Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation 2011 Annual Report

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T h e G r e at e r Cedar Rapids


F o u n d at i o n making c o nne c t i o ns







health environment

& human services

two thousand and eleven annual report

Ab o u t The Found ation The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation

enhances quality of life through philanthropy,

(GCRCF) is a public charitable foundation holding

connecting donors to the priorities they care about

nearly 600 different charitable funds, large and

and to the needs of the community. GCRCF provides

small, established by individuals, families, nonprofit

leadership on important community issues and

agencies and businesses to benefit Linn County, Iowa.

provides nonprofits, donors and fundholders with

GCRCF funds nonprofit activities in four essential areas: Arts and Culture, Community

the highest level of philanthropic stewardship and professional services.

Development and the Environment, Education, and Health and Human Services.

Since becoming a public foundation in 1992, GCRCF and its family of philanthropists has

Since our founding in 1949 as the Community

distributed more than $66 million in grants.

Welfare Foundation, we have served the needs of

Whether you choose to give today or endow

Eastern Iowa and the wishes of our donors through

a fund to support an issue yet unforeseen, we

personalized service, financial stewardship, local

encourage you to learn more about The Community

expertise, grant making and community leadership.

Foundation and how to become a part of our family

The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation

Write: 324 3 rd Street SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

of philanthropists.

Contents 1

Letter to the Community



Financial Highlights/

Assets by Fund Type


Statements of Financial Position


Donor Profile


Building Legacies


Your Dollars at Work


Our Affiliates


Grants by Program Area


Outstanding Philanthropists 2011

Call: 319.366.2862

Fax: 319.366.2912



Raising Awareness


Charitable Funds


New Funds in 2011


Fund Lists




William Quarton Society




Donor List



L e t t e r To Th e C o mm u n i t y

The root of the word philanthropy is the Greek word philanthropos, love of human

to make this such a wonderful place to live. In this report you will read about the

kind. Philanthropy is the way that we give

exemplary commitment of Ernie and Joanne

tangible expression to our love of community.

Buresh to individuals with special needs, a

The Greater Cedar Rapids Community

commitment expressed through a significant gift

Foundation exists to enable donors to

to Camp Courageous. You can also read about

demonstrate their commitment to this

the Trailblazers Program of the Hawkeye Area

community and to the organizations that

Council of the Boy Scouts of America, a program

do so much to sustain and enhance our

that enables boys and girls with physical and

quality of life.

developmental disabilities to enjoy the benefits

In 2011, 1,000 donors demonstrated their

of scouting. You can read about how a grant

commitment by contributing $8.8 million

from GCRCF has helped the Eastern Iowa Arts

to endowed and non-endowed funds held

Academy serve 2,100 students in after-school

at the Foundation. Forty-nine new funds

programs in 2011, and you can learn how a

were established by individuals, families,

new exhibit at the Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning

businesses and nonprofit agencies, bringing

Center, funded in part with a Foundation grant,

the total number of funds at the Foundation

is helping visitors gain a better understanding of

to 580. The Foundation awarded $5.9 million

critical issues in watershed management.

in grants to more than 350 agencies in Linn County and beyond. This report is our way of paying tribute to our generous community of donors and to the

We are delighted to share these stories and proud to serve such an outstanding community. We look forward to working with you to build an even better community in 2012 and beyond.

organizations that use philanthropic dollars


2011 F i n a n c i a l H i g hli g hts

$111.6 million

Total as se t s u n de r m an a g e m e n t


580 To ta l funds



O ne- year rat e of ret urn for endowment pool

Three- yea r r at e of ret ur n for endowmen t p ool



A sse ts by Fund Typ e ( as of Dec ember 31, 2011)

O p e r a ti n g F u n ds


F ield o f I n te re st CG A & CRT



pe rce nt

pe rce nt

A f f i l i a te F u n ds


p e rc e n t


Agenc y Funds



S c holar ship Fu nd s



p e rce n t

pe rce nt


Un re str i c te d & Sp e c i a l F u n ds


29.2 percent

Donor-A dvised F unds

mill i o n

1,000 donations

Number of donati on s rec ei ve d f ro m 6 8 8 u n i q u e do n o r s

D e si g n a te d F u n ds

49 New funds



Grant dollars awarded

Tot a l cont ribu t ion s




Pooled Investment as of December 31, 2011 The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation

2011 Retu r n o n Investments

(GCRCF) has a balanced approach to investing. The

During the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011,

Investment Committee of the GCRCF board works closely

The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation

with staff and a professional investment consultant.

endowment pool return on investment was (0.3)%. The

Contributions made to GCRCF are pooled for

three-year return was 10.9%, the five-year return was

investment purposes much like a mutual fund, allocating

0.0% and the annualized return since January 1, 1994,

total returns to each component fund. These component

is 7.3%. These returns are stated net of fees.

funds represent a collection of interests of individual

The audited financial statements and Form 990 are

donors and agencies who have united to increase the

available upon request at the GCRCF office or online

effectiveness and assure the future of charitable giving.


The primary advantage of pooling funds is that it permits greater diversification of investments than would be possible for single funds. This provides for greater opportunities without increasing risk.

T he Gre ate r Ce d a r Ra pids C om munity Founda tion

Statem ents of Fina ncia l Position December 31, 2011 and 2010



Cash and cash equivalents Receivables: Contributions and bequests, net Prepaid expenses Investments Property and equipment, net Cash value of life insurance

$ 6,663,058

34,300 281,653 17,983 29,185 102,732,287 105,528,656 1,887,200 1,874,060 320,996 310,090


$ 111,655,824

LIA B ILI T IES LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued expenses Grants payable, primarily due within one year Amounts due under annuity and unitrust agreements Amounts held on behalf of others

Total liabilities

NET ASSETS Unrestricted: Operating Endowed Non-endowed

Total unrestricted net assets

Temporarily restricted

Total net assets



2010 $ 3,150,175



$ 111,173,819

ASSE T S $ 16,856 12,352 741,404 2,395,681 20,310,949

$ 28,551 11,655 508,563 2,454,530 18,322,158



722,627 82,643,027 2,134,575

802,164 84,326,973 2,177,648







$ 111,655,824

$ 111,173,819

Advisor sees GCRCF as vital resource for community

Dennis Redmond pays attention to dollars and cents;

Individual clients also benefit from the Endow

that’s his profession as a CPA. But when it comes

Iowa Tax Credit Program, which allows donors who

to philanthropy, Redmond also weighs whether

establish endowed funds to claim state income tax

investing or donating makes sense. That’s when he

credits worth 25 percent of their gift amount.

turns to The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF). In addition to advising clients on investments,

In the aftermath of the 2008 flood, GCRCF’s leadership and grant support for nonprofit agencies impressed many in the community, Redmond says.

Redmond has been involved with several Cedar

Redmond also believes that community members are

Rapids area nonprofits, serving as a trustee for the

more aware of GCRCF than they were ten years ago.

Indian Creek Nature Center and board president for

“The Foundation is more prominent now. Cedar

Orchestra Iowa. In those roles, Redmond has seen

Rapids is blessed to have a community foundation

firsthand the difference partnering with GCRCF can

that’s as well managed and as strong a partner

make for nonprofits. Establishing agency funds with

with the community as GCRCF,” Redmond says.

the Community Foundation is critical, he says.

“The Foundation makes a huge difference with

“I am a really strong advocate for the Foundation,“ says Redmond. “The Foundation’s professional

its grants.” That’s especially true as fewer sources of

management of funds and advice are invaluable

operating grants become available to help cover

because nonprofits often don’t have the means or

nonprofits’ operating costs.

time to fundraise or manage investments completely on their own.” For individual clients who want to establish a lasting gift to benefit the community or a particular group, Redmond also recommends establishing

“Nonprofits rely more and more on endowments as part of their budgets,” Redmond notes. “It’s a critical element in the operation of nonprofits.” Dennis Redmond is with Latta, Harris, Hanon & Penningroth, LLP in Cedar Rapids.

donor-advised funds with GCRCF. In both cases, the objectivity and precision GCRCF can provide on fund management make it the best option, Redmond notes.


Camp Courageous C o u p l e ’s g i f t s e c u r e s t h e

future for Camp Courageous With characteristic modesty, Ernie and Joanne Buresh provided Camp Courageous with a donation in December 2011 that will ensure a bright future for the camp and the more than 6,000 special needs individuals it serves each year. The Bureshes’ donation of $500,000 through The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) secures a solid foundation of financial support that will allow the camp to continue serving special needs individuals and their families for many years to come. Both Ernie and Joanne have strong ties to Jones County, where Camp Courageous is located; Joanne grew up in Onslow and the Bureshes lived in Anamosa


for 29 years before moving to Cedar Rapids. Ernie

The couple also supports The University of Iowa,

and Joanne are proud parents of daughters Wendy, a

where Ernie received his law degree and currently

Cedar Rapids-based physician, and Sandy, who passed

serves on The University of Iowa Foundation board.

away in February 2012 after a courageous battle with a

In 2010, the Bureshes pledged their home and 40 acres

congenital heart defect and other medical challenges.

of land to the University.

After 52 years in banking,

Growing up poor inspired

Ernie Buresh knows a sound

him to succeed, Ernie says. He

investment when he sees

and Joanne have both worked

one. Founded in 1972 with

hard to achieve what they

the donation of 40 acres

have today.

to establish a camp for

“We’re still savers. We

differently-abled individuals,

still cut coupons,” Joanne

Camp Courageous opened

says, smiling. “We believe

its doors to 211 summer

in hard work.”

campers in 1974. Today

Camp Executive Director

the camp is comprised

Becker says it’s hard

of over 150 acres of land,

to adequately describe

16 buildings and is open

“We don’t give for the recognition,” Ernie stresses. “We give to the need.”

year-round. The Bureshes became early supporters of

“We’re just glad that we could

Camp Courageous and

help out,” adds Joanne.

have enjoyed a lasting relationship with camp

– Ernie & Joanne Buresh

Executive Director Charlie

500 t housand dollars

Becker. “Donations like the Bureshes’ are absolutely

the impact the Bureshes’ gift will have on Camp

critical to sustaining the camp’s operations,” says

Courageous and the individuals it serves.

Becker. Ernie and Joanne regularly donate to the

“This is one of the largest gifts that has ever been

camp through annual memorial gifts and in 1980,

given to the camp,” he says. “It will make a tremendous

Ernie helped establish the camp’s Perpetual Fund.

difference. The Bureshes have laid out a beautiful future

“The thing that impresses me the most,” Ernie

for the camp and we are greatly appreciative. Ernie and

says, “is the incredible management that got Camp Courageous from zero to where they are today.” The Bureshes’ $500,000 gift was something he and Joanne planned for a long time, Ernie says. “We don’t give for the recognition,” he stresses. “We give to the need.” “We’re just glad that we could help out,” adds Joanne.

Joanne are very special people.” A gift of this significance also inspires people and speaks well of the services that the camp is providing, Becker notes. “It gives Camp Courageous credibility,” he explains. “Thanks to the generosity of Ernie and Joanne Buresh, there will be others who will now see the importance of giving.”



Ar ts Academy outreach brings art to more kids

Explore! Excite! Excel! That is the mantra of the Eastern Iowa Arts Academy (EIAA), now celebrating its fifth year of teaching performing and visual arts to kids in the greater Cedar Rapids area. EIAA is bringing arts education into neighborhoods, working primarily with schools to provide after-school programming for K-12 students at no charge, in intimate class sizes of 15 participants or less. The Academy has flourished thanks to the ongoing dedication of a core group of supporters led by David Griffin, music teacher, educational administrator and EIAA Executive Director. Since its inception, EIAA staff and directors


3,080 do ll a rs

“ The Co mmuni ty Fo undat ion has been our main source of suppo r t a ll a lo ng . I t s funding is c rit ic al. It ’s really he lpe d us g row and expand our offerings.”

have consistently worked to find resources to

– David Griffin

The GCRCF Organizational Development Fund

strengthen operations and make classes more

also provided a $3,080 grant last year to redesign

accessible for parents and students.

