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“We are not just educators, administrators, or businessmen, we are co-workers for the cause of economic and social freedom.” — Bill Davidson, April 23, 1992
announced the creation of the William Davidson Institute in 1992, the primary goal was to assist countries making the transition from a command to a free-market economy through a program of instruction, faculty and student development, and research. At the same time, the Institute helped U.S. businesses operate successfully in emerging market economies. Davidson announced that his vision for the Institute was to “forge a path for those responsible for economic change in these emerging markets - that it will give them the knowledge, the methods and the blueprints for a successful transition to a market economy.” Over the past 15 years, WDI has forged paths all around the world through its multitude of programs and initiatives — student projects, training programs, research, exchange programs, development consulting, and most recently, case writing. In the early years, the Institute — under the direction of Ted Snyder — focused on the transition in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of communism. The Institute focused on three major efforts: delivering annual, six-week, seminars for 50 senior business leaders, entrepreneurs and government officials from countries with economies > CONTINUED ON P A G E 2 2
Research Updates Social Enterprise ..............................................................................................................4-5 Social Enterprise Brazil Conference..................................................................................6-7 Base of the Pyramid Conference ......................................................................................8-9 Base of the Pyramid ..........................................................................................................10 Globalization of Services....................................................................................................11
Program Updates Executive Education .....................................................................................................12-13 Development Consulting Services.................................................................................14-15 Educational Outreach.........................................................................................................16
Supporting International Activities Cross-School Collaborations..............................................................................................17 Speaker Series .............................................................................................................18-19 Internships...................................................................................................................20-21
News Tom Lantos Speaks at Michigan.........................................................................................23 WDI Calendar.....................................................................................................................24
to the ninth issue of the Davidson Review, the William Davidson Institute’s (WDI) semiannual newsletter designed to keep you apprised of our activities and plans, and to encourage you to become involved in our programs. As I have mentioned in past letters, WDI organizes its activities into five broad areas — research, development consulting services, executive education, educators’ outreach, and supporting international activities at U-M. As you will see as you page through the newsletter, this is an exciting time at the Institute. We continue to produce and disseminate new ideas in our focus areas, build communities of interest around these ideas, and engage with practitioners around the work on these topics. The Development Consulting Services area, under the direction of Khalid Al-Naif, has had a strong year. Khalid has put together a top-notch staff — now totaling four people — with strong advisory and project management backgrounds. The team has done a good job of generating new projects that complement the Institute’s other initiatives. Our current portfolio of projects is strong (see updates on pages 14-15) and I anticipate several exciting announcement in the next few months. Executive Education, led by Amy Gillett, had a record year in 2007 — delivering 34 programs to 1,800 participants in 15 countries (each an all-time high). The initiative continues to expand its partnerships with universities and organizations from around the world. Partnerships with universities in Croatia, Turkey, and Latvia continued to grow and WDI established a new partnership with University of New York in Prague. We also revived the “custom” program business, with a successful “mini-MBA” program for 20 sales directors from Oracle in Central Europe. It was well received and Oracle is looking to repeat the program again in 2008 with a new group of employees. (Read more about Executive Education on pages 12-13.) The new Educational Outreach initiative, announced in the winter 2007 newsletter, is a few months away from its public launch. Under the direction of Professor John Branch, the Educational Outreach case writers are working with more than a dozen Ross School of Business faculty members to develop teaching materials (cases, conceptual notes, quizzes, etc.). We established a goal of helping faculty move their intellectual capital into the classroom and I am pleased with the area’s progress to date. The number of cases is growing rapidly and we anticipate a spring launch of an “educators’ forum” website that will distribute these materials beyond U-M. We will be writing much more about this exciting new initiative in the next newsletter. For the latest on Educational Outreach, turn to Page 16. All three research initiatives — Globalization of Services, Social Enterprise, and Base of the Pyramid — are progressing well. All are focused on content creation at the moment. Base of the Pyramid, led by Ted London, has developed into a thought leader on the poverty alleviation aspects of a BoP perspective. The BoP conference co-hosted by WDI and Cornell in September was a success and further solidified WDI’s standing as a leader in this area. Globalization of Services, managed by Ajay Sharma, continues to work closely with leading firms in the sector — in the U.S., EU, and developing countries. The major foci for this year are finishing a book on offshoring — scheduled for release in summer 2008 — and course development. Social Enterprise, headed by Kelly Janiga, hosted a major conference in Brazil last August. The initiative is now focused on writing cases for Kelly’s MBA course (currently being offered for the second time), and working on a book that focuses on tools for social enterprise. WDI’s support for international activities continues to expand. This includes sourcing and sponsoring MAP projects for the MBA program, expanding the number of Global Impact (summer) internships, and expanding support for international programs at other schools at U-M. You can read about these initiatives on pages 17-21. As I hope this newsletter describes, the magnitude, scope, and impact of WDI’s activities continues to expand. If you are already engaged with WDI, we thank you for your involvement. If you are not, we invite you to become a part of this exciting community. Sincerely,
Robert E. Kennedy Executive Director
The Social Enterprise research initiative focused on content creation the past year. Research 4
Manager Kelly Janiga taught a successful new MBA-level course, added to its working papers library, and took the initial steps towards publishing a practitioner book on the topic.
Workshop Will Help Brazilian NGOs WDI, along with its Brazilian partner Institute GESC, will hold a two-day workshop in São Paolo on strategies to enable NGOs to more effectively advocate for better healthcare policies from the government. Andy Lawlor
The workshop, on April 28-29, will bring in faculty from the University of Michigan, practitioners from WDI’s NGO Alliance in Central and Eastern Europe, and Brazilian experts. Together they will provide practical information for 50 healthcare-related NGOs from Brazil.
(center), a lecturer of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at the Ross School, teaches the Social Entrepreneurship Course with WDI’s
The workshop is fully funded by healthcare giant Roche.
Kelly Janiga.
Social Entrepreneurship Course Offered for Second Year A course on social entrepreneurship, which debuted last year, is being held again this winter at the Ross School. Student interest in this topic is strong and growing. “Social Entrepreneurship: Business Tools for Enhanced Social Impact,” an MBA-level course, began in January. It is being taught by Kelly Janiga, manager of the Institute’s Social Enterprise research initiative, and Andy Lawlor, a faculty member at the Ross School. The course looks at innovative business strategies that U.S. and international nonprofits are adopting to enhance their sustainability and social impact, such as starting social enterprises or revenue-generating enterprises. During the class, students examine the challenges and opportunities nonprofits face when they adopt for-profit strategies. They
also gain the practical skills needed to build and manage a high-impact social enterprise. The course uses lectures, cases, guest speakers and a final project to communicate key concepts. It is organized into six modules. They are: ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Defining the Social Entrepreneurship Landscape The Social Enterprise Model Adapted Business Tools for Social Change Internal Social Enterprise Challenges External Social Enterprise Challenges Metrics, Replication and Scale
“Students who want to be involved here and abroad in the social sector as business leaders, consultants, board members, philanthropists, foundation leaders, managers, or social entrepreneurs will benefit from taking this course,” Janiga said.
SE Video Interviews The WDI Social Enterprise video collection has added some new interviews. Recently added to the library are interviews with Chetna Gala Sinha, the founder and chair of MannDeshi Mahila Sah Bank Ltd., Mhaswad; Dan Logan and Jennie Amias, producers from the PBS news program NOW; Scott Hillstrom, CEO of the HealthStore Foundation; and Joyce Rukungu, a nurse from Kenya who operates a CFW Clinic. Other video interviews include Mari Kuraishi of Global Giving, Fabio Rosa of IDEAAS, Wellington Nogueira of Doctors of Joy, Elisabeth Rhyne of ACCION International, Tom Reis of the Kellogg Foundation and Valeria Budinich of Ashoka. To see the interviews, go to: www.wdi.umich.edu/Publications/ VideoAudio/SESpeaker. Scott Hillstrom (above) CEO of the HealthStore Foundation
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Andy Lock, vice president and chief administrative officer at Herman Miller.
Social Enterprise Resources WDI’s Web site hosts hundreds of resources on Social Enterprise, including business and policy briefs, academic papers, reports from multilateral organizations and industry consulting firms, and scores of the latest articles from various media outlets. Go to: www.wdi.umich.edu and click on “Resources” under Social Enterprise in the left-hand column.
Ross Net Impact Chapter Hosts Forum WDI LAC NGO Alliance coordinator Andrea Shpak and WDI Social Enterprise Research Manager Kelly Janiga.
The Net Impact chapter at the Ross School of Business hosted a two-day forum in January on the positive role that business can play in society. Net Impact is an international organization of more than 10,000 students and professionals committed to serving the social and environmental good through business. WDI was a forum sponsor and helped the students with some conference logistics. Also, WDI's Ted London introduced keynote speaker Jacqueline Novogratz and moderated a workshop on the base of the pyramid. The forum, “Leading in Thoughtful Action,” explored how corporations around the world are beginning to see the value of incorporating social and environmental issues into their core strategies, and how civil society organizations are partnering more often with the private sector to achieve public benefits. A number of panels, organized by career and industry, allowed forum attendees to network with representatives from the private, non-profit, and public sectors and to learn more about the significance of these issues for future leaders.
