Atrahit Presentation

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Atrahit Atrazine 50% WP


Systemic, Selective herbicide


Target About Atrahit A selective systemic pre and post emergence herbicide. It is use to control annual grass as well as broad leave weeds. It is absorbed principally through the roots & foliage. It inhibits photosynthesis and interferes with other enzymatic activities. It is used in combination with other herbicides..



Maize Maize is a major staple food grain throughout the world. The maize grain has many food (grain, flour, syrup, oil…) and non-food usages (cosmetics, adhesives, paints, varnishes). Maize starch and oil are also major products . The maize grain is a major feed grain and a standard component of livestock diets where it is used as a source of energy. Other grains are typically compared to maize when their nutritional value is estimated. Many by-products of maize processing for flour (hominy feed, bran, germs, oil meal), starch (corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal) and alcohol/biofuel industries (distillers’ dried grains and solubles) can be fed to animals.


Weeds in maize Weeds do enormous damage to the maize crop. They directly deplete the soil nutrients and moisture and compete with crop plants for light and space thus, reduce the crop yields. Indirectly, they cause damage to the crops harbouring pests and disease agents.



Stems are prostrate or rising, somewhat succulent, up to 50 cm long or more, smooth or sparsely velvety. Leaves are flat, elliptic to obovate or spade-shaped, 1-2 cm long, 0.4-2 cm wide, margins entire, tip blunt, base rounded to wedge-shaped. Leaf stalks are 0.5-2.5 cm long, expanded into a sheath joined with opposing leaf base to form a cup. Pink flowers are borne solitary, stalkless, largely hidden in leaf axils. Petals (perianth lobes) are linear to narrowly deltate, 4-5 mm long, inner surface pink or white, sparsely velvety externally; ovary cylindrical; style about 2 mm long.

Trianthema portulacastrum is also known as desert Horse Purslane is a weed found throughout the tropical and subtropical countries. It occurs in wastelands, roadsides, lawns, gardens, cultivated crops, and in paddy fields if the water supply is low. Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre 6

Digera arvensis Digera arvensis is an annual herb, growing to 20-70 cm tall. It can be seen growing wild in waste areas. Stems are simple or branched from the base, nearly hairless. Alternately arranged leaves, 1-9 cm long and 0.2-5 cm broad, are narrowly linear to broadly ovate. Leaf stalks are long, up to 5 cm, base is narrowed, and the tip pointed. Flowers are borne on slender spikelike racemes, which can be as large as 30 cm long. The racemes are on a stalk that can be up to 14 cm long. Flowers are hairless, white mixed with pink to carmine or red, usually becoming greenish-white in fruit. Fruit subglobose, slightly compressed, 2-2.5 mm, bluntly ribbed along each side, surmounted by a thick rim. In India, the young leaves and shoots of False Amaranth are made into curries, or the entire plant is boiled and seasoned.

Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre



Echinochloa spp. is a summer annual in the grass family (Poaceae). Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre


Barnyard grass is also called barnyard millet, common barnyard grass, panic grass, and water grass. Stems may be solitary or in small tufts, erect or reclining at the base, and up to 6.6 feet tall. Leaves are at, 4 to 12 inches long and 0.2 to 0.6 inch wide. The panicle is 2 to 8.4 inches long, upright or nodding. Barnyard grass has a ďŹ brous root system.

Eleusine sp. Eleusine sp. is an annual tufted grass. The plant is clumpforming, branching from the base, culms are 40-95 cm tall. Leaf blades are at or sometimes folded, 15-30 cm long, 46 cm wide. Flower spikes are mostly 2-6, usually 5 (4 digitate and 1 arising slightly below the tip of the stalk), 4-10 cm long. Spikelets are 4.5-5.5 mm long, the orets closely imbricated, dark green, disarticulating at maturity, leaving glumes overlapping in 2 rows on one side of the attened rachis.

Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre 9


Xanthium strumarium All of us have known this plant from our childhood. One can’t miss it when the seeds are ripe. The fruits are covered with numerous hooks and kids have fun throwing it at people and sticking it to their woollen clothing.

Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre It is assumed the plant originated in Central America, but is widely naturalized world over, probably because of its ingenious technique of transporting its seeds on animal fur. The plant has large and broad leaves, light and bright green in color in an alternate pattern with irregular lobes and relatively inconspicuous teeth. Stems turn maroon to black when mature, with an elliptic or egg shaped fruit clusters growing nestled around the stem. Common Cocklebur is an annual herb with a short, stout, hairy stem. Flower heads occur in racemes in leaf axils or at the end of branches. The owers are white or green, numerous, male upper most, female ovoid, covered with hooked bristles. Fruit is obovoid, enclosed in the hardened involucre, with 2 hooked beaks and hooked bristles. 10

Digitaria Sp.

This grass is a summer annual about 1-3' long. It develops several branching culms at the base; the lower branches of the culms tend to sprawl across the ground, while their upper branches are more erect. The culms are light green, terete, and glabrous, although they are mostly covered by the sheaths. The blades of the alternate leaves are up to 6" long and nearly ½" across; they are dull light green, entire or slightly curly along the margins, and often hairy toward the base. The sheaths are light green, ďŹ nely ribbed, shiny or dull, and hairy.

Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre 9


Amaranthus Viridis Flowers are green, in slender, paniculate spikes, in leaf axils or at the end of branches. Both sexes are mixed throughout the spikes, but female flowers are more numerous, bracts and bracteoles whitish, triangular-ovate to broadly lanceshaped, membranous, with a short, pale or reddish awn; sepals are 3, those of staminate flowers ovate-oblong, 1.5 mm long, tip pointed, mucronate, those of pistillate flowers narrowly spoon-shaped to oblong, 1.3-1.8 mm long, tip more or less mucronate; stigmas 2-3. Fruit is nearly round, 1.3-1.5 mm, not or only slightly exceeding the sepals


Green Amaranth is an annual herb with stems erect or occasionally ascending, 10-80 cm long. Stems are sparingly to densely branched, channeled. Leaves are triangularovate to narrowly rhombic, 2-7 cm long, 1.5-5.5 cm wide, hairless, tip usually narrow and with a small narrow notch, stalks 1-10 cm long. Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre

Cleome Viscosa Asian spider flower (cleome viscosa) is a usually tall annual herb, up to a meter high, more or less hair y with glandular and eglandular hairs. Leaves are digitately compound, with 3-5 leaflets. Leaflets are obovate, elliptic-oblong, very variable in size, often 2-4 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm broad, middle one largest; petiole up to 5 cm long. Racemes elongated, up to 30 cm long, with corym¬bose flowers at the top and elongated mature fruits below, bracteate. Flowers 10-15 mm across, whitish or yellowish; pedicels 6-20 mm long; bracts foliaceous. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, 3-4 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, glandularpubescent. Petals 8-15 mm long, 2-4 mm broad, oblong-obovate. Stamens 10-12 (rarely more, up to 20), not exceeding the petals; gynophore absent. Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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