EIAA’s database. The database now efficiently enables

The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) has been a key partner in EIAA’s success. “The Community Foundation has been a source of

staff and administrators to manage program data, while allowing parents or guardians to register their children online. The redesign simplified registration,

support all along. Its funding is critical,” Griffin says.

improved tracking of classes and captured a

“It’s really helped us grow and expand our offerings.”

variety of statistical information about attendance,

A two-year grant in 2010 for $35,000 from GCRCF’s Momentum Fund helped expand EIAA’s

demographics and more. “We have a very collaborative relationship with

programs. In addition to increasing awareness

the school district,” Griffin notes. “More than

about the Arts Academy, the Momentum Fund

90 percent of our staff are educators.”

grant allowed EIAA to offer free classes to a greater number of students. EIAA’s goal was to boost

Making arts education available to low-income kids has been a key focus.

student participation by 20 percent, collaborate

“We take our programs to where the kids are,”

with more area nonprofits, businesses and other

Griffin says. “Art helps build relationships, improve

supporters and establish two new fundraisers. It

social skills and allows kids to see different avenues

has done that – and more.

they can choose. We want them to have those

“We have exceeded our goals,” says Griffin. Today, EIAA is reaching thousands of students

opportunities.” Each semester, EIAA sponsors its “Arts Alive!

with its diverse and inspiring after-school arts

Showcases” to display students’ artwork and

classes. In 2011, EIAA provided arts classes at 32


locations with more than 2,100 participants, at no

Success breeds success. EIAA is already working

cost to the students. In 2012-13, more than 2,400

to establish a permanent facility in northeast Cedar

students are expected to participate in EIAA classes.

Rapids, and to help outlying communities interested

That’s a long way from EIAA’s first semester with

in adopting EIAA programs.

ten teachers offering eight classes to 110 students.


Boy Scouts expand

successful outreach to special needs youth


t housand dollars


“The only true disability i n l i f e i s a b a d a t t i t u d e .”

– Scott Hamilton

girls ages 14-20. A $10,000 grant from The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) Community Fund helped support the expansion. Trailblazers worked with Boy Scout Troop 2, the

No one adheres to that belief more than the

ARC of East Central Iowa and Christ Episcopal

Hawkeye Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America

Church to form Venturing Crew 2, which serves 52

(HAC), which has worked to find new ways to bring

special needs boys and girls ages 14-20. Some of

scouting to groups not previously included. Since

those served by Venturing Crew 2 are youth living in

2008, HAC’s scout programs have served boys and

local residential care facilities.

girls with physical and developmental disabilities. The Council’s partnership with United Way

Each youth also participated in outdoor camping experiences – troop and crew-led campouts, Boy

agencies and school district leaders has been key to

Scout Summer Camp, and YMCA partnerships;

its success in extending its reach beyond its seven-

some also traveled to the Black Hills and Mount

county service area. In 2009, HAC established Boy

Rushmore in South Dakota.

Scout Troop 2 as part of the Trailblazers special needs initiative.

“GCRCF really allowed us to expand our reach and to make more services available for these kids,”

“Parents met weekly with Boy Scout Troop 2, which helped develop a strong bond between parents and kids,” explains John Myers, HAC project leader. “It became a forum for parents to work together to develop better ways to advocate for

Myers says. “Community Foundation funds have been a catalyst for raising other funds.” From 2010 to 2011, the percentage of youth retained in Trailblazers increased by seven percent. “The experience of being a part of Scouts has

their kids. These are kids who were never out there

enriched the lives of these special needs youth,

building relationships.”

inspiring a true sense of community,” Myers says.

Raising awareness about disabilities is now an

For example, Boy Scout Troop 2 was the most

integral part of educational offerings for Cub and

successful troop in popcorn sales last year, raising

Boy Scouts. In 2010, the Trailblazers served 782

$11,000 that will help support their programs.

youth with special needs ages 11-17, partnering

More special needs youth will be able to join

with the ARC of East Central Iowa, the local faith

Scouts soon and HAC’s Trailblazers initiative is on

community and special needs teachers.

track to expand their service reach into other Iowa

Last year, the Trailblazers expanded their


outreach to serve 60 additional special needs youth in Linn County, including youth under age 11 and

“ G CR CF re a lly allowed us t o expand our o utre a ch a nd to make more ser vices available for the se k i ds. Co mmunit y Foundat ion funds have been a ca ta lyst for raising ot her funds.” – John Myers


GCRCF Affiliates

Community foundations create opportunities for towns and regions to direct philanthropic resources locally. They provide a vehicle for donors to invest their contributions close to home, and for communities to build their quality of life. The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) supports the development of community foundations in eastern and southern Iowa through its work with geographic affiliates. Each affiliate is locally governed and serves local needs, with GCRCF providing fiduciary services, guidance and technical assistance. Geographic affiliates have access to the services and benefits of a fully-accredited community foundation that is held to rigorous National Standards, such as participation in the state’s County Endowment and Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program.

Jones C ount y Endowment Fund The Jones County Endowment Fund focuses its grants on improving economic well being and quality of life for Jones County residents. This includes promoting educational opportunities, community capital improvements, tourism, recreation and maintaining Jones County heritage. In 2011, this fund provided $96,817 in grants to the following organizations: ▪▪ Advancement Services of Jones County ▪▪ American Red Cross, Grant Wood Area Chapter ▪▪ City of Martelle ▪▪ City of Wyoming ▪▪ Jones County 4-H Program ▪▪ Monticello Emergency Medical Team ▪▪ Olin Day Care, Inc. ▪▪ Paul Petersen Foundation ▪▪ Wyoming Pioneers 4-H Club ▪▪ Wregie Memorial Library ▪▪ Wyoming Public Library ▪▪ Jones Regional Medical Center ▪▪ Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce ▪▪ Anamosa State Penitentiary Museum ▪▪ Grant Wood Art ▪▪ Jones County Genealogical Society ▪▪ Jones County Historic Preservation Commission ▪▪ Tri-County Historical Society For more information, contact Cali Beals at 319.462.6944 or


Ke o k uk A re a C o m munity Fo unda ti o n The Keokuk Area Community Foundation (KACF) is a public foundation holding and investing numerous funds, large and small, established by individuals, families, nonprofits and businesses to benefit Southeast Iowa, Western Illinois and Northeast Missouri. Since its founding in 2005, KACF has focused on enhancing and improving the future of its tri-state service area by building endowments and donor-advised funds that provide dollars and grants for nonprofit organizations, charities, churches and educational institutions. In 2011, the KACF provided $52,000 in grants to the following organizations: ▪▪ Three Rivers Conservation Foundation ▪▪ Alcohol Drug Dependency ▪▪ Big Brothers Big Sisters ▪▪ Community Action of SE Iowa ▪▪ Girl Scouts (Region) ▪▪ God’s Way Christian Center

Wapello C ount y Foundat ion In 2011, the Wapello County Foundation provided $106,630 in grants to the following organizations through the County Endowment program: ▪▪ Food Bank of Southern Iowa, Inc. ▪▪ Ottumwa YMCA ▪▪ Ottumwa Youth Special Olympics ▪▪ City of Ottumwa ▪▪ Wapello County ▪▪ Wapello County Trails Council ▪▪ Ottumwa Civic Music Association ▪▪ Ottumwa Symphony Orchestra ▪▪ Wapello County Historical Society For more information about the Wapello County Foundation, including grants not made in partnership with GCRCF, contact Richard C. Bauerle at 480.837.7423 or

▪▪ Grand Theatre Corporation ▪▪ Hancock Health Wellness Coalition ▪▪ Hoerner YMCA ▪▪ Jackson Township Fire District ▪▪ Keokuk Catholic Schools ▪▪ Keokuk Concert Association ▪▪ Keokuk Group Home ▪▪ Keokuk Vision Foundation ▪▪ Lee County Red Cross ▪▪ West Hancock Canine Rescue For more information, contact Roger Ricketts at 319.795.1407 or More information is also available online at


Grants by Program Area Co m mu n i ty D eve l o p m e n t & th e E nv i ro n m e n t


pe rce nt

Ar t s & Culture




E du c a ti o n


S c holars hips



p e rc e n t




p e rc e n t

H e a l th & Hu m a n Se r v i c e

G r a n t s b y Ty p e o f F u n d


in millions

2 1.5 1 .5 0


Discretionary County Fund Endowment Grants Designated Agency DonorAgency Endowment Advised

Field of Interest

Scholarship Flood Fund

2011 Competitive Grant Programs


Number of Applications

Number Funded

Sustain high impact goals






Foster innovation






Help in emergencies





Support children and youth





Build capacity





Linn County

Support rural Linn County





Jones County

Support Jones County





Support donor priorities





Field of Interest Funds

Target specific focus areas





Flood 2008 Fund

Continue flood recovery










Youth POWER Organizational Development

Competitive Donor-Advisors

Amount Requested

Amount Awarded

(competitive applications only)


Grants are not always paid in the year they are approved. Number and amount of grants do not include grants returned from prior years.

Grant Making in 2011 The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation

Nonprofit organizations in Linn County may request

(GCRCF) was pleased to award $5.9 million in grants

grant funding for their work by submitting grant

in 2011.

applications. In 2011, GCRCF continued to see an

GCRCF maximizes donor opportunities through a

upward trend in the number of applications submitted,

wide variety of charitable funds. In 2011, most grants

with a six percent increase in applications compared

came from designated funds, donor-advised funds,

to 2010.

and GCRCF’s discretionary fund. Donors create designated funds through a life gift

Organizations interested in submitting an application can find information and application materials online

or a bequest, and select one or more organizations at

at or may contact grant program staff at

the time of fund establishment to benefit from an on-

319.366.2862 or

going annual distribution from the fund. Donor-advised funds allow donors to have ongoing involvement in selecting grant recipients. The discretionary fund addresses the ever changing

The Foundation maintains strict standards to uphold the integrity of the grant-making process. Our conflict of interest policy applies to grant committees, board and staff requiring recusals in cases of conflict of interest.

community landscape. Donors who make gifts to the

Foundation review processes are methodical and

discretionary fund entrust GCRCF staff and community

transparent, with scoring tools for competitive grant

volunteers to carefully analyze current community needs

applications available online at

and opportunities and make grants that will maximize the impact of their gifts.


The Wilsons honored as O ut st anding Philant hropist s for 2011

Mike and Esther Wilson, honored by the Association

Grant Wood chandelier at the Cedar Rapids Museum

of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Eastern Iowa as

of Art, Orchestra Iowa productions, young artist

Outstanding Individual Philanthropists in 2011, give

school program outreach, bike racks in the New

a whole new meaning to the idea of giving back, not

Bohemia district, a community computer lab at

only through their investments and donations, but

Polk Elementary School and development of Cedar

also through the generous gift of their time.

Rapids’ trail system.

For more than 40 years, the Wilsons have provided financial support and service to a long list of

“Partnering with GCRCF has made giving easy,” Mike says.

nonprofits and causes. They do not seek recognition

“The real advantage is that the Community

for their philanthropic spirit; in fact, they shrug it off.

Foundation is involved locally, and offers unique

“We’ve given for a long time;

opportunities through their donor-

I guess we got in the habit,”

advised funds and the staff’s good

Mike says. “But the more we

guidance,” he explains.

give, the more we get. It’s

Volunteering is an integral part

certainly satisfying, no

of both Mike and Esther’s days. For

question about that.”

