Chemical Properties Solubility : Water soluble • Belong to chemical family of Bipyridylium Reactivity Prole • Stable in acidic media, but unstable in alkaline media • Decomposes photochemically by UV radiation in aqueous solutions and is rapidly inactivated by soil • Sensitive to light • Corrosive to metal and react with strong acids, bases, and oxidizing agents • Hydrolyzed by alkali compounds • Inactivated by inert clays and anionic surfactants
Qualities • All clear is a contact, Non- Selective, post emergence herbicide • All Clear is used as foliar Spray to control broad leaf weeds and grasses • All Clear control all annual and certain perennial weeds • Wide usage in terms of crops like Corn, soya, wheat, rice, potatoes, fruit (oranges, apples, bananas), coffee, tea, cocoa, cotton, oil palm, sugar beet, sugarcane and rubber • An ideal herbicide for conservation and no-till systems (only controls the foliage parts of weeds), thus promoting intact roots and preventing soil erosion • Hydrolyzed by alkali compounds • Inactivated by inert clays and anionic surfactants
Mode of action • All Clear inhibits photosynthesis . • All Clear results in rapid disruption of cell membranes and kills rapidly. • All Clear penetrate into the cytoplasm, form peroxides and free electrons (light is required) which destroy the cell membranes almost immediately • Rapid destruction of cell membranes prevents translocation of energy to other regions of the plant • Severe injury is evident in few hours after application, rst as watersoaked areas which later turn yellow or brown • Maximum control is attained in a week • Partial spray coverage of a plant results in spotting or partial shoot kill • It is redistributed within the plant, but does not harm mature bark
Importance • All clear is strongly cationic and relatively toxic herbicide .It is very fast-acting, results appears with in week time. It is rain-fast within 15-30 minutes of application. • All clear is also effective under low temperatures when weeds are making little active growth. • All Clear do not penetrate mature bark, sprayed safely around trees and beneath bushes. • All clear has no ‘residual’ activity in soil, can be sprayed before crops are planted or seedlings emerge. • All Clear strongly bind to clay, preventing activity for weed control or leaching in the soil . All Clear solution with suspended colloids like muddy water, slurry, fertilizers etc will cause chemical inactivation. • All Clear is used for killing shoot in numerous situations like burn down in conservation tillage systems and pre-harvest desiccation.
Dosage per ac
Imperata cylindrica, Setaria Spp., Commelina bengalensis, Boerhavia hispida, Paspalum conjugatum
1 to 1.75 lt
Chenopodium spp., Anagallis arvensis, Trianthema, Monogyna, Cyperus rotandus
800 ml to 1 lt
Euphorbia hirta, Digitaria marginata, Eleusine indica, Boerhavia hispida, Commelina bengalensis
500 ml
Digera arvensis, Cyperus spp
800 ml
Target Weeds Scarlet pimpernel Scientiď€ c name: Anagallis arvensis (Primrose Family: Primulaceae)
Winter or summer annual, and occasionally, biennial broadleaf plant
Target Weeds Common Name: common lambsquarters, white goosefoot, mealweed, fat hen Scientiď€ c Name: Chenopodium album L. Family Name: Chenopodiaceae
life cycle - introduced annual, reproducing by seeds
Target Weeds Common Name: Itsit Scientiď€ c Name: Trianthema Monogyna Family: Aizoaceae
Target Weeds Common Name: Asiatic dayower Scientiď€ c Name: Commelia communis L. Family Name: Commelinaceae
life cycle - introduced annual, reproducing by seed
Target Weeds Common Name: yellow nutsedge, nut-grass, chufa Scientiď€ c Name: Cyperus esculentus L. Family Name: Cyperaceae
life cycle - native perennial, reproducing by seed (rare) and tubers (nutlets) at end of short, scaly rhizomes
Target Weeds Common Name: large crabgrass, hairy crabgrass Scientiď€ c Name: Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Family Name: Poaceae (Graminae) - Grass Family
life cycle - introduced annual, reproducing by seed
Target Weeds Common Name: goosegrass, silver crabgrass, crowfoot, yardgrass, wiregrass Scientiď€ c Name: Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Family Name: Poaceae (Graminae) - Grass Family
introduced annual, reproducing by seed
Target Weeds Common Name: Foxtails Scientiď€ c Name: Setaria spp. Family Name: Poaceae
life cycle - introduced annual grass, reproducing by
Target Weeds Common Name: Barnyard grass Scientiď€ c Name: Echinochloa crus-galli Family Name: Poaceae
Barnyardgrass is a summer annual grass