Hindustan M-45 Presentation

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Hindustan M-45

Carbofuran 3G

Hindustan M-45

Contact Fungicide



About Hindustan M-45 It is a broad-spectrum fungicide with protective action. The product is fungi toxic when exposed to air. Broad spectrum disease control - Control diseases caused by all four major classes . Kind of fungicides - Foliar sprays, seed treatment, nursery drenching. Fit for resistance management - Multisite mode of action, the risk of resistance development is very low. Cost effective - Cost bene ts for disease control over non-EBDCs. Provide nutrients Manganese and Zinc as micro nutrients. Environmentally Safe - Low persistence in environment as it rapidly degrades is soil and water, no leaching potential.

Systemic & Contact Fungicide 3

Hindustan M-45

About the crop and their hazardous disease Crop diseases are a signi cant yield and quality constraint for farmers. Crop pathogens can be fungal, bacterial, viral or nematodes and can damage plant parts above or below the ground. Identifying symptoms and knowing when and how to effectively control diseases is an ongoing challenge for farmers. HPM’s Hindustan M-45 is a best solution for farmers. With this product farmers can prevent their crop from different types of diseses.



Late blight of potato is identi ed by blackish/brown lesions on leaves and stems that may be small at rst and appear water-soaked or have chlorotic borders but expand rapidly and the entire leaf becomes become necrotic. In humid conditions, P. infestans produces sporangia and sporangiophores on the surface of infected tissue and the resulting white sporulation can be seen at the margins of lesions on abaxial (lower) surfaces of leaves .

Late Blight

Early blight is the most important foliar disease of potato. Initial symptoms on leaves appear as small, black or brown lesions. Under favorable environmental conditions, the lesions enlarge and each is often surrounded by a yellow halo. The disease progresses during the period of potato vegetation, and infected leaves turn yellow and either dry out or fall off the stem.

Early Blight

Potato Potatoes are edible tubers, available worldwide and all year long. They are relatively cheap to grow, rich in nutrients, and they can make a delicious treat.

Hindustan M-45 Early blight is one of the most common tomato diseases, occurring nearly every season wherever tomatoes are grown. It affects leaves, fruits and stems and can be severely yield limiting when susceptible cultivars are used and weather is favorable.

Early Blight

Leaf spot is caused by the fungus Septoria lycopersici. This fungus can attack tomatoes at any stage of development but symptoms usually rst appear on the older, lower leaves and stems when plants are setting fruit.

Leaf Spot

About tomato and it’s diseases Tomato is found in every kitchen worldwide in different forms irrespective of the cuisine. It is used in diverse ways in the form of salads, juices, sauces, ingredient for various culinary preparations, etc.Tomato is one of the most important protective food crops of India. It is grown in 0.458 M ha area with 7.277 M mt production and 15.9 mt/ha productivity. Dose : 600-800 gm/acre 6

Buckeye rot of tomato is caused by the pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. It is a fungus that thrives in warm, wet conditions and lives in the soil.It is characterized by a bull’s eye pattern of dark brown rotting on the tomato fruit, and affects fruit that is close to, or lying on the soil.

Buck Eye Rot


Gall Midge

Wheat Wheat is the world’s most important grain crop. Wheat is important not only for its nutritional value, but also for its gluten content. Gluten is the protein of the wheat which, when properly developed by kneading, will trap and hold the yeast gas in the bread dough causing the bread to rise. Wheat is the only grain with the proper amount of gluten to facilitate the rising of bread dough to make light, soft loaves. Dose : 600-800 gm/acre

Bacterial leaf blight symptoms develop on the uppermost leaves after plants reach the boot stage. Small watersoaked lesions expand and eventually coalesce. Initial lesions become necrotic and turn from gray-green to tanwhite. Slimy droplets may develop on leaves in wet weather. Entire leaves may become necrotic, but heads and glumes are typically symptomless.


Brown rust in wheat is caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina. Symptoms are small, orangebrown pustules randomly scattered over leaves. It is common to see a yellowing of the leaf around the rust pustules.

Brown Rust 7

Hindustan M-45

Maize Maize (Zea mays L) is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as queen of cereals because it has the highest genetic yield potential among the cereals. It is cultivated on nearly 150 m ha in about 160 countries having wider diversity of soil, climate, biodiversity and management practices that contributes 36 % (782 m t) in the global grain production. Dose : 600-800 gm/acre

The most characteristic symptom is the development of chlorotic streaks on the leaves. Plants exhibit a stunted and bushy appearance due to shortening of the internodes. White downy growth is seen on the lower surface of leaf. Downy growth also occurs on bracts of green unopened male owers in the tassel. Small to large leaves are noticed in the tassel.

Downey Milder 8

Corn leaf blight is a foliar disease of corn caused by Exserohilum turcicum, the anamorph of the ascomycete Setosphaeria turcica. With its characteristic cigar-shaped lesions, this disease can cause signi cant yield loss in susceptible corn hybrids.

Leaf Blight



Blast is caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. It can aect all above ground parts of a rice plant: leaf, collar, node, neck, parts of panicle, and sometimes leaf sheath. It occurs in areas with low soil moisture, frequent and prolonged periods of rain shower, and cool temperature in the daytime. In upland rice, large daynight temperature dierences that cause dew formation on leaves and overall cooler temperatures favor the development of the disease.