Esther, community involvement was

The Wilsons were among

a natural extension of helping groups

the earliest supporters of The

that the couple’s children joined, like

Greater Cedar Rapids

Boy Scouts. Today, she volunteers

Community Foundation (GCRCF), establishing their first fund in 1992. Today they have two endowed funds with

The Ind ian Cre e k Na tu re Ce n te r (ICNC) is a f avo r i te o f th e W i l so n s. They funded th e I CNC’s we l c o m e sign, s uppor te d h i sto r i c a l e x h i b i ts

Agency on Aging and tutors elementary school students in math. “I like math,” she says,

GCRCF that have

and helped pu rc h a se th e fo r m e r B e n a

“and I want more little

provided more than

F arm in 1996 so i t c o u l d b e re sto re d

kids to like math.”

$269,000 in grants to support operations and

to its orig i n a l p r a i r i e sta te .

programming for dozens of local nonprofits. The Indian Creek Nature Center (ICNC) is a favorite

A retired Rockwell Collins engineer, Mike helps

organize the Rockwell Collins Retiree Volunteers which contribute more than 45,000 hours annually

of the Wilsons. They funded the ICNC’s welcome sign,

to the community. He’s also on the board of directors

supported historical exhibits and helped purchase the

for the Honor Flight and has helped coach kids on

former Bena Farm in 1996 so it could be restored to

school teams competing in Lego robotics for the

its original prairie state.

past 12 years.

The couple also helped fund Kirkwood Community

“Mentoring these kids and helping them has been

College’s GAP tuition assistance program, a traveling

fun,” he explains. “Doing it keeps you going. It keeps

history trunk for young students at The Carl and

you young.”

Mary Koehler History Center, conservation of a


with the Heritage Area

Wickiup Hill exhibit highlight s wat ershed management

Learning about the importance of watersheds and

very hands-off,” says Kari Lammer, community

how they function has taken on new meaning

outreach manager for the Linn County Conservation

since the Cedar River flooded in June 2008. Now,

Department. “We wanted to create a real hands-on

thanks in part to a Greater Cedar Rapids Community

experience, especially for kids.”

Foundation (GCRCF) grant, the Wickiup Hill Outdoor

The new exhibit will use an interactive storybook

Learning Center will soon provide hands-on, virtual

approach. An explorer will lead visitors on a

learning about the significance of the Cedar River

magical raft for a virtual tour of the Cedar River’s

watershed area and how it is used by residents.

history, including archaeological displays of Native

The Cedar River watershed is a major natural

American use of the river’s resources, and examples

resource covering about

of how the river and

ten percent of Iowa’s

people living along it

landscape in the eastern

have changed over time.

part of the state. More

“As visitors move

than 500,000 people live in

through the different

the watershed and rely on

stations in the exhibit,

it for drinking water, waste

they spin a wheel to

disposal and recreation.

choose an experience

The Friends of the Linn

and see how it impacts

County Conservation

the watershed – positively

Board (LCCB), which

or negatively,” Lammer

supports conservation

“We wante d to c re a te a re a l

education activities in

hands - o n e x p e r i e n c e ,

Linn County, raised funds for a 2,200-square-foot expansion of the Wickiup

es pec i a l ly fo r k i ds.”

Center, including a new

– Kari Lammer

explains. The project ties in with a watershed awareness campaign this summer led by the Cedar River Watershed Coalition,

exhibit on the Cedar River watershed. GCRCF

representing 20 counties in the watershed. The goal

provided $15,000 from its Community Fund

is to raise public awareness on the need for better

toward the exhibit to help Wickiup visitors better

care of our water resources.

understand how management of water and runoff

“The Community Foundation’s grant was

affects the watershed. The new exhibit will open

critical for us to complete the exhibit,” Lammer

in late fall 2012.

says, adding, “it will help kick off plans for more

“One of the reasons we wanted to do this exhibit

educational displays at Wickiup Hill.”

is because Wickiup’s previous exhibits were


Charitable Funds

Giving through GCRCF is an effective way to ensure your charitable gifts go to the causes that are most important to you. Donors may contribute using the following charitable options:

Agency Endowment Funds are established by nonprofit agencies to provide permanent,

funds that enable you to make a difference and

annual support for their organizations. Partnering

leave a legacy forever. The nonprofits you select

with GCRCF allows nonprofits to focus on carrying

receive annual gifts in your fund’s name. You

out their mission while knowing their fund is a

may select one or more organizations for

part of a large, professionally-managed

permanent support.

investment pool.

Donor-Advised Funds offer ongoing

Bequests and Beneficiary Designations may

involvement in the use of your gift. Working with

be a gift or portion of your estate to GCRCF. In some

our professional program staff, you recommend

cases, you may qualify to receive a substantial

grants to support charitable groups or causes of

reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.

your choice in Linn County, across the U.S. or

Charitable Gift Annuities may be gifts of cash or property to GCRCF. This type of gift will allow you to receive immediate tax benefit while ensuring that you or a loved one receives fixed quarterly or annual income payments for life. Charitable Remainder Trusts allow you to place cash or property in a trust that pays annual income to you (or another designated beneficiary) for life. After your death, the remainder of the trust transfers to GCRCF and is placed in a charitable

anywhere in the world. Your recommendations are submitted to our Board of Directors for approval and then GCRCF distributes grant funds on your behalf. Field of Interest Funds focus on a particular charitable area that you choose. Once you determine the cause you want to support, our grant program staff will work with grant committees to identify grant recipients and make grants from your fund.

fund you have chosen. You receive income tax

Unrestricted Funds allow GCRCF to address

benefits the year you establish this trust.

current and future community needs. As an

Corporate Donor-Advised Funds provide a convenient, flexible way for businesses to extend their commitment to the local community with charitable giving. Currently, GCRCF holds 19 Corporate DonorAdvised Funds.


Designated Funds are permanently endowed

unrestricted fund donor, you understand the dynamics of our changing community and know that there are needs yet to be identified. By working with GCRCF, grants will be awarded to nonprofits that address community needs today, tomorrow and forever.

New Funds in 2011

Donors who have created funds at The Greater Cedar

Donors may take an active role in grant making or

Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) are as diverse

entrust the Community Foundation to make grants that

and unique as the organizations and causes they

support organizations or issues of interest to them. Some

support. Our donors care deeply about community

leave a legacy to benefit the community in perpetuity.

and are passionate about making a difference.

This year, GCRCF awarded $5.9 million in grants

Our donors have set up funds as a family, business

to organizations in our community, around the country

or as part of a group with common interests. They are

and worldwide.

community leaders, volunteers, entrepreneurs, retirees

The following is a list of funds that donors have

and professionals who support causes from preserving

created at the Community Foundation, as well as the

the environment to education, community building, and

organizations and causes donors supported through

advocating for accessible health and human services.

their funds in 2011.

New Funds Started in 2011 Agency funds

Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival QuasiEndowed Fund Cedar Valley Humane Society Endowed Fund Goodwill of the Heartland QuasiEndowed Fund Isaac Newton Christian Academy Founders Scholarship Endowed Fund Jones Regional Medical Center Endowment Fund Library 3.0 Capital Campaign Fund Mercy Medical Center Foundation HallPerrine Cancer Center Fund Red Cedar Chamber Music QuasiEndowed Fund St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Foundation Agency Endowed Fund


Besong Family Endowed Designated Fund

John and Cynthia Bloomhall Endowed Designated Education Fund Lee R. Horn Endowed Designated Fund Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Designated Fund V The Sara Sorensen Endowed Culinary Arts Scholarship Fund The Anderson Family Easement Endowed Designated Fund The Church of All Saints Fund The Dorothea and Joseph Hall Gift of Wonder Fund The James and Rosemary Earl Designated Fund The James E. Anderson Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Fund

Field of Interest

Abbott, Joan and Ann Lipsky Endowed Fund for ChildCentered Programs

Individual Donor-Advised

Cedar Rapids Amphitheatre Fund

Bill and Lu Barron Donor-Advised Endowed Fund

East Central Iowa Council of Governments Fund

Bob and Judy Blommer Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Carolyn Pigott Rosberg Fund Frank A. and Beverly J. Davey Fund John and Kay Hegarty Fund Kathleen Lower Aller and Tom Aller Endowed Fund Lewis Bottoms Quasi-Endowed Donor Advised Fund Pat and Nancy Shey Family/Sage Companies Donor-Advised Endowed Fund The Jim Spaight Memorial Fund The Ron and Sue Olson Endowed Fund The Susan Elliott-Bryan Endowed Fund

Prairie Fund

DJ and Abbie Smith Fund Jenny Schulz and John Chaimov Endowed Fund


The Smith Family Scholarship Fund


Funds of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Agency Endowments African American Heritage Foundation Friends Fund Alzheimers Association, East Central Iowa Chapter Quasi-Endowed Fund

Community Health Free Clinic Quasi-Endowed Fund

Lynch/Schulz Environmental Education Fund

Mercy Medical Center Foundation Endowment Fund

Lynne Stimple Memorial Trail Fund

Mercy Medical Center Foundation Hall-Perrine Cancer Center Fund

Discovery Living, Inc. Endowment Fund II

Metro High Children’s Trail Fund

Amana Arts Guild Agency Endowment Fund

Discovery Living, Inc. Quasi-Endowed Fund

Friends of the Iowa Abortion Access Fund

Amana Heritage Society Designated Agency Endowment Fund

Discovery Living, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund

Iowa Legal Aid Foundation Endowment Fund

Anamosa Community School Foundation Endowment Fund

Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. Endowment Fund

Anna Purna Ghosh Foundation Endowment Fund ARC of East Central Iowa Foundation QuasiEndowed Fund ARC of East Central Iowa Friends Fund Big Brothers Big Sisters Art Christoffersen Memorial Scholarship Fund

Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. Quasi-Endowed Fund Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. Quasi-Endowed Fund II Linn County Endowment Fund Linn County Fund Gems of Hope, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund Goodwill of the Heartland Quasi-Endowed Fund

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids & East Central Iowa Agency Operations Endowment Fund

Greater Delaware County Community Foundation Affiliate Fund

Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids Agency Endowment Fund

Hawkeye Area Council, Boy Scouts of America Endowment Fund

Peggy Boyle Whitworth Endowed Fund for Brucemore

The Heritage Area Agency on Aging Older Iowans Endowment Fund

Camp Courageous of Iowa Endowment Fund

Linn County Historical Society Agency Endowment Fund

Cedar Rapids Community School District Foundation Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival Quasi-Endowed Fund Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Quasi-Endowed Fund Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre Agency Endowment Fund Elaine Mykelby Young Artist Fund Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation Fund Cedar Valley Humane Society Endowed Fund Coe College Endowment Fund Community Foundation of the Great River Bend Endowment Fund


Community Health Free Clinic Endowment Fund

Henry Davison Youth Center Fund

Linn County Historical Society Agency Endowment Fund II Linn County Historical Society Collections Fund Linn County Historical Society Quasi-Endowed Fund Horizons: A Family Service Alliance Endowment Fund Bena Homestead Endowment Fund Indian Creek Nature Center Charitable Trust Endowment Fund Indian Creek Nature Center Founders Fund in honor of B.B. Stamats and Jean O’Donnell Indian Creek Nature Center Land Perpetual Care Agency Endowment Fund

Isaac Newton Christian Academy Agency Endowment Fund

Mercy Medical Center Foundation Hospice House Friends Fund Metro Youth Football Association Agency Endowment Fund Miracles in Motion Agency Endowment Fund

Isaac Newton Christian Academy Founders Scholarship Endowed Fund

Miracles in Motion QuasiEndowed Fund

Jane Boyd Community House Fund

Mount Vernon Community School District Foundation Agency Endowment Fund

Jones Regional Medical Center Endowment Fund Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa, Inc. Endowment Fund Kirkwood Community College Foundation Endowment Fund League of Women Voters Friends Fund Artists in Schools Fund Legion Arts (at CSPS) Agency Endowment Fund Linn-Mar School Foundation Endowment Fund Linn-Mar School Foundation Selness Endowed Fund Linn-Mar School Foundation-Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund Lisbon Community School District Foundation Agency Endowment Fund Lutheran Services in Iowa Charitable Foundation Quasi-Endowed Fund Lutheran Services of Iowa Charitable Foundation Friends Fund Marion Churches Senior Living Community Foundation Endowment Fund Marion Public Library Endowment Fund Matthew 25 Ministry Hub Endowment Fund Matthew 25 Ministry Hub Quasi-Endowed Fund