Two WDI Staff Give Presentations at Brazil Event Kelly Janiga and Andrea Shpak of WDI gave a presentation at the 2nd Annual Avape International Congress on Rehabilitation and Inclusion — Diversity, Responsibility and Sustainability — in São Paulo, Brazil.
Shpak, WDI Social Enterprise coordinator, talked about the Institute, its Social Enterprise research initiative and the role WDI is playing in facilitating the development of social enterprise in Latin America and Central Europe.
Janiga, WDI manager of the Social Enterprise research initiative, discussed social franchising and how it can be — in different contexts — an innovative approach for NGOs to generate revenue as well as an effective method for replication and scale.
The Avape Conference brought together more than 500 leaders from the private, NGO and public sectors to discuss the increasingly important role the three sectors play in social value creation, with a particular emphasis on the inclusion of people with disabilities.
The forum also featured three keynote speakers. Net Impact co-founder Mark Albion opened the event on Jan. 17. The next morning, Andy Lock, vice president and chief administrative officer at Herman Miller, spoke about the benefits of involving the company’s employees in community projects. Novogratz, founder and CEO of the Acumen Fund, delivered the luncheon keynote speech. She lauded the Ross students for trying to make a difference in society. “It’s extraordinary to see the sea change that I really believe is happening in your generation that’s refusing to accept the status quo and yet is blending a really wonderful mix of idealism and pragmatism,” she said. For the past two years, the Ross School of Business has bested more than 150 other chapters from around the world to win the “Chapter of the Year” award. The Ross chapter was cited for its “continued growth, its high level of activity and engagement, its influence on the Ross community and its efforts to assist the development of other Net Impact chapters.” For more information on Net Impact and Net Impact at the Ross School of Business, see www.netimpact.org and www.rossnetimpact.org.
Latin American NGOs Share Best Practices, Innovations About 150 members from more than 80 NGOs from Brazil, the U.S., Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Chile and Nicaragua attended the WDI conference “Third Sector Innovation: Sustainability and Social Impact” (TSISSI) in August.
he conference, held in São Paolo, Brazil, in conjunction with Institute GESC, was designed to shine a light on the valuable work of social enterprise leaders across Latin America. The gathering also highlighted the broad range of business and organizational innovations that are occurring in the nonprofit sector in the region, as well as some of the innovative models developed by WDI partners in Central and Eastern Europe and the United States. Lastly, the conference was an opportunity for conference attendees to develop relationships with their global colleagues. At the conference, case studies were presented in three tracks. The areas were: social enterprises, including proven strategies to grow revenue and build capacity; management tools, such as issues related to developing leadership in the third sector; and IT innovation, including indicators and results of innovation initiatives
Key findings in the revenue generation track were: Opportunities are abundant ■ The largest barriers are often within the organization ■ It is important to have appropriate solutions to raise money ■
Other conclusions on revenue generation at the conference were that NGOs must understand their “customers,” and that while difficult, partnerships are very important. Brasilprev President Eduardo Bom Angelo
Regarding management, the lessons learned included: Over the last 10 years, US NGOs have strived to become more “business-like” ■ Brazilian NGOs are quickly matching this trend ■ Conference attendees will close the gap faster
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Also, critical new capabilities in management are an emphasis on teamwork and partnerships, the capacity to respond to rapidly changing environment, and the ability to take advantage of global interconnectedness. Key findings in the information technology track were: ■
Conference proceedings are available in English and Portuguese.
“The participants thought the conference was great,” said Andrea Shpak, Social Enterprise coordinator at WDI, who spent several weeks in Brazil organizing the event. “These third sector
Left: Ricardo Montoro, Secretary of Partnership for São Paulo.
Technology increases productivity, leaving more time to devote to your organization’s core work An IT plan can help your organization and mission Training and development can break organizational barriers to technology Technology can help obtain community commitment to ensure the ultimate success of your mission
“Out of necessity, innovation in the third sector is spreading across Latin America much quicker than in other places,” said Kelly Janiga, who leads the Social Enterprise research initiative at WDI. “Philanthropy in Latin America lags behind its U.S. counterparts. Also, there is a lack of donors in Latin America so NGOs based there have no choice but to employ market-based approaches so they can compete. “The models that were presented at the conference gave people ideas that they could take back to their own organizations and implement.” Jose Serra, governor of São Paolo, and Gilberto Kassab, mayor of São Paolo, welcomed attendees on the conference’s first day. The opening plenary session featured WDI Executive Director Robert Kennedy, Microsoft Executive Director Michael Levi, and Brasilprev President Eduardo Bom Angelo. The second plenary featured a talk by Melvyn Levitsky, who served as U.S. Ambassador to Brazil from 1994-98. All plenary talks, as well as presentations on professionalism in the third sector, excellence in management, building social opportunities and IT strategies for emerging markets, were videotaped. Those presentations, along with the speakers’ slides, are available at: www.impactosocial.org.br/english/default.aspx
organizations have never experienced an academic organization bringing an opportunity to discuss topics that are really relevant to them.”
analysis firm Serasa, Instituto C&A, and BR Petrobras — also added to the conference’s success, Janiga said.
Together with the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise and the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, both at Michigan’s Ross School of Business, WDI extended fellowships to six students to attend the conference. Those attending were: Renata Soares, Dan Wang, Emily Reyna, Andy Hastings, Andy Davis and Matthew Welch.
“The conference was fully funded by corporate sponsors,” she said. “There’s real momentum in Brazil for supporting these types of activities.”
At the conference, the students presented the various ways that students are able to have social impact at the school. The students also gathered the key findings from the three conference tracks. “It was a nice opportunity for the students and a good collaboration with Erb and ZLI,” Janiga said. The support of the conference sponsors — Microsoft, healthcare giant Roche, financial
Conference Returns to São Paolo in 2008 WDI and Institute GESC are pleased to announce that they will co-host the second annual international conference, “Third Sector Innovation: Sustainability and Social Impact,” in August. The conference will once again focus on the social enterprise work being done across Latin America and the innovation and best practices these organizations are employing. WDI’s Kelly Janiga said it is unusual to repeat a conference a year later in the same place. But she said there was so much positive feedback and momentum after the 2007 event that the decision was made to organize a second conference in 2008. For more information on the 2008 conference and the call for papers, go to: http://www.wdi.umich.edu/NewsEvents/Conferences/Brazil2008. Information is available in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Conference Looks at How BoP Can Help Poor
Ted London, director of WDI’s BoP research initiative, used the same photograph of African schoolchildren at the beginning and end of the September conference “Business with Four Billion: Creating Mutual Value at the Base of the Pyramid.” He was eager to put a face on the world’s poorest citizens — the ones who live at the base of the pyramid. A leading expert on the role and impact of market-based strategies on poverty alleviation, London said he felt the picture would be a powerful reminder to those attending the conference of what is at stake in BoP research and activity.
Left: Rob Katz of the World Resources Institute speaks with conference participants during a networking session. Middle: BoP conference attendees observe the demonstration of a clean water product. Right: Conference attendees gather around a $100 laptop on display.
“Including these four billion people in the global economic system is perhaps one of society’s greatest challenges,” London said. “Our goal for the conference was to build on the growing global interest in venture-based strategies for serving the four billion poor at the base of the pyramid.”
In his research at WDI, London is pushing BoP thinking beyond Prahalad and Hart’s foundational work toward the next significant phase: alleviating poverty. This was his primary goal in organizing the “Business with Four Billion” forum, which was held at the University of Michigan on September 9-11.
It’s been a decade since C.K. Prahalad, a WDI Distinguished Fellow, and Cornell University’s Stuart Hart, a WDI Distinguished Scholar, first broke ground on the revolutionary school of thought centered on what they termed the “bottom of the pyramid.” In short, the two proposed that innovative business strategies could serve and empower some four billion people who live on less than $2 per day, typically in developing countries.
“WDI has taken a leadership role in exploring the unique dimensions of the BoP perspective on poverty alleviation,” he said. “In particular, WDI’s expertise lies in a deep understanding of the opportunities for implementing the BoP perspective in the field, an ability to evaluate the full range of poverty alleviation impacts of BoP ventures, and a collaborative approach to creating business models that incorporate the voices of those at the base of the pyramid.”
Instead of perceiving the poor as victims who can only be helped through donations, their theory holds that the poor are resilient and creative entrepreneurs who also are value demanding consumers.
The “Business with Four Billion” forum was co-hosted by WDI and the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University. The event drew nearly 400 people from more than 30 countries and six continents. Attendees included
business managers, policymakers, social entrepreneurs, academics, nonprofit experts and development agency professionals eager to explore ways in which BoP thinking could be used to alleviate poverty. Sponsors included Michigan’s Ross School of Business, the Frederick A. and Barbara M. Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise at U-M and Procter & Gamble. Looking forward, London said that WDI will continue to pursue field-based collaborations, conferences and research partnerships to enhance the world’s understanding of marketbased approaches to alleviating poverty. “That’s WDI’s niche,” he said. “WDI and Ross have great competence in the business strategy of BoP with C.K. and others. As a complement to that, WDI has expertise in this new poverty alleviation perspective. Our goal is to create and share new actionable knowledge that has immediate practical implications.”
