Welcome to Tara

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Welcome to

Experience Tara



the Community...

Our town has quality schools, health services, recreational parks and retail, making it a great place to live and work.

Our calendar is filled with community events and home to the biennial Tara Festival of Culture and Camel Races.

Tara offers residents the benefits of a rural community combined with modern services.

Tara provides a country lifestyle with a friendly community.


I would like to extend a personal invitation to explore all that our region has to offer using our welcome guides.

These guides are for those who have recently moved to the Western Downs or are looking to relocate here.

There is a lot of helpful information including available schools, local community groups, recreational and sporting groups and essential services offered in our towns.

Our region is known for its vibrant communities which have a great variety of activities for all ages and interests. From our regional events,

local festivities, arts and culture programs and strong sporting communities, there is something for everyone

I’m excited to be able to these guides comers and hope offer support to our new-

will help Downs. Western into the you settle

Mayor Paul McVeigh Western Downs Regional Council From the
3 Welcome to Contents About 4 Getting Around 6 Events 8 Meet a Local 10 Eat 12 Play 14 Learn 16 Connect 18 Meet a Newcomer 22 Contacts & Acknowledgements 24 Western Downs Regional Council acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land on which our town is based and pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

In the south-west pocket of the Western Downs, one hour’s drive from Dalby and Chinchilla, the Tara district extends to Glenmorgan, Hannaford, Meandarra, Moonie, The Gums and Westmar.

Tara has a rich history in cattle grazing and sheep shearing, with annual events that see the town swell from 2,000 to over 16,000 people. From the Tara Festival of Culture and Camel Races to the Sheepdog Trials, visitors from far and wide flock to Tara for a weekend of true country hospitality.

The wide main street of Tara features beautiful gardens, a leafy-green park and an interesting array of retail shopping and cafes. The town is home to a new FoodWorks store with a well-stocked delicatessen, perfect for all your daily conveniences.

Put simply, Tara offers everything you need for a quaint rural town.


Four reasons to call the Western Downs


The Western Downs is home to more than 34,000 residents and 8,188 families. The median age of our population is 37 years, and 7.1% of our residents were born overseas. We are proud to be a multicultural community and support diversity and inclusivity.

Combining a country lifestyle with modern living and conveniences, the Western Downs has an assortment of urban centres, quiet small towns, rural lifestyle blocks and an abundance of recreation spaces — something to suit everyone!

Living in the Western Downs is affordable compared to many parts of Queensland. Our average rent is $250 per week, compared to the Queensland average of $395 per week. Across the region there are 15,000 homes with an average sale price of $200,209 — $258,151 lower than the Queensland average.

The Western Downs boasts one of Australia’s strongest, wellrounded and diverse economies.

Agriculture is a founding pillar of the region, closely followed by intensive agriculture, manufacturing, and more recently large scale investments in the resources industry and renewable energy.

Welcome to

Getting Around

7 Welcome to Brisbane Brisbane Airport Goondiwindi Sunshine Coast Dalby Miles Toowoomba Chinchilla Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport Jandowae Taroom Gold Coast Wandoan 294 kilometres 308 kilometres 162 kilometres 343 kilometres 90 kilometres 114 kilometres 172 kilometres 69 kilometres 160 kilometres 143 kilometres 228 kilometres 394 kilometres 241 kilometres 185 kilometres 3 hours 10 minutes 3 hours 30 minutes 1 hour 45 minutes 4 hours 60 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes 2 hours 45 minutes 1 hour 50 minutes 1 hour 55 minutes 2 hours 20 minutes 3 hours 45 minutes 2 hours 30 minutes 2 hours 35 minutes Roma The Western Downs covers an area of 38,000 square kilometres — roughly the size of Switzerland. We invite you to explore our vast region and enjoy what the Western Downs has to offer. Tara to...


Life in the Western Downs is rich with experiences and events that attract Queensland and interstate travellers. See what’s on the calendar for the Tara district...

Welcome to

Meet a Local

Jim, Local Larrikin

Having been born in the Tara Hospital, Jim can confidently say he has spent the majority of his life in Tara. Twelve years ago, along with his young family, he made the move slightly further west to settle near The Gums.

Below are Jim’s insider tips for living in Tara.

Tara is...

A diverse place with people that have come and gone. But there is a core of familiar faces that have kept the essence. It’s a combination of new and old identities, but in general the town has remained the same.

There’s always plenty to do...

Touch, squash, bowls for sporting. Lots of different events too; campdrafts, polocrosse, the camel races and local shows. Anything you might like.

Is still handy to be able to travel both east and west, its got a good climate and good people. The little towns surrounding Tara are all important parts of our community too. They each have their own unique events, facilities and draw cards all within half an hour’s drive of town.

My favourite time of year is...

When it’s warm, I don’t do well in the winter. Fortunately, it’s only really cold for about two weeks and then the autumn and spring are beautiful. Especially after a drop of rain to keep things green.

The local horse races. They are a smaller event but old-time country fun and good value. It’s still just mostly locals.

Only locals know...

Who the name is on the clock in the main street. Bertie Bardon was chairman of our shire for many years and did a lot for our town.