Mount Mercy College Endowment Fund

National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library Fund Neighborhood Transportation Service Endowment Fund Friends of the Oak Hill Cemetery Endowment Fund Old Creamery Theatre Agency Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Quasi-Endowed Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony School Endowment Fund Henry and Bertha Tiemeyer Scholarship Fund Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa Agency Endowment Fund Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa QuasiEndowed Fund Red Cedar Chamber Music Agency Endowment Fund Red Cedar Chamber Music Quasi-Endowed Fund Southeast Linn Community Center Agency Endowment Fund St. Joseph Parish of Marion Agency Endowment Fund St. George Orthodox Church Cemetery Endowment Fund St. George Orthodox Church General Endowment Fund

St. George Orthodox Church Scholarship Endowment Fund St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Endowment Fund St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Friends FBO the Cedar Rapids Medical Education Foundation St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Foundation Agency Endowed Fund St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund Systems Unlimited Agency Endowment Fund Theatre Cedar Rapids Trustees Agency Endowment Fund Trees Forever Agency Endowment Fund Trees Forever QuasiEndowed Fund Trees Forever QuasiEndowed Fund II United Nations Association – USA of Linn County, Iowa Endowment Fund United Way of East Central Iowa Designated Agency Endowment Fund Waypoint Endowment Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Agency Endowment Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Quasi-Endowed Fund Witwer Center, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund Xavier Foundation Endowment Fund Young Parents Network Agency Endowment

Community Affiliate/ FUNDS Anamosa Community Foundation Fund Jones County Endowment Fund Jones County Fund Doris L. Anderson Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Dr. Joseph and Isabelle Krichel Family Endowed Fund Grand Theatre Endowment Fund J.M. Morgan DonorAdvised Fund Judith & David Morgan Fund

Kenneth Sibbing Endowment Fund Keokuk All Saints Roman Catholic Church Endowed Fund Keokuk Area Hospital Foundation Fund

Designated Funds 15 in 5 River Timeline Project Fund A.P. Ghosh Advanced Placement Scholarship Fund

Gehring Family Fund for Coe College George A. and Louise M. Kalous Endowed Fund Gladys Bock Children’s Fund for the Indian Creek Nature Center

Keokuk Community Affiliate Fund

Alex Strait Memorial Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center

Keokuk Community Foundation QuasiEndowed Fund

Anna O. and William G. Anderson Endowed Designated Fund

Keokuk Community School Foundation Fund

Anonymous Designated Fund

Harriet and Robert Eckard Designated Endowed Fund

Keokuk Public Library Foundation Fund

Anonymous II Endowed Designated Fund

Helen Troxel/Ella Johnson Miller Fund

Keokuk YMCA Endowment Fund

Benjamin Christopher Tvedt Fund

Klepfer Family Fund

Bernice Pratt Circle of International Order of Kings, Sons and Daughters Designated Fund

Herbert L. and Dorothy E. Ellingson Charitable Fund

Michael and Kathy Klauser Donor-Advised Fund The Church of All Saints Fund Three Rivers Conservation Foundation Endowment Fund Wapello County Foundation Affiliate Fund Wapello County NonEndowed Fund

Besong Family Endowed Designated Fund Bonnie Rae Picard Memorial Fund Carl & Doris McClain Ecological Restoration Fund Carl and Jill Henrici Fund

Gordon and Jann Baustian Designated Fund Haas Family Designated Fund

Inter-Religious Council Designated Fund Iowa Artist Relief NonEndowed Designated Fund Irene B. Konecny Designated Fund for Library Acquisitions for the Mount Mercy College Library James E. Anderson Designated Fund

Non-competitive corporate funds

Cedar Rapids Amphitheatre Fund

James W. and Susan K. Turner Endowed Fund II

Tony and Jan Sdao Fund d.b.a. Cedar Rapids Rough Riders Hockey Charitable Fund

Cedar Rapids Healthcare Alliance Fund

Jay G. Sigmund Fund Jay G. Sigmund Fund II

Cedar Rapids Symphony Center Endowed Fund

Jean H. Ashby Fund

New Frontier Foundation Fund

Cedar Rapids Symphony Endowed Chair

Young Genius Fund (Henry Russell Bruce, Inc. Corporate DonorAdvised Fund)

Charles and Evelyn Erb Memorial QuasiEndowed Designated Fund

The IDG Fund

Claire & Vernon Hudek Fund

The McGrath Automotive Group Endowed DonorAdvised Fund Merit Construction Co. or Rinderknecht Associates Inc. Donor-Advised Fund Midamar Corporation Donor-Advised Fund Paulson Electric/PEC Communications Corporate DonorAdvised Fund Paulson Electric/PEC Communications Endowed Fund Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC Fund Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman, PLC Fund Van Meter Industrial Corporate DonorAdvised Fund The Jim Spaight Memorial Fund

Clifford A. Hendricks Fund David & Chris Kubicek Endowed Fund David and Ann Pickford Endowment Fund David H. and Rose Marie Burke Fund Dorothea E. Garberson Wildflower Project Fund East Central Iowa Council of Governments Fund Edna A. Herbst Fund F. Forbes Olberg and Ann Olberg Endowment Fund F. William Beckwith Endowed Fund F. William Beckwith Endowed Fund II

Jefferson High School Performing Arts Fund John and Cynthia Bloomhall Endowed Designated Education Fund John and Dyan Smith Endowed Fund for Cornell College John M. and Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers Endowed Designated Fund Joseph M. Kacena Endowed Fund Ken and Ortha Harstad Fund Kylie Hall Designated Endowment Fund Larry D. and Claire J. Sharp Endowed Designated Fund Larry H. Christy Endowment Fund Lee R. Horn Endowed Designated Fund Library 3.0 Capital Campaign Fund

Friends of Inn-Circle Designated Agency Fund


Marion Metro Kiwanis Playground Fund Martinek Memorial Trust Fund Maurice G. and Leona Rapoport Designated Endowed Fund for Hadassah Hospital Maurice G. and Leona Rapoport Designated Endowed Fund for the Witwer Senior Center of Cedar Rapids Witwer Senior Center of Cedar Rapids Michele Boyer Endowed Fund Nina & Victor Merveaux Designated Fund Norm & Floy Erickson Endowed Fund Orville Bloethe Endowed Fund for the Center of Agricultural Law and Taxation at Iowa State University Orville Bloethe Endowed Fund for the H-L-V School District Paul Christiansen Memorial Fund Paul R. and Rebecca F. Shawver Endowed Designated Fund Peter F. Bezanson Fund Quarton Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center Quarton Fund for International Writing Program Quarton Fund for Waypoint Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop Endowed Fund Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund II Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund III Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund IV Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund V Rotary Centennial Project Donor-Advised Fund Russell W. & Ruth E. Landis Designated Endowment Fund for St. Paul’s Methodist Church Sara Sorensen Endowed Culinary Arts Scholarship Designated Fund Sutherland C. and Frances M. Dows Fund for Awards to Authors, Artists and Musicians


The Anderson Family Easement Endowed Designated Fund The Dorothea and Joseph Hall Gift of Wonder Fund The James and Rosemary Earl Designated Fund The James E. Anderson Our Saviors Lutheran Church Fund The Jeanne & Robert Blahnik/Garden Club Speakership Fund The Ruth Opal Beatty Fund for Music Education of Shellsburg Youth Theodore & Elizabeth Trefny-Czech/Slovak Museum Tokheim Family Designated Fund for the Linn Community Food Bank Tokheim Family Designated Fund for Inn-Circle Tokheim Family Designated Fund for Lutheran Church Initiatives for the Homeless Tree of Five Seasons and Plaza Maintenance Endowment Fund Tree of Five Seasons NonEndowed Fund Trees Forever Jack Shaffer Memorial Fund Unrestricted Grant Fund Viola N. Elsenbast Fund Virginia J. Lyon Memorial Fund for the Mt. Vernon Community Preschool Washington High School 50th Anniversary Fund William B. Quarton Endowed Fund William B. Quarton Fund for Coe College

Bloomhall Family Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Individual DonorAdvised funds

CRST Corporate DonorAdvised Fund

Allan and Sally Harms Donor-Advised Fund

Diamond V Mills Corporate Fund

Anderson Family Charitable Fund

The Gazette Foundation Corporate DonorAdvised Fund

Ann Dorr Family Endowed Fund

GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation DonorAdvised Fund Lil’ Drug Store Products, Inc. Corporate DonorAdvised Fund McGrath Automotive Group Corporate DonorAdvised Fund

FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS Abbott, Joan and Ann Lipsky Endowed Fund for Child-Centered Programs The Altrusa Club of Cedar Rapids Literacy Fund Fund for Educational Excellence Fund for Management Resourcing Homer E. and Irma B. Busby Fund for Human Services Iva C. Robb Fund for Artistic Initiative, a Liars Theater Legacy Fund

Anonymous DonorAdvised Fund Anne and David Parmley Family Endowed Fund Bert and Suzanne Katz Non-Endowed DonorAdvised Fund Bill and Lu Barron DonorAdvised Endowed Fund Bob and Judy Blommer Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Bob Rush and Judith Whetstine Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Brian J. Worley Fund for the Performing Arts Buresh Family Endowed Fund Busse Family Endowed Fund Carol and James Burns Donor-Advised Fund Carolyn and Charles Wellso Donor-Advised Fund Carolyn Pigott Rosberg Fund

John A. and Elsie M. Nelson Fund

Christopher J. and Jane A. Lindell Family Fund

The Greg Plotz Fund for the Environment

Clancey Family DonorAdvised Fund

Marshall Journalism Incentive Fund

Clancey Family Endowed Fund

Nina E. and Victor D. Merveaux Endowed Fund for Historic Preservation

Cobb Family DonorAdvised Fund

Peggy Fashimpaur Kahr Fund for Arts Education

The Dandekar Fund David and Sherri Justice Endowed Fund David Mahlke Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

William B. Quarton Fund for Community Health Free Clinic

Ralph E. and Barbara J. Hughes Endowed Fund for Church-Related Human Service Activities

William B. Quarton Fund for Hoover Library

Red Ribbon Fund: For the Fight Against AIDS

William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Designated Endowment Fund

Robert E. and Corinne L. Yaw Fund

DeWolf Family Endowed Fund

Tokheim Family Field of Interest Fund for the Homeless and Hungry of Cedar Rapids

Dick and Mary Meisterling Donor-Advised Fund Dillman Family Endowed Fund

Van Nostrand Fund for Health-Related Activities

DJ and Abbie Smith Fund

William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Non-Endowed Designated Fund

Competitive DONORAdvised Funds The Altorfer Machinery Company Non-Endowed Corporate DonorAdvised Fund

Vern W. Reeder Memorial Fund White Cross Society Fund Youth Power Endowment Fund

David T. Hanson Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Dean and Laura Gesme Family Fund

Doug and Pat Sedlacek Donor-Advised Fund Doug and Pat Sedlacek Endowed Fund

Myron and Esther Wilson Endowment Fund II

Worley Family Special Grants Fund

John and Dyan Smith Donor-Advised Fund

Myron F. and Esther S. Wilson Donor-Advised Fund

Wythe Willey Family Charitable Fund

Duane & Kay Nesetril Fund

John and Kay Hegarty Fund

Nancy G. McHugh Fund

Duffy and Belva Schamberger QuasiEndowed Fund

John and Laura Locher Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Florence and Melvin Galbraith Donor-Advised Fund

