Excellence in Action

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WCU  Wins Dixon Trophy

Green Dot Bystander Training Launches

WCU Ranked 21st in Nation

Spring Commencement Seen Worldwide

WCU Signs Agreement with Chinese  Institution

Summer Camps on Campus

A Message from the President With the academic year now behind us, we can catch our breath for a moment and reflect on our many successes. As you may know, West Chester University is one of the most sought-after universities in the mid-Atlantic region -- we received 14,221 applications for the upcoming fall 2015 first-year class of 2,350. And WCU was recently ranked 21st among the “Top 50 Values for Public Colleges and Universities” by Consumers Digest magazine. In 2013, we launched our first doctorate, the Doctor of Nursing Practice. Following on the resounding success of that program, this fall we will offer our second doctoral program, a doctorate in public administration. Summer gives us an opportunity to prepare for the busy academic year ahead. Here in the Office of the President, we are developing a number of initiatives that will roll out this fall, including a biweekly bulletin to supplement this newsletter. The bulletin will keep you up-to-date on important deadlines and news you need to know. You can continue to enjoy reading about WCU’s many achievements in this publication. Got a success story of your own – or a colleague’s – to share? Please email your story ideas to president@wcupa.edu.

Greg R. Weisenstein June 2015: In This Issue

Green Dot Bystander Training Launches .....................3-4

WCU Signs Agreement with Chinese  Institution ..........10

WCU Ranked 21st in Nation ...........................................5

Summer Camps on Campus ........................................10

Rock-a-thon for Mental Health .......................................6

HS  Students Can Earn WCU Credits This Fall .............11

Spring Commencement Seen Worldwide ......................7

WCU-UN  Partnership  Grows .......................................12

WCU — Points of Pride ...............................................8-9

Green Dot Bystander Training Launches at WCU The program started at the University of Kentucky in 2007 and became an independent non-profit organization in 2011. Since then, nearly 4,000 individuals nationwide have been trained in the strategy. Here at WCU, the Women’s Center kicked off the Green Dot program with an abridged training at a President’s Council meeting in February, followed by several What can one person do to influence campus norms?

sessions for students during the spring semester. Training for faculty and staff began in early May; the next session will be

A lot, asserts Alicia Hahn-Murphy, director of the Women’s

held June 9.

Center at WCU. The belief that each of us can shape our campus culture and be a force for positive change is the phi-

Erin Hurt, an associate professor of English, and Erika Littles, a

losophy behind the Green Dot program, which launched at

resident director in the Office of Housing Residence Life, led a

WCU earlier this year.

training session on May 11. To illustrate how the single actions of many can add up to a culture shift, Littles described how the

Green Dot is a bystander intervention program that asks

culture of sustainability at WCU has grown and flourished.

everyone to take action against sexual assault, stalking, and domestic or dating violence. A “green dot” refers to a single moment in time when someone uses their words or actions to make the community safer. “Red dots,” in contrast, represent sexual assaults or other acts of power-based personal vio-

Get Involved

lence, or a choice to tolerate or perpetuate this violence. Green Dots can be proactive (learning about campus resources) or reactive (responding to a potential situation), notes Hahn-Murphy.

• • • • •

Sign up for a Green Dot bystander training session. Register for the June 9 faculty and staff training session by emailing Alica Hahn-Murphy at greendot@wcupa.edu. Ask a co-worker to attend Green Dot training with you. Hang a Green Dot poster on a bulletin board in your work area or on your office door. Host an overview speech at a department or staff meeting. If you are a faculty member, include a Green Dot statement in your syllabus. Tell students and co-workers about WCU resources for those experiencing power-based personal violence.

