mottola

West Chester University Council of Trustees

The West Chester University Foundation Board of Trustees

Barry C. Dozor ’71 Thomas A. Fillippo ’69 (chair) Christopher Franklin’87 Jonathan Ireland ’95, M’03 Christopher A. Lewis J. Adam Matlawski ’80 (vice chair) Marian D. Moskowitz Eli Silberman Christine Costello ’04 (secretary) Robert M. Tomlinson ’70 Skye Hisiro ’14

Officers Keith Beale ’77 (president) John N. Nickolas ’90 (vice president) Christopher J. DiGiuseppe ’89 (treasurer) Sandra F. Mather ’64, ’68 (secretary) Richard Przywara (executive director) Trustees Frank Branca ’70 Matthew Bricketto, ex officio Millie C. Cassidy Deborah J. Chase, ’76 Kate Cipriano ’00 Thomas A. Fillippo ’69 (Council of Trustees representative) Cheryl Fulginiti ’80 David A. Gansky ’88 Carol Gersbach ’70 John A. Gontarz Maury Hoberman David P. Holveck ’68

Kathleen Leidheiser Donald E. Leisey ’59 Emily Jane Lemole Donald R. McIlvain Thomas E. Mills, IV ’81 Mark P. Mixner, ex officio H. Viscount Nelson ’61 Michael O’Rourke John R. Panichello ’83 Mark G. Pavlovich, ex officio Paula D. Shaffner ’80 John Stoddart ’93-’99 MBA Christine Warren ’90 ’99 Greg R. Weisenstein, ex officio

editor’s note

A Vision For the University’s Future During his state-of-the-University message to the campus community this fall, President Weisenstein reviewed the successes of the past year and plans for the University’s future. Entitled, “Building on Excellence,” the ten-year strategic plan represents the work of more than 2,000 faculty, students, administrators, alumni and other key stakeholders. Comprehensive in scope, the plan contains practical, specific goals and actions organized around five areas: academics, enrichment, sustainability, diversity and engagement. In the cover article of this issue of the magazine, I provide some examples of WCU’s current activities in each of those five areas and the University’s vision for continuing excellence in the decade ahead.

Pam Sheridan Editor Director of Public Relations and Marketing

West Chester University Alumni Association President Jeffrey Stein ’91

Vice President Rick Loughery ’06, M’10

Treasurer Mark Drochek ’86

Secretary Andrea Pavone ’07, M’12

Immediate Past President Edward Monroe ’89



E-mail Addresses

Kerry Acker ’05 John Beatty ’66 Michael DePrisco ’92, M’95 Mark Drochek ’86 Dean Gentekos ’07 Jamie W. Goncharoff, Esq. ’82 Matt Holliday ’09 Melanie Holwood ’08, M’10 Richard Knorr ’75 Rick Loughery ’06, M’10 Robert Malone ’08 Maria Milkowski ’09 Edward Monroe ’89 Andrea Pavone ’07, M’12 Scott Reid ’96 Jennifer Slavin ’04, M’10 Amy Miller-Spavlik ’90, M’92 Jeffrey Stein ’91 Denise Bauman Trigo ’98

Carmen Evans Culp ’52, M’64 Janice Weir Etshied ’50 (deceased) Karl Helicher ’72, M’82, M’87 Richard D. Merion ’59, M’69 John F. Murphy ’43 Luther B. Sowers ’49

For Class Notes and other alumnirelated information, e-mail Diane Everett at alumni@wcupa.edu. Letters to the editor can be sent to: psheridan@wcupa.edu or Pam Sheridan, Director of Public Relations and Marketing and Editor of the West Chester University Magazine.

The West Chester University Magazine is published three times a year for the alumni, families, students and friends of West Chester University of Pennsylvania. We welcome letters concerning magazine content or issues pertaining to the University. Letters must be signed and kept to one typed page. Please include address and daytime phone number. We reserve the right to edit. Send correspondence to: Editor, The WCU Magazine, West Chester University, West Chester PA 19383

West Chester University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.

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univ ersity news

COMMEMORATING A CHAMPION OF FREEDOM The Frederick Douglass statue dedication

This past fall, several hundred members of the campus and surrounding community celebrated the dedication of a life-size bronze statue of Frederick Douglass installed on the Clifford E. and Inez

E. DeBaptiste Plaza, a granite and cast stone circular meditation area on the University’s academic quad. The former slave, distinguished orator, author and statesman had delivered his last public lecture on West Chester’s campus in 1895. The statue and plaza were made possible by an initial $50,000 donation from former West Chester Borough Mayor Clifford DeBaptiste, kicking off a successful $200,000 fundraising campaign spearheaded by the University’s Frederick Douglass Institute and the WCU Actor Fred Morsell performs dramatization of Frederick Douglass during statue dedication Foundation. “The Frederick Douglass sculpture that stands tall on the academic quad will remain on this campus for years,” said WCU professor emeritus, Mit Joyner, who chaired the fundraising effort. “Generations of children and adults from various communities all over the globe will come to this area and read with curiosity the names that are engraved, and then will take a seat and reflect on the life of Frederick Douglass.” Jim Trotman, founding director of the Frederick Douglass Institute, also noted the importance of the sculpture as the University’s “continuing recognition of Frederick Douglass as a critical thinker and role model. “A statue of the younger Douglass aims to stimulate and encourage students to do more with their lives and to be more than they are,” said Trotman. “It is not an end in our study of the great abolitionist; it is part of the process of using a national and global icon.” 2 West Chester University

Richard Blake, a member of the University’s art department since 1975, was commissioned to create the lifelike figure. Often designed with an evocative presence, Blake’s work has been exhibited throughout the U.S. and abroad. Also taking part in the unveiling was the Honorable Clifford DeBaptist. The first African American mayor of West Chester Borough, the Honorable Clifford DeBaptiste has been active in West Chester and the Chester County community for more than 40 years. Founder, owner, and CEO of DeBaptiste Funeral Homes, Inc., he continues to direct the business with his daughter, Lillian DeBaptiste. A member of numerous local, county, state and national funeral director associations, he was appointed by the governor to the Pennsylvania State Board of Funeral Directors which he chaired for 13 terms. DeBaptiste also has served the University, as a member of the Council of Trustees from 1968 to 1972 and as a board member of the West Chester University Fund. In 1991, he was awarded the President’s Medallion for Service, and in 1999, he received an honorary doctor of public service. Joining Dr. DeBaptist were WCU President Weisenstein, representatives of the Frederick Douglass Institute and the Frederick Douglass Society and the presidents of the graduate and undergraduate student government associations. West Chester was the first university among the 14 Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education universities to establish a Frederick Douglass Institute.

7th Year on Kiplinger’s Best Value list Once again, West Chester A KIPLINGER is one of only three PennsylBEST BUY vania universities on this year’s TOP 100 Kiplinger’s Personal Finance list of the 100 best values in public higher education. Based on data from nearly 600 schools

using Peterson’s Undergraduate Database, Kiplinger’s recognizes four-year schools that combine outstanding education with economic value. Their formula: 45 percent cost factors, 55 percent quality factors. Their measurable standards of quality include the admission rate; the percentage of students who return for their sophomore year; the student-faculty ratio; and the four-year graduation rate. Cost criteria include low sticker prices; abundant financial aid; and low average debt at graduation. West Chester is among the top 20 schools on the list when assessed by cost for both in-state and out-of-state students. The annual public school rankings appear in Kiplinger’s February 2014 issue and online (www.kiplinger.com/links/ college).

Alumnus Named PA Teacher of the Year Anthony Grisillo, a 1996 West Chester University alumnus who has spent his career as an elementary

school gifted support teacher in the Rose Tree Media School District, is Pennsylvania’s 2014 Teacher of the Year. Governor Tom Corbett made the announcement at the Keystone Awards of Excellence on December 9. Currently in Rose Tree, Media and Glenwood elementary schools, where he has spent 15 years of his career, Grisillo has taught in all of the district’s elementary schools. He earned his bachelor of science in education from West Chester. Among the other teaching honors Grisillo has received are the Acme Teacher of the Month Award in December 2012 and the Boeing Space Camp for Educators Right Stuff Award in 2000. He was also a Discovery Educator Network STAR Educator from 2009 to 2013. “Anthony’s ability to inspire creativity, encourage innovation and engage his students has had a positive impact on all who have spent time in his classroom,” Corbett, a former teacher, stated in a press release. In an Associated Press article, District Superintendent James Wigo said Grisillo fits in well with a core focus of the district and brings his best performance to work every day in a profession that demands it. “We really try to get away from teaching kids to remember and instead teach kids to learn and create and invent, and he’s the poster child for that philosophy.” Grisillo now joins teachers from other states as a nominee for National Teacher of the Year. f a l l 2 013

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A STUDY OF IRISH MEDIA Beth Thomas exploring the Cliffs of Moher in western Ireland.

Green fields, shamrocks and leprechauns?

More like search engines, newspaper websites and telecommunications mergers. When twelve WCU undergraduates visited Ireland in July to study Irish media, they found the emerald isle that Americans dream of: winding rivers crossed by ancient stone bridges, traditional music in smoky pubs, and local characters eager to engage in conversation. But they also found a clash of cultures, as new communication technologies compete with traditional print media for the attention of Irish audiences. The students brought a range of majors to the class, from business and marketing to English and communication studies. Each prepped for the trip by developing an expertise in a topic connected to Dublin, the capital and largest city in the republic. Some learned about historic The WCU students on O’Connell Street in downtown Dublin with events, such as the 1916 Easter Rising and The Troubles of the 1970s. the historian for Dublin’s General Post Office, the site of the Irish Others concentrated on specific media institutions, such as The Irish revolution. Times newspaper and the national radio network. They were also introduced to the complex religious and political relationships that are central to Ireland, and read textbooks related to Irish media history and media ethics. Students were also assigned “man-on-the-street” interviews, where they talked with the men, women and children of Ireland to learn what they read, watch and listen to in modern media. They discovered more similarities than differences, as the older Irish continue to rely on newspapers and, to a lesser extent, television to learn about politics, fashion and sports, while Dubliners in their teens and twenties have already transitioned to cell phones and mobile apps to keep up with current events. As the Dublin Dozen flew back to Philadelphia, they realized that they were fundamentally different from the group that had departed a mere three weeks earlier. Part of it was in-depth exposure to a different culture, one with its own unique phrases (Good on ya, lass) and rules (a relaxed approach to being on time). Part of it was the development of new friendships, not only with fellow Golden Rams but also with fellow students from around the world and Dubliners of different generations. And part of it was the confidence that comes from challenging yourself to go outside of your comfort zone, to eat prawns and try to river dance, to sit on top of the green double-decker bus as it drives down the left side of the road, into a city that they didn’t quite know but were determined to understand. One of a number of initiatives underway through the University’s Center for International Programs, these programs are designed to introduce students to cultures from around the world and build bridges between WCU and other communities. Ed Lordan Professor of Communication Studies 4 West Chester University

WCU Faculty Participate in Iraqi Education Forum

WEST CHESTER NAMED “MILITARY FRIENDLY” SCHOOL West Chester has been named a “Military Friendly School” by Victory Media, publisher of GI Jobs magazine.