John and Mary Ellen Bickel Family Fund

Pat and Nancy Shey Family/Sage Companies Donor-Advised Endowed Fund

Drew and Jo Ann Skogman Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

John and Cynthia Bloomhall Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Duane & Kay Nesetril Endowment Fund

Frank A. and Beverly J. Davey Fund Frank and Cheryle Mitvalsky Fund Frank P. & Marie M. Woods Family Fund

John M. and Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers Fund Julie L. and Byron A. Tabor Endowed Fund Katherine K. Hladky Donor-Advised Fund

G. Richard & Jacqueline R. Johnson Fund

Katheryn M. Boatman Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Garner Family DonorAdvised Fund

Kathleen Lower Aller and Tom Aller Endowed Fund

Garner Family Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Kevin Eck and Sashi Solomon Family Fund

Gary and Cathy Rozek Endowed Fund

Kölln Family Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Gary L. and Alice Anderson Endowed Fund

Lana F. Trousdale Hake Family Endowed DonorAdvised Fund

George and Janelle McClain Family Fund Gerald T. Knox DonorAdvised Fund Gerald T. Knox Fund, #2 Gilda and Barry Boyer Donor-Advised Fund Gray Donor-Advised Fund The Gregory and Debora Neumeyer Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Hoffman Family Fund Jack and Jacqueline Roland Family Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund James and Rosemary Earl Family Endowed Fund

Larry and Joni Witzel Family Endowed Fund Larry D. and Claire J. Sharp Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Leroy & LaJuana Skogman Family Fund Lewis Bottoms QuasiEndowed Donor-Advised Fund The Lewis Bottoms Heritage Endowed Fund Loren and Patricia Coppock Family Endowed DonorAdvised Fund

James and Susan Turner Donor-Advised Fund

Marian S. Thomson NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund

Jane Cook Memorial Endowed Fund

Martha L. Parsons Endowed Fund

Jay and Bonnie Petersen Donor-Advised Fund

Martha L. Parsons Family Fund

Jean Brenneman Family Fund

Marty and Julianne Smith Endowed Fund

Jenny Schulz and John Chaimov Endowed Fund

Mary & David Junge Fund

Jo & Larry McGrath Endowed Fund Jo & Larry McGrath QuasiEndowed Fund Joe and Cherri Lock NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund John and Christine North Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Matthew Craig DonorAdvised Fund Meffert Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Michael A. Kudej Memorial Fund Michael R. and Marla K. Valliere Donor-Advised Fund Mohnsen Family Endowed Fund

Zylstra & Earl Family Fund

Organization Donor-Advised funds

Paul and Jennifer Morf Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Quasi Endowed DonorAdvised Fund

Rachel Baldwin York and Jerry York Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Iowa Community AIDS Partnership DonorAdvised Fund

Rick and Donna Flynn Fund


Robert & Carol Lehman Endowed Fund Robert & Caroline Kucharski Friends Fund Robert & Caroline Kucharski Fund

Linn County Bar Association Endowment Fund Marion Metro Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Kits Quasi-Endowed Fund Milagros Research Fund

Robert A. Handler M.D. Ecology Education Fund, and Endowed Advised Fund

Project Victoria Fund

Robert J. & Sue B. Latham Fund

Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Metro High School Fund

Ron and Sue Neil Endowed Fund The Ron and Sue Olson Endowed Fund Sheryl Chehack Lamb Endowed Donor-Advised Fund for Health and Welfare Silber Family Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Quarton-McElroy IBA Fund RJHS Society DonorAdvised Fund

The Cedar Rapids/Marion League of Women Voters Endowment Fund for Education

Special Funds GCRCF Board Restricted Quasi-Endowed Fund Diversity Focus Fund

Stephen and Sara Brandenburg Charitable Fund

Iowa Community Aids Partnership Operating Fund

Steve and Joanne Carfrae Fund Sara and Dale Todd Family Fund

Hall-Perrine Foundation Library Funding Information Center Operating Fund

The Susan Elliott-Bryan Endowed Fund

Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center Fund

Terry Trimpe – Jason Nosek Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

REACT & K-12 Programs

Tiffany Ann Earl Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Toborg Family Fund Tyler and Sarah Halbrook Olson Family Fund

Unrestricted and Administrative endowments Anonymous Unrestricted Endowed Fund Aschoff Family Fund

Wendy Rivinius-Portz Memorial Fund

GCRCF Board of Directors Fund

Wiesenfeld Family Fund

David and Mary C. Neuhaus

William and Harriet Gasway Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

GCRCF Discretionary Endowment

William B. Quarton Fund

GCRCF Discretionary Fund

William D. Severa Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Donor Unrestricted Fund General Endowment Reserve Fund


Jeanne L. Howell Fund (Admin. Fund Component) Justin and Mildred Albright Fund Nina & Victor Merveaux Administrative Fund GCRCF President’s Fund Robert & Marion South Fund

College Club of Cedar Rapids Scholarship Endowment Fund Dave Shay-KGAN-TV Broadcast Journalism Scholarship Fund for Students pursuing Careers in Broadcasting

Joslin Scholarship Fund

Flood Funds

Kleiman Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

Berthel Fisher 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund

Kleiman Family Scholarship Fund The Komensky Society Scholarship Fund Lavenz Memorial “In”Courage Scholarship

Daybreak Rotary-Polk School Scholarship Fund

Mary E. Rickey Scholarship Fund

Ted and Maxine Welch Unrestricted Endowed Fund

Delaware County Fish & Game Protective Association Scholarship Fund

O.J. & Viola Elsenbast Designated Fund

William B. Quarton Unrestricted Fund

Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship Fund

The Dick Damrow Educational Fund

Youth Power Fund

Eastern Iowa Cash Management Association Scholarship Fund

Quarton-McElroy IBA Foundation Scholarship Fund

Ruth L. Hastings Brown Fund

Scholarships All-McKinley Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund The Bob V. Bengtson Good Citizenship Award and Scholarship Fund For Students of Truman Elementary School Bonnie Reames-Grant Memorial Scholarship Fund Carole Jamieson Spirit Scholarship Fund


Charles and Edith Glidden Fund

The Robert K. Dennis Scholarship Fund

Glenn & Mary Wendler Scholarship Fund

The Smith Family Scholarship Fund

Henry & Sara Katz Foundation Fund

Stephen Bonfig Memorial Scholarship Fund

Iowa Physician Assistant Society Designated Scholarship Fund

Suki Cell Scholarship Fund

Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Zeta Phi Eta Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Performing and Communicative Arts

Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund II

Vern W. Reeder Memorial Scholarship Fund

Cedar River Soccer Association 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund GCRCF Flood 2008 Fund ITC 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund Rockwell Collins 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund Rotary 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed DonorAdvised Fund Weitz Company 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund World Class Industries, Inc. 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund

Memorials in 2011 Doris L. Anderson Endowed Donor-Advised Fund In Memory of Doris Anderson Cherie and Bart Brown

Friends of the Oak Hill Cemetery Endowment Fund

Keokuk area hospital foundation friends fund

In Memory of Noble & Jones ancestors buried at the Oak Hill Cemetery

In Memory of Binnie L. Mathews

Karen and Gordon Struve

Joyce and Keith Dye Dorothy Guetzlaff Jack and Mary Jo Smith Suzanne Wright Community Fund

Tree of Five Seasons NonEndowed Fund In Memory of Mike O’Donnell Linda O’Donnell

Jann and Gordon Baustian

Linn County Bar Association Endowment Fund

June and Alan Bilyeu

In Memory of Tom J. Riley

In memory of Dr. Carl Aschoff

Joanne and Ernie Buresh

Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC

Sue and William Chadima Justin Dunn

In Memory of Timothy S. White Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC

Friends and Family Lileah and Percy Harris Jackie and Jack Heins

Kory Kazimour Nancy McHugh Charlotte Pence Melissa Randall Louise Roalson H. Kristen Roland

Monday League In Memory of Jean Knight Whalen

Evelyn and William Edmonds

Friends and Family

Jessica Taylor and James Erwin

Gail and Joseph Keller Gail and Edward Maenner

Dennis Groenenboom

Frank, Mark, Leslie and Eleanore Maxwell

Iowa Legal Aid Foundation

Marianne and W. Russell Moore

John Gray Elizabeth Constantine and Derek Johnson

Sigred and Kenneth Morris

Janelle Swanberg

GCRCF Administrative Fund

Julie Walker

In Memory of Suzanne Katz

Joanne Thomas

Jack Roland

Flood 2008 Fund In Memory of Lorraine Schamer Friends and Family Sven and Carol Larson Randy and Debora Noecker Neal and Kathleen Scharmer

Gretchen Stuhr

In memory of Joan Nazette

Emily and Brad Chafa

Bernice Clark

Anne Stocklin

Sheila Stephan

Jack Roland

In Memory of Rhoda M. Tenuta

Len Rustam

Linda Williams and G.L. Schmit

In memory of Suzanne Katz

In Memory of Manford L. Stewart

Janet and W. Mark Rosenbury

Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC

Michaela and Todd Sabin

Deborah and Frederick Walk


Arthur Wasserman Iowa Legal Aid Foundation Friends Fund

Sue and Tim O’Malley

In Memory of Wythe Willey

Dorris Hotchkiss Mary C. James

G. Kenneth Mathews Trust

Utica Board of Officials for Women’s Basketball

Tree of Five Seasons NonEndowed Fund In Memory of James Seifert

Juli and Marty Smith

Keokuk Community Foundation QuasiEndowed Fund In Memory of Ann Smith

In Memory of Ronald Stuhlman

Grand Theatre Endowment Fund In Memory of Shay Vandersall

Sylvia Chruscicki Susan and John Collea

Grand Theatre Corporate Foundation

Kathy and Ed Conway

Robert and Patricia Kemp

Dan Stuhlman’s NYS co-workers

Michael and Kathy Klauser

Irene and W. Gerard Falk Phyllis and Michael Fasolo

Wythe Willey Family Charitable Fund In Memory of Wythe Willey

Friends and Family


Suzanne Green

Ruth and Donald Casteel

Greenscapes Landscape & Garden Center

Paul DeLaney

Lillian Hajec

Sara and Allan Haytcher

Donald Knapp

Janet and Stephen Holtman

Friends and Family

John Mazza

McGladrey Des Moines Office

Dorothy and Bob Nolan

Ruby Gartrell

Debra Barnes Marion

Michele and Brian Nolan

Martha Warren

Madeline and James Meyer

John Beaird

Lorna Perry

Community Health Free Clinic Friends Fund

Mary Sue and Roger Chatfield

Dolores and James Rasmussen

In memory of Dr. Carl Aschoff

First Community Bank

Barbara Remmell

Leslie Fowler

Delta and Paul Rubsamen

Linn-Mar Foundation Endowment Friends

Patricia and Robert Kemp

Joyce Schmidt

In Memory of Jeff Hale

Ed and Dev Kiedaisch

Susan Skelton

Michael and Kathy Klauser

Joan and Paul Starczewski

Systems Unlimited Agency Endowment Fund

Mary and Michael Parrish

Cynthia and Robert Stuhlman

In Memory of Roger Alan Williams

Frances and Kenneth Sibbing

Donna Stuhlman

Board of Directors of Systems Unlimited

Marlyse and Terry Strait

Susan and Ken Baker Indian Creek Nature Center Founders’ Friends Fund In Memory of Ann Ilten Melanie and Joseph Bibernardo

Mary Alice Skiles

Sharon and Ronald Mohr Marilyn Neely RSM McGladrey, Inc. Susan Willey Mildred Woods

