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Insects are responsible for a huge damage to growing crops through feeding insects into the plant, HPM offers an array of insecticides used in india, and advices on dosage and best usage practices.

HPM has a range of herbicides highly capable of eradicating weeds and preventing their re-growth in maize cultivation, without much human labor.

Farmer take care of sowing. HPM will take care of growing

PGR (Plant Growth Regulators) are one of many important inputs for the success of green revolution. . Use of PGR adds immensely to the possibility of healthy crops in irrespective of the conditions. HPM provides a number products on PGR .

Fungi are one of the major cause of crop loss worldwide. HPM offers a number of Fungicide products to for plant protection from various fungi.

Brief Facts About Chilli



hilli originated in the Americas, and has been part of the human diet since at least 7500 BC. Explorer Christopher Columbus brought it back to Spain in the 15th century and its cultivation spread rapidly through Europe, Asia, India and Africa. Part of the capsicum family, chillies come in scores of varieties and colours and are one of the most popular spices in the world. Chillies can be used fresh, dried or powdered, and the level of heat varies from type to type, from sweet and mellow to blisteringly hot - as a general rule, the smaller the chilli, the hotter the taste. Chili are the fruits of Capsicum pepper plants, noted for their hot avor.They are members of the nightshade family, related to bell peppers and tomatoes, and most belong to a species known scientiď€ cally as Capsicum annuum. There are many varieties of chili , such as cayenne and jalapenos.

Chilies are excellent source of Vitamin, A, B, C and E with minerals like molybdenum, manganese, folate, potassium, thiamin, and copper. Chili contains seven times more vitamin C than orange. Ever since its introduction to India in 1498, chilies have been included in Ayurvedic medicines and used as tonic to ward off many diseases. Chilies are good for slimming down as it burns the calorie easily. Chilies stimulate the appetite, help to clear the lungs, and stimulate digestive system.

Global scenario of Chilli Turkey 88.0 ha 1,842.1 ton

China 632.8 ha 13,031.0 ton

Mexico 91.7 ha 1,681.1 ton



ha 36.3










25,923.0 ton


34 ha

460.0 ton


Million metric tons production

29.0 ha

1,739.1 ha










Ita rea

22.9 ha 1,074.1 ton

esia 1


893 .61 ton 73.8 ha 871. 0 ton 92.0 ha 721.5 ton

486.5 ha 4,548.7 ton


Chilli is raised over an area of 2020 thousand hectares in the world, with a production of 3762 thousand tones. Major chilli growing countries are India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Romania, China, Nigeria and Mexico etc. India is the world leader in chilli production followed by China, Thailand and Pakistan. The area, production and Yield of chilli in major producing countries in the world .In the world area and production of chilli is around 20 million hectare and 37.62million tonnes respectively.

The largest producer of chillies in the world is India accounting for 13.76 million tonnes of production annually followed by China with a production of around 3 million tones. Out of the total (37.62 million tonnes) world chilli production, 36.57 per cent is contributed by India followed by China 7.97 per cent. India also leads in the context of maximum area covered under chilli cultivation. The world trade in chilli account for 18 per cent of the total spice trade in the world occupying second position after black pepper.

Indian scenario of Chilli










69.88 ha 94.50 ton


Andhra Pradesh



250.00 ha 797.00 ton





















ha .21 ton .63

lakh tonnes




31.13 ton




29.0 ha


60.47 ha 66.25 ton




30.42 ha 38.14 ton



48. 81 15.4 ha 42 Pradesh 18 10 ton .48 ton .02 ha 16 .91 ton

West Bengal Ma

u ad il N Tam Rajasthan

Chilli is one of the most important commercial crops of India. There are over 50 spices produced in India and good number of them are grown in the country which is indigenous. Among them pepper, cardamom, ginger and turmeric are important. Among spices, a few spices viz. clove, nutmeg, vanilla and certain varieties of chillies were introduced to the country. Many varieties of chilli are grown for vegetables, spices, condiments, sauce and pickles. India is the largest producer and consumer of chilli among other major producers in the world. India contributes 36 per cent to total world’s production and remained in ď€ rst position in terms of international trade by exporting nearly 30 per cent from its total production. India, chilli is grown in almost all states. In India, Chilli was grown in an area 774.9 thousand hectare and production 1492.10 thousand tonnes and the productivity was 1.93 tonnes per hectare .