The Military Friendly Schools® designation is awarded to the top 20 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools in the country that are doing the most to embrace military students and ensure their success in the classroom and after graduation. The list serves as the primary resource for service members and military families seeking education and has played a significant role over the past five years in capturing and advancing best practices in supporting military students on campuses across the country. According to Vanessa Barron, regional director of Troops to Teachers North Atlantic region located on West Chester’s campus, “The University strives to create an intentional culture of understanding, acceptance, and success for veterans, active military, and those who support them.” Since his appointment in 2009, West Chester’s President Greg Weisenstein has expanded and strengthened the University’s commitment to veterans. A member of the U.S. Army Committee on Education, he received the General William E. DePuy Award, considered the most prestigious award given by Cadet Command, the parent organization of the Army ROTC program. A Yellow Ribbon Program participant, West Chester supports an on-campus ROTC program and Veterans Center. Spouses, significant others, children, parents and friends are encouraged to participate in the University’s “Standing Strong” support group designed to foster strength within individuals who have a loved one serving in the military. The University evaluates military transcripts for credit, offers in-state tuition rates for service members, and has a liberal withdrawal policy for service members activated or deployed. To continue evaluating its services to veterans attending West Chester, the University also established a Veterans Advisory Board. “West Chester is committed to facilitating communication among its campus offices in order to coordinate services for student veterans, military service members, reservists and their families to provide a meaningful transition from the military to the University,” says Barron. summe r 2 013

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This September, the University’s visibility was extended to the Middle East when West Chester faculty members travelled to Baghdad to participate in the third annual educa-

tional forum of Iraq’s Higher Committee for Education Development. Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies and Extended Education, Laurie Bernotsky, and Jeffery Osgood, chair of the Department of Public Policy and Administration and director of WCU’s graduate program in public administration, participated in the three-day educational forum with other university representatives from the U.S., United Kingdom, and Australia. On the first day of the forum, Bernotsky, Osgood and their western colleagues met with ambassadors to Iraq from the U.S., United Kingdom and Australia, as well as with Iraq’s Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki. Briefing sessions were held during which Iraqi and western representatives described their respective educational systems. The remaining two days consisted of information sessions by the western university representatives with scholarship-winning Iraqi students. Launched in 2010 by Prime Minister Nuri Al-Malki, the educational forum was established to help Iraq regain its position among nations of the world, and to fill the gap between the standard of education in Iraq and that of the world. f al l 2 013

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WCU Faculty Perform in Carnegie Hall

Sylvia Ahramjian

Ovidiu Marinescu

Members of West Chester’s music faculty, along with alumna and student were featured during the premiere concert performance of the 2013 Navona Records release Moto Perpetuo: Moving Works for Cello this fall at Carnegie Hall.

by a recording of the complete Miaskovsky cello works with the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra and pianist Kenneth Boulton released by Cambria. His recording of the Bach Cello Suites, released by Navona Records, has received international critical acclaim. Sylvia Ahramjian is acclaimed for her spirited performances and innovative recital programs. She has appeared as soloist with the Delaware, Newark, Kennett, Dover, and Lancaster Symphonies. A frequent performer in Romania she has performed with the Bucharest Sinfonia, the Ploiesti Philharmonic and with orchestras in Bacau, and RimnicuVilcea. Together with Marinescu, Ahramjian has presented duo recitals in Rome and Venice, Italy. Important venues for chamber music have included the Moscow Conservatory in Russia, the Holywell Music Room in Oxford, and the Romanian Embassies in Venice, Rome, London and Washington. In 2002, she was part of a delegation from the University that visited China where she offered several lecture-recitals on American music at Macau University and the Shanghai Teachers University, as well as a Master Class to students at the Shanghai University. Ahramjian was invited to return to China where she presented Master Classes and performances at both the China Conservatory in Beijing and Ghoizhou University. She has performed with the Magie Barocche International Festival at several venues in Italy and was a guest artist with Colloquy, a contemporary chamber ensemble, at St. Martin within Ludgate Church in London.

Cellist Ovidiu Marinescu, violinist, Sylvia Ahramjian, 2004 West Chester alumna Dana Weiderhold and student Patrick Nugent conducted an evening performance at the historic Weill Recital Hall in New York City. Ovidiu Marinescu, one of the outstanding musicians of his native Romania, was chosen to play at Carnegie Hall for Romanian President Constantinescu on an official visit to the United States. Soon after, he made his debut with the New York Chamber Symphony in Beethoven’s Triple Concerto, followed by recitals in Merkin Hall (New York), Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. After his debut with the National Radio Orchestra of Romania in the Saint-Saens Cello Concerto, which was broadcast live across Romania, he returned several times to perform works by Mozart and Iorgulescu. Other notable appearances include Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C Major with the Moscow Chamber Orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory and the Slobodkin Center, Elgar Concerto with Helena and Newark Symphonies, and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Symphony Orchestra, Shostakovich with the Cleveland Philharmonic, and Mozart Concerto with Orquesta de Extremadura in Spain. His critically acclaimed first recording Fiesta Latina was followed 6 West Chester University

mid-winter commencement This year’s mid-winter commencement speakers were three-time Emmy Award-winning composer, arranger and keyboardist, Bill Jolly’82; Heidi Hamels, M’07, co-founder of the Hamels Foundation; and Tom McCool, M’67, president of the National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children. The former mayor of the West Chester Borough, Richard Yoder’59, received the President’ Medallion for Service. Bill Jolly, who has worked with numerous artists including Celine Dion, Usher, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin, among others, is one of 15 founding members selected to the Philadelphia branch of the National Recording Arts and Sciences’ board of governors. He has composed music for HBO, MTV, NBC, CBS, Showtime and Columbia Tri-Star. He also has directed the Emmy Awards and other televised events and has performed before four U.S. presidents and Democratic and Republican conventions. Heidi Hamels, who holds a master’s degree in secondary education from WCU, is cofounder, along with her husband, Phillies’ pitcher Cole Hamels, of the Hamels Foundation, supporting the construction of a $3.5 million school in Malawi, Africa, as well as education for low-income inner city school systems in the U.S.

Emmy Award-winning composer, arranger and musical director, Bill Jolly ’82, addressing students during the morning undergraduate mid-winter commencement ceremonies.

Graduate commencement speaker Tom McCool

Tom McCool, a long-standing member of the Autism Society, is a founding commissioner of the National Commission on Accreditation of Special Education Services. He also is a founding member and current vice chair of the National Association of Residential Providers for Adults with Autism. For two decades, he served in various capacities at Devereux, a national nonprofit organization serving persons with emotional, developmental and educational disabilities. For 11 years, he was executive director of Devereux California and Devereux’s national vice president of development and government relations for nine years. Richard Yoder, a fixture in the West Chester community and on campus, served two terms as mayor of West Chester Borough beginning in 2002 and has been perennially active in the West Chester Rotary Club and Sunrise Rotary Club. For 38 years, he served WCU as a member of the faculty, a coach, associate dean of the School of Health Sciences and as director of athletics.

Afternoon ceremony speaker Heidi Hamels with her husband, Cole, and President Weisenstein

President Weisenstein presenting Richard Yoder’59 with the President’s Medallion for Service f al l 2 013

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Dr. Sandra F. Mather ’64, M’68 Studying the Earth via the Universe Socrates once observed: “Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.” Today, if the great Greek philosopher visited the Dr. Sandra F. Pritchard Mather Planetarium at West Chester University, he might be pleasantly surprised to find his prophecy fulfilled.

During the dedication, attendees are treated to a demonstration of the planetarium’s SciDome XD Touch system. 8 West Chester University

The planetarium reopened this fall after undergoing extensive renovations to bring the 1960s-era facility into the 21st century, thanks to a generous leadership gift by Dr. Sandra F. Pritchard Mather. Its original opto-mechanical

