Cherry Presentation

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Cherry Cultivation From Seed To Fruit Complete Crop information

Cherry Cultivation Process

Some knowledgeable facts about cherry Cherries are plants belonging to the genus Prunus. They’re a drupe, or stone fruit, that are obtained from cultivars of a limited number of species such as the sweet cherry and the sour cherry


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It's quite well known that cherries, especially sour cherries, have high levels of disease- ghting antioxidants. The fruit also contains other vitamins and minerals a human body needs, like vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, iron, potassium, magnesium and ber. Some suggest cherries can be used as an aid to treating rheumatic illness and also improving circulation. Cherry decoctions are also used on the skin to help with healing.

It is believed that the sweet cherry originated in the area between the Black and Caspian Seas in Asia Minor around 70 B.C. The Romans introduced them to Britain in the rst century A.D. The name “cherry” also refers to the cherry tree, and is sometimes applied to almonds and visually similar owering trees in the genus Prunus, as in “ornamental cherry” or “cherry blossom.”

The English word “cherry” comes from Old Northern French or Normal “cherise” from the Latin “cerasum,” referring to an ancient Greek region, Kerasous, near Giresun, Turkey, from which cherries were rst thought to be exported to Europe. From Lamberts to Lapins to Rainers and Royal Anns, there are more than 500 varieties of sweet cherries, and almost as many tart ones. However, only 20% are used in commercial production.

About Cherry Cultivation Farmers need natural resources , such as land, air, nutrients, water and sunlight for heathy crop. Every crop is highly dependent on the climate. Climate affects all components of crop production. The second key component is soil. It is a key element of agriculture. Without it we wouldn´t be able to grow plants, which are used as food for both humans and animals. Like climate or soil Water is also very important for both livestock and for plants. It forms a large part of all plant tissues as well as being an essential component of all animal body cells. In crop agriculture, water is an important climatic factor. It affects or determines plant growth . And the last process is harvesting. It is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the elds. For maximum vase life of cherry, harvest cherry daily at their proper stage of development. Harvesting too early or too late signi cantly reduces the vase life of the fruit. With these sources farmers can easily grow a healthy crop.

Right way of Cherry farming can reward any farmer with enough fruit to enjoy 3

Cherry Cultivation Process

Climate Requirement for cherry Cultivation As we know that cherry grows well in cold climatic condition, it requires about 1200 hr to 1500 hr chilling period during winter season. Cherry fruits are grown successfully at the height of 2500 meters above sea level,. In India, Cherry commercial cultivation is carried in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh due to suitable climate. An annual rainfall of 100 to 125 cm is required for its growth . Spring frost should be avoided as the cherry blossom is sensitive to frost.


Soil Requirement for cherry Cultivation For better growth and high yield if cherries; Proper soil should be selected. The cherry tree requires the deep sandy loam soil with the pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. A well drained fertile soil with moisture holding capacity is best for cherry cultivation. As the cherry trees are sensitive to water stagnation; make sure to have internal well drainage in the soil. Avoid heavy soils in cherry fruit cultivation. Propagation in cherry fruit cultivation is done through seeds or by root cuttings. Cherry plants are propagated mainly through grafting method.


Cherry Cultivation Process

Land Preparation for cherry Cultivation In India, the ideal planting time for cherry is Dec to Jan and this fruit cultivation carried mainly on hilly areas on sloppy lands. Usually contour or terrace system is practiced. However, square system is practiced in valley regions. The spacing of plants depends on the rootstock used.

However, a spacing of 6 x 6 meter is preferred for plants raised in seedlings. Land should be given couple of ploughings to make the soil ne lth and weed free.

Pits size of 1 x 1 x 1m should be dug and lled with a mixture of 45 kg of well rotten farm yard manure (FMY) and 112 kg of super phosphate just 4 weeks before planting. Pits should be lled 15 cm above the ground level.


Irrigation In India, cherries are grown under rain-fed conditions. However, in areas where annual rainfall is less and uneven distribution of rain is expected, cherry plants are required to irrigate frequently to maintain the moisture. Especially at the time fruit development, cherry trees need to be irrigated at weekly interval for better fruit quality and size. Irrigation should be carried in hot weather climatic conditions (Apr to May). Drip irrigation can be adopted as best water management practice.


Cherry Cultivation Process




Although a large number of insect pests attacks to cherry crops but some of them are very serious and need attention for their control. Besides the insect pests, mites are also associated with cherry apple production and cause signiďŹ cance economic losses to commercial fruit growers.

Fungi constitute the largest number of plant pathogens and are responsible for a range of serious Cherry diseases. Cherry is highly susceptible to many infectious fungal diseases.

Harmful Pest of Cherry Tree

Black Cherry Aphid


San Jose Scales

Cherry Fruit Fly

These tiny soft bodied, black insects eat the leaves of the tree causing them to become twisted, stunted and curled. The aphids also secrete honeydew which may cause black fungus to grow. Severe infestations can kill young trees and reduce quality and quantity of a mature tree’s harvest.

Small holes may appear in the trunk from which a gummy sap oozes. During the growing season some of the leaves and branches may wilt and die, turning brown. Since borers usually attack weakened or stressed trees, There are two types of borers that affect cherry trees; the Shothole Borer and the Peachtree Borer.

Symptoms may include leaves that are pale green or yellow and drop or they may turn brown and stay on the tree into the winter months. The fruit may be covered with specks. Small, hard, gray raised bumps encrust the bark. If left uncontrolled large branches may be killed after two or three seasons.

Adults are similar in appearance to a house y, but smaller. Larvae are yellowish-white grubs. Traps are an option for luring adults. Small, pinpointsting marks visible on fruit surface. Eggs are laid under fruit skin. Hatched larvae tunnel, making railroad-like mining pattern.


