Dahlia Cultivation

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Cultivation From seed to ower Complete information

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It was 16th-century Spanish botanists who noted dahlias growing wild on the hillsides of Mexico, although paintings and illustrations suggest that native civilisations had been cultivating and breeding them much earlier. Dahlia flower is very much popular winter flower grown in the world. It has been named as dahlia after the name of famous Swedish botanist Andreas Gustav Dahl. The plant of dahlia flower has a soft stem and it reaches a height of 50 – 150cm. Depending on the class and variety, the dahlia flowers come from 5 – 20cm diameter. Dahlias are grown throughout the world for garden decoration, cut flower, floral decoration etc These colorfull spiky flowers generally bloom from mid summer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best.

42 species

20.000 new varieties worlwide

Good Agriculture Practices Sowing

Soil Management We all know that soil is a key element of agriculture. Without it we wouldn´t be able to grow plants, which are used as food for both humans and animals.

Best quality seeds are required for better development of plant and higher flower yield.

Pest & Disease Management Plant diseases and other pest organisms that damage agricultural crops. HPM’s agrochemicals help farmers to reduce crop damage from pests and increase flower production.

Water Management

Harvest & Storage

Water is very important for both livestock and for plants. It forms a large part of all plant tissues as well as being an essential component of all animal body cells. In crop agriculture, water is an important climatic factor. It affects or determines plant growth .

Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. For maximum vase life of cut flowers, harvest flowers daily at their proper stage of development. Harvesting too early or too late significantly reduces the vase life of the flowers.

Soil Management Dahlias thrive best in deep porous moist soils rich in organic matter with welldrainage. Dahlias are real sun-lovers hence the planting site should in good lighting area. Dahlia plants grow best with a soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0. In case of heavy soils; you can supplement with sand, peat moss or manure to loosen and lighten the soil texture. Commercial ower growers should go for soil test for fertility and suitability. Appropriate decomposed organic matter or garden manure may be added while preparing the ďŹ eld.

Climate Management Climate Requirement for Growing Dahlias:- Dahlia plants require cool climatic conditions. They cannot survive in frost conditions. Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sunlight every day for best owering. Morning sunlight is the best for growing dahlias. In case of high wind regions, wind breakers should be arranged to protect Dahlias from strong winds. open and sunny place, cool atmosphere free from frost is required for Dahlias.

Seed treatment & Sowing The propagation of Dahlia plants are done by seeds, tuberous roots, and cuttings. Grafting can also be carried out for multiplication. To produce virus-free plants; you can propagate through meristem culture. Dahlia is planted in the month of September to October in the plains whereas in hills, April month is ideal. The planting distance depends on the variety. The recommended spacing of plants for large types is about 75 cm and 60 cm for medium-sized varieties and small types should be about 30 to 35 cm. Plant healthy and disease free tubers and avoid wrinkled or rotten tubers. Planting of dahlia bulbs with the growing points facing upwards should be carried with a planting depth about 6 to 7 inches.

Water Management Don't water the tubers immediately after planting as it may cause tube rot. After the seedlings have started new growth, they are watered profusely, weeds removed from these beds when it is just moist and the soil is allowed to dry before it is again flooded. Once the tubers sprout, you can start watering. You should always ensure uniform soil moisture in the field. Plant watering frequency depends on climate and soil type. However, water dahlias at least once or twice in a week after the flowers have started blooming.

Pest & Disease

Management No matter how experienced you are as a farmer, some issues will arise with your plants. Those amazing flowers known as dahlias are no exception. Among the most common dahlia diseases are those caused by fungi, such as powdery mildew and gray mold. Dahlia flower pests tend to reflect the sap drinking forms but can also encompass leaf eaters such as a wide array of caterpillars and larvae. Numerous insect pests find dahlias delicious. In addition to the caterpillars and larvae, sucking insects are probably going to be the biggest issue with the most widespread offenders

Using the latest mechanical movements HPM provides the best agro-chemicals for Dahlia cultivation .

