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Metsulfuron Methyl 20 % WP


systemic post emergence herbicide Dose : 8 gm / acre


FREEDOM Freedom is a selective systemic post emergence herbicide. Freedom absorbed through roots and foliage and translocat to apex of the plants. Rapid cessation of cell division and subsequent growth. It controls a wide range of grass weeds and broad leaf weeds. It is safe for neighboring broad leaved and other crops.



systemic post emergence herbicide

PADDY Rice was domesticated as early as 3500 BC, and by about 2,000 years ago it was grown in almost all of the present-day cultivation areas, predominantly deltas, oodplains and coastal plains, and some terraced valley slopes. Many paddies are ooded by rivers and rainfall during monsoon season, while others must be irrigated .


There are many damages caused by weeds. Weeds are harmful in many ways for rice crop. Weeds compete with paddy for water, nutrients and light.

There are many damages caused by weeds. Weeds are harmful in many ways for rice crop. Weeds compete with paddy for water, nutrients and light.



Eclipta Alba I t i s a n e re c t o r p ro s t r a t e , branched (occasionally rooting at nodes) annual herb upto 30-40 cm high. Stem is cylindrical or at, rough due to appressed white hairs, nodes distinct and greenish occasionally brownish.


Ludwigia parviflora Parviflora Water Primrose is an erect weed. Leaves 2-6 x 0.5-15 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, base narrowed, tip pointed to longpointed, hairless. Flowers are stalkless, yellow, 4-merous. Sepal tube is adnate to ovary, sepals lobes 4, about 2 mm long, ovate long-pointed. Petals are 4-5 mm long, elliptic, yellow. Stamens are 4, filaments short.



Marsilea quadrifolia This plant is not a true clover but actually an aquatic fern, with simple, delicate, four-lobed leaves. The plant can change its leaf colouration and growth habit considerably depending on growing conditions


Sphenochlea zeylanica Sphenoclea zeylanica is a branched annual herb, growing up to 1.5 m tall with hollow stems. Roots are ďŹ brous, white to brown. Leaves are lanceshaped, narrowly ovate to elliptic, up to 12 x 5 cm, hairless, margin entire, stalk up to 1.5 cm long. Flowers are borne in conical-cylindric spikes up to 12 cm long. Flowers very small, white, greenish or pink yellow. Fruit is a capsule, 4-5 mm in diameter, splitting below the sepals, leaving the base attached to the rhachis.



Firnbristylis miliucea Fimbristylis miliacea is an annual sedge which grows in clumps of erect stems up to about half a meter in height surrounded by fans of narrow at leaves. The top of each stem is occupied by an array of spikelets, each borne on a long peduncle. The spikelet is spherical to ovate and reddish brown in colour. The spikelets ower and then develop tiny fruits, which are brown achenes about a millimetre long.


Commelina benghalensis Bengal Dayflower is a diffuse herb, rooting at lower nodes, rootstock with self-pollinating flowers. Leaves are 3-5 x 2-3.5 cm, ovate or ellipticovate, base rounded or almost flat, tip blunt or pointed, velvet-hairy, margin frilly, stalk up to 8 mm long, sheath up to 1.5 cm long, tip with rusty hairs. Spathe is about 1.5 cm across, funnel-shaped, flat at apex, velvet-hairy. Sepals are nearly equal, about 2.5 mm long, outer ones linear, inner ones orbicular. Petals are blue, larger ones about 4 x 4.5 mm, broadly ovate.



Caesulia Axillaris Caesulia is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the aster family, Asteraceae, containing the single species Caesulia axillaris. Its common name is pink node flower. Pink Node Flower is an erect annual herb, 15-50 cm tall. Stem is stout, pink, succulent, swollen at nodes. Alternately arranged stalkless leaves 4-15 cm long, lanceshaped, pointed, distantly toothed, narrow at base. Stalkless flowers-heads, 1-2 cm across, are borne in leaf axils. Flowers are white, tubular with 5 linear petals. Pink Node Flower is found in moist places on the Coromandel Coast, common in rice fields. 11

WHEAT Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food. Wheat is one of the oldest and most important of the cereal crops. The wheat plant has long slender leaves and stems that are hollow in most varieties.