projector, installed in 1969, received a much anticipated digital upgrade, as well as a state-of-the-art, 32-foot Spitz NanoSeam™ projection dome. “With the use of computers, faculty can teach geology using the dome,” explains Mather, professor emerita of geology and astronomy and the planetarium’s namesake. “From my research, it’s possible for me to imagine what’s happening as a volcano develops, for example, but students do not necessarily know how to picture it. Kids are visual learners. This new planetarium gives them a way to see what’s occurring.” The planetarium not only serves as a lecture hall and laboratory for astronomy and geology students, but local schools and community groups use it for educational purposes. Professor Emerita Sandra Mather (center) officially reAs an elementary school student growing up in Quakertown, Mather opens the planetarium named in her honor. says she always “loved astronomy, weather, geology – all of that stuff.” In the early 1960’s, Mather’s long professional career as a geomorphologist, researcher and educator took off after she earned a bachelor’s in elementary education and a master’s of education in geography. She taught second graders for 12 years at the University’s former laboratory school in the E.O. Bull Center. In 1983, while still affiliated with WCU, she earned a doctorate in physical geography from the University of Oregon. Since retirement, she has traveled extensively worldwide (even to remote locations in New Zealand, Australia, and Iceland) conducting research. “Geomorphology is the study of changes in land forms,” explains Mather, who has published numerous books on a variety of subjects. For the past 34 years, she has returned every summer for ten weeks to the subject of her dissertation, Summit County, Colorado, where she is the chief researcher and very-busy lecturer and guide for three historical societies. “ My degree involved studying rivers, rocks, volcanoes, glaciers and shore line processes – changes in land forms: how, why and when they occurred, what happened in the past and what’s going to happen in the future.” In the 1970s, females trained in geomorphology and on the science faculty at most colleges were very unusual. “Back then, only eight to 12 percent of geologists were women,” she notes. “The department needed a geomorphologist, and I could do it. I was the first woman in that department, and they really did welcome me.” After teaching for 32 years and serving different roles within the University, Mather retired in 1999. She remains closely involved with the University as a generous benefactor in many ways. Mather supported the library’s cartographic resource center, provided research grants for faculty and established an earth and space science undergraduate scholarship in her name. But her generosity extends beyond the geology and astronomy department. In the Swope Music Building, for example, Mather supported an organ practice room. “As a kid, I was fascinated by the organ,” recalls Mather. “My original dream was to be a concert organist. My first ‘job’ as an organist started at age 16. From then on, I’ve had a job playing the organ at one place or another. Now I’m playing at Marshallton United Methodist Church.” At 70 years young, Mather is not only an accomplished musician, but she is a gold-level ice dancer. “We dance on skates with a partner. We do fox trots, waltzes, tangos and rhumbas. I did compete for a while, but now I just skate for fun and to have a good time!” (By the way, she’s learning to speak German, too!) As Mather reflects on her eclectic interests and the projects she supports at the University -- especially the new planetarium -- she fully expects the upgraded facility will entice another generation of future geologists, astronomers, meteorologists and explorers. “I envision it being used to study many areas, like the weather and the development of storms, clouds and tornadoes,” she notes. “This isn’t just a planetarium in the way people might envision it, but a really great teaching tool.” f al l 2 013

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WCU STUDENT SELECTED TO PEARSON STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD A West Chester University Honors College student was one of only twelve students in North America selected to serve on the student advisory board of Pearson, the world’s

leading education company, providing educational materials, technologies, assessments and related services to teachers and students of all ages. During his year-long membership on the

student board, Dan Hinderliter will experience first-hand the inner workings of a global publishing business and help shape the learning materials for students across the country. The WCU senior will directly communicate with key senior Pearson executives about college students’ concerns and needs and work with the company’s editors and marketing managers to influence the direction of existing and future products. Hinderliter also will communicate with other student advisory board members and Pearson employees by way of weekly conference calls and a data sharing website. A dual major in education and communi-

cation studies, Hinderliter was ranked this past year as the top speaker in Pennsylvania’s championship tournament and was among the top five speakers in persuasive speaking at the National Interstate Oratory contest, the most prestigious and longest running speech competition in the country. This year’s president of the University’s Forensics Team and vice president of Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership honors society, Hinderliter is a Pennsylvania Board of Governors scholar and a member of “Who’s Who.”


The Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER) has received Peru’s National Award of Environmental Citizenship for its environmental education programs promoting conservation of the Amazon Rainforest.

In announcing this prestigious award, Peru’s Minister of Environment, Javier Pulgar Vidal, specifically cited ACEER’s Puppet House, a traveling puppet show for rural Amazonian elementary school children. The Puppet House is the brain child of ACEER’s Director of Education, Licia Silva Ortiz, who delivers the popular program to hundreds of school children each year in the 10 West Chester University

southeastern Peruvian region of Madre de Dios. Through rainforest characters, such as Yoqui the Brave Parrot, the Puppet House teaches rural Amazonian children the value of the rainforest, and why it is important to them and to the world to keep it standing, intact and used sustainably. “We couldn’t be more thrilled with this award,” says ACEER President Roger Mustalish. “The Puppet House and its assortment of zany Amazonian animals and plants, brings a simple, yet powerful, message of the need for rainforest conservation.” ACEER was selected for this award following a national competition with over 150

organizations vying for the award. Last year, ACEER was a finalist, showcasing its teacher training program using a unique “leaf pack” sampling device to monitor aquatic biodiversity. Headquartered in West Chester and hosted by West Chester University, ACEER (www. aceer.org) has offices and programs throughout the Peruvian rainforest.

WCU Launches Doctorate of Nursing Practice Beginning in 2015, a doctorate in nursing practice is expected to become the level of preparation necessary to perform advanced practice roles, as advocated by the American Association of Col-

leges of Nursing. Nurses who want to take their practice to the highest level now can pursue a doctorate of nursing practice (DNP) at West Chester University. This practice-oriented doctorate is the University’s first doctoral degree and a major milestone in the school’s history. It also is the first doctorate approved by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education since the state legislature approved the Higher Education Modernization Act, giving all system universities the authority to offer professional doctorates. With the goal of preparing working advanced practice nurses to meet the demands of an increasingly complex healthcare environment, the DNP focuses on developing collaboration, innovation and assessment skills among advanced practice nurses. The 35-credit program is being offered online to meet with needs of the region’s working nurses while allowing for face-to-face advising and interaction with faculty. A two-credit residency experience on campus at the outset is designed to establish connections among a cohort of 10-to15 nurses. Students will be able to complete the program part- or fulltime with no time limit. A 2011 study by West Chester University’s Center for Social and Economic Policy Research found that 60 percent of all Pennsylvania-licensed advance practice nurses, and approximately half of the Commonwealth’s hospitals are situated within a 75-mile radius of the University. The study also found that 82% of the hospitals in Delaware, 48% of the hospitals in New Jersey, and 35% of the hospitals in Maryland are within that circle. “There will always be a need for healthcare professionals to update their skills, especially practicing professionals,” says Charlotte Mackey, chair of the University’s nursing department. “With the DNP, we are providing an affordable option for advanced preparation in a field that is currently in high demand and is projected to continue in high demand for years.”

WEST CHESTER ALUMNA RECEIVES FULBRIGHT AWARD Brittany Carlino Marburger, who received her master of education degree from West Chester in 2010, travelled with her husband

this past August to Budapest where she is teaching English at Veres Pálné High School for the 2013-2014 academic year. A ninth and eleventh grade teacher at Great Valley High School in Malvern, Carlino Marburger is among only 28 American and international teachers who were awarded a Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program grant to Hungary. For the past five years, she co-led an international classroom program exchange with a high school in Helsingor, Denmark. A sponsor of the Great Valley Book Club, Carlino Marburger had co-taught,

written and revised curriculum and private tutored writing, reading and study strategies. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Prior to their trip, Carlino Marburger said she was looking forward to being challenged as an educator, learning from her students both about language and teaching, and from her colleagues, about new practices and materials. She was looking forward to immersing herself in a new culture and being a part of a different school system. “I set off on this adventure both proud

and humble,” said Carlino Marburger, “and throughout all of my experiences, I hope to be a consummate cultural ambassador, representing myself, Great Valley, West Chester University, and trite as it may sound, America, as well.”

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12 West Chester University

vision for the


his fall during his state-of-the-University talk, President Weisenstein unveiled a ten-year vision for West Chester’s future. Entitled “Building on Excellence,” the strategic plan represents nearly two years of preparation on the part of more than 2,000 faculty, staff, students, alumni and community leaders. In the summary document which he shared with the campus community that day, President Weisenstein describes the plan as a “courageous yet realistic road map for the University’s journey. “ West Chester University is embarking on an exciting journey over this decade, building upon our excellence to create a top-tier university boldly leading others into the future.” The complete strategic plan my be viewed on WCU’s website at: WCUPA.edu/Strategic Planning

To achieve the University’s fundamental goal of education for student success, the plan not only is comprehensive in scope, but contains practical, specific goals and actions organized under five themes: academics, enrichment, sustainability, diversity and engagement. The next several pages provide some examples of WCU’s current activities in those five areas and the University’s potential and vision for excellence in the decade ahead.


Assuring student learning and academic excellence Increasingly, students are engaging in research and other scholarly and creative endeavors beyond coursework in the classroom. Often, they are guided by faculty who, themselves, were introduced to research as undergraduates. Cynthia Hall, an assistant professor of geology and astronomy, performed research as a chemistry major beginning in the summer following her sophomore year. What she experienced doing independent research with one of her professors she

has since tried to incorporate into her own teaching. “I have students in every one of my courses do some sort of research,” says Hall. “It’s usually a topic we are working on outside of the regular content. It’s designed to be completely independent, which builds their problem solving skills.” Hall admits that for some non-science students, working independently on a science project can be a struggle. “The process of inquiry-based learning in which you let students try to figure out things rather than just reach the ‘correct” answer, doesn’t always make them comfortable. “But, in the end, they really learn something. And, those who are education majors in my “Carbon Cycle” class, for example, really are able to see the benefit of such an approach to teaching.” Hall notes that a number of goals in “Building on Excellence” express a desire to increase the number of students who perform faculty-guided research. “Based on my own experience as an undergraduate and now a faculty member, I think the opportunity to work with faculty on some sort of activity such as research is really important for both the student and the instructor,” she concludes.

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Cynthia Hall, Assistant Professor of Geology

Mary Beth Gilboy, Associate Professor of Nutrition

Mary Beth Gilboy, an associate professor of nutrition, focuses most of her research on community nutrition and public health. She often includes her students in her research through service learning projects. Recently, one of her students in the master’s in public health program and several undergraduate nutrition students took part in a project promoting healthy family meals among low income families in Chester County. In response to findings from a community survey conducted by Gilboy and the graduate student, teams of undergraduates in Gilboy’s community nutrition class are creating different types of interventions to help participating families decrease barriers and increase the frequency of family meals. Gilboy points to a number of benefits to this type of course-related project. “This type of project encourages students to become active in working in the community and applying the work that they learn in the classroom,” says Gilboy. “The students essentially are able to see what’s involved in community based research, and how it can be applied to solve a real-world problem.” In another area of campus, scientists, such as Howell Bosbyshell, are also creating opportunities for students to participate in their research. An assistant professor of geology, Bosbyshell updates geologic mappings of southeastern Pennsylvania for use by environmental consultants, planners and engineers. As part of the process, he and his students conduct microscopic examinations of rock samples to identify the minerals present there. “To be able to recognize the different minerals in each slide, the students will have taken advance coursework in geology,” explains Bosbyshell. “This type of research takes time and concentration, so it also requires patience on their part.” Bosbyshell believes that simply being involved in research gives students an important perspective. “They appreciate that we don’t know everything, and that there is knowledge yet to be obtained. And, being a part of that discovery process, participating in professional conferences, gives them confidence.”

