WDP Energy - The Story so far...

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WDP Energy

The story so far...

“We aim to be at the forefront of the global combat against climate change by becoming net-zero across our entire value chain”
- Joost Uwents, CEO WDP


of road transport, WDP will provide green power charging service for trucks loading, unloading or parking on premises, servicing both long distance and last mile travel.


Maximising electrical heating and cooling by our own low carbon solar installation. Excess of electrical energy will be captured and stored maximally for thermal on-site optimisation and integration the self-consumption energy ratio.

Energy: supplying the future of logistics


WDP provides clients with expertise, methodologies and tools to reduce local energy demand and achieve their company’s ambition on


WDP’s next generation warehouses are designed to be highly autonomous, energy positive buildings with an

as a focal point. They will act as energy plants that maximise green energy production and will actively support the main grid.


Green power charging service for cars on premises.

Energy as a service which includes status reports, monitoring and invoicing.


By making use of all suitable roof space and the facades, combined with micro grid development, solar energy will be used in the most

systems can be implemented for storage of excess generation.

It is now over 15 years since we kicked off our solar panel project. Since then, we have intensified our investment in green energy and developed a portfolio of solutions that place our clients at the forefront of the energy transition. The advances we have made in sustainable energy production capacity are driving progress in our industry. They enable our clients to reduce energy consumption in their warehouses and operate more efficiently. At the same time, we are expanding the potential of our properties to become the energy plants of the future.

In January 2022, we introduced our Climate Action Plan, a comprehensive roadmap to net zero in all emission scopes by 2050. Fully aligned with the global target of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 °C by the end of this century and the goals set by the EU Green Deal, the Climate Action Plan sets out clear, actionable steps towards our objectives.

In 2023, we launched WDP Energy, an integral part of the Climate Action Plan. This ambitious project aims to accelerate the energy transition by leading the logistics sector towards more renewable energy production and reduced consumption.

Our vision for green Warehouses with Brains

2020 2050 ACTIONS

A closer look at our targets

The targets set in the WDP Climate Action Plan involve our entire value chain. Clear and science-based, they are organised in three tracks:

Becoming your energy service provider

Reducing our environmental footprint Making WDP sustainable and future-proof

The recent energy crisis led to an accelerated roll-out of the WDP ENERGY track in particular. There was an urgent need to respond to our clients’ evolving energy needs by enabling sites and transport to become more self-sufficient and decarbonised. We had already identified an important opportunity for our clients, business and the environment: the untapped rooftop capacity of our warehouses. By intensifying our utilisation of this space, we recognised the potential to boost our solar installation capacity to 350 MWp by 2027. Achieving this figure became the leading priority for WDP ENERGY.

WDP ENERGY goals and KPIs

By leveraging existing knowhow and business model with innovative solutions, WDP ENERGY continues to work on:

• On-site renewable energy production

• Untapped capacity of buildings

• Becoming the client’s energy service provider

• Rolling out an energy monitoring system

• Decarbonising energy consumption

• Electrification of warehouse sites

• Battery systems for storage of excess generation

• Investment in energy proptech company

(1) Being the electricity procured by WDP and consumed by the client. We proactively strive for more green energy procurement together with our clients. (2) Coverage for relevant properties
Together, we’re making

making it happen

The WDP Energy team was founded on strong ambitions. Recognising the growing urgency of the energy transition, we did not waste time. We saw significant challenges and faced them head-on with a welldefined strategy and a focused mindset.

I am proud to report that, in our first year, we achieved our interim goal of 100 MWp of solar capacity installed on our warehouse roofs. As a result of your determination and dedication, we are well on the way to reaching our pivotal target of 350 MWp by 2027.

Thank you!

Getting the message across Marketing

& Communication initiatives

A communication toolkit for Energy

To achieve our goals, we need to show the world that we are serious about our climate promises. This means raising awareness among the logistics sector and the wider public and convincing our clients (current and future) to take a closer look at our energy solutions.

We approached this by creating a WDP Energy ‘brand’, a concept that fits within the broader WDP identity while also being instantly recognisable. With its own logo and tagline – which have been successfully used on totems, drink bottles, packaging, beach flags and other tools – we can take every opportunity to promote WDP Energy’s solutions along with their underlying ethos and ambitions.