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Such activities will improve the capabilities of companies, nonprofits and development agencies at the base of the pyramid to understand and enhance the poverty alleviation implications of different types of business ventures, which is crucial in maximizing positive local outcomes, London noted. Forward movement to maximize positive outcomes is critical, agreed Prahalad, the Paul and Ruth McCracken Distinguished University Professor of Strategy at the Ross School of Business. He was just one of several high-profile speakers lending expertise to the “Business with Four Billion” conference.
Al Hammond Vice President, World Resources Institute Scott E. Johnson Vice President, SC Johnson & Son Bob Kennedy Executive Director, WDI Ted London Director of the BoP research initiative, WDI Timothy Mahoney Director of the Office of Poverty Reduction, U.S. Agency for International Development Luis Alberto Moreno President, Inter-American Development Bank Carter Roberts President and CEO, World Wildlife Fund
Other key speakers included: Kobus De Klerk Global lead, the Solae Company (a DuPont subsidiary) Helene Gayle President and CEO, CARE USA Stuart Hart Samuel C. Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell
The conference closed with a pledge to keep the discussion going well into the future. Robert Kennedy, WDI executive director, said he sensed less tension among the different sectors than he did three years ago at the last BoP conference in San Francisco.
maintain a regular, ongoing forum that encourages collaboration among different economic, cultural and religious sectors.
“We need to have a better understanding of what’s unique about a BoP approach to poverty alleviation compared to other strategies,” London noted. The “Business with Four Billion” conference was an important step in reaching that understanding.”
Videos, Slides from September Conference Online For those who missed the September BoP conference — or for those who would like to view some of the presentations again — the conference website www.bop2007.org has various conference materials, including videos and presentation slides. The slides used by the plenary speakers also are available.
“I believe there is a sense of community here,” he said. Kennedy urged the group to
Erik Simanis, co-director of the BoP Protocol Project, shares some standard practices in working at the base of the pyramid such as removing your shoes and sitting on the floor.
The Base of the Pyramid research initiative, under the direction of Ted London, continues to build 10
its reputation as a global leader in exploring BoP strategies and market-based approaches to poverty alleviation. This includes releasing a groundbreaking report, hosting a major BoP conference, generating cutting-edge research, collaborating with partner organizations in the field, and teaching an MBA course at the Ross School.
WDI Releases Major BoP/SE Report WDI continues to make its mark as the global leader in base of the pyramid (BoP) and social enterprise (SE) research as it successfully completed an 18-month assessment for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its partner nonprofit organization, Pact. The report, titled “The Base of the Pyramid Perspective and the Social Enterprise Methodology: Understanding the Facilitating Role for Development Agencies,” examines the experiences that development agencies have had in implementing both BoP and SE approaches. The report also provides recommendations that share the best practices from these efforts. The report offers an analysis of current efforts and a roadmap for how these organizations can best stimulate and support BoP ventures and social enterprises. WDI is preparing to extend the impact of this groundbreaking work throughout the development community with the creation of communication tools, knowledge sharing, and technical assistance programs focused on supporting development agencies’ efforts to catalyze the growth of a portfolio of BoP ventures. “This report will influence how development assistance toward the poor is shaped and prioritized in many years to come,” said Khalid Al-Naif, director of WDI’s Development Consulting Services.
BoP Course a Popular Choice for Students The MBA course on doing business at the base of the pyramid taught by Ted London was part of the fall curriculum at the Ross School. This is the third year London has taught the class “Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid” at U-M.
Fifty students enrolled in the class, which integrates concepts of strategy, international business, non-profit management and poverty alleviation to stimulate the leadership skills and competitive imagination needed to design BoP ventures and implement the BoP perspective on poverty alleviation. Through a combination of cases, readings, lectures, videos and outside guests, class sessions engage students in discussions geared towards: 1) identifying the opportunities associated with a new poverty alleviation perspective aimed at serving BoP markets; and 2) developing the strategies, business models and partnerships required to effectively explore those opportunities.
Interest in Ross Emerging Markets Club Grows Membership in the Ross School’s Emerging Markets Club, which has a keen interest in the BoP, has increased significantly the past couple of years. Ted London, director of WDI’s BoP research initiative, serves as the club’s faculty advisor. The club, which was formed about five years ago, now has more than 90 members. “The interest in BoP is growing phenomenally,” said Meghan Herwehe, an MBA2 student and club co-president along with Aparna Sundaram. Club members meet to discuss recent events or projects and to talk about upcoming plans. Students also can join committees, which meet more frequently, for projects the club is currently working on. The club also has participated in several activities on campus and off. These include: DC Career Trek: A two-day trip to Washington, D.C. to meet with companies and nonprofit organizations that focus their work in emerging markets.
Student Career Panel at Ross: Current EMC members talked about their experiences working in emerging markets, either prior to graduate school or during their summer internships. Social Events: The club had a fall potluck featuring foods from around the world; a December dinner at Blue Nile Ethiopian restaurant; and a BoP holiday party hosted by London at his home.
London Joins X Prize Board Ted London has joined the board of advisors for the Global Entrepreneurship X Prize. The X Prizes, presented by the X Prize Foundation, are multi-million dollar awards given to the first team to achieve a specific goal that is set by the foundation and has the potential to benefit humanity. The prizes are designed to spur innovation by tapping into a person’s competitive and entrepreneurial spirits. Joining London on the board include top leaders from organizations such as Grameen Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank, United Nations Foundation and Ashoka.
WDI BoP Brochure Available Online This fall, a new brochure was developed for the BoP research initiative. A pdf version of the brochure is available online at: www.wdi.umich.edu/BoP
BoP Video Library The WDI BoP video collection has added interviews with David McGuire of the Academy for Educational Development and Brian Trelstad of the Acumen Fund. To see the interviews, go to: www.wdi.umich.edu/Publications/ VideoAudio/BoPVideos
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The Globalization of Services research initiative has focused on content creation, with three main efforts. First, an MBA course on GoS is proceeding well, with eight new cases nearing completion. Second, Executive Director Robert Kennedy and WDI Senior Researcher Ajay Sharma, who leads the Institute’s GoS initiative, are well along with their book, “The Services Shift, Seizing the Ultimate Offshore Opportunity,” due out in fall 2008. Finally, the Institute has published a series of Global Destination reports that provide in-depth analyses of various offshoring locations.
A Current View of Offshoring VN “Tiger” Tyagarajan is the executive vice president and head of sales, marketing and business development for Genpact, one of the world’s leading suppliers of business services and technology solutions. Robert Kennedy spoke at a twice-yearly forum sponsored by Genpact for senior corporate executives from around the world. Kennedy interviewed Tiger for the Davidson Review about the current state of offshoring. How important is global delivery of business services today? What is fueling its growth? Tiger: We believe that global delivery of business services is really a part of an overall sweeping change that corporations are going through, of evaluating what is best delivered from where in the world. This is a very important phenomenon because as it has an impact on cost structures in an economy, it changes competitive landscapes and it accelerates “speed to market.” The continued growth is being driven by the availability of talent and skills in different parts of the world, driven by demographics.
How are companies benefiting from globalization of business services? Tiger: Labor cost advantage is expected, and it is an important but small portion of the benefit. There are two other clear benefits: globalization becomes a catalyst to drive the standardization and simplification of processes, unleashing the “power of process” and thereby improving productivity and quality of output; and these “expert global teams” drive continuous improvement and data analytics for better business outcomes.
What are the major risks and challenges that your customers worry about? Tiger: Loss of control is a very common worry, the fact that work is now done 10,000 miles away. We mitigate this extensively by
partnering with our customers in building and running a “virtual captive operation” for our clients so they feel that their work is being done by their own people. We also focus on bringing real-time visibility to the processes that we take over through metrics and dashboards. The other thing a lot of our customers worry about is “loss of knowledge” due to attrition. A number of the global delivery locations and countries like China, Eastern Europe and India are experiencing hyper growth in every sector of their economy. So attrition is a real challenge. What do you expect to see over the next five years that might surprise our readers? Tiger: Over the next five years some of us
would be very surprised with the type of work that will be delivered globally. Imagine an executive in New York who finishes a meeting at 6 p.m. and scans a set of flip charts and sends it off to a set of analysts and content developers in India who overnight pull together a presentation that captures the essence of the notes to be used for a 7:30 a.m. breakfast meeting with a client. Or a sales team that gets to know of a prospect that they have decided to target the next day, and the research and financial analyst teams in the global delivery location in China or India pull together all the financial, organizational and other information that arms the sales team the next morning to do a very compelling sales call to win a deal.
Czech Republic, Poland Subject of Latest Offshoring Reports In February, reports on Poland and the Czech Republic will be added to WDI’s “Global IT & Business Services Destination” country series. U-M student Sean S.H. Huang travelled to the two countries, interviewed several business and government leaders and conducted field research. The two reports examine things such as local talent, infrastructure, government incentives, labor laws, risks and challenges. Last year, the Institute published reports on China and South Africa. (The reports can be found at: www.wdi.umich.edu/Research Initiatives/Globalization.) “Of late, these countries are attracting a lot of attention in the world of business services. This is an attempt to better understand the opportunities that they offer,” said Ajay Sharma.