Solving Agricultural

Challenges HPM is a highly focused research-driven agrochemical company. Every day HPM touches thousand of lives. At HPM, we want make agriculture better for farmers and families. In future we will d o m o r e t h a n t r e at a g r i c u lt u r a l problems— we will aim to make a remarkable impact on farmer’s lives. Our life’s work is to improve agriculture, and we pledge to do so in a transparent and sustainable way.

24 karat (Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L) 24 Karat is unique combination of Sea weed extracts and GA . Gibberellic Acid acts synergistically with plant metabolism and accelerates the growth functions of the plant. Also improves the physiological efficiency of the crop by stimulating the hormonal and enzymatic activities and increases the yield and quantity of the crop produce. 24 Karat mobilizes reserves in seed to germinating point leading to breaking of seed dormancy and faster germination 24 Karat stimulates cell division and elongation that causes internodes to stretch leading to better growth of the plant Improves taste and quality of fruits , and enhances their marketability specific to crop. Improves photosynthesis and plant metabolism, Improves leaf area and root system. Regulates GA: ABA ratio leading to less flower and fruit drop. It increases stem length in flowers grown for export

Quantity 1.2-2ml/ltr of water

Heera Zinc Plus Zinc is most important nutrient in all the micro nutrient. It used manly in to improve nutrient growth in Soil. It improves the health and makes greenery in crops. It acts as resistant against disease and gives proper growth. Dosage: Foliar Spray @ 250 gm/acre in 250ltrs water.

Quantity 250 gm per acre / 250 ltr. of water

Aasra (Adjuvant) Aasra is a unique new generation spray booster and activator, having novel technology to farming community of India which makes the agrochemicals (Insecticide, Fungicide, Herbicide, Plant Growth Regulator, Fertilizer and Micronutrient) performs better. Aasra solution spreads quickly, and provides enhanced spreading of agrochemicals on the leaf surfaces and leads to better spray coverage, which improves the eďŹƒcacy of the agrochemical used. It is when added to spray water tank lowers the tension of spray water on leaf surface, which promotes the better spreading and penetration of Agro product. Aasra is compatible with most agrochemical formulations and can be used on a wide variety of crops. It has improved deposition of the agro product which enhances its coverage and retention on foliage. It ensures the solution doesn't wash o even after immediate rain. Aasra is designed in such a way that it ensures proper wetting of leaf surface, which makes the pesticide or agro product uptake and absorption rapidly by the plant. It ensures the proper penetration of the agrochemical product into the plant by reducing the droplet sizes of the spray. It is suggested to uses Aasra with agrochemicals at 0.025%-0.1% dose. General recommendation is 5 ml/ 15 lit. of water.

Quantity 5 ml/ 15 lit. of water

HPM Gold (Bio-fertlizer) HPM GOLD is unique product containing microbes as VesicularArbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and has broad spectrum action in granular form. It contains granular spores and other propagules of VAM Mycorrhizal Fungi in a granular carrier and has broad spectrum fertilizer activity. Due to high solubility in water it is absorbed rapidly through plants and roots, resulting maximum supply of compost and micronutrient to the crop. HPM Gold improves the roots growth with excellent root setting, resulting greenness by vanishing yellowing in crop. It helps in greater utilization of nutrients, and provides plant protection from disease causing organism to the root and also makes insect resistant plant. It is completely safe to use HPM Gold. It also combats with the drought and stress loss by the crop. Its mycelial threads penetrate inward into the root, thereby increasing the surface area for absorption and translocation of essential plant nutrients including Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Calcium, Zinc and copper.

Quantity 4 kg /acre


Management Dahlias becomes ready for harvesting and start blooming about 8 to 9 weeks after planting tubers in the field. Cut the flowers in early morning and avoid harvesting in the sun. Harvested Dahlias should be kept in a container half filled with water. Blooms are cut in the carly morning, the sun being avoided by all means, and kept immediately in a container half lled with water. The flowers should be cut with aslong cm is possible. Dahlia flower blooms are cut in the early morning. Immediately after harvesting cut flowers are placed in half bucketful of water immersing up to the neck of the flower stalk. The bucket should be placed in a dark and cold room for long vase life. Flowers are cut when they are 2/3rd open. The dahlia flowers will store better at 40 C for 3 – 5 days.


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