Direct and frequent communication with clients is vital, especially as PV installation work progresses on their sites. We developed additional communication tools for these purposes, ensuring that our image remains consistent and professional in every contact. These include a PowerPoint presentation for PV training and a template for PV project status reports. These tools are designed to offer clients a ‘friendly face’ and inspire confidence in our approach and communications.

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02 Energy at your service Solar installations

sedignimus pa veliquo beate labo. Ut reperovid et mo temporem. Iquae cor re nobit estiora tiorenis dolorit atecab intiorest, ipitia dicillu ptatur, sum elitia di nimusda et eatibus ciasped ut vel mo eiuntiani aut fuga. Nam, conestium quatis evendel molupta cum rerum cus, occabor autet, quatem sit aspe diti con prehendae expliquias etus. Rum volum elescia dolentur re niendaes eos velleseque quodignimus eos mo quid magnat mo custisque ne expedi autendit et harciis sunt, odipietur, omnihitat ommolo omnimol orecesciis nus ea non conseditias reium volorrovit vellupt atendendiam qui dunt. Energy at your service MEETING MINUTES TOPICS TO DO LIST 1. Ci si quas errunti blabo.
Nem facepudis eos et recuscipid quam
Ita conemporia con nos quis etum
utent fugia doluptur?
Gia dolute simi, consedi tissimi nvelitat To do ................................................. Action required from................................ Deadline:........................... To do ................................................. Action required from................................ Deadline:........................... To do ................................................. Action required from................................ Deadline:........................... Date: 13 05 2023 Location: Antwerp Attendees: Solar installations “WE AIM TO BE AT THE FOREFRONT OF THE GLOBAL COMBAT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE BY BECOMING NET-ZERO ACROSS OUR ENTIRE VALUE CHAIN” Joost Uwents, CEO WDP Locally produced green energy Less grid dependence More reliable energy Reduced exposure to fluctuating prices First steps towards a carbon-free industry Stakeholder involvement EU Green Deal compliance actions Going green together By transforming our warehouses into renewable energy sources, we truly place energy at your service. From start to finish Project roll-out Identification Study Construction Operation Client interest? Possible to combine with industrial activities? Is there enough potential capacity? Is the roof solid enough? Sign customer contract Grid connection request Engineering Tendering for EPC Materials delivery often 4-6 months Construction onsite Temporary delivery incl. acceptance tests Grid connection and first injection Generation of electricity O&M by EPC until final delivery O&M by O&M after final deliverable Register production & consumption data in our common platforms Invoicing by WDP team Your warehouse <LOCATION BE> <TBD> m2 warehouse <TBD> kWp <TBD> solar panels <TBD> Supplying <TBD> households Our warehouses the energy plants Locally produced, green energy + All-in solution We offer: Our impact 250 MWp Corresponds with 750,000 or 360 Logistics first! Building a rooftop solar park without disrupting your warehouse Minimal We prepare New cabling We minimise disturbance Electricity We schedule warehouse Health An occupational any disturbance Roof Access to be put 1 2 3 4 5 Over the last 15 years, we have worked closely with our warehouse tenants to address any concerns they may have before the project begins. These are the top five measures we take to ensure business continuity. Choose from 3 solar price packages WDP SOLAR FIX Fixed price for the full lease duration or PV lifetime WDP SOLAR FLEX Price following the market The right price for you! ‘Services with Brains’ Secure local and green energy 01 A full-service offer We support a stress-free transition to green power 15 years of experience with the sourcing, construction and operational follow up of more than 130 MWp solar installations leading to high quality standards. WDP takes care of the financial investment. WDP handles the entire project, from analysis and engineering right through to documentation, contracts, installation and maintenance. Reliable support: proactive follow-up of production performance and maintenance planning 64,000 m warehouse 2,921 kWp 11,020 solar panels AGF, redevelopment, cold, frozen Temperature controlled Supplying 792 households Big Box WDPORT OF GHENT 2.9 MWp

The dream becomes reality

PV projects in pictures


Big Box

WDPort of Ghent (BE)

Dyna Amsterdam

LOCATION: Amsterdam (NL)


Ștefăneștii de Jos (RO)

Stefanesti 1

Leen Menken

LOCATION: Zoetermeer (NL)