Mary and George Serour

Sharon and Ronald Stuhlman

Carolyn and Jay Zack

Amy and Birdwell Sutlive

Debra and Thomas Stewart

Mary Watson

Theresa Whittlesey


William Quarton Heritage Society as of December 31, 2011 Anonymous (10) Kathleen Lower Aller & Tom Aller Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop Anna O.* and William G. Anderson Gary L. and Alice Anderson Thomas J. and Sarah E. Anderson William H. Anderson Marian J. Arens Carl* and Jacqueline Aschoff Jean H. Ashby* Jack and Deborah Bancks Helen (Skippy) Bell Atherton Daniel R. Baldwin Lorna M. Barnes Bill and Lu Barron Gordon and Jann Baustian Dean and Gale Beer Bob V. Bengtson Peter F. Bezanson* Bob and Judy Blommer Barbara Bloomhall and William A. Bloomhall, Sr.* Bill Bloomhall Jan Bloomhall John and Cindy Bloomhall Wilma J. Blosser Katheryn Boatman Scott and Joann Bogguss Barry and Gilda Boyer Jean Brenneman Ruth L. Hastings Brown* David H. and Rose Marie Burke Steven and Joanne Carfrae Richard* and Judith Chandler John Chaimov and Jenny Shultz Ivan and Mary Bess Chester Barbara Christiansen Larry H. Christy Lee and Jay Clancey Brent and Dawn Cobb Patrick and Sandra Cobb Loren L. and Patricia A. Coppock Paul and Sara Corbin John P. Curran Beverly Davey Tom and Beth DeBoom Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Dennis Chris and Suzy DeWolf Family

Ann Dorr James and Rosemary Earl Tiffany A. Earl John R. and Cheryl G. Elliott Susan Elliott-Bryan John M., Jr.* and Polly Ely* Norman* and Floy* Erickson John P.* and Jean W. Ferring Robert C. * and Marjorie H. Fletcher Rick and Donna Flynn William B. and Jo Anne F. Galbraith Les and Katrina Garner William and Harriet Gasway David and Susan Gehring Dean and Laura Gesme David and Kathleen Good Rose and LaVern Gordon Gary Grant Joan Greenblatt* Lana F. Hake Kathleen J. Hall Kathy L. Hall Ortha R.* and Ken* Harstad Mary Lou and Donald Hattery Ted and Tish Healey John and Kay Hegarty Jason and Susan Hellickson Clifford A. Hendricks Kate Hladky Jim and Ann Hoffman Lee R. Horn* Barbara J. and Ralph E.* Hughes William B. Quarton* and Jean A. Hunnicutt Sher Jasperse and Daryl Julich David and Mary Johnson G. Richard and Jacqueline Johnson Kenneth L. and Mildred M.* Johnson Mildred Joslin and Edward Kemp* Mary and David Junge David and Sherri Justice Vyrl* and Martha Justice Joseph M. Kacena* Peggy Fashimpaur Kahr George* and Louise Kalous Suzanne Rosenbaum Katz* Merry* and Bob* Kelley Frank and Geri Kintzle

Thomas and Clara Kleiman G.T. (Jerry) Knox Peter and Ingrid Kรถlln David Kubicek Ted and Margaret Kubicek Mary Ann Kucera Robert and Caroline* Kucharski Lawrence and Kimberly Kudej Sheryl Chehak Lamb* Robert J. and Sue B. Latham Karen Ann Laughlin James* and Susan Lavenz Robert and Carol Lehman Thea and Roger* Leslie Christopher and Jane Lindell Ann Lipsky Joan Lipsky Norman G.* Lipsky and Belle M. Lipsky John and Laura Locher David Mahlke George and Janelle McClain Bruce and Judy McGrath Jo* and Larry McGrath David and Ruth McGuire Nancy Green McHugh Frank and Cheryle Mitvalsky Mike and Ann Mohnsen Tara and Bob Moorman Paul and Jennifer Morf Craig and Deborah Mrkvicka Bill and Cathy Munsell Virginia Myers* Ron and Sue Neil Kay and Duane Nesetril Greg and Debbie Neumeyer William and Cheryl Nordstrom John and Christine North Ron and Sue Olson Sarah H. and Tyler Olson Dave and Anne Parmley Rich and Marion Patterson Jay and Bonnie* Petersen Ann and David B.* Pickford James A. and Monica M. Piersall Carolyn Pignott Rosberg Mike Plotz Wendy* and Randy Portz William and Janis Quinby Mrs. Vern W. Reeder*

Curt and Sigrid Reynolds Mary E. Rickey* Louise G. Roalson Dr.* and Mrs. William John Robb Jack and Jackie* Roland Gary Rozek Judith Whetstine and Bob Rush John M. and Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers Shelley Schultz William D. Severa Larry D. and Claire J. Sharp Paul R.* and Rebecca F.* Shawver Laurie and Robert Silber Marilyn and Dayton* Sippy Drew and Jo Ann Skogman Gary and Robin Skogman Kyle and Susan Skogman LaJuana Skogman DJ and Abbie Smith Duane Smith Dyan and John Smith Ellen Smith Marty and Julianne Smith Al* and Sara Sorensen Susan and Gary Speicher Eleanor Streletzky Robert Synhorst Julie and Byron Tabor Fred and Bev Timko Kathleen Toborg Sara and Dale Todd Terry Trimpe James and Susan Turner Robert Untiedt Michael and Marla Valliere Josie Velles R. Ray* and Barbara Weeks Maxine and Ted* Welch Guy H. Wendler Susanna Wendler William P.* and Gayle* Whipple Dorothy J. White* and Robert Dean Metcalf* Peggy Boyle Whitworth Martin and Diane Wiesenfeld Susan Willey Esther and Myron Wilson Larry and Joni Witzel Robert* and Charlotte Worley Jason and Leslie Wright Corrine and Robert* Yaw David Zylstra



2011 Scholarship Recipients All-McKinley Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship Sam Werner (McKinley Middle) Kai Vorhies (McKinley Middle) Sarah Lodge (McKinley Middle) Lauren Barber (McKinley Middle) Bob V. Bengtson Good Citizen Award & Scholarship Fund Scholarship Isaac Wiedenman (Truman Elementary) Carole Jamieson Spirit Scholarship Celia Garner-Prouty (Washington) Jordan Pilcher (Washington) Charles & Edith Glidden Scholarship Holly Prier (North-Linn) Carissa Serbousek (Kennedy) Britney Bockstahler (Linn-Mar) Stacey Howes (Prairie) Jacob Wallraff (Xavier) College Club of Cedar Rapids Scholarship

Delaware County Fish & Game Protective Association Scholarship

Kleiman Family Scholarship

Kirk Moser (Ed-Co)

Komensky Society Scholarship

Quarton-McElroy / Iowa Broadcasters Association UNI Electronic Media Scholarship Cassandra Milbrandt (UNI)

Zachary Berg (Alburnett)

Aldijana Omanovic (UNI)

Hailee Raue (Kennedy)

Robert K. Dennis Scholarship

Chad Franson (North Linn)

Courtney Burr (Lone Tree)

Lavenz Memorial “In”Courage Scholarship

Stephen Bonfig Memorial Scholarship

Matthew Sullivan (West Delaware) Brett Gudenkauf (West Delaware) Holly Heims (West Delaware) Matthew Maurer (West Delaware) Francis McMann Scholarship Maxwell McGee (Washington) Glenn & Mary Wendler Scholarship Janelle Lala (Prairie) Henry & Sara Katz Scholarship Kayla Hanson (Alburnett) Bradley Phillips (Central City) Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship Hannah Maher (Decorah)

Katrina Thomas (Prairie)

Jordan Sigwarth (Wahlert)

Lindsay Meade (Kennedy)

Vern W. Reeder Memorial Scholarship

Nina E. & Victor D. Merveaux Scholarship

Chelsey McMahon (Washington)

Stefan Juran (North-Linn)

Audrianne Freeman (Kennedy)

Floyd Richardson III (Prairie)

Abra Matthews (Washington)

Norma Wenzel Scholarship

Maxwell McGee (Washington)

Cole Rhatigan (Washington)

Zeta Phi Eta Memorial

O.J. & Viola N. Elsenbast Scholarship

Andrew Naylor (University of Iowa)

Jeremiah Andrews (Graet-Ter)

Alex Coppess (West Des Moines Valley)

Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship

Mary Kathryn Maher (Decorah)

Amy Hanson (Kennedy)

Johnathan Langenberg (Prairie) Moleigh Ryther (Xavier)

Honors in 2011 Cedar Rapids Amphitheatre Fund Speaking honorarium for Gail Loskill, Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Speaking honorarium for Robert Massey Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Speaking honorarium for Quinn Pettifer Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids

Community Fund In Honor of John and Janet Rater’s 50th Anniversary Sue and Ronald Reider In Honor of Jon Schumacher Allison Rayne KIDNEEDS Fund In Honor of Hayden Krauss Lori Krauss In Honor of the Birthday of Ronnie Nunn Leta Almeda and Suzanne Nunn

In Honor of the Birthday of Suzanne Nunn Leta Almeda In Honor of Abigail Stumpf Jacqueline and Dominick Leone

Miracles in Motion Agency Endowment In Honor of The Marriage of Elizabeth Hladky and Alex Schot

Bonnie and Edwin James

Matthew 25 Ministry Hub Friends Fund

John and Sherry Purdie

In Honor of William Griffin Garner’s Birthday Katrina and Les Garner

Vicky and William Roux

Juli and Marty Smith

National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library Friends Fund In Honor of Gail Naughton Sue and Ron Olson


2 011 D o n o r s Anonymous (19)

Sarah and Joseph Avellino

2001 Development Corporation

Back Bay Gourmet

Account Services Processing Center

Susan and Ken Baker

Helen Ackerson Active Network Advanced Acoustic Concepts Inc. Mildred Ahlstrom Rick Albin Nicole Alexander Deborah and Douglas Allemang

Susan and Anson Baker Bank Iowa Bank of America Matching Gift Program Bankers Trust Charman and John Banks Lorna Barnes Robert Barnes Debra Barnes Marion Carlos Barriot

Shannon and Christopher Bruns Ardyce and Edward Brunsting Joan and Larry Buchanan Bucks Digital Debra and Brad Buntz Marjorie Anne Becker and Peter Burack

Chicago Community Foundation/The Julianne and Martin Smith Charitable Fund Chicago Community Foundation/The William and Charla Osborne Family Charitable Fund Chicken Fried Farms, Inc.

Joanne and Ernie Buresh

Chiropractic T.L.C

Jim Burke

Elizabeth and Dana Christiansen

Audrey and P. Barry Butler Margaret and William Butler

Linda and Frederick Christman

Les Butterbaugh and Jo Quinlan

Theresa Christoffersen Sylvia Chruscicki

Florence and Thomas Allen

Lu and Bill Barron

Kathleen Lower Aller and Thomas Aller

Barry Hynes, Inc. DBA Glenville Terrace Auto Body

Jeanne and Frank Byers

Lee and Jay Clancey Bernice Clark

Tracy and Gary Bartlett

Stephanie and Robert Caldwell Cameron Concrete, Inc.

CME Group

Jeffrey Allerman and Susan Brown

Lynda Barrow

Nancy and Kenneth Allerman

David Baugous

Alliant Energy Foundation

Jann and Gordon Baustian

Barbara and Thomas Campbell

John Beaird

Melvin Campbell

Benzcoil LLC

William Campbell

Dana Berger

Joanne and Steven Carfrae

Jackie and Shawn Bergquist

Cargill Incorporated

Renate and Neil Bernstein

Mary and Steven Carpenter

Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop Allstate Insurance Nancy and Michael Almasi Leta Almeda and Suzanne Nunn Alpha Construction and Design Inc. Alter Metal Recycling Altorfer Inc. Aluspec, Inc. Bill Anderson Gary L. and Alice Anderson Thomas J. and Sarah E. Anderson William G. Anderson Andover Renovation Solutions, Inc. Anna O. Anderson Inter Vivos Revocable Trust

Phyllis and Jean Paul Besong Rebecca and Thomas Beusch Anna and Anthony Biancofiori Melanie and Joseph Bibernardo Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids & East Central Iowa June and Alan Bilyeu Patricia Williams and Salvatore Biondo Kenny Bishop

Donna and Joseph Carlin David Carrick Nancy and Daniel Carroll Ruth and Donald Casteel Cedar Rapids Area Convention & Visitors Bureau

Pamela and Craig Clark Dawn and Brent Cobb Sandra and Patrick Cobb Susan and John Collea Linda and Robert Comey Commerical Metals Company Community Health Free Clinic Community Theatre Building Corp. Rosemarie Consunji and James Daher Kathy and Ed Conway Josephine Cook

Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust Co.