The 21st century workforce

Howell Bosbyshell, Assistant Professor of Geology

14 West Chester University

Part of WCU’s plans for building on its excellence is the expansion of its academic opportunities, including the University’s offerings in post-graduate and graduate studies. This goal does not come without some challenges. While resources in higher education across the country are shrinking, the demand for greater accountability in what institutions of higher education provide educationally, is increasing. “ Taxpayers, legislators, and the public expect more and more out of higher education,” says Laurie Bernotsky, WCU’s associate vice president for academic

affairs and dean of graduate studies. “What that means is that there are greater pressures on colleges and universities to make sure students acquire transferable skills – skills that prepare their students for the 21st century, and in many ways, for jobs that don’t yet exist,” adds Bernotsky. In acknowledging this challenge, Bernotsky and others will continue to assess current graduate studies, while determining the need and overseeing the development of additional high-quality programs that address regional needs, a key strategic plan priority.

Greater access to WCU’s academic programs

West Chester’s access mission remains central to its strategic vision for the future. To that end, the University has created a department of Distance Education. Rui Li, the department’s executive director, believes that offering courses and programs online reflects a greater use of new technologies in education. “Just as there are new approaches to teaching and learning as a result of the use of technology, there is a national trend in higher education to provide greater flexibility to and access through online programs,” says Li. “ These trends in the use of technology also parallel the use of technology by current, and certainly, future generations of students.” Rui Li, Executive Director of Distance Learning

ENRICHMENT Enhancing student development Central to the University’s educational mission as expressed in its strategic plan are programs and activities that enhance the quality of campus life, and the region, nation and world. Two examples of business collaborations that have enriched students’ educational experience and contributed to the region’s economic development are the Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD) program and The Dr. Edwin Cottrell Entrepreneurial Leadership Center. Now in its thirteenth year, the PPD program is unique

in that its very existence is the result of a collaboration between experts in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and the University. “The involvement of industry experts from the start makes our program unique,” says program director Stephen Zimniski. For example, as part of the program, industry representatives from the heads of pharmaceutical companies to those who work in different areas of drug design, development and marketing, take part in in-depth seminars about novel areas of research in product development and drug discovery.

PPD intern Heather Heilman at West Pharmaceutical Services f al l 2 013

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Monica Zimmerman, Director of the Dr. Edwin Cottrell Entrepreneurial Leadership Center

Another unique feature is that all program students are required to complete a fulltime, 12-week paid summer internship with a pharmaceutical or biotech firm. “Our undergraduate program has filled a void,” notes Zimniski. “While there are some pharmacy schools in the region, there are no undergraduate programs that focus on the pharmaceutical industry and whose graduates can enter the field with the level of understanding equivalent to several years of industry experience.” Looking forward, Zimniski believes that there’s a need for an applied graduate degree in pharmaceutical science, and that West Chester again is in a position to provide it. “Approximately 300 new biotech companies have formed in our region in the last three years,” says Zimniski. “Many of their first-time employees have science or business backgrounds, but don’t know a great deal about the product development end of the industry. With a professional master’s degree in pharmaceutical science, they will be better prepared for their jobs.” Another equally successful collaboration with businesses has been made possible through The Dr. Edwin Cottrell Entrepreneurial Leadership Center. Under the direction of Monica Zimmerman, the Center serves as a catalyst for regional economic development by promoting and supporting entrepreneurship at the University and throughout southeastern Pennsylvania. Working with graduate and undergraduate students, the Center supports short-term consulting projects and semester-long internships with small or start-up companies – those with fifty or fewer employees and those which have been in operation seven years or less.

6th annual Multicultural Student Leadership Conference

16 West Chester University

“The Center’s programs and activities are meant to inspire students to engage in entrepreneurial activities, to promote entrepreneurship literacy and to foster economic development in this region,” explains Zimmerman. “The Center supports the internships so small, startup companies, which often cannot afford to pay interns, are able to benefit from having talented bright students work for them. At the same time, students are getting exposure to entrepreneurial environments,” says Zimmerman.“It’s a win-win situation.”

Expanding students’ education

An important aspect of the strategic plan is its emphasis on students’ whole growth - their personal, intellectual and civic development. Part of this is achieved through their cocurricular or out-of-classroom experiences, including those that help build leadership skills. Charlie Warner, the director of Student Leadership and Involvement, estimates that there are over 10,000 student leaders within the more than 260 clubs and student organizations on campus today. Through corporate partnerships and with the help of faculty and alumni, Warner and others in Student Affairs strive to provide both seasoned and emerging student leaders with

specific skill sets. This academic year alone, about 20 student leadership development opportunities are being offered to students, including certificate programs, series, leadership training, leadership conferences, retreats, mentoring, and a new program that looks at leadership from a global perspective. Most notably, over half of these programs are organized with new students in mind. “This February will be the twenty-seventh year that WCU has been doing intentional leadership building through its annual spring leadership conference,” says Warner. Sponsored by State Farm, the day-long program features talks by nationally recognized experts in leadership and breakout sessions on leadership development, many of which are facilitated by alumni. Warner is excited about the strategic plan’s call for the creation of an undergraduate minor or major in leadership studies through the collaboration of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. “I believe what we try to accomplish in our leadership programming corresponds with the academic mission,” says Warner. “Ultimately, we are working together toward a common goal – helping our students become the best that they can be.”

SUSTAINABILITY Stewarding resources for the future

While the University moves forward with new educational and operational programs, it plans to move closer to achieving its short- and long-term commitments to sustainability. As a signatory to the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, WCU has developed a Climate Action Plan (CAP) and undertaken a number of projects to reduce its carbon footprint, particularly with regard to its physical plant. In the years ahead, the University plans to focus on other components of CAP as well. “In the case of our geothermal project, we have come a long ways in reducing our carbon emissions,” says Paul Morgan, the University’s Sustainability Coordinator.“ We’re now focusing on other components of our environmental sustainability plan, including our curriculum, possibly as part of a new general education program, transPaul Morgan, WCU Sustainability Coordinator portation, purchasing, dining services, solid waste and recycling, among others.” Morgan believes that an important factor in an educational institution’s commitment to sustainability is making sure that its members understand and incorporate sustainability into their lives. “It’s important that universities’ operations become carbon neutral,” says Morgan,” but they need to keep in mind their fundamental missions, which is education. In the case of our students, this means helping them understand what’s involved so they can apply it during their time in college and after they graduate.”

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Billboard from the “Learn More” campaign

WCU’s long-term sustainability

Acquiring support for the University among its stakeholders is critical for its long-term sustainability. And, in large measure, their support depends on their positive perception and appreciation of WCU’s remarkable growth in the quality and breadth of its programs. To enhance its visibility and reputation over the next several years, the University plans to build on the positive impact of a marketing campaign launched in the fall of 2011 with the help and guidance of West Chester University trustee Eli Silberman. With a career in advertising involving several major national campaigns, Silberman brought years of creative experience to the task at hand. “ The challenge was to distill down to a core essence all that West Chester University is, while alleviating

To view all of the “Learn More” TV commercials go to: wcupa.edu/ learnmore

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out-of-date perceptions about this great public university,” he explains. In contrast to the myriad of promotions typically bombarding television viewers, Silberman created several commercials with original and distinctive music and no voice overs, marrying the common phrase, “Learn More,” with little known impressive facts about faculty research, unique programs, and national commendations of WCU in comparison to other distinguished institutions. “You’re known by the company you keep,”notes Silberman, “and in the commercials, WCU is in a very desirable neighborhood.”


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Screen shots of a WCU television commercial, “Learn More” campaign

18 West Chester University


A member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education


Advancing inclusion and equity To integrate diversity into all aspects of university life, “Building on Excellence” calls for the establishment of a Council for Diversity, Inclusion and Academic Excellence. The Council will be comprised of representatives from all campus constituencies and equity groups. “More and more people understand the value of diversity,” notes Barbara Schneller, WCU’s Director of Social Equity. “We now look at diversity more broadly than was the case 20 years ago.” As a result, Schneller envisions a council of students, faculty, staff and administrators from across the University campus who will bring different perspectives related to the needs of marginalized groups and how the University can support them. “Students today need education that will help them succeed in an increasingly global society,” says Schneller. Barbara Schneller, WCU Director of Social Equity “At the university level, across several themes outlined in the strategic plan, our goal is to provide students an educational experience that involves working with a diverse population. That’s what they are going to have to do after they graduate and move into the world of work.”

ENGAGEMENT Building Relationships

A good deal of “Building on Excellence,” as noted by President Weisenstein, will involve “numerous and far-reaching collaborations and partnerships” which are integral to a highly relevant university. Some of these efforts will involve alumni outreach. “We are looking to better engage our external partners, including alumni, in delivering programs, services and support to current students,” says Becky Ross, director of WCU’s Twardowski Career Development Center. An example of this effort is the Center’s Ram Career Network, a new online career management system. This addition to the Center’s resources enables both students and alumni to create accounts, upload resumes, get feedback from career professionals about their resumes and search and apply directly for jobs or internships. Beginning this winter term, “WCU Shadows, ” a pilot program coordinated by Amanda Mitchell, the career center’s assistant director and the University’s director of Alumni Relations, Tracey

Becky Ross, Director of WCU Twardowski Career Development Center f al l 2 013

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advice, Ross believes that it’s very appealing for students to know there is a dedicated pool of alumni willing to mentor them.