Kennedy Appointed to EquaTerra Advisory Board WDI Executive Director Robert Kennedy has joined the EquaTerra Advisory Board. The board advises EquaTerra’s senior management on strategy, international expansion, acquisitions, and organizational strategy. EquaTerra is one of the leading offshore advisory firms, with 225 consultants deployed globally. “EquaTerra has been a terrific research partner for WDI over the past four years,” Kennedy said. “I’ve gotten to know the senior management team through research collaborations, consulting engagements and conference participation. I am honored that they have sought my counsel and look forward to a long and productive relationship.”
WDI’s Executive Education continues to expand its partnerships with universities and organizations 12
around the globe. In the fall of 2007, Executive Education delivered seven programs in Latin America in cooperation with their Latin American partner. Partnerships with universities in Croatia and Turkey also continued to grow, with a mini- MBA held in the fall in Zagreb and three programs held in Istanbul. A highlight of this fall was delivery of a very successful custom mini-MBA certificate program for 20 sales directors from Oracle from throughout Central & Eastern Europe and the CIS. In the spring of 2008, Executive Education looks forward to delivering a record three mini-MBAs certificate programs and to start work with its newest partner, University of New York in Prague, to offer a mini-MBA program.
WDI to Offer Professionals Programs in HR, Marketing, Operations WDI Executive Education is planning to launch a series of “professionals programs” in 2008. The first two will be a Marketing Professionals Program and an HR Professionals Program. An Operations Management Professionals Program is planned for 2009. The programs are designed to equip executives with the latest best practices and management tools in their functional area. Sales Directors from Oracle at a custom Strategic Management Program in Riga. Working in teams, participants compared best practices across countries and developed new business plans.
Oracle Managers Participate in Two-Part Custom Program Twenty sales directors from Oracle gathered in Riga, Latvia for WDI’s Strategic Management Program. Oracle managers and team leaders from 10 countries in central and Eastern Europe and the CIS participated in the custom certificate program that featured sessions on marketing, strategic human resources, organizational behavior, strategy, and finance. The first week of the program took place in July and the second week in November. During the four-month break between July and November, the participants worked on team projects with their assigned team members. The team projects used concepts and theories which were presented in July to develop a
business plan for entering a new market. They presented their projects at the conclusion of the program in November. “I was really impressed with the Strategic Management Program,” said Eric Solc, channel sales manager for Oracle from the Czech Republic. “I am now able to calculate and communicate the financial and strategic benefits of my ideas.” Pavlos Hadjidemetriou, alliances and channels director for Oracle in South East Europe and Austria, said the program gave him an “excellent opportunity to gain more insights and apply out-of-the-box thinking towards the strategic and financial aspects of my daily work.” The Strategic Management Program is “based on a compact, meaningful, and essential curriculum in Marketing, HR, Financial Analysis, Strategy and Organizational Behavior aspects,” he said.
The Marketing Professionals Program, which lasts six days, will give participants a new approach to marketing and a set of sophisticated, state-of-the-art marketing tools for achieving success in a competitive and changing world. As part of the program, each participant will bring their greatest marketing challenge to the program and present it during the six days. They will be asked to apply new learning to tackle that challenge and others they face in their work. Fellow participants also will give suggestions on how to tackle problems at work. Program topics include: ■ Internet-based marketing ■ Web surveys ■ Use of consumer panels ■ Pricing models ■ Channel design ■ Relationship management ■ Brand management
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Global marketing B2B marketing Services marketing New product development
The HR Professionals Program, which lasts four days, gives participants new models and a practical set of tools for enhancing their HR department. The program also will help attendees make a greater strategic impact in their company. Best practices in the field of HR will be shared. Just like the marketing program, participants in the HR program will be asked to bring their biggest HR challenge and present it. HR professors and peers from across the HR industry will discuss solutions to each participant’s challenge. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Change management Learning and talent development Managing a global workforce Talent management Talent sourcing strategies Compensation Linking HR and organizational strategy
“The new line of WDI Professionals Programs is designed to offer in-depth learning and cuttingedge tools to managers by function,” said Amy Gillett, director of Executive Education at WDI. “The participants will join a group of their peers across industries and will share best practices with each other over the course of the week. Participants will also discuss the challenges they are facing in their organizations and explore ways the new tools they learn can be used to tackle these challenges. “These programs were created in response to managers’ demands to drill down deeper on topics of interest. Our popular mini-MBA programs cover 4 topics in 10 days. These programs focus on a single functional area for an entire week – giving more chance to explore the area in great detail.”
Record Number Attend HRN Workshop
Mini-MBAs to be Offered in Riga, Prague
A record number of participants attended the WDI Human Resource Network Fall 2007 Workshop in Prague, Czech Republic.
After a successful program in 2007, WDI will once again partner with the Stockholm School of Economics for a 10-day Strategic Management Program in Riga from May 12-23. The two-week program will offer four modules on Marketing, Strategy, Finance and Leading Change. WDI expects 25 participants, primarily from the Baltic region.
The two-day workshop, attended by 32 HR executives from across Central and Eastern Europe, was led by Noel Tichy, professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. The workshop borrowed its title from the name of Tichy’s recently-published management book, “Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls.’” Each workshop participant received the book and it was used to spur discussion during the two days. Tichy has dedicated his career to helping companies transform their performance by embedding leadership teaching and learning at all levels of the organization. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Human Resource Management Journal and the author of numerous books and articles where drawing from the examples of winning companies, he provides thoughtful and, most importantly, actionable answers on how to develop leaders in the 21st century. He also consults widely in both the business and private sectors. WDI’s Human Resource Network (HRN) is the leading professional forum for HR executives active in Central and Eastern Europe. Members create a powerful peer network at professor-led seminars, best practices-sharing workshops, and informal information exchanges throughout the year. In addition to Tichy, recent workshop leaders have included management gurus Lynda Gratton and Henry Mintzberg.
Doris Tomanek from Bank Austria and Petr Draxler from IBM do some one-on-one peer coaching at a recent WDI HR Network Workshop.
The Institute also will offer a mini-MBA program in Prague with a new partner, University of New York in Prague. The dates for that program will be in May 19-30. WDI faculty affiliates from the University of Michigan and other leading U.S. business schools will lead the sessions. Many of the cases and examples used in the classroom are based on WDI’s experiences with companies that operate in emerging and transitional markets around the world.
Peter Pohlner from Lafarge and Erik Slingerland from Egon Zehnder discuss
Executive Education Brochure A new brochure on all of WDI’s Executive Education programs is available for viewing online. To view the PDF, go to: www.wdi.umich.edu/EE.
HR strategies at a WDI HR Network meeting in Prague.
Development Consulting Services made considerable gains during 2007, while having a positive impact 14
in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Southeastern Europe. DCS is currently managing a portfolio of seven ongoing projects, including work in Rwanda, Algeria, Jordan, Kazakhstan and Cyprus. The department is also working on, or has submitted 18 new proposals. Focus areas include: higher education development, private enterprise development, natural resources management, eco-tourism and policy management. The pipeline of promising projects bodes well for strong near-term growth.
Yelena Penchukova of MERC and Ayako Ariga of WDI.
Rwanda SFB Project Begins Second Year
Visit To WDI, U.S. Energizes Center Leaders
WDI’s higher education development project with the School of Finance and Banking (SFB) in Kigali, Rwanda has entered its second year. The goal of the project is to establish SFB as a regional center of excellence in business education by strengthening the administration, developing faculty capabilities in research and pedagogy, improving the curriculum and creating linkages with the business community.
Inspired by meetings with WDI staff, U-M professors and U.S. marketing officials, representatives of the Marketing Education and Research Center (MERC) at the International Academy of Business (IAB) returned to Almaty, Kazakhstan with new ideas on how to better make its presence felt in both the local business and international marketing communities.
WDI’s first order of business in the area of administration was to organize an international search for the position of Rector, and to establish a selection process for two Vice Rector positions. Dr. Krishna Govender, formerly the academic director of the Graduate School of Business Leadership at the University of South Africa, was hired as Rector by WDI last July. Dr. Govender was recently joined by Dr. Erasmus Kaijage from the University of Dar Es Salaam, who will serve as Vice Rector for Academic Affairs. An internal candidate, Nathan Gashaija, will serve provisionally as Vice Rector for Administration. While the search for administrators was taking place, WDI organized workshops and individual mentoring for SFB faculty and staff. Workshops were delivered in curriculum reform and course development; organizational structure and governance; and faculty development, consultancy and research. Through WDI support, several SFB faculty members will be traveling to the U.S. this academic year as part of the mentoring process. WDI will also deliver additional workshops in Kigali aimed at faculty development.