Renee Corkery

Cedar Rapids Building Trades Council

CRST International

Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival

Luis Carlos Corrall Rubio Sally and Mark Cunliffe Marjorie Daft

Cedar Rapids Inside Local Labor Management Cooperation Committee

Jacob Dahn Kimberly and Jeremy Darnell

Polly and Anace Aossey

Michael Black Kimberly Blankenship

Cedar Rapids Run the Flood

Beverly Davey

Archer Daniels Midland Company

Judy and Bob Blommer

Cedar Ridge Vineyards

Armar Ventures, LC

Cynthia and John Bloomhall

Suki and Don Cell

L. Racheal Davis

Armstrong-Race Realty Company

Kristin and Todd Boffeli

Center Point Community Historical Society

Beverly and Robert Arnold

Lu Ann and Dennis Bower

Sue and William Chadima

Georgina and Donald Arnold

Sheila and Douglas Brakhahn

Emily and Brad Chafa

Friends and Family of Carl Aschoff

Deanna and James Brems

Gretchen Aschoff

Ryan Brouilette

Robert Assink Helen Atherton Atlantic Cutting Coring

John and Margaret Brolly Cherie and Bart Brown Denise and Brian Brown

Jenny Schulz and John Chaimov

Michael Davidson Paul DeLaney Eloise and Robert Dennis Suzy and Chris DeWolf Diamond V Mills Jill Dickey Mary Ann Donahue

Mary Sue and Roger Chatfield

Elizabeth and Brian Dougherty

Mary Bess and Ivan Chester

Marc Dowdell

Marlene Chevalier

Neil and Colleen Duffie

Dublin City Pub Michelle and Chad Duffin


Justin Dunn

Ruby Gartrell

Carolyn and Edward Harris

JLM Farms

Mike Dutro

Michael Gary

Lileah and Percy Harris

Joe Duffy Plastering

Joyce and Keith Dye

Harriet and William Gasway

Marcia and Mark Harris

John Hickey Electric

Vaughn and Bernice Hartzell

John P. Bent Jr. Charitable Lead Unitrust

Susan and Thomas Hatala

Jessica Johns

Kate F. Hawkins

Elizabeth Constantine and Derek Johnson

David Dyson Rosemary and James Earl Tiffany A. Earl Douglas Easker Carol and Tom Ecker Evelyn and William Edmonds George and Lois Eichacker Teresa and Jeff Elgin Gayle and Doug Elliott Susan Elliott-Bryan Norman Erickson Lorene Eriksen Jessica Taylor and James Erwin Rebecca and Don Esker Karen and Timothy Etherington Fahy Plumbing and Heating, Inc Irene and W. Gerard Falk JoAnn and David Faribault Farmers State Bank Phyllis and Michael Fasolo Janet and James Federer

Thomas and Kathleen Gaus Gazette Foundation GE Foundation Lisa and Wayne Gerler Sima and Chirantan Ghosh James Gilchrist Giles Plastering, Inc Herman Ginsberg Katie and Matt Giorgio Deborah and Robert Goldense Goodwill Industries of the Heartland Vernon Googe Grand Theatre Corporate Foundation Carleen Grandon

CT and John Hayes Sara and Allan Haytcher Ted and Tish Healey Kay and John Hegarty Jackie and Jack Heins Carol and John Helbling Erika and Travis Hempstead Donna and Michael Herring Steve Hershner Sherida and Cyril Hilario Timothy Hill and Catherine Salata-Hill

John Gray

Hills Bank and Trust Company

Sally and Steve Gray

Ann and Jim Hoffman

Great Island Blueboard & Plaster

Alice Hoffmeier

GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation

Jeanette and William Holtz

Janet and Stephen Holtman Traci and Andrew Hoop

Grace and Dennis Ferreter

Greater Twin Cities United Way

Donna and Matthew Ferro

Suzanne Green

Dorris Hotchkiss

Michele and Fred Fey

Greenscapes Landscape & Garden Center

Jeanne and Thomas Hoyt

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fifth Season Cedar Valley/ CVRA Fifth Season Races First Community Bank

Scott Gremillion Dennis Groenenboom R.C. Groenenboom Lawrence Grubryn Roger Gruwell

Lee Horn

Colleen and Anthony Hranicka

Marlene and Leonard Hadley

IBM Employee Services Center

Marilee Fowler

Steven and Barbara Haffner

Indian Creek Nature Center

Christina and Barry Frantz

Lyn and Larry Hafner

Frew Nations Group LLC

Jean and Cary J. Hahn

Industrial Metal-Fab, Inc.

Edward Friedmann and Elizabeth Coyte

Lillian Hajec

Information Technology Services

Suzanne and Gerry Funk

Kathleen Hall

Iowa Legal Aid Foundation

Justin Haller

Iowa Physician Assistant Society

Leslie Fowler

Tim Funk Melinda and Jeremy Fus

Beth and Bruce Hammell

G. Kenneth Mathews Trust

Joanne and Stephen Hammes

Emily Garberson

Lori Hampton

Nancy and Richard Garberson

Mary Jo and Victor Hamre

Colleen Garner Katrina and Les Garner

Diane and Jim Hankes Tork Harman Sally and Allan Harms

Sam and Pamela Johnson Theodore Johnson Johnson Gas & Appliance Co. Charles Jones Grason Jones Michael Jones Jones Regional Medical Center Foundation Frances and Michael Jordan Nora and James Jordan Joanne and Stephen Joyce Marilene and Richard Julich Martha Justice David Kandler Kelly and Christian Kane Mary and John Kane Mary and Joseph Kane

Thomas and Rosemary Kane

Jean Hunnicutt

Four Oaks

Marion and Foster Johnson

Marcia and Scot Hughes

Marc Gullickson

Ford Mechnical Co

James Johnson

Mary and Thomas Kane

Dorothy Guetzlaff

Jane and Brent Fonner

Jacqueline and G. Richard Johnson

Hratch Iskenderian DBA Iskederian Management Group Hughes Nursery and Landscaping

Sara Fitzgerald

Gene Ann Johnson

Indian Creek Questers 619

Patricia and Donald Kane Robin and Raymond Kane

Kory Kazimour Linda and Robert Keca Linda and Sean Keenan Gail and Joseph Keller Patricia and Robert Kemp John Kendrick Patricia and John Kerr Kerry Homeland Improvement Ed and Dev Kiedaisch Charles B. King

Isaac Newton Christian Academy

Geraldine and Frank Kintzle

J.W. Morton and Associates

Linda Kirby

Clair Jackson

Kathy and Michael Klauser

Bonnie and Edwin James

Clara and Thomas Kleiman

Mary C. James

Kerry Klepfer

Mary Jo Jensen

Cliff Klouda


Donald Knapp

Randal Matcek

Mildred and Darrel Morf

Holly and Chris Overturf

Elyse and Mark Koestler

Eleanor Maxwell

Paul and Jennifer Morf

Nancy Owen

Mary and Larry Koskinen

John Mazza

Janice Morgan

P & E Auto Service

Lori Krauss

Janelle and George McClain

Sheryl and Mark Morgan

Mary and Mike Parker

Barbara and Patrick McClintock

Sigred and Kenneth Morris

Mary and Michael Parrish

Mortuary Lift Company

Paul’s Plastering

Noel Mouritzen

Paulson Electric

Brandi and Chris Mueller

Charlotte Pence

Jessica and Ryan Murphy

Eleanor and Martin Pendergast

Isabelle Krichel Deborah and Arthur Krieg Sonja and Brian Krob Robert Kucharski Susan Lahneman Ms. Kellie Lala Stan Lassiter League of Women Voters Cedar Rapids Marion Barbara Leaver Joe Leduc Leeco Steel

Susan and Larry McCray McGrath Automotive Corp. Laura and Gary McGraw Nancy McHugh Vern McKenzie David McNary Joan and Scott McVay ME&V

Legands Sports Bar and Grill

Mary and Dick Meisterling

Anthony Leonard

Mercy Medical Center

Jacqueline and Dominick Leone

Merit Construction Co./Rinderknecht Associates Inc.

Claudette Lerma Thea Leslie Liars Theatre Susan Lifsey Portes Lil’ Drug Store Products Paul Linder Linn County Bar Association Linn-Mar School Foundation

Terri Mengler

Mary and Pamela Meschler Metal One America Metro Studios Metro Youth Football Association Madeline and James Meyer Donna Meyocks MidAmerican Energy Foundation

William Nassif National Community Foundation\Jeremy Smith DDS Family Foundation

Per Mar Security Services

George Naxera Rochelle and Alan Naylor

Mary Ann and Chuck Peters

Marilyn Neely

Sarah and Jeff Peters

Neighbor Insurance Agency, Inc.

Jay Petersen

Neighborhood Transportation Service, Inc.

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Sue and Ronald Neil Margaret and Ronald Nelson Mary C. Nelson Melissa and Joe Nelson Renee and Andrew Nelson Network For Good New England Building Supply

Lorna Perry James Peters and Laure Wess Peters

Quinn Pettifer

Physician’s Clinic of Iowa Lynne and Thomas Pickett Play For Your Cause Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 125 William Policastro Port Arthur Foundation Diane and Larry Potter Don and Marcia Primus

Keith Newfield

Rodney and Lisa Pritchard

Dorothy and Bob Nolan

Joyce and John Puk

Michele and Brian Nolan

John and Sherry Purdie

Jill and Denton Nordhues

Mary and Jon Quass

Anne and David Nordstrom

Jessica and Walter Quinlan

Beth and Richard Miller

Carol and Steve Nordstrom

Timothy Quinlan

Faith Russell and John Miller

Julie and Jason Nosek

Johnny Rainey

Sally and Richard Novetzke

Raining Rose, Inc.

Margaret Mills

A.J. Nowak

Ferman Milster

NUCOR Plate Mill

Donna and Goerge Rakowski

Jamie and Linda Lundahl

Lori and David Miltenberger

Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc.