Cherry Cultivation Process

Harmful Diseases of Cherry Tree

Brown Rot

Cherry Leaf Spot

Powdery Mildew

Bacterial Canker

This fungus infects blossoms, fruit and small branches. Signs include cankers, fruit rot and blight. Powdery, brown gray tufts can be seen on the twigs or fruit especially when wet.

Fungus that primarily affects leaves but can also attack twigs and stems. Look for dark colored spots on the leaves, leaf yellowing, premature dropping of leaves and white spots on leaves in wet weather. Leaf spot is more prevalent in humid areas.

This fungal disease attacks leaves and twigs. Symptoms include white patches on new leaves, severely affected leaves may start to curl and drop prematurely. Rake remove and destroy any fallen leaves. High humidity and intermittent rains make ideal conditions for the fungus.

Canker is caused by two related bacteria. The symptoms on the leaves are similar to those of leaf spot but the two diseases are distinguished by the cankers on trunks, limbs and branches that exude gum during late spring and summer in the case of Bacterial Canker. Spots on the leaves are dark brown, circular to angular, and sometimes surrounded with yellow.


HPM is a highly focused research driven agrochemical company. Every day HPM touches thousand of lives. At HPM, we want make agriculture better for farmers and families. we pledge to do so in a transparent and sustainable way. In future we will domore than treat agricultural problems—we will aim to make a remarkable impact on farmer’s lives.

Solution 11

Cherry Cultivation Process

PANTHER Panther Broad Spectrum Fungicide belonging to the Phthalimide group. Panther is a protective and curative action. It gives tremendous protection against a wide variety of fungal infections in crops equally at seeding stage and in mature plants.Panther serves both as a seed- dresser and as a foliar spray to control seed-borne diseases, soil inhibiting fungi and foliar/fruit diseases. It works by inhibiting respiration of numerous species of fungi and bacteria. Panther also blocks the ability of fungus to produce energy. Panther is eective fungicide of micronized particle size used for the control of brown rot, downey mildew, early blight and late blight in apple, cherry, grapes, potato and tomato etc.

Dose : 1 Kg in 300-400 liter water/acre


24 KARAT 24 Karat is unique combination of Sea weed extracts and GA . Gibberellic Acid acts synergistically with plant metabolism and accelerates the growth functions of the plant. Also improves the physiological efficiency of the crop by stimulating the hormonal and enzymatic activities and increases the yield and quantity of the crop produce. 24 Karat mobilizes reserves in seed to germinating point leading to breaking of seed dormancy and faster germination 24 Karat stimulates cell division and elongation that causes internodes to stretch leading to better growth of the plant. Improves taste and quality of fruits , and enhances their marketability specific to crop. Improves photosynthesis and plant metabolism, Improves leaf area and root system. Regulates GA: ABA ratio leading to less flower and fruit drop. It increases stem length in flowers grown for export.

Dose : 1.2-2 ml in ltr of water


Cherry Cultivation Process

AASRA Aasra solution spreads quickly, and provides enhanced spreading of agrochemicals on the leaf surfaces and leads to better spray coverage, which improves the eďŹƒcacy of the agrochemical used. It is when added to spray water tank lowers the tension of spray water on leaf surface, which promotes the better spreading and penetration of Agro product. Aasra is compatible with mostagrochemical formulations and can be used on awide variety of crops. It has improved deposition of the agro product which enhances its coverage and retention on foliage. It ensures the solution doesn't wash o even after immediate rain. Aasra is designed in such a way that it ensures proper wetting of leaf surface, which makes the pesticide or agro product uptake and absorption rapidly by the plant. It ensures the proper penetration of the agrochemical product into the plant by reducing the droplet sizes of the spray. It is suggested to uses Aasra with agrochemicals at0.025%-0.1% dose.

Dose : 5 ml in 15 ltr of water


HPM GOLD HPM GOLD is unique product containing microbes as Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and has broad spectrum action in granular form. It contains granular spores and other propagules of VAM Mycorrhizal Fungi in a granular carrier and has broad spectrum fertilizer activity. Due to high solubility in water it is absorbed rapidly through plants and roots, resulting maximum supply of compost and micronutrient to the crop. roots growth with excellent root setting, resulting greenness by vanishing yellowing in crop. It helps in greater utilization of nutrients, and provides plant protection from disease causing organism to the root and also makes insect resistant plant. It is completely safe to use HPM Gold. It also combats with the drought and stress loss by the crop. Its mycelial threads penetrate inward into the root, thereby increasing the surface area for absorption and translocation of essential plant nutrients including Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Calcium, Zinc and copper.

Dose : 4 kg / Acre


Cherry Cultivation Process

Harvesting One mature standard size cherry tree will generate an astounding 30-50 quarts of cherries a year, while a dwarf cherry produces about 10-15 quarts. That's a lot of cherry pie! The sugar content rises signi cantly in the last few days of ripening, so wait to harvest the fruit until it is completely red. When the fruit is ready, it will be rm and fully colored. Sour cherries will come off the stem when they are ripe enough to be harvested, while sweet cherries should be tasted for maturity. Cherries will not ripen once removed from the tree, so be patient.


You will likely be picking cherries every other day for a week. Harvest as quickly as possible if rain is imminent, as rain will cause the cherries to split. Harvest cherries with the stem attached if you are not planning on using them right away. Be careful not to tear off the woody fruit spur, which continue to produce fruit each year. If, however, you are picking cherries for cooking or canning, they can just be pulled off, leaving the stem behind on the tree. Cherries can be stored at cool temperatures for 10 days. Place them in perforated plastic bags in the refrigerator.


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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