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Reading with wrigglers!
Wriggling, or even wandering off does not mean children are not engaged or didn't get value from sharing stories with you. Watch your child as you read, to see where they're looking and go with where their interest is. Just talking about the pictures still builds early literacy!
Even if your child looks busy doing something else, they are still taking in words, sounds and are aware that you're sharing the story. Reading with young children is not only about language and sounds but also about building positive experiences with books, and you!
Here are some ways to make the most of reading with wrigglers:

• Offer a variety of books for little ones to choose from. Letting children choose the book can boost their interest and increase their confidence.
• Choose an engaging story on their topic of interest such as trains or animals.
• Read at a time of day that suits your child, when there are fewer disruptions.
• Don't keep reading to the end just for the sake of it. You can skip pages or just use the pictures and tell your own story.
• Make reading interactive. Ask your child questions about the story, ask them to turn the page, or find a picture. Encourage them to join in some appropriate actions to keep them engaged or use a puppet or other prop.
Don't worry if your child still has the wriggles. The most important thing is to include reading as part of your everyday activities and enjoy it!
Sitting still and reading every word will hopefully all come later. For now, just go with it and enjoy sharing your favourite books together in the way that your wriggler likes it best.
- State Library Queensland
First 5 Forever is an initiative of the Queensland Government, coordinated by State Library of Queensland and delivered in partnership with local Government.