Heritage Center Brochure

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The image of Heritage Center was painted by watercolorist Alda Kaufman C’68, a Dubuque, Iowa resident and an active member of the Iowa Watercolor Society.

When we adopted our Mission, Vision, and Action Plan in 2008, it was said that “if God had a purpose for this place, it would succeed.� - President Bullock

Welcome It is my pleasure to welcome you to Heritage Center, the University of Dubuque’s fine, performing arts, worship, and campus center. This exquisite building is the fulfillment of a dream for generations of alumni/ae, faculty, staff, trustees, and students. In 1998, Acting President J. Bruce Meriwether,’60, provided the essential leadership for the University’s return to its historic roots in the Reformed Christian tradition and the development of a Mission, Vision, and Action Plan 1998 – 2008. Central to this plan was a living Mission and Vision that became the foundation for the University – a definite, forward direction, and guide to decision making. An uncommon feature of this document was that the Mission and Vision were tied to a clear Action plan. One of the most audacious goals outlined in the Action portion of the plan was the construction of a Performing Arts Center. By 2008, all of the goals in the Action portion of the ten-year plan had been accomplished or exceeded save one: the construction of the Performing Arts Center. The dream of this center was carried forward in the second edition of the plan, looking forward seven years from 2008 to 2015. Now, in the spring of 2013, this dream has become a reality in Heritage Center. We are grateful to the generous donors who have made substantial investments for the University’s students and in our future through their financial underwriting of Heritage Center. Art and Worship by Osmosis is the overarching theme for this new campus center, inviting people from all parts of the campus to happen upon Art, upon Worship, in their various forms as they visit the center for their work, study, recreation, and entertainment. When we adopted our Mission, Vision, and Action Plan in 2008, it was said that “if God had a purpose for this place, it would succeed.” Donors have been generous, faculty and staff have worked hard, and families have entrusted daughters and sons to us for education in academic disciplines and formation of character, in preparation for living lives of worth and service. In countless ways, the University has been richly blessed. As we move into a future in which we believe “the best is yet to be,” let us commit ourselves to living into the Mission to which God has called this place – always seeking God’s continuing purpose for the University of Dubuque. With gratitude for many gifts and one Spirit,

Jeffrey F. Bullock, Ph.D. President


Early Planning

Building Concept

While there had been a thought of developing a Performing Arts Center on campus, the thought

Straka Johnson, Conlon Construction, and the University have worked

became more focused in 2001 with the development of a Campus Master Plan by Minneapolis-

together on every major University construction project over the last

based Oslund and Associates and its adoption by the University Board of Trustees. The Oslund and

fifteen years. One of the strengths of this team approach to projects is

Associates plan directed the development of the South Campus including a new campus entrance

that the architect, the contractor, and the project owner are working

off U.S. Highway 20 marked by the Conlon Colonnade, the engineering and construction of

collaboratively from the outset – bringing each partner’s insight,

University Park Drive linking it to the North Campus bordered by University Avenue and marked by

perspective, and expertise to bear in developing a building concept.

the Steffens Colonnade. A proposed building site for a Performing Arts Center was located near the

Heritage Center presented a unique opportunity embedded in a design

north end of University Park Drive, west of the Charles and Romona Myers Center, at the corner of

challenge: joining a student center together with a performing arts and

Bennett, Grace, and McCormick Streets.

worship center.

In 2007, President Jeffrey F. Bullock called for the formation of a Task Force, with representatives

The physical location of the proposed center in the Grace-Bennett

from various parts of the campus, to begin preliminary planning for this new facility. The Task

Street block at the junction of the North and South Campus evoked the

Force was convened by Special Assistant to the President Carlyle and Mary Haaland. After many

thought of creating a place that would become the center of campus

productive meetings, the Task Force presented its report that became the foundation document for

life where faculty, staff, students, alumni, and campus visitors would

this new facility – ideas that would be enhanced, trimmed, modified, revised, and would represent

cross paths – a place that had never previously existed on the campus.

the end of the beginning.

Locating spaces to support the arts and worship in proximity to a

With assistance from Oslund and Associates, the University began a search for an architectural

campus center creates the occasion for the entire campus community,

firm with whom to partner on this significant project. Starting with a list of 50 possible architectural

but particularly for students, to experience Art and Worship by Osmosis –

firms, the 50 became four located in various parts of the United States as well as one international

to develop an appreciation for music, fine art, theatre, and worship

location. At the conclusion of the search, a firm from Portland, Oregon was retained to begin the

simply by having it as a part of daily life experience rather than

project. After several months, it became clear that the Dubuque architectural firm, Straka Johnson,

removed from it.

should design, develop, and execute the project using consultants with specific expertise as needed.