Christine Luzzie and Patrick Bauer

Catherine and Neil Mittelberg

Elizabeth Boyd and William Nusser

Kathleen and Hugh MacMenamin

Cheryle and Frank Mitvalsky

Lynn and Robert Ocken

Dolores and James Rasmussen

Sharon and Ronald Mohr

Linda O’Donnell

Mary Joan and David Rater

Arlene Madill

Mary and Robert Rathje

Dawilla and William Madsen

Monday League

Evan Ogrodowicz Donna Oldorf

Allison Rayne

James Olita

Red Cedar Chamber Music

Minny and Craig Olson

Red Star Construction Services, Inc

Ann Lipsky Joan Lipsky Louis Little Cherri and Joe Lock Dolores and Richard Lofton Kathleen Lomonaco Longbranch John Lopas Gail and Kerry Loskill Gail Loskill

Catherine and Andrew Maenner Gail and Edward Maenner Joan Martin Martinek Memorial Trust Robert Massey Peter Mastrocovi


Matthew McCoy

Debby and John Miljavac Jodi and Chris Miljavac Miljavac Electrical Corporation Alaina Miller

Rosemary and John Montagno Marianne and W. Russell Moore

Penny and Scott Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan F. Moore

Sue and Ron Olson

Marie and Martin Moran

Orchestra Iowa

Susie and Robert Moran

Jackie and Ted Oster

Sue and Tim O’Malley

Melissa Randall Rapids Reproductions Deb and Russ Rasmussen

Sue and Ronald Reider Joanne and Daniel Rellihan Barbara Remmell Kimberly and Warren Reneau

Rosemarie Rennekamp

Mary and George Serour

Gretchen Stuhr

Julie Walker

Sigrid and Curtis Reynolds

William D. Severa

Hollis and David Wallace

Tommy Reynolds

Trevor Shanahan

Friends and Family of Manford Stewart

Mary Rickey

Mike Sherman

Amy and Birdwell Sutlive

Martha Warren

Louise Roalson


Rockwell Collins Charitable Corporation

Heidi Short

Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program ROI Marketing Services H. Kristen Roland Jack Roland

Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC Frances and Kenneth Sibbing Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman, PLC

Carolyn Pigott Rosberg

Julie and Chuck Sina

Janet and W. Mark Rosenbury

Susan Skelton Mary Alice Skiles

Mr. Matt Rosner

Skills and Insights, LLC

Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids

Skogman Companies

Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Daybreak Vicky and William Roux Nancy and Alan Rowe Mary and Edward Rowen RSM McGladrey, Inc. Diane and David Rubsam Delta and Paul Rubsamen Len Rustam Ryan Companies US, Inc. Michaela and Todd Sabin Nancy Bauman and Anthony Sandler

Kelly and Chad Slaughter Abbie and D.J. Smith Clarence Smith Dyan and John Smith Jack and Mary Jo Smith Juli and Marty Smith N. Jean and Craig Smith Teresa and Roger Smith Sara Sorensen Andrew Spears Marc Spector Jeffrey Speer

Josh Holland and Dawn Svenson Holland Janelle Swanberg Quinn and Brie Swenson Arnold

Denise and Neil Wallner Arthur Wasserman Maxine M. Wasson Carmen and John Wasta Mary Watson

Systems Unlimited Board of Directors

Sue and Terry Weinacht

Kathleen and Kevin Syzchulski

Michael J. Welsh

Julie and Byron Tabor

Maxine Welch Shannon and Jennifer Welton

The Kenneth K. Kinsey Family Foundation

William Whipple Estate

The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust\Ghosh Family Foundation

Theresa Whittlesey

The Universal Steel Company Donald A. Thomas Joanne Thomas Deborah Thornton Marian and Hugh Thornton Kurt Tisdale Rita Tisdall Kathleen Toborg Paul Travaillot Trees Forever Debra and Roanld Trewin

Marc Whitman Diane and Martin Wiesenfeld Martin Wiesenfeld Friends and Family of Wythe Willey Susan Willey Donna and David Williams Karen and Scott Williams Esther and Myron Wilson Joni and Larry Witzel Susan Witzig R. Robert Woodburn, Jr. and Janet M. Smith

Terry Trimpe

Kerrie and Richard Woodley

TrueNorth Companies

Janet and Richard Woods

Trust for the Future

Mildred Woods

St. Paul’s UMC Foundation

Maureen Tucci

Ms. Mary Woods

Stadium Pub, Inc. DBA The Boyne

Tuffy Auto Service Center

Sandra and Mark Woods

Hope and Sean Tully

World Class Industries

Karen and Daniel Stanford

Susan and James Turner

Neal and Kathleen Scharmer

Michael J. Stanly

Lisa Twedt

Erin and Christopher Wrecza

Joan and Paul Starczewski

Karla and Clint Twedt-Ball

Caleb Wright

Neal R. Scharmer

Anita T. Starman Estate

Paul Twigg

Suzanne Wright

Joyce Schmidt

State of Iowa

United Business Media

Sandra and Joel Schmidt

Tina and Mark Steffens

Linda Williams and G.L. Schmit

Stemcor USA Inc.

United Way of East Central Iowa

Marcia Barnes Wunder and Charles Wunder

Gail Takahashi and Christian Schmitz

Debra and Thomas Stewart

Sasaki Associates Sara and Jim Sauter Sawing & Shearing, Inc. Belva J. and Duffy Schamberger Friends and Family of Lorraine Schamer

Barbara and Thomas Schroeder

Susan and Gary Speicher St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church St. Luke’s Hospital

Sheila Stephan Anne Stocklin Mike Stone

Utica Board of Officials for Women’s Basketball Marla and Michael Valliere Van Meter Industrial, Inc.

Bernie Schupbach

Marlyse and Terry Strait

Toni and Bradley Van Voorhis

Susan and Brian Schwall

Karen Strathmeyer

Joyce Varley-Hirst

Jan and Tony Sdao

Susan and Gary Streit

Emily Vaughan

James and Jona Seifert

Karen and Gordon Struve

Josie Velles

Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District

Cynthia and Robert Stuhlman

JoAnn and Steven Wahle

Sense Able Interiors/ Facades

Donna Stuhlman

Deborah and Frederick Walk

Sharon and Ronald Stuhlman

Dr. Jerry D. Walker

Mary Jo and Tom Yates Nicole Yates Yellow Book DST Employees Jerry York and Rachel Baldwin York Michelle and Todd Younggreen Carolyn and Jay Zack


Vo lu n te er s and Sta f f

A committed board along with dedicated volunteers and staff assure future growth of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community F o u n d a t i o n . To g e t h e r, t h e y k e e p a b r e a s t o f c h a n g i n g p r o b l e m s and needs, positioning the Community Foundation to identify a n d m e e t n e w c h a l l e n g e s i n t h e c o m m u n i t y. T h e B o a r d o f Directors includes Linn County citizens who have had a long histor y of nonprofit involvement and experience .

2011 Board of Directors Gary Bartlett

Kay L. Hegarty – Treasurer*

Carrie Powicki-Kaufman

John M. Bickel

Nancy Kasparek – Chair

Chris Skogman

John Chaimov

Elizabeth Schott

Fred Timko

Loren Coppock

Cheryle Mitvalsky

Kevin Welu

Chris DeWolf – Vice Chair/Chair Elect

Tom Moore

Dr. Ruth E. White – Secretary*

Tiffany Ann Earl

Katie Oberbroeckling

*term ended in 2011

Sara B. Fitzgerald

Ron Olson – Past Chair*

Chair Emerita

Ruth Hairston

John Osako

Nancy G. McHugh

2011 Committees of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Grant Programs committees: Community Fund Gilda Boyer Sara Fitzgerald Mary Junge John MacGregor John Osako Chad Peterson Elizabeth Schott Ruth White education Fred Althoff Kathleen Aller Kathleen McNanara Tom Moore Jane Nesmith Sally Sandberg Field of Interest Funds Kendra Abel Karl Cassell Gina Johnson Cheryle Mitvalsky Carrie Powicki-Kaufman Flood 2008 Fund Lorna Barnes Scott Bogguss John Chaimov Cathy Gullickson Jerry Matchett John Wasta Ruth White Linn County Fund Gary Bartlett David Gardner John Harp Dave Machacek Elizabeth Schott


Momentum Fund Lorna Barnes John Chaimov Ruth Hairston Ron Olson Chris Skogman Oather Taylor Fred Timko Kara Trebil Organizational Development fund Bob Buntz Suresh Ganu Cheryle Mitvalsky Carrie Powicki-Kaufman John Watson Peggy Whitworth Scholarship Kelly Allen Jann Baustian Bob Bouton Dom Caristi Jo-Ann Cook Laura Dement Pat Dunkel Connie Dunkin Betty Ehlinger David Horton Marcia Hughes Gayla Huston Maggie Jackson Becky Koch Anne Laverty Joan Murrin Mark Osmundson Kevin Papp John Phelan Liz Posekany Jane Schildroth Lisa Thirnbeck Kevin Welu Melissa Winter

Operating committees:


Finance Lorna Barnes Kay Hegarty Nancy Kasparek Ron Olson

grants planning task force Jerry Matchett Gilda Boyer Cathy Gullickson Elizabeth Hladky Tom Moore Rich Patterson John Wasta Ruth White Mary Lou Erlacher

Committee on Grant Making John Chaimov Mary Lou Erlacher Cathy Gullickson Carrie Powicki-Kaufman Fred Timko John Wasta Ruth White Community Outreach Ruth Hairston Nancy Kasparek Tom Moore Ron Olson John Osako Elizabeth Schott Investment Rich Altorfer Gary Bartlett Steve Fitzgerald Nancy Kasparek Barbara Knapp Greg Neumeyer Denny Redmond Dale Rettenmeier John Slover Fred Timko Kevin Welu Resource Development Gary Bartlett John Bickel Loren Coppock Chris DeWolf Nancy Kasparek Ron Olson Bill Munsell

Youth POWER Board Kate Ernst, Washington High School Kerstin Flugum, Prairie High School Mikayla Goemaat, Marion High School Megan Kibby, Jefferson High School Kelli Klaus, Washington High School Kerry McCartan, Xavier High School Quincy McGee, Washington High School Tara Mittelberg, Kennedy High School John Richardson, Xavier High School Amanda Smith, Prairie High School Casey Sublett, Linn Mar High School Jenny Vestle, Washington High School Stephanie Wenclawski, Kennedy High School Maddie Young, Linn Mar High School

2 0 1 1 C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n S t a f f ( a s o f J u l y, 2 0 1 2 ) Les Garner, Jr. President & CEO Emmylou Ball Accountant Wendy Blood Office Manager Jean Brenneman Chief Financial Officer Elizabeth Cwik Program Officer

Katie Giorgio Coordinator, Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center

Kaitlin Oswood Endow Iowa Program Assistant

Bernadette Gladish Program Assistant

Vanessa Rogers Interim Director of Marketing and Communications

Amy Johnson Boyle Vice President of Development

Karla Twedt-Ball Vice President of Programs

Rochelle Naylor Program Officer

Josie Velles Director of Donor Services

Deb Orr Development Assistant

Special Programs Staff Barbara Klawiter REACT Center Administrator

Supporting Organizations A supporting organization advances the general mission of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF), but has its own distinct mission and purpose. GCRCF provides administrative, investment and/or grant making support to the Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center and the REACT Center.

Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center The Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center (LCNRC) exists to build vibrant communities by promoting, supporting and strengthening the nonprofits of our area. LCNRC directs local nonprofits to best practices in a

2011 Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center Advisory Board: Les Garner, The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (ex-officio)

variety of areas such as finance, board development,

Mary Lou Erlacher, The Workplace Learning Connection (President)

fundraising, marketing, and consulting. LCNRC seeks to

Lois Buntz, United Way of East Central Iowa

partner with existing nonprofit professional organizations

Jim Ernst, Four Oaks

in their training and professional development efforts.

Liz Hoskins, Waypoint

An advisory board of nonprofit professionals and other

Mike Humbert, The Alternative Board of Eastern Iowa

community leaders guides LCNRC. In 2011, this advisory

Jenny Schulz, Kids First Law Center

group embarked on a strategic planning process to

Katie Geiken, Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation

evaluate the role the Resource Center has played in the

Robert Massey, Orchestra Iowa

nonprofit community over the past six years, and to see how the organization might not only align more closely

Delaine Petersen, Arc of East Central Iowa (Vice President)

with the mission of GCRCF, but also how its mission

Dan Strellner, Abbe, Inc.

might help build a stronger nonprofit community.

Kim Wilkerson, Wilkerson Consulting Group (Secretary- Treasurer)

T h e R E AC T C e n t e r The REACT Center, Rockwell Educational Access to Computer Technology, is a nonprofit organization funded by the Rockwell Collins Foundation and managed by GCRCF. The REACT Center provides refurbished computers and computer learning experiences to area schools and area nonprofits that work with youth and the community. For more information on REACT, including how to make a computer and/or peripheral equipment donation or to request donated equipment, contact Barbara Klawiter, at 319.393.9632 or


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The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation is in compliance with national standards for services and operations that have been established by the Council on Foundations to guide sound policies, accountable practices, and ethical and operational integrity that strengthen the effectiveness of community philanthropy.

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