75.04 ha 63.18 ton









Andra Pradesh is having largest area of Chilli in India and contributes about 131.3 (16.94 per cent) thousand hectare with a production of 602 (40.35 per cent) thousand tonnes and the productivity was 4.58 tonnes per hectare followed by Telangana, Karnataka, west Bengal, Gujarat and Maharastra. In Tamil Nadu, Chilli was grown in an area of 50.7(6.54 per cent) thousand hectares with a total production of 23.1 (1.55 per cent) thousand tones and the productivity was 0.46 tonnes per hectare followed by Punjab and Assam. In Other state , the chilli was grown in an area of 59.0 (7.61 per cent) thousand hectare with a total production of 63.7(4.27 per cent) thousand tonnes and the productivity was 1.08 tonnes per hectare.

State Wise Chilli Acreage and Production.




















The average area under cultivation, production and yield of chillies in India are 765.12 thousand hectares, 1269.30 thousand tonnes and 1.66 tonne per hectare respectively . Chilli was grown in an area of 737.50 thousand hectare with a total production of 1185.50 thousand tonnes and the yield was 1.61 tonnes per hectare .Chilli was grown in an area of 779.10 thousand tonnes with a production of 1269.90 thousand tonnes and the yield was 1.63 tonnes per hectare.Chilli was grown in an area of 794.10 thousand hectare with a production of 1304.40 thousand tonnes and the yield was 1.64 tonnes per hectare. The area under cultivation, production and productivity of chilli in India were 743.64 thousand hectare,1453.13 thousand tonnes and 1.66 tonnes per hectare respectively. The trend value for area under chilli cultivation had increased from 737.03thousand hectare to 793.20 thousand hectare .The trend value for production under chilli cultivation had increased from 1117.23 thousand tonnes to 1431.37 thousand hectare and the productivity of chilli trend value had increased from 1.52 tonnes per hectare to 1.80 tonnes per hectare.

Good Agriculture Practices

Soil Management

Pest and Disease Management

Water Management

Sowing & Seed Treatment Harvest and Storage

Soil Management Chilli can be grown in a range of soils, but black soils which retain moisture for long periods are suitable for rainfed crop whereas well drained soils, deltaic soils and sandy loams are good under irrigated condition. However, in hills of Uttarakhand, chilli are grown in a wide range of soils ranging from sandy to clay loam mixed with gravel and coarse sand. Maintenance of buffer zone in Chilli Farming :- In organic chilli farming, a buffer zone of 7.5 -15 m is to be left all around the conventional farm, depending upon the location of the farm. The produce from this buffer zone shall not be treated as organic. Chillies are grown in a variety of soils provided they are well drained, well aerated and rich in organic matter. The drained conditions cause shedding of leaves, sickly appearance and fruit drop. Can be grown successfully in light textures soils by providing adequate irrigation and manuring. Heavy textured soils are also suitable for rainfed crop.


An ideal soil for chilli is light loamy or sandy loam rich in lime and organic matters. Strongly acid and alkaline soils are not suitable for chilli growing. Chilli can be successfully grown in soils with soil pH of 6-7.

Climate High temperature associated with low relative humidity at owering increases the transpiration resulting in abscission of buds, owers and small fruits. Average high night temperature was found to be responsible for the high capsaicin content. A day length of 9-10 hours light stimulates plant growth and increases the productivity by 21 24% besides improving the quality of capsicum.

