Ashirwaad GR Presentation

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Qualities of Aashirwaad

AASHIRVAAD - GR (Fipronil 0.3 % GR) It acts as an insecticide with contact and stomach action. It disrupts the insect's central nervous system by blocking the passage of chloride ions through the GABA receptor, an inhibitor of the central nervous system. It also acts as Plant Growth Regulator, which enhances the root growth and results in higher yields. Broad Spectrum insecticide. Greater solubility in water than other granules. Longer persistence. Effectively controls insects resistant to other insecticides.

Paddy, also called rice paddy, small, level, ooded ď€ eld used to cultivate rice in southern and eastern Asia.

What is Insecticides ? Insecticides are agents of chemical or biological origin that control insects. Control may result from killing the insect or otherwise preventing it from engaging in behaviours deemed destructive.

Insecticides may be natural or manmade and are applied to target pests in a myriad of formulations and delivery systems (sprays, baits, slow-release diffusion, etc.).

Crop Paddy

Paddy is a cereal grain belongs to the grass family of Graminae and native to the deltas of the great Asian rivers, the Ganges, the Chang , and the Tigris and Euphrates. The Paddy plant grows from 2 to 6 ft tall, with a round, jointed stem, long pointed leaves and edible seeds borne in dense head on separate stalks.

Paddy is one of the most cultivated grain crops in India as well as in Asian countries and a staple diet of major part of India. India is an important centre for rice cultivation and consumption. India stands in second position after China in the production of Ace.

Target Pest Stem Borer

Stem borer (Scirpophaga) is a serious paddy pest in India, Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, China, Japan Formosa, Philippines and Indonesia. So, in all the rice growing areas this insect or Moth pest is available. This moth causes the highest percentage of damage of the paddy plant.

The larva of this moth feeds only the internal tissue that the adult stage of this insect (moth) never causes any damage to the plant but only the larval stage. This pest is commonly known in English as stem borer because the larva bores into the stem.

Target Pest Brown Plant Hopper

The brown planthopper is a sucking insect that, under heavy infestations, can cause the wilting and complete drying of rice plants, a condition known as ‘hopperburn’. The brown planthopper also damages rice by transmitting ragged stunt virus and grassy stunt virus. The insect can complete as many as 12 generations in a single year in tropical areas, where it resides year-round, and fewer generations in temperate areas, where it is a migratory pest.

Planthoppers damages plants by sucking sap from the mesophyll and blocking the xylem and phloem by laying egg masses in the midribs of the leaf sheath and leaf blade. Affected plants become chlorotic. Older leaves turn progressively yellow from the tip to the midpoint of the leaf, then gradually dry up and die. This feeding damage is commonly referred to as hopperburn. Hopperburn begins in patches but can spread rapidly as the planthoppers move from dying plants to adjacent plants.

Target Pest Leaf folder

Leaf folder caterpillars fold a rice leaf around themselves and attach the leaf margins together with silk strands. They feed inside the folded leaf creating longitudinal white and transparent streaks on the blade.

Rice leaffolders occur in all rice environments and are more abundant during the rainy seasons. They are commonly found in shady areas and areas where rice is heavily fertilized. In tropical rice areas, they are active year-round, whereas in temperate countries they are active from May to October.

Target Pest Green leaf hopper

Affected plants become pale yellow in colour and get stunted in growth. If the plants are tapped large number of leafhoppers may be seen jumping to water. Both nymphs and adults suck the plant sap from the leaf and leaf sheath. (It is a phloem feeder. Amino acid content is high in phloem sap than xylem.

The xylem and phloem vessels are plugged with their stylet sheath that causes disruption in the transport of food substances in the vessels.) Mild infestation reduces the vigour of the plant and the number of reproductive tillers. Heavy infestation causes withering and complete drying of the crop. Plants are predisposed to fungal and bacterial infection through feeding and ovipositional punctures.

Target Pest Rice Gall Midge

The central shoot instead of producing leaf produces a long tubular structure. When the gall elongates as an external symptom of damage, the insect will be in pupal stage and ready for emergenc.The maggot bores into the growing point of the tiller and causes abnormal growth of the leaf sheath, which becomes whitish tubular and ends bluntly. It may be pale green, pink or purplish. Further growth of tiller is arrested.

This is called onion shoot, silver shoot or anaikomban. The feeding by the maggot and the larval secretion, which contains an active substance called cecidogen, is responsible for cell proliferation of the meristematic cells and gall formation. It is a pest in irrigated and wet season crop. Tillers in 35 to 53 days old crops are preferred.

Target Pest Whorl Maggot

The rice whorl maggot Hydrellia spp. is a pest of rice mainly In irrigated ecosystem. It causes 20¡30% yield loss on the ď€ rst crop during April-September but the infestation was less in the second crop. The taxonomic characters and host plants of Hydrellia spp. viz., .The maggots of the y feed on unopened leaves and nibbles the inner margins.

Whorl maggot is an important insect pest causing serious damage to rice crop during vegetative phase, direct seeded rice have more risk than transplanted rice. The pest attack other crops also than the rice crop. In India, as well as in Philippines the occurrence recorded through out the year.


Quantity 6.67- 10kg/acre

It is completely safe to use Ashirwaad. It also compatible with the other agrochemicals.



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