“It wasn’t one person who changed the culture around sustainability, it was all of the faculty and staff who chose to carpool, use a reusable water bottle or join the sustainability committee,” said Littles. “It was adding automatic light sensors and having new water fountains to fill your water bottle with filtered water. Since 2008, all of these little things have Training includes small-group activities


added up to make WCU known for our sustainability efforts.” West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

Hurt says she believes the Green Dot program can bolster WCU campus norms that violence will not be tolerated and

Irish Eyes are Smiling

that everyone needs to do his or her part to help.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world Mahatma Gandhi

The training session featured small group discussions and break-out activities, such as writing a 60-second elevator pitch that explains the Green Dot program. Sabrina Rightmer, an administrative assistant in Sykes Student Union, participated in the May 11 training and says she is eager to try out her elevator pitch to promote the program. “Green Dot is a great way to help prevent power-based personal violence,” says Rightmer.

Confidential Resources Confidential resources for those affected by power-based personal violence include:

WCU’s Sexual Misconduct Advocate,

Women’s Center, 610-436-2122 or

The Office of Social Equity, 610-436-2433.

Student Health Services, 610-436-2509.

The Counseling Center can be reached at

Donnell was the first Irish student to study at WCU as a result

610-436-2301 during business hours. After hours,

of the new partnership.

610-436-0732 or smendez@wcupa.edu.

ahahn@wcupa.edu. Irish student Hollie McDonnell enjoyed a visit to Independence Hall in Philadelphia during her spring semester at WCU. Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Ireland, and WCU signed a memorandum of understanding last June, and Mc-

the mental health crisis service may be accessed by contacting Campus Police at 610-436-3311;

With the career goal of becoming a high school history

the responding officer will then contact the coun-

teacher, McDonnell, 21, immersed herself in WCU education

selor on call. When classes are not in session and

classes and earned a 4.0 GPA for the semester. In addition to

a mental health emergency arises, calls should be

Philadelphia, she visited Washington, D.C.; New York City and

directed to: Valley Creek Crisis Intervention,

Boston during her time in the U.S.



West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

WCU Ranked 21st in Nation WCU has been ranked 21st among the “Top 50 Values for Public Colleges and Universities” by Consumers Digest magazine in its June 2015 issue. WCU is the only Pennsylvania public university ranked in the top 25.

The magazine used data from College Board and Department of Education’s College Navigator to determine the top 227 public institutions. The magazine scored each institution by students’ academic excellence (standardized test scores, high school rank and GPA of entering first-year students) and the quality of the education offered (as indicated by the student-to-faculty ratio, four-year graduation rate, six-year graduation rate, student retention rate and percentage of faculty who hold a doctorate or terminal degree). That score and the estimated cost for the 2014-2015 academic year (tuition, fees, and room and board) were then applied to a formula to determine which schools deliver the most academic value per dollar.

Consumers Digest only used out-of-state tuition figures for public universities, with the rationale that “attending a public school in your state of residence will almost always provide the best value for your education dollar.”

The only other Pennsylvania universities on the top 50 list are University of Pittsburgh (#37) and Penn State University Park (#45).

21 West Chester University of Pennsylvania


West Chester, PA



West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

Rock-a-thon for Mental Health President Obama declared May National Mental Health Awareness Month. Here at WCU, the Multicultural Organization Advisory Board and Office of Multicultural Affairs sponsored a Rock-a-thon to draw attention to mental health issues.

Student volunteers kept a rocking chair in motion on the Academic Quad for 48 hours. Although temperatures were chilly, the volunteers’ spirits were bolstered when those passing by stopped to learn more.

“More than 41,000 Americans die by suicide each year. We wanted to bring awareness by not only rocking in the memory of those who have been lost, but also rocking for the lives of those who have survived,” says Edward Franklin III, a graduate student and event organizer. “The rocking chair is a symbol of hope and a constant reminder that we are not alone,” he adds. “At any given point, there is someone who is ready and willing to advocate for the life of another.”


West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

Spring Commencement Seen Worldwide

WCU’s Digital Media Center live-streamed the 2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Spring Commencements. The ceremonies were viewed by visitors from 27 countries across the globe, including Vietnam, France, Colombia, Liberia, Russia, South Africa, Brazil and Uganda. You can view a two-minute highlight video, or the ceremonies in their entirety at: http://www.wcupa.edu/videos/videos.aspx.