It can be grown successfully as a rain-fed crop in areas receiving an annual rainfall of 850-1200 mm. Heavy rainfall leads to poor fruit set and in association with high humidity leads to rotting of fruits. A soil temperature of 10°C retards plant development, where as 17°C causes normal development. A temperature ranging from 20-25°C is ideal for chillies. Tops of plant will continue to develop at higher temperatures but root development is retarded at soil temperatures of 30°C and above. In chillies fruit development was found to be adversely affected at temperatures of 37°C or more. Chillies can be grown under tropical and sub-tropical climates. It can be cultivated upto an altitude of 2000m. However, pungent varieties or varieties suited for spices cannot be grown on higher altitudes. A warm humid climate favours growth while warm and dry weather enhances fruit maturity.

Sowing & Seed Requirement The land is prepared by giving 2-3 ploughings and clod crushing after each ploughing. Compost or FYM @ 150-200 quintals should be spread and mixed well in the soil at least 15-20 days before sowing. Chilli is propagated by seeds. For raising nurseries, seeds of high yielding varieties with tolerance to pests and diseases may be used. They should be carefully selected from certied organic farms or from own seed plot which is raised organically. To start with, chemically untreated seeds from local high yielding varieties could also be used, in the absence of organically produced seeds. 40-45 clays old seedlings are used for transplantation. Transplanting is generally done during the April-May in the hills of Uttarakhand. Seedlings are transplanted in shallow trenches / pits or on ridges / level lands. In some places, 60 cm x 60 cm or 45 cm x 30 cm or 30 cm x 30 cm spacing is also followed. However, a spacing of 60 cm x 30 cm with a plant population of about 22200 seedlings per acre or 45 cm x 45 cm with a plant population of 19750 per acre are considered optimum.


Direct sowing is practiced under rainfed conditions. For direct sown crop, the seeds are drilled by the end of March or rst week of April. Seed rate is 2.5-3.0 kg per acre. After 30-40 days of sowing, thinning and gap lling is done on a cloudy day.


Water Management Chilli cannot withstand heavy moisture. Hence irrigation should be given only when necessary. Frequent and heavy irrigation induces lanky vegetative growth and cause ower shedding. Plant growth, branching and dry matter accumulation are adversely affected by excess irrigation. The number of irrigation and interval between irrigation depends on soil and climatic conditions. If the plants show drooping of leaves at 4 p.m., it is an indication that irrigation is needed. Flowering and fruit development in chilli are the most critical stages of water requirement. Normally chilli is grown under rain-fed condition. However, under irrigated condition, care should be taken to avoid using water contaminated with fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides. Irrigation should be done judiciously. Stagnation of water should not be allowed in nursery beds and ď€ elds in order to avoid fungal infection.

Pest And Disease Management

Pest Management Aphids are small sap-sucking insects and members of the superfamily Aphidoidea. Common names include greeny and blacky, but the insects can also be brown or pink, and the group includes the uffy white woolly aphids.

It is one of the serious pests of sorghum in India. The Pest attacks the crop only in early stage of growth and infestation goes up to 80%. The high yielding hybrids are more susceptible to the attack of this y. The total loss in yield is sometimes as high as 60%.

jassid is a sucking pest occurring throughout the crop growing period on chilli in all the zones. The pest injects toxins into leaves while feeding which results in abnormal changes in leaves marginal chlorosis and reddening. Since the pest severity is dependent on the occurrence of congenial weather conditions .

Thrips are small insects, about 0.04 inch long. Adult thrips have two pairs of narrow wings which are fringed with hairs. Thrips are most noticeable and of greatest concern at two periods during the corn growing season: on young seedling plants and at ear formation.

Insecticide An insecticide is a substance used to kill insects. They include ovicides and larvicides used against insect eggs and larvae, respectively. Insecticides are used in agriculture, medicine, industry and by consumers. Insecticides can be classiď€ ed in two major groups: systemic insecticides, which have residual or long term activity; and contact insecticides, which have no residual activity.