As part of the partnership project between IAB and WDI, Yelena Penchukova, executive director of MERC, and Alexander Ruzanov, president of Brif Research Group, visited the U.S. in August to attend conferences, meet with the professors and receive training at WDI. At the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) annual Summer Educators’ Conference in August, MERC made significant connections with the AMA and marketing professionals in the U.S. Penchukova also attended the Higher Education Development (HED) Synergy 2007 Conference held in Washington, D.C. where she shared the accomplishments and challenges of the project at a roundtable discussion. The highlight of this visit was the meeting with the AMA’s Detroit Chapter. Shown how AMA operates at the national, local and campus levels, Penchukova explored different management models and products that MERC might offer. The MERC business model was further refined as Penchukova met with marketing professors and career service professionals at Michigan’s Ross School of Business during her visit to Ann Arbor.
After they returned to Kazakhstan, IAB was asked to host the first international conference to take place in Kazakhstan devoted to direct marketing. Since the outset, the project has been enhancing the capacity of MERC to build a sustainable, cooperative partnership with the private sector that will foster the economic development and increased competitiveness of Kazakhstan businesses. Specifically, WDI has been providing MERC with technical assistance through the co-development of a management plan, and delivery of train-the-trainer workshops. The goal is to strengthen IAB’s capacity to provide commercially-viable solutions to meet local demands for specialized training and market research. The project is administered by the Higher Education for Development (HED) through the American Council on Education (ACE) and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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He stressed the fact that traditionally natural resources management tends to be too heavy on natural resources and anemic on management as well as the role that private enterprise has in NRM.
Jordan Sparkles with JEWEL WDI has a three-year agreement with Higher Education for Development to implement the Jordanian Education for Water and Environmental Leadership — or JEWEL— project. It was designed by WDI with the objective of empowering leadership and decision-making. It also will create resources and knowledge networks to improve decision-making in integrated natural resources management in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. WDI’s partnership with the Government of Jordan is ambitious and focuses on developing leaders at all levels in the public, private and community sectors. The aim is to help future Jordanian leaders understand how to use and develop new decision-support tools for natural resources management. WDI has completed three consulting engagements in the past few months.
In his presentations, Milstein emphasized the necessity for research and development, strategic management skills and the knowledge of finance and investment in order for the project to succeed. His work will be on-going throughout the life of the project. And Khalid Al-Naif, director of WDI’s Development Consulting Services, visited Jordan to work with the JEWEL stakeholders on the annual implementation plan. All indicators are that the JEWEL will have tremendous impact in Jordan, a country facing substantial environmental challenges that are aggravated by the scarcity of water and energy supply, deterioration of water resources, land contamination, desertification, mismanagement of land use and air pollution. “WDI has made a lot of effort to ensure that its partnership goes beyond training to also incorporate the principles of integrated natural resource management and to focus on multidisciplinary training and experience,” Al-Naif said.
Dr. Carl Dutto, a development consultant based in Cairo, carried out a natural resources management needs assessment. Dutto verified that the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) has the capacity to develop a MS program in natural resource management.
WDI Pioneers Ecotourism Among Turkish Cypriots
Dutto surveyed Jordanian faculty, students, and private sector and government officials. The assessment reviewed current curriculums, content, and past and existing programs.
WDI consultant Keith Sproule trained the village tourism committee on special-interest tourism and event mangagement. He also was a key driver in planning for Eco Day.
Dr. Mark Milstein of Cornell University worked in Jordan on the curriculum for the new MS program in Natural Resources Management. Milstein built consensus among faculty and students at JUST and developed a vision of what the MS degree should represent, including a strong emphasis on the development of management and leadership skills.
During the day-long celebration, villagers from Buyukkonuk sold traditional food items, handicrafts and produce from the region. There were demonstrations of traditional Cypriot dancing, mud brick making, broom making and olive preparation. There were bike races and donkey rides, and a group of local boys took some tourists on a tour of the village.
Nearly 1,200 visitors—more than double what was expected — visited the northern Cyprus village of Buyukkonuk on Oct. 21 for a special day to celebrate ecotourism in the region
Female Career Mentoring Network Formed at INC A newly-organized career network connecting female Algerian business managers and female students at the Institute of National Commerce’s Career Center has created great excitement and enthusiasm. The business managers were anxious to share their experiences with the female students about the realities of the business world. Likewise, the students were eager to interact with the successful female managers, feeling it would provide them with a unique perspective and insight into how to succeed after they graduate from INC and begin their careers.
15 WDI Consultant Mark Milstein (left) listens as Parliamentarian Nariman Rusan (middle) is questioned about natural and cultural resources management.
The idea for a networking group began with a discussion between the Career Center’s Director, Dr. Ali Belkhiri and WDI Consultant Tom Devlin. The director then hosted a meeting with several top female managers from the Association des Algeriennes Managers and Entrepreneurs. They all agreed that a support network would be an excellent opportunity to share their knowledge and mentor the next generation of female businesswomen in Algeria.
The Career Center was established last May as result of a Middle East University Partnership Program between the Institute of National Commerce in Algeria and WDI. It is administrated by Higher Education for Development. The objectives for the Career Center’s first year of operation include: 1) identifying summer employment opportunities; 2) identifying post-graduate employment opportunities; 3) promoting and marketing the Career Center to students and employers; 4) gathering information about the labor market and learning about the needs of employers; and, 5) establishing a mentoring network for female students with female managers.
Dancers in Cyprus
New Initiative Prepares for Spring ’08 Launch Educational Outreach is making great strides in both developing and disseminating teaching materials in international business. 16
Branch, recounting discussions with professors at conferences around the world. “They can barely wait to see it live.” Several professors have already submitted cases for consideration, including one about a Bulgarian meat-processing cooperative which is facing financial problems. Other professors have contacted Branch about sharing their course outlines. WDI’s own team of research associates — Grace Augustine, Moses Lee, Mariana Orloff, and Dave Vannette — has also produced a number of cases, with dozens more in the works. These involve collaboration with both WDI associates and faculty from Michigan’s Ross School of Business, and represent the full range of teaching materials, in terms of geography, business function, topic and product type.
Jacqueline Novogratz, founder and CEO of Acumen Fund, shows off the finished case on Acumen written by Moses Lee of WDI during a recent talk at U-M.
“The past six months have been busy,” said Professor John Branch, director of Educational Outreach. “We are developing an innovative educators’ forum that will support case sales and knowledge sharing by leading international business educators. Development is progressing well and we anticipate a spring 2008 launch. Our team of research associates has been actively researching and writing a number of cases and other teaching materials.” The educators’ forum, dubbed GlobaLens, will serve as both a source of, and outlet for, teaching materials in international business. Designed for professors, instructors, teachers and trainers of international business, GlobaLens will boast: ■ ■
a catalogue of international cases and other teaching materials a course builder tool which simplifies the creation of new international courses using sample course outlines and syllabi an educators’ community space which facilitates discussion about international teaching materials, courses and teaching issues
“GlobaLens puts power in the hands of professors,” said Christopher Simmons, WDI image programmer, who is leading the development effort for the forum. “It allows them to find and purchase cases with a click, create syllabi from the best snippets of our professors’ courses — kind of like a salad bar for syllabi — plus share best practices.” The forum has already generated great interest outside the Institute. “The response to GlobaLens has been overwhelmingly positive,” said
Augustine, for example, has been working with Professor Susan Ashford, the Associate Dean for Leadership Programming and the Executive MBA Program at Ross, to develop a leadership crisis simulation which will be used in winter 2008 as part of the MBA leadership initiative. The simulation is set against an environmental crisis at an Indian pharmaceutical producer, and is designed to exercise ethical decision-making under realistic time and resource pressures. Lee completed a case in October about a not-for-profit organization in Los Angeles which is expanding its operations to Vietnam. Lee visited Saigon in mid-2007 while preparing the case. “It is an amazing country with an incredibly dynamic environment,” he said. “This case does a great job of highlighting some of the challenges of conducting business there.” Orloff returned recently from a visit to the Whirlpool headquarters in Benton Harbor, Michigan where she was interviewing senior managers about the new alliance which Whirlpool has signed with Habitat for Humanity. Under the agreement, Whirlpool will be the sole supplier of appliances for all Habitat housing projects worldwide. Under the supervision of WDI Social Enterprise research manager Kelly Janiga, Orloff will write two cases, each looking at the alliance from one of the partner’s perspectives. Vanette has completed a case on Infosys, a leading Indian services provider, as it struggles to decide on a location for its new global hub. He has also begun a conceptual note on country selection which professors might use in conjunction with the case when teaching lessons about international expansion. “Location, location, location, as the old real estate motto goes,” Vannette said. “It is equally true for companies as they internationalize.” Look for these and other new teaching materials coming out of the research associate pipeline. And prepare yourself for the exciting launch of GlobaLens in spring 2008.
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C R O S S - S C H O O L
SPH, Medical School Programs Going Well In fall 2005, WDI’s board of directors asked Executive Director Bob Kennedy to explore whether it made sense to expand the Institute’s support to more areas of the University. WDI is located at Michigan’s Ross School of Business (RSB) and, for most of its 15 years, focused its programmatic support on the RSB, Ford School of Public Policy, the Department of Economics and several joint degree programs. Kennedy spent the next six months meeting with administrators from around the University to understand their existing and aspirational priorities for international research, programs, and field learning opportunities and to assess the fit between these opportunities and WDI’s mission. Kennedy targeted programs focused on developing countries that had either the potential for high impact on the ground, or expanded field learning opportunities for students. In November 2006 he recommended two collaborations to WDI’s board. The first involved supporting student internships and research on global health issues at the School of Public Health. The second was a joint RSB-Medical School project at a hospital in Uganda. Both programs were approved and launched in winter 2007. In spring 2007, a second Medical School program, focused on pediatric medicine in Ghana, was approved. This program was launched in fall 2007.