D e s i g n Opp o r t u n i t i e s The exterior of the new center opened the opportunity to design a building that “sings with the choir” of other campus buildings and which, together, create a distinctive University of Dubuque-style of architecture. A style characterized by brick façades, limestone accents, peaked roofs marking entrances, arched windows and other elements, and the iconic, intertwined UD “coin.” Expanses of glass allowing grand amounts of natural light into interior spaces as well as creating the illusion of an inside-outside building – if one is inside, there is the feeling of being linked to what’s going on outside. As well, if one is on the outside, one feels a part of what’s going on inside the building. Light and height are characteristics of University buildings in the modern era that evoke a feeling of accessibility, openness, and welcome. While each area of the building would have a principal purpose, the design would afford the chance for multiple uses. For example, a black box theatre, properly conceived, would create wide-ranging opportunities for theatre productions, serve as a dance studio, instrumental recital hall, and space for a variety of small lectures and presentations.

Programming An integral third element is the programming focus of the center – namely a place for faculty, students, and staff to interact with one another – in short, a campus center. The principal performance hall, the black box theatre, scene and costume shops, practice rooms, music composition studios, and faculty offices are the environment to further grow a vibrant, dynamic academic program in the fine and performing arts. Guest artists, preachers, and lecturers appearing on campus as part of the University’s “Artist, Worship, and Lecture Series” create opportunities to enrich the total educational experience of every student on campus. And, as the center’s University-focused schedule permits, serve as a resource for community organizations.

The Center is designed to exude artistic expression in and of itself, from afar and from within.


heritage center After years of visioning, planning, and preparation, Heritage Center, the University’s fine, performing arts, worship, and campus center is a reality. Serving the University’s Mission, this campus center will play a major role in developing well-rounded, informed, and culturally attuned citizens. Heritage Center was selected as the name for this building for its dynamic, future-oriented nature – “something, such as a custom, that is passed from one generation to another.” The University that we know today, with all of its traditions and customs, is a product of the work and experiences of all those faculty, staff, students, and trustees who have preceded us in this place. As part of that heritage, our contemporary contributions will surely benefit those who follow us. In a very visible way, the name, Heritage Center, joins us to our founder, Adrian Van Vliet, the generations who followed to the present era, and on into those who will carry this Mission into a future where we believe “the best is yet to be.” The Center, at approximately 80,000 square feet, commands a portion of the campus bounded by Grace, Bennett, and McCormick Streets at the midpoint between North and South Campuses. Care has been taken to blend with existing campus architecture through color and texture, yet it will be a virtuoso performer in the campus “ensemble.” The exterior’s flowing forms define each façade with a visual expression of music – five lines, four spaces. The horizontal and vertical forms continue to the interior with serpentine pathways, freeform finish elements, and curvilinear gathering and work spaces. The primary circulation through the building winds its way between a variety of performance, instructional, and administrative functions, affording sights and sounds to pique the interest of even the most casual observer. The Center is designed to exude artistic expression in and of itself, from afar and from within. The primary functions of the building can be categorized as casual Student Campus Center areas and Public Areas, with overlaps of each meant to encourage interaction and interest. The student areas are designed to provide educational spaces, group and individual study settings, student services, offices, and hospitality. The Public Areas provide performance venues, gathering spaces, a gallery space, a heritage-history display, offices, and hospitality.

Doorway connecting upper level of Butler Hall to Mark and Cheryl Falb Balcony

First Floor North and South Towers

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A.Y. McDonald Performance Lobby


Farber Box Office


John and Alice Butler Hall


Straatmeyer History Display and Rehearsal Room




Knapp Stage


Charles and Elizabeth Bisignano Gallery


Babka Theatre


Emeriti/ae Faculty and Staff Wall of Recognition

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first Floor


Palmer-Noone Lounge


Costume Shop


Dressing Rooms and Make-up Room


Scene Shop


Concert Grand Piano Storage


North Tower Entrance to Heritage Center

North and South Towers There are plaques in the North and South Towers of Heritage Center which have been “…given

of the University’s students, faculty, and staff, have been historic and

with affection by the students, faculty, and staff of the University” in honor of Joe and Linda Chlapaty

breathtaking in scope. But, more importantly, they have made these

and their family. The Chlapatys provided the lead financial commitment for Heritage Center. Their

commitments as a way of demonstrating that it is so much better to

commitment to this Mission known as the University of Dubuque, and their dedication to the welfare

give than it is to receive.