DON-3G (Carbofuran 3G) Dose = 13.5 kg/acre Mode of action = Systemic It is very effective against leaf roller, shoot and stem borer, aphid, jassid, thrips, gall midge. It is also effective on hoppers in paddy, cotton, sugarcane, maize, millets, brinjal and others vegetables. It is a broad spectrum carbamate insecticide, nematicide and miticide having systemic action.

Don is used against a variety of insect, pests, nematodes and mites damaging various crops.

DON-3G (Carbofuran 3G)

HITATOX (Phorate 10 % CG)

Dose : 12 kg/acre Mode of action = Systemic &Contact Phorate 10% G an organo phosphate compound with cholinesterase inhibition action. Hitatox is highly effective against a wide array of insects, mites, and some nematodes. It s systemic product majority used o maize, cotton, paddy, sugarcane, potatoes, soybean & wheat. It can be incorporated into the soil by in furrow or drilling application. It gives knockdown and longer duration of pest control. It is readily translocated through roots in the plant system. It also kills insects by contact and fumigant action. It is economical to use as single application provides effective pest control.

HITATOX (Phorate 10 % CG)

ROGOHIT (Dimethoate 30% EC) Dose : 396ml/acre Mode of action = Systemic &Contact Systemic Oragano phosphorus, which controls Aphids and Thrips. Exhibits both contact & stomach action. It is a broad spectrum insecticide. It has short life in plant tissues. Rapid degeneration in the soil thus no problem of residues..

ROGOHIT (Dimethoate 30% EC)

VADH (Lambdacyhalothrin 4.9% CS)

Dose : 200ml/acre Mode of action = Systemic &Contact It is a new generation synthetic pyrethroid insecticide which has stomach and contact action on insect pests. It is used for control of wide range of pests in variety of crops. It has repellent properties giving rapid knockdown and long residual activity. VADH (Lambdacyhalothrin 4.9% CS)

It is compatible with other pesticides allowing the grower to choose the most effective and lowestcost partner products.

MITEKILL (Propargite 57% EC)

Dose : 600ml/acre Mode of action = Contact and Fumigant action . MiteKill is a true miticide (Acaricide) of sulď€ te ester group, which gives effective control of mites through its contact and fumigant action. MiteKill is registered in 72 countries for the control of 36 species of mites. MiteKill is also effective against those mites which gained resistance against other miticides. MiteKill lives immediate protection to crops, because feeding activity of mites ceases immediately after its application. MiteKill is suitable for Integrated Pest Management

MITEKILL (Propargite 57% EC)

SEAGATE (Fenpyroximate 5% EC)

Dose : 120-240ml/acre Mode of action = Contact and stomach poison.

Seagate is a very effective miticide. Controls red spider mite, yellow mite, purple mite, pink mite, eriophyid mite. Quick knockdown effect against nymphs and adults, mainly by contact action. Moulting and oviposition inhibitory action on nymphs. Seagate disrupts the energy generation process at mitochondrial electron transport at complex 1.

SEAGATE (Fenpyroximate 5% EC)

Bajirao (Indoxacarb 14.5% + Acetamiprid 7.7% SC)

Dose : 600ml/acre Mode of action = Contact and Fumigant action .

Bajirao is a suspension concentrate insecticide, a mixture of Indoxacarb 14.5% + Acetamiprid 7.7% SC (a.i.). It is used for the control of jassids, white y & bollworm on cotton and thrips & fruit borer on chilies. Indoxacarb acts on the sodium channel of nervous system resulting paralysis and death of the insects. Acetamiprid causes hyper-excitation to causes lethargy and paralysis to insect.

