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Thiamethoxam 75% SG

Qualities Of Devsena

Devsena is broad spectrum systemic insecticide contains the active ingredient Thiamethoxam. It is soil-applied insecticide and having quick action against sucking and chewing pests. It has labeled for use on Ground Nut, Sugarcane, Rice and Cotton. Devsena may direct the application at the base of the plant for optimum root uptake when making post-emergence applications. Devsena improves the plant from primary treatment, it took up by the plant faster which results higher yield and improved crop quality resulting longer-lasting systemic control. For use, measured out the required quantity of the Devsena and mix it well with a small quantity of water and add remaining quantity of water as speciď€ ed with thorough agitation and apply as soil drenching in Ground Nut, Sugarcane and Cotton. For Rice measured out the required quantity of the product and dissolve in 500 ml of water to make solution for mixing and broadcasting with sand at the rate of 8 kg/acre. It has negligible effect on beneď€ cial insects.

Target Crops

Groundnut The peanut, also known as the groundnut and the goober. It is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, being important to both small and large commercial producers. It is classiď€ ed as both a grain legume and, because of its high oil content, an oil crop. World annual production of shelled peanuts was 42 million tonnes in 2014.

Target Crops

Groundnut Pest : Termites Termites are widely distributed in all groundnut growing areas in India. They favor red and sandy soils, and are less of a problem in post-rice groundnut crops and in clayey soils.Termites live in colonies and these colonies can extend several feet underground. Termites are white translucent ant like insects.They enter the root system and burrow inside the root and stem; this usually kills the plant.They bore holes in the pods and damage the seed.They remove the soft corky tissue from between the veins of the pods (scariď€ ed).

Target Crops

Cotton Cotton is a soft, uffy staple ber that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of the cotton plants of the genus Go s s ypi um i n t he m al l o w fam i l y Malvaceae. The ber is almost pure cellulose. Under natural conditions, the cotton bolls will increase the dispersal of the seeds. The plant is a shrub native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including the Americas, Africa, and India. The greatest diversity of wild cotton species is found in Mexico, followed by Australia and Africa. Cotton was independently domesticated in the Old and New Worlds.

Target Crops

Cotton Pest : Jassids Jassid is a sucking pest occurring throughout the crop growing period on cotton in all the zones. The pest injects toxins into leaves while feeding which results in abnormal changes in leaves marginal chlorosis and reddening. Since the pest severity is dependent on the occurrence of congenial weather conditions, we have devised weather based rules for weekly prediction of the pest severity.

Target Crops

Cotton Pest : Aphids Aphids are soft-bodied insects that use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on plant sap. They usually occur in colonies on the undersides of tender terminal growth. Heavily-infested leaves can wilt or turn yellow because of excessive sap removal. While the plant may look bad, aphid feeding generally will not seriously harm healthy, established trees and shrubs.

Target Crops

Rice Rice is a type of grain. It is eaten as staple food in many parts of Asia. It is grown in warm parts of the world, mainly Asia, Africa, northern Italy, and the west coast of North America.Rice used to be the main diet in many countries. Various kinds of food processing prepare rice for eating. It is usually cooked. In some areas, such as Spain, rice is ď€ rst fried in olive oil or butter, then cooked with water or soup. In other areas, such as India, rice is eaten with sauce or curry. Rice can also be used to make alcohol, such as Japanese sake.

Target Crops

Rice Pest : Green Leaf Hopper Green leafhoppers are the most common leafhoppers in rice ď€ elds and are primarily critical because they spread the viral disease tungro. Both nymphs and adults feed by extracting plant sap with their needle-shaped mouthparts.

Target Crops

Rice Pest : Brown Leaf Hopper The brown planthopper (BPH) is an insect pest of rice. BPH is a small brown insect found mainly on the base of rice plants above the water level. Adults and young suck the plant sap from leaf sheathes, causing yellowing of lower and then upper leaves. Whole areas can die in patches which are said to be affected by “hopper burn�. It can cause total yield loss when its attack is severe.

Target Crops

Sugarcane Sugarcane is widely grown crop in India. it provides employment to over a million people directly or indirectly besides contributing signiď€ cantly to the national exchequer. Sugarcane growing countries of the world lay between the latitude 36.7 degree north and 31.0 degree south of the equator extending from tropical to subtropical zones. Sugarcane Plants spread along human migration routes to Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Here it cross-bred with some wild sugar cane relatives to produce the commercial sugar cane we know today.

Target Crops

Sugarcane Pest : Termites Termites attack the planted sugarcane setts, usually from cut ends or eye buds but in severe cases internodes as well. After germination, roots are attacked, eating all their contents and ď€ lling the galleries with soil, ď€ nally leaves dry up and plants die.

Target Crops

Sugarcane Pest : Early shoot borer The caterpillars of the shoot borer cause dead hearts in young plants. The young plants with dead hearts formed at shoot stage can be pulled out easily. The canes are damaged and also produce a foul odour. The central whorl of leaves dries up in the damaged plants.It causes heavy yield losses as it affects the plant stand/unit area. It also leads to canes of different age, which will be poor in juice quality, with less cane weight. When borer infects cane stalks, both yield and quality are reduced.





Common name of the pest

Dosage / acre Formulation (gm/ml)

Termites & Early shoot borer


Green Leaf Hopper & Brown


Plant Hopper

Dilution in Water (Liter)

200-400 lit

Dissolve in 200ml Water and mix With 8 Kg sand/ac

Waiting Period (days)




Jassids & Thrips







200-400 lit



THanK YOU HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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