Upon entering, one’s eye is drawn both skyward by the 33 foot height and forward by the warm, inviting color of the walls which seem to “open their arms” in welcome.

Overview of A.Y. McDonald Performance Lobby


A . Y. M c D o n a l d P e r f o r m a n c e L o bb y From the moment one approaches the entrance to the A.Y. McDonald Lobby, the Center “tips its hat” in welcome as the glass curtain wall facing south and west pitches out at 10 degrees. Upon entering, one’s eye is drawn both skyward by the 33 foot height and forward by the warm, inviting color of the walls which seem to “open their arms” in welcome. Entrances to John and Alice Butler Hall are marked with doors that introduce a stylized treble clef theme that is carried through the Center in a number of forms as well as in upswept wings. The lobby has ample space to accommodate comfortably patrons gathering before and after a performance as well as serving as the location for special University celebrations and dinners.

Farber Box Office The Farber Box Office, located just inside the main public entrance to the Center, is named to honor Frank Farber, father of Trustee Susan Farber, and a generous, long-term financial supporter of the University. The box office will, as its name suggests, be the central point in Heritage Center from which tickets to events will be processed and dispensed. For the first time, the University will have a central box office location.

In the lobby area facing doors to John and Alice Butler Hall

The proscenium stage is also designed to be versatile enough to be home to important campus functions such as Opening Convocation, H o n o r s C o n v o c a t i o n , S e m i n a r y C o mm e n c e m e n t , B a c c a l a u r e a t e , and All-University Worship Services.

From the John and Alice Butler Hall stage looking outward into the audience seating


John and Alice Butler Hall The University’s principal performance venue, John and Alice Butler Hall, is an intimate, breathtaking space that can comfortably accommodate close to 1,000 patrons in performances by University performing arts groups as well as local, regional, and national touring troupes in music, dance, and drama. The proscenium stage is also designed to be versatile enough to be home to important campus functions such as Opening Convocation, Honors Convocation, Seminary Commencement, Baccalaureate, and All-University Worship Services. The stage, with it’s sixty-foot proscenium opening; fly-tower that can accommodate sets for various performing art forms; a versatile, moveable acoustical shell; and a suspended stage floor that can accommodate all dance forms provides flexibility that supports a wealth of performance options. The warm, earth-tone color palette that is continued in the hall underscores the warm, friendly welcome one receives from design elements upon entering the Center through the A.Y. McDonald Lobby. Audiences and performers or speakers will be able to interact with one another since the distance from the lip of the stage to the top row of the balcony is just less than ninety feet.

View of stage in John and Alice Butler Hall

Upper level seating area of John and Alice Butler Hall


Straatmeyer History Display and Rehearsal Room Sharing the south wall of the lobby is the Straatmeyer History Display and Rehearsal Room, named to honor Alvin and Marcine Straatmeyer whose love and support for the University is boundless. The interactive History Display is designed to acquaint current students, faculty, staff, and guests with the history of the University of Dubuque, from its founding in 1852 by Adrian Van Vliet as a seminary to educate pastors for ministry among German Presbyterian immigrants who were settling “in the west” across the Mississippi, to the present day. The display is designed also to be dynamic with the content able to be changed to tell new and different parts of our University story. The Rehearsal Room, which comprises a large portion of the south façade of the Center, will serve as a superb space in which various music ensembles can prepare for performances. Also, the rehearsal room is the perfect size for use as a recital hall. The curvilinear, floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall that forms the south wall of the room provides a natural acoustical shell that mirrors the effect of the performance hall’s acoustical shell. The room can also be configured to handsomely accommodate pre- and post-concert dinners and receptions.

The Straatmeyer Rehearsal Room is lined with a curtain wall facing the South Campus.


Charles and Elizabeth Bisignano Gallery The glass-walled Charles and Elizabeth Bisignano Gallery, located at the east edge of the A.Y.

Campus. A pedestrian pathway takes students from the Center’s

McDonald Lobby and the west edge of the Cybercafé, is at one of the busiest crossroads of Heritage

south entrance on Bennett Street, up a stairway to the second floor,

Center. Art galleries at colleges and universities are – more often than not – located away from major

along Main Street, and out the north entrance on Grace Street.

centers of campus activity. The Bisignano Gallery, one of the many opportunities for Art and Worship by Osmosis in the Center, is situated along the major student traffic pattern from the South to North

View of Charles and Elizabeth Bisignano Gallery from the A.Y. McDonald Performance Lobby

The Cybercafé with seating for 124, is a beautiful, l i g h t - f i l l e d , a n d c o l o r f u l s p a c e f o r s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y, and staff to enjoy a meal or a snack.