Bajirao (Indoxacarb 14.5% + Acetamiprid 7.7% SC)

AASHIRWAD SC (Fipronil 5% SC)

Dose : 320-400ml/acre Mode of action = Systemic &Contact Belongs to phenyl pyrazole group. Broad- spectrum insecticide toxic by contact and ingestion. Very effective for insects resistant or tolerant to pyrethroid, cyclodiene, Oraganophosphorus and or carbamate insecticide. Unique plant Growth enhancement effect is observed.

AASHIRWAD SC (Fipronil 5% SC)

HI-IMIDA (Imidacloprid 17.8% SL)

Dose : 50-100ml/acre Mode of action = Systemic Unique modern and sure shot insecticide based on Imidacloprid a chlornicotinyl insecticide(CNI). It is a multiple usage insecticide used to control insect pests of cotton, paddy, sugarcane and vegetables. It is used as foliar spray for the control of sucking and other insects in different crops. Imidacloprid has a broad spectrum of activity, particularly against sucking insects, various species of beetles, some species of ies and leaf miners. There elds of use are termite and locust control. Its outstanding biological efcacy, especially its excellent root-systemic properties, its broad spectrum of activity, good long lasting effect - combined with low application rates and good plant compatibility, has made the product the rst choice of th farmer.

HI-IMIDA (Imidacloprid 17.8% SL) It can be applied to plants as a spray or stem paint or as a basal stem spray/drench. It can also be injected into plants or applied as a soil treatment use. The part of active ingredient taken up by the plant is further distributed in an acropetally direction.

Herbicide A herbicide is a chemical substance used to control or manipulate undesirable vegetation, especially weeds. Herbicides are extensively used in gardening, farming, and landscape turf management. Herbicides are classiď€ ed into two categories: selective and non-selective. Selective herbicides kill speciď€ c unwanted plants while leaving desirable vegetation relatively unharmed. Non-selective herbicides (total weed killers) kill all or most plant species

Weed Management Digitaria sanguinalis is a species of grass known by several common names, including hairy crabgrass, hairy nger-grass, large crabgrass, crab nger grass, purple crabgrass .

Lantana camara, also known as big-sage, wild-sage, red-sage, white-sage and tickberry, is a species of owering plant within the verbena family .

Cyperus rotundus is a small plant with individuals reaching upto 40cm. It is a very proliferative weed and has spread to several countries. It grows in agricultural lands and garden soils. This plant was, however, described in Charaka Samhita, the rst book on Indian medicine written in the rst millennium.

Bengal Dayower is a diffuse herb, rooting at lower nodes, rootstock with self-pollinating owers. Leaves are 3-5 x 2-3.5 cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate, base rounded or almost at, tip blunt or pointed, velvet-hairy, margin frilly, stalk up to 8 mm long, sheath up to 1.5 cm long, tip with rusty hairs .

GADAR MAX (Pendimethalin 38.7% CS)

Dose : 600-700ml/acre Mode of action = Selective pre-emergent & pre plant incorporation Herbicide Gadar Max is Selective pre-emergent & pre plant incorporation Herbicide. It is used to control most annual grasses and some broad-leaved weeds. Gadar Max is recommended for use in Soybean, Cotton, Chilli. It is based on advance capsule technology in which a.i. is packed in small capsules and absorbed through both the leaves and roots of target plants. It is based on advanced technology by which the chemical doesn’t evaporate at increased temperature Capsule locked Gadar Max retains in soil, hence provide time to the farmer between spray and irrigation. It spreads on soil and disrupts cell division at the time of weed seed germination. It controls E. colonum, Commelina spp., Digitaria sanguinalis, Dactyloctinum aegyptium, Amaranthus viridis, Euphorbia geniculata etc. It doesn’t show any harmful effect on crops and soil. No residual effect due to which it doesn’t affect adversely on subsequent crops

GADAR MAX (Pendimethalin 38.7% CS)

Fungicide Fungicides are biocidal chemical compounds or biological organisms used to kill fungi or fungal spores. A fungistatic inhibits their growth. Fungi can cause serious damage in agriculture, resulting in critical losses of yield, quality, and proď€ t. Fungicides are used both in agriculture and to ď€ ght fungal infections in animals. Chemicals used to control oomycetes, which are not fungi, are also referred to as fungicides, as oomycetes use the same mechanisms as fungi to infect plants.

