Every day with Vinçotte

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The things everybody takes for granted

INTRO “Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.” Aldous Huxley  Brave New World


Every day we wake up to freshly made coffee. We go to work, get in the elevator, and then settle behind our desks. Whether we press an elevator button or just a button on a remote control, every day shows that innovative technology forms a normal part of our lives. So normal that we no longer think about it. However, Vinรงotte does, backed up with more than 130 specialised inspections, test and certification services in the field of quality, safety and the environment. For example, Vinรงotte ensures that your coffee maker can be switched on and off safely, that the elevator works properly, and that the latest Lexus or Honda complies with European directives. All done by Vinรงotte, invisible, but with a tangible effect: safety and reliability. For everything that is dear to you.



MON. 07:37

Reliability thanks to Vinçotte. Whistling in the forecourt, filling up for the first time this week. Grabbing a sandwich and a newspaper, and then back on the road.

Vinçotte engineers have many years experience in motor vehicle inspection. Vinçotte is one of the largest “Automotive Certification” service providers for Japanese car manufacturers. Do you drive the latest Lexus ? A Toyota Previa, or a Honda Accord or Legend ? This is just a small selection of the Japanese makes and models that we approve for the European market. “Safe motoring” is therefore one side of our business, with regards both to testing (e.g. the safety glass in your car windows) and to expert examinations. But even when you are filling up your petrol tank you can be sure we are keeping an eye on things. Vinçotte undertakes multidisciplinary checks in and around fuel stations for most oil companies in our country. For example, we examine the condition of the nozzles and fuel lines by measuring electrical continuity, in order to prevent spark formation when you put the nozzle into the opening of the petrol tank. And we check the electrical installations, storage tanks, illuminated advertising, the forecourt roof, the fire protection and the impermeability of the ground. The same applies to the carwash: the entire installation is inspected by Vinçotte, according to the “Machinery Directive”. And in the garage workshop we inspect the inspection ramps, the paint booth and the welding stations. The Vinçotte AVICAR certificate offers a guarantee that your bodywork repair company is recognised by insurers as being reliable. At your AVICAR repairer you also get the quality service of a free replacement car.



TUE. 15:00

Healthy with Vinçotte. Home earlier than expected. Just enough time to wind down. Then out to collect your pride and joy from school, and then a spot of cooking.

Vinçotte ensures the sports facilities you use are in good working order and environmentally friendly to boot, because when you work out in the evenings, the wind turbine provides the green power for the floodlights. Vinçotte is closely involved in the construction of large wind farms in our country : from the Ardennes to the coast, engineers and technical specialists are busy supervising the construction process and carrying out checks. This primarily involves a stability study of the foundations, an inspection of the steel structure, an inspection of the electrical installations, certification for green power certificates, noise measurements, and a check of the lifting equipment, including the safety parachute for anybody who has to leave the wind turbine quickly in the event of an emergency. The high voltage pylons that you see throughout the country are also inspected by Vinçotte. And we thermographically inspect the 380,000 volt high voltage cables with an IR camera from a helicopter. These same specialists also monitor the progress of new, experimental crops from the air, on behalf of a market gardening institute in Gembloux.



WED. 09:45

Mobile with Vinçotte. Waiting time becomes work time with a laptop. Today in Barcelona, Friday in Paris.

The entire world can be reached from the airport. And the entire world can reach you. Your mobility is partly the result of Vinçotte’s activities. First of all, we oversee the quality and reliability of the infrastructure. This is based on routine procedures such as a preventive inspection of the elevators and conveyors or an inspection of the lightning conductor installation so as to guarantee the operational continuity of the control tower and other critical facilities. Secondly, we also guarantee the safety of mobile phone masts. This does not just concern the structural strength of the mast or the inspection of the access ladders, but also your own health. Vinçotte’s “Electrical Measurements” department evaluates the compliance of these radiation sources according to the standards and various recommendations of the Belgian and European authorities. Vinçotte also concentrates on the implementation and monitoring of noise measurements, and the certification of the ISO 9100 quality system and the ISO 14001 environmental management system. We carry out these duties at various critical sites, such as Zaventem airport. And the fact that you have such a clear view of the tarmac from the gate is largely due to the window cleaners, with their mobile windowcleaning systems that are regularly inspected by Vinçotte.



THU. 18:30

Entertained with Vinçotte. Meeting a friend at the cinema. But first stop off at the doughnut stall. Just a small portion should be OK.

