w i l l i a m
d a v i d s o n
i n s t i t u t e
Business Knowledge for Emerging Economies
Building New Knowledge in
Global Health Market Dynamics H
ealthy global markets for pharmaceuticals, vaccines, preventative technologies, and many other health products is key for realizing sustainable outcomes in global health. Well functioning markets are critical to achieving lower product prices, better access to quality, well-adapted products, and maintaining incentives for manufacturing companies to invest in innovation. Numerous global partners have demonstrated a strong commitment towards the objective of ensuring healthier markets. The WDI Healthcare Research Initiative has received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop new knowledge of the mechanisms through which market interventions operate. This will allow WDI and the Gates Foundation to learn from the successes and failures of interventions from one product market to another. The WDI healthcare team will work closely with the Gates Foundation and other stakeholders to develop a body of practice for market dynamics that can be applied to a variety of products
and organizations. C o n t i n u e d o n pa g e 15 >