Diseases Management This is a fungal disease which occurs on many vegetable crops but is most severe on chillies. If action is not taken, the farmer will end up with poor and marginal crops. Seed treatments are effective in eliminating the seed-borne inoculum. Chemicals like zineb, copper oxychloride and wettable sulphur not only reduce the disease incidence but also increase the yield of fruits

The leaf spot disease is seen both in nursery and main ď€ eld. The disease causes loss due to defoliation and reduction in photosynthesis. The disease ď€ rst manifests as small brownish spots on the leaves and graduallydevelops into the big circular grayish spots with whitish center.

Downy mildew causing heavy yield loss ranging from 14 to 20 per cent, due to severe defoliation and reduction in photosynthesis, size and number of fruits per plant This disease is very common from November to February. White powdery coating appears mostly on the lower surface Sometimes the powdery coating can also be seen on the upper surface.

This is a fungal disease which occurs on many vegetable crops but is most severe on chillies. If action is not taken, the farmer will end up with poor and marginal crops. Seed treatments are effective in eliminating the seed-borne inoculum. Chemicals like zineb, copper oxychloride and wettable sulphur not only reduce the disease incidence but also increase the yield of fruits

Z-SAFETY (Zineb 75% WP)

Dose : 600-800gm/acre Mode of action = Contact Fungicide

Broad Spectrum fungicide with protective action. It is used on variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses.It is known for providing highest Zinc nutrition to the crop. Broad-spectrum fungicide, which controls large no. of diseases with its multisite action. Z-safety sprays results in dark green colored healthy leaves & ultimately increase in yield. Z-safety is safe to foliage. blossoms and fruits of many plants. It is an ideal tank mix partner with systemic fungicides which prevent the chances of resistance development against them. For better disease management, it is always advisable to remember the maxim - PREVENTION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN CURE. Generally the sprays of Z-safety should start before the appearance of disease or at disease initiation.

Z-SAFETY (Zineb 75% WP)

NIDAR (Myclobutanil 10% WP)

Dose : 0.4 % ( 10 lit/tree ) Mode of action = Systemic Fungicide with curative & Protective action Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action Its absorption into plant is very fast and provides long duration control. It disrupts the ergo sterol biosynthesis pathway, which is vital to fungal cell wall formation. Rain fast after application of 2 hours of spray. It is having lowest waiting period among other powdery mildewcide. NIDAR when used as Prophylactic or preventive application does not allow the pathogen to get infected and establish in the plant. NIDAR highly effective fungicide against disease Scab and Powdery Mildew.

NIDAR (Myclobutanil 10% WP)

Predict( Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC )

Dose : 240-280ml/acre Mode of action = preventive & Systemic

It is a broad-spectrum fungicide with protective action.The product is fungi toxic when exposed to air. Broad spectrum disease control - Control diseases caused by all four major classes . Kind of fungicides - Foliar sprays, seed treatment, nursery drenching. Fit for resistance management - Multisite mode of action, the risk of resistance development is very low. Predict( Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC )

Cost effective - Cost beneď€ ts for disease control over non-EBDCs. Provide nutrients - Manganese and Zinc as micro nutrients. Environmentally Safe - Low persistence in environment as it rapidly degrades is soil and water, no leaching potential.