School of Public Health
transmission of dengue fever in Ecuador, HIV treatment in Rwanda, traumatic occupational injuries in Tanzania and HIV testing attitudes in South Africa. WDI also supported research by Margaret Kruk of the School of Public Health on the determinants of health care utilization in western Tanzania. The goal of the study is to improve doctors’ understanding of factors that influence the utilization of obstetric and emergency medical/surgical care at health facilities in the Kasulu district. In the next phase of the study, Kruk will examine whether upgrades to health centers can effectively address some of the barriers identified in the first phase of the study. Barriers included transportation, drug availability, and provider attitude.
Medical School Virika Hospital | Uganda A partnership between the Ross School of Business and the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical School is working to upgrade clinical and administrative performance at Virika Hospital in Fort Portal, Uganda. A team of MBA students visited the hospital early on in the project to suggest administrative improvements as part of the RSB’s MAP program. At the same time, a medical student and a physician from the Medical School reviewed the clinical practices of the hospital and came up with some recommended changes.
In the summer of 2007, WDI supported 10 student internships under two programs. Five students were part of the Cancer Epidemiology Education in Special Populations program. The students studied reproductive factors in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, glaucoma in Uganda, breast cancer in India, bladder cancer in Egypt and pancreatic cancer in the Middle East and North Africa.
In August 2007, Paul Clyde from the Ross School conducted a two-day workshop with 25 of Virika’s staff with the goal of developing a financial self-sustaining approach to providing health care services in western Uganda. Using the data and recommendations from the MAP and Medical School students who visited earlier, the staff broke into groups to identify long-term goals.
Five additional students participated in the Center on Global Health internships. Their work focused on malaria prevalence in Kenya,
A couple of months later, the staff began working on the goals, including a rotation program, training programs and data gathering procedures.
Also in the fall, a medical student spent a month at Virika gathering data on surgical procedures and helping to develop a protocol for reporting. Near the end of 2007, a team of MBA students worked on a more detailed plan for the hospital’s maternity operation. Also, a doctor, the head nurse and the chief administrator from Virika visited U-M to observe practices at the university’s hospital and to meet with doctors, nurses and administrators.
In winter 2008, a team of medical students and faculty will visit Virika to help divide the out-patient department into an emergency room and an outpatient clinic. The move will help surgeons better manage their time and improve the performance of both surgery and the OPD.
Ghana In spring 2007, WDI announced funding for a second Medical School program organized by the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases that focused on pediatric medicine in Ghana. The goals of the project are to: provide relevant, in-country training in pediatrics in order to retain highly-qualified pediatricians; train current and future pediatricians who have sufficient knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care for children; develop a productive and longlasting academic collaboration between U-M’s Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases and the University of Ghana Medical School and the University of Science and Technology School of Medical Sciences. U-M faculty met with key leaders in Ghana’s Ministry of Health and with the director for Human Resource Development in the Ghana Health Service. Meetings also were held with the deans of the medical schools and chairs of Pediatrics of the Ghana partner schools. All were enthusiastic about expanding the opportunities for training pediatricians in-country. A sustainable funding model is being worked on for U-M faculty who will visit Ghana in the coming months to teach some short courses.
Angela Georgopolis, a Genetic Public Health student, conducted research at the National Cancer Institute of Cairo University in Egypt.
speaker series WDI recently hosted four guest speakers and one panel discussion with five speakers as part 18
of its Global Impact Speaker Series. The series features leading thinkers who work in emerging markets and aims to spur discussion around development and developing country issues. In addition S U P P O R T I N G
to their talks, the speakers also sat down for one-on-one video interviews which can be found at: www.wdi.umich.edu/Publications/VideoAudio.
Chetna Gala Sinha, founder
Peter Bendor-Samuel,
David McGuire, a program
of a microenterprise development bank and an NGO designed to aid rural Indian women, talked about her mission to educate and empower women at the Sept. 19 event. She is the founder and chairwoman of MannDeshi Mahila Sah Bank Ltd., and Mann Vikas Samajik Sanstha NGO. Among the many things the bank and NGO offer are loans and business education.
the founder and chief executive officer of the Everest Group, spoke Oct. 10 about the interesting times in global services these days with hundreds of smaller, swifter startups around the world challenging the entrenched, traditional services providers.
director for a nonprofit organization working globally to improve education, health, civil society and economic development, spoke at WDI on Nov. 15. McGuire is a program director at the Academy for Educational Development (AED) based in Washington, D.C. He has gained recognition as a leader in the relatively new and growing field of public/private partnerships for sustainable development.
She said it became apparent, after starting the bank, that the women needed more than just money. They needed support. “So we started a business school,” Chetna said. “The idea for the school was that it not only provided training and skills, but also information on markets, financial planning and budgeting.” And for those women in remote villages who can’t get to the school, a “business school on wheels” was developed. A bus drives to the villages to teach the women the skills needed to manage their money. Chetna is proud to say that the loan repayment rate at her bank is 98.5 percent. “But behind that is a very struggled life,” she said. “It’s not easy to repay the loan. They force themselves to be good repayers.” Chetna is adamant that the “bank makes sure that whatever money is made comes under the control of women.”
The Everest Group is a leading global business solutions advisory firm. Bendor-Samuel’s industry-leading expertise results from more than two decades of crafting significant, large-scale outsourcing and partnering solutions. His unique understanding of both buyer and service provider perspectives has significantly shaped the methodology and analytical tools Everest Group employees use to craft sophisticated, enduring business solutions that capture and sustain optimal value. Bendor-Samuel said globalization of services is one of the key business megatrends, with specific assets and specialization “and it’s all running downhill on the backs of labor arbitrage.” “It’s really one of the big, big forces for change in global business today and it’s picking up speed,” he said. “And it’s picking up speed in lots of interesting ways. There are maturing pieces but there are new pieces, too, taken out of the back office not just to save money but to embed it in the product structure.”
He has educated high-level stakeholders in ministries of health, the commercial sector, and the international donor community on the usefulness and cost-effectiveness of public/private sector collaboration through shared risk and joint investment. He also is director of AED’s Center for Private Sector Health Initiatives. The center designs, brokers, and implements mutually beneficial partnerships with the private sector to create sustainable health impacts. McGuire said despite his organization’s successes, he is constantly worried about striking a balance between public health impact and sustainability. “How can we break the cycle of dependency on donor-funded programs? Ultimately, it’s economic growth and job creation that’s lifting China and India, that has lifted South Korea and Indonesia, out of extreme poverty,” he said.
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(below photo: from left to right) Dan Logan, Jennie Amias, Scott Hillstrom, Annie Barton, Joyce Rukungu
Brian Trelstad, chief investment officer at Acumen Fund, spoke Nov. 29 at the Global Impact Speaker Series. The Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of global poverty. It seeks to prove that small amounts of philanthropic capital, combined with large doses of business acumen, can build thriving enterprises that serve vast numbers of the poor. The fund’s investments focus on delivering affordable, critical goods and services — like health, water, housing and energy — through innovative, market-oriented approaches. Trelstad oversees a portfolio team of 15 professionals working in four countries with $28 million in approved investments in social enterprises in health, water, housing, and energy. Before joining the Acumen Fund, Trelstad spent four years at McKinsey & Company as a consultant in the healthcare and non-profit practices, and as an editor of the McKinsey Quarterly. The investment model at Acumen has shifted over time. Before, Acumen would support entrepreneurs with grants. And while they still do some of that, Acumen now favors equity investments. “We act like a venture capital fund or commercial bank in supporting the capital needs of these businesses,” Trelstad said.
Acumen typically looks for investments that return 8-10 percent over 5-7 years. “With a limited supply of philanthropic capital, we think that supporting businesses that generate revenues from user fees or from selling products that the poor need and want creates the potential to sustain impact over time,” Trelstad said.
Panel Discussion On Dec. 5, WDI hosted a panel discussion on healthcare microfranchising with an entrepreneur who launched franchise health shops, a Kenyan nurse who runs a shop and two Emmy-award winning producers who chronicled the operation. The nonprofit healthcare organization, CFW Shops, launched franchise health shops in Kenya to spread for-profit clinics around the country in the hopes of providing quality, affordable medical care to even the country’s poorest people. Scott Hillstrom, a Minneapolis-based entrepreneur, founded the HealthStore Foundation to try out his theory on healthcare franchising. Hillstrom said there is a “3 Point Test” that any large-scale public health intervention must meet in order to be successful. Those are:
Must Maintain Standards ■ Patients are properly diagnosed and treated ■ The business format is easily replicated Must Be Geometrically Scalable ■ If it takes 5 years to grow 50 outlets, the network grows to 250 outlets in the next 5 years Must Achieve Economies of Scale ■ The larger the network grows, the lower the cost to treat each patient As part of its series called “Enterprising Ideas,” Dan Logan and Jennie Amias of the PBS news show NOW chronicled CFW Shops and its struggle to overcome obstacles like extreme poverty, corruption, cheaper services and long distances to establish a sustained solution to a chronic problem. Joyce Rukungu, a registered nurse in Kenya, owns and operates a CFW Clinic. She said the backing of a franchise network makes it much easier to procure medicine and offer consistent service. “It has not been easy. I need a lot of patience,” she said. “To make this clinic succeed, we have to do a lot of record keeping. Record keeping is the most essential thing in a clinic because that is how you know whether you are succeeding or not.”
