Heera 77

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Heera 77


Heera 77

Systemic Herbicide



It is a selective broad spectrum post emergence herbicides. It is used to control weeds in a variety of crops. It is absorbed by the roots and foliage, act as a growth inhibitor.


Heera Super

Wheat is the second most important cereal crop of India and plays a vital role in food and nutritional security of the country.

Nearly 55 per c ent of the world population depends on wheat for about 20 per cent of calories intake. It is one of the major food grains of the country and a staple food of the people of North India, where people have preference for chapatti. The diverse environmental conditions and food habits of people in India supports the cultivation of three types of wheat (bread, durum and dicoccum). Among these, bread wheat is contributing approximately 95 per cent to total production while another 04 per cent comes from durum wheat and close to one per cent from Dicoccum.

Dose : 340-520 ml / acre



Chenopodium Album

Chenopodium Album

Melilotus Alba

Asphodelus Tenuifolius

Asphodelus Tenuifolius

Weeds do enormous damage to the wheat crop. They directly deplete the soil nutrients and moisture and compete with crop plants for light and space thus, reduce the crop yields. Indirectly, they cause damage to the crops harbouring pests and disease agents.


Heera 77

Sugarcane is the main sources of sugar in India and holds a prominent position as a cash crop. India is the world’s largest consumer and the second largest producer of sugar, topped only by Brazil. Nearly 2.8 lakh farmers have been cultivating sugarcane in the vast area of 4.4 lakh acres and over 11 crore people are directly or indirectly dependent on the sugar industry in the country. Dose : 2400 ml / acre

Sugarcane is one of the important commercial crops of India, grown in an area of 3.93 m.ha with annual production of 170 M.T. Sugarcane productivity in India is around 67 t/ha. It is one of the most important food-cumcash crop grown in the country, providing employment to a larger number of people, in additi on to earning considerable foreign exchange.



Cyperus Iria

Digitaria Spp.

Like other agricultural and horticultural crops, Sugarcane also needs optimum agronomic care for a high and sustained productivity. Among the critical factors limiting optimum productivity from Sugarcane plantations, weeds are counted as one in the top of the list.

Portulaca Oleracea

Convolvulus Arvensis

Digera Arvensis

Dactyloctenium Aegyptium


Heera 77

Sorghum, also called great millet, Indian millet, milo, durra, orshallu, cereal grain plant of the grass family (Poaceae) and its edible starchy seeds.

Dose : 1200 ml / acre

The plant likely originated in Africa, where it is a major food crop, and has numerous varieties, including grain sorghums, used for food; grass sorghums, grown for hay and fodder; and broomcorn, used in making brooms and brushes. In India sorghum is known as jowar, cholam, or jonna. 8


Cyperus Iria



Tridax Procumbens

A variety of weeds are associated with sorghum crop. The type of weeds vary from place to place depending on soil type, season and environment where sorghum is grown. Digera Arvensis

Convolvulus Arvensis

These weeds comprise of diverse plant species of annual grasses and seasonal broad leaved weeds.

Digera Arvensis

Euphorbia Hirta 9

Heera 77

Commercial potatoes originated thousands of years ago and now a dietary staple for over one billion people. Various cultures have relied on potatoes as their number one food source. It is a starchy root vegetable. This humble tuber is one of the most widely grown root crops, and one of the cheapest staple food ingredients consumed all over the world. Dose : 1400 ml / acre



Weeds are unwanted plants growing in combinations with Potato crop. They compete for the nutrients, water, space, light and other essential requirements. Weed plants serve as alternate host for several pests and diseases.

Chenopodium Album

Asphodelus Tenuifolius

Convolvulus Arvensis


Heera 77

Maize is a major staple food grain throughout the world. The maize grain has many food and non-food usages. Maize starch and oil are also major products . The maize grain is a major feed grain and a standard component of livestock diets where it is used as a source of energy. Other grains are typically compared to m a i z e w h e n t h e i r nu t r i t i o n a l v a l u e i s estimated. Many by-products of maize processing for our, starch can be fed to animals.

Dose : 344 ml / acre



Being a rainy season crop, maize is heavily infested with weeds from time it is sown till harvesting. This is because of frequent rains encourages several ushes of weed, hot and humid climate congenial for the growth of weeds especially grasses. Maize yield was reduced as much as 25-60% due to weed infestation.

Trianthema Monogyna

Tribulus Terrestris

Boerhavia Diffusa

Portulaca Oleracea


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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