Entrance to the Cybercafé from the second floor


View of the Cybercafé from the American Trust Lounge

Cybercafé The Cybercafé with seating for 124, is a beautiful, light-filled, and colorful space for students, faculty, and staff to enjoy a meal or a snack. The University’s traditional dining hall in Peters Commons that has served generations of Spartans has, over the last decade, reached its capacity in its ability to serve students. This new food venue provides a much needed second space for students to dine. The floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall in the café creates an environment for diners that makes one feel as though one is both inside the building and outside all at once, with a view to the west entrance of Charles and Romona Myers Center and what will soon be developed into a new South Quadrangle. In spring, summer, and fall, a door in the curtain wall provides the means to use a patio that will be alive with tables and bright, multi-colored umbrellas.

K n a pp S t a g e The Cybercafé’s Knapp Stage will become a popular place for guest artist and student “open-mike” performances, creating student activity options during evening hours of the Cybercafé’s operations. The stage will also be used to host guest speakers, political and civic leaders, and an occasional ensemble.


View of Babka Theatre from balcony

B a bk a t h e a t r e The Babka Theatre is a 200 seat “black box” theatre that provides exceptional space for drama and dance, and can also function as a classroom and lecture hall. The only part of the Center that departs from its earth-toned color palette, this space has black walls, floors, exposed catwalks, and ceiling as well as black velour curtaining. This space provides extremely versatile, first-class instructional space for a nascent drama program. A set/scene shop, costume shop, and dressing rooms provide the essential backstage support that will create the opportunity to accelerate the drama program’s growth and maturation. The theatre also provides instructional and rehearsal space for an evolving dance program. Already in place is a mirror wall and balance bars. Perhaps, most importantly, a sprung floor was installed that reduces the possibility of injury to dancers upon which a Marley dance floor can be rolled out for rehearsal and performances. The space also can function as a venue for small guest lectures and as a classroom. “Black box” theatres generally do not have windows while the Babka Theatre has five windows that can be left uncurtained for classes and guest lectures.


E m e r i t i / a e F a c u lt y a n d S t a f f Wa l l of Recognition Along the west exterior wall of the Babka Theatre, along CybercafĂŠ Concourse that leads to the Palmer-Noone Lounge, the University has established a Wall of Recognition to honor faculty and staff who have completed their service to the University and were granted emeriti/ae status in recognition of their contributions to the heritage of the University.

Palmer-Noone Lounge Adjacent to the Babka Theatre is the Palmer-Noone Lounge that can function as a green room for University and guest performances both in the Babka Theatre and in John and Alice Butler Hall. In everyday use, it functions as one of many quiet places throughout the building for students to meet and study.

Seating area in the Palmer-Noone Lounge

Second Floor 7

A stairway that appears to move effortlessly – even fly – from the primary student access to the Center from South 9


Campus on Bennett Street, takes one to the second floor


and links to the American Trust Lounge, the Mark and 5

Cheryl Falb Balcony, and Main Street – the pedestrian artery that leads to the Center’s North Campus entrance on Grace Street. Along Main Street’s winding path, one finds some of the Center’s group study and seminar rooms along with niches and alcoves provided to enhance group and individual study areas.

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Mark and Cheryl Falb Balcony


American Trust Lounge


William J. and Ruth E. Svrluga Faculty Hall of Fame


Student Organization Resource and Seminar Rooms


Aitchison-Welch Choral Rehearsal Room


Sparty’s Convenience Store


Mike and Betty’s Ice Cream Shop


Campus Mail and Copy Center


Visual Arts Classroom


Students enjoying the great view from the Mark and Cheryl Falb Balcony

Mark and Cheryl Falb Balcony The Mark and Cheryl Falb Balcony offers patrons and guests one of the most dramatic views on the University campus. From the balcony, one can observe the entire performance hall lobby as well as the Chlapaty Recreation and Wellness Center, the football stadium, South Campus, and beyond the campus to the hills that surround Dubuque to the south and west. The balcony also provides easy access to the balcony area of John and Alice Butler Hall.