In Their Own Words
Five WDI Summer Interns Write About Their Experiences
20 S U P P O R T I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C T I V I T I E S
As part of its support of international activities at U-M, WDI organizes field experiences around the world — either as part of the Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAPs) at the Ross School of Business or as participants of the Institute’s Global Impact summer internships.
of the MAP students’ work included designing a business model, examining structural and operational issues, creating a framework to improve processes, writing a business plan, plotting an entry strategy, implementing a franchise model, and analyzing logistics systems.
WDI organized eight MAPs in spring 2007, allowing students to spend seven weeks working full-time with international organizations. Some
The summer interns’ work included creating scaling-up strategies, writing a business plan, researching a strategic assessment, formulating
a growth strategy, analyzing data collection, developing a needs assessment, and conducting research. “An important part of WDI’s mission is to provide experiential learning opportunities for U-M students,” WDI Executive Director Bob Kennedy said. This is a great experience for the students, and it also helps WDI stay engaged with leading-edge organizations.”
John Gearen (left)
John Gearen BRAZIL
This past summer I worked with social entrepreneur Fabio Rosa and his organization IDEAAS, which loosely translates to Institute for Development of Alternative and Solar Energy. Fabio has a dream of extending his Light For All program throughout Brazil. Before arriving, Fabio and I agreed that I would help write a preliminary business plan for the newest arm of IDEAAS — a business which would develop solar-powered lanterns to sell to shrimp fishers on the coast of the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. In keeping with IDEAAS’ methodology, the market assessment for the business plan was driven by primary research. I spent days in a row in the field talking to shrimp fishers about their household electricity uses, fishing practices, the season’s catch, and number of household appliances, among other things. This approach was critical to get a sense of the customers’ needs and an idea of their day-to-day life.
Juan Carlos Quintero
The summer’s lessons were a combination of new learnings and old ones remembered: BoP business ideas have great promise, but are exactly as stable as the income of the customers they serve. Renewable energy is energy- and carbon-efficient, but is powerfully vulnerable to competitive and public policy forces. I gave IDEAAS a financial model which evaluated different sales approaches; a business plan draft that outlined the market opportunity and challenges; a carbon additionality calculation that could be used to solicit Kyoto CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) funds; and an organized profile of the customers who make up their target market.
Juan Carlos Quintero MEXICO
Monterrey was my home last summer when I worked with Cemex in one of their newest Base of the Pyramid (BoP) initiatives: the Centros Productivos de Autoempleo (CPAs). The initiative is designed to provide quality building materials to low-income families
throughout the country. My work was to design an effective way of measuring the impact that this project has on the people and communities that it seeks to benefit. This involved thinking about poverty in its many dimensions— using a framework that Ted London from WDI has developed— and using it in the context where the CPAs are working. It also required understanding the different techniques available for measuring impact and determining causality, and coming up with mechanisms— questionnaires in this case — to collect information. Several issues stand out as I look back at this experience. The first is the many ways in which culture permeates business, and the need to adapt quickly to these changes. The second was how the project forced me to combine knowledge from many courses and skills from several disciplines at the same time, and what a challenge — but certainly a very interesting one — this is. The third was getting first-hand experience with the challenges of making theory work for real-world problems.
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2007 Internships Acumen Fund New York City Kipp Baratoff, Molly Christiansen Ashoka Brazil Renata Sonores
Kirsten Noland (center)
Nina Henning (second from right)
Shara Senior (second from left)
Shara Senior
Nina Henning
Kirsten Noland
My summer internship was with CARE Central America, based in El Salvador. Along with two fellow interns, I wrote a business plan for CARE. The objective of the plan was to take their business development and microfinance institutions out of the NGO, and to incorporate a for-profit entity that could be scaled and would be sustainable.
This past summer, I did my internship with the Scojo Foundation in Hyderabad, India. Scojo Foundation is a non-profit social enterprise that works to improve the economic condition of families in the developing world by broadening access to affordable reading glasses. Scojo Foundation trains micro-franchisees, or “Vision Entrepreneurs,” to run profitable businesses conducting vision screenings within their communities, selling affordable reading glasses, and referring people requiring advanced eye care to reputable clinics.
This summer I interned with digital media center GmbH (DMC) which is located in Stuttgart, Germany. DMC provides comprehensive e-business solutions for firms. My internship was through WDI’s Globalization of Service (GoS) Initiative. As such, I was tasked with identifying potential markets into which DMC could expand. It was a fantastic opportunity to act as a consultant for a growing and dynamic firm.
I traveled every day to the CARE offices in San Salvador and worked a typical work day. However, key to the project was a trip to Honduras to gain insights from staff working at a CARE business development program called Proexport. This visit helped us identify challenges encountered by Proexport and allowed us to think critically about how the new entity could help resolve these issues. Our end product was a business plan so my fellow interns and I divided up certain sections. We tried to leverage our backgrounds and relationships to the project. I helped write the first draft of the business plan and served as the person who connected the MAP and summer portions of the project. Being in front of a client and having to solve their real world problems is something that you can’t get out of a textbook. Having to continually revise the plan so that it not only meets the client’s needs but also addresses the politics of the organization has been a revelation. Those are the types of details that you really don’t get in class. It really helped me to look at problems as I see them and to determine how realistically solutions can be implemented. Another thing that this project really made me aware of was how nonprofits operate and some of the challenges of attracting funding and then creating scalable and sustainable results.
I worked this summer in collaboration with Professor Ted London, WDI’s director of the BoP Initiative, and classmate Puneet Singh, to design and implement the data collection process for a first-of-its-kind BoP Venture Impact Assessment study. The purpose of the study is to measure the poverty alleviation impacts of the Scojo model on rural market stakeholders, thereby helping to move Scojo beyond their anecdotal success stories to the collection of quantifiable economic, capacity and relational impacts on their entrepreneurs and customers. The adjustment to living and working in India was not a big challenge for me. What I found to be one of the most challenging aspect of my summer was designing accurate and useful survey instruments for our pilot study. A key element of refining these instruments was the ability to “pre-test” them in the field before finalizing them. I’ve continued to be engaged with the Scojo Foundation since I’ve returned to school this fall, as the pilot study is still in progress, and I was tasked with preparing follow-up survey instruments for the next round of data collection. The final data collection and analysis will be complete by Spring 2008.
Initially, I worked closely with colleagues to understand DMC as a company. They answered questions about how the firm is organized, who their clients are, and what their business model looks like. With this information, I drew-up a detailed project plan and began my analysis. I looked at both the supply and demand for e-business in a variety of countries.
CARE El Salvador Blair Miller, Steve Spaulding, Shara Senior Cemex Mexico Juan Carlos Quintero DMC Germany Kirsten Noland E+Co. New York City Erin Cready EquaTerra New York City Aparna Sundaram IDEAAS Brazil John Gearen Hippo Water Roller South Africa Cynthia Koenig MacDonald Association Brazil Henrique Costa Oliverira Minlam Asset Management New York City Jen Anderson
Apart from one other colleague, my work was confidential. I had weekly meetings with my supervisor, Managing Partner Daniel Rebhorn, to discuss my findings. I presented my recommendations at the end of the project.
Mitra Technology Fdn. India Chawla Kaveesh
My summer internship at DMC was a great experience. It gave me a valuable perspective on how European business operates, and it was one that I could have only gained by working abroad. My internship at DMC also taught me a lot about data, research, and the challenges that one encounters on a consulting project. Working at DMC was a wonderful opportunity and unlike anything I have ever done before.
National Smallholder Farmers Association Malawi Jessica Goldberg
The Mountain Institute Nepal Jeff Martin
NextServices India Munish Ghandi Scojo India Nina Henning ServLife Int’l South Africa Patrice Harduar Teang Tnaut Cambodia John Scott Railton University of South Africa South Africa Roxanne Ryan Vital Wave Consulting Costa Rica Michelle Brown
in transition; providing internships that allowed U-M students to work in Poland and the former Soviet republics; and funding fellowships that allowed U-M scholars to conduct research in the field.
“We became the gateway to emerging markets for the business school and the entire university,” Svejnar said.
practitioner applications, and that they collaborate with other initiatives at the Institute.
During this time, WDI also brought on former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as the Institute’s first distinguished scholar. She hosted a number of roundtable discussions on Capitol Hill and she spoke to the U-M community on several occasions regarding international issues of the day.
Kennedy also invested in building capabilities of the Institute’s Development Consulting Services (DCS) and pushed WDI’s Executive Education (EE) to grow and become self-sufficient.
