Higrow Presentation

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HIGROW Ethephon 39% SL


Plant Growth Regulator



Higrow is used for Inducing owering, Enlarging Fruit size, Increasing the yield out of the crop and Inducing the ripening in the fruits of Mango, Pineapple, Tomato, Coffee, Rubber. This is a PGR with effective Hormone actions and defoliants; ethylene releases. Ethrel is a plant hormone for inducing owering. It is used for inducing ripening. It enlarges the fruit size It increases the yield of the crop.



Mango Mango has been grown in India since long and is considered to be king of fruits. Its mention has been made in Sanskrit literature as Amra. Alexander the great found a mango garden in Indus valley in 327 B.C. Ameer Khurso saint and poet from Turkoman wrote a poem on mango as early as 1330 A.D. Akbar the great (1556-1605) planted one lac mango trees in his bagh, which was named as Lakh Bagh. Mango fruits require ripening treatment after harvest to hasten ripening and develop ideal eating quality. Present HPM’s investigations were carried out to elucidate the potential of ethephon as postharvest dip treatment for enhancement of ripening and quality characteristics of different types of mango fruits. Higrow applications exhibited enhancement in colour attributes of fruit pulp in terms of improved redness or yellowness and chroma. The results indicated that dipping mango fruits in higrow developed the superior ripening quality at ambient temperature.

Dose : 10 kg/acre



Growing coffee provides employment and is an important monetary source in rural areas. Apart from this direct impact on livelihoods of farming families, coffee cultivation offers several other advantages. After drying, coffee can be stored and effectively used as savings for several months. A t 1 5 d ay s p o st-a p p l i c a t i o n , h i g row treatment increased the harvest from 15% of the yearly total harvest to 33%. Fruit removal force is reduced by 30–50% and the ratio between red versus green fruits mechanically harvested is improved by 15% on the higrow treatments.



The tomato is botanicaly known as Lycopersicum esculentum belongs to the family Solanacae. The fruits are harvested as red for consumption. It has prominent place in humen food. Tomato is one of the popular, nutritive and

important vegetable crops in India which is receiving increased attention of the growers and consumers and made its position within few of the highest cultivated vegetables. Its food value is very rich because of higher contents of vitamins A, B and C and also minerals like calcium which promote good health. NovemberFebruary is the period when congenial atmosphere remains for tomato cultivation in India. Although tomato plants can grow under a wide range of climatic conditions, they are extremely sensitive to hot and wet growing conditions, the weather which prevails in the summer season in India.

Higrow is an ethylene releasing compound, is known as a plant growth regulator which stimulates ripe evenly fruit, decreasing preservation time and minimizing post-harvest losses of tomato. Role of Higrow is bene cial for growth parameters and yield of tomato.



Pineapple is one of the commercially important fruit crops of India. Total annual world production is estimated at 14.6 million tonnes of fruits. India is the fth largest producer of pineapple with an annual output of about 1.2 million tonnes.

Higrow has been increasingly utilized in a number of important crops, including latex stimulation of rubber , acceleration of maturity and abscission of pineapple

Rubber is an important commercial agricultural product, collected from the latex of the tree Hevea brasiliensis. It is an indigenous tree of tropical rainforest of Amazon basin of Brazil. Rubber is useful because of its invaluable qualities such as elasticity, resistance to water and non-conduction of electricity. 7

HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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