For anything. We have the best of both worlds, with good community spirit and lots of fun events that go along with a small community. But it’s not far to travel if you would like experience the city too.

We always look forward to...
I wouldn’t swap it...
11 Welcome to
Tara is a good little country town with opportunities for those who want to work at being part of the community.

The Western Downs is one of Australia’s largest primary producers and our abundant local produce offers a chance for residents to explore our local produce. Here’s a taste of what the Tara district has to offer...

13 Tara Café Sara Street Café Tara Bowls Club Glenmorgan Bottle Tree Inn Commercial Hotel Tara Meandarra Royal Hotel Woolshed Bakery 2/25 Day St, Tara Sara Street, Meandarra 1 Fry St, Tara Crn Godfrey & Lorna Street, Glenmorgan 35 Day St, Tara Sara Street, Meandarra 38 Day St, Tara 07 4665 3152 07 4665 6121 07 4665 3329 07 4665 6727 07 4665 3214 07 4665 6183 07 4669 4400 FoodWorks 22 Milne Street, Tara 07 4665 3188 Welcome to

Tara Library Play

From Storytime for Kids to Book Club, the Tara Library holds regular events and sessions for the whole family.

Enjoy a BBQ or picnic at the Tara Lagoon Parklands, and check out the Walk of Remembrance Gardens and nearby Settlers Park.

Tara Lagoon Parklands Myall Park Botanic Gardens

One hour west of Tara you will find the Myall Park Botanic Garden near Glenmorgan, famous for the “Robyn Gordon” grevillea. Enjoy the gardens, camping ground, accommodation, cafe and art gallery.

Meandarra ANZAC Memorial Museum

Take a history tour at the Meandarra ANZAC Memorial Museum with the comprehensive display of military memorabilia from all three Armed Services - Navy, Army and Air Force. Learn about the battles our local war veterans fought, while you cast your eyes over the collection, which includes a Canberra Bomber, a Grant Tank and a Water Buffalo tank.


Experience Tara, our small town has a big heart. With plenty to do, including cultural activities, active sporting clubs and groups, and the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, there’s fun activities for the whole family.

Welcome to

Education for all ages is a priority in the Western Downs. There are 33 schools and 24 regulated childhood education and childcare services in the region. Our libraries also offer online education programs.


C&K Childcare

Children 6 weeks to 5 years (daytime care)

Children 5 years to 12 years (after school care)

Operates 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday

Glenmorgan State School

Prep to Year 6

Hannaford State School

Prep to Year 6

Meandarra State School

Prep to Year 6

Moonie State School

Kindergarten to Year 6

St Joseph’s

Prep to Year 6

Tara Shire State College

Primary: Prep to Year 6

Junior: Year 7 to Year 9

Senior: Year 9 to Year 12

The Gums State School

Prep to Year 7

Westmar State School

Kindergarten to Year 6

Welcome to

41 Porter St, Tara QLD 4421

07 4665 3376 candk.asn.au/tara

Clive St, Glenmorgan QLD 4423 07 4665 6757 glenmorganss.eq.edu.au

Hannaford Rd, Hannaford QLD 4406

07 4665 9239 hannafordss.eq.edu.au

Sara St, Meandarra QLD 4422 07 4678 533 meandarrass.eq.edu.au

11305 Moonie Hwy, Moonie QLD 4406 07 4665 0133 mooniess.eq.edu.au

3 Fry St, Tara QLD 4421 07 4665 3259 tara.catholic.edu.au

22 Binnie St, Tara QLD 4421 07 4678 7333 tarashiresc.eq.edu.au

12051 Coomrith Road, The Gums QLD 4406 07 4665 9170 thegumsss.eq.edu.au

18425 Moonie Hwy, Westmar QLD 4422 07 4663 0777 westmarss.eq.edu.au



Community Groups

50 and Better Program

Friends of Tarcoola

Glenmorgan Art Group

Hannahford Patchwork Club

Hannahford Rose and Geranium Club

Meandarra ANZAC Memorial Museum Committee

Meandarra Apex Club

Meandarra School of Arts Hall Committee

Meandarra/ Glenmorgan RSL (QLD)

Sub Branch

Moonie RTC Volunteers

Moonie State School P&C

Moonie Visual Arts Group

Myall Park Botanic Garden

QCWA Glenmorgan Branch

QCWA Inglestone Branch

Save the Children

Keen to volunteer?

St Josephs School P&F Association

Tara Apex Club

Tara Country Chatters Toastmasters

Tara Craft Association

Tara Crisis Support Association

Tara Decorative Artist & Tara Quilters

Tara and District Historical Society

Tara Festival Inc

Tara Futures Group

Tara Hospital Auxillary

Tara Lioness Club

Tara Masonic Club

Tara Meals on Wheels Association

Tara Neighbourhood Centre

Tara RSL (QLD) Sub Branch

Tara Senior Citizens Club

Tara Womens Show Auxillary

TSSC P&C Association

Westmar State School P&C Association

Wieambilla South Country Club

Visit www.wdrc.qld.gov.au/living-here/volunteering/ for more.