American Trust Lounge One of the most interesting features of the Cybercafé is the American Trust Lounge. Cantilevered over the lower level of the Cybercafé, the lounge has a tree house effect, a perch from which to view activity on the first floor of the café and a fresh perspective on the South Quad. This will be one of the campus’ most popular places to study, work on assignments, or relax. View of American Trust Lounge


William J. and Ruth E. Svrluga F a c u lt y H a l l o f F a m e On the east side of Main Street adjacent to the gallery entrance of the Babka Theatre, the William J. and Ruth E. Svrluga Faculty Hall of Fame for Excellence in Teaching and Advising recognition wall has been relocated from the lobby of Blades Hall. Thanks to the generosity of UD alumnus and Trustee Richard and Donna Svrluga, the Excellence in Teaching and Advising Awards Program was established in 1996 to recognize outstanding teaching, advising, and the dedication of faculty to the Mission and tradition of the University of Dubuque. The awards are named to honor John Knox Coit and William L. Lomax who were known for their dedication to University students, both inside and outside the classroom. On occasion, an Alumni Distinguished Faculty Award is also presented.

Student Organization Resource and Seminar Rooms

Student Organization Resource and Seminar Rooms On the west side of Main Street across from the Svrluga Faculty Hall of Fame are three glass-walled multipurpose rooms that can be used by student organizations for meetings and, during the class day, used for small classes and seminars. The rooms vary in size and can accommodate twelve, sixteen, and twenty students.


Aitchison-Welch Choral Rehearsal Room The Aitchison-Welch Choral Rehearsal Room is located along Main Street near the North Campus entrance. Named to honor iconic English faculty member Anna Aitchison and former UD President Dale Welch ‚ and his spouse, Lucille Aitchison Welch, 23, this room, with a tiered floor, can accommodate sixty students and can be used as a classroom in addition to a choral rehearsal space.

Aitchison-Welch Choral Rehearsal Room


Mike and Betty’s Ice Cream ShopPE At the corner of Main Street and Campus Post Lane is located Mike and Betty’s Ice Cream Shoppe, named to honor long-time University supporters, Mike and Betty McCoy. A staple in the ice cream line-up will be one of their family favorites, Rum Raisin – known on the East Coast as Frozen Pudding. Completing the shop is an old fashioned juke box.

Sp a r t y ’ s C o n v e n i e n c e store Across Main Street from the Choral Rehearsal Room is Sparty’s, the University’s new convenience store. In response to student requests for a campus store that would carry sundry, personal, and convenience items, space was allocated for such a store from the earliest planning. The name, of course, refers to Spartan Nation’s iconic, playful symbol, Sparty, which will have a strong presence throughout the store.

Students gathering at Mike and Betty’s Ice Cream Shoppe

Entrance to Sparty’s from Mike and Betty’s Ice Cream Shoppe


Campus Mail and Copy Center

Visual Arts Classroom

Along Campus Post Lane, one soon finds the Campus Mail and Copy Center. Prior to this,

Further along Campus Post Lane is a classroom dedicated to visual

student post office boxes were located on the ground floor of Peters Commons across from

arts. It is intended that this classroom will be the first chapter in a

the Underground, and faculty and administrative office mail was picked up at the Copy Center

growing and maturing visual arts program.

in the basement of Van Vliet Hall. The Campus Mail and Copy Center consolidates all of these functions in one central, convenient place. The hallway between the Visual Arts Classroom and Campus Mail and Copy Center is lined with student mailboxes.

Third Floor 3




Linda Chlapaty Music Education Suite


Susan Magill Smith Student Life Suite


Dubuque Bank & Trust Faculty Suite


Linda Chlapaty Music Education Suite The spacious Linda Chlapaty Music Education Suite honors Linda Chlapaty who, together with her spouse Joe, has provided much of the strong financial support that has launched the University into a future bright with possibility and potential. She is an educator and former teacher. The suite brings together a computer lab with an ear toward music appreciation, composition, and piano keyboard instruction. Also included are 10 individual, sound-isolating practice rooms. A suite of this type is a first for the University – spaces configured specifically to provide the very best practice and teaching for performing arts.

Practice rooms in the Linda Chlapaty Music Education Suite


Susan Magill Smith Student Life Suite The Susan Magill Smith Student Life Suite honors Susan Smith who, together with her spouse, Peter, served as vice president for enrollment management and university relations from 1998 until her death in 2013, and is home to members of the Student Life staff who relocated from Peters Commons. These offices include: Multicultural Services, the International Student Office, and Student Activities. Handsomely appointed offices with floor-to-ceiling windows, a reception area, and a conference room provide staff with a pleasant place to work in close proximity to a new Center of campus life.

Dubuque Bank & Trust F a c u lt y S u i t e Fine and Performing Arts faculty offices have been located in various temporary locations throughout the University’s recent history. For the first time, faculty offices will be in the building in which they will teach and rehearse. A mate to the Susan Magill Smith Suite, the area provides handsome offices with floor-to-ceiling windows, a conference room, a work room, and a reception area.

Offices in the Susan Magill Smith Student Life Suite

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