After eight years at the helm of WDI, Svejnar stepped down to devote himself full-time to research. eys a rn surv er inte m 05) m u 0 s (2 A WDI in Mongolia family
Snyder was executive director for four years, leaving in 1996 to return full-time to the business school. At that point, WDI looked to build up the research side of the Institute and undertook a national search to find Snyder’s replacement. The search identified Jan Svejnar, an economics professor at the University of Pittsburgh, who was recruited to be WDI’s second executive director. Svejnar had been one of the chief architects of the Czech Republic’s economic reforms of the early 1990s and served as an advisor to Czech President Vaclav Havel.
By the early 2000s, the transition in Central and Eastern Europe had progressed significantly and businesses were encountering cutting edge issues in other geographies, such as China and India. Theses new global trends led to a shift in strategy at the Institute. In May 2004, the WDI Board of Directors announced that Robert Kennedy, then serving as the Institute’s associate director, would become WDI’s third executive director. Kennedy, who also is a professor of business administration, came to the Institute in September 2003 from Harvard.
“Jan came in when the Institute was just getting going and turned it into a first-class research institute,” said Robert J. Dolan, Dean of the Ross School of Business and president of the WDI board. Svejnar was co-founder of CERGE-EI in Prague, a graduate program that trains economists from the former Soviet bloc countries. Under Svejnar, the Institute helped establish or assisted in the development of American-style business schools in emerging markets such as the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan and the Ukraine. During his time as executive director, Svejnar invested heavily in creating an internal research capability. One success was a transition economics working paper series that ranked among the most-downloaded in the world.
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Responding to changes in the international business environment, Kennedy de-emphasized academic discipline and geography (economics and Central Europe) as organizing principles, and redirected the research effort toward broad trends. These included: the globalization of services; doing business at the base of the pyramid; and social enterprise. He insisted that these efforts span both academic and
The strategy has borne fruit. DCS has quadrupled in size, is a leader in Base of the Pyramid, policy management, and higher education development programs for USAID and other development agencies. Executive Education has more than doubled revenues and tripled the number of executives served each year.
Executive Director with Rwa nda Presid Robert Kennedy ent his famil Paul Kagame and y (2006)
The Institute also is seeing much closer cooperation among initiatives. For example, DCS and EE have worked together to provide training for policy makers and business school capacity building for the Government of Rwanda. DCS and two of WDI’s research initiatives have teamed on a market-based poverty alleviation project of the United States Agency for International Development. Kennedy has also expanded programmatic support for international activities at the Ross School and across the University. The Institute’s support of student Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAPs) and summer internships has grown substantially, and WDI now supports internships and field research efforts at the schools of Public Health and Medicine. Looking forward, Kennedy said several new research initiatives are being considered. He expressed optimism that the new
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Educators’ Outreach initiative will broaden WDI’s impact and raise its profile in the educator community. White, now president of the University of Illinois, said he saw great potential for the Institute back when he announced the creation of the William Davidson Institute. “We had high hopes for the Institute when it started 15 years ago,” said White, who served as the first president of WDI’s board of directors. “I’m glad to see the William Davidson Institute achieving the great successes that was predicted for it back in 1992. The goal of the Institute back when it was formed was to make a difference around the world. It’s good to see WDI is doing that.” Dolan said the initial vision for WDI was “prescient and ambituous.” “We are proud that the Institute has built and evolved its capabilities over the years to address consistently the most pressing global economy issues of the day," he said. "It is a great asset for the University of Michigan.” Kennedy said the success of WDI starts with founder Bill Davidson. “Mr. Davidson has been extremely supportive.” Kennedy said. “His generosity has created a unique place that links the best of U-M with the challenges in developing countries around the world. WDI is a special place that has grown and evolved in unexpected ways over these past 15 years. It’s an exciting place to be and I look forward to the next 15 years.”
2 0 0 8 | REVIEW
Lantos Outlines the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy IRAQ. IRAN. AFGHANISTAN. NORTH KOREA . U.S. Representative and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Lantos
leader in congressional oversight of federal government programs. Lantos said the Iraq war has been costly — in human terms with the dead and wounded, and in monetary costs. “But the greatest cost would be the turning inward of the American people and to not be engaged in the world in 2009,” Lantos said. The challenges facing the next president of the United States will be daunting, but U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said he is very optimistic about the future “for a very simple reason.” “The civilized world will prevail,” said Lantos, who spoke Oct. 29 at Rackham Amphitheatre at a talk sponsored by WDI and the Ross School of Business. “The civilized world is most of us. It’s China, India, Brazil, Russia, the U.S., Canada, Great Britain,” Lantos told the audience. “But we will prevail with less cost if we in this country again become united. And not be afraid of dialogue and diplomacy. My message to the next president is dialogue and diplomacy.” Lantos, whose lecture was titled “U.S. Foreign Policy in the Next Decade,” is currently serving his 14th term in the U.S. House of Representatives, and is the only Holocaust survivor ever to serve in Congress. As chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Lantos has played a leading role in U.S. international relations for more than two decades. He has a strong record on environmental protection, has been a consistent supporter of public education, and is a
The task of the next president will be to persuade the American people that there is no alternative than to take a leading role in international affairs. The image of the U.S. internationally has taken a beating, Lantos said, adding that the next president must “begin the painful, laborious, time-consuming job of rebuilding the credibility and prestige” of the U.S. around the world. But, he said, “I’m afraid it will take more than 8 years.” The next president also needs to bring a degree of humility, a degree of openness and a serious willingness to listen, to listen with the possibility that he or she may learn something. A dialogue with Iranians is a must, Lantos said. Without dialogue, he said, the U.S. is unable to take the first of many painful steps to normalized relations with the country. “Diplomacy is not surrender,” Lantos said. “Dialogue is the single most important initial step to make it feasible to live in a nuclear age without incident.” Lantos said he was struck, while watching the recent PBS series on World War II, was how unified the country was back then. “The number one task of the next president,” he said, “is to truly unite this country.”
Kennedy Receives Tom Lantos Professorship Tom Lantos has served on the board of the William Davidson Institute since its inception in 1992. To honor his contributions to WDI, an endowed professorship was established in Lantos’ name. WDI Executive Director Robert Kennedy was the first recipient. After his talk, Lantos was the guest of honor at a luncheon attended by members of the University of Michigan community, including the WDI Board and University President Mary Sue Coleman. Lantos talked about his connection to Michigan— namely, his friendship with Bill Davidson and Ralph Gerson “who have both taught me more about economics than I learned during my Ph.D. work at the University of California-Berkley because now I understand how these concepts are applied by experts.” Gerson is the executive vice president of Guardian Industries and he has been a WDI Board member since the Institute’s founding. Davidson said he wanted to honor Lantos because of his long, valuable service on the WDI Board, his wise and thoughtful counsel, and his dedication to improving the lives of so many people in emerging economies. “Tom Lantos has been an inspiration for so many people, including me,” Davidson said. “He has taken the hardships of his early life and turned them into the motivation to work to improve the economic well-being and quality of life of many people.” “He has a wealth of experience, having worked in both the academic and public sectors for many years,” Davidson continued. “He has been quite strategic in his vision and he has guided our Board toward programs that are most effective and provide both insights and benefits to emerging economies.” Kennedy, the first Tom Lantos Professor of Business Administration, said he was honored. “I’m happy to be the first recipient of the Tom Lantos chair,” Kennedy said. “Congressman Lantos has been an invaluable mentor to me in building the Institute and has done a tremendous amount the last 15 years to guide WDI in the right direction. “Having an academic chair is a big honor, and I am happy that it is named after someone I respect so much.” WDI Executive Director Robert Kennedy.
2008calendar executive education
Big Picture Marketing March 24-25 | Turkey
Brand Equity April 21-22 | Guatemala
HRN Workshop August 28-29 | Czech Republic
Talent Management April 3-4 | Chile
Strategic Management Program May 19-30 | Czech Republic
Strategic Account Management September 18-19 | Costa Rica
Strategic Management Program November 17-28 | Slovakia
Strategic Management Program May 12-23 | Latvia
Operations Management October 6-7 | Chile
HRN Workshop April 17-18 | Slovakia
Talent Management May 29-30 | Panama
Strategic Account Management October 20-21 | Chile
Leadership June 25-26 | Costa Rica
Leadership October 23-24 | Dominican Republic
Services Marketing July 3-4 | Chile
HR Program September 30-October 3 | Uruguay
Innovation in the Third Sector: Sustainability and Social Impact August 2008 | SĂŁo Paolo, Brazil
Sales Management July 10-11 | Dominican Repupblic
General Management Program June TBA | Croatia
Marketing Planning July 10-11 | Chile
Marketing Professionals Program October 20-24 | Latvia
Services Marketing July 17-18 | Guatemala
Services Marketing November 12-13 | Costa Rica
Effective Sales Management August 11-12 | Chile
speakers Alcely Barroso | February 6 | Microsoft of Brazil Peter Marquera | March 5 | SPi of New York
William Davidson Institute 724 East University Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234 Tel 734.763.5020 Fax 734.763.5850 www.wdi.umich.edu
Creating, aggregating, and disseminating intellectual capital on important business and policy issues in emerging markets