Experience warm connection and immerse yourself in Tara, with a wide variety of community and cultural groups ranging from the arts to social groups and volunteering.

Welcome to

Activities & Sporting Clubs

Flinton Race Club

Glenmorgan Rodeo Campdraft Committee

Glenmorgan Shooting Club Hannaford Club Inc

Hannaford Pony Club

Hannaford / The Gums Campdraft

Inglestone Golf Club

Inglestone Tennis Club

Meandarra Amateaur Swimming Club

Meandarra Bowls Club

Meandarra Cricket Club

Meandarra School Show

Moonie Clay Target Club

Moonie Cricket Club

Moonie Netball


Assembley of God Community Church

St Martin’s of Tours Anglican Church

St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church

Moonie Sports Club Inc

Tara Amateur Swimming Club Inc

Tara Bowls Club Inc

Tara and District Cricket Association

Tara and District Junior Rugby League

Tara Fish Restocking Committee

Tara Golf Club Inc

Tara P.A. And H Show Society

Tara Polocrosse Club Inc

Tara Pony Club Inc

Tara Race Club Inc

Tara Shire Social Netball Club

Tara Social Squash Club

Tara Tennis Club Inc

Tara Touch Football

Tara Working Sheepdog Association

The Gums Sports Club

Westmar Pony Club

Westmar Sports Association Inc

Uniting Church of Australia

Glenmorgan Community Church

Meandarra Assembly of God Church

21 Essential Services Welcome to Ambulance, Police & Fire 000 Tara Police Station 07 4665 3200 Ergon Energy Faults 132 296 State Emergency Service (SES) 132 500 Goondir Health Services a.young@goodnir.com.au Tara Medical Centre 07 4665 3335 Tara Pharmacy 07 4665 3250 Tara Hospital 07 4678 7900 Tarcoola Aged Care Facility 07 4678 7892 Australia Post 07 4665 3147 Tara Community Care 07 4678 7828 Tara Library 07 4665 3543 Tara Neighbourhood Centre 07 4665 3508 Emergency Medical Aged Care Additional Services Tara QGAP 07 4665 3130 Meandarra Home Nursing Service 07 4665 6105
When I talk about Tara to my friends and family, I just tell them how much I like the place. I feel at home.

Meet a Newcomer

Dan, Owner of Warden Diesel Services

Dan moved to Tara to settle down and start a family with his local fiancé Rachael. He already feels part of the community, having set up a now thriving business and making himself a regular at the Commercial Hotel. Dan is keen to repay the kindness he received as a newcomer to town by welcoming anyone looking to move to the area with a cold beer and a friendly chat at the pub.

Below are Dan’s insider tips for living in Tara.

My favourite time of year...

Because of my partner Rachael. She’s a local and has introduced me to all of our friends and family. Through those contacts I found a lot of work machinery operating and repairs. That lead to me starting Warden Diesel Services and Warden Transport Services. Business here has been thriving and we’ve employed other locals. We’ve settled our roots here now and look forward to starting a family.

I would describe Tara as...

Relaxed, easy going. Everyone’s out to help each other out, we’re a pretty tight knit town.

There’s lots I want to explore...

But you’ve got to find it first. There’s some good fishing spots I’m looking forward to checking out. Undulla Creek starts here in town at the lagoon and heads out west.

Is around October. It’s the start of harvest so you can smell the crops on the dew through the night and it’s not too hot or too cold.

What has surprised me...

Is the amount of business opportunity and work. Everyone I talk to is looking for workers, the place is thriving.

A local taught me...

To support local and the locals will support you.

The Camel Races coming up in July. We’re a sponsor and it’s going to be a great turn out with all the visitors coming to town.

Welcome to
I came to the region...
I’m looking forward to...
24 Contacts Tara Futures Group 19 Fry St, Tara QLD 4421 www.taradistrict.com.au admin@tarafutures.com.au Meets every second Monday of the month at Council Chambers Tara Customer Service Centre 19 Fry St, Tara QLD 4421 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624) www.wdrc.qld.gov.au info@wdrc.qld.gov.au Visitor Information Centre 19 Fry St, Tara QLD 4421 07 4678 7804 www.westerndownsqueensland.com.au tourism@wdrc.qld.gov.au Want to know more about who’s who and what’s happening in your town? www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au/ Queensland/Western_Downs Western Downs Regional Council


With thanks to Shell’ s QGC Business

With a third of our staff and contractors calling the Western Downs home, we know the region is a fantastic place to live, work and raise a family.

We want more of our employees living locally and we know the Western Downs has so much to offer. We are proud to support the production of these welcome guides for people moving to the area.

Relocating anywhere new is often daunting, with many factors unknown. With information on key resources such as schools, services, businesses and community groups easily accessible in these packs, we’re confident the transition for individuals and families will be made easier.

And by showcasing the unique character of what brings the towns ‘alive’ we are confident your new life in the Western Downs will be exciting.

This guide was funded by Shell’s QGC Business and produced by Western Downs Regional Council. Information is current as at 30 May 2022.

Welcome to
26 Notes
27 Welcome to

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