Vinçotte not only monitors food safety and hygiene for certification purposes, and according to reference systems such as ISO 22000, BRC or IFS, it also pays the necessary attention to training. Working on a contract from the catering industry, Vinçotte Academy put together a basic course for people working in the catering industry and commercial kitchens sector. Vinçotte even goes a step further : alongside food safety, it also looks at the impact of fruit and vegetable packaging on the environment. For example, Vinçotte developed the OK Compost Home label for completely compostable packaging. This first for Vinçotte resulted in a special application by Carrefour Belgium – which for some years has been selling organic fruit and vegetables with OK Compost Home packaging. In simple terms, you just put the packaging on the compost heap alongside the fruit and vegetable waste. Result ? The waste mountain becomes a molehill and you do not lose any time sorting out your waste. So you have more free time to pass by the doughnut stall or to enjoy the other attractions. In complete safety. As there too Vinçotte is keeping watch : fairgrounds, amusement parks and playgrounds require regular inspections. Our “Sports & Recreation” department is in charge of inspecting the fairground attractions at the Brussels and Liège fairs, and at the Antwerp Sinksenfoor. The machines are mechanically and electrically examined after reassembly and before the attraction is opened at its new location.



FRI. 10:10

Safe with Vinçotte. One hour and twenty minutes to Paris. That’s nice. “Return” to Belgium at half past four. Perfect timing.

It was over a century ago that Vinçotte pressure specialists started working together with the Belgian railway authorities. While the steam locomotives have disappeared, Vinçotte engineers have stayed on to ensure that railway passengers in Belgium can count on the greatest possible safety. A safe rail transport system requires the dedication of several thousand people every day, including Vinçotte technical specialists. Inspecting the high voltage lines, controlling the quality of the rails, and undertaking safety coordination during the construction phase – these are just a few examples of Vinçotte’s work. And because Vinçotte is a full-service supplier, it also certifies the catering activities and maintains the train depots. And because Vinçotte is a total supplier, it also certifies the catering activities and maintains the locomotive depots. The “Civil Engineering” department inspects the structures with a view to the expansion or modernisation of the station infrastructure. Furthermore, the programme includes statutory inspections and supervising the transport systems (elevators and escalators), sanitary installations, ventilation facilities, electrical equipment, access control, passive fire protection, fire detection, and smoke and heat extraction in the event of a fire.



SAT. 14:23

Innovation with Vinçotte. Superman bites the dust. Landing badly on his right knee. On the X-ray everything seems to be in order.

Innovative medical technology, such as CT scans or nuclear medicine, can only be effectively used in a protected environment – in order to guarantee your own safety and the safety of the medical staff. The Controlatom company, a market leader in radiation protection, has being conducting technical and dosimetric inspections for more than 40 years for hospitals, doctors and dentists, and for mammographic screening services. All machines and peripheral equipment are thoroughly inspected. Inspections are carried out as often as the law requires and more frequently if necessary. As the largest dosimetric service in Belgium, we take more than 20,000 monthly readings of dosimeters, as worn by radiologists, dentists, nuclear power station workers, or our own specialists. Our technical experts are also very active in the operating theatre: the floor, the systems and electrical equipment have to meet a series of technical requirements. Just imagine : a power cut as a result of a fault in the electrical system could have dramatic consequences. Or if the floor is not antistatic, the slightest spark could result in an explosion of the inflammable gases that are generally used in an operating theatre. Inspecting the compressed air holders and cylinders also forms part of our work.



SUN. 11:08

Carefree with Vinçotte. A breath of fresh air after a week that has been anything but routine. Are those boats over there really bigger than our house ?

A constantly sustainable and safe environment is of vital importance for everyone. Not only on Sundays, for all those families heading to the green Antwerp polders to relax, but also for all companies operating in the port region. Vinçotte is keeping watch seven days a week, with expert examinations, inspections and audits that help improve our health, the environment and our safety. For example, our people in the “Nuclear Pressure Equipment Survey” are jointly responsible for quality assurance and safety of nuclear power stations. They use their specialist knowledge of metallurgy and nondestructive testing to inspect the reliability of the equipment. Moreover, you can be sure that the water quality of the steam generators is monitored by our “Process Water Quality” department. This department has performed inspections for more than 50 years relating to environmental protection, protecting drinking water, and the safety of steam generators. Finally, Vinçotte Environment helps many port and other companies by offering a total environmental and energy studies service. Out of sight but not out of mind: hundreds of miles of underground piping is inspected by Vinçotte to safeguard the environment and guarantee safety. For example, we check the welds in piping using the latest “Corrosion Mapping” technology. We also take care of items that are patently clear to see : various items from gantry cranes to heavy industrial plant are often on Vinçotte’s list of inspection tasks.


A total supplier of safety and reliability with more than 130 specialist services.


Safety Quality Materials


Environment Civil engineering Pressure Electricity


Lifting Thermal


Environment Materials

Civil engineering

Products Automotive

Machinery Food


Quality 18


Materials Automated ultrasound testing


Material analysis Surface testing Pressure Volumetric testing Ultrasound testing




Safety Environment


Materials Pressure



Physical inspection Safety


Medical radiation physics

A detailed survey of what Vinçotte can do for you is available at www. vincotte.com 19

Chief editor : Michel Vandegard, Jan Olieslagerslaan 35, 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium

Jan Olieslagerslaan 35, B - 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium Tel + 32 (0)2 674 57 11 • Fax + 32 (0)2 674 59 59 info@vincotte.be • www.vincotte.com

• Version française disponible sur demande • Nederlandse versie verkrijgbaar op aanvraag

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