KARISHMA (Propineb 70% WP)

Dose : 0.50 % Mode of action = Systemic Fungicide with curative & Protective action Karishma has broad spectrum of activity, both contact and preventive action. Multisite mode of action, Karishma interferes at different locations in the metabolism of fungi and inhibits or prevents spore production and germ tube formation. This multi site mode of action of Propineb prevents development of resistance in the fungi. Superior formulation, ď€ ne particle size, better suspension in water. Karishma remains mainly on the plant -Rain fastness leading to better efď€ cacy. Availability of Zinc- positive effect on crops as a whole and improve immunity of plants (Phytotonic Effect). Karishma suspension stays stable without settling down for long time. Controls complex of diseases on Chilli & Groundnut.

KARISHMA (Propineb 70% WP)

Plant Growth Regulator A growth regulator, plant growth regulator, or PGR, is a natural or synthetic chemical that is sprayed or otherwise applied to a seed or plant in order to alter its characteristics. They are sometimes referred to as plant hormones.

Growers can add PGRs to their crops in order to achieve a desirable goal, ranging from increasing insect and disease resistance to increasing root strength.

Arpit (Plant Growth Regulators)

Dose : 200ml/acre Arpit is an advanced naturally derived research product containing specialized bio-components in natural form. It gives strong resistance to plant to ght against plant sucking pest like white y, Thrips, Jassids, Aphids, Mites, etc. It also helps to plant growth, increase in leaf size which improves photosynthesis and initiate owering and fruit initiation.

Arpit (Plant Growth Regulators)

Adjuvant & Bio Fertilizer Aasra is a unique new generation worldwide spray booster and activator which make the agrochemicals such as Insecticide, Fungicide, Herbicide, Plant Growth Regulator, Fertilizer and Micronutrient perform better.

Bio fertilizers are deď€ ned as preparations containing living cells or latent cells of efď€ cient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants' uptake of nutrients by their interactions in the rhizosphere when applied through seed or soil.

AASRA (A Silicon Based Super Spreader)

Dose : 5 ml/ 15 lit. of water. Aasra is a unique new generation spray booster and activator, having novel technology to farming community of India which makes the agrochemicals (Insecticide, Fungicide, Herbicide, Plant Growth Regulator, Fertilizer and Micronutrient) performs better. Aasra solution spreads quickly, and provides enhanced spreading of agrochemicals on the leaf surfaces and leads to better spray coverage, which improves the efď€ cacy of the agrochemical used. It is when added to spray water tank lowers the tension of spray water on leaf surface, which promotes the better spreading and penetration of Agro product. Aasra is compatible with most agrochemical formulations and can be used on a wide variety of crops. It has improved deposition of the agro product which enhances its coverage and retention on foliage. It ensures the solution doesn't wash off even after immediate rain. Aasra is designed in such a way that it ensures proper wetting of leaf surface, which makes the pesticide or agro product uptake and absorption rapidly by the plant. It ensures the proper penetration of the agrochemical product into the plant by reducing the droplet sizes of the spray. It is suggested to uses Aasra with agrochemicals at 0.025%-0.1% dose. General recommendation is 5 ml/ 15 lit. of water.

AASRA (A Silicon Based Super Spreader)

HPM GOLD ( Mycorrhizal Bio- Fertilizer)

Dose : 4kg./acre HPM GOLD is unique product containing microbes as Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and has broad spectrum action in granular form. It contains granular spores and other propagules of VAM Mycorrhizal Fungi in a granular carrier and has broad spectrum fertilizer activity. Due to high solubility in water it is absorbed rapidly through plants and roots, resulting maximum supply of compost and micronutrient to the crop. HPM Gold improves the roots growth with excellent root setting, resulting greenness by vanishing yellowing in crop. It helps in greater utilization of nutrients, and provides plant protection from disease causing organism to the root and also makes insect resistant plant. It is completely safe to use HPM Gold. It also combats with the drought and stress loss by the crop. Its mycelial threads penetrate inward into the root, thereby increasing the surface area for absorption and translocation of essential plant nutrients including Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Calcium, Zinc and copper.

HPM GOLD ( Mycorrhizal Bio- Fertilizer)



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