Time for a Touch-up Students from WCU’s art department are repainting the shields over each archway on Philips Memorial Building in colors similar to those used when the building was constructed in 1925.


West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

WCU — Points of Pride Athletics Update For the second time in three years, West Chester University has won the Dixon Trophy. The Dixon Trophy is given to the top athletic program in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC). WCU won four conference championships this past academic year: men’s golf, field hockey, men’s swimming and women’s swimming. Every WCU athletic program participated in a postseason tournament. President Greg Weisenstein, center, accepts the Dixon Trophy on behalf of West Chester University.

WCU Gears up for Second Doctoral Program This fall, WCU will launch its second doctoral program, the Doctor of Public Administration (DPA). WCU became a doctoral-degree granting institution in 2013 with the introduction of the Doctor of Nursing Practice. “The DPA is designed for individuals who seek to contribute to the highest levels of leadership and strategic direction of organizations in the public, nonprofit and private sectors,” says Jeff Osgood, chair of the department of public policy and administration. The program is geared to working professionals and offered entirely online. A feasibility study conducted by WCU’s Center for Social & Economic Policy Research indicated that the program fills a critical market need. There was an 82 percent increase in course enrollments in WCU’s master in public administration program in the last five years. “This speaks to the student demand for public service education,” notes Osgood.

Advancement News The Presidential Scholarship Gala raised $74,000 in net income for scholarships. The March 21 gala brought together more than 370 people for dinner, dancing and festivities in Hollinger Field House. Aramark and MacElree Harvey, Ltd. were the lead corporate sponsors. More than $900,000 in new gifts were added to the Becoming More capital campaign between February and April. As of April 30, $29,149,806 in gifts and pledges have been received, representing 58 percent of the campaign’s $50 million goal. The University community has put its full support behind the Becoming More campaign, as well. With a goal of $1 million, 769 faculty and staff have committed $1,074,750 to the campaign.

WCU Sees Surge in Grants Grant funding is up 43 percent this year. The Office of Sponsored Research assisted with the development and submission of 60 grants thus far this year. The total value of grants awarded is $2,200,212, compared with $1,538,032 last year at the same time.


West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

WCU — Points of Pride WCU Earns Arboretum Status West Chester University’s campus is now an accredited (Level II) arboretum certified by the international ArbNet program. The driving force behind the accreditation efforts was Adam Paul Blough, who earned his WCU graduate degree in geography earlier this month. Blough pulled together all the necessary documentation for WCU’s application. The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program is sponsored by the Morton Arboretum in cooperation with American Public Gardens Association and Botanic Gardens Conservation International. Gardens and grounds are evaluated on standards including planning; governance; labeling of species; staff or volunteer support; public access and programming; and tree science, planting and conservation. “This arboretum certification validates the years of hard work and dedication of faculty, staff and students to maintain WCU’s beautiful gardens and natural areas and build a database that details our tree and plant collection,” says Greg Cuprak, executive director of facilities management.

New Record Set for Service-Learning During the 2014-2015 academic year, WCU students participated in more than 812,000 hours of public service through servicelearning coursework. This set a new record for service-learning at WCU. Co-curricular service programs and events generated an additional 93,114 hours of public service and raised $146,371 for various nonprofit organizations. These combined efforts supported 347 different community agencies.

Going Viral WCU’s Facebook page (West Chester University of PA) reaches 131,000 people weekly, a whopping 275 percent increase over last year. Top posts most often relate to alumni and admissions. The University’s Twitter account (WCUofPA) also has enjoyed record interest, with 10,400 followers and more than 21,000 impressions generated daily.