Growing beyond the campus

Christopher Fiorentino, Vice President of External Operations

Dukert, will connect students with alumni who have enthusiastically volunteered to help students learn about various careers. “This is a way to particularly help those students who are still deciding on a major or who simply want to explore their career options,” explains Ross. “It’s also a great way for our alumni to contribute to students’ development,” says Dukert. “The alumni with whom we’ve spoken have been very excited about the program.” Both Dukert and Ross believe the arrangement is a win-win program for students and alumni. “One of our goals in “Building on Excellence” is to increase alumni pride by providing opportunities like this to encourage alums to get involved with their alma mater,” says Dukert. While students can use LinkedIn to search for career

20 West Chester University

The University’s plans for the decade ahead also involve engagement with other external audiences, reflecting the need to provide WCU’s high quality education beyond the confines of its home campus. To accommodate enrollment demands that are reaching near-capacity, the strategic plan includes the creation of an Office for External Operations. Headed by Christopher Fiorentino, the former dean of the University’s College of Business and Public Affairs, the office will oversee the creation and management of the University’s off-campus locations, including its new Center City Philadelphia site, distance education programs, and professional development studies. “We have reached the point where there is almost no more capacity for growing enrollments on campus,” explains Fiorentino, “but we continue to attract large numbers of applicants, whom we necessarily must turn away.” Having overseen the successful development of the Graduate Center three miles from the main campus, the vice president understands the challenges in starting a branch campus, for example. “There are a number of factors to consider,” he stresses, “ keeping in mind that we want any new site to offer the same quality educational experience that our students are receiving on the home campus.”

homecoming sports ne ws 2013

West Chester Christens “Rockwell Field” John A. “Jack” Rockwell Field was dedicated this fall before West Chester’s men’s soccer match against Phila-

delphia University. Rockwell Field is named in honor of 1936 WCU alum and former Golden Rams soccer player, John A. Rockwell through the generosity of John R. Rockwell, his wife Frances, and the entire Rockwell family. Jack Rockwell, who passed away in 2011, was the goalkeeper for West Chester’s co-national championship squad in 1936. Vice President of Advancement and Sponsored Research, Mark Pavlovich, spoke on behalf of the University, along with the women’s soccer team captain Marie D’Angelo’14, who presented the Rockwell family with gifts of their appreciation. WCU Director of Athletics, Edward M. Matejkovic, also spoke on behalf of the athletic department, before John R. Rockwell, son of the late Jack Rockwell, took part in the dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony, West Chester’s men’s and women’s soccer team captains helped unveil the “Rockwell Field” sign while the Rockwell family uncovered the plaque that adorns the right brick pillar at the new entrance to the soccer facility on South Campus. (Left, center): John R. Rockwell and his wife Frances during the dedication of Rockwell Field.

WCU Student Wins Kalas Award Kenneth “Kenny” Ayers, a senior communications studies major, aspires to be a baseball broadcaster.

His enthusiasm and experience as a broadcast intern with the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs got him one step closer to his dream. Earlier this fall, Ayres was honored at a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park when Phillies broadcaster Gary Matthews presented him with the 2013 Harry Kalas Award. The award, created by the Philadelphia Broadcasters Foundation, is presented annually to a college junior or senior who has demonstrated a desire to follow in the professional footsteps of the late Hall of Fame announcer Harry Kalas.

“Harry Kalas was someone I’ve looked up to since a very young age,” claims Ayres. “To be honored with an award in his name is one of the greatest and most touching honors I could receive.” At West Chester, Ayres is involved in many different campus clubs and organizations. He has a sports talk radio show on the campus radio station WCUR, he is a play-by-play announcer for both the hockey and baseball teams, and, for the second year in a row, he is editor-in-chief for the student newspaper The Quad. A 2012-2013 “Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities,” Ayres has received numerous awards in communications. This year, he also received the Mary K. Anderson Media Award, the West Chester University Roger and Diane Casagrande Scholarship, and the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia scholarship.

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A Message from the Alumni Director


Fran “Coach” Kiernan ’33 recently turned 103 and is celebrating his 80th Reunion from West Chester University this year. He lives in Boynton Beach, FL with his wife. Millie Slack Timmerman ’39, who is 95 years old, reached 16,000 hours of volunteer time in Hilton Head Hospital. She began volunteering at the hospital in 1991.


Stanley Weintraub ’49 spoke about his new book, Young Mr. Roosevelt, at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in November.


Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were happy and relaxing. We’ve certainly been busy here at West Chester University, and the Alumni Association has a very busy year ahead. This month, almost two dozen students will spend a day with numerous alumni at their place of business learning about their career and career path, what comprises a day’s work, and what it takes to be successful professionally. Why? Because they’re involved in a new program called “WCU Shadows,” where students apply and are matched with alumni currently working in the career the student is interested in pursuing. More information on this new program is featured within the Strategic Plan update in this issue of the WCU Magazine. Are you interested in getting involved as a volunteer for WCU? Let the Alumni Office know by emailing alumni@ wcupa.edu or calling 610-436-2813. Did you know the Alumni Association posts lots of photos from alumni events and activities on their new Flickr website? Check out the photo gallery from the alumni homepage: wcualumni.org. Be sure to find us on the other alumni social media sites. The Alumni Office has a new Assistant Director of Alumni Relations! Jenna Birch, who graduated from WCU in 2006, recently joined the staff and is very excited to be back home at her alma mater. Next time you’re on campus, stop by the Alumni House and say hello. Last but not least, mark your calendars and save the following dates: Alumni Weekend is April 25-27, Rams in the Sand is July 26 (at a new location in Sea Isle, NJ), and Homecoming is October 17-19. Hope to see you soon! Tracey Dukert ’06 Director of Alumni Relations

22 West Chester University

David Manuel ’51 has two granddaughters attending WCU: Sarah Daley and Shannon Barlow. Sarah helped Special Education children as a senior project in High School and plans to major in Special Education, while Shannon is a skilled musician and is attending WCU for the outstanding music program. Save the Date! The Class of 1959 will celebrate their 55th reunion during Alumni Weekend, April 25-27, 2014. Richard G.’58 and Elizabeth J.’60 Wells of Pottstown, Pa., were honored this September at Kutztown University when, as part of the renovation of the Schaeffer Performing Arts Center, a new rehearsal hall was dedicated in their names. Both were honored by the University for their teaching careers. Richard, who retired in 1997, had been an associate professor of music at Kutztown for 29 of his 40-year teaching career. Elizabeth retired in 2000 after four decades as a teacher in the Pottstown School District.


Richard Reynolds ’62, a starting defensive back for WCU football team, was inducted into The Allen-Rogowicz Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. Save the Date! The Class of 1964 will celebrate their 50th reunion during Homecoming, October 17-19, 2014. Trudy Kesting ’67 was inducted into West Chester University’s Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Glenn Robinson ’67 was inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame, and also won the George W. Kirchner Award from

the Lancaster Sports Hall of Fame. He is the men’s basketball coach at Franklin & Marshall College. Orie Wolf ’68 was recently inducted into the Ephrata Area School District Athletic Hall of Fame in September (post-mortem). Paul McLaughlin ’68 was inducted into the Florida High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame in April. His career consisted of 11 years as a high school teacher/coach, 7 years as a high school athletic director, 5 years as assistant county athletic director, and 18 years as an athletic administrator in the Florida state athletic association office. He also officiated high school and college baseball for 21 years. He retired from the state office in August 2009. Sydne Burke ’68, M’72 was honored by the Volusia County School Board in Deltona, FL during a dedication ceremony on September 24. Coach Burke, who spent half of her 45-year career at Galaxy Middle School in Deltona, will always have a place of honor on its campus. The Volusia County School Board voted to name the school gym, “The Burke,” dedicated to Sydne who retired in June. Karen Kershner Frattali ’69 exhibited at the University Gallery during the months of September and October as a part of the 2013 Philadelphia Watercolor Society International Exhibition.

Faculty emerita Sandra Mather ’64, M’68 (front center) hosted a gathering of WCU alumni and friends in Breckenridge, Colorado on Saturday, August 10. Dr. Mather, dressed in period costume, provided guests with two tours of the historic town and presented a dramatic monologue recounting the life of one of the community’s earliest residents. (L to R): Halli Cunningham ’08, Jordan Cunningham, Rose O’Connor ’10, Joseph Poole, Barbara Everhart Lipkin ’70, Sandra Mather ’64 M’68, Lori Vermeulen (Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences), Mike Casey, Judi Kodner Casey ’85, John Brennan, Susan Brennan, and Mark Pavlovich (VP for Advancement & Sponsored Research).

cl ass notes Elizabeth J. Wells’60 and Richard G.’58 of Pottstown, Pa., were honored this September at Kutztown University when, as part of the renovation of the Schaeffer Performing Arts Center, a new rehearsal hall was dedicated in their names. Both were honored by the University for their teaching careers. Richard, who retired in 1997, had been an associate professor of music at Kutztown for 29 of his 40-year teaching career. Elizabeth retired in 2000 after four decades as a teacher in the Pottstown School District.


Tom Faustman ’70 authored, Dylan’s Monster, an indie thriller. Linda Hill-MacDonald ’70, M’84 has been named interim head coach of women’s basketball at Fredonia State University. Bradley M. Gottfried ’71 is the author of a recently published title from Savas Beatie, The Maps of the Bristoe Station and Mine Run Campaigns. Scott Vandergrift ’74 was inducted into West Chester University’s Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Joseph Catov ’76 was promoted to acting chief of police by the West Whiteland Township Board of Supervisors. Deborah Chase ’76 was inducted into West Chester University’s Sturzebecker Hall of Fame. Nancy Stevens ’76, University of Connecticut’s field hockey coach, is now her sport’s NCAA Division I all-time winningest coach. Barbara Tachovsky ’76 was inducted into West Chester University’s Sturzebecker Hall of Fame. Geno Auriemma ’77, 2013 NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship Coach (UConn), released a coaching DVD with Bobby Knight. Robert Gross ’79, M’81 released his first major music album (smooth jazz) entitled Bob Gross and Friends. Performers on the album are: Bob Gross - piano, organ, synth, percussion, trumpet, vocals; Gary Grainger – bass; Andrew Neu – saxes, flutes (Andrew Neu band, Bobby Caldwell, Smokey Robinson); Pat Petrillo - drums (Patti Labelle, Gloria Gaynor); and WCU faculty member/Grammy winner David Cullen - electric/acoustic guitar. Timothy Murphy ’79 is the head coach of men’s and women’s swimming and diving at Penn State University. He spent the last 15 years as the head men’s coach at Harvard University.


