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2.9 Marketing Plan

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Your marketing plan should cover how you’ll advertise your business to customers and how you’ll generate bookings. This is when your customer persona will really come in handy. If you know the people you’re trying to target, you’ll know what websites they use and what type of marketing will be suitable for them.


Your marketing strategy can be diverse. For example, you could use several online marketing strategies like Google Ads, listing your property on diff erent rental websites, or creating your own website. You can also use offl ine strategies like leaving fl yers or business cards at local tourist attractions or networking with event planners in your region.

Here are some questions that can help you sketch out your marketing plan:

What methods of online marketing will I use? • I will just list my bookings on one travel website, because that is enough for me. • I will have my own, personal vacation rental website. My site, my rules! • I have several properties to rent, so I will list them on several websites to increase traffi c and booking numbers. • I will pay for Google Ads or Facebook Ads in my local area.

What methods of offl ine marketing will I use? • None, online marketing will be enough for me. • I will print fl yers and leave them in local tourist offi ces. • I will give each guest business cards and ask them to recommend me to friends and colleagues.

Do I have a website? • No, I don’t want/need to create one. • No, but I want one! I need to hire someone to create one for me or try a professional website builder.

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