West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

WCU Signs Agreement with Chinese Institution Libin Feng, a dean at China’s Xi’an Conservatory of Music, was able to combine business with pleasure when he visited West Chester University in April. The official purpose of Dean Feng’s trip was to sign a memorandum of understanding recognizing an educational and artistic partnership between WCU’s College of Visual and Performing Arts and the Xi’an Conservatory of Music. Feng also was in West Chester as a proud parent of a Golden Ram. He and his wife, Shumei Hu, visited their daughter, Yunfei Feng, who studies piano with Carl CranWCU President Greg R. Weisenstein and Dean Libin Feng, from the Xi’an Conservatory

mer, an assistant professor of piano. Yun-

of Music, met in April to sign a partnership agreement

fei Feng will graduate in December.

The Xi’an Conservatory of Music is in Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi province, located in the northwest region of China. It has approximately 4,000 music students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Summer Camps on Campus It’s not too late to sign up for summer camps at WCU. Athletics offers a variety of camps, all of which utilize the University’s professional coaching staffs. From tennis to soccer, volleyball to lacrosse, you can find a camp for almost every student athlete. A list of camps can be found at www.wcupagoldenrams.com. Click on the “WCU Summer Camps” icon on the lefthand side of the page. WCU music camps run the gamut from a weeklong elementary school camp to a Summer Music Institute for teens featuring instrumental, piano and vocal tracks; private lessons; and large and small ensembles. To learn more about School of Music summer camps, go to http://www.wcupa.edu/cvpa/music/specialPrograms.aspx#summerCamps. WCU also offers art camps for elementary-age students. For more information about art camp offerings, contact Laurie Moran at lmoran@wcupa.edu.


West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

High School Students Can Earn WCU Credits this Fall Students from several area high schools will be taking classes at West Chester University this fall as part of a new dual-enrollment program. The program offers qualified students the opportunity to simultaneously earn college credits through WCU and high school credits through their respective schools. Participating high schools currently include those in the West Chester Area and Downingtown school districts as well as Avon Grove Charter School. Agreements with

A dual-enrollment orientation sesson in May drew a large crowd

additional schools are expected in the coming months, says Diane Greenwood, WCU’s coordinator of offsite programming. Courses will be taught by University faculty members at WCU’s Graduate Center. Fall courses include Introduction to Social/Cultural Anthropology, The Legal Environment of Business, and Foundations of Special Education. For more info, contact Greenwood at dgreenwood@wcupa.edu or 610-436-2551.

Art in the Blink of an Eye WCU’s Staff Recognition Event is an annual opportunity for staff to be recognized for all that they do to contribute to WCU’s reputation as one of the nation’s best regional comprehensive universities. The event is a brief breather after a busy academic year that includes a complimentary lunch at Lawrence Center Dining Hall and entertainment in Asplundh Concert Hall. This year’s performer was speed painter Tim Decker, who has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS and the Hallmark Channel.


West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

WCU-UN Partnership Grows In early May, a group of West Chester University students traveled to the U.N. to attend a World Information Transfer conference on climate change and clean energy. Richard Whiteford, a West Chester resident and member of WCU’s Sustainability Committee, spoke at the conference. World Information Transfer (WIN) is a nonprofit organization that has been granted general consultative status by the U.N. to promote environmental health and literacy. WCU and WIN have enjoyed a long relationship thanks to West Chester Mayor Carolyn Comitta, who is active in WIN. WCU alumnus Modou Cham was a WIN intern in 2013 and is now assisting in the organization’s administrative offices. He was recently accepted to a graduate program at Columbia University. And WCU will soon have a second intern at the U.N. Trip participant Natalie Dell’Estate arranged an interview for a WIN internship for the afternoon of the conference and by day’s end learned she had landed the position. Dell’Estate, a rising senior, will spend her summer conducting research; writing executive summaries; and attending a variety of U.N. conferences, special meetings and General Assembly meetings. The international relations major was an intern in Mayor Comitta’s office this past spring.


West Chester University, President’s Newsletter, June 2015

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