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Mode of action : Non - systemic insecticide with contact, stomach and respiratory action

Qualities of HINDOL HINDOL (Chloropyrifos 1.5% DP) It have contact , Stomach poison with having respiratory action. It is useful against Stem borer, Green Leaf Hopper, Brown Plant Hopper, Gall midge and Grass Hopper in Paddy crop. It is very useful against termites infestation in crops as well as buildings, wood work and furniture etc.

Paddy, also called rice paddy, small, level, ooded ď€ eld used to cultivate rice in southern and eastern Asia.

What is Insecticides ? Granule insecticides are designed to kill ants, eas, crickets, and other pests. These products are used outdoors only, and should not be used in buildings.

Insecticide granules consist of a solid particle that is impregnated with insecticide. Fipronil insecticides kill insects by disrupting their brains andnervous system.

Crop Paddy

Paddy, also called rice paddy, small, level, ooded ď€ eld used to cultivate rice in southern and eastern Asia. Wet-rice cultivation is the most prevalent method of farming in the Far East, where it utilizes a small fraction of the total land yet feeds the majority of the rural population.

Rice was domesticated as early as 3500 BC, and by about 2,000 years ago it was grown in almost all of the present-day cultivation areas, predominantly deltas, oodplains and coastal plains, and some terraced valley slopes.

Target Pest Stem Borer

Stem borers can destroy rice at any stage of the plant from seedling to maturity. They feed upon tillers and causes deadhearts or drying of the central tiller, during vegetative stage; and causes whiteheads at reproductive stage.The stem borer larvae bore at the base of the plants during the vegetative stage. On older plants, they bore through the upper nodes and feed toward the base.

The yellow stem borer is a pest of deepwater rice. It is found in aquatic environments where there is continuous ooding. Second instar larvae enclose themselves in body leaf wrappings to make tubes and detach themselves from the leaf and falls onto the water surface. They attach themselves to the tiller and bore into the stem.

Target Pest Green Leaf Hopper

Green leafhoppers are the most common leafhoppers in rice ď€ elds and transmit the viral disease tungro. The virus lead to leaf tip discoloration, reduced number of tillers, stunted plants with reduced vigor, and in worst cases plant withering.

In order to tell the symptoms of tungro-infected crops from nitrogen deď€ ciency or iron toxicity, check for the presence of the insect:white or pale yellow eggs inside leaf sheaths or midribs; yellow or pale green nymphs with or without black markings; pale green adults with or without black markings and with a characteristic diagonal movement.

Target Pest Brown Plant Hopper

High population of planthoppers cause leaves to initially turn orange-yellow before becoming brown and dry and this is a condition called hopperburn that kills the plant. BPH can also transmit Rice Ragged Stunt and Rice Grassy Stunt diseases. Neither disease can be cured.

Planthoppers can be a problem in rainfed and in irrigated wetland environments. It also occurs in areas with continuous submerged conditions in the ď€ eld, high shade, and humidity.

Target Pest Rice gall midge

Rice gall midge forms a tubular gall at the base of tillers, causing elongation of leaf sheaths called onion leaf or silver shoot. The Asian rice gall midge is found in irrigated or rainfed wetland environments during the tillering stage of the rice crop. It is also common in upland and deepwater rice. The adults are nocturnal and can easily be collected using light traps.

The plant stunting and leaf deformity, wilting and rolling are also symptoms observed on plants caused by drought, potassium deď€ ciency, salinity, and ragged stunt virus, orange leaf virus and tungro virus diseases. The rolled leaves can also be associated with the symptom caused by rice thrips. To conď€ rm cause of problem, check for presence of insect. Particularly, elongate-tubular eggs and maggot-like larva feeding inside developing buds.

Target Pest Grass Hopper

The grasshopper is a medium to large sized insect and the grasshopper is found (close to grass) all over the world. Grasshoppers are best known for their ability to jump incredible heights and distances.

Most grasshopper individuals grow to about 2 inches long although larger grasshoppers are found on a fairly regular basis that grow to more than 5 inches in length. The grasshopper has wings meaning it can migrate over long distances when the weather gets too cold.

Target Pest Termites

Termites go back more than 120 million years to the season of the dinosaurs. They are known as "noiseless destroyers" as a result of their capacity to bite through wood, ooring and considerably backdrop undetected.

Every year, termites cause more than $5 billion in property harm costs that aren't secured by mortgage holders' protection strategies. This is the reason being careful about termite control and termite killing is so critical.



10.0 kg/acre

It is completely safe to use Hindol . It also compatible with the other agrochemicals.



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