Chenopodium album Bathua is a fast-growing, upright, weedy annual species of goosefoot, very common in temperate regions, growing almost everywhere in soils r i c h i n n i t ro g e n , e s p e c i a l l y o n wasteland. Its pollen can contribute to hayfever-like allergies. It tends to grow upright at first, reaching heights of 3080 cm, but typically becomes recumbent after flowering (due to the weight of the foliage and seeds) unless supported by other plants. The opposite leaves can be very varied in appearance. The first leaves, near the base of the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped, 3-7 cm long and 3-6 cm broad.


Melilotus indica Indian Sweet Clover is an annual herb with hairless stem, spreading or erect, 10-60 cm. The flowers and leaves have a mild perfume scented fragrance, hence the common name. Leaves are trifoliate, leaflets 1-2.5 cm, inverted lance-shaped to wedgeshaped-obovate, generally sharply toothed on the broader part. Yellow flowers appear in slender, compact racemes that are 1-2 inches in length. Flowers have a 1-1.5 mm long sepal cup, and are 2.5-3 mm long, yellow in color. Nine filaments are fused, 1 free. Flowering: January-March.



Melilotus Alba White Sweet Clover is the white cousin of the yellow Indian Sweet Clover. It is a biennial legume with compound leaves consisting of 3-leaflets. Leaflets oblong or oblanceolate, 1-2.5 cm long, 8-12 mm wide, without hair above and having appressed hairs below. Leaflet margins serrated halfway or more back from the apex. Flowers are small, white, arranged in many-flowered racemes in leaf axils and at the end of branches. Fruit is a legume, dark brown to black at maturity, ovoid, 2.5-4 mm long, without hairs, and cross-ribbed.


Vicia saliva Vicia sativa, known as the common vetch, garden vetch, tare or simply vetch, is a nitrogen-ďŹ xing leguminous plant in the family Fabaceae. Although considered a weed when found growing in a cultivated grainďŹ eld, this hardy plant is often grown as green manure or livestock fodder



Anagallis arvensis This is a small, low-growing annual (living its life-cycle within 1 year) trailing plant which can have stems up to 30 cm in length. It does not have a rosette nor does it root at the nodes. It spreads from a base in the centre. Stems are eshy and square in cross section. Leaves are opposite, soft and ovalshaped. Flowers are solitary, small, pink/red/orange or blue with 5 petals between which can be seen 5 green pointed sepals. It owers in Spring.


Cirsium Arvensis Creeping Thistle is a tall herbaceous perennial plant growing 1-3 ft, forming extensive clonal colonies from an underground root system that sends up numerous erect stems each spring, reaching 1–1.2 m tall. The stems often lie partly flat by summer but can stay erect if supported by other vegetation. The leaves are very spiny, lobed, up to 15–20 cm long and 2–3 cm broad, smaller on the upper part of the flower stem. The flower-heads are 1-2.2 cm in diameter, pink-purple, with all the florets of similar form (no division into disc and ray florets). The seeds are 4–5 mm long, with a feathery pappus which assists in wind dispersal.



Vicia hirsua Tiny Vetch is an annual herb producing a slender, often four-sided, hairless to lightly hairy, climbing stem up to 70-90 cm tall, and known to well exceed 1 m at times. The leaves are tipped with tendrils that support the plant as it climbs. The leaves are made up of up to 10 pairs of elongated leaflets, each up to 2 cm in length with notched, flat, sharply pointed, or toothed tips. Flowers are borne in a raceme of up to 8 flowers borne near the tip and often on one side only. Each flower is whitish or pale blue, just a few mm in length, and short-lived.


Lathyrus aphaca Yellow Pea is a trailing or scrambling annual plant. Stem is not winged, hairless. Stipules are leaf-like, 5-30 mm long, broadly ovate, arrowshaped, rest of the leaf reduced to a tendril. Flowers are borne in a 1-2owered raceme in leaf axils. Peduncle is 1-4 times as long as the stipules. Calyx is 3-9 mm long, teeth equal to 3 times as long as the tube. Flowers are bright to pale yellow.




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