Susan Bailey ’80, served as writer and researcher for the award-winning documentary, Justice is a Black Woman: the Life and Work of Constance Baker Motley. The documentary was named Best Feature Documentary at the 2013 St. Tropez Film Festival and garnered an Emmy nomination for best cultural film. Bailey also won a Telly Award for writing. The film was named Best Higher Education Film at the Seedling Film Association’s Offshoot Film Festival. Most recently the Accolade Competition in LaJolla, CA gave the movie an Award of Merit for Short Documentary and another for quality research. Richard Cooper ’80 is the host of the weekly Karamu Show that airs on 900 AM WURD in Philadelphia. He recently featured a special program that explored West Chester University’s unique history of addressing oppression as part of honoring the 50th anniversary of the death of civil rights activist Medgar Evers. Richard Dunlap ’82 was named superintendent of the Upper Darby School District in September. Tammie Hack Queen ’82 was inducted into West Chester University’s Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Jeff Andersen ’83 received his doctorate of education from ETSU (Johnson City, TN) in May 2013 in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. Barbara Reilly McDermott ’84 was inducted into West Chester University’s Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Christian Burchill ’85, PhD, RN, CEN has joined the staff of the Office of Nursing Research and Innovation at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio as nurse researcher. His current research is on factors that make emergency nurses feel safe from violence committed by patients and visitors, a growing problem worldwide. Earlier this year, he received a grant, jointly sponsored by the Emergency Nurses Association and Sigma Theta Tau International, to support his research in this area. He has spoken on this topic and his other research topics at national and international conferences. Michael Klesch ’85 was named to the 2014 Design Team for the Arizona Academy of the Performing Arts.

Julie Moyer Drochek ’86 received the Addy Kelly Award at West Chester University’s annual hall of fame banquet on September 7. Mark Drochek ’86 received the Bill Vansant Award at West Chester University’s annual hall of fame banquet on September 7. Cecilia Rodden Forte ’87 was inducted to the Ridley Township Old Timers Hall of Fame for basketball. Rich Robbins M’87 was selected by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising to receive the 2013 Virginia N. Gordon Award for Excellence in the Field of Advising. This is NACADA’s most prestigious award, which recognizes a member who has made significant contributions to the field of academic advising in higher education on both national and global levels. Edward “Ted” Mingle ’88 was named senior pastor of Lower Providence Presbyterian Church. Kevin Guskiewicz ’89 was inducted into West Chester University’s Sturzebecker Hall of Fame. Benjamin Morrison ’89 and his wife Suzanne recently opened Stone Barn Cellars Winery on their ten acre farm in northern Chester County (Spring City, PA). Visit the winery online: stonebarncellars.com.


Betsy McCabe Billie ’90 is the Executive Director of the West Chester Area Day Care Center and has worked there for over 22 years. The center recently opened a new infant/toddler playground. Todd Bullivant ’90 is an entrepreneur and philanthropist having started several companies as well as heading his family’s foundation, the Bullivant Family Foundation. He holds several patents in fields ranging from chemical coatings to data communications. He holds U.S. Government Secret Clearance status and has acted as a consultant to the U.S. military for classified programs. Todd is currently the operating partner at MILSPRAY Military Technologies, a company he founded in 2001 and which he then sold a majority stake to RAF Industries in 2008. In addition to f al l 2 013

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cl ass notes his role as CEO/President of MILSPRAY, he is an active private equity investor in the fiber optic and data communications markets holding a large stake in several private companies. Bryan Rudolph ’90 received the 2013 President’s Innovation Award from Gannett Fleming, the parent company of GeoDecisions. Randall Warren M’91 is the Chief Investment Officer with Warren Financial. He has appeared on Fox Business News, Bloomburg TV’s Lunch Money, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal, among other media outlets. The Honorable Timothy Briggs ’92 was named to the Montgomery County Community College’s Hall of Fame in October. Steve Hobman M’92 was named to the Board of Governors of the Small Business Investor Alliance. Zane Moore ’92 recently became the President/CEO of the Central Bucks Family YMCA in Doylestown. Before becoming CEO, Zane worked as the Northeastern U.S. Regional Sales Manager for Technogym USA and Precor. He also was the CEO, founder, and owner of Fitlife Inc., a community provider of wellness facilities and athletic development and youth programs in Bucks County, Philadelphia, and Southern NJ. Members of the MBA Cohort 3 Class of 1993, along with family, faculty, and staff, gathered for their 20th reunion on September 28 at the beloved Ship Inn. Kathleen Hunzer M’94 was recently promoted to the rank of full professor at University of Wisconsin-River Falls and was named Advisor of the Year on campus. She also published a young adult novel titled, Always a Reason to Smile. Stephanie Kotz ’97, M’99 was appointed as a full-time faculty member to Northampton Community College as professional assistant, English as a Second Language, Main Campus. Kotz earned bachelor (summa cum laude) and Master of Arts degrees in history from West Chester University. She has a certification in elementary education from Keystone College. Prior to her appointment at NCC, she taught at Scranton High School. Chris Day ’98 was named assistant coach of the University of Pennsylvania women’s basketball team.

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Frank Zanin ’99 was recently promoted to Assistant General Manager of the Brooklyn Nets.


Amy Darby ’00, a music and choral teacher at the Phoenixville Area Middle School, was nominated for the inaugural Music Educator Award by the Grammy Foundation. Teri Minzola Afflerbach ’00 was inducted into West Chester University’s Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Sara Gorgone Peperno ’00 has been appointed President/CEO of the Greater WilkesBarre Association for the Blind. Amber Scholvin Gentile M’02 joined the faculty of the education department at Cabrini College. Corey Dennis Knight ’03 was inducted into West Chester University’s Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Matt Matys ’03 was inducted into West Chester University’s Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Chris Mullen ’03, M’05 recently joined Colorado State University’s Office of Equal Opportunity as the Assistant Director of Recruitment and Selection. He is responsible for monitoring the University’s search and hiring process for faculty and administrative professional positions. Lisa Ahlgren Read ’03 joined Prudential Landis Homesale Services as a realtor. Dana Weiderhold ’04, WCU music faculty Ovidiu Marinescu and Ahramjian Sylvia, and current WCU student Patrick Nugent performed at the historic Weill Recital Hall in New York City’s Carnegie Hall on October 15. Chelsea Nolt Bond ’05 is the owner/designer of Red-i By Chelsea Destination Wedding Jewelry. She designs one of a kind jewelry and hair accessories for bridal parties around the globe who have chosen paradise as their wedding destination. Each piece is crafted by hand and inspired by her globetrotting. From sailing around the globe for 100 days, living in Spain and marrying in Mexico, there’s always plenty of inspiration for her jewelry designs. She dishes on all things destination wedding, bridal style and travel gems in her weekly newsletter

from the Barefoot Bombshells Club. Christine Gray ’05 was named staff accountant and human resources administrator by The Victory Bank. Jason Kilgore ’05 was recently named head coach of men’s and women’s track & field at West Chester University. Laura Nadler ’07 was named annual campaign director of the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey. Tamarah Smith-Dyer M’07 was hired as adjunct faculty in sociology at Cabrini College. Melissa Cujdik ’09 earned a doctorate in audiology from George S. Osborne College of Audiology at Salus University. Patrick J. Gallo, Jr.’09 has joined MacElree Harvey, Ltd. as an associate in the firm’s civil and commercial litigation department. Patrick concentrates his practice on a broad range of litigation matters, with an emphasis on complex commercial and business-related issues. He also counsels clients on business disputes. Wes Fraser ’09 was recently promoted to manager at ParenteBeard, a top 25 accounting firm. Keith Kahn ’10 recently joined Butler + Burke LLP in Winston-Salem, N.C. as an associate accountant. Prior to joining Butler + Burke, Kahn worked as a tax compliance officer/tax auditor for the Internal Revenue Service in Greensboro. Kahn and his wife, Allison, live in Greensboro. Jessica Doyle ’11 is in her second year of teaching English to public high school students in Shenzhen, China through The Center for Teaching and Learning in China. Patrick Vulgamore M’12 and his brother recently founded Magic Tree Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization whose mission is to educate, facilitate, and demonstrate a green and sustainable lifestyle. Ryan Foltz ’13 was recently hired as a staff accountant at ParenteBeard, a top 25 accounting firm. Melissa Mullin M’13 is Immaculata University’s Learning Strategy Specialist in the school’s Academic Success Center. Jessica Sciangola ’13 was recently hired as a staff accountant at ParenteBeard, a top 25 accounting firm.

al umni chapter news


Save the date for the annual Abbé Alumnae Tea on Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 1 pm; specific location TBD but it will be on the WCU campus. Visit our website http://abbesocietyalumnae.wordpress.com/ or find us on Facebook by searching Abbé Society Alumnae to stay up-to-date with upcoming meetings and volunteer opportunities.


The Alumni Dance Chapter is preparing to present its sixth Winter Dance Festival, DANCE TO THE BEAT OF YOUR HEART! As in past years it will be held in Asplundh Concert Hall, Philips Memorial Building, and will include alumni dancers, undergraduate students, and invited guests from dance studios in the tri-state area. With our concert being performed a few weeks before Valentine’s Day, we hope to explore all matters of the heart through a variety of dance styles. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the Barbara J Lappano Dance Scholarship which is awarded yearly to one undergraduate dance student. Concert dates and times: Jan 25, 8:00 PM and Jan 26, 2:00 PM. Tickets: General Admission $15, WCU/ID, Children, Seniors $10. Tickets are general seating, can be used for either performance, and can be obtained by calling 610.436.2266. Bring the entire family and join us for an exciting concert of dance.


The Baltimore Metro Alumni Chapter (BMAC) had a great evening at the Bowie Baysox game on August 29 – much beer and buffet was consumed. We partnered with our sister alumni chapter in DC and assisted with the Bear Fair. The Holiday Gathering Happy Hour and Annual Meeting with re-election of officers was held on Saturday, Dec 14 from 5 to 7 p.m. at M&S Grille at the Baltimore Inner Harbor. Officers: President, Nancy Metzger; Vice President, Tommye Grant; Treasurer, Peter Frey.