The Bay (Brandmasters + Crisp)

CEVA Heerlen Phase 3

LOCATION: Heerlen (NL)


VPD Green Mobility Hub



LOCATION: Heerlen (NL)

CEVA Heerlen

Mastermate + Boland

LOCATION: Heerlen (NL)


Ștefăneștii de Jos (RO)

Stefanesti 2

Kivits Ridderkerk

LOCATION: Ridderkerk (NL)


AH Barendrecht

Barendrecht (NL) AH Barendrecht


LOCATION: Kerkrade (NL)

LOCATION: Courcelles (BE)

DHL Courcelles


LOCATION: Dudelange (LU)

Celebrating milestones

Inauguration events in 2023

LOCATION: WDP Port of Ghent (BE)

Big Box


LOCATION: Kerkrade (NL)

LOCATION: Heerlen (NL)

CEVA Heerlen




VPD Green Mobility Hub

Leen Menken

LOCATION: Zoetermeer (NL)

LOCATION: Anderlecht (BE)

Energy Team event: RSCA Anderlecht – FC Bruges

“De samenwerking met WDP ervaar ik als zeer prettig, door de gezamenlijke duurzaamheidsambitie maken we het verschil”

- Joost de Vogel I Manager Realisatie

“De afgelopen 2 jaar die ik met het WDPteam heb mogen samenwerken heb ik als zeer prettig ervaren. De omgang met elkaar is, naast het zakelijke, ook informeel waardoor ik echt het gevoel heb dat we partners zijn”.

- Jurrie Post I Projectontwikkelaar Grootzakelijke

Zonnestroom systemen

“Met de klantgerichte en kwaliteit gedreven aanpak van WDP en KiesZon, bundelen we onze logistieke expertise en diepgaande kennis van zonnestroom om de daken van WDP om te vormen tot hoogwaardige, duurzame energiecentrales, waarmee we een belangrijke stap zetten naar een duurzamere toekomst, Let’s get Super Charged”

- Carlo van Doormalen I Projectleider

“Fijne en begripvolle opdrachtgever om voor te werken”

- Danny Berkelmans I Projectleider

“De trein dendert door op weg naar een duurzame toekomst, onderweg daarnaartoe is het soms hobbelig maar we blijven op het goede spoor waardoor de bestemming met de dag dichterbij komt. Wij zijn trots om als (samenwerking) partner van WDP mee te reizen naar jullie bestemming”

- Fabio Pisano | Commercieel Manager

Beste WDP, Jullie gedrevenheid, inzet en enthousiasme maken onze samenwerking tot en gezamenlijk succes. Ik kijk ernaar uit om samen nog veel mooie projecten te mogen realiseren. Bedankt voor het vertrouwen en de plezierige samenwerking. Let’s get Super Charged!

- Niels Timmermans | Projectleider B2B

“From the start it was clear that the WDP team had a hands-on mentality, which matches with our own team. During the installation of the PV panel project in Stefanestii de Jos we could rely on the clear communication with WDP project manager Mihai Budurca. He guided the collaboration with all parties in a professional manner and always had a constructive attitude throughout the whole project. I am confident we delivered an outstanding PV panel project that is the result of a positive collaboration between the WDP-team and our office in Belgium, Romania and the team on site.”

- Sekander Khan I Engineering Manager Solar

“Binnen het WDP Energy Team worden EPC bedrijven voor het bouwen van zonnepaneleninstallaties echt als partners gezien om samen mooie groene energieprojecten te realiseren. Als leverancier is het bijzonder leuk om binnen een duidelijk kader van wensen en eisen met veel respect behandeld te worden om zo tot het gewenste resultaat te komen. Het zorgt voor een vibe bij al onze medewerkers om pareltjes af te leveren waar zowel wij als WDP bijzonder trots mogen op zijn. We kijken uit naar nog veel fijne samenwerkingen in de toekomst.”

- Sekander Khan I Engineering Manager Solar


Blakebergen 15, B-1861 Wolvertem

T. +32 (0)52 338 400 info@wdp.eu | www.wdp.eu

www.facebook.com/WDPwarehouses @WDP_EU


Company number: BE 0417.199.869

(Register of legal entities of Brussels, Dutch section)

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