Dollar 50 SP

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Cartap Hydrochloride 50%SP

Dollar 50 SP

A Systemic ,contact & stomach insecticide


Unique in mode of action and highly effective against chewing biting and sucking pests. It is a broad spectrum contact and stomach insecticides. It controls insects by discontinue feeding and dies due to starvation. Highly effective at low concentration and can control all most stages of insects.Ef cacy of Cartap is prolonged. It has no effects to natural enemies of insect pest and it is practically nontoxic to mammals.

Dollar 50 SP

Rice is a type of grain. In origin, it is a swamp grass. It is eaten as staple food in throughout the world. Rice accounts for 80% of the calories eaten in world, or one- fth of the calories eaten worldwide by humans. It is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production (rice, 741.5 million tonnes in 2014), after sugarcane (1.9 billion tonnes) and maize (1.0 billion tonnes). Rice used to be the main diet in many countries. Various kinds of food processing prepare rice for eating. It is usually cooked. In some areas, such as Spain, rice is rst fried in olive oil or butter, then cooked with water or soup. In other areas, such as India, rice is eaten with sauce, curry, or soup. Rice can also be used to make alcohol, such as Japanese sake rice wine.

Dose : 400 gm / acre


About the Rice pests The yellow stem borer is a pest of deepwater rice. It is found in aquatic environments where there is continuous ooding.

Leaf folder caterpillars fold a rice leaf around themselves and attach the leaf margins together with silk strands.


Dollar 50 SP

Stem Borer

Yellow stem borer is a serious pest of rice throughout India and South East Asia. Stem borer occurs both in kharif and rabi seasons. Moderate to severe incidence is noticed in nursery, planting to mid-tillering and panicle initiation stages. Heavy infestation results in 40-60 per cent yield loss.

Symptoms of damage include presence of brown coloured egg masses near leaf tip in nursery and early transplanted plants. The egg masses are laid in oval patches of 80-150 eggs near the tip of leaf blade and they are covered with buff coloured hairs.


Tiny pale yellow larvae hatch out from the eggs in 5 to 8 days, enter the leaf sheath, feed for 2-3 days and then bore into the stem near the node. Usually only one larva is found inside the stem. The larva grows for a period of 40 days and pupates inside the stem in a white silken cocoon for 7-11 days. The entire life cycle lasts for 35-50 days depending upon the environment. The adults do not feed and live for 4-10 days.

Leaf Folder Leaf folder caterpillars fold a rice leaf around themselves and attach the leaf margins together with silk strands. They feed inside the folded leaf creating longitudinal white and transparent streaks on the blade. Heavy use of fertilizer encourages rapid multiplication of the insect. High humidity and shady areas of the eld, as well as the presence of grassy weeds from rice elds and surrounding borders favor the development of the pest. Expanded rice areas with irrigation systems, multiple rice cropping and insecticide induced resurgences are important factors in the insect’s abundance. Rice leaf folders occur in all rice environments and are more abundant during the rainy seasons. They are commonly found in shady areas and areas where rice is heavily fertilized. In tropical rice areas, they are active year-round, whereas in temperate countries they are active from May to October. The adults are nocturnal and during the day, they stay under shade to escape predation. Moths y short distances when disturbed.


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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