Dhruv Presentation

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Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% SG


Systemic, Selective herbicide



Dhruv It is used as post emergence herbicide for the control of annual, perennial, broad leaf and grassy weeds. When applied to foliage reaches the roots and rhizomes of the plant by the process of translocation, there by destroying the weeds from below the ground. It is very effective against the weeds which are difďŹ cult to control.



Tea Tea is the most important plantation crop of India. Production of tea involves both agricultural and industrial operations. ... However, the size of the domestic market is very large and expanding in India. Producers are mainly catering to this huge domestic demand and consequently India. India has the world’s largest area under tea. Majority of production of tea come from Assam and West Bengal . Assam is the largest producer in the country.



Weeds do enormous damage to the tea crop. They directly deplete the soil nutrients and moisture and compete with crop plants for light and space thus, reduce the crop yields. Indirectly, they cause damage to the crops harbouring pests and disease agents.

Weeds in Tea Like other agricultural and horticultural crops, tea also needs optimum agronomic care for a high and sustained productivity. Among the critical factors limiting optimum productivity from tea plantations, weeds are counted as one in the top of the list.



Acalypha Indica Indian Copperleaf is a small erect herb, growing up to 60 cm or more. The ascending branches are angled and velvet-hairy. Leaves are broadly ovate, nearly triangular, rather coarsely toothed. Leaf stalks are as long as or longer than the 3-5 cm long blades. Flowers are stalkless, borne on erect axillary spikes longer than the leaves. Male flowers are minute, crowded distally. Female flowers are scattered along the inflorescence axis, each subtended by a conspicuous semicupular leaf-like toothed green bract nearly 7 mm long. Capsule is bristly, 1 mm broad.

Dose : 1200 gm / acre



Sida acuta This is a much branched shrubby plant growing to a height of a feet or a little more. Its leaves are simple lanceolate, and can vary in size. Some plants have leaves that are quite small, while others grow leaves that can be quite long. The leaves are prominently toothed and have an acute base (hence acuta) with stipules being present. The owers grow from leaf axils, are yellow in colour, solitary or occasionally in pairs. The owers are buttercup like in shape, with overlapping petals.

Dose : 1200 gm / acre



Cichorium intybus Chicory is a bushy perennial herb with blue or lavender flowers. It is a bushy perennial plant that attains a height of 1 to 4 feet. The stem has edges having hard branches. Flowers occur either solitary on nearly leafless branches, or in clusters in leaf axils. Flower-heads are 2.5-4 cm across, with spreading ray-florets. The green bracts below the flowers are prominent. The outer lancelike bracts are spreading outwards, while the longer inner ones a r e u p r i g h t . L e av e s a r e o b l o n g l a n c e l i k e , a n d l o w e r l e av e s a r e pinnately lobed. The upper leaves are entire, bract-like, stem-clasping. Root is like a tail of a cow and is fleshy having brownish color from outside and white color from inside.

Dose : 1200 gm / acre



Digitaria sanguinalis is an annual grass (living for 1 season only) with long (up to 1m) sprawling stems. As with all grasses it has ďŹ brous roots. The many soft stems grow close to the ground in an open space or will push up through other grasses when crowded. The stems when they are close to the ground will often produce roots at the nodes (elbows along the stems). Stems are variable in colour from green to purple, as are the ligules. Ligules are the small appendage seen at the base of the leaf when the leaf is pulled back from the stem. The ligule on this grass is a membrane 1-2mm long.

Dose : 1200 gm / acre

Digitaria sanguinalis



Paspalum Conjugatum It is a creeping, perennial grass with culms that can grow 30 - 60cm tall. Spreading by means of long stolons that root at the nodes to form new growth, the plant can form a dense mat of growth, especially when cut regularly.

Dose : 1200 gm / acre



Numerous pale blue or whitish flowerheads are 6 mm across, often forming dense domed to flat-topped clusters in leaf axils or end of branches. Flowers most of the year. The stem is often red and has long white hairs. The weak aromatic unpleasant smelling leaves are also covered with fine hair. The dark seeds have scales and ends in a needle-like shape. In alternative medicine, ageratum is used against epilepsy and wounds, also used as an insect repellent.

Dose : 1200 gm / acre

Ageratum conyzoides Goat weed is a common tropical annual herbaceous weed. It is an erect softly hairy annual plant which grows up to a height of 2.5 feet. Oppositely arranged leaves are ovate to lance-like, coarsely rounded, and have toothed margin.



Cynodon Dactylon It is also known as Bermuda Grass, Dubar and Doob. The blades are a grey-green colour and are short, usually 4-15 cm long with rough edges. The erect stems can grow 1-30 cm, rarely to 3 ft, tall. The stems are slightly flattened, often tinged purple in color. The seed heads are produced in a cluster of 3–7 spikes (rarely two) together at the top of the stem, each spike 3–6 cm long. It has a deep root system. In drought situations with penetrable soil, the root system can grow to over 2 m deep, though most of the root mass is less than 60 cm under the surface. The grass creeps along the ground and root wherever a node touches the ground, forming a dense mat. Bermuda Grass reproduces through seeds, through runners and rhizomes.

Dose : 1200 gm / acre 10


Cyperus rotundus Common Nut Sedge is a perennial plant, that may reach a height of up to 40 cm. The names "nut grass" and "nut sedge" (shared with the related species Cyperus esculentus) are derived from its tubers, that somewhat resemble nuts, although botanically they have nothing to do with nuts. Leaves sprout in ranks of three from the base of the plant. The ower stems have a triangular cross-section. The ower is bisexual and has three stamina and a three-stigma carpel. The fruit is a three-angled achene.

Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre

Eragrostis spp Its hairless stems are usually slender and upright (i.e. erect), although they may sometimes be slightly drooping or weeping in nature. The leaves consist of a leaf sheath, which partially encloses the stem, and a spreading leaf blade. They are densely tufted near the base of the plant and are often arched towards the ground, giving the plant a weeping appearance. The long and narrow leaf blades (5-35 cm long and 0.5-5 mm wide) have entire margins and gradually narrow to a pointed tip.

Dose : 400-800 ml/ acre 9

HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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