Bond 007 Presentation

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Bond 007

Tebuconzole 25.9% EC

Bond 007

Systemic Fungicide


BOND 007 (Tebuconzole 25.9% EC) It has an excellent Protective, Curative & Eradicative Efficacy. It has fast absorption giving better action against diseases. It is a broad spectrum activity fungicide against no. of diseases. Excellent plant growth effect. Improves quality of produce. Application of Bond results in greening effect on the crop foliage. Bond controls dirty panicle on paddy with grain shine. It controls complex of diseases on Chilli & Groundnut.


Bond 007

Rice is the most important human food crop in the world, directly feeding more people than any other crop. Rice provides 21% of global human per capita energy and 15% of per capita protein. Although rice protein ranks high in nutritional quality among cereals, protein content is modest. Rice also provides minerals, vitamins, and ď€ ber, although all constituents except carbohydrates are reduced by milling. Dose : 300 ml/acre


Sheath Blight The lesions caused by Rhizoctonia solani are usually observed on the rice leaf sheaths, although leaf blades may also be affected. The initial lesions are small, ellipsoid or ovoid, and greenish gray and usually develop near the water line in lowland elds. Under favorable conditions, they enlarge and may coalesce, forming bigger, irregularly shaped lesions with grayish white centers and dark brown borders. The presence of several large spots on a leaf sheath usually causes the death of the whole leaf.

Blast Rice blast, caused by a fungus, causes lesions to form on leaves, stems, peduncles, panicles, seeds, and even roots. The symptoms of rice blast include lesions that can be found on all parts of the plant, including leaves, leaf collars, necks, panicles, pedicels, and seeds. A recent report shows that even roots can become infected. However, the most common and diagnostic symptom, diamond shaped lesions, of rice blast occur on the leaves, whereas lesions on the sheaths are relatively rare.


Bond 007

Chilli, also known as chilli pepper is a spicy fruit used in cuisine preparations. It is commonly added as an ingredient in foods to make the preparation spicy. It’s origins are traced to Mexico and it is used worldwide both as an ingredient in food preparations and medicines. Globally, China is the largest producer of chillies. As per the latest statistics, India tops the world in chilli production followed by China, Dose : 200-300 ml/acre 6

Chilli fruit rot and dieback is a fungal problem witnessed globally. This disease is observed at the owering stage of chilli growth. Flowers dry up resulting in profuse shedding. The ower stalk shrivels. This drying up spreads from the ower stalks to the stem, resulting in dieback of the branches and stem. The fungus causes necrosis of tender twigs from the tip backwards, hence the name dieback. The branches wither. Partially affected plants bear a few fruits which are of low quality. Fruit Rot

The initial symptoms of powdery mildew on peppers are a powdery-white fungal growth on the undersides of leaves with light-green to yellow blotches on the upper leaf surfaces. These areas turn brown with time, and the affected areas coalesce, causing a general yellowing of the entire leaf. The outer edges of leaves may curl upward. The older leaves lower in the canopy are usually infected rst and show symptoms before the younger leaves Powdery Mildew


Bond 007

Groundnut Groundnut is important oilseed crop and oil content of the seed varies from 44-50%, depending on the varieties and agronomic conditions. It is also used in soap making, and in manufacturing cosmetics and lubricants, olein, stearin and their salts. Kernels are also eaten raw, roasted or sweetened. They are rich in protein and vitamins A, B and members of the B2 group. Dose : 200-300 ml/acre


Rust Rust can be readily recognized as orange red coloured pustules (uredinia) usually circular and ranges from 0.5 to 1.4 mm in diameter and appears on the lower lea et surface. The epidermis ruptures and exposes powdery masses of reddish brown uredospores. Pustules rst appear on the lower surface and in highly susceptible cultivars; the original pustules may be surrounded by colonies of secondary pustules.

Tikka All parts of the host plant above soil level are attacked by the disease. The rst visible symptoms appear on the lea ets of lower leaves as dark spots which at a later stage, are surrounded by yellow rings. The spots are circular. They appear in a large number on the leaves. Mature spots are dark-brown to almost black, particularly on the upper surface of the lea ets


Bond 007

Onion India is the second largest onion growing country in the world. Indian onions are famous for their pungency and are available round the year. Indian onions has two crop cycles, rst harvesting starts in November to January and the second harvesting from January to May. The onion is a hardy cool-season biennial but usually grown as annual crop. The onion has narrow, hollow leaves and a base which enlarges to form a bulb. The bulb can be white, yellow, or red and require 80 to 150 days to reach harvest. Dose : 250-300 ml/acre


Purple blotch Purple blotch of onion is caused by Alternaria porri. This fungus is also a pathogen of leek, garlic and chive. This fungus is present throughout the world. The symptoms occur on leaves and ower stalks as small, sunken, whitish ecks with purple coloured centres. The lesions may girdle leaves/stalk and cause their drooping. The infected plants fail to develop bulbs


Bond 007

Soybean Soyabean needs about 15 to 320C temperature for germination but for rapid growth the crop needs higher temperature. The crop requires about 60-65 cm annual rainfall drought at flowering or just before flowering results in flower and pod drops, while rains during maturity impairs the grain quality of soyabean. harmful. The best soil type is sandy loam having good organic matter content. Dose : 250 ml/acre


Soybean Anthracnose Anthracnose of soybean is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum truncatum. This is the most common species associated with this disease, but several other Colletotrichum species have also been identi ed to be involved. When infected seeds are planted preemergence and post-emergence damping-off may occur. Sunken, dark brown lesions develop on the cotyledons of seedlings. Seedling lesions may expand to the stem and kill young plants. Plants may become infected at any stage of development, but in Nebraska, chances of infection tend to increase with maturity. The most common symptoms are brown, irregularly shaped spots on stem, pods and petioles.


Bond 007

Black Gram Black gram or vigna mungo beans are small, black, dry beans featuring prominently in the Asian cuisine. Botanically, they belongs to the Fabaceae or Leguminosae family. The beans, popularly known as urad, are the fruit pods of a plant originally from India. It is an annual, drought tolerant, dicotyledonous legume. It grows well in sandy, loam soil. Small, 4-7 cm long, hairy, cylindrical pods establish after 60-70 days of seedling. Each pod encloses 6-10 seeds that are black, grayish, brown or dark green. Inside they are a white creamy colour.

Dose : 300 ml/acre 14

Bacterial leaf Spot. This is a common disease of blackgram occurring on the foliage at any stage of the growth. The fungus attacks the foliage causing characteristic leaf spots .Moist weather and splattering rains are conducive to disease development. Infected leaves show small, brown, water soaked, circular spots surrounded with yellowish halo. On older plants the lea et infection is mostly on older leaves and may cause serious defoliation. The most striking symptoms are on the green fruit. Small water-soaked spots.

Leaf Spot

Symptoms are circular, black, sunken spots with dark center and bright red orange margins on leaves and pods. In severe infections, the affected parts wither off. Seedlings get blighted due to infection soon after seed germination.



HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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