Upcoming events: February 20, 2014 Chamber Wind and Concert Band Concert 8:15 PM. February 23, 2014 Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony Concert 7:00 PM. April 15, 2014 Wind Symphony and Concert Band Concert 8:15 PM. April 22, 2014 Chamber Winds Concert 8:15 PM. April 27, 2014 Wind Ensemble Concert 3:00 PM. Contact Rachael Smolinsky at rlsmolinsky@att.net to join our email list. Join us on Facebook by requesting membership in the “WCU Bands Alumni Association” Facebook group!


In 1965, the Black Alumni Chapter (BAC) was established to keep black alumni connected with West Chester University. The chapter continues to do so by providing a

variety of networking events, which extends reconnection opportunities to current black students and alum. Many thanks to all that weathered the forecast and came back to WCU for Homecoming in October! Your RAM PRIDE was wonderful and the sight of new folks made the “GATHERING GREATER”. Shout out to those that attended the Annual Tailgate, you all kept the spirit going strong -- ending at 10pm has to be a record for sure! We look forward to more numbers next year. Congratulations to our newest alumni from Winter 2013 Commencement! Forward Looking BAC Events: •Network After Work Happy Hour •Community Service Event with Little Brother’s of the Elderly •Bowling Social •Black History Month Essay Contest in conjunction with The School District of Philadelphia Stay connected! Like us on Facebook: West Chester University Black Alumni Chapter


The members of the Chester County Chapter are involved in many facets of alumni and campus life: homecoming, scholarship awarding, serving on the Finance committee, the house and grounds committee, the alumni band, outreach to incoming freshmen and graduating seniors. We have sponsored dinners to go with campus cultural events, and we had a happy hour in March and one in November. Won’t you join us? We welcome all area alumni whether they live inside Chester County or not. For information on upcoming events, look for postings on “Ramblings” on-line or call the Alumni office.

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al umni chapter news


Graduate students Sean Fourney and Ashley Flood presented at the 2013 Pennsylvania Communication Association Annual Convention, which took place on October 19 at Gannon University. Fourney and Flood presented their paper, “Why Stay Friends?: Understanding Former Romantic Partners Turned Friends Through Relational Dialects” as a part of the panel entitled, “The Liberal Arts of Understanding Interpersonal and Organizational Relationships.” For the latest happenings and how YOU can get involved, send us an e-mail (WCUcomalumnet@ gmail.com), find us on LinkedIn (WCU Communication Alumni Network), and friend us on Facebook!


The Delaware County Chapter had two very successful events that will be featured next fall. The family day at Linvilla Orchards and Spamalot at the Media Theater were enjoyed

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by over 100 alums. At a meeting at my home, it was decided that we will not be having meetings, but looking for ideas for events for all who wish to participate. Please contact Nancy Baulis 610-5432117 or nbaulis@verizon.net to offer suggestions. An invitation to become involved is open to all alums from Delaware County.


Interested in getting together with other alumni living in Florida? Send an email to alumni@wcupa.edu.


The Friars’ are proud to announce they have inducted 7 new brothers into the society. The FSAA is going to have their annual Golf Outing on April 25, 2014. The event is open to the public and if

you would like to sign up or sponsor a hole please contact Kerry Acker (kerryacker@ gmail.com).


The scholarship committee of IMAC has been busy this fall visiting military organizations and local foundations requesting financial support for both WCU ROTC and veteran scholarships in conjunction with the WCU Foundation. So far about $24,000 has been obtained and a portion already awarded to students. The assistance of all military alumni would be greatly appreciated. The point of contact is Richard Merion, rmerion@verizon. net, 610-692-1760. We currently have 42 cadets in ROTC and about 230 veterans on campus.


The WCU Law Alumni chapter just hosted their inaugural “Careers in the Law” event

al umni chapter news at WCU! Almost 20 alumni from many different fields of law participated in the event which consisted of students having opportunity to network with the alumni in the field of law of their interest. The chapter is now in the process of planning their third annual “What to Expect in Law School” even for the spring semester. The chapter is also working on setting up monthly happy hours for networking and socializing. If any alumni in a legal-related field would like to get involved, email wcu.law.alumni@gmail. com! Go Rams!


The LGBTQA Alumni Chapter is pleased to announce the planning of the LGBTQA Administration Fund. This fund with be grown to support up to a half-time staff position for the LGBTQA Center on campus allowing for greater outreach to alumni and greater Chester County. Many local police departments, grade-schools, and private organizations are now asking LGBTQA Services and the group for speak-outs and LGBT sensitivity training. The LGBTQA Alumni feel a strong

obligation to support their involvement in the community at a time when funding from the state dwindles further every day. Their good works are our collective legacy and make us proud WCU Alums. This is a work in progress so more details are forthcoming. Stay connected by joining our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ wculgbtqaalumni/


The Political & Government Affairs chapter celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the WCU Political Science Department with a reception during the 2013 Homecoming weekend! During our reception, we honored three extraordinary alumni with awards: Alumnus of the Year Chris Franklin ‘87, Honorable Elected Alumnus Congressman Joe Pitts ‘72, and Emerging Alumnus Leader Christine Costello ‘04. We are looking forward to making this an annual event, so please mark your calendar to join us at next year’s reception and award ceremony during the 2014 Homecoming weekend, October 17-19.

I n M emoriam 1938 Ruth Rusanovich Karmerze 1939 Rose Frascino Zebich 1942 Jane Weaver Barkley 1942 Margaret Bontreger Rawls 1942 Evangeline Golamis Whealton 1943 Julia Metz Krantz 1943 Thelma Brewer Wetzel 1945 Louise Houghton Marrotte 1946 Theresa Giordano Munson 1949 Harry Brown 1949 Harrison Stump 1950 Jean Kerner Ewald 1952 Agnes White Barksdale 1952 Margaret Kline Hatt 1953 Arlene Keefer Masser 1954 Terry Weyant 1957 John Havrilla 1960 Richard M. Smith 1962 Courtney Davis 1964 Dorien Capello Hainey 1964 Karl Kaminski 1964 Carole Welker Schiavo 1964 Louis Guillermin 1965 J. Michael Ulrich 1966 John Dunn

1967 Neil Justice 1968 Stephen Frederick 1969 Dorothy Gerbron Marks 1972 Robert Cosgrove 1973 Neil Nameroff 1979 Robert Gross, III 1998 Thomas Hutchins 2003 Tracy Kling LaManna


The Washington, D.C. Chapter (formerly the Capital Area Chapter) is excited to announce new leadership for the 2013-2014 year—Sara Mischo has taken on the role of president, Jerome Hunt is resuming the role of vice president, Tommye Grant is now parliamentarian, and Emily Sachs has joined the board as secretary/treasurer. The Chapter plans on hosting an event during alumni weekend, as well as regular networking happy hours in and around D.C. More information will be sent out via our social media channels so be on the lookout! Follow us on twitter (@ WCUAA_DC), find us on Facebook (West Chester University Alumni Association, Washington, D.C. Chapter), or subscribe to our Yahoo listserv (WCUCAPAREAsubscribe@yahoogroups.com).


Please email dlfan@mail.com for further chapter information

F uture A lumni Kimberly and Scott Reid ’96 welcomed Scott Webster Reid, II on March 13 Carrie and Corey Schwalm ’04 welcomed Lincoln Stephen on August 13

E ngagements Eileen Bogas ’03 to Andrew Gross Matthew Jochym ’07 to Alyssa Driscoll ’10

Faculty/Faculty Emeriti Denise Kienle Death Notification Procedure To notify West Chester University of the death of an alumnus, please contact the Alumni Relations Office via email: alumni@wcupa.edu or via US Mail: 806 S. Church Street, West Chester, PA 19383. The notification must include a copy of the decedent’s obituary from a newspaper or the internet, or, a copy of a letter or email from a family member of the deceased. Please note: death notifications will not be accepted via telephone.

M arriages

Jennifer Slavin ’04, M’10 to Brett Sturman ’02

Thomas Nelson ’08 to Kate Hug ’09

Scott Lam ’09 to Krista Jowder ’09

Kate Iezzoni ’06 to John Martinez Gary Kravitz ’04 to Melissa Rhynard Dan Reed ’06 to Jill Henasey ’06 f al l 2 013

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President Weisenstein speaks to brunch attendees about the value of a West Chester University education.

THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP BRUNCH The West Chester University Alumni Association celebrated the generosity of its scholarship donors and the accomplishments of its

21 scholarship recipients at the annual scholarship brunch in late October. Established 39 years ago, these scholarships are awarded to students based on their leadership, character, academic performance, and need. Senior Jennifer Hartz was one of this year’s scholarship recipients. “Being a studio art major means constantly buying art supplies which can be very expensive,”says Hartz. “This scholarship allows me to concentrate on my school work and not worry so much about how I will buy the supplies to complete my projects.” Alumni, students, families, and members of the campus community, including President Greg Weisenstein, gathered in the Philips Autograph Library for the event. Scott Reid ’96, chair of the Alumni Association’s Scholarship Committee, led the ceremony and was joined by his fellow committee members in presenting scholarship Major William Magill ’52 (right) discusses his experiences in certificates to the stuthe military with scholarship recipient Michael Picard (left). Scott Reid ’96, chair of the WCU Alumni Association dents. New this year was Scholarship Committee and master of ceremonies for the presentation of scholthe event. arships by members of the International Military Alumni Chapter to students in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). “The brunch was a wonderful event,” says Hartz. “The West Chester University alumni are a special bunch of people. I am very proud to be attending the University, and I hope one day I will be able to help other WCU students achieve their dreams, just as this scholarship is helping me achieve mine.” Would you like to volunteer for the Alumni Association’s Scholarship Committee or learn more about other ways you can get connected with your alma mater? Please contact the Alumni Office via email: alumni@wcupa.edu or phone: 610-436-2813.

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On September 20, alumni and friends travelled via motorcoach to Gettysburg and spent a day learning more about our nation’s history. The first stop on the trip was to the Gettysburg Museum and Visitors Center where they watched the film, A New Birth of Freedom, which described the Battle of Gettysburg’s role in the Civil War and its impact on American history. Following the film, guests viewed the Gettysburg Cyclorama, perused the museum, and enjoyed lunch presented by Civil War era re-enactors at the historic Dobbin House Tavern. Later, the group travelled to the Gettysburg National Military Park, where a licensed battlefield guide provided a tour of the battlefields. “The tour of the battlefield gave a dynamic view of the enormity of the battle and the varying terrain over which it was fought,” said Len Bieberbach ’62, president of the International Military Alumni Chapter. All in all, the group was able to connect with fellow members of the campus community throughout the trip. “We loved the chance to interact with other folks,” said Arlene Rengert, a retired WCU faculty member.