Paddy, also called rice p a d d y, s m a l l , l e v e l , ooded eld used to cultivate rice in southern and eastern Asia. Wet-rice cultivation is the most p re va l e n t m e t h o d o f farming in the Far East, where it utilizes a small fraction of the total land yet feeds the majority of the rural population. Dose : 600-800 gm/acre

Rice Blast 9

Hindustan M-45

Sorghum popularly known as jowar is the most important food and fodder crop of dry land agriculture. The cereal crop is perennial in nature and possessing corn like leaves and bearing the grain in a compact cluster. Sorghum is the fth most important cereal crop in the world after wheat, rice, maize and barley. It is found in the arid and semi arid parts of the world, due to its feature of being extremely drought tolerant.

Dose : 600-800 gm/acre

The initial symptoms are reddish brown, water-soaked lesions that sometimes have narrow, pale green halos. As they enlarge, they become dark and elongated parallel to the veins. Numerous lesions form and give the appearance of irregular blotches. Lesions occur along the leaf margin or near the midrib and eventually become large and semicircular or irregular in shape and several inches long.

Leaf Spot


www.hpmindia.com The fungus readily colonises dead and dying banana leaves and fruits, and spores are formed in large numbers; the spores are then spread in wind-driven rain or perhaps by insects onto bunches of green fruit, about 20-40 days after emergence.

Sigatoka Leaf Spot The rst symptoms of black Sigatoka disease are tiny, chlorotic spots that appear on the bottom (abaxial) surface of the 3rd or 4th open leaf. The spots grow into thin brown streaks that are limited by leaf veins.

Tip Rot

Cigar end rot is an important disease of banana, which is caused by the fungus Verticillium theobromae. The disease is prevalent in almost all banana growing tracts and affects the developing ngers.

Cigarend Rot Banana is the most popular fresh fruit in all over the world and its name comes from the Arabic word 'banan', which means nger. The scienti c name of Banana is Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. But the old scienti c names of banana are Musa sapientum and Musa paradisiacal. Dose : 600-800 gm/acre


Hindustan M-45

Anthracnose is most common on young shoots and fruit but can be found on any succulent plant part. Lesions on shoots and leaves are often sunken and can take on a reddish appearance, especially near the margins. On leaves, the centers of the lesions can fall out, producing a "shot-hole" appearance. Leaves also may curl and distort.

Symptoms will vary depending on the age of leaf tissue. New leaves infected by downy mildew often develop yellow lesions that look oily. More mature tissues have an angular lesion that is yellow to reddish-brown and limited by leaf veins. On the lower leaf surface, a cottony growth ( mycelium) is often readily apparent.

Leaf spot, caused by Phomopsis viticola, rst appears as spots on leaf veins three or four weeks following rain. Spots are small and dark with yellow margins. Heavily infected leaves are distorted or stunted.

Grapes Grapes come in different colors and forms. There are red, green, and purple grapes, seedless grapes, grape jelly, grape jam and grape juice, raisins, currents, and sultanas, not to mention wine. Today, 72 million tons of grapes are grown each year worldwide, mostly to produce wine. Every year, 7.2 trillion gallons of wine are produced. Grapes are also a popular nger food. Dose : 600-800 gm/acre



Guava is a tropical fruit rich in nutritiоn. With its unique avor, taste, and health-promoting qualities, the fruit easily ts in the new functional foods category, often called “super fruits.” It is an evergreen, tropical shrub or low-growing small tree probably originated in Middle Americas. Guavas actually thrive in both humid and dry climates and can tolerate brief periods of cold spells, but can survive only a few dеgrееs оf frost. Dose : 600-800 gm/acre

Affected area is covered with whitish cotton like growth which develops very fast as the fruit matures and pathogen is able to cover almost the entire surface within a period of 3-4 days d u r i n g h u m i d we a t h e r. Under high relative humidity, the fruits near the soil level covered with dense foliage are most severely affected. The fallen fruits are badly affected. The skin of the fruit below the whitish cottony growth becomes a little soft, turns light brown to dark


Hindustan M-45

Apple Apple, (Malus domestica), fruit of the domesticated tree Malus domestica (family Rosaceae), one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The apple is a pome ( eshy) fruit , in which the ripened ovary and surrounding tissue both become eshy and edible. They are delicious, they are nutritious and a handful may even help keep doctor away. The season of apples is here and we can’t wait to have our ll of these juicy and crunchy wonders. Delicious and crunchy, apple fruit is one of the most popular and favorite fruits among the health conscious, tness lovers who rmly believe in the concept of “health is wealth.” Dose : 600-800 gm/acre 14



Apple Scab usually noticed on leaves and fruits. Affected leaves become twisted or puckered and have black, circular spots on their upper surface. On the under surface of leaves, the spots are velvety and may coalesce to cover the whole leaf surface. Severely affected leaves may turn yellow and drop. Scab can also infect ower stems and cause owers to drop. Apple Scab

Sooty blotch appears as sooty or cloudy blotches on the surface of the fruit. The blotches are olive green with an inde nite outline. The blotches are usually one fourth of an inch in diameter or larger, and may coalesce to cover much of the fruit. The “smudge� appearance results from the presence of hundreds of minute, dark pycnidia that are interconnected by a mass of loose, interwoven dark hyphae. Sooty Blotch


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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