Alumni Travel to Gettysburg This year, which marked 150 years since the battle of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg address, West Chester University alumni and friends traveled to the historic battlefield for an educational and inspiring experience coordinated by the West Chester Travelers program.

Len Bieberbach (president of the International Military Alumni Chapter), Diane Behler Bieberbach ’62, Lois Williams, and Jim Williams ’59 (advisor to the International Military Alumni Chapter) outside of the historic Dobbin House Tavern in Gettysburg.

Spring Alumni Events Basketball Alumni Day – 2/1 Family Fun Day at the Crayola Factory – 2/8 Dinner and “An Evening of Traditional Irish Music & Dance” Show – 2/22 WCU Alumni Night at Victory Brewing Co. – 2/25 Dinner and the Royal Moscow Ballet’s “Sleeping Beauty” – 3/11 An Afternoon with Entertainer Todd Oliver Show and Meet-and-Greet – 3/30 Class of 1959 55th Reunion - 4/25 through 4/27 Alumni Weekend 2014 – 4/25 through 4/27

Alumni and friends participate in a powerful and informative guided tour of the Gettysburg National Military Park

For more information, visit wcualumni.org f al l 2 013

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homecoming 2013 review WCU staff and alumni judge the Homecoming parade from their special post in front of Sykes.

Hundreds of WCU alumni, students, friends, and family members braved the bad weather (or the threat of bad weather) and participated in a fun-filled Homecoming

Weekend, held October 11-13, 2013. A great time was had by all at the kickoff party, the parade, the Family Fun Zone, at the newly organized and annual reunions held on and off campus, and at everything else in-between! Here are a few of the photos from the special weekend.

Kids love to see Rammy at Homecoming!

Members of the WCU Alumni Association’s Board of Directors help spread Homecoming cheer during the parade. From L to R: Denise Trigo ’98, Mark Drochek ’86, Mike DePrisco ’92, M’95, Matt Holliday ’09, Andrea Pavone ’07, M’12, and Dean Gentekos ’07.

Save the Date: Homecoming 2014 will be held October 17-19! Even though the annual R-Lot event had to be moved indoors due to inclement weather, alumni and friends still had a great time seeing each other.

Kerry Acker ’05, Tom Uryniak ’09, Christin Uryniak ’11, John O’Brien ’10, and Dean Gentekos ’07 catch up during Homecoming.

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Have you heard? It’s better to give than to receive. You can do both! Did you know there’s a way to make a gift to West Chester University and get something back in return? It’s called a Charitable Gift Annuity, and it makes stable, fixed payments to you for life in return for your gift. It’s a great way to both give and receive. To learn more about Charitable Gift Annuities and other life income gifts, please contact Meredith Sossman at:

Left to right: Political Science Department Chair and Professor Peter Loedel, Congressman Joseph Pitts ’72, Christopher Franklin ’87, Christine Costello ’04, and Political & Government Affairs Alumni Chapter President Hon. Rick Loughery ’06 M’10.

West Chester’s department of political science, which has existed at the University for 50 years, celebrated this mile-

stone by recognizing the accomplishments of alumni in the fields of politics and government affairs. In what will be an annual event, graduates from the University’s political science program were honored for their distinguished careers. Congressman Joseph Pitts ’72, who represents the 16th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, was named the 2013 Honorable Elected Alumnus for his extraordinary public servant in office. Christopher Franklin ’87, Executive Vice President, President and Chief Operating Officer of Regulated Operations for Aqua America, Inc. and a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s Board of Governors, was named the Alumnus of the Year in recognition of his outstanding reputation in politics and government affairs. A rising star in politics and government affairs, Christine Costello ’04 was presented the Emerging Alumnus Leader Award. Costello is a member of West Chester University’s Council of Trustees and serves as the Finance Director for Dominic Pileggi, the Majority Leader of the Pennsylvania Senate. “It was an honor to recognize three extraordinary alumni who have distinguished themselves in politics and government affairs,” said Rick Loughery ’06 M’10, president of the Political & Government Affairs Alumni Chapter. “Each alumnus has remained very involved with and connected to West Chester University since graduating, and we value their loyalty to our beloved institution.” Following the awards ceremony, Peter Loedel, professor and chair of the political science department, spoke about the future of the program, and Brian Quinn of the WCU Foundation shared information on the plans for a new Business and Public Affairs Center on campus. The second annual Political & Government Affairs Alumni Chapter Award Ceremony and Reception will be held during Homecoming 2014 on Saturday, October 18. If you would like to nominate an alumnus for an award or learn more about the chapter, please contact the Alumni Office: alumni@wcupa.edu or 610-436-2813.

WCU Foundation P.O. Box 541 West Chester, PA 19381 (610) 430-4192 msossman@wcufoundation.org This publication is intended to provide general gift planning information. Our organization does not provide specific legal, tax or investment advice, and this publication should not be looked to or relied upon as a source for such advice. We strongly encourage you to consult with your own legal and financial advisors.

THE (NEW) WAY FOR WCU ALUMNI TO FIND JOBS Twardowski Career Development Center is announcing a new career services management system – “Ram Career Networks” – for the WCU community. Ram Career Networks is a one-stop career portal where hundreds of jobs and internships are posted weekly. To utilize the new career service, register with a valid email address (which will become your username) and a password that you create. To start using it now, log on at https://wcu-csm.symplicity.com/ and follow these three steps: 1. Complete your profile 2. Upload your resume 3. Search and apply for opportunities. Questions? Call the Twardowski Career Development Center at 610-436-2501 or email recruit@wcupa.edu

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Leaders of the Pack Julie and Mark with (l to r) Oslo, Dublin and Boulder

When Mark ’86 and Julie Moyer ’86 Drochek share tales of Oslo, Boulder, Dublin, Athens, Sedona and Denali, their stories have a lot more meaning than world travel.

“We’ve always named our dogs after special places we visited,” explains Julie. The dogs are not only named for unique destinations, but they also are special dogs. “We have registered therapy dogs. They are our own personal dogs that we use to enhance other people’s lives through visitation,” she says. Registered therapy dogs bring smiles, comfort, unconditional love and friendship to people of all ages who need a visit. Therapy dogs spend time with residents of assisted living facilities, nursing homes, shelters and private homes. They bring comfort to patients in hospitals and children who are sick. Students especially enjoy their visits at schools and libraries. “We bring our dogs to a children’s program at the Montgomery County-Norristown Public Library one Saturday each month called, ‘Roll Over and Read,’” notes Julie. “The dogs sit with the kids who read their favorite books to the dogs. It’s really adorable.” Presently, Mark and Julie share their Collegeville home with three Golden Retrievers, two of which are registered therapy dogs. Oslo is seven years old and was adopted from a rescue facility while Boulder, three, was acquired as a puppy. Oslo was paired with Julie and Boulder with Mark when the dogs passed their therapy test. Dublin is the third dog in the couple’s trio of Goldens. 32 West Chester University

“We first got involved with therapy dogs in 2002 with two-year olds, Athens and Sedona. We worked with them for about eight years. Later, we adopted an 11-year old Golden Retriever and named her Denali. She worked for a year before she retired,” says Julie. Mark and Julie’s dogs are registered with Therapy Dogs International (TDI®), a volunteer organization founded in New Jersey in 1976. TDI regulates, tests and registers therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers. More than 24,000 dog/ handler teams are registered from all 50 States and Canada. The dogs represent all breeds – from pedigrees to rescue dogs adopted from local shelters. Therapy dogs provide comfort during tragedies throughout the United States. The dogs and volunteer handlers have supported people after the 9-11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and the Boston Marathon bombings. Training involves basic obedience commands like sit, stay, down and heel. Dogs must obey the “leave it” command when tested with dog treats. They must be comfortable around medical equipment and when approached by children, adults who are strangers and other dogs. Therapy dogs have distinctly different roles than service dogs, notes Julie. “Service dogs pair with individuals to assist them on a daily basis in public places, such as restaurants or stores. “One of our first Golden Retrievers was originally placed in a service dog program, but he had a hip problem and didn’t pass their test. We adopted him and thought that being a

therapy dog might be a good fit. We learned about it from a trainer we were working with.” “Golden Retrievers make great therapy dogs because of their temperament,” notes Mark. “They are easily trained, gentle with children and adults, intelligent, friendly and lovable.” The Drocheks met at the University in 1982, the first week of their freshman year, as residents of Killinger Hall dormitory. Julie, a native of western Berks County, majored in speech communications. She spent much of her career in Human Resources and does voice acting work for online corporate training programs. Mark grew up in Norristown and majored in computer science. He works in the manufacturing and industrial automation field. At WCU, Julie was a member of the Abbé Society and Mark a member of the Friars’ Society. He also played the clarinet in the Golden Rams Marching Band. “As members of the Abbé and Friars’ Societies we have always been involved with community service and giving back to others. It’s one reason we got involved with therapy dogs,” explains Mark, who also serves on the WCU Alumni Association’s Board of Directors. This year’s recipients of the Bill Vansant and Addy Kelly Awards, Mark and Julie are big sports fans and very involved in the Golden Ram Football Club. “Our dogs are well known at the tailgates before the games,” notes Mark. Oslo and Boulder also give back in other ways – both dogs are blood donors with the University of Pennsylvania’s Animal Blood Bank. Early in December, the Drocheks brought them to campus to relax students experiencing a stressful time during finals week. “It’s amazing to see the reaction that people have to animals,” adds Julie, who also serves on the WCU Foundation’s Scholarship Committee. “It especially helps people who had pets in their past. People spend time with our dogs and their faces light up. And, the dogs love it too.”

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West Chester University West Chester, PA 19383-7401


The West Chester University Magazine is published three times a year for the alumni, friends and family of West Chester University of Pennsylvania by the Office of Public Relations, West Chester University, West Chester, PA 19383-7401.

